De Novo Sequencing v.s. Database Search Bin Ma School of Computer Science University of Waterloo Ontario, Canada Two Computational Approaches MS/MS Spectra 1 2 de novo sequencing database search peptides peptides protein DB Is This a True Peptide Identification? Take Advantage of Both Approaches All Spectra DB search No De Novo Assigned? Yes novel peptides DB peptides Facts and Fallacies 1. De novo is harder. • True. It can be regarded as a “universal” DB search. 2. De novo is slow. • False. PEAKS processes 15 spectra/sec on a PC. 3. De novo is less reliable. • Depends. Goals of This Talk • A “fair” comparison • A “real” combination What Is a Fair Comparison? • The ability to report a long sequence tag – long enough to uniquely identify the correct peptide from the same database. Experiment 1. • Purpose: to check the length of correct de novo tags on good quality spectra. • Trypsin digest of Human tumour cell; LTQOrbitrap CID. • Mascot DB search; 1% FDR. • Compare PEAKS de novo sequences with DB search results. percatage in Mascot high confidedent PSM Distribution of Correct Tag Length 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% ≥5 ≥6 ≥7 ≥8 ≥9 # of correct amino acid found by PEAKS de novo sequencing ≥10 “De Novo Only” Peptides Experiment 1 Conclusion. • De novo sequencing performs well in terms of finding long sequence tags. • De novo also finds “de novo only” peptides. Experiment 2. • Purpose: To test de novo tags’ ability for identifying the peptides from the database? • For each de novo sequence, reports the “best-matching” peptide from the database. • Use target-decoy to determine the FDR. Experiment 2 Conclusion • De novo tags have better and complementary ability in selecting the correct peptides from DB. • This might be due to the choice of the software. Experiment 3. De Novo Assisted DB Search # matched amino acids between de novo & DB search best separation line x+4y Mascot Score PEAKS DB Mascot PEAKS DB 2.5% FDR 2.0% 1.5% 1.0% 0.5% 0.0% 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 # of PSM 3000 3500 4000 Conclusion MS/MS Spectra De novo both helps to improve DB search, and reports novel peptides. De Novo improves no DB search Found? yes De novo only peptides Improved DB search results This is the default workflow of PEAKS 5.3.