Introduction to research




 Research in its broadest sense is an attempt to gain solutions. It is the collection of data in a rigorously controlled situation for the purpose of prediction or explanation. Research is away of dealing with ideas and systematically searches for new facts and relationships.

Nursing research is concerned with systematic  study and assessment of problems or phenomena: finding ways to improve nursing practice and patient care through creative studies, initiating and evaluating change, and taking action to make new knowledge useful in nursing.

What Is Nursing Research?


Research is a scientific inquiry aimed at learning new facts, testing ideas, etc. It is the systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of data to generate new knowledge and answer a certain question or solve a problem.

The ultimate goal of research

Is to develop, refine, and expand a body of knowledge.

 Nursing research is systematic inquiry designed to develop knowledge about issues of importance to the nursing profession, including nursing practice, education, administration, and informatics.

 Clinical nursing research,

 That is a research designed to generate knowledge to guide nursing practice and to improve the health and quality of life of nurses’ clients.

Examples of nursing research questions:

1• What are the factors that determine the length of stay of patients in the intensive care unit undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery (Doering, Esmailian,

Imperial-Perez,& Monsein, 2009)?

2• How do adults with acquired brain injury perceive their social interactions and relationships (Paterson & Stewart,


Importance of research in nursing

1-Professionalism; nurses recognize a need to extend the base of nursing knowledge as part of professional responsibility The research in practice help nursing practitioners, educator, administrators make their decisions, improve quality of the decision by pointing out effectiveness and noneffectiveness

2Accountability; scientific accountability help to improve quality of nursing care, solve problems, it includes reading the scientific literature for new knowledge and application of it.

3Research in nursing practice,

It is the key to improve nursing practice, improve quality of care, understand and explain the functions and forms of nursing care in meeting the needs of society and in helping individuals maintain health.

4Research in nursing administration

Finding helps nurse administrator in *solving problems in organization, delivery and evaluation of client or patient care. *Organization nursing personnel in the most efficient manner. * Planning budgets. *Maintain the satisfying elements & eliminate the more dissatisfying and dysfunctional aspects of the work environment

5Research in nursing education;

Nurse educators utilize the finding from research in structuring programs of study, developing course content, designing new methods of teaching.

Researcher or investigator:

The person who undertakes the research.

Informants or study participants:

In a qualitative study, the individuals cooperating in the study play a active rather than a passive role.

Characteristics of research

1-It demands a clear statement of the problems

2-It requires a plan (it is not aimlessly ‘’looking ‘’ for something in the hope that you will across a solution)

3- IT build on existing data ,using both positive and negative finding

4-New data should be collected as required and be organized in such away that they answer the research questions

research approach

Research is an approach to 

* Describe

………… observe and record 

* Predict

………….. forecast future occurrence. 


………… make understandable an event.

*Test proposal

….. determine the effect and to evaluate. 

Types of research approach:

1- Qualitative research.

2-Quantitative research.

 Qualitative research:

 Is the “collection of in-depth, non-numeric data, traditionally collected face-to-face in an unstructured manner.” This form of research is primarily concerned with obtaining and understanding consumer attitudes and motivations

 The most common forms of qualitative research include:

 Focus groups.

 Mini groups.

 On-one-to one-in-depth interviews.

In-depth telephone interviews 

 Quantitative research:

 Is the “systemic collection of numeric data.”

This form of data collection usually involves sampling techniques and sizes that enable the analyst to make projectable conclusions. Data can be collected via phone, mail, fax, or inperson .

 Some common forms of quantitative research include:

 Concept testing.

 Positioning testing.

 Advertising/awareness/attitude tracking.

 Optimization studies.

 Name/logo testing.

 Client/relationship satisfaction.

 Price sensitivity models.

Quantitative Research

 Formal, objective, systematic process using

 measurement hypothesis testing data analysis

Qualitative Research

 Evaluate subjective life experiences and give meaning to them

 Focuses on understanding phenomena from an individual’s perspective

 Traditional approaches such as experiments, questionnaires, surveys

 Approaches: observation, in-depth interviews, case studies, narrative analyses

 Main components of any research work

 I. Preparing a research proposal

 II. Fieldwork (i.e., data collection)

 III. Analyzing data and preparing a research report


Phases of research process:


Conceptual phase:

1-Formulating &delaminating of the research problem & purpose.

2-Reviewing the related literature.

3-Definition of the theoretical framework.

4-Research question & hypothesis

 2.

The design and planning phase:

1-Selecting a research design.

2-Identifying the population to be studied.

3-Designing the sampling plan.

4-Finalizing and reviewing the research plan.

3.The empirical phase:

1-Collecting the data.

2-Conducting the pilot study and making revisions.

3-Preparing the data for analysis.

4.Analytic phase:

1-Statistical analysis tests.

2-Interpreting the results.

5.Dissemination phase:

1-Communicating the findings.

2-Utilizing the findings.
