Trends and Developments in C&IT Literacy Provision in UK Higher Education Karen Barton & André Reibig CITSCAPES 1 Objectives 1. Aspects in Policy and Practice from a UK-wide Survey 2. Specific Examples from Case Study Investigations CITSCAPES 2 Questionnaire Return Rate 57% 60% 50% HEIs 43% 40% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% All sections At least 1 section CITSCAPES None 3 Questionnaire Return Rate - HEI Size 48% 50% 41% 40% All Sections 29% 30% 20% 10% 0% Small Medium CITSCAPES Large 4 Questionnaire Return Rate - HEI Type 68% 70% All sections 60% 50% 42% 37% 40% 29% 30% 20% 10% 0% Pre-1992 Unis Post-1992 Unis Monotechnics CITSCAPES Other HEIs 5 Questionnaire Return Rate – FT League Table 47% 50% 40% All Sections 32% 34% 32% Middle Bottom 30% 20% 10% 0% Top CITSCAPES Not in League 6 Origin of Strategic Response Others 16% None 8% Princ./VP/ PVC 12% Head of Comp. 8% Head of LT/Lib. 29% Head of IS 27% CITSCAPES 7 Strategic Organisation of C&IT Provision Mixed 20% Devolved 41% Centralised 39% CITSCAPES 8 Strategic Organisation of C&IT Provision - HEI Size 57% 50% Devolved to faculties Centrally developed A mixture of both 40% 36% 33% 60% 31% 60% 30% 30% 20% 20% 20% 11% 10% 0% Small Medium CITSCAPES Large 9 Strategic Organisation of C&IT Provision - HEI Type 77% 80% 70% 62% 60% Devolved Centralised Mixed 50% 50% 40% 30% 38% 38% 38% 24% 18% 24% 20% 10% 14% 13% 5% 0% Pre-1992 Unis Post-1992 Monotechnics Other HEIs Unis CITSCAPES 10 Strategic Organisation of C&IT Provision FT League Table 80% Devolved Centralised Mixed 71% 70% 60% 49% 50% 40% 41% 38% 38% 35% 29% 29% 30% 25% 24% 16% 20% 6% 10% 0% Top Middle CITSCAPES Bottom Not in League 11 Internal or External Certification No 62% Yes 37% No answer 1% CITSCAPES 12 Provider of C&IT Course Delivery to Students Part of support services 11% None of these 1% Course provided by a service department 24% Stand-alone course 13% Part of skills course 18% Part of academic course 33% CITSCAPES 13 Provider of C&IT Courses to Staff Part of support services 9% None of these 0% Stand-alone course 23% Part of skills course 7% Course provided by a service department 52% Part of academic course 9% CITSCAPES 14 Mode of Course Delivery Self-taught paper 1% Self-taught on-line 2% Taught 43% Any combination 53% No answer 1% CITSCAPES 15 Syllabus Wordprocessing E-mail Login/Network Internet Basics Printing File Management OP Environment Spreadsheets Web/Lib Search Skills 81% 81% 81% 80% 74% 73% 70% 63% 60% CITSCAPES 16 Effective Doc Design PowerPoint Data trans. betw. appl. Bibl. databases Eval. on-line content Using elect. help sys. Effective use of ICT Writing a CV EPR issues CAL No answer 53% 52% 52% 47% 43% 43% 39% 34% 33% 26% 5% CITSCAPES 17 Case Studies Glasgow Caledonian University Oxford University Cheltenham & Gloucester College of Higher Education Glasgow University CITSCAPES Stirling University 18 Cheltenham & Gloucester College of Higher Education Programme/Subject Specific C&IT Training Generic C&IT Skills Training Compulsory Compulsory Information Technology Module (BT101) Fine Art (FA211) Professional Media Studies (PM217) PGCE (Primary) Information Management (SF122) Bachelor of Education (BEd) Level 2 Learning Development (SF121) Computing for Leisure Tourism and Hospitality (HM101) Voluntary Using the Internet for Learning (SF126) Information Skills for Independent learning (SF206) Postgraduate skills support programme Staff training programme for research students MBA Postgraduate PGCE (Secondary) = compulsory for defined route = Postgraduate Certificate of Education = Credit towards degree at C&G CITSCAPES = Recognised external certification Computer Literacy and Information Technology (CLAIT) Voluntary = Non-credit bearing. No recognised award. 19 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Postgraduate Level 1 = Not compulsory until academic year 2001-2002 = Credit-bearing courses (subject dependent) CITSCAPES Internal Certification External Certification = Recognised external certification Library Resources Voluntary Drop-In Clinics Compulsory Effective Learning Service ECDL (not offered yet, library applied to be testing centre) Voluntary (Currently on trial - Will come into effect for fulltime level 1 undergraduates in A/Y 2001-2002). The programme will be compulsory for all students by 2003/2004)0 Programme/Subject Specific C&IT Training Student ICT Skills Programme Compulsory Subject Specific Optional Modules Information Technology Modules embedded in specific subjects (Number of C&IT modules is subject dependent) Glasgow Caledonian University Generic C&IT Skills Training Non-Credit Bearing Library Induction = Non-credit bearing. No recognised award. 20 University of Oxford Compulsory Academic C&IT Skills* Generic Training Provided by Colleges Voluntary Generic Training Provided by Central Services Credit Bearing Non-Credit Bearing Credit Bearing Non-Credit Bearing CONTINUING EDUCATION UNDERGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN COMPUTING UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE IN CHEMISTRY Postgraduate and Research Students Voluntary C&IT induction COMPUTING ELEMENT OF POSTGRADUATE HUMANITIES COURSES * This is NOT a comprehensive account of every credit bearing, compulsory academic courses of study which has a C&IT element. It is merely representative of a broad range of opportunities. European Computer Driving License (ECDL) College Computing Facilities – Compulsory C&IT induction = Available throughout duration of programme of study to all students = Induction at beginning of programme of study CITSCAPES 21 = Available throughout duration of programme of study to all postgraduate and research students University of Stirling Credit Bearing Non-Credit Bearing Subject Specific Compulsory Courses* Voluntary Level 1 Online training guides Level 3 Level 4 Postgraduate Library network DAICE training Student drop-in service Level 2 Ultimate Survival Guide Student training sessions Computing Science I (3131) Training on specialist software For disabled students IT Skills (17L6) = Department of Computer Science and Mathematics = Existing students recruited to support specific C&IT skills training needs = Information Services = Combined service providers = Division of Academic Innovation and Continuing Education CITSCAPES * Although the credit-bearing courses are subject specific, they are only compulsory for students who opt to take them. = Non-compulsory training, advertised as ‘essential’ 22 Strategic Perspective • C&G: Generic C&IT skills training for staff and students. Overall strategic commitment to use C&IT to enhance development of learning, teaching & assessment. • GCU: Graduate employability and vocational training. Greater use of C&IT based learning materials and off-campus delivery. CITSCAPES 23 Strategic Perspective • Oxford: Committed institutional level responsibility with college/departmental remit. Encouragement to add innovation to quality education rather than introduce C&IT as an objective in its own right. • Stirling: Identification and promotion of cautious use of technology in underpinning innovative teaching and learning. CITSCAPES 24 Strategic Perspective • Glasgow: Commitment to C&IT-rich learning environment. Involvement of staff in this environment seen as a complimentary objective to effective student C&IT empowerment. CITSCAPES 25 Emerging Directions • On-line learning • Virtual Learning Environments • Transferable Skills, Personal Development Planning & ‘Graduateness’ • Benchmarks, Baselines and Certification • Continuous adjustment to C&IT syllabus CITSCAPES 26 CITSCAPES 27