Online Resources Melanie Olson, Professional Development, ESU #2 Using Online Resources Follow your district technology guidelines Refer to the privacy policy and terms of agreement. It is the classroom teachers responsibility to ensure the resource meets your district guidelines. All resources should be reviewed by the classroom teacher before students are allowed to use them. Some resources are appropriate for teachers to use for instruction but not for students to use independently. Using On-line Resources Questions to consider Does this resource align with your curriculum? Are advertisements displayed on the site? What is being advertised? Is a K-12 license available, if so how do you apply? Does the resource require a log-in? Who is the creator of the resource? EasyWhoIs: or (advanced) The Wayback Machine: Fact Checking: Scope of tonight Resources into two categories: general usage and content specific Resources that can be used with only a computer and internet connection Free Limited practice time tonight Small snapshot of resources available Resources at ESU #2 ESU #2,, go to Media Center Gale: password ESU2 Research, multimedia World Book: Username is: neneb Password is: world Go to World Book advanced and then my research Create an account to house research information notes Visual Thesaurus: go to IP addresses already put in, if using at school shouldn’t need a password Great for vocabulary, text analysis, and roots/prefixes/suffixes General Resources NASA Multiple Earth/Space Resources General Resources Weather Report for Kids http://kidsweatherrepor Pre-K to 1st grade No reading required General Resources National Science Digital Library K-12 various content Multi-media General Resources Access Excellence, The National Health Museum http://www.accessexcellenc Focus on health topics Ads on site Check out to change look of sites General Resources Nova online ova/teachers/ Go to teacher information site Multi-media Varied Content General Resources Folding at Home, Stanford Project Protein folding project To understand protein folding, misfolding, and related diseases Help scientists work Background research/reading required General Resources Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration The only resource that costs money Classes, talk with a dr., watch a surgery, etc. Search by topic Go through your DL room or cart Contact your local technology coordinator if you are interested in a class. General Resources Virtual Microscope etcham/microscope/#1 Microscope introduction or review Parts of a microscope Proper usage Example slides General Resources Houghton Mifflin: K-6 Science Simulations /hmsc/content/simulation/ Short simulations of elementary Science topics General Resources Interactive Simulations, University of Colorado, Boulder mulations/category/new Secondary Varied topics Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science General Resources Gameaquarium / K-6 Science Games Multi-media resources General Resources Chemistry Experiment Simulations and Conceptual Computer Animations Chemical Education Research Group, Iowa State /group/Greenbowe/sections/ projectfolder/simDownload/i ndex4.html#electrochem For Secondary, some simulations very complex Short animations showing various chemistry concepts General Resources Lawrence Hall of Science http://www.lawrencehallofs dex.html Elementary Science games General Resources American Museum of Natural History Resources for learning ation/resources/?utm_medi um=email&utm_source=Ca mpaignMonitor&utm_conte nt=130687184&utm_campai gn=BacktoSchool&utm_ter m=ResourcesforLearning Browse by topic General Resources American Museum of Natural History Science Bulletins lletins/?utm_medium=email&ut m_source=CampaignMonitor&ut m_content=130687184&utm_ca mpaign=BacktoSchool&utm_ter m=ScienceBulletins Current Events Current Research about the natural world General Resources American Museum of Natural History Ology m_medium=email&utm_source= CampaignMonitor&utm_content =130687184&utm_campaign=Ba cktoSchool&utm_term=OLogy Choose an -ology Kid friendly language and pictures to understand various areas of Science General Resources Genetics from University of Utah Drugs alter brains pathways Mouse Party content/addiction/drugs/mous e.html Interactive genetics study Animated General Resources Motion Mountain http://www.motionmountain.n et/contents.html Free on-line physics textbook General Resources Dynamic Periodic Table General Resources Scitable, by Nature Education table Collaborative learning space for science On-line library Focus on Genetics, Cell Biology, Ecology General Resources Edheads Interactive online experiments Varied topics, simple machines, weather, car crashes, virtual hip resurfacing, and more General Resources NeoK12, education videos, lessons and games Videos, lessons and games Physical, Life, Earth/Space General Resources Story of Stuff project m/ Video Environmental Science General Resources Khan Academy http://www.khanacademy. org/ Extensive collection of video lessons Some lessons are available through itunes U also General Resources Wordle Create word clouds Words that appear most frequently in a text appear larger Customize Save and print General Resources Encyclopedia of Life Life Science General Resources Alien Juice Bar howcase/flash/juicebar. html Basic Chemistry simulations Animated General Resources Brainpop m/ Need to log in, free Varied resources General Resources Exploratorium http://www.exploratori Varied topics Multimedia General Resources Cool Science for Curious Kids oolscience/forkids/ Biology Microscopic World Howard Hughes Medical Institute General Resources Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory http://www.exploratoriu K-6 Hands on astronomy activities Everyday Classroom Tools section has strategies for implementing inquiry based curriculum General Resources ScIslands http://www.questacon. ts.html 100’s hands on Activities All ages Varied Content General Resources Biology in Motion http://www.BiologyinM Animation, Simulation, Cartoons Mini-lectures Interactive Quiz General Resources Reconstructors http://reconstructors.ric Grades 6-12 Rice University Medical Mysteries General Resources Virtual Frog Dissection biosci/genbio/virtual_la bs/BL_16/BL_16.html Biology Announcements Please follow all technology guidelines at your district Please preview all websites before directing students to them If you have any suggestions for resources please let me know and I will add them to our wiki If a link is not working let me know If the site has inaccurate or inappropriate information let me know and I will remove it from our list Melanie Olson, Thanks Thanks to the following people for suggesting online resources: Sheree Person-Pandil, ESU #3 Deb Paulman, ESU #16 Rick Williams, ESU #2 Diane Wolfe, ESU #2 Amanda Marshall, Millard Public Schools Jerry Olson, Millard Public Schools Jason Larsen, Mead Public Schools SDA GEMS 2008-2010, 21st Century Skills Group