TUMS_2012_Term_Two - ISER Connected Learning

Illawarra and South East Region
Technology Update Meeting
Term 2, 2012.
Loreta Kocovska, Connected Learning Coordinator
Julie Thomas, DER Project Officer
Karran Williamson , DER Project Officer
ISER Connected Learning Reference Group
Teacher Representatives
Vanessa Glasgow, Warilla HS, Vanessa.royle@det.nsw.edu.au
Paul Cuthbertson, Keiraville PS, Paul.Cuthbertson@det.nsw.edu.au
Dave Hounsell, Broulee PS, david.hounsell@det.nsw.edu.au
The group provides a forum for key personnel to collaborate and discuss
innovative ideas to promote and enhance technology opportunities in our
Professional Learning Smorgasbord
“TeachMeets are informal, collaborative experiences organised by
educators, for educators in order to share ideas and experiences
and support each other in our professional growth”.
TeachMeet in the Illawarra!
Location: Oak Flats Public School
Date: Wednesday 30th May 2012
Information at: http://tmsydney.wikispaces.com/TeachMeet+Ilawarra
Poster at: http://iserconnectedlearning.wikispaces.com/TUMS
Why not host
your own
TeachMeets currently count
for 'Teacher Identified' hours
of Professional Development.
Full details on the TeachMeet
Mathematics Moodle Workshop
Develop resources such as questions and quizzes in their MOODLE
courses by attending this workshop you will:
1.Learn how to use the equations editor and create a bank of questions of
multiple types that enable teachers to generate quizzes.
2. Learn how to create different types of questions such as calculated,
numerical, multiple choice and cloze to then create quizzes in your
Moodle Course and improve your understanding of how this can support effective
classroom practice.
Date: 21st June, 2012.
Time: 8:30am – 3:00pm
Location: Illawarra Training Room, Warilla.
Enrol via MyPL@Edu
Moodle 2.2 Quick Guides from
Macquarie Uni
Digital Citizenship 6 hour Accredited TPL Course
The new Digital Citizenship resource at http://www.digitalcitizenship.nsw.edu.au
includes updated resources, plus new resources for K-10 students and teachers.
The site still includes the same format of lesson activities, games, links, videos,
a 6 hour accredited TPL course, and parent information sites.
Of note is the:
Dache4Cahe (QR code) and the Games activity.
Party planner game that works students through planning a party using a
Facebook like resource
OneNote files for ES1 – S2 Activities
New parent resources
A new look TPL course for teachers
Switch on to Interactive Whiteboards
Become familiar with the operation of the IWB and its basic interaction with
SMART Notebook software, other applications and the Internet. And have the
opportunity to consider and incorporate IWB technology into their
classroom programs, in keeping with the Quality Teaching Model.
Location: Illawarra Training Room, Illawarra Senior College, Port Kembla.
Date: 21st and 22nd June, 2012.
Time: 8:30am – 3:00pm
Enrol via MyPL@Edu
Getting started with Digital Citizenship - Registered Course
The course provides an orientation on issues relevant to adolescents,
teachers and social networking as well the opportunity to collaborate with
colleagues in the same or different schools. Participants work through online
course materials and complete scaffolded activities in lesson and course planning
as well as communicating with students, other teachers and parents/carers on the
Digital Citizenship course. The course is scheduled and managed at a school level.
Location: Illawarra Training Room, Illawarra Senior College, Port Kembla.
Date: 28th May, 2012
Time: 8:30am – 3:00pm
Enrol via MyPL@Edu
Digital Study Skills
Participants will explore numerous online sites that support the organisation and
collaboration of resources in addition to specific web2.0 tools that are applicable to
Stage 6 study. Participants will use this exploration in the creation of a 'Symbaloo'.
This being a simple yet feature-rich platform that allows you to easily organise and
access favourite websites and web services on one page.
Location: Illawarra Training Room, Illawarra Senior College, Port Kembla.
Date: 14th June, 2012
Time: 8:30am – 3:00pm
Enrol via MyPL@Edu
iPad 4 Administrator Training
Participants will develop knowledge and skills on how to make informed
decisions relating to the implementation of iPad technologies at school.
Decisions regarding the care, storage and maintenance of devices along with the
use if itunes and teacher training and maximising student potential are
Location: Barrack Heights PS
Date: 29th May
Time: 2pm – 4:30pm
Enrol via MyPL@Edu
iPad 4 Teachers Training
This workshop will develop teacher knowledge and skills to make informed
decisions about integrating iPad technologies in their learning programs to
engage students and improve outcomes.
Location: Barrack Heights PS
Date: 30th May
Time: 8:30am – 3:30pm.
Enrol via MyPL@Edu
2nd & 3rd July, 2012
Two full days of all things Apple!
“‘Going Mobile’ is a free two day event aimed at arming educators with the
content and knowledge they need to authentically embed iOS devices into their
classrooms. This two day professional development session will allow you to
participate in workshops, as well as give you the chance to work on your own
content ready for implementation into your curriculum.
This is a two day event (catering provided) with no partial attendance
running 10am - 4pm each day”.
Creating Student Digital Portfolios using
Adobe Acrobat Pro - Registered Course
Learn how easy it is to integrate Adobe Acrobat 9 into any KLA. We will
investigate the authentic use of this software tool and its relevance to engage
students and enhance teaching and learning across the secondary curriculum.
Location: Illawarra Training Room, Illawarra Senior College, Port Kembla.
Date: 15th June, 2012.
Time: 8:30am – 3:30pm
Enrol via MyPL@Edu
“A SMART BUG is a SMART Board™ User Group organised and
sponsored by Electroboard. These groups have been set up to
provide education users of SMART Boards with professional support
in order to gain maximum benefit from the technology in the
At each training afternoon participants will be able to select
which group to join, the options are:
SBUG1: SMART Board Foundation Skills 1
SBUG2: SMART Board Foundation Skills 2
SBUG3: SMART Board Foundation Skills 3
Enrol at:
PL Video Conferences
ISER BUGS (Board User Groups) VC Workshops
30 minute free VCs that demonstrate the effective integration of IWBs in teaching
and learning. All resources located at: http://iserbugs.wikispaces.com/
The next two VCs are scheduled for the 3/06/12 and 20/06/12
Registrations Close: 14/05/12
3.10pm dial in for 3.15pm start – 3.45pm finish
Dial into Virtual Meeting Number – 571032559
Conference ID: ISER BUGS
To nominate for a presentation contact the ISER BUGS Program Coordinator
Vanessa Glasgow at Vanessa.royle@det.nsw.edu.au
The Bits & Bytes VC series is offered by The South Western Sydney
The series will focus on showcasing skills and integration of ideas programs and
Web2.0 tools for use with the T4L rollout and DER laptops.
“The Bits & Bytes VC series will be advertised each term through SchoolBiz
and will be held each fortnight (even weeks) on Wednesday
after school from 3:15pm to 4:00pm. These sessions are free”.
Term 2 Schedule:
Term 2 Week 6 – Wed 30 May – SMART Notebook & Mathematics
Term 2 Week 8 – Wed 13 June – Student Response Network
Register at: http://bitsandbytes.swsr.edu.win/
“Breakkie with a Teckkie”
Is a collaborative regionally organised DER Video Conference Series focussing
on Web 2 Tools use in the classroom.
The VC Series is held on Wednesday Mornings from 8:00am to 8:30am.
Sessions limited to 75 sites. Register here
“Beginning Teachers Buddy”
“The VC is designed for beginning teachers to build their classroom toolkit. The
conference will start at 3:45pm on Mondays and run from week 2 to 9 of term 2.
Learn some great tips and tricks for your classroom and share some of those
stories. You can join the conference with just your computer and a set of
Register at: http://bt-buddy.posterous.com/
Cool Tools for the Connected Classroom
This year Curriculum Press are running professional learning sessions for
different areas in the curriculum ICT with Anne Mirtschin.
Anne Mirtschin, author of Cool Tools for the Connected Classroom, and the
ACCE 2012 Educator of the Year.
Anne will be hosting two-hour virtual webinar sessions during Terms 2 and 3.
It will cover:
the best tools for connecting: connecting the school and connecting to the
global community;
the best tools for communicating: podcasts, blogs, Google applications,
Timebridge, live-blogging, back-channel chat;
the best tools for creating: including wikis, blogs, voicethreads and more.
For more information and to book please see the below link.
Webinar sessions - http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/AMPD-webinars
The Next Practice team
NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
Offer a variety of REGISTERED ONLINE courses that may be completed in a
self study or facilitated mode of delivery.
Of particular interest are the Intel Teach Elements courses that include:
1.Assessment in a 21st Century Classroom enables teachers to develop and
manage innovative, ongoing student-centred assessment processes, which
deepen learning experiences for students and evaluate contemporary skills.
2.Collaboration in the digital Classroom shows teachers how, when and where
to integrate collaborative online learning tools into learning activities, developing
students’ understanding and 21st century skills.
3.Project –based approaches. takes a fresh look at how to implement effective,
and engaging project-based learning and how to integrate ICT for enhanced
learning outcomes.
The Next Practice team
NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
Personalising the Portal
During this session participants will personalise and become familiar with some
of the most useful teaching and learning features available in the DEC Portal.
Social Media in your school- When, How, Who and Why?
With the increasing use of Social Media in the classroom teachers must be
aware of the guidelines and policies the DEC have developed to support
schools and teachers when engaging with social media sites and professional
learning networks such as Maang, Edmodo, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
The Next Practice team
NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
Video Conferencing REGISTERED ONLINE Courses from CLIC
VC Refresher is a course designed to guide teachers through using Video Conferencing
equipment and to highlight video conferencing opportunities.
VC Highway- Preparing to participate in an event
This workshop will provide an opportunity for participants to gain the knowledge, skills and
understanding of the scope of VC Highway
VC Highway- Creating your own VC event
Participants will access the online resources to support the development and scheduling
of VC Highway events and make connections through VC Café VC, aimed at all staff
GeoGebra for Beginners Online is an Institute registered, non-facilitated online
professional learning course with a mix of pedagogy and technical skill development. The
focus of the course is the exciting dynamic mathematics software, GeoGebra.
The Next Practice team
NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
The VC Highway initiative is offered as a series VC workshops to provide an
opportunity for schools to:
complete appropriate professional learning in Video Conferencing, Bridgit
desktop collaboration, Edmodo, blogEd and cross school blogs
improve teacher skills in using video conferencing with their students
share work using the desktop collaboration software Bridgit,
online collaboration tools including blogEd and cross school blogs
establish a network of schools for future interactions
Outline of the VC Highway Events ( full details at: http://iserconnectedlearning.wikispaces.com/TUMS )
Early Stage 1
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 3
Term 2, Wk 7
7th June: Thursday
9:00 to 3:00pm
Term 2, Week 7,
4th June Monday
3:30 – 4:30pm
Term 2, Week 7,
7th JuneThursday
3:30 – 4:30pm
Date and time
Full day teacher professional learning
One Hour, VC Refresher and blogEd
One Hour, Topic Overview
Wednesday: Term 2, Weeks 8, 9 & 10
2:25 to 2:45
Thursday: Term 2, Weeks 8, 9 & 10
A photo a day
12:00 to 12:30
12:35 to 1:05
Wednesday: Term 2, Weeks 8, 9 & 10
Surprise Writing
12:00 to 12:30
12:35 to 1:05
Thursday: Term 2, Weeks 8, 9 & 10
Reverse Maths
2:25 to 2:45
Move: Art in Motion designed Thursday: Weeks 8, 9 & 10
11:30am – 12 noon
to support the
MOVE wecreate challenge
12:05pm – 12:35pm
12:40pm – 1:10pm
A photo a day
The Next Practice team
NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
To participate in the VC Highway events complete the Registration form
at: http://iserconnectedlearning.wikispaces.com/TUMS
Due to the late notice of events, the Next Practice Team may take late
For further information and support contact:
Therese Coogan
therese.coogan@d et.nsw.edu.au
Tel: 9715 827
Help us help you!
The ISER Connected Learning Team is committed to helping schools
effectively integrate the DER laptops into the curriculum.
We are committed to achieving this and a survey will be coming to you
soon which will assist us by allowing us to determine how we can best
meet your individual schools needs.
ISER School Technology Leaders Stay Connected By:
• Subscribing to the ISER School Technology Email Distribution List.
As a member you receive the latest “TechnologyBiz” that includes
professional learning opportunities, news, research and resources.
Email loreta.kocovska@det.nsw.edu.au to subscribe.
• TUMs
• ISER iPad Reference Group Meetings, onsite or via VC
• ISER Bugs VCs
•Yammer (simply use your TAFE email)
Find all Regional Resources at!
ISER Connected Learning Portfolio Wiki
ISER iPad Wiki
ISER Corporate Staff Wiki
ISER Education Week 2011 Wiki