Marketing 3344 Copywriter Art Director Creative Team Creative Concept Copywriting is A creative plan is the process of the guideline expressing the that specifies the value and message benefits a brand elements of has to offer. advertising copy. Functions Gives news about the brand Emphasizes brand claims Gives advice to the reader Selects targeted prospects Stimulates curiosity Establishes tone & emotion Identifies the brand PPT 12-4 4 Ad in Context Example Here is a classic case of a headline offering the reader advice. Guidelines for writing headlines Be persuasive Appeal to self-interest Inject maximum information Limit to five-eight words Include the brand name Entice to read body copy Entice to examine visuals Never change typeface Never rely upon body copy Keep it simple & familiar Functions Reinforce the headline Include important information not communicated in the headline Communicate key selling points or information quickly Stimulate more complete reading of the whole ad The longer the body copy, the more appropriate is the use of subheads Ad in Context Example This ad follows all the guidelines for subheads. Techniques Straight-line copy Dialogue Testimonial Narrative Direct response copy Guidelines Use present tense Use singular nouns and verbs Use active verbs Use familiar words and phrases Vary sentence and paragraph length Involve the reader Provide support for the unbelievable Avoid clichés and superlatives Ad in Context Example This ad is full of body copy. Are the guidelines for using body copy being followed? Ad in Context Example No headline, no subhead, no body copy— does this ad still work? Cybercopy is often rooted in techno-speak. It is a medium where audience has a different meaning than in traditional media. • Audience often comes directly to ads—not passive • Other ads pop up • Copy is closer to print than broadcast • Cybercopy is often direct response • Rules for cybercopy are not all that different than for print Different opportunities due to sight and sound Inherent limitations . . . • Broadcast ads offer a fleeting message • Broadcast employs more sensory devices which can ad or detract from consumers’ understanding of the message Radio listeners are not active. Radio has been called “verbal wallpaper.” Radio can be the “theater of the mind.” Formats: Music Dialog Announcement Celebrity announcer Guidelines Stress the main selling Use familiar language points Use short words and Use sound and music sentences Stimulate the imagination carefully Tailor the copy to the Repeat the product time, place, and name specific audience 1. Solicit bids from production houses 5. Edit the tape 2. Review bids, award job, submit estimate 6. Review the production with the advertiser 3. Select the talent 7. Mix the sound 4. Plan special elements, produce the tape 8. Duplicate the tape and ship to stations Can create a mood Opportunity to demonstrate with action Words should not stand alone—use visuals/special effects Precisely coordinate audio/visual Storyboard is the roadmap Demonstration Problem and solution Music and song Spokesperson Dialogue Vignette Narrative Use the video Support the video Coordinate the audio with the video Entertain but sell the product Be flexible Use copy judiciously Reflect the brand’s personality and image Build campaigns PPT 12-20 20 Short phrases used to . . . • Increase memorability • Help establish an image, identity or position for a brand or organization Good slogans can . . . • Be an integral part of brand’s image • Act as shorthand identification for the brand • Provide information about the brand’s benefits Vagueness Wordiness Triteness Creativity for creativity’s sake Agency Account Management Team Legal Department Account Planning Client Copywriter Product Manager, Brand Manager, Marketing Staff Senior Writer Creative Director Senior Executives