News Service PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: WINGS JANUARY NEWSCAST TIME: 28:21 Program #4-91 (Target broadcast dates January 20-26) \1 11 \\II \ 11111111111111 11 11" WINGS: Women's International Gathering P.O. Box 5307, Kansas City, Missouri 64131 USA (816) 361-7161 1. (4:49) "WOMEN FOR A FREE KUWAIT." Dr. Angi Saad was interviewed by Beverly Oliver. SUGGESTED INTRO: KUWAITI WOMEN IN NORTH AMERICA HAVE BEEN ORGANIZING TO COUNTERACT STEREOTYPES ABOUT THEIR COUNTRY AND TO DISCUSS THE IRAQUI INVASION. DR. ANGI ("Angie") SAAD, A KUWAITI CIVIL ENGINEER, IS THE CHAIRWOMAN OF WOMEN FOR A FREE KUWAIT: 2. (6:36) "EYEWITNESS REPORT FROM IRAQ AND PALESTINE." Barbara Lubin, director of Middle East Children's Alliance, was interviewed by Katherine Davenport. SUGGESTED INTRO: MANY PEOPLE HAVE BEEN FLEEING THE MIDDLE EAST TO AVOID A WAR, BUT SOME ARE GOING THERE IN HOPES OF STOPPING IT. BARBARA LUBIN TALKED WITH WINGS ON HER RETURN FROM IRAQ AND PALESTINE. 3. (4:30) "THE POSITION OF ISRAEL." Excerpts from speech by Freda Keet, "The English Voice of Radio Israel," recorded by Bob Stutz. INTRO: EVERYONE HAS HEARD SADAM HUSAIN'S POSITION ON ISRAEL, BUT VERY LITTLE HAS BEEN SAID ABOUT ISRAEL'S POSITION ON SADAM HUSAIN. WINGS RECEIVED SOME UNUSUAL TAPE FROM A ROTARY CLUB MEETING IN KANSAS, WHERE A PROMINENT ISRAELI JOURNALIST SPOKE. FRIEDA WERDEN REPORTS: 4. (3:40) "CANADA'S VOICE OF WOMEN FOR PEACE." Statement via phone, read by Lynn Adamson." INTRO: THE U.S. IS PUTTING ITS EXPENSES FOR THE GULF WAR ON ITS CREDIT CARD, BUT CANADA'S PAYING ITS SHARE IN CASH - CAUSING IMMEDIATE curs IN DOMESTIC SERVICES. A CANADIAN RESISTANCE GROUP, "VOICE OF WOMEN' FUf( FEACI:::," GAVE A STATEMENT '1'0 WINGS: 5. (3:48j "GREENS U.S.A." Dee Berry, coordinator, Prairie Greens. INTRO: THE GREEN MOVEMENT IN THE U.S. HAS BEEN PARTICIPATING IN PEACE EFFORTS, AND IS ALSO BEGINNING TO DEVELOP A POLITICAL PARTY. HERE"S MORE FROM WINGS: 6: (3:05) "LESBIAN LAWMAKERS." Roberta Achtenberg & Carole Migden, San Francisco supervisors-elect, were interviewed by Ann Kelly. INTRO: IT MAY BE A LONG TIME BEFORE THERE ARE ENOUGH U.S. CONGRESSWOMEN TO VOTE DOWN A WAR - BUT WOMEN ARE MAKING STEADY POLITICAL GAINS. A FEW OF THOSE NEWLY INAUGURATED IN JANUARY WERE LESBIAN ELECTED OFFICIALS. HERE"S THE STCIRY FROM WINGS: LISTENERS MAY CALL FOR INFOI:MAT:LON ON THE "INTERNATIONAL WOMAN OF THE YEAR" NOMINATIONS. lProgrammers may enter, too.) THEY SHOULD SEND THE NAME OF THIR NOMINEE WITH A DESCRIPTION, AND THEIR OWN NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER TO: Katherine Davenport"WINGS, PO Box 5307, Karisas City MO 64131 USA. RECENT HALF-HOURS ARE AVAILABLE FOR $9 TO THOSE WHO DON"T SUBSCRIBE WEEKLY. #1-91 "Dr. Novello on Women & AIDS" - UN address by US Surgeon General. #2-91 "Women, Men & Media" - Betty Friedan & Kathy Bonk report. #3-91 "Structural Adjustment - an Economic Thebry at Work" - Six women WINGS. WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE PO BOX ~307, KANSAS CITY MO 64131 USA PHONE. (816)361-7161 TOLL-FREE NUMBER TO REGISTER. FOR SATELLITE FEED: 1-800-798-9703 F'F;QC:jFjjLLJJ [-:: S CFU:~.Il.t;U.~h._~l.~G.~L....EEB~~IJ.8B ·{ .._~~::Wt~..Gh§"L~jj: 8 _.:}.1...L.....::_.......l I 1'1E : _,__,_._._.__,,ILl!::; fi.f~T _.I:~.lF. J2BTE:3.i ..._:': / 1Z ·- :2 ~!. '!...._l.'t:~J' 1. .L~ .';_ .__ )_ "MI DWI VES HARASSED IN MISSOURi." E V d HU iTI m e.l-- ,Jon e s ~ nelrJ iTI o t l"l e !'- ~ a. Mount j OY:, F't-es i Ot?I-lt ~ ('Ii 5S0W· i iVl i ow i ves " (-is s oc i .3t ion. .;U~_T FW ;.. f~· m~: HUNDRED S OF YEARS IN THE WESTERN W O R LD ~ THE MALE- DOMINATED MEDICAL PROF ESSI ON HAS BEEN TRYI NG TO ERADICATE MI DW IVES . ANOTHER SORTI E IN THAT WAR HAS TAKEN PLACE IN MI SSOUR I - AND THE MIDWIVES ARE F IGHT I NG BA CK . HERE 'S THE STORY : ... _. ) "CHOICES FOR A NEW WORLD ORDER." Margarlta Arias~ President, Ar ias Fou nda t i o n ~or Pea ce & Human P r ogr e s s ~ Cos t a Rlca; reporter, Elayne Cli~t . f?~J tjJ? E SJj;.D . I NTFfu I;JI L.I... THE i\~ E l-0 WOFLD iJFWE F.: F'F.:E:3 I DENT BUSH E>< TDL.L.S BE ONE OF ~3a n d t· COOPERATION OR DESTRUCTION? MARGAR I TA ARIAS (AH- r e e - a hs ) DESCRIBES THE ALTERNATIVES IN TH IS REPORT FROM WINGS: . . . , . ( ) "ELIZABETH CLARE'S PROPHECIES ." Te l e p ho ne i nte r v i ew wit.h El iz a beth \ Cla t· e Prop het , aut no r o·f= "The i~i stt-o log y 0·1= t. hE:? Fou r Hot-seme n" .. r ep o rt e r , f::a.t het- i ne Davenpot-t. l.t:1TF.:O : THE BUS I NESS OJ=." P ~:OPHE C( HAS TAf'::EN AI" UF'TUFi:N . AS A RESUL.T OF THE GULF WAR. MYSTICAL CHRIST I ANS ARE BUYING TONS OF BOOKS HAI LING THE FULFILLMENT OF THE PROPHECIES OF J EREMI AH - OR THE BEGINNING OF THE LAST DAYS . ONE MAVERICK FEMALE PROPHET - ELIZ ABETH CLARE PROPHET GAVE AN INTERVIEW TI] l-0 H~C.;S: ( "ACTIONS AGAINST NUCLEAR TESTING. II Deb t-a. F: i c h a t- d s o n ~ coordinator", Amet- ican F'eace Test; i nt.e r v i ew by Ce r o Lv n Swa.nso l'l . ] NI.t':O: SO FA~:~ NO NUCLEA~ : WEAPONS HA VE BEEN USED IN THE GULF WAR , BUT NUCLEAR NAT IONS ARE STI LL TESTING THE IR ARSENALS - EVEN THOUGH LOTS OF CIT IZ ENS WA NT TO STOP THEM. HERE'S A F:EF'CHH FF.:OI"\ WINGS: ... S ~j GGE_:3T ED CJ})TF.:O :" TO C:iET INFOFi:I"iATI ON ABOUT I~ U C L E A ~: TESTING ANYWHERE I N THE W ORLD ~ WRI TE TO: TEST ING ALERT NETWORK, PO BOX 26725, LAS V E GAS~ NE VADA 89 126 USA. 4.t. ( ) IIBRITISH WOMEN PROTEST WAR. II Vo>~ pop pr-oduc ed by Maud Hand anc:i Sue C la.t" k~ Tt- a nS l s t el'· s r adi o c o l lE.~ c t i \/ e . II\lTF:O: THE NEl·j8 FPDr1 BF:ITAII\ISAY::) THE PUBLIC LI KES THE WAR; BUT A BIG MINORITY OF BRI TISH WOMEN BEG TO DIFFER. HEFi:E' S THf.: STOFU Ff,:OM WI NC:iS: ... SU(3CiE~'3TED OUTD :_ THE GREENHAI'1 l00MEN CAI\i BE CONTACTED AT: YELLOW GATE~ GREENHAM COMMON WOMEN' S PEACE CAMP , NEAR NEWBURY, BERKSHI RE, ENGLAND RG14 7 A A ~ U.K. ~ . ) "SOUTH PACIFIC WOMEN'S POLICY CONGRESS." Mal J o hnson int e r views Loui se (:;]. t; ss i , ~ o nne t'· hea 0 o·f F'apu.i~<. ·- r'~ei"J Eiu i fl ea. lo'Jomen' s Comm i '55 i on. I !\lTRO: WOI'1EN I N THE SOUTH PACI F IC ARE UNDER PRESSURE FROM MODERN LI FE AND MANY OF ITS ILLS. THEY MET TO PLAN NEW STRATEGI ES IN JANUARY. HERE 'S A REPORT FROM WI NGS: ... , . ) "GODDESSES IN THE SATANIC VERSES." Te lepho ne interview with Ann hH-~needom , e.d i t o r (J·f "The I;J i se Woman. " I NTF;:D: WHAT WA:3 I T ABOUT THE SA T(:~N IC iI VERSES" THAT MADE THE AYATOLLAH KHOMEI NI SO MAD? ANN FORFREEDOM GIVES A FEiYlINIST ANAL 'l :3 IS IN THI S INTERVIEW WI TH WINGS: . . . IF YOU HAVE SATELLITE CAPABILITY, CALL TO REGISTER FOR THE WINGS SATELLITE FEED ON MARCH 1. THE CHANNEL INFORMATION WILL BE GIVEN ONLY TO STATIONS THAT MAKE CONTACT IN ADVANCE - SO DON'T FORGET TO CALL! THIS WILL BE A ONE-HOUR FEED AND TAKES THE PLACE OF TWO OF YOUR REGULAR MARCH PROGRAMS• _ _ _ _ _ _ • • M. • • • • w_ ...._-- - - - - - ---- - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- WINGS, PO BOX 5307, KANSAS CITt' MO 64131 (816)361-7161 Program descriptions for WINGS #10 &#11 - International Women 's Day/Women's History Month specials (replacing the March WINGS Newscast) First Half Hour (WINGS #10-91. TIME: 29:48) 1. (3:26) HISTORY OF INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY. IN/OUTCUES: "In the spring of 1908 . . . in any given year ." ACIUALI1Y ON TAPE: The late Raya Dunayevskaya, author of a work on Rosa Luxembourg. SUGG~ INTRO: International Women's Day, honored around the world, began with women workers in the United States . Katherine Davenport of WINGS explains: .. . 2. (6:08) ANTI-WAR ACTIONS IN PAKISTAN. IN/OUT: "[Woman speaking Urdu through bullhorn] ... for WINGS by Nafisa Hoodbhoy ." ON TAPE: Nuzhat Kidwai, chair, Peace Committee; Nafisa Hoodbhoy; Dr, Jehan Are, speaker on Women and the Gulf War. INTRO: Peace is viewed by many women around the world as a women's issue. WINGS covered women 's peace activities this year in Pakistan: ., . 3 . (7:36) A U.S. CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTOR. IN/OUT: Music - Star Spangled Banner . . . . tor WINGS, this is Katherine Davenport. " INTRO: Whether a war is won or lost doesn't determine if it's right or wrong. One woman who risked her freedom because she felt the Gulf War was wrong is Dr. Yolanda Huet-Vaughn. Here's more f!'om WINGS: . " OPTIONAL OVTRO: Support letters tor Dr·, Yolanda Huet-Vaughan can addressed to: Commander Schroeder, MEDDAC, Box 1180. F01~ Leonax~ Wood MO 65473-5000, USA. 4. (3 :51) ZAMBIAN WOMEN VOX POP. IN/OUT: A few weeks after the beginning of the Gulf War . " surveyed for WINGS by Ruth Luwaga ." ON TAPE: Women from the town center market . downtown businesses, and the university giving views on the Gulf Wax'. INTRO: The crisis in the Gulf has had worldwide ramifications - far from the fighting in Southern Africa, Zambian women were concerned - in every sector of society, Here 's"more from WINGS: . . . 5, (5:59 or 6 :45) RADIO LD RA - WOMEN 'S DAY PROGRAMMING FROM SWITZERLAND. IN/OlJI'CUE: "The final portion of this program ... for a strong and powerful women 's day [FOR MODULES. YOU CAN cur HERE OR CONTINUE THROUGH lliE MUSIC - ANOTHER 45 SECONDS. BRIEF WINGS PROGRAM CREDITS ARE EMBEDDED IN BEGINNING OF THE MUSIC], ON TAPE: A production especially for WINGS by the women of Radio LoRa, community radio in Switzerland. Includes description of their station alrd excerpts from a speech by an Iraqui woman. INTRO: A unique noncommercial radio station in Switzerland, Radio LoRa [LOW-rah], has been mobilizing women for International Women 's Day. Here's a special report they produced for WINGS - the Women's International News Gathering Service: '" 6. (1: 38) PRCGRAM CREDITS - starts with music . PLEASE roN T OMIT THESE - 1HE LAW M'D OUR GRATI1UDE REQUIRE THEY BE ACk"NOWLEDGED. Suggested intro: WINGS sent our stations special programming this month - these are the people who made it possible: Second Half Hour (WINGS #11-91. TIME : 28:57) 1. (4: 16) GLORIA STEINEM - FUTURE GOAlS OF FEMINISM. IN/OUTCUE: "Organize among yourselves ... for WINGS, I'm Frieda Werden." INTRO: Is feminism dead in the United States. Glor i a Steinem says no: " 2. (2:44) THE U.N. TREA1Y ON WOMEN - CEDAW [pronounced "SEE-daw"]. IN/OUTeUE ; "The United Nations has been in the news ... for WINGS , I 'm Katherine Davenport." ON TAPE: Arvonne Fraser, Director, International Women's Rights Action Watch. INTRO; More countries every year ratify the United Nations treaty on discrimination against women - though one of the natlons that pushed it through - the Umted States - has taken no action . Here's an update from WINGS : SUGGES"TED OlJIRO: One source for information about the CEDAW treaty is the International Women's Rights Action Watch . You can write them clo the Humphrey Institute, UniversiLy of Minnesota , Minneapolis MN 55455 USA. (continued on reverse) I 3. (7:36) WOMEN'S PRCX3RESS IN ZIMBABWE. IN/OIlTCUE: "Being a newly independent country ... Prabha Bhardwaj report ing from Harare, Zimbabwe." ON TAPE: Cde . I Mrs . J. T. R. Mujuru. Minister of Community & Cooperative Development. Cde. Elizabeth Goenza. Ccordinator , Women in the Law in Southern Africa Research Project; Everjoyace Win, magazine editor. Women 's Action GI-OUp; Sarah Kachingwe, permanent Secretary. Ministry of Information. Post. &Telecommunications, and Publicity Secretary for Women's Affairs. INTRa: For participating in their country's war against colonialism, women in Zimbabwe were rewarded with government positions and new laws but the women's struggle hasn't ended yet. Here's more from WINGS: ... 4. (11:38) NAWAL EL SAADAWI ON FEMINISM AND RELIGION. IN/OUT: (11 :38) Music: "One of the problems ... June 6, 1990." INTRa: For women's history month. WINGS has sent us a moving speech by EJyptian psychiatrist and novelist Nawal El Saadawi: 5. (1 :38) Uncl.erwriter Credits - AIR WIlli YOUR CREDITS IF YOU USE MODUI...E3. Suggested intro: WINGS sent our stations special programming this month - these are the people who made it possible: Text of Underwriter Credits We would not have been able to do this special program - with satellite feed and two half-hoUlo instead of just one to our cassette subscribers - if it were not for our International Women 's Day underwriters. These are respectively a women 's nonprofit. a cooperative of small socially conscious businesses, and an all-woman small enterprise. TIle l aw requrres that underwriting be acknowledged, so please don't forget to air these credits whether you use the programs as half-hours or as modules. In case you wish to read the credits YOUlOe I f. or respond to I istener inquiries here is the script: LADYSLIPPER MUSIC IN DURHAM NC HAS A FREE 88-PAGE CATAI..03/RESOURCE GUIDE OF P.ECORDINGS BY WOMEN AVAILABLE BY CAllING 1-800-634-6044. IT CONTAINS DESCRIPTIONS OF OVER 1000 FEMINIST. INTERNATIONAL, NEW AGE, FOLK, JIaZ, BLUES AND CHILDREN'S TITI..ES. mAT'S 1-800-6346044. CO-OP AM£[..nCA OFFERS INFORMATION, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES mAT LET PEDPLE VOTE WIlli TIiEIR OOLLARS FOR A JUST, SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC SYSTEM. CO-OP AMERICA IS MEMBERCOf\jTROllED AND WORKER-MANAGED WIlli HEAIQUARTERS IN WAbrUNGTON OC. FOR A FREE COFx' OF "CO-OP AMERICA QUARTERLY," DIAL 1-800-424-2667, EXTENSION 92. mAT'S 1-800-424-2667, EXTENSION 92. TRAVIS PLACE IN DURHAM NC SPECIALIZES IN BASIC WOMEN'S ClDlliING FROM WOMEN FOR WOMEN. 1HEY CilRRY MANY ITEMS IN EXTRA-I...Ah.GE SIZES. TIiEY ARE AT 1-800-388-4101. " ~fRAVIS PLAL"E BRIEf'S" IS TIiEIR CATAL03 OF UNDERWEAR AND OUTERWEAR. mAT'S 1-800-388-4101. WINGS releases a half-hour program every week. Subscriptions are $99 for 13 half-hoUl~. Individual programs may be ordered for $9 each. These are the most recent additions to our vast catalog of women's programs: WINGS #12-91: "TRIBLrrE TO EMMA GOlDMAN," produced by Tish Val va. WINGS #9-91: "ANN RICHARDS: GOVERNOR OF TEXAS" If you 've changed your usage of WINGS - please write to us. We would like current information about when it airs, whether it is used as a hal f-hour or as modules. and who is the contact person to whom it should be mailed. FEEDBACK ON viI-tAT YOU LIKE AND DON'T LIKE IS HELPFUL . TI-iANK YOU TO AlL TIiE STATIONS THAT HAVE PAID lliEIR BIll.S - YOU MAKE POS:3IBLE . WII\I3S: Women's International News Gathering Service rms WORK P.O. Box 5307, Kansas City 1"0 64131 USA Phone: (816)361-7161 LII\EUP Sl-EET , APRIL I\EWSCAST (#17-91) TI!"E: 29:31 TARGET BROADCAST DATES: APRIL 21-27 1. (4:40) PCLL TAX RESISTERS IN BRITAIN. Iri/out.cuer "Last November ••• produced for WII\GS by Geraldine Hickey, &..le Clark & Maud Hand o-F Transisters Vbren's Radio Collective in Loncbn." On tape: Tax resisters at Loncbn Irish Women's Center. SUGGESTED INTRO: THE BRITISH GOVE~1ENT HAS AN\O..J\CED TI-£ END OF THE POLL TAX, BUT TI-£ RESISTPN:E KEEPS O\l l.\ORKII\G: ••• A 1I2-hour speech on tax resisting in the U.S. is WII\GS #14-91, "Juanita Nelson, Tax Resister." - -- ----------- -- --- -- --- - -- --- - ~ 2. (3: 09 ) EIWI RCN"ENTAL LAW INCHI LE. I nloutQ..l8: "The eriv i rorment was the -+OD..lS •• • For WII\GS, this is Katrin Snow." On tape: Ximena Navar-ro, Chilean anthropologist. INTRO: CHILE IS aJ\ISIDERING LAl,.,lS TO aJRB CCM"ERCIAL EXPLOITATIO\J OF TI-£ EtwlRO'\I"ENT AND _PROTECT TI-£IR INDIGENOJS PEOPLE'S v..lAY OF LIFE - A ~ ?NfHROPCUEIST EXPLAINS IN THIS REPORT FRCX"l Wlf\GS: ••• 3. (4:57) M\G.-ADESHI SLAV£: TRADE. In/outQ..le: "Since the last -fe..J years ••• reptlYted fur WII\GS by Nafisa I-Ioodbhoy in Karachi." On tape: Hoodbhoy; Fatima, Bangladeshi woman; Sabiha Sumal'", di rectoI'" , Center fur Social Science Research; Zia Awan, president, Lawyel'"s fbI'" Human Rights & Legal Ai d. INTRO: WOVEN ARE STILL BEII\G EJ\lSl..AV£:D FOR SEXLJPL. PURPOSES IN VIRTUPLLY EVERY CCU\lTRY - NAFISA I-OJDBHOY REPORTS 0\1 IrD'£N I;J-[) It'1'1IGRATE ILLEGPLLY FRO'1 8Al\GLAOCSH TO P~IST~, SEEKII\G JOBS, v..HJ BECC1"E Tf-E CAPTIVES 0= PRCFESSlc:NQL SLAV£:-TRADERS ~D CORRUPT PCLlCE: •.• 4. (3: 20) L-\O"EN !"EDlCAL STUOCNTS I1EET. Ln/rxrtcuer "The Ailerican Medical Student Association held its anrual corrference ••• fur WII\GS, I'm Katherine Davenport." On tape: Nancy Moran, National Coor-di nat.or , Standing Carmi ttee on Vbren in Medicine; Susan Klein, mic::)...Jife from Ce l i Forru ej Dr. Christiane Northr-up, Woman to Woman Clinic, Yermxrt.h, Maine. INTRO: MJRE U.S. VO"EN ARE ENTERI I\G !"EDICAL TRAINI NG - 00 THEY BRI I\G A f\EW PERSPECTIVE TO THE FIELD? KATHERH£ DAVENPORT ATTENDED A !"ED STUDENTS' CO\FEREl\CE FOR WII\GS: ••• SUGGESTED OJTRO: TI-£ BCD< MENTIO\ED IN THIS STORY IS WITG£S, MIDlJlVES, ~D NJRSES BY BARBARA EHRENRICH ~D DIERDRE EN3.....ISH, AVAI LABLE FRa'l TI-E FEMINI ST PRESS IN f\EW YORK FOR $4.95 (U. S. lXLLARS). 5. (3:07) BLAO< NJRSES SYi"'IPOSIUM. In/outQ..le: "f--b.J does the Black CO'MlUnity ••• this is Cathy Camenga in San Francisco, Califurnia." On tape: Barbara Nichols, ExeQ..ltive Director, Califul'"nia Nurses Association; Ophelia Long, Chief ExeQ..ltive Officer, Highland General Hospital, Oakland Cal ifur-nia; DeLois Weekes, Assistant Professor, University o-F Calif. San Francisco School o-F Nursi ng ; Wanda Green, Reg i stered Nurse. INTRO: I-£»J CAN ~R I CAl\l--Pt'ER I CA\JS AD-UEly£: BETTER I£ALTH DESPITE HISTORIC DISCRIMI~TIO\J ~D SHRII\KII\G PUBLIC RESOJRCES? PRDFESSIc:NQL NJRSES TeD< UP TI-£ ~I\GE AT THE FIFTH ~ BLACK NJRSES SYMPOSIUM. CATHY a:t'E~ [~n-gayJ REPORTS: 6. (4:08) I\EWS FRa'l SHJRTVJAVE RADIO. Iri/out.cuet "If you had been listening ••• contact Radio fur Peace care o-F WII\GS." On tape: Esty Oirur, ed. l.\bdd Perspectives. INTRO: NO MClTTER lIJ-lAT CCLNTRY YOJ LIVE IN, TI-E !"EDlA ARO...J\JD YCJJ WILL BE LIMITED BY TI-£ I R NATI c:NQL PERSPECTI VE. O\E v..lAY TO BREAK Tf-USE LIMITS IS TO LISTEN TO OTI-£R CQ.J\JTRIES' PRCGRPtM"lII\G, O\J SHJRTv..lAVE. FRIEDA VERDEN REPORTS FOR WII\GS: ••• Sl...B3ESTED D..JTRO: liDRLD PERSPECTIVES - MAGAZH£ CF NEWS FROVl SHJRTWAV£: 8O..JRCES - D4/\l BE REPtCl-ED AT P.O. BOX 3074, MClDlSO\l, WISCCNSIN, -U. S . A. A SAMPLE COPY IS $1. 75 (U•S. i , FOR I /\FORMATI O\J A80JT TI-E WCJ'£N' S PRCGRAM1 I I\G 0\1 RAD IO FOR PEPCE II\ITERNATIOI\IPL, CQ\JTACT KATI-£Rll\E DAV£:NPORT AT WII\GS, P.O. BOX 5307, f<I:i\JSAS CITY -n 64131 U.S.A. 7. (4:45 - module, 4: 19) TI-£ RESISTAr\CE IN IRPQ. If using this story as a mocLle, read your introdu.ction in place o-F Frieda's, and take this as youI'" incue: "What message are you ••• OJtcue: ••• March 30 through Apl""i 1 1." INTRODLCTIO\J: THE lI01EN' S INTE~TICJ\1C\L DEM:CRATIC FEDERATIO\I HELD ITS 10TH WORLD CQ\JGRESS IN SHEFFIELD, ENGLAND. WII\GS' CORRESPO\lDENT J~ BASDEN INTERVIEVED ~ IRAQUI DELEGATE ~ SUPPORTS Tf-E RESISTA!\CE PGPlINST SADM"l t-lBSEIN: ••• WINGS WEEKLY SUBSCRIBERS - The other side of your newscast cassette should have this program, targeted to the week of May 5-11: *19-91 Gladys Sibrian of the FMLN. (27:52) Louise Rocha interviews a member of El Salvador's armed opposition - about her personal history as a social worker who became politicized, and about the position of women within the FMLN and in her country as a whole. IF YOU ARE NOT YET A SUBSCRIBER TO WINGS WEEKLY, you're missing a lot of very interesting programs. You can order back editions for $9 each. or subscribe now and get 13 for $99 ($7.62 each). The most recent releases are: *18-91 Not in Our Names: Jewish Women Re-Thinking the Middle East. Susan Rivo produced this program with voices of six womeh: Miranda Bergman, Break the Silence Mural Project; Marcia Freedman, former member Israeli Knesset; Penny Rosenwasser, journalist; Bracha Serri, Yemenite Israeli peace activist and poet; Naomi Seidman, student of Hebrew literature; Barbara Lubin, Executive Director, Middle East Children's Alliance. *16-91 Women on the Line *103-B (women's radio program from Australia, produced at 3CR in Melbourne by Ruth Barney) Part 1: "From Kitchen to Cabinet: Women Politicians in the '90s" International Women's Day remarks by: Joan Kirner, Premier of Victoria; Janet Powell, Parliamentary Leader, Australian Democrats; Marie Tehan, Liberal Party; Carmen Lawrence, Premier, Western Australia; Christine Milne, Green Independent, Tasmania. Part 2: "Women in the Occupied Territories Face War" Jan Barlett talks with a Palestinian woman about Israel's 24-hour curfew during the Gulf War and women's actions in the intifada. *15-91 Women's Health - a Specialty. Dr. Karen Johnson says Women's Primary Healthcare is an emerging new medical specialty that looks at the whole woman, not just her reproductive parts. Johnson, a psychiatrist, has published in JAMWA, the Journal of the American Medical Women's Association. Her talk to the American Medical Student Annual Convention in March 1991 was sponsored by the Standing Committee on Women in Medicine. *14-91 Juanita Nelson, Tax Resister. Nelson has refused to pay taxes since 1948 because of her opposition to war. So far she has spent only one day in jail. Speech February 1991 at a conference titled "Life of Resistance." Produced for WINGS by Behr of KMUD-FM. *13-91 Magda Enrigues of the Sandinista Front. Sue Supriano interviews this representative about women and feminism in Nicaragua before and after the election of Pre~ident Violetta Chamorro. *12-91 A Tribute to Emma Goldman. Program produced by Tish Valva features a host of distinguished readers - mostly women - who appeared at the San Francisco Public Library September 16, 1990, to honor the 50th anniversary of the feminist anarchist's death. TO ORDER, WRITE OR CALL: WINGS, P.O. Box 5307, Kansas City MO 64131 USA. Phone (816)361-7161. To order tapes, U.S. stations may call 1-800-798-9703. 11\\111111111111 1' " MAY 19 91 News Service WINGS: Women's International Gathering P.o. Box 5307, Kansas City, Missouri 64131 USA (816) 361-7161 LINEUP FOR WINGS NEWSCAST : WOMEN IN KURDISH CULTURE (4:05) Shayee Khanaka, a folklorist now living in Berkeley, California was interviewed by Sue Supriano. GERMAN UNITY & ABORTION (5: 02 ) Women f r om the former East & West Germanies shared a podium in San Francisco at a Goethe Institute conference ·t i t l e d , "Women, Power, Institutions". Catherine Girardeau filed this story form Berkele y for WINGS. EMERGING SOVIET FEMINISM (7:3 3) Women from many nations met in Sheffi eld Uni versity over the Easter weekend at the 10th Congre ss of the Women's International Democratic Federation. Suzanne Phillips & J ane Basden were there for WINGS. VI OLENCE AGAINST WOMEN ACT in the U.S. (6: 34 ) Th e Violence against women act is bill #S - 1 5 in the U.S. Senate . Frieda Werden reports. IRISH WOMEN"S RIGHTS YESTERDAY & TODAY (4:17) Kala Craft sent WINGS this sample of her radio program on Options Community Radio for the Burrough of Dunleary, County Dublin Ireland; it's on the status of women in Ireland. Th e music is by the Chieftains a nd is c a l l e d Southern Wind. Recent half-hours form WINGS: ff-/b - q I coo»: <f.V {) /VTJtr: L I ,I..//: 1=1= I C) } 'fJ TWO WOMEN FROM NORTHERN IRELAND Two interviews conducted in Northern Ireland by J ane Basden. First y o u ' l l hear Irene Sherry, a N at~onalist who has a b r o t her doing life in a prison in England. Next, Jennifer McCann of the Republican POW Dept.; she was recently released from prison after 10~ years of a 20 year sentence. INTERVIEW WITH PETRA KELLY (a co-founder of the German Green Party). This interview i s by Catherine Girardeau and was done while Petra was in California recently. AMERI CAN DINING a humorous half-hour from New Radio and Performing Ar t s by J erry Allen; it's subtitle d "A Working Woman's Moment". WINGS: Women's International News Gathering Service * PO Box 5307 Kansas City MO 64131 USA Phone /Fa x: (816)361-7161 US toll-free order line: (800)798-9703 LINEUP FOR JUNE 1991 WINGS NEWSCAST * * (WINGS #26-90 Target dates June 23-29 Time: 28:59) 1. (5 :07) ABORTION CENSORED. IN /OUTCUE: "In the recent U.S. Supreme ••• For TranSisters in London, I 'm Maud Hand." Suggested Intro: THE U.N. HAS ESTABLISHED THAT THERE IS A BASIC HUMAN RIGHT TO GIVE AND RECEIVE INFORMATION. THIS MAY APPLY TO INFORMATION ABOUT ABORTION. WINGS SENDS THIS REPORT ABOUT THE GAG RULE NOW IN FORCE IN IRELAND: ... 2. (7 :3 1 ) "WHO CALLS THE SHOTS?" IN MEDIA. IN /OUTCUE: " I n Manila, Philippines ••• the Women's International News Gathering Service." Suggested Intro: THE · LIMITED COVERAGE OF SERIOUS WOMEN'S ISSUES IN MEDIA MAY WELL BE A FUNCTION OF "WHO CALLS THE SHOTS?" A CONFERENCE ON THAT QUESTION WAS COVERED BY WINGS: ... 3. (6: 10) TWO VIEWS OF EUROPEAN UNITY. IN/OUTCUE: " Th e recent visit ••• the Commonwealth Club of CaliFornia." Suggested Intro: BY THE END OF NEXT YEAR, WESTERN EUROPE IS SUPPOSED TO DROP ITS ECONOMIC BORDERS AND BECOME ONE. BOTH THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND AND THE INFORMATION DIRECTOR OF THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION RECENTLY TRAVELED TO THE UNITED STATES TO EXPLAIN AND TO REASSURE AMERICANS. KATHERINE DAVENPORT OF WINGS REPORTS: ... 4. (4:48) WOMEN'S RIGHTS IN A NEW SOUTH AFRICA. IN/OUTCUE: "Since the unbanning ••. I'm Frieda Werden." Suggested Intro: MARGINALIZED IN THE PLANNING FOR A NEW POLITICAL ORDER IN SOUTH AFRICA, WOMEN ARE MOVING TO MAKE SURE THEIR RIGHTS DON'T GET LOST ALONG THE WAY. HERE'S MORE FROM WINGS: .•• 5. (3:56) HOW PROSTITUTES AVOID AIDS. IN/OUTCUE: "The Praed Street Project ••• this is Marianne Craig For TranSisters women's radio group, London. " Suggested Intro: TEN YEARS AGO, WHEN AIDS WAS FIRST DECLARED AN EPIDEMIC, PROSTITUTES WERE TARGETED AS CARRIERS OF THE DISEASE. WINGS SENDS THIS REPORT FROM LONDON ON PROSTITUTES WHO MINIMIZE THEIR RISKS: ... INDIVIDUAL CASSETTES FROM WINGS ARE $9 EACH. IF YOU DON'T YET SUBSCRIBE TO WINGS WEEKL Y, YOU MAY WISH TO ORDER THESE TAPES FOR BROADCAST: #28-91 CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE ARMS TRADE - Producer, Helene Rosenbluth, London. #27-91 AFRICA, WOMEN ~ THE ENVIRONMENT - Lively speech by Wangari Maathai, founder of Kenya's Greenbelt Movement, indicting the logic of development. Recorded by Sue Supriano and edited by WINGS. #25-91 THE NEW EUROPE OF 1992 - Half-hour version of speech before the Commonwealth Club by Collette Flesch of Luxembourg, Director-General for Information, Communication and Culture of the European Commission. #24-91 AIDA LAVAl ASSOCIATION OF THE NEW FILIPINA - Jane Basden interviews " S i s t e r Aida, " who works with the home-based women workers of the Philipines. #23-91 INTERVIEW WITH PETRA KELLY - Producer, Catherine Girardeau - update on women's issues in the unified Germany. #21-91 TWO WOMEN FROM NORTHERN IRELAND - Interview by Jane Basden. #20-91 "AMERICAN DINING" - An audio art piece about women's work, produced by Gerri Allen, courtesy of New American Radio. WIf\K3S: 1.01EN' S INTERNATI(}JAL NEWS GATHERIl\G SERVICE Fa BJX 5307, KANSAS CITY ro 64131 USA PHONE/FAX: (816)361-7161 U.S. ORDER LINE (STATIONS ONLY): (800)798-9703 LINEUP SHEET FOR WINGS ' JULY 1991 NEWSCAST (WINGS #30-91 i TIME: 28:58 (TARGET B'CAST DATES : JULY 21-JULY27, 1991) I. (4: 22 ) HONG KONG WOMEN &THE BILL OF RIGHTS. On tape: Seli na Chow, Member, Hong Kong Legislative Council, interviewed bY Frieda werden. IN /CUTCUES: "In the pragmati c atmosphere I'm Frieda werden." SUggested Intro: AN OLD TREATY EXPIRES IN 1997, RETLRNING f-CN:3 KQ\K3 TO CHINA. A\t.O"l.AN LEGISLATOR FRO'1 rrn:; KCN3 DISCUSSES sa1E K:PES, FEARS, AND PLANS FOR CH.AJ\GE IN THIS REPORT FRC11 WINGS: ... 2. (5:56) NATIONAL COUNCIL ON INTERNATIONAL HEALTH. On tape: Peggy Kur land, co-chair; U.S . Congresswoman Pat Schroeder ; Surgeon-General of the U.S. Or . Antonia Novel lo; Swedish Mini ster for Health &Social Affairs, Ingele Talen; Carmen Barroso, Senior population Advisor, MacArthur Foundation. IN/CUT: "The National Council .. . by Elayne Cl ift ." Intra: FCR THE FIRST TIME IN ITS HISTORY, THE U.S. 'S NATIONAL COUNCIL ON INTERNATIONAL HEALTH HELD ACONFERENCE FOCUSEDON WOMEN. TIM) n-ruSAND PECPLE ATIENDED, INCLLDING MANYWELL-K~ ADVOCATES FCR WJ'1EN 'S HEALTH. HERE' S r--ffiE FRCtl WINGS: ... Suggest ed outro for U. S. stati ons: THAT PACKAGE a: 22 lM11EN' S HEALTH BILLS PAT SCf-RJEDER MENTIONED IS THE WJ"1EN 'S HEALTH ECUITY ACT. YOU CAN CROER ASLM'1ARYOR A Copy BY CALLING YOUR U. S. SENATOR CR REPRESENTATIVE. 3. (4:26 ) NURSES' POLITICAL AGENDA. On tape: Texas St at e Senator Eddie Bernice Johnson; American Nurses ' Association 1st V-P, Virginia Betts; ANA Executive Dir. Barbara Redman. IN/CUT: "Politics is real lv not ... I 'm Frieda Werden. "Int ra : AT THE END OF JL1'JE, NLRSES MET INTHE US AND JAMAICATO WORK CUT THEIR POLITICAL AGENDAS. FRIEDA WERDEN OF WINGS FILED THIS REPORT: ... 4. (1:42) MATERNITY LEAVE, PHILIPPINE STYLE. [Short item, not on Billboard at head of program. ] On tape: Dramat ic excerpt from a pub1ic servi ce announcement bY the Center for Women ' s Resources. IN/OJT: "Femini sts in ... United St at es has none. " SUggested Intra: f\ru fiERE'S A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT THAT COULDPUT THE FIGHTING SPIRIT IN YOU - COURTESY OF WINGS: ... 5. (5:33 ) ISIS INTERNATI(}JAL roVES TO THE PHILIPPINES. On tape: Larraine Abad-Sarmiento, Coord. for Admin. &Programs, ISIS Mani la; AmParo Claro, Coord. Latin Amer. &Caribbean Women 's Health Network. IN/OJT: "Is i s Internationa l ... t his is Kat heri ne Davenport. " Intra: A WELL-K~ FEMINIST INFCRMATIO'J NETh.a<KHAS ["DVED ITS BASE OF CPERATIO'JS FRC11 THE "FIRST \<ffiLD" TO THE "THIRD. " KATHERINE DAVENPORT.EXPLAINS: Additional information: PeoPle may call for the address to send relief assistance: ISIS INTERNATIONAL 85-A EAST MAYA ST. , PHlLArlLIFE HOMES QUEZON CITY, PHILIPPINES 6. (5:35) GlCBAL ASSEr-BLY OF \D1EN AND THE ENVIRCNMENT. en tape: Joan Martin-Brown, LN Environmental Program; Prabha Bhardwaj, Board r-ember Wor ldWIDE. IN/OUT: "The lJlited Nations Miami , Flor ida, USA. " Intra: AN lPCO'1IM3 GLCBAL ASSEI'BLY IS INTENDED TO srcw THE I.o.CRLD f-()..J WELL WOMEN DEAL WITH PROBLEMS OF THE ENVIRONMENT. HERE 'S MORE FROM WINGS: ... Additiona l information can be cbta ined from Wor ldWIDE Network, 1331 HStreet NW, Suite 003, Wash ington DC 20005 USA. TelePhone: (202) 347- 151 4 ~~~~ ...~*~~*~.*~*****~~*~****~••~.~*~*******•••**••*********~********. WINGS WEEKLY subscr ibers will find on the reverse of thi s casset t e WINGS #32-91, ffi. HELEN CALDICOn, PART III: ENVIRCNMENTAL SOLUTIO'JS. TIME: 29:17 Dr. Caldicot t is a mesmeri zing speaker. Other recent half-hours that non-SUbscribers are mi ssing i nc lude : ffi. HELEN CALDICOn, PART I: V01EN AND WAA (#29-9]) ffi. HELEN CALDICOn, PART II: OVERPCPULATION AND EXTINCTIO'J (#31-9'1) CAf1=iAIGJ AGAINST THE ARMS TFW)E, produced by f-Elen Rosenblut h, (#28-91) WOMEN, AFRICA AND THE ENVIRONMENT - SPEECH BY WANGARI MAATHAI (anot her fasc inating speaker, and the founder of KenYa 's Greenbel t ~b vement. THE THREE HALF-HOUR of Dr. Helen Caldicott a r e available for $18 from WINGS. Call us at 1-800-798-9703 to order. WIt\GS: Waren' s Intemati ens1 News Gatheri ng servt ce PO Box 5307, Kansas City ro 6ll.131 USA Pha"le/FAX: (816)361-7161 Program Descr ipti(~ for WI~3S #35-91 TIME: 29j16 (T8r Q8t 8r{~ac8st Dates AuGUst 25-31) 1. (5:07) U.S. ASSO:IATI~ CF BLACK ~ISTS MEETS. 01 Tape: Sidme1 Estes-SulTPter, President-Elect, NABJ; Carol SilTPson, AOC/Capitol Cities-TV. IN/CUTcues: "I want to PUt the industry on notice ... Reporting for Wlf\KJS, I'm Katherine Davenport. " SLlEESTED INTKO: W)"1EN WERE PRa1INENT PARTICIP,ANTS AT THE 16th ANNUAL ~FERE!'CE Cf THE NATICNAL ASSOCIATIO'J Cf BLACK JOURNALISTS [IN THE U.S.] HERE'S MORE FROM Wlf\KJS: ... 2. (2:48) ll-lE FREt-O-i PRIME MINISTER. 01 Tape: Edith Cresson, P.M.; Liz Jensen, Reporter. IN/CUT: "France has its first ... in France for WIf\KJS." SLGJESTED INTf?J [can reotece the brief intro on tape): FRANCE HAS ITS FIRST WOMAN PRIME MINISTER - EDITH CRESSON [CRESS-ahwn] - LIZ JENSEN REPCRTS FeR WI~S: ... 3. (3:33) M.AJ<It-l3 ENOS MEET IN T.ANZftNIA. 01 Tape: Chemi Ch8lTPOllda Kadete, Reporter Dar Es salaam Daily News &Merrber Executive Ccxrrnittee Tanzania Media Wo"ral 's Association. IN/CUT: "Women are coming UP .•• for Wlf\KJS, L'm Frieda werden. " SLlEESTED INmJ: TANZANIA IS AN ECQ\01Y IN lRANSITIc:1'J - AND AS USUAL, W'1EN ARE TAJ<It\G L.P TI-E SLACK. CHEMI CHEr'PO'JDA TALKED WITH Wlt\GS co--PRCO.£ER FRIEDA WERDEN: 4. (2: 44) Wl1EN STRIKE IN SWITZERLAN). 01 Tape: Bi anca Mi9 1i oretto, Women's Desk, Radi 0 LoRa, Zuri en. IN/CUT: "Ten years ago the Swi ss voted in favor of ecua1 pay...Women S I Internati ana1 News Gathering Servi ce. SlLGESTED INTf?J: sa1E \oD1EN T())( THE DAY CfF - SCJ1E O'JLY T())( AN I-U.R. THE SWISS NATIO'JAL WJ'1EN' S STRIKE DID'J 'T BRIt\G THE ca.NTRY TO A HALT, BlJT IT DID M.AJ<E AN IMPRESSION. HERE'S MORE FROM WIt\GS: 5. (6:33) THE RQ6D TO LITHJANIA'S INDEPENDE~E. IN/CUT: "Aldana Vasaitis Sehgal is Vice President of the Lithuanian Ameri can RePUblican Association of Northern California ... i ntervi ewed bv Sue Supri ano for WIt\GS. " SLlEESTED INmJ: St-OJLD LITHUANIA SElTLE ~ WITH THE SOVIET LNlaJ? -- MAYBE THAT'S LIKE ASKIt\G IF A BAD MARRIAGE IS BETTER THAN ro M.ARRIAGE AT ALL. A LITHUANIAN-AMERICAN DISCUSSES BOTH QUESTIaJS IN THIS STeRY FROM WIt\GS: ... 6. (3: 21) ~SCIENTIOOS CEJECTffi SENTE~ED /U•S. WAR CRlt'ES TRIElNALS. 01 Tape: U.S. ArmY Doctor Yol anda f-tJet-Vaughn; Diane Wong, Ccxrrnision on the InClJiry into the U.S. Crirres in the Middle East. IN/arT: "A seven-man U.S. ArmY court martial ... interviewed for WIt\GS bY Caro1yn Swanson." SLmESTED INmJ: PEOPLE WH) WERE SHXKED BY THE DESTRLCTIVE WAR AGAINST IRAQ ARE STILL RESISTING. TIM) SLCH ItD1EN SPEAJ< IN THIS REPCRT FROM WINGS: . .. [we recei ved thi s nurrtler for Information on Commission of Inquiry hearings September 14 in California: (415)8216545.] 7. (3:33) LOS ANGELES W1EN S BUILDI~ CLOSES. 01 Tape: Perf ormance arti st Linda Fry Burnham; CathY Clark , Artistic Director, Los Angeles Women 's Building; SherrY Galkey[sp?J, rrerrber, Board of Directors. IN/CUT: "The Los Angeles Women's Building ... this is Diane T()(){lEY." Sl..mESTED INTf\D: THE ECrnJ1IC Sf-DALS OF THE 1905 ARE TAKING THEIR TQL Q\I ~EN S CULT1.RAL INSTITUTIQ\lS. LIKE THE FEMINIST ART INSTITUTE IN NEW YORK, THE LOS ANGELES ItD1EN'S BUILDING IS ro MORE. THE LADER I S REMEr-EERED IN THIS STeRY FROM WIf\KJS: ... II I I « {< « IF YOO SLESCRIBE TO Tl-£ NEWSCAST ~LY, YOJ'RE MISSI~ 3/4 CF Ya.R WI~S!!! >} » » FOR $99 A QUARTER (WITH CREDI T FOR YOUR PAID-uP NEWSCAST SUBSCRI PTI Q\I) YOU CAN GET THE NEWSCAST ~ 40 HALF-HOURS A YEAR, LIKE THESE RECENT POWERFUL PROGRAMS: WINGS #33-91 "Power: Is It a Sexual Thing?" Tumu ltuous panel of leading AfricanAmerican women comment at or s from the National Association of Black Journali sts Convention. WINGS #29,3 1 & 32 Dr. Helen Caldicott's Speech in Tbree Parts: "01 Women & War," "Overpopulation &Extinction," &"Enviroomental Solutions." Mesmerizing speaker - resPOnse is overwhelming! WINGS #34-91 Condoleezza Rice: US-USSR Relations. One of the highest-ranking African-American women in the ear l Y years of the Bush administration di scusses the diplomatic watershed. U.S. STATI~S CALL TQL-FREE TO SLESCRIBE: 1-800-798-9703 OTHERS, INCLUDING LISTENERS, CALL: (816)361-7161. WIl\G8a Women'!!I International News Gathering Service PO Bo)( 5307, Kansas City r-o 64131 LSA Phore/FAX: (816)361-7161 P~og~am Desc~iption ~r WINGS #39-91 TIME: 29:12 (Ta r ge t S'cast Dates 9 /22-30/91) 1. (6: 29) CXl"ESTIC ,M..JRlER IN BRITAIN. On Tape: Sto~y on Sa~a Thornt.on case, by Helene Rosenbluth, wi th actual i ty -from demonst~ations. IN/aJTc:ues: "In Au.gust, the Sri tish Cou~ts longte~m spoLlsal abuse." SLGGESTED INTRO: IN BRITAIN, ~N lr\HJ KILL AElLSI'vE I-U38ANDS ARE CFTEN SENTEN:ED F~ PRB-EDITATED I'1..JRIER, lAoHILE I"EN VHJ KILL ~I~ WIVES GET CFF WITH ~TER. ~ Jt.eTICE ~ 8RCl.G-fT ~ TO TI-£ STREETS IN PROTEST. I-£RE' S TI-£ STORY, FRCJ1 WII\G8: ••• 2. (4 : 18) A TREATY Q\l VICLEJ\CE AGAINST l.4O"EN. On Tape: Rhonda Copelon, atto~ney [ was Maria &1a~ez]. IN/aJTc:ues: "In the next -fe...I yea ~ s ... Radio ~~ Peace Inte~national." SLGGESTED INTRa: NJ INTE~TI~ AGREEJ"ENT ~ EVER EXPLICITLY REQ.JlRED STATES TO PROTECT ~ FRCM VIa...EN:E. B.JT ll-E r-EMBERS CF' ll-E ORGANIZATIQ\l CF' ~RICA\l STATES ~Y EE READY TO TAAE Tl-lAT STEP. ll-E PRCCESS ·IS EXPLAII\ED IN THIS REPORT FRCJ1 WII\G8: ••• [P.S. To o~der a sho~twave b~oadcast schedule -fo~ F.I.R.E. - Feminist Inte~national Radio Endeavou~, w~ite: Radio ~~ Peace Inte~national, BOx 88, Santa Ana, Costa Rica.] 3. (3:01) 10TH Al\NI'vERSARY CF' Ya..LCW5ATE. On Tape: Inte~view wi th a demonst~ato~ -f~om the women's peace camp at G~eenham Comnon [p~ovided · by Radio Pi~ate Woman]. IN/OJTc:ues: " I am nonviolent ••. Radio Pi~ate Woman o-f Galway, I~eland. " SLG(ESTED INTRO: RELENTLESS I\Q\lVIa..ENT RESI8TAN:E 18 ll-E '~CF' ll-E ~'8 PEPCE CAMP a.JTSIIE Tr£ CRUISE MISSILE BASE IN ~, EN:i...ANO. WIl\G8 REPORTS CN Tr£IR 10TH AN\lIVIERSARY: 4. (3:01> FETAL Rla-rrs IN AlJ8T~IA. On Tape: Statement by D~. Jocelyn Scutt [p~ovided by Wonen on the Line]. IN/aJTcues: "Last month in i a ••. Wonen' s Inte~national News Gathering Se~vice." SLGGESTED INTRO: l-I.I-ERE 00 A FETUS'S RIG-ITS EEGIN AND A PREGf\A\JT ~. S RIGHT8 END? THIS GLESTICN 18 RAIS II\G I'E:W a::N:ERNS IN ALSTRfLIA, AS YaJ' LL !-EAR IN TH18 REPORT ... FRCJ'1 WI1\G8: 5. (4: 15 ) EERLIN OJRII\G TI-£ CXJ..JP. On Tape: voi cer' by ~epo~te~ Vi c k i Voss. IN/aJTc:ues: "The c i ty o-f Serlin .•• For WIN3S, I'm Vicki Voss." SLGGESTED INTRO: OJRII\G ll-E EDVIET OOJP, ~T GE~ FEARED r-e BEAR' S PAW AGA IN. VI0<I V'OS8 REPORTS FRCJ'1 EERLIN FOR WI I\GSI ••• 6. (6:39) FREE TRAIE 8c PO..LUTIQ\l IN I"EXICO. On Tape: NeighborhOCld activists in Matalro~os, Mexico: Emna Mendez de Rosa, Sa~a de Leon de Cantu, and Dona Manuela Cabellero. Translator: Patty Salas. was Sally JacquesJ. IN/aJTcues: "In Septembe~, the U.S•••• For Wll\ES, I'm Frieda Wer-den." ·Si.GESTED INTRO: IN TI-£ CCNIf\6 TRAlE I\EGOTIATICl'S EEThEEN I"EXICO AND TI-E U. S., Tl-£RE IS PUB-IC PRE88l.JRE FRCJ'1 8JTH CCl.NTRIES TO If\O..U[E EJ\NIRO\f"ENT~ AND LAB:R PROTECTICN. ll-E EJ\NIRCN"ENT~ IMPACT CF FREE TRAtE IS ri:o...ttENTED IN THIS STORY FRCJ'1 WIN38: ••• **************************************************** ************************ &1bscriptions to WIN3S I.<.EEKLY are $99 -for 13 programs. H you don't subscribe to WII\ES \.AEEKLY, you may wish to order these ha 1-f-hours fur $9 each: #40-91: ANDREA DWORKIN AT SENECA FALLS. Rousing speech by well-known anti-pornography activist, on the 51st anniversary o-f U.S. women's right to vo t e , at the site o-f the -first women's rights convention. Recorded digitally by WEOS-FM. #38-91: ENID SCHREIBMAN - CENTER FOR US-USSR INI TI AT IVES. Schreibman discusses the human SlOe o-f changes in the Soviet Union in this interview wi th Sue Supriano. #37-91: YOJTH 8< TI-£ El\NIRQ\f"£NT. At a LN meeting in Nairobi, women leaders describe how youth grapple with problems in the Philippines, Ke nya , Thailand, South A-frica, and the U.S. Interviews by P~abha Sha~dwaj. #36-91: VO"EN IN LNIO\IS 8< OTl-£R STORIES. ian comrrum t y radio program "Women on the Line" gives a historical view ·6f discrimination aga inst women wo~ker-s, a r-epor-t on how the U.S. watered down the ban on mining in Anta~ctica, and suggestions -for building a nonviolent society. WII\GS: LC"EN' 8 INTE~TICl\A.. I\EWS GATl-ERII'E SERVICE P.O. BOX 5307, ~ CITY /"0 64131 USA Pl-O\E/FAX: (816)361-7161 #43-91 - OCTOBER I\EW8CA8T Tine: 29:38 Target broadcast dates: October 20- 26 , 1991 1. (5:53) U.S. Vil"EN ~ FOR SURVI VPL. Incue/G..ttcue: "When we talkin bout a summit ••. I 'm Kat her-i ne Davenpor-t. " Field Recor-ding: Ana Luisa Sinclair-. On tape: Diane Ber-nard, Michigan NatIonal Welfar-e Ri gh t s Un i o n ; Cher-i Honkala, National Up & Out of Pover-ty Gr-oup; Rene Pecot, Women's Economic Agenda Pr-oject; Jer-a leen Thor-nton-Peterson, California welfare r-eci p l ent; Judy Stoll, Welfar-e Wa r-r i o r s fran Wisconsin. Sl...GEESTED INTRO: FEDERPL PND STATE GJVERNl"ENTS I N H-E U. S. ARE WITHDRAWI I\JG SUPPORT FRO'1 THE POOR. TO TRY TO PROTECT THEMSELVES, POOR WOMEN ARE PL Ai\JI\I I NG A NATICNCL WOMEN'S SURVIVAL SLJ1MIT - YCU' LL HEAR FRO'1 so-e CF THE PLAl\Jf\ERS IN THIS REPORT FRO'1 WII\IGS: I-f l i etieoere ask -for an address: !Nomen's Economic Agenda Pt""oJect; 518 - 17th St; Oakland, Califor-nia 94612. (510) 451 - 7379 . 2. (3: 30) DALE SPENDER Ol\l SEXIST DATABASES. I n/C1J.t: "How ar-e we going to get lNOm8n's k now l e dge encoded ••. available through WII\IGS. " On tape: Feminist histor-ian and linguist Dr-. Dale Spanoer . Source: Ruth Barney/!Nomen on the LIne. SL6GESTED INTRO: I;JI-iILE CRITICS ON THE RIGHT RAGE ABOUT THE INFILTRATIOl\l OF WOMEN'S STUDIES INTO COLLEGE QJRRIClLA, THE MAKERS CF SCH:l..ARLY DATABASES ARE QUIETLY DROPPII\JG iAOMEN FROM THE RECORD. RE:l\J(),AJ\iEO FEMINIST SCHl.AR OPLE SPENDER EXPLAINS I N TI-£ FCl..LONING ITEM FROM WINGS: ••. If-£: I-RF-+OJR OF "Wl-£RE IS FEMI NI SM GO I I\JG? " Hf.:lS f"lJRE CF DALE SPENDER, PLUS 3 OTHER VI GORQJS THEORI STS: RENATE k LE I N, JOCELYNNE SCUTT, AND SHEILA JEFFREYS. SINGLE CASSETTES ARE $9 EACH. 3. (2: 42) ARAB WO"EN' S SOLI DARITY JEOPARD! ZED. I n/C1J. t: " The Arab VJomen's So I i dadt Y ASSOCI at I o n ••• I 'm Kat he r-i ne Davsnport. " On tape: Dt"". Nawal EI Saadawi, foundet"" , AWSA. SL.66ESTED INTRO: A FEMINIST ORGANI ZATIQ\J BASED IN EGYPT HAS BEEN I3AN\ED BY Tf-£: GOVERf'J"ENT. ITS FOLNDER IS THE INTERNATIONALL Y KI\OIJN WRITER AND PSYCHIATRIST NAlNA.. EL SAADPiAJI - w-D'1 YCU WILL rEAR IN THI S REPORT FRO'1 WII\JGS: ••. OPTIa.PL aJTRO: Women liVing Under- !"'us 1im Laws, based in France, is urging women worldwide to wr-ite the United Nations and the Egyptian gover-nment and ItS embassies in suppor-t of the Ar-ab Women's Solidar- ity Association. The gt""oup goes to court October 31 . 4. (6:48) NORTH-SClJTH SPLIT OVER CLIMATE CHANGE. In/out: "Who is causing g lobal war-ming? ••• Women's Inter-nationa l News Gather-ing Ser-vIce. " Source: Pt""abha Bhardwaj, Nair-obi. On tape: Faith Gr-ace Mlay, Tanzania; Pr a oha Bhar-dwaJ, k e ny a Wor-ldWlDE; Lisa Vi l l e l a , biologist, Hondur-as; Gladys Ramothwa, Di t""ector- of Meteor-ologl cal SerVICes, Botswana; Yasuko Matsumoto, Gr-eenpeace J apa n . St..EEESTED INTRO: THE U. S. IS NOW n-E O\LY INDUSTRIALI ZED COUNTRY TI--lAT STILL f-JAS A CHEAP FUEL POLICY AND WON 'T AGREE TO STABILI ZE CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS. OTHER NATIONS, ESPECIALLY IN THE DEVELOPI I\JG WORLD, ARE AFRAI 0 OF THE EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE. ftRE' S I"DRE FRO'1 WINGS: ••• 5. (3: 40) l.'JJI"EN PtND Tft U. S. BILL OF RIGHTS. In/Out: " Women & the BIll o-f Rights ••• Bicentennial of the U. S. Constitution. " On tape: Chr-istina Bat jer-, instr-uctor- o-f pol itical science, St. I"!ar-y of the Woods College; Nellie Simtol , attor-ney. Tape sout""ce: St. ["la r y of the Woods Co l lege. st..EC:ESTED INTRO: Tf-E UNITED STATES BILL OF RI GHTS IS NON 200 YEARS OLD. IT HAS BEEN EMULATED IN CONSTITUT I ONS AROUND THE WORLD. BUT WOMEN NOTED AT A RECENT FORU'I THAT THE SECURITY OF THEI R RI Gl-nS DEPENDS LARGELY Ol\l PREVAI LI NG I NTERPRETATI (]\j: ••• OPTICJVAL. WTRO FOR u. S. SmTIONS: Don't -forget to vote November- 5. 6. (5: 11) Tft NATI~ ItO"EN'S COI\IFERENCE COMMITTEE. In/Out: "Nati o nal Women's Confer-ence Commi ttee - we are ••• 53916. On tape: Lee Bur-d, NWCC Conference Ot""gani zer , SUGGESTED INTRO: IN 1977 , U. S. WOMEN OFFICIALLY PASSED A NATIONAL WOMEN'S PLAN OF ACTION; BUT WHEN THEY BEGAN TO I MPLEr' IENT IT, THE GOVERN"ENT WITHDREW ITS SUPPORT. THAT PLAN OF ACTIOl\l STILL EXISTS, t-ONEVER, AND MANY OF n£ ORI GI NAL F~RS ARE STI LL WORKI NG FOR ITS PROVI SI ONS. WI NGS REPORTS ON THE NATIONAL WOMEN'S CONFERENCE COMMITTEE: •.• OPTI~ DUTRO: That address to locate copies o-f the Na t i o na l Women's Pl a n of Action and other- publIcations, is: NWCC, Box 455, Beaver- Dam WI 53916. 7. (:23) UPDATE ON LAST MONTH'S GREENHAM ANNIVERSARY STORY. Voicer by Ka t he r-i ne Davenport. In/C1J.t: " I mmed i a t e ly after ••. Women's Wal k acr-oss Sa lisbut""y Plain. NOV EMBER 199 1 \\\l\\\\\!t!~\~\\\\~\\\\\\\ l\\I\\\\IIIIIIII'" Women's International News Gathering Service P.O. Box 5307, Kansas City, Missouri 64131 USA Phone/FAX: (816)361-716 1 THIS IS TH E NOVEMBER 1991 EDIT I ON OF THE WINGS MO NT HL{N EWS CAS T , TIME : 2 7 :3 HEADLIN ES & TIM ES : HA RD TO GET NEWS ABOUT JU DGE ( CLARE NCE) THOMAS ( 5:53) Ro b i n M0 r 9 an, Ed i t o r 0 f Ms . Mag a z i nere cor d e d a t t he Unit e d Nat i on s i n New Y0 r k 0 n U. N. Da y, 0 ct. 2 4 t h , 1 991 . Ms . M0 r 9 a n wa s one of three p r e s en t e r s on a panel o n "Se x St ereo typin g i n the Me d i a " . S he b eg ins b y b r i n gin 9 0 uti n f o r mat io n abo u t J u d 9 e CI are n c e Th o mas t hat t 0 d ate ( N0 v . 1 3, 1 9 9 1) s til I has not " g 0 n e mai n s tr e a m". Wa RLD Wa MEN 'S CON GRES S FO R A HEA"LT HY PLAN ET ( 3 : 2 3 ) T he s econ d week of No vembe r the re were two interna t i onal women 's conf er enc es o n th e environme nt he ld in Miami, Florid a; F r i e d a We r den c 0 v e re d the sec 0 n fe r e n c e s f or WI NGS • You ' I I b e h ea r i n 9 more tape fr om these c o n f e r e n c e s in the mo n t h s ahead. BURMESE Wa MAN WIN S NOBEL P EACE P RI Z E ( 6 : 2 9) Wh a t a pleas ant su rpr ise! The Nobe l Peace Prize was a warded to Aun g Sa n S uu Ky i, t h~ l e a d e r o f Bu rma 's oppos itio n mov e men t. S u u Ky i ha s been u n d er "hous e a r res t " fo r t wo y e a r s . Sue Sup ria no i n t e rvi e we d ano t he r Bu rmese wom an ab ou t S uu Ky i, th e a wa r d, a n d t he po l i tic a ls i t u a t i on i n Bu r rna . Bri ef men ti o n ab out the u p c o mi n g hea r i ng o n S i l vi a Baraldi n i 's r e p a tr i a t i DEC I S ION a N MAR I TAL RAP E I N BRI TAI N ( 3 : 3 9) Are p 0 r tf r om T r a n s is t e r son r e c e n t dec i s io n i n Br ita in. MA DRE ' s CAM PAI GN FOR I RA0 I CH I LDREN ( 1 : 3 5 ) MADRE i s l au nc h in g "Mi lk & Medicin e for Iraqi Chi ldren: An Emer g e n c y Ca mp a i gn". Th e y sent u s thei r ow n " p ro mo" o n tape; we t ho ught you mi g h t want to use it . F or more informatio n ca l l Br e nd a Mu r a d a t 2 1 2 - 6 2 7 - a 4 44 . MAD RE ' sad d r e s s i s 1 21 We s t 2 7 St., Ro o m 3 a 1 , New Y0 r k, NY 1 0 0 0 1, USA . 1 6 DAYS OF ACT IVI SM AGAINS T VI OLE NC E (3 :57 ) Mar i a Su a r e z t a I k s wi t h Bra z i i i a n f e min i s t a b 0 u t ca mp a i 9 na g a i n s t " v i 0 l e n c e a 9 a ins t wo me n t 0 b eg j n a16-day Nov e mb e r 2 5 t h . Bri e f mentio n of n e w book , " T h e Mo n tJ a l Massac re" . ===================================~~ = ========================= T 0 s tat i on s t h a t r e c e i v e b a c k o f t his n e ws c a s t i s o u r wee k 1 y p r o 9 r a m: Dr . Ann F i r t h Mu r ray , T h e h a I f - h 0 u ron t h e Ex e cut i v e Di r e c t o r 0 f th e Gl o b a I F u n d f o r Wo rn e n r e co r d e d Oc t . 2 6 a t th e Co n f e r e n c e o n Human Ri g h ts : Th e Sta tus o f Wom e n i n Unit e dNa t i on s t h e 3 r d W0 ri d . As s o c . WINGS: WOMEN 'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE * PO sox 5307. KANSAS CI1Y MJ 64131 USA PillNE/FAX: (816)361-7161 E-MAIL: igc:wings WINGS #52-91 - DECEMBER NEWSCAST * TIME: 28:50 * TARGET BROADCAST DATES: DECEMBER 22-28, 1991 1. (6 : 10 ) MILITARY ASSAULTS ON 'THE ENVIRONMENT. Iri/Out cuee: "The y are wolves in sheep 's clothing ... Frieda Werden reporting for WINGS - The Women 's International News Gathering Service. " On Tape: Rosal ie Bertel. President, International Institute of Concer n for Publ ic Heal th: Genevieve Vaughan, President. Change of Heart, Incorporated. Suggested Intra: WOMEN ENVIRONMENTALISTS DREW STRONG CONCLUSIONS FROM INFDRMATION PRESENTED AT 1HE WORlD WOMEN 'S CONGRESS FDR A HEALTHY PLANET LAST MJNTH. WINGS LCOKS AT 1HE PRESSING ISSUE OF 1HE MILITARY: 2. (5 :49) 'THE YUGCSLAVIAN CONFLIcr. Iri/Out.cues: "Democracy in the Free Market ... the October 1991 edition of Euroradio. " On Tape: Slavenka Drakulic, Yugoslavian feminist j ournal ist and novelist. _Tape Source: Elayne Clift. Scripcrnarrat ion: Katherine Davenport. Suggested Intra: WHAT IS ThE CONNECTION :BEI'WEEN 1HE BREAKUP OF COMMUNISM AND NATIONALISf VIOLENCE? WHY HAVEN'T THE WOMEN KEPT THE VIOLENCE UNDER CONTROL? A YUGOSLAVIAN JOURNALISf ADDRESSES THESE QlJE3TIONS Il\ THE FDllDWING SEGMENT FROM WINGS: ... 3. (4 :52) FRAUD IN 'THE PHILIPPINE DEBT. Iri/Out.cuee : "Whe n Marcos assumed office . .. for WINGS, this is Frieda Werden. " On Tape: Nikki Coseteng. Philippine Legislator elected on the Women for the Motherland. Party ti cket (KAl BA) . Suggested Intra: MUSf A COUNTRY RE-PAY WANS lliA1 ARE FRAUDULENTLY CONTRACTED BY ITS LEADERS? WHAT IF THE LENDERS TOO PARTICIPATED IN THE FRAUD? 11-IIS ISSUE C0ME.3 TO THE FDRE WITH IMELDA MARCOS 'S ARREST IN THE PHILIPPINES. HERE 'S THE STORY F1\OM WINGS: ... 4. (4 :54) DEVELDPING COUN'I'RIES FARM RADIO NETWORK. Iri/Ouicues : "What we try to do ... in English. French & Spani s h . " On Tape: Elizabeth Wilson , Executive Director D...-""'FRN; scriptwriter Jennifer Pittet; Engllsh Language Coordi na t or Elizabeth Kerr. Interviewer: Prabha Ehardwaj. Scr i pt/narra t ion : Katherine Davenport. Suggested Intra: AT THE RECENT GLOBAL ASSEMBLY OF WOMEN AND THE ENVIRONMENT, THE DEVELOPING COUN1RIES FARM RADIO NETWORK WAS SEEKI1'K3 IDEAS FDR SCRIPTS. WINGS SENT A REPORTER TO NETWORK HEAIX.lUARTERS TO FIND our HOW THEY USE THE INFDRMATION: [Address of Dl.tRN: 40 Dundas St. West. Box 12, Suite 227B, Toronto, Ontario, Ca nada M5G 2C2. Phone/FAX: (416 )593-3752.] 5. (5: 25) WCMEN DISOJSS RELIGION. Iri/Ouccuee : "The American Academy of Religion ... where the abuse occurred. " (segment ends with a brief, related voicer about sexual harassment cases] On Tape: Judith Berling- , American Academy of Religion President; Elnilie M. Townes, St . Paul School of Theology, convenor of a panel on Womanist Ethics; Katie Cannon, Episcopal Divinity School. ::Juggested Intro: mE WORD "RELIGION' MEANS "BINDINJ TOJEIHER," BUT RELIGION IS AL9) DIVISIVE. cur.:nJRE WOMEN SOK>LARS DISCUSSED RELIGION AND AT A MAJOR CONF'ERENCE REX:ENrLY. WINGS WAS TIiEm:: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * k* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * IF YCU roN' T SUBSCRIBE TO TIiE WEEl<LY WINGS. YCU MISSED 1HEEE SHOWS - ORDER SINGLY FOR $9 EAQi : #47-91 ROBIN MJRGAN ON SEX SIERIDTYPING IN MEDIA. Editor in chief of Ms. Magazine gives a rousing speech at the U. N. Interesting- segment on how advertisers distort magazine content. #49-91 SEX S'TERIDTYPING IN MEDIA. Speaking- on U.N. Day, October 24, 1991: Raghida Dergham. senior dipl omatic correspondent of £1 Heyet: a London-based newspaper; and Gwemoline Konie, publisher of Women 's EXclusive MagaZine, am Zambia 's permanent representative to the U.N. #50-91 GLOBAL FUND FDR WOMEN. Dr. Ann Firth Murray founded this unique charitabl e fund devoted to women's projects in the developing world. #51-91 WORlD WOMEN 'S CONGRESS FDR A HEALTIfi PLANET - POPULATION ISSUES. British journalist Perdita Huston and Fay Wattleton, Director of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. set out their views on this controversial topic during- a global conference in Miami , November 1991 . #1-92 WORlD WOMEN 'S CONGRESS FDR A HEALTHY PLANEr - VANDANA SHIVA. The only speaker t o receive a standing ovation from all 1500 delegates to the conference, this physicist from India opposes the patenting o f life forms and analyzes the concept of "pr oduc t i on . " #2-92 WORlD WOMEN 'S CONGRESS FDR A HEALTHY PLANET - CLAUDINE SCHNEIDER. Former Republ ican member of the U.S. Congress, now an energy consultant , testifies before the Tribunal on the topic of energy - "From Cooking to Cl imate Change. " (Cat.lo~ updated November 1991) SELECTED HALF-HOUR SPECIALS ON WOMEN \:I \ I\\'1\ I j \\\\\\II\\\\llllllllilllll' WINGS: Women's International News Gathering Service P.O. Box 5307, Kansas City, Missouri 64131 USA Phone/FAX: (816) 361 7161 The ~llowlng half-hou~ p~ograms ~e leased in the wINGS weekl y ser Ies a ~e suggested ~r r e - br oa dcas t , due to content oT continuing Inte~est. Each half-hour p~og~am is available ~r $9. Bac k edI tions may be o ~de~ed ~~ b~oadcast in February and March onl y <Bl ac k Hl s t ory Month and women's Hi s t ory Month ) at fou~ p ~ og ~ $20. Suoscribers to WINGS Weekl y r e ce ive a current hal~hou~ p~ogram each wee k. A s ubscriptlon is $99 a qua~ter. LI8TEl\ERS' FAVORITE WI f\GS PRCGRPM3 ams fo ~ * #35-89: WHY WE NEED WOMEN-GNLY SPACES. No woman ever gets her f a l ~ share oT the conversatlon when she's ta l K1ng with a man, says Dr. Dal e Spe nder , and s he has t he data to prove 1t. A ve r y f unny speecn. The boo ks oT th1S r e nowne d Aus t r al Ia n and Br 1tish feminist scholar 1nc l ude Ref lect I ng Men at Twice Their Natur-a l Size and Women of Idea s and What Men Have Done To Them. * #29 , 3 1 & 32-91: DR. HELEN CALD lCOTT' S SPEECH IN THREE PARTS: o On I;Jaren & Wa~ o Overpopulation & Ext1nction o Env1 ronmental Solutions Rous1ng and i nfor matIve speech ( ~~ r c n 199 1 Women's Week at Uni ve r s l t y of South Florida ) by the founder- of Women's Action for r--.Lc lear- Disar-mament and the Nooel Pri ze-wi nmng Physicians forSoclal ResponsibIlity. Especlally popular with male listeners. SPECIAL PRICE - all 3 half-hours, $18. * #33 & 34-90: mRILYN FR8'D-1: BEYQ\JO PCW::R " - A SPEED-1 IN TJ;JJ PARTS. l-ier 1985 ronfiction work Beyond Power: I;Jaren, l1e n , and Morals 1S the basis ~r French's major address at the First I.-'Jor l d Sutm1i t on Wofren & the Many Dirrensions of i n Mont real, June 1990. SPECIAL PRICE ThJJ ~-t-DJRS, $12. * #27-91: WANGAR I MAATHAI: AFRICA, WOMEN & THE ENVIRONMENT. Ll vely and witty speech by the founder of Ke nya ' s Gr eenbelt Moverrent, indicting the lOglC oT deve loprrent. Recorded by Sue Supr1aro and edited by WINGS. * ~47- 90: WINONA LA DUKE. Impass i oned speech gl v lng a Nati ve American VIew of the envI~onmental * c rIS1S 1n Nbr-tn AmerIca. POWER: IS IT A SEXUAL THING? Bev Smith, hos t of Blac k EntertaInment Tel ev i s i on' s Our VOl ce s emcees an ebul l1ent panel diSCUSS 1ng t he powers of Af~ lcan-Ameri can women. Sponsored by the Women's Caucus of the Na t i onal Assoc1ation of Black Journa lists. Pa nel 1s t s : O~ . Gwendol yn Grant, psyc h iatr- ist & co lumnist fOr Essence magazine ~ 33-91: Dr . Jul1anne Ma l ve au x , economlst * Do~9th y Gil l iam, co lumnlst ; Washington Post newspaper. N l a~a Sudarkasa , anthr-opolog ist a nd f irs t woman pres ident of L1ncoln Un1ve r s i t y . ~ ~4 1- 90: PAT SCHROEDER ON ARMS, OIL & I RAQ. Speech by the senior woman in uS House of Representat i ves , a rrember- of tne Armed Serv 1ces Camm ittee. Recor deo by Ann Ke 11y . PRE-CESERT-STORM. * WITCHES' ANT I-DISCRIMINATION LOBBY. InterView with Ann Forfreedom, Cal ifornia Di rector- of the organizatlon, dISCUSSIng Oiscrlminat1on aga1nst W1ccans and women's progress witn1n t he o ld r e l l g ion . PLSO POPU...AR WITH LISTEN::RS AND STATIO'S ~4-89: * #42- 9 1: EG Y P T IA~ WOM8~'S ~ I8E RA T ION. Speech by anthr opol og Ist Dr. Faawa EI GuIndI e xp la I nIng In some ways Arab women have fewer Obstacles t o adVancement than Western women. **46-9 1: WCJ"EN 0\1 If-£: LIi\E - FE/"IINIST FORL.M. Forum hos t e d In Me lbcurne by Sp l nn l -t=ex Pr'es s , featu r l ng cna ll e ng i ng s peakers on the t ODlC "Whe r's 1. S Femi ru sm Goi no:- " : Or. .Joc e lvr.oe 5cuc c. Dr. Dale 5pe nde r , Renate Kl e ln , a na She l l a Jeffreys t ac~~ l e eve r v t nl~g fr om seXIsm In databa s e s t o t he Impo r'tance of he t e r os e xua l i cour se , Prod.Jcer : RUt:.h Barney. t ~at * #41-91: CECEL IA F IRETHUNDER: OGLALA S IOUX WOMEN' S ORGAN IZAT ION . Sue Supr lano Int e rvl ews Na t i ve Amerlcan organlzer who IS encouragIng peop le to mount lov ing and r es pe c t fu l Chal lenges to t ~e status quo on the r ese r vat io n whe r e she wa s oo r n In Pine RI dge , S.Dakota. # 1-9 1: DR. NOVELlO ON WOMEN AND AIDS. Powerf u l speech on Worl d AIDS Da y by the f irst woman a nd -fIrst Puert o Rl ca n to be Surgeon Gener'al of the U.S. #37-90: SUSAN i"N.J1ZANA : !MJt'£N' S ISSLES IN T>-£ PFF:ICAN f\JATI O\JAL CO\.GRESS. Member of Pi\C U.N . MISSIon a ddress e d 1990 Nat l OrganI za t 1on f or ~cmen convent Ion In San Fr a nCISCO . NOT UP TO DATE **36-90: PETRA KELLY : RECENT [E'v'ELOPf"£t,jTS Hi'JD n-E i,£3 T GERf"'A\J GREEJ\JS. A rrember- o f the West Ger man parl Iament and a founding member of t ne Green Pa rty, Ke lly speaks passionate ly about PO l1tics 1n a chang1 ng Ger-many. * #32-90: JUDI BAR I OF EARTH F IRSTI OrIgInator- of t he Re dwood Summer- e xer-c ises agaInst logging i n f\b r t ner n Ca Li f-or ru a was hur·t I II a car' oono i nq , She gr-anted an Intervlew fr-om her hospital bed to Agne s Ma ns f l e l d -for- use In women 's r a d 10 pr-ogr-ams onl y - e xplal nlng why she's C,_-,S l oer e d so danger'ous. 8" q i v i nq he l' candi d OD1. n 10n of sexism in Ear-th Fir-st! * **25-90: TROP ICAL FOREST ECOLOGY - A ( 1987) by edUcato~ By 8ARBAR~ 8ERN L ~. Global Envi~onment Day speech -fr-Dm Chl ca go Zool og i ca l Soc iet y. at Worl e rif f a l r s Council in San Franclsco. S P ~ EOH * ~14- 90: AN I NT~RVIEW WITH JENNIFER CASOLO. U.S . chu~chwo rke r e xpelled fr-om El Sa l vador- ta l ks wi t h Er i n Thomasson about he r e xpenences a nd her a na l ysls. IYUSlC by 9Ningshi~t. ~29-90: FEMINIST ELECTORAL POL ITICS. Speeches by Slg r- l dU ~ Kr I s tmu n ds do t t l ~ o~ Ice land's Women's Al liance party ana I r e ne Nativldad of t he U. S . Na t Iona l Women's Polltical Caucus, g i ve n in ~on t r e al June 1990 . ~ ~ 28- 90: ~EN, RELiGION & POWER. Speecnes by Nawal El Saadawl OT egypt &Alice Sha lv l of I s rael at F'r r s t lAJo ..-j,a Sumn lt. on Women 8" tne /Y!any Dlme nsl o ns of Power-, I"bntrea l, June 1990. tH 0- 90 : ELI SE BO...LO II\G: CUR 1(.1() YEAR PRESENT i::"OR p~ACEMAK I f\G . H1StonCd 1 oerspect 1ve on t he gr-owt h of t ne peace movement, by Nor weg 1a n- bOr n soc l o loglst. Recor oeo by Carol Greenspan. * #2-90: '8E T!NEEN Li-.Ct£N Tf-£RE ARE NO 8Cl1'JC>ARIES ": Tf-£ :,.,(J("EN' S CCNVOY TO CENTRAL Al"IERICA. Documentar y m-od..Jced bv Sharon AImen g i , WIf" Jl\.ER OF [,F CE; SIU/ER REEL ~R D , 1990 . ~ !f4b-SQ: 4 ' J(\j FAGH\I (3 I ~ff R , PEACE LAwtER. Ta l k oefore t ne i3er Ke ~e;v Um t e d "Ja tl ons As soci a tlOn 0 '/ founder of t he !"1e1 i<e 1JOhn Peace L,aw LI Cl r a rv . -1< !f ~1 - :39: ,:oi::" ' ITE ,:oEREDG CF '~8 R I ELA . I nt e r' '11ev-; ,.n t h 3e cr-e t.a r \l- i:]ene r-a i of l a r- gest coa l i t i o n 0-+= wO'T1En ' s g..-oups In tne PnllipP lnes. ft.j 9-g"9: INGf"iEN AT 8 1(3 ,vOJNTAIN. LOUI s e B e nal ~'I . ner mo t he r , ana her au nt. -3 r-e tl1r-ee o~ the Na va no L-Jomen "es 15':.1ng -e roc e t ron f ~' om t helr r-e s erva t i on l a nos under PUbl IC Law ':;5-53 1. Iri t e r"v' l ew by Agne s i"Ja ns f l e l d . CAl\CE~ IS PUL I iiCAL. u . S . health act i v i s t; J UOy Braoy l , m:s ere cancer ep i oerruc t.o huma n- cre a t.e d i iur. i i i i acu "ess &: +eTlln l s t. .je Leor ,_5 e 5 'lev cwn C2r-'il=a i cancer- t o orqaru ze +0,- cancer- eO-leatl on I n he,,- count.r v . , IUS I 0 rr-an t.i1e 2VEr,:.. I: ~32-89: oo #30--39: f\OW I HAI)E o ri . P n ipo oe Ad...r l no£: I,A()RD : ~EM l j\EST RAOl ;] I N i\Jla:.RAGu A . A '.Jo cumer,t. a.vy ,.::,n .., 'AOT,er, :" r so io , produced ov r<,a t h y Par-tn cqe , OATEG, BUT I I\jiERESTIi\G . * ~23-89 : aLAD' _ F~ f"iAL ;::- RIlE; IN TV S I TCOMS . [rr- . Reg I na She,-a ' -'::J, ~ss:. . ;::'"o -f . a-f ';ou.' ·',allsrn . Uru v , o-f Nort.n Caro l i na , ::ipeakl ng at t.ne39th Hr :ruai ''::o r ''::e ,-e f' CE c -i e --:e i t.:cr>6l Carmun 1 cat I on Assoc 1at 1 o n, i' la y 2::,-2'7 , 1959 . * # 17-89 : ~ I /"'ANDELA ()\J TI-£ STA TUS CF 30UTH AFri I ' ~ Pi'J wU' iEi\i . Soeech C!y a sec 10I og i s t. wno 1S alsc t he daughter- of Nel son and WInnie Manaela . * #14-89 : ",ljDy 3"'1fC:LL , AUSTRALI Ai'J FEi"I1!\lISi FCU- 3 U·GEP . 1nt e n / l ew s e';iT'ent s a nd oo l t ca I i i fo l ksongs fr-om Smal i's a l txnn One \.;o l c e 1'1 Crow d '.;::;:e dlNooO) . H'JiI -WAR :VE SSAGE . ~ #1 3-8q : OtlGRES C1LERTA IJN FEM I I\JI SM &: :::-ARrv.wCRI<EF'S. Co .m es HlJe n.a. c o-i --ocnoer WI th CesarChave z o f the Unlted Fannv'JQr-ker"s o f Hinerl ca. ana now \; - ~ .:J '; t he uruorv , spOke Ma r-ch 7 , 1989, on Women' =0 Pi ace 1 n tne un 1v e r-s e . ' , ~ 1 0- 8 9: Sl.;SAN GEiJRC-£: DEBT AS 'NA RF ~ R E . i he author-- o -t= A F·3t.e ',<~:w -= e inan De o t e xo l a i rss i n t.e r oat. i o na l aebt maru ou l at i on In te' --ms anvooe can unoer s r.anc . * 1*44-88 : R INA 1\ )18 5 11"1: FE:ViI ,\J I ST !-£AL T i-1 Aei I I/I ST i="RC~! i'::-.f:J'E 'v A . 'Jutspm :e n memDe r- o-f c oll e c t ive , Ol spe nsau-e Des Ferrmes F:osa Caru na , corit r ast s European 6< U. S . 'NOmen'::i heal th movements & discusses a l i ve c l l nlC met noos . rie~ DOCk 15 Mama ~~ l I S ,Gv rer 0 10 q y &- Natur-al Healing) * #36-89 : HO\ORABLE EI"'1f"'1A GRESi-iAM, r'1AY:]R OF t<cYS'/ILLE . ine fl - s t ol ack mayor- o-f tru s Geor-g la te lls of the l ~ str ugg le fo r- se l~- gove Y'nment . and r-eeall s t he q i r l nooo e xper i ences t ha t ma de h e,- str ong. Ree o Y' dec by J '-, ,:!,/ ':3er-tJe," . ~ewn * #42-88 : I~ & WHAT IS ,~S ~ OR HGUSE'~RK~ Contr overSla l l nter-natlonal mOvement calls forcount, I ng wanen' s u nwage o 1abor 1 I' the G\JP o f e ver- v coun tr-y . I nr.erv i ews wIth co-~nder- 5e 1ma J ames &. l e a aer-s of the a-f-fillat.eo " au t o norous orqaru ze t i o ns" l l ke 91 ack'Naren -for- Wa ges forHousework . US Pr'os t i t utes' Co l l ect.i ve , &- ~'-J a ges Due LeSOlans . PROCt.CERS ' PICKS (STRCN:3 , Ir--FORl"'ATIY£ PR03RA1'1S ~ HJPE yOJ WI LL AIR) i\EWS 11\1 Tr-E ' =li)S. I n t e ns e 1 nar; 1ona i G 1 a l oque 3-mar' g Alomero jour-Iia 1 1sts -fr-om the I n t er- na U o na l Wane ' 5 MeOla Fund Con-fer-enee 19 9 (1 . ~ecor - ':JeCl by I"Ia1 ,--;-o nnscr ,. SC./"iE NJ ISE ON t:6 1- ~ r:j: TAPE , BUT If\CREOI BLE If\f- _ ,i"'ATI Q\J• #50- 91: . : Ti-t RISE &: FPLL CF BENAZlP 8H...JTTiJ . I Lei ns i n n v es tl'~a ~ l v e ·-epoY'c.e, - '\Ja -t= l s a t-Dodbhoy e xo deta il hew ohutto lost the l e a der-s n lp of Pa " l ~ ,- a ro and wnat th lS means ~ o r- ~~n. Ac tua ll ty of 8hutt.~'S ~l r-st.eamoal gn. ,,,,·:.lei : FUTU F' ~ R!=':::- ,]Rf' ! Li\j eM I ,\ iH . T s.1 ~: C)'I ;' Ie 1 a t ti.E Se ptemtJe r- 1-::;'9(' EClgav SI'"""'(JV.J ::;yr:1PCS1 '...(JT,. .JcC'..'.Y' ,-eo . ano wnat. 'rJ 1 11 o- ooao i :/ h,3CC':2::. :J01l t.~ ': ai SC lent.lst, - ecor oe o Dac k 'lash If -=-·8-QO : l-';OI"F I\J H/\ID BROPDCASi F,-ft~ :=e: i\ JSO ~'9"" U: , - ' -':JlTi t. '--- e 4-'.r, Q Ler,n 1 3 l :: ::.'I--,":e --e nc 2 c ~ t.h e l-'!Cid a HSSe-CI::l t i ori ::J-t= Corrrnun 1 t. '1 Rad 10 8,-';:}ac c 3s:'2, '::-I" 'r--:-r ".. " ,::cee '=:-'o2s ::::"-- ,"D"'o2 ,, ~ ' ,=' IT ' I , 021 a n o , tne Ph l l 1PP l nes &- Senegal a bout; l:::sues 0::":: ce ' s c"=" : :J " <rIOTer" S ::lccess ':..J cnE -3 1;'\"-Javes I n t he I r c ou,r t. yo- 1es . fl:.:24 -:tO : l ~~__E!\JA E<C;f'.Jf\JER . SOvIET DIS3 10Ei\j-;-. 1-- 'a Y" ::'-' l ..:;q( J. Benner- ::lnSlr€r::;' orovoc s t i v e ':Jue s tlCJns posea by 8tn-'::J r-ader-s i n 1'1111 'va ll e v . Ca i i r-o r ru e , cill ngual PUS:=l3.n 6< Erogllsn . ReconJed by Hn n Ke i 1v , t; 19-90 : lA.OI"'Er'-J .1,.: i\JA"1 18 I PN r l\IDEPEJ\J[:~ r'-CE . Ka r e n wa Le: l r, t. e r \j ~ 9I'J S El len ''' l is : -: StAJAPO "'.omen 's COT1CTll ttee , I:=-:?,r o l e '=o d l ns . Sa..lthevn A-F .... i ca ~r:t. er.,'at: l ':F1al H-r~ ::. _ A'nEWl c an F r"len ds Ser"V1C e Comml t.tee . in a pr"ess cc:n+erence . ft L1S ~ec' / **4- GO: WQ"£f,J 4'jD Hoot PHIL I PP I I\E COJF ATTEI'IPT , ~AJl 1ne lmi n,a :::J r 0 2C C '~c..'.rrEn t s the s tv '-.:gg i e ,r, De c emDer L989 a nd its e++ects on ",onen , W 1 t h ssouno -s.n d 1 : :t e r "i 19.-/5 , **37-89: FIRST ,:::OWN CFR ICA D-1RISTIA(\J l-IO"EN ASSEf"18Ly_ , l\ea~ : y 2' j..:(J wome r, c c-::Jssec ,:::enom1na t 1o na l l I nes t o meet 1 n I\j a 1 rob 1 I I' HLlguSt. 1989 . Praona 8ha vjv.Ja ~ CC" ie r-e c cre 0 r-es::: Con+eV"ence '/'Jr,e ....e l ead i ng prC'fe s s i o na 1 II'JOTen 0 1 s c u ssea b i roth c o nt. r o i , 00 1 '1g amy , 'l'iOfT1e n " 5 :3.n d en II dr "e n ' s ' 1';';" :'S . p r ayer , etc. **34-89: i"IART!-1A f-O\£Y CN COSTA RICA . [ nv e Stl ga t l '/ e JCJu r r>a i 1St ;' Ia r:t.r'a ,-<ene'. e :,p la1ns to 'Su e Supnanc hCJl<oJ ma s sive U.S . ai d ha s beer , u sed t o cn::,;a te a pa.... a l l e l go v e r rrrent " of pr i v a t.e i nst i t ut I o ns I I' t. a t i o ATer i c a ' s rrost stab l e and f r- len d l 'l de1'Ocr-a c v . **19-89: MILI TARY BASES -- IN w-osE I NTE REST~ ' 1"l!l l r-_a, ' l sm 1S a SOCi e t y wn 1c h demands the su r r a ..m c r nq t v beCOT€ a ve s s e l to serve It ." says Suzu,/o !::\ i'.3,zato , wrlO wo rk s wl t h or ost i 1 1' Ok ulawd . She , a U.S . a n a a i='ue r t o ~:ca. n ,'\IOlla n specw o n c:.ou.r wltn tne HnerlCa n F r I ends Ser v1 ce Commlttee . t*27-90: i,..ILLIAN ALLEN - I Ni ERV I EI,<J , ?CE: TRY ·'<.< i-L:S t ''':. Peggae 3.r-<:.: SC o ppose s r ac i sm, seXIsm. 1 n jus t 1 c e . Prorucea DV I;Jorren ' 5 Rao 1'::J Co 11BCt l ye i v . ~ flL O - F M , Gat ' berv i l l e, Ca 1 1for n 1a. ~ 7-89: BUI LO l f\!G A LNI VERSE: KI FiS , A5SE,\CES . ,f l [ SS i '.=(\6 . t=1ud l o :3. ,-t ov He l en Thonngton e xp l or l ng t rle SUb ject 0+ ,.,-ep ,-oOJct 1'/ e t ecr,nolog'( . Ca ..wte s v i\iew Ra o l o & Pe ,·fo,.,-mIng Arts . I n s ter eo. **22-89: ALL~~ POLI CE STATlrNS IN ~RAZ I L . Si nce ~OC r::3.<:' l=~t Io n . Bra zl l ' s Na t i onal CounCI L +0," the R1ghts of iAJornen has o -e a ted '3ii -wornan po i i c e statl c"-'3 to c:.ake waren 's corno Ls i n t .s and p r osecute cases. F"l v e lI'iO'T1en e :-:p 1::3. 1n. #47-88 : CEF IN I f\G CLJR ST FL GGLE : A CO\i\IERSA f rr (\J i="RO"I THE 8LACi< ~ .GI"1EN· S STUDI ES Sl1'1"'£R I NST ITUTE • In New vo rk , J u ly 1'7'88 . Sonl a El l\Jlmr 0+ Pal estl ne . Se k ::3.1 HOll:3.nd o f Zimbabwe , and T i t 8lNh a i Ha r·::3.wi ra 0 + Aotearoa (New Ze a l a n d ) compare e xoer 1enc es 0+ co l onia lI sm . Recor oed at WNYE-FM. CF aJRRENT INTEREST BEI TE BAO LORD i:)\J CHINt4 . The au t ho r' o f 3prl nq JVI0 0 0 anc ,-eaaCl e s '~Je av e s s tories i rrco p r e d l c t i o ns of Ch I na ' s l l bera t i o n & ::3. pl ug fo r VOl c e of AmerIca . **7-9 1: AlJDRE ' OROE: TO 9E YClJ\G , BLACf< PfoJO L;::SBIPI\j U\j Hoot · S'j3. ~e aclng srio int erVI ew aooot; a n ru e t.ori ca I e ra i n New Yo rk ' s Gr eenw Ich 'v i ll a ge , oroouceo ov Hel e ne Ros e nbluth . ft6-9 1: l...LJLA -MITE CF n -£ !\~P . D," . i"'e,-llne Pl,:r e ,jEsC ..... l~€S t he i l ":e and INOrk of an lrT e p r eSsl bl e o r qaru ze r 11' rouston , Texas dUr l : ,g 19 <:+') 5 :3.n o 'S( ,s . ftS-9 1: :2F1 i\n\i i :\G CAJT I :\J THE Ti=" ,',TILt: ;' I I LL~ . Pv-'dr-O- ',AJ 1rW'l ng c · "cg' ?:"';""' " '- ,=m :':'u s ': ~- 3 1 1 a r.e l l i nq ll+e c ,.. facto,""1 wo ,-ket'·s 11' I n t e r V19l'l and muS IC . 1C :; 3 - Cj l : S T~LL TURAL .:.4[;JuSTi"Er'-J l : Hj\ j '- ,~ Lj\JGf'" It' ' >-£':::''=;;'1 H - ,AIIJF:f<. ~C ',-i " Icme n 3,-e >our-t C'I ::W Og , ~ 4 5- 9 i.: 3 f11S sucooaeo i v a irneo a t s t ,-e ng t nen 1r ,g 2ec,t ,~r ira ':.l c,ns , eCC00rr' tes . t;2-Cil: I;..C:t''EN . lyEN 6< " !EOI A . :::-ound:0g r 80l 1ir i S'". Se t:":. .. :::' ·· ~ e C d n a r-c iT,eCl:? :3. r:C'" ~ vst o.2. Cr>'1 Be r 'i<: ' -epe ,":. o n v-J(Jme r ,· S ga l nS3nO r-e c e r ,,=- l C's se s 1 n "7 '/ ~ws c c- ... e ~ -·-3.g e . fl:4Q - 9'=' : 8AR5HRA .....R 'ERS ON i="L;:-C ' ~ Cf\J i c:: 0 i :::O '..J'J,C.CY . '3c e ecn ov ':.;:e ~ 8 C ar:c non·.cman .3 t t he Inter-natIona l worrel" 5 i' le o l a F="una c CJn-re'-e r'ce ,",jQvemc,e ," 1=i''iU . #44-90: SISTERWRITE FEi'1I NIST 8CO<STORE IN LO'JCCN . Int e r v I ew wi t h c o r r e c t i ve :nemoer-s ov Sue Suprlano on t hemes like operat lng a c o l lectl ve. and r aCl sm . #43-89: lJ'JITED 1\IF1TICif'JS FLND FOR POp1~L~TIQ\J AC:TI v I TY. Speec h 0 ',1 Or . f\jafl s Sadl k . '_' . 1\ ), Undersecre t arY-bener al & Dl rector o f UNFPA, on 20tn ann i versa r y of tne ~una . c ·-o oc s a l oy u . S. Senate to c-es t.Ol""e U. S. fund 1 ng to '.....A\FPA . UPDATE ':J\j LEGI SLATIQ\J RE~ERRE j) TO ~FE '; i:::US :3C:;=::S IO\J 0= CCNGRESS - riOIJEVER. EXACTL Y Tf-E SAJ'E D-iAU.£l\GE TO A 8lJ8-t VETO IS ~ED.JRF I I\JG THI S YE AR. # 42- 90 : t<Ef\NA' S GREENBELT f"'OvEi"'El\JT . I n ter v i ew and s peech of Wa nga r 1 i"la a t.ha 1. "=our,ael"" OT :ne Gl""eenoel t movement, aoout t he p l""oject she s tarted tha t has I""esult.e d In p l antIng of 10 m1l ll o n t l""ees . FQ]R SQ..NO GX...JfC:L ITY - t.<.O\JeERFI_L. SPEECH PND I 1\F0Rf"¥H I ON . #31-90: WOMEN & ECONOMIC POWER. J o a nne de LaUl""ent 1 is, V-P Canadl an Bankers Assoc . on women' s r e l a t i o ns h l p s to Danks; i'1a l"" 1e L e tOl._wneau-Gal a n t. i • Pres 'F r anc e To oay" Jcur-na l. on " erner l c an Women En t r-ep r-eneurs: L ast Reser-t. o r Ac c es s t o PONer '?" spee c he s f ~-om t.he t=" i r st lAiorld Sumnlt o n Women & the Many Dirrehsl o ns o-f PONer , conv ereo I n I"'bntr eal J u ne 3-8 , 199 1) , 0 ',1 F. R. P . P. P.E. Women fo r- Ac ce s s t.o Po l it lca l & Ec o nom ic PONeI"" . +l'23-90: AFRICAN wO''1E}J'S CLL TURPL t="DRU"IS. :. l .l SpeeCh by Fattna A llea o f the l anzaru a Medla v.Jomen 's As soc i a t i o n . ( 2 ) I n t e r v 1ew wi th I"la nny Sh I r a z i o n women' 5 f 1 1m a t Ouaga dOJgcu Afr 1 ca n Fl lm Festl val s ( ccur t es y o f Dlssona nze n Raolo , West Ber l 1n ). ( 3) Veena Shal""ma l nter-views SCholars from t he Women' s Caucus of t he Af r-lcan L lte l""a t Ul""e Asso c l a ti o n . SOME BAD SOUND. #20- :t<J: ROZAf\l\E RI DGWAY: H-E U.S . 6< EUROPE, WhAT CCt'E S r£ XT? Excer p ts h om he r soeecn be-fore the ComTofl\Nea l th Cl u b o- San Fl""anCISCo , April 1991) . Rl dgway IS Pres i dent , Atl ant l c Counc i l of t he U. S . , & f o rmer U.S . Asst . Sec,! of State. +l'18-90 : THE U. S. OEPARTi"'ENT CF l ABOR WOi"'EN' S BiJREC1U . Ros e Kemp . ReglOna l AdTll nistratol"", on r e c e n t pr-og r ams and cn r ect i o r ss 0-+ t rn s 7 ' ~I - ,! ear -ol Cl agency. # 1b-90: " THE Ef"IPEROR' S I\EW CL OT~S ARE GREE!\j" - A SPEECH BY v A\JDANA SHI vA. COOl""d l na t o r- 0+ t he Res e arch Foundation 0-+ ;=::Cl ence ~nd Ecology ,n Ind 1a Cl"" lt lC1Zes mode ls of p r o gress DaseCl o n dominatl on by U.S . whl t e male ldea ls. POOR 3OLND, GOOD SPEECH. l=f 15-=i0: GOVERl\OR \iERNA WILL I A/"6Q\J OF I SLETA PUEBLO, NEI;.J I"E,X: ICO. The +=l r-St. l,AJ(J(T1an qover oor of a Pueblo Ind l a n communlty speaks aoout her electlon camp~ign. 1n the cont ex t of the t raditlons of he r- peap 1e. POOR SOU\lO, GOOD SPEECH. # l 3-90: ~£MEN'S RI GHTS AS rlUMAN RIGHTS. J u l l a nne jvayl o r- Cl l s cus se s t r-ea t. i es a n a aocuments of the UN, and Changes In human r-ights organizat ions. #8-90: ~\J: OEVELOP!"£NT ~rERNATIVES WITH ~I\! 1I\J A I\EW ERA . "'1emoeI""S 0+= s t hl r-Cl-wo r lCl-baseCl organizatlon deSCrlbe t heir WOr k at a n ASsOclatlon for Women I n Deve lopment Conf e r e nc e . Speakers: Peggy Antr-oous Iii-Jes t I r-o i essi , Gi t.a Sen . Lndiar . Gl r v i s Tr i pon (Ph 1 11p p i res ), and L isa r-lc:Gc:Jv.Ja n (U.S. i • +l'7 - 90: BYLL YE A'vERY, NATI~ SLACi< , ;fCiI'E '\J' S ~Al...TH F'ROJt::CT. Fauncer- o f ere ':::-.eor-g ,a-Cla seo pr-oject t alks Wl t.n Sue SUpY- l aro about ner- wo rk a na her v alu.e s . 'l3-9r.): 3HARON PARi<ER , FEMII\l I ST IJF COL'JR. The crie i r' 0": ':re ooaros .:J+ ':.,'0::: '\ ,a t l ':::na l Ins t.l t u.t.e ":Orwomen o f COl o r a no IfiOtTren fe r l>re am ng f u l StJ.mmits-i..JSA tal KS wltn SlJe3upr i a r o . # L-9\): Tt-E CHRI STI AN RIG'~ T i N CENTRHL ,·:·:f-\EFICA . Soeecn D'I Sar ~ LJl3ff10na . a ut.nor of Sp irItu a l warfar-e : The Pollt lcs o +: t.he Ch r·ISC l an R1ght . ~ong ot.ner Issues . e xola lns now .J.S . oo l i t i c a l oar-t. i e s a1 strlbut e t axpayer-fundeo alo t o Inf l uenc e po l l tl cs I n at.ner- countr- Les . #5 2-89: SARA ''1 I LES ON EL SAL\/ADJP . For-mer o i rect.or 0+ t ne Re s o _.lrce Cent.e~ ·s ':::l earl nghouse on Lc::JVJ- I n t e ns 1 t '/ Conf 1 i ct ana U. S . !"1111t.a r v Po l 1 CY 1 n tre Th 1 r-o lAior- 1O . s pe ak 1 ng o n n e~i nv esst.i qat i on of t ne Sal v aaor an CI Vll War fo y N0tCLA (Nor-t h Amer l can Congress on Ce ntr-al Amen c a ) . iiS l-g<;': == ;--I~ i\J I S T fY'A I I OReER ~E:;. Int.e-·'i1BlrJS ,--J 1t n "=ounde ~ - = -=" nc '0' '''=C'_'' r~'U,= lC d 1str- - i bu r:. Qr-"s ~ r., C' 7 ~- -:? v 1 = P l ~. :: 9 ~(~ .. s ':' ~, t l_H - e_ : -+= ~~ t · c ~ ::t +:'h 1 !-;rj ) ~~ ! .... ~ ~ ~ ocev -; ._=), _ , r - h ~ m -·l..i±48-89: .]f="W I ~ Ll BEJ=;AL':C C\(' jO I SRAEl . r>1.;cm 1 L-3u t er- . A-Pe>- l ·::::~n-I=""-3.e l ::'_,=: l lC ;":"~ ~3 1 '- S ::'C(""- ' -.':.2e . and Raob l E l nat Ramon - - s peeches "=·-om a Da ne l o n J erJ1sr , l i be ra l s =.nC C:!l ::sent ,= r ", : s ,- ,c,e L ::i t: 6 co n~ ~e n ce s o o ns o ~ e d by i i k kun magazine . #:28-80: THE SISTERHJOO: U. S . f="EMI NI":3T LEADERS . I nte n /lerJ ..-J 1t.h !V!?,'-c : ", S l=te~roo d: The Ins lde Sto~,/ ':J+ the r"Jcmen ' s f1ove-nen t a no t.he L-'O' ?,ce >-s #2 7-89: CROSS I I\G THE OI \.'I OES I~ SEX. RACE .~ ':L ASS 11\) Tf-£ q:-.ccE MOV'I=f'-1P F . :-le r-':j ui g t he='O'dce ~< C3n ?e n rno v eme nt s 1 S o re thBTe in t n 1S s peecn ov If! 1 1iTEt t:e 8n:JWn. c o-";:'~unde r '='..;: 8 ! ,?,C ;- 'fJOre n "=0'Wage s f o ,- Hous e ...JQr- k and j o i rrt coord l nato,- 0 + r' i nq ' s Cr-'::JSS Wcmen's Center". L o r-con . #26-89: l,.(jf"IE!'J · SRI Gf-ITS, H...J"1AN RIi:jHTS . A"lD CE\iFLOPl"E]\JT. P 1en-=" r v f V"CJfT1 ,:"e <! r.i-, ~ nter- na t: 1 '2 r ~ l l~~ ' s Rl gh t s Act i on Wa t c h COn+e,-enc e l n Vi e n na : o ,Jane Co noors o -F G~ e a t Br 1 ta i n a n ' I i 0 1erce aga L"S t I-'JOiTE~ . o Sh i '-een Huq 0+ Bang 1-3desh on s 1 " o -F he..- cou n t ~v women IrJhO sued t o ' "eVe,-se a June lQ88 Co ~ s t ir.u t iona l amen dmen t m.aK lng Islam t he state - 'O' l ig l o n . o i<a t e ,- i na Tomasevsk i o -F Yu go s l avi a , o n the Conv e ntion -For- t he ~l irn i ne t i o n o -F All Forms o-F Jl s c~ i m i na ti o n Against Women, # 15 - 89 : ,'D!'1EN I N ThE CCCUP I EO T E ~' f=;' ! TOPI J:"S. P h '/l 11'= Be nn i s 0 + ;fJ8A I --F!"I. i'Jew Vo r-k , tal ks with J u de Thi l ma n o-F r<PFA-FM , 8e,-velev, about ",;ome n ' s ~ o l e i n t he I ntif3.da , and p l ay s t dpes o-F ?a les ti n l a n women. #1 1- 89 : A SOURCE OF REV1="i ATI()\J: IfO"iEi'J IN n -£ CHJPCrI. 3. U( II) r el i giou s f emi ni sts j:r-om arcund t he wo,- l d conver-ged a.t t he Wcman -C h u~ ch conffir"e nc e i n CI nc 1 nnat i in the -Fa 11 o-F 1987 . Do DJme nta~ y b y Adina Back & Mi c he l l e Fateux . ~9-89: WOMEN' S PROGRESS I N ~JOL U T I Oi'~P Y CUBA . ~ t the end o-F : 988 , the Cuban Women's f="eder-3t i ,~n hosted -3 3-day nat i ona l eva l uat i o n sem i na,- to mea sure Cu ban warren's oroqreas aga i ns t t he goals establ ished 1n Nairobi. Td pe cou,-tesy K a ~ e n Wa l d & Rad i o Ha vana. ~4-gq: ZEl'JAIDA UY, SECFETARy-r"£!'ERAL OF BHvAI'J. BAYP>!'J i s t he l a n ;je s t soc: a. 1 ,=r ,a.nge o r qaru za t i ort i n t he Philippines -- 2 ml 1110n strong. #2-80: WOI""EN PL!-WWRIGHTS 6< SCCIAL Q-JP!\GE. Pa.ne1 f rom t he Fl'-st Int 'l I;Jomen Pl avwn ght s ' Cor--er'e nc e , Oct. 1988 . Bu-F-Falo , NY. Panel 1sts -From Soutn A-fn c :3. . .Jama i c.s , srid Ind i a . ProdL,ced by Beh i Henderson. WBFO- FM, Bu-F-Fa 1a .3LI GHTLY DATED - JAI"IA I CA '-<AS [\Ew GOVERI'·Jf"£NT. #5 1-88:5o..\£ IG f-ICCGESTEI JN: VE.f\JE ZUELAN FIU'l"lAt<ER. Produce," hos e fi l m a bcut, c n ild marr-i age . "Macu : The Po li cema n ' s Wi f e . " b,-oke bo x o-f-f i ce ,-ec q ,-ds . #4 9-83: TWJ tAO"EN FRO"1 BEI Jli\G. Bern Hende,.-son inte~v ierJs Ca~ma !-n n t"o n , p r oo.rc er o -f "One vi l Lsqe i n China " ; E layre Cl ift i nte'- 'lleIrJs Tao .J' i e , t:rans lator 0+ " The Co Lo-- Purp l e. " t;4 3-88: BUF'IED AL IVE: TI-£ LI=XINGTi rj\j CQ'\JTRCL '..J"J I T . Oo cumenta,-y on '..-JOme f"""1 oo i i t i c a l o ri sooer s r-Je l din i so l ,;;':.1 o n by '..J . S . goven -ment. P'-O o\"'lced ov J u dv !:Je ~ be Y" . u !=:.c:!a t e d co w,.Jgu s t 1988 by wU\GS . '~7'88 - AS OF SU'1vlEP 1990 A !\EJ;,) PRi SCN a= H-E SA"£: T'lPE l,JAS OPE:"1 I N FLiJ ~I[>A . ) A !\EW WI i\GS PRCGRA"1 IS RELEASED EACH v..EEI<. SUBSCR I BE AND SAVE: $99 /~R THE C:O'~TIN...JA fv\AY BE. '!Of\j TE R . OF THIS '3ER\ /l CE DEPENDS i:) \ , TAPE3HLES. NO T.C;PES DI STRI 3L!FD BY lAJ I!\GS DLPLICATE:::' 8Y THE PURC~SER '::OR ~L E OR ,'J I.J I \, ~- !-'MJA'( t: ;,CEP f WITH wRI i iE,\1 ~ERMI SSWf'J FRO"I WII\GS. F'L c::-:;SE REFER L 1STENER REQ,£Si s FOF: COP I ES CJF PRCGRAi1S 8ACJ< TO \f I t f'.Gb . Also di5t~lbuted by WINGS: SCUTf-ERN Sa,.G8 lR[,S : IMJ"EN CF EARL 'y' CDLNTRY AND CLD- i ! f"£ r"'!lJS I C, -3 13- pa r t ser ~ es ':J ~ ::e ~ :-=J ~, t fu ~ n a l -t=- nour pr'ograms fBaturlng e xcep ts t= van o l d r a o i o ana r-e c oras, p i us new ~ n t e r ' i lev) S Ol !'C] sr-o r-ec e n t pe r' ''::o r mances . ProcLce o by Pacne 1 Goocrnan , $9 a program o r' a l l l c: ":or- ~9 . * Th e Powers Farn ; ~ y * Ph v l li S Mark s * The Glr l s of t he Wi lma L ee Coope r * Etta Ramona Jones Martha Carson Go 1den 'AleSt Baker- * * Ha zel * Tne Ca r' t e v Faml l l -t ~ 3 t S'., ,"br t a na !"la t.o K i e ::J lau gnter .. Jean Rl r:.chl e Di CKens * Ola Be l l e Reea * SU8SCR I PTIQ\JS TO WIi\GS v..E:EKLY ARE AvA Iu4ELE FOR $99 A QLJARTER ( 13 PROGRAI"1S ,I . "' I f\JDl V lCUAL HALF-i-OJR PRCGRA'1S ARE ~ 9 OR := FOR $ 15. 1'''la l l c necx o r Pur c na s e Oroer 1:.0 : WII\GS , P .O . bOX 5307 ~ ansa s City ~O 6 4 131 . USA. Aa d itional l nqul r les: Phone/FAX: (8 16 ) 36 1- 7 10 1 E-mai l : i gc: wi ngs * 1s t 4- yea r s o~ wlf\£55 Newscast s. /"/H 'v 1986 - HFh i L j99() . ooxe C1 ror l iore r i ee - SL5<..i SuDJe c t i n oe» of 1st q yea r s o f wl l\6S Newscasts - $ lcjO. !\iame _ St a tlon or o rgan lzatlon Ad dre s s ~ T1 t l e _ Pl e a s e start our subscrlptlon t o oegl n Qroaac ast o n l / My s t a t i on/ group will p a y $99 for 13 week l y pr-ograms . Firs t p a yment o r pu r cnase order l S e nc l osed - we wl ll a c c ept and be billed for- s ubsequen t quar t e rs o n a r'e gul a r baS 1S unl ess ana unt i l WINGS l S notlf i ed of c ance llati o n i n writ l ng . LiMy s tat l o n / group Wi ll pay $9 0 fo r 12 month l y newscasts . Our 1"aO lO col l ect l v ',,:! stati o n lS r equest ing r a te r e d.J.c t i o n o n t ne f'ler.Jscas t s (g l v e reason ana r e cLc t 1on r'equ e s ted ) INDIv IDUAL PROGRH' l ORDERS: f-4r-e t.hese tapes De 1 ng or oe r e o ":or Dn~ aaca5t :' _ v es no ------- ---------------------- ;:'r-o gr' Dy rornoe -: erio t it ie : _ Encl o s e $9 per- hal f - hour o r ocrern . or' $1 5 De,' t wo pr-og r ams . e xcept f or- s pec ia i pr i c es noted . Tota l e nc l oseo : __ Ma ll to W i i\GS ~ PO 80,, 5 31) 7 . Ka ns a s City 1"10 64131 u'SA . THAi\ f< Y CilJ ~ MORE 1/2-HR PRQGRAMS PRODUCED AND DISTRIBUTED SINCE FEB 1991 WINGS CATALOG : #9-91 Ann Richards, Govern~r of Texas. Inauguration day addresses by the state '8 new governor . and a look at how her feminIsm affects her 6ppointments to boards and commissione. #12-91 Tribute to Emma Goldman . Readings from Goldman 's works at the San Francisco Public Library. Sept. 16. 1990. to honor t he 50th anniversary of her death. Produced by Tish Valva . #13-91 Magda Enriques ot the Sandinista Front. Interview by Sue Supriano. covering women and feminism in Nicaragua . before and after the accession t o the Presidency of Violetta Chamorro. *14-91 Juanita Nelson: Tax Resister. Civ il rights acti vist and her husband have refused to pay war taxes since 1948. So far . she has 8pent only one day in jail. Speech produced for WINGS b~ Behr of KMUD-FM. **15-91 Women's Health - A Specialty. Women 's Primary Healthcare is a new specialty for the Whole woman , not just her reproductI ve parts or her role dS a mother . Speech by Dr. Karen J ohnson sponsored by Standing Committee on Women in Medicine at the America n Medi cal Stude nt s' Annual Convention. #16-91 Women on the Line .103-8. (Wome n ' s radi o program from Australia. produced at 3CR in Melbourne by Ruth Barney ) o From Kitchen to Cabinet: Women Politicians in the '90e. o Women in the Occupied Territories Face War *18-91 Not in Our Names: Jewieh Women He-Thinking the Middle East. Susan Rivo )roduced this program with voices of six women: Miranda Bergman. Break the 3ilence MUral Project; Marcia Freedman. f ormer member Israeli Knesset: Penny <osenwdsser, journalist; Bracha Serri, Yemenite Israeli peace activist and )oe t ; Naomi Seidman. student o f' He br ew l i t e r a t ur e; Barbara Lubin . Executive lirector Middle Least Children 's Alliance . :19- 91 Gladys Sibr1an of the FMLN. Louise Rocha interviews a member of El :a l vador ' e armed opposition - about her personal history as a social worker 'ho became politicized. and about the position o f women within the FMLN and in er country. 20-91 American Dining: A Working Woman'e Moment. A humorous audio art piece ppropriate to international Labor Day . produced by Jerry Allen. courtesy of ew Radio & Performing Arts . . 21-91 Two Women from Northern Ireland . Jane Basden interviews' Irene Sherry. Nationalist whose brother is doing life in prison in England . and Jennifer :Cann of the Republican POW Department - recently r el e a s ed after serving )-1/2 years of a 20-year sentence. ~3-91 Interview with Petra Kelly. Ca t he r i ne Gi r ar dea u talks with Petra Kelly ,out the recent developments in Ge rma ny and in t he Gr ee n Party. !4-91· Aida Lava: Association of the New Filipina. Jane Basden interviews :ister Aida." who works with the home-based women workers of the Phi 1i pp i ne s.