Quantum Mechanics PHYS 610
Spring 2015
Schedule Number 22524
Class Days: M W
Class Times: 4:00 - 5:15 pm
Class Location: P-149
Course Overview
Professor: Calvin Johnson
Contact Information:
Office Hours Days: M Tu W Th
Office Hours Times (and by appointment): MW 3-4 pm
Office Hours Location: P-135
TuTh 11-12
Description from the Official Course Catalog: Physical and mathematical basis of quantum mechanics. Wave mechanics and the
Schroedinger Equation, matricies and Hilbert space, angular momentum and spin, atomic structure, bound-state perturbation theory, many particle systems, transition rates and time-dependent perturbation theory, scattering, and relativistic quantum mechanics.
Student Learning Outcomes: Students will master: linear algebra; fundamental postulates of quantum mechanics; quantum mechanics in one-dimension; quantum mechanics in three-dimensions; spin-1/2 systems; the variational principle and applications; other topics in quantum mechanics such as perturbation theory.
Relation to Other Courses: preparation for graduate research
Enrollment Information
Please include information about enrollment for the course including, but not limited to:
Prerequisites: PHYS 410 or equivalent
Adding/Dropping Procedures: Standard SDSU procedures
Course Materials
Required Materials: Principles of Quantum Mechanics, 2 nd Ed., R. Shankar
Course Structure and Conduct
Style of the Course : Traditional Lecture
Individual and Group Activities Required: individual homework, exams, final exam
Technology Utilized in the Course : online notes available at www.physics.sdsu.edu/~johnson/phys610/
Course Assessment and Grading
Tentative dates for exams are Wednesday, March 25, 2015 and Wednesday, April 22, 2015. The final exam is
Monday, May 11, 2015, 3:30 - 5:30 pm in P-149.
Scored activities and weighting by percentage of total score: Homework 30%; 2 in-class tests 40% (20% each); Final exam 30%
Grading Scale: 90%= A, 87%=A-, 83%=B+, 80%= B, 77%=B-, 73%=C+, 70%=C, 67% C- , 63%=D+, 60%=D, 57%=D-,
Excused Absence Make-up Policies: Be sure to contact instructor as far as in advance if possible if you are going to miss an exam.
Other Course Policies
All exams are closed book, closed notes, no calculators. I will provide a short table of complicated integrals you might need.
You may work together for homework, but avoid copying answers; you won't really understand it and your colleague might be wrong.
Is it critical to show your work! Both in homework and on exams. If you don't show your work, you risk getting NO
credit even if the answer is “correct.”
Late homework will be docked 50%, and after I have handed out solutions, no homework will be accepted.