
Laboratory Work No 08
Structures and Records
In this experiment you will learn:
1. Structures. Description of Structure Picture.
2. Determination data with a structure type. Methods of work with structures.
3. Records. Description of Records. Determination of record exemplar.
4. Work with records.
Pre Lab Work
Part I
1. Review the material related to Data description (Lecture #8)
Lab Work
Part I
1.Use TASM (or MASM) to examine the using structures:
For example use the next program:
TITLE "Structures in Assembly"
staff STRUC
nam DB 30 DUP(" ");name,surname,patronymic, concerning some person
DB " "
position DB 20 DUP(" ")
age DB 10 DUP(" ")
standing DB 10 DUP(" ")
salary DB 10 DUP(" ")
birthdat DB 30 DUP(" ")
staff ENDS
CODE segment
mov DS,AX
mov AH,09h
mov DX,offset per1.nam
int 21h
mov AH,09h
mov DX,offset per1.position
int 21h
mov AX, 4C00h
int 21h
CODE ends
DATA segment
per1 staff <"Belikov Zaiyka Morkovich, $",'m',"hunter$",'98','88','10000','01.10.06'>
DATA ends
STK segment stack
db 256 dup (?)
STK ends
Part II
2.Use TASM (Turbo-Debugger) to examine using Records:
For example use the next program:
assume cs:code,ds:data
person RECORD sex:1, married:1, children:4, school:3, age:7
data segment
f_2 person <0,1,5,2,48>
= MASK sex
maskMarried = MASK married
maskChildren = MASK children
;mask_u_Age = MASK u_age
maskAge = MASK age
maskSchool = MASK school
soob db "00000000000000000$"
soob1 db "sex=0,married=1,children= 4,school=2,age= $"
soob2 db "
data ends
stk segment stack
db 256 dup(?)
stk ends
code segment
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
;-------------=Outlining and Processing Bit's Fields=-------------------------mov AX,[f_2];
and AX,maskChildren;
mov CL,children;
shr AX,CL;
inc AX
push AX
mov BL,00h
add AL,BL
xor AH,AH
or AX,3030h
mov byte ptr soob1+26,AL
mov AX,[f_2]
and AX,maskAge
or CL,CL
mov CL,age
jz @@4
shr AX,CL
1)to copy the variable in AX
2)to outline a bit's field
to prepare a shift counter
3)a shift of the fielt to the right
or AX,3030h
mov byte ptr soob1+43,AL
mov byte ptr soob1+42,AH
mov AH,09h
mov DX,offset soob1
int 21h
pop AX
;------------=Insert of Bit's Fields=-----------------------------------------mov CL,children;
to send the counter of shifts in CL
shl AX,CL;
1)a shift in the necessary position
and [f_2], NOT maskChildren;
or [f_2],AX;
mov AX,[f_2]
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
code ends
end begin
2)to prepare place for the insert
3)to insert a new meaning