Homer’s Iliad Bell Ringer What is rage? How can rage be used positively, if at all? Think about a time when you were filled with rage. What happened? Free-write “Great heroes need great sorrows and burdens, or half their greatness goes unnoticed. It is all part of the fairy tale.” ― Peter S. Beagle, The Last Unicorn What does this mean? Vocabulary Epic Epic Hero Epic Elements Archetype Point-of-View Epithet (Homeric) Narrative Invocation Symbolism Simile What do you know? Has anyone ever read this work? What do you know about this work? http://tupamahu.blogspot.com/2010/10/leadership-lesson-from-iliad.html Homer Credited for writing the Iliad & the Odyssey Known Born as a great poet around 8th - 9th century B.C http://www.crystalinks.com/homer.html Homer’s Iliad Homer is said to be the first teller of adventures of all times. He was not the first author because in his day stories were passed down---they were told. He was a blind man whose date of birth is unknown. Epic An epic is a long poem which tells a story involving gods, heroes and heroic exploits. The events narrated in epic are usually drawn from legend rather than invented by the poet and are typically of great significance as in the case of the Iliad. The Iliad Background Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccdneMY VVVo Map http://academic.reed.edu/humanities/110tech/iliad.html Paris Son of Hecuba & King Priam Hecuba has a nightmare, that prophets believe baby Paris must die Paris is taken to a mountain side to be killed, but a shepherd raises Paris instead http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_%28mythology%29 Oedipus, Fate, & Divine Intervention How the story begins… Zeus holds a wedding for Thetis & Peleus Eris is not allowed to come because she is the Goddess of Discord Eris gets angry http://www.ancientsites.com/aw/Post/1076084&authorid=18966 Apples Eris leaves an apple for the most beautiful goddess Hera, Athena, & Aphrodite Zeus tells Hermes to make Paris decide who is most beautiful http://weheartit.com/entry/3578065 Mirror, Mirror… The Decision Hera offered to make Paris ruler of Europe and Asia Athena offers great skills in battle Aphrodite offered him the most beautiful woman in the world And the winner is… Paris chooses Aphrodite because she promises Helen in exchange for the apple http://finithajose.blogspot.com/2012_06_01_archive.html And the War Begins… Helen Very beautiful Daughter of King Tyndareus Wife of Menelaus, chosen by her father Aphrodite’s gift to Paris Leaves Spartan with Paris to go to Troy The Beginning of War King Menelaus called on all those who were loyal to him. They gathered a huge army, and built a thousand ships to carry the army to Troy Helen of Sparta was now called “Helen of Troy” She was “The face that launched a thousand ships” Why did Odysseus object to the Trojan War? He believes no war should be fought over an unfaithful woman (Helen) He wants to stay at home with his wife and newborn son Odysseus attempts to “Draft Dodge” Tried to appear insane by planting salt instead of seeds. Draft recruiters throw his son in front of his plow Odysseus reveals his sanity by avoiding running over Telemachus The Trojan War The battle raged for 10 years Many great heroes lost their lives A prophet predicted that Troy could be captured only with the help of Achilles. The Hero Achilles Knowing of the prophecy, and worried that her son would be killed in war, Achilles’ mother dipped him in the river Styx to make him immortal. His only weakness was the place on his heals where she held him. During the war, Achilles is forced to give up his war prize, a slave girl, to Agamemnon, and so he refuses to fight. Patroclus, his friend, asks Achilles if he may ride out in his armor so the Trojans would lose heart. 10 Years of War The Gods are tired of watching men kill each other, and decide to help end the war. Athena whispers an idea in the Spartan hero Odysseus’s ear. How were heroes characterized in Homer’s day? Special Aristocrats or Demigods Placed somewhere between Gods and ordinary humans. Clips http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2e0BLcd_WsE& list=PLzDOiHLXaIXTB_z4IiYiLOEfK945iUZIg&inde x=2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpLtXIlkyYA&list =PLnl0vqNFsXbTHbap00bOtRYWMdQJDfsx3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRlABnHYY68 (Achilles and Agagmemnon) Venn Diagram: Who is the epic hero? Today, we are going to decide who the epic hero is in the Iliad You will need your textbook, paper, and a pen/pencil Venn Diagram Looking at the characters Achilles and Hector, you are going to figure out who is the epic hero Using the Venn Diagram, compare and contrast the 2 to determine the epic hero (Use textual evidence) Action Figure Project You are going to design an action figure for a character from the Iliad, along with a poster Your action figure must have 3 accessories and 3 key features You must write a character analysis for the character you choose (Who is the character and what does he or she do in the Iliad)