Assignment Programme: Higher National Diploma in Computing Unit Title: End User Support Unit Level: 4 Unit Number: Unit 15 Unit Code: Assignment Starts: TBA Date for Completion: TBA Introduction The assessment for the module consists of theoretical and practical efforts in the form of a single coursework. Such coursework is based in five compulsory components: Educational Networking based in modern online tools, Literature research of end user support concepts, user support skills (including technical and soft skills) and ability to produce user support programs. 1) Educational Networking based in modern online tools: Working in a technical support role usuallyinvolvesworking within a team where collaboration and communication skills are a must. Blogger will be used as an electronic logbook for the module and Google docs and Google notebook will be used by the students to include micro assignments. Quality of the blog, document presentation and collaboration in the way of cross-posting, document sharing and RSS will be assessed 2) Literature research and EUS concepts: a small text based assessment on the different types of roles, help desk, approaches and tools used in current customer service organizations. 3) User support – technical skills: A practical piece of work where students will be able to demonstrate Incident recording, onsite and remote support, software installation, fault diagnosis and troubleshooting skills together. Students will provide evidence of a working environment based on virtual machines (VM), networking, software installation and remote tools. 4) User support – soft skills: Evidence of reflection in the form of small text assessment based on case scenarios. 5) User support programmes: Evidence of ability to create a user support manual Learning outcomes On successful completion of this unit a learner will be able to: Outcomes L01. Deal with user problems L02. Install software for an end user Assessment criteria for pass (L01.1) accurately analyse user reported faults (L01.2) provide a solution in a considerate and helpful way (L01.3) comply with the requirements of help desks and fault logging systems (L01.4) evaluate the degree of compliance with a service level agreement (L01.5) provide examples of support for specific areas of the organisation (L02.1) plan for installation (L02.2)install and successfully test software (L02.3) re-configure and test software to satisfy a user’s requirements L03. Install/upgrade hardware for an end user (L03.1) prepare justification for upgrade/installation of new hardware (L03.2) plan for installation (L03.3) install and successfully test hardware L04. Train an end-user to use new software products (L04.1) evaluate training tools (L04.2) produce and evaluate a training plan for a selected product (L04.3) produce materials to support training (L04.4) train and educate a user to use an unfamiliar software product Assignment Tasks: A. Collaboration (L01.3) and (L04.3) (13%). Working in a technical support role usually involves working within a team where collaboration and communication skills are a must. You are required to create your own electronic logbook (blog) for this module. Use the logbook to record your thoughts, reflections, experiences and to include links and videos related to the subject. A Google DOCs based folder with your name, containing every single file of the coursework should be shared with your tutor. B. Literature research and EUS concepts (7%) ( max. 400 words): 1. List and briefly describe different types of end user problems (L01.5) (4%). 2. Briefly discuss the use of reactive and proactive approaches to end user support (L01.5) (3%). C. User Support technical skills (40%): 1. Plan (L02.1), Install (L02.2) and configure (L02.3) at least one of the virtualization software tools of your choice and provide evidence of it (5%). 2. With the software installed in the previous step, plan (L03.2), create and configure (L03.3) at least two virtual machines (VM). Select the different hardware components and justify (L03.1) your selection. Install and setup a guest operating system of your choice in every one of them (L02.2). Configure a small private network (L03.3) and provide IP connectivity from and to the VMs (L02.1) (L02.2) (L02.3) (18%) 3. Install and/or configure a remote support software tool of your choice and provide evidence of your ability to provide remote support on those VMs (L02.1) (L02.2) (L02.3) (6%). 4. Research, select and install an Incidence recording software tool of your choice in one of the VMs (L02.1) (L02.2). Simulate a couple of requests and record the incidents issuing a ticket (L01.3) (6%). D. Case scenarios (20%): Carol works as a help desk officer in a large and highly competitive bank. She is very enthusiastic and has very good technical skills. 1. Robert, a marketing manager, calls Carol. “Carol” he says, “I am not able to print this Excel file out. I have an important meeting in 20 minutes and I need to distribute several copies of it. I am a bit desperate.” “No problem”, Carol replies. “I will be there in a minute and see if I can find out the problem”. Carol pops over to Robert’s workstation and after 10 minutes proclaims. “This is very weird. I cannot understand what is going on. This is a really interesting problem”. Robert’s body language shows that he is starting to get upset as the meeting is getting closer. However, Carol continues troubleshooting the problem since this is the one of the most interesting she has ever encountered. “Apparently there is some kind of conflict between the network protocols and the spread sheet software” Carol says. After 10 minutes have passed, Robert is panicking. “I need the file printed for the meeting. Please, just print it out”. Carlos is apologies: “I am so sorry, I am almost there, just give me a few more minutes”. A “few more minutes” turn into 10 more minutes, and still, no fix. Finally, Robert goes to the meeting very stressed with some scribbled notes. He manages to get through the material but sets another meeting in the future, to review the correct figures. i. Briefly discuss the cost of the previous scenario andevaluate the impact of Carol’s action on user productivity (L01.1) (4%). ii. Place yourself in Carol’s role in the previous Scenario. Briefly describe your actions, and how they would affect the banks position in the profitability scale (L01.2) (4%). 2. Carol is rushing on her way to help Charles with a problem in his PC when she meets Anne, a regular customer at the helpdesk. “Carol” she says, “just the person I wanted to see. Do you have a minute?”.Carol hesitates: “I am just on my way to help someone else”. “Do not worry. This will not take long, just a few minutes. Please, my PC is right here” says Anne. A “few minutes” turn into half an hour, but finally Anne’s problem is sorted out and she seems to be pleased about it. When Carol enters Charles office, she is met with anger: “Where the heck have you been” I called the help desk half an hour ago and I was told that you were on your way”. Carol apologizes: “I am so sorry, I stopped to help Anne Simmons with a problem in her PC” . “What!!!! You were supposed to be working on my problem! I was told I was the next in the queue. I have wasted more than half an hour waiting for you” replies Charles. Carol apologizes once again but finally troubleshoots the problem. When Carol gets back to the help desk, Ricardo, a colleague, says: “Carol, Anne Simmons called to say that the problem that you tried to fix has reoccurred. I can’t seem to find the problem log so I can’t reopen it.” Carol explains what happened and Ricardo logs a new problem. i. Briefly discuss the cost of the previous scenario and evaluate the impact of Carol’s action on user productivity (L01.1) (4%). ii. Place yourself in Carol’s role in the previous Scenario. Briefly describe your actions, and how they would affect the banks position in the profitability scale (L01.2) (4%). E. User Support Programmes (20%) Evaluate different training tools (L04.1) (support manual, wiki, video, multimedia, website ...) and produce a product (L04.3) for a theoretical end user with average IT skills that will help her/him to use an unfamiliar software product) (L04.4). Plagiarism will be taken very seriously. Please, include your own materials (text, pictures, screenshots ....) describing the necessary steps to perform a typical end user task. Keep in mind that an end user is not necessarily a customer but that it could also be a peer member of your team. You are free to select the topic of the manual. However the manual must your own work and should contain your own screenshots. Alternatively, to make your life easier, you may want to use any of the following examples: You are working as a help desk officer for ACME University. Based on the previous tasks (C1, C2, C3 and C4) create a user support manual for a peer member of your team explaining only one of the following: Example 1:How to Install and configure a virtualization software tool of your choice. Example 2: How to create and configure two virtual machines (VM). Example 3: How install and setup a guest operating system. Example 4:How to configure a small private network and provide IP connectivity. Example 5:How to install and configure the Incidence recording software of your choice. Example 6:How to record an incident and issue a ticket. Performance criteria: The assessment of the module can lead to a pass, pass with merit, pass with distinction, or fail. Pass: The assignment will cover the main areas as specified below but with only limited evidence of critical analysis or evaluation and possibly some errors or omissions. However, there will be evidence of an ability to think independently as shown through the application of appropriate theory To achieve Learning Outcome 1 (deal with user problems) you must demonstrate the ability to: Accurately analyze user reported faults. o Evaluate the impact of two case scenarios on user productivity. Provide a solution in a considerate and helpful way. o Make and act on suggestions to have a positive impact on user productivity o State how your actions will improve user productivity. Comply with the requirements of help desks and fault logging systems. o Create and configure an effective electronic logbook and communicate with your peers. You should post the URL of your blog in the main blog of the unit (as requested in class). Provide examples of support for specific areas of the organization. o Describe different types of end user problems o Discuss the use of reactive and proactive approaches to end user support. To achieve Learning Outcome 2 (install software for and end-user) you must demonstrate the ability to: Plan for installation o Effectively plan the installation of at least one virtualization software tool o Effectively plan the installation of a guest operating system o Plan the installation of a small private network and provide IP connectivity o Select an Incidence recording software tool Install and successfully test software o Effectively install at least one of the virtualization software tool o Effectively install and setup a guest operating system o Configure a small private network and provide IP connectivity from and to the VMs. o Install a remote support software tool of your choice o Install an configure an Incidence recording software tool. Re-configure and thoroughly test software to satisfy user’s requirements. o Effectively configure at least one of the virtualization software tools o Configure a remote support software tool to provide IP support o Effectively plan, create and configure two virtual machines (VM) and install and setup a guest operating system of your choice in every one of them. o Select and install an Incidence recording software tool in one of the VMs. o Effectively use the incidence recording software. To achieve Learning Outcome 3 (install/upgrade hardware for and end-user) you must demonstrate the ability to: Plan for installation o Effectively select the appropriate number and type of hardware components of the Virtual Machines Prepare justification for upgrade/installation of new hardware o Effectively justify the selection and specification of the different hardware components Install and successfully test hardware o Effectively install, configure and test the different hardware components To achieve Learning Outcome 4 (Train an end-user to use new software products) you must demonstrate the ability to: Evaluate training tools Produce materials to support training Train and educate a theoretical end user with average IT skills to use an unfamiliar software product The different parts of the coursework should be included in a Google DOC folder with your name. The folder should also be shared with your tutor. Additionally, it is compulsory a printed copy of all the work done during the semester, including: Electronic logbook printings, literature research text, laboratory screenshots, discussions and manuals. The presentation of the material must be appropriate, effective and professional-like but may display weaknesses in the way in which it is communicated.The assignment must meet the specified deadline. Merit: As for Pass but with more detailed and analytical responses which show a clear understanding of the processes involved in in the support of end users. Additionally, the design and use of tools should be at a professional level. This would involve producing evidence within the completed assignment to meet the performance criteria set out below: Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions o effective judgments have been made o and effective approach to study and research has been applied Select/design and apply appropriate methods/techniques o relevant theories and techniques have been applied o a range of methods and techniques have been applied o a range of sources of information has been used o the selection of methods and techniques/sources has been justified o the design of methods/techniques has been justified o complex information/data has been synthesised and processed o appropriate learning methods/techniques have been applied Present and communicate appropriate findings o the appropriate structure and approach has been used o coherent, logical development of principles/concepts for the intended audience o a range of methods of presentation have been used and technical language has been accurately used o communication has taken place in familiar and unfamiliar contexts o the communication is appropriate for familiar and unfamiliar audiences and appropriate media have been used Distinction: As for Merit, but with excellent responses which show an outstanding understanding of the processes involved in the support of end users. Additionally, the design and use of tools should be of an exceptional level. This would involve producing evidence within the completed assignment to meet the performance criteria set out below: Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions o conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of ideas and have been justified o the validity of results has been evaluated using defined criteria o self-criticism of approach has taken place o realistic improvements have been proposed against defined characteristics for success Take responsibility for managing and organising activities o autonomy/independence has been demonstrated o substantial activities, projects or investigations have been planned, managed and organised o activities have been managed o the unforeseen has been accommodated o the importance of interdependence has been recognised and achieved Demonstrate convergent/ lateral/ creative thinking o ideas have been generated and decisions taken o self-evaluation has taken place o convergent and lateral thinking have been applied o problems have been solved o innovation and creative thought have been applied o receptiveness to new ideas is evident o effective thinking has taken place in unfamiliar contexts