Proforma Invoice An overview
 Main points:
 A quote provided by the exporter to the importer
for the purpose of the importer obtaining a letter
of credit; a invoice in advance– an accurate and
precise preview of what the actual invoice would
be if the transaction were take place.
 Extremely care should therefore be given to the writing
of performa invoice as the final commercial invoice
should not vary from it.
Proforma Invoice An overview
 Methodology
 Convey positive message
 Structure
1)Thank you for your correspondent dated…
2)We have done something as you told us…
3)We wish further cooperation would go on…
Proforma Invoice An overview
 Methodology
 Convey negative message
 Structure
1)Thank you for your correspondent dated…
2)Decline an offer politely or explicitly…
3)We wish further cooperation would go on…
Unit 7 Proforma Invoice
Lesson 29
Proforma Invoice (A)
Requesting Proforma Invoice
October 27, 2007
Dear Sirs,
Our client in Lagos, Nigeria, requests us to obtain from you a Proforma Invoice
for Sewing Machines with the following specifications:
“Butterfly” Brand, Electric Type,
Three Drawers and Five Drawers (each 500 piece)
Will you please airmail us the soonest possible your Proforma Invoice for 1,000
pieces Sewing Machines with prices CIF Lagos, so that we can obtain our
client’s confirmation. There is no question about your getting the necessary
import license from our authorities. After the said license is approved, we shall
establish an L/C in your favour.
We thank you for your close co-operation in this respect.
Yours truly,
Unit 7 Proforma Invoice
Sending Proforma Invoice
November 5, 2007
In compliance with the request contained in your letter of
October 27, we are sending you here with the required
Proforma Invoice in triplicate. Please note that our offer
remains valid until November 15. We look forward to
receiving your order at an early date.
 For your information, our Sewing Machines are selling fast,
and there have been numerous enquiries about them.
Please take the necessary steps without delay.
 Yours faithfully,
Unit 7 Proforma Invoice
Lesson 30
Transferring Business Relations
June 10,2007
Dear Sirs,
Your communication of the 28th May addressed to our sister corporation in Shanghai
has been passed on to us for attention, as the export of enamel-ware falls within the scope
of our business activities.
However, we very much regret that we are not in a position to supply you with enamelware direct, as we are already represented by Messre Freeman & Brothers CO. , Ltd. , 267
Broad Street, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, for the sales of this commodity in your district.
We would advise you to get in touch with them for your requirements.
In case you are interested in other items, kindly let us know and we shall be only too
pleased to make you offers direct.
Yours faithfully,
c.c Messrs Freeman & Brothers Co. , Ltd. ,
Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.
Unit 7 Proforma Invoice
Lesson 31
Requesting Special Discount (A)
Dear Sirs,
Will you please send us a copy of your catalogue and current price list for
bicycles? We are interested in machines for both men and women, and also for
 We are the leading bicycle dealers in this district, where cycling is popular, and
have branches in three neighbouring countries. If therefore the quality of your
machines is satisfactory and the prices are right, we expect to place regular
orders for fairly large numbers.
 Will you please say whether, in these circumstances, you are able to allow us a
special discount? This would enable us to maintain the low selling prices that
have been an important reason for the growth of our business. In return, we
would be prepared to place orders for a guaranteed annual minimum number
of machines, the figure to be mutually agreed.
 Yours faithfully,
Unit 7 Proforma Invoice
Lesson 32
Requesting Special Allowance (A)
Dear Sirs,
Will you please send us a copy of catalogue and current price-list for garments?
We are interested in garments for both men and women, and also for children.
 We are one of the leading garment dealers in this city and have branches in
eight neighbouring towns. If therefore the quality of your garments is
satisfactory and the prices are right, we expect to place regular orders for fairly
large quantities.
 In these circumstances, we should like to know whether you are able to allow us
a special discount. This would enable us to maintain the low selling prices that
have been an important reason for the growth of our business. In return, we
should be prepared to place orders for a guaranteed annual minimum turnover,
the figure to be mutually agreed
 Yours faithfully,
Unit 7 Proforma Invoice
 Requesting Special Allowance (B)
 Dear Sirs,
Thank you for your letter of November 15 showing your interest in our
garments. We are enclosing the catalogue and price-list asked for. Also
enclosed you will find details of our conditions of sale and terms of payment.
 We have examined your proposal to place orders for a guaranteed quantity of
garments in return for a special allowance. We consider it advisable to offer you
a special allowance on the following sliding scale basis:
On purchase exceeding an annual total of:
US $2000 but not exceeding $4000………3%
US $4000 but not exceeding $6000………5%
US $6000 and above………………………7%
No special allowance could be given on annual total purchases below US $2000.
We feel that an arrangement on these lines would be more satisfactory to both
of us than the one you propose.
We shall be glad to learn that you accept our proposal and, subject to the usual
trade references, look forward to your orders.
Unit 7 Proforma Invoice
Lesson 33
Granting Special Allowance
Dear Sirs,
We are glad to learn from your letter of 18 th July of your interest in our products and enclose the
catalogue and price list asked for. Also enclosed you will find details of our conditions of sale and
terms of payment.
We have examined your proposal to place an order for a guaranteed minimum number of bicycles in
return for a special allowance, but after considering id carefully, feel it would be better to offer a
special allowance on the following sliding-scale basis:
On purchases exceeding an annual total of:
£1,000 but not exceeding £2,500…3%
£2,500 but not exceeding £5,000…4%
£5000 and above…5%
No special allowance could be given on annual total purchases below £1,000.
We feel that an arrangement on these lines would be more satisfactory to both of us than the one you
We shall be glad to learn that you accept our proposal and, subject to the usual trade references, look
forward to your orders.
Yours faithfully,
Unit 7 Proforma Invoice
Lesson 34
Refusing Price Reduction (A)
Dear Sirs,
We have carefully considered your counter-proposal of 25th September to our
offer of woolen knitwear, but very much regret that we can’t accept it. The
prices we quoted in our letter of 13th September leave us with only the smallest
margins; they are, in fact, lower than those of our competitors for goods of
similar quality.
 The wool used in the manufacture of our “PEONY” range undergoes a special
patented process that prevents shrinkage and increases durability. The fact that
we are the largest suppliers of woolen knitwear in this country is in itself
evidence of the value of our products.
 If, having given further thought to the matter, you feel you cannot accept our
offer, we hope it will not prevent you from approaching us on some other
occasion. We shall always be very happy to hear from you and will carefully
consider any proposals likely to lead to business between us.
Unit 7 Proforma Invoice
 Refusing Price Reduction(B)
 Dear Sirs,
 We are very gratified to learn of the success you are having
with our bicycles, but regret that we are still unable to
comply with your request. However, we shall be pleased to
discuss the matter of more favourable terms before long.
When our representative, Mr. Tang, calls on you in this
New Year, he will make you an offer which we feel sure will
meet with your approval.
 We send you our warmest congratulations on your
increased business with us and look forward to further
increases to your mutual benefit.
 Yours faithfully,
Terms of Payment An Overview
 Main points:
 The conditions agreed between the buyer and
seller concerning the method of payment for the
goods; these conditions are usually demanded or
proposed by the seller and either they are accepted by
the buyer when placing or confirming his order, or
different terms are arranged by negotiation.
 The main methods used are:
Terms of Payment An Overview
 Main points:
 The main methods used are: cash (or payment) with order(定货
付现、款); cash (or payment) on delivery(货到付现、款);
prompt cash (立即付现);payment after delivery(交货后付款);
payment on invoice or statement(凭发票或清单付款);monthly
or quarterly account(月度或季度结算);open account(记帐交易
);mail or cable transfer(邮汇或电汇); bill of exchange(汇票);
document against cash(付现交单), or against payment(或付款交
单), or against acceptance(或承兑交单); letter of credit(信用证);
acceptance credit(承兑信用); bank’s authority to negotiate(银行
Terms of Payment An Overview
 Methodology
 Convey positive message
 Structure
1)Thank you for your correspondent dated…
2)We have done something as you told us…
3)We wish further cooperation would go on…
Terms of Payment An Overview
 Key Terms
即期信用证表达法:a letter of credit available by draft
at sight,a letter of credit payable against draft at sight
;a letter of credit available by(payable against) sight
draft;a letter of credit(or; an L/C) at sight,sight
letter of credit(or: sight L/C)
Terms of Payment An Overview
 Key Terms
 远期(迟期)信用证表达法:usance L/C, time L/C,term
L/C available by draft at 30 days after sight 见票后30天议付的信
(usance / time / term) L/C at 30 days after sight
(usance / time / term) L/C at 30 days
30 days (usance / time / term) L/C
confirmed L/C 保兑信用证,irrevocable L/C 不可撤销信用证,
documentary L/C 跟单信用证,transferable and divisible L/C 可
转让与可分割信用证,revolving L/C 循环信用证,back to back
L/C 背对背信用证,reciprocal L/C 对开信用证
Terms of Payment An Overview
 Key Terms
 draw 开立。习惯用法:draw on us at 60 day’s sight 开
出见票60天付款的汇票向我们收款。draw(a draft) on
sb. for,e.g. As agreed, we are drawing(a draft) on you
for the value of this sample shipment 按照商定,对于
这批样货的价款,我们开出汇票向你方索取。draw on
sb. against sth. e.g As agreed, we are drawing on you at
sight against your purchase of a sample lot. drawings
用汇票支取的金额。Drawer 出票人,drawee 付款人
Terms of Payment An Overview
 Methodology
 Convey negative message
 Structure
1)Thank you for your correspondent dated…
2)Decline an offer politely or explicitly…
3)We wish further cooperation would go on…
Unit 8 Terms of Payment
Lesson 37
Terms of Payment (A)
We refer to your Contract No. DSG 267 covering Enamelware in
the amount of £998.00 and Contract No. BSG 268 covering
Basketware £895.50. In either case these contracts are less than
£1,000.00, we shall be glad if you agree to ship the goods to us as
before on Cash Against Document basis.
 We hope that you will accommodate us in this respect and
continue supplying us with Enamelware and Basketware on the
same basis.
 We look forward to your reply.
 Yours faithfully,
Unit 8 Terms of Payment
 Terms of Payment (B)
 Dear Sirs,
 We are in receipt of your letter of March 8, contents of which
have been duly noted.
 With regard to Contract No.DSG 267 and BSG 268, we agree to
D/P payment terms for these contracts. However, we consider it
advisable to make it clear that for future transactions D/P will
only be accepted if the amount involved for each transaction is
below £1,000.00 or its equivalent in Renminbi at the conversion
rate then prevailing. If the amount exceeds that figure, payment
by Letter of Credit will be required.
 We wish to reiterate that it is only in view of our long friendly
business relations that we extend you this accommodation. It is
sincere hope that we can enlarge the business in these lines to
our mutual benefit.
Unit 8 Terms of Payment
Lesson 38
Documents against Payment
Dear Sirs,
The goods which you ordered on 2nd October have been shipped to you today by s.s.
“Seafarer” , due at Lagos on 5th November.
We have taken special care to include in the consignment only items suited to condition
in Nigeria. We hope that you will be pleased with our selection and that this, your first
order, will lead to further business between us.
From the enclosed copy of invoice you will see that the price of £1,880 is well within the
maximum figure you stated. We have drawn on you for this amount at sight through the
Bank of Nigeria, who have been instructed to hand over documents against payment of
the draft. We hope you will understand when we explain that the urgency of your order
left with insufficient time to make the usual enquiries and that we therefore had no
choice but to follow our standard practice with new customers of placing the transaction
on a cash basis.
We look forward to your further orders and, subject to satisfactory references and regular
dealing, would be prepared to consider open account terms with quarterly settlements.
Yours faithfully,
Unit 8 Terms of Payment
Lesson 39
Documents against Acceptance (A)
Dear Sirs,
Your order No.678
We are pleased to inform you that arrangements have now been
made to ship the Sewing Machines you ordered on October 22.
The consignment will leave Shanghai by S.S. Jinan, due to arrive
at Port Klang sometime in late November.
 In keeping with our usual terms of payment we have drawn on
you at 60 days and passed the draft and shipping documents to
our banker. The documents will be presented to you by the
Chartered Bank against your acceptance of the draft in the usual
 Yours faithfully
Unit 8 Terms of Payment
 Documents against Acceptance (B)
 Dear Sir,
 On 22nd September we shipped a consignment of 2,000 dozen
Hero Brand fountain pens to the Lawon Department Store in
Singapore, of whom we have little knowledge and whose
standing we have been unable to check. We therefore think it
would be unwise to surrender the enclosed documents on a D/A
basis and enclose a sight draft on the consignees, with bill of
lading and insurance certificate attached.
 Will you please arrange for your correspondent in Singapore to
obtain payment of the amount due before handing over the
documents, and notify us when payments has been made.
 Yours faithfully,
Unit 8 Terms of Payment
Lesson 40
Urging Establishment of a Letter of Credit
August 19, 2007
Dear Sirs,
Our Sales Confirmation No. C215
With reference to the 4,000 dozen shirts under our Sales Confirmation
No. C215, we wish to draw your attention to the fact that the date of
delivery is approaching, but we still have not received your covering
Letter of Credit to date. Please do you utmost to expedite same, so that
we may execute the order smoothly.
 In order to avoid subsequent amendments, please see to it that the L/C
stipulations are in exact accordance with the terms of the Contract.
 We hope to receive your favourable news soon.
 Yours truly,
Unit 8 Terms of Payment
Lesson 41
Requesting L/C Amendment
Dear Sirs,
Re: Your Order No. 5718 for safety Pin Machines
We are in receipt of your letter of July 22 requesting us to ship all the 20 sets of
Safety Pin Machine in one lot. We are sorry to say that we are unable to comply
with your wishes.
 When we offered the machines it was expressly stated that shipment would be
effected in October. If you desire earlier delivery, we can only make a partial
shipment of ten machines in September and the remaining ten in October. We
hope this arrangement will be agreeable to you and, if so, please amend the
covering credit to allow partial shipment, under advice to us.
 Please fax us your confirmation so that we can request the manufacturers to
expedite delivery.
 Yours faithfully,
Unit 8 Terms of Payment
Lesson 42
L/C Amendment
Dear Sirs,
We have received your L/C No. 1377/348/75 issued by the Yemen Band for
Reconstruction & Development for the amount of £13,720 covering 16,000
dozen Stretch Nylon Socks. On perusal, we find that transshipment and partial
shipment are not allowed.
 As direct steamers to your port are few and far between, we have to ship via
Hongkong more often than not. As to partial shipment, it would be to our
mutual benefit because we could ship immediately whatever we have on hand
instead of waiting for the whole lot to b completed. Therefore, we are faxing
this afternoon, asking you to amend the L/C to read: completed. Therefore, we
are faxing this afternoon, asking you to amend the L/C to read:
 We shall be glad if you will see to it that amendment is faxed without delay, as
our goods have been packed ready for shipment for quite some time.
 Yours faithfully,
Unit 8 Terms of Payment
Lesson 43
Extension of an L/C
Re: Your L/C No. 20998
10M/Tons Hen Egg Yolk
We thank you for your L/C No. 20998 covering your order of 10 metric tons of
Hen Egg Yolk. We are sorry that owing to some delay on the part of our
suppliers, we are unable to get the goods ready before the end of this month.
It is expected that the consignment will be ready for shipment in the early part
of May and we are arranging to ship it on S.S. “East Wind” sailing from
Shanghai on or about 10th May.
We trust you will extend by fax the shipment date of your L/C to May 15 and
validity t May 30, thus enabling us to effect shipment of the goods in question.
We thank you for your cooperation.
Yours faithfully,