WAVES Rolling Out Physics EDST6713 Task 4: Unit of Work By: Carmen Perez z3421822 High School Science Teaching and Learning Program Year : 10 Waves: Rolling out Physics TOPIC LENGTH: 6 Weeks = 18 x 80min lessons Contextual Outline: The context is set very broadly so as to encompass much content. Waves are explored, mechanical and electromagnetic. The school is located in a coastal community and the majority of the class are surfers. Student Engagement is being established by tapping into the student’s popular culture, surfing the water wave. By making this connection and creating this context students are able to apply what they are learning to a recreational pastime they frequently engage in. The context is expanded and communications are discussed using mobile phones, which are classical examples of electromagnetic wave emitters and receivers. The use of mobiles being another deeply engrained culture of today’s youth. We explore outer space and come back to explain light waves and the sun as an energy resource on Earth. Rationale: Aim/What the students will learn from this program: The Waves topic explores the energy associated with waves. Students learn about water, sound, light, heat and electromagnetic waves and draw models to represent the movement of these waves. Students explore the ways in which waves have been used in technology and communication systems. They learn about the production of energy from light and heat waves from the sun. The aim of this program is to teach students social issues surrounding science, applications of science and how this is affecting people’s lives. The program also touches on all the skills, values and attributes listed in the Stage 4 Syllabus. Why it is important: It is important to learn this content in order to become scientifically literate. __________ High School Science Faculty Prior knowledge necessary to complete this unit: basic foundations in science How to assess this prior knowledge: discussion and testing, look for signs of visible learning, check for understanding. Justify content and teaching strategies Co-educational public school: The context is appropriate for both male and female students, perhaps surfing is somewhat exclusively more appealing to the male, mobiles, the Universe’s structure and Earth’s resources are appealing to both sexes. Mixed ability: Life skills have been intertwined throughout the five phases with general syllabus points. They have been correlated closely so that the class are working together as 2 High School Science Teaching and Learning Program Year : 10 Waves: Rolling out Physics a whole, lower ability students can mix with higher ability and they can have meaningful discussion on both life skill and knowledge and understanding content points. One third non-English speaking background (second phase ESL): The teacher will need to pay extra attention to defining difficult words that may be jargon to ESL students. The teacher will make sure to integrate ESL students with fluent English speakers when team work in being conducted. Indigenous Australians & Pacific Islander students: The teacher would be wise in learning native language form indigenous students and incorporating Aboriginal words in the lesson to give the Indigenous students a sense of inclusion. The teacher will need to speak loudly and perhaps place the Indigenous student closer to the position the teacher will most commonly be speaking in. This is because Indigenous people are genetically disposed to ear infections causing poor hearing and leading to disengagement in the classroom. The teacher will be aware of attendance and make attempts to integrate themselves in the Indigenous community. Lesson 13 features Indigenous knowledge about tidal waves. Diverse religious and cultural groups: While the teacher needs to be particularly sensitive to the diversity of culture __________ High School Science Faculty and religion present in the class this program is somewhat void of addressing any particular culture or religion. Challenging behaviours (special education needs): Much group work is incorporated in the plan. Disruptive students will be split up and placed in productive groups with proficient students that will hopefully influence a positive change in them. If this does not occur and the challenging student disrupt and impedes active students at some point the misbehaver will need to be delt with. Perhaps a learners aid can be employed to provide extra learning support. Problem Based Learning (PBL) is used as a final assessment. Students practice critical thinking, collaboration and communication. Their work will be marked by the teacher, the community and their peers. 3 High School Science Teaching and Learning Program Year : 10 Waves: Rolling out Physics Outcomes A student: The History of Science The Nature and Practice of Science The Applications and Use of Science The Implications of Science for Society and the Environment Current Issues, Research and Development Knowledge and Understanding 5.1 explains how social factors influence the development and acceptance of scientific ideas 5.2 describes the processes that are applied to test and validate models, theories and laws 5.3 evaluates the impacts of applications of science on society and the environment 5.5 analyses how current research might affect people’s lives 5.6 applies models, theories and laws to situations involving energy, forces and motion 5.9 relates the development of the universe and the dynamic structure of Earth to models, theories and laws and the influence of time 5.10 assess human impacts on the interaction of biotic and abiotic features of the environment 5.11 analyses the impact of human resource use on the biosphere to evaluate methods of conserving, protecting and maintaining Earth’s resources 5.12 relates the interactions involved in using some common technologies to their underlying scientific principles 5.13 identifies a problem and independently produces an appropriate investigation plan Skills 5.16 access information from a wide variety of secondary sources 5.17 explains trends, patterns and relationships in data and/or information from a variety of sources 5.18 selects and uses appropriate forms of communication to present information to an audience 5.19 uses critical thinking skills in evaluating information and drawing conclusions 5.20 selects and uses appropriate strategies to solve problems 5.21 uses creativity and imagination in the analysis of problems and the development of possible solutions __________ High School Science Faculty 4 High School Science Teaching and Learning Program Year : 10 Waves: Rolling out Physics Values and Attitudes Life Skills 5.22 plans, implements and evaluates the effectiveness of a variety of tasks independently and as a team member 5.23 demonstrates confidence and a willingness to make decisions and take responsible actions 5.24 respects differing viewpoints on science issues and is honest, fair and ethical 5.25recognises the relevance and importance of lifelong learning and acknowledges the continued impact of science in many aspects of everyday life 5.26 recognises the role of science in providing information about issues being considered and in increasing understanding of the world around them 5.27 acknowledge their responsibility to conserve, protect and maintain the environment for the future LS.1 recognises some scientific developments that have changed our world LS.3 explores the influence of science on our daily lives LS.5 investigate a current issue in science LS.6 recognises some forms and sources of energy LS.11 recognises some features of the solar system and beyond LS.12 observe a range of physical interactions LS.15 explores the impact of human activity on the Earth’s resources ORGANISATION OF THE UNIT The unit is organised into phases as follows: Phase 1: The Wave Model Phase 2: Wave Technology Phase 3: Waves in Space Phase 4: Light Speed Phase 5: Problem Based Group Project __________ High School Science Faculty 5 High School Science Teaching and Learning Program Year : 10 Waves: Rolling out Physics ASSESSMENT End of Week 1: Wave Model Quiz End of Phase 4: Exam on Phases 1-4 Problem Based Learning: How do you generate perfect surfing waves? Peer Assessment EQUIPMENT Slinky, ruler, radio, laptops, smart board, internet access, optical fibre, butchers paper, marker and pens, geographical maps of Arrawarra (Coffs Harbour) rocky platform, Perspex practical set, laser, newspaper articles, textbooks COMPUTER PROGRAMS Excel WEB 2.0 Tools: PREZI, G Interactive: Virtuosity, Physics, Oresome Resources VIDEOS Video: Science of Waves DVD: Biomedical – EMR Youtube videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tz8ithgTBj4&feature=related&noredirect=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDZzAIcCQLQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nr-grdspEWQ WEBSITES http://www.interactivephysics.com.sg/ http://www.astronautix.com/country/ausralia.htm http://www.who.int/peh-emf/en/ http://www.oresomeresources.com/media/flash/interactives/low_emission_energy_future/ http://www.glogster.com/dashboard/glogs/my __________ High School Science Faculty 6 Year : 10 Waves: Rolling out Physics Teaching and Learning Sequence: Phase 1 – The Wave Model Students learn about 5.2 the nature and practice of science 5.6.1 the wave model LS.6 other sources of energy used in the wider community Syllabus Outcomes: A student 5.2 describes the processes that are applied to test and validate models, theories and laws 5.6.1 applies models, theories and laws to situations involving energy, force and motion LS.6 recognises some forms and sources of energy Week Lesson 1 1 1 2 Syllabus Content Students learn to 5.6.1(a) identify waves as carriers of energy LS.6 identify other sources of energy 5.2 (c) apply scientific processes to test the validity of ideas and theories 5.6.1 (b) qualitatively describe features of waves including frequency, wavelength and speed Indicators Students will Teacher: Introduces waves program and discusses phases, duration and assessment. Students : Define a wave Explain that waves are carriers of energy using common examples -a stone dropped in water -a ruler vibrated upon a desk Demonstrate the two major types of waves using a slinky spring - compression/longitudinal e.g. Sound - transverse waves e.g. Water surface waves Students : Conduct an experiment on waves Teacher: Familiarise students with the features of a wave form that Participate in practical to demonstrate, with a slinky and using examples, waves as carriers of energy. Differentiate between compression and transverse waves using examples. Textbook Practical handouts Draw and label the features of waves; wavelength, frequency, amplitude and Textbook Excel Software Video: Science of Waves Teacher Signature: 3/16/2016 Resources Teaching and Learning Activities Date Completed: __________ High School Science Faculty 7 Year : 10 Waves: Rolling out Physics Teaching and Learning Sequence: Phase 1 – The Wave Model Week 1 Lesson 3 Syllabus Content Students learn to 5.18 (e) use drawings, diagrams, graphs, tables, databases, spreadsheets and flow charts to show relationships and present information clearly and/or succinctly 5.6.1 (c) give examples of different types of radiation that make up the electromagnetic spectrum and identify some of their uses are used to characterise them. Students : Use excel to plot features of different waves modulation. Students : Relate amplitude to the decibel scale Illustrate examples of electromagnetic waves Experiment with waves using interactive software Describe decibel scale and give examples of electromagnetic waves Pass a quiz on the wave model Teacher Signature: 3/16/2016 Indicators Students will Teaching and Learning Activities Resources VIRTUOSITY- Mobile Phone Ring Tone Interactive Interactive Physics: http://www.interactiveph ysics.com.sg/ -HANDOUT Date Completed: __________ High School Science Faculty 8 Year : 10 Waves: Rolling out Physics Teaching and Learning Sequence: Phase 2 – Wave Technology Students learn about LS.1 significant developments that have contributed to the progress of science throughout history 5.1 the history of science LS.3 planning an investigation 5.3 the applications and uses of science 5.5 current issues, research and developments in science 5.12 technology 5.16 gathering information from secondary sources Syllabus Outcomes: A student LS.1 recognises some scientific developments that have changed our world 5.1 explains how social factors influence the development and acceptance of scientific ideas LS.3 explores the influence of science on our daily lives 5.3 evaluates the impacts of applications of science on society and the environment 5.5 analyses how current research might affect peoples lives 5.12 relates the interactions involved in using some common technologies to their underlying scientific principles 5.16 access information from a wide variety of secondary sources Teacher Signature: 3/16/2016 Date Completed: __________ High School Science Faculty 9 Year : 10 Waves: Rolling out Physics Teaching and Learning Sequence: Phase 2 – Wave Technology Week Lesson 2 4 2 5 Syllabus Content Students learn to LS.3 participate as part of a team in planning and undertaking an investigation into changes in the way we communicate 5.12 (a) describes some everyday uses and effects of electromagnetic radiation, including applications in communications technology 5.16 (a) use a range of sources, including databases, CD-ROMs and the internet, to access information 5.3 (a) identify and describe examples of scientific concepts and principles that have been used in technological developments (including Australian examples) 5.12 (a) describes some everyday uses and effects of electromagnetic radiation, including applications in communications technology 5.1 (d) describe historical cases where developments in science have led to the development of new technologies Teaching and Learning Activities Resources Students: identify regions of the electromagnetic spectrum that are used in communication e.g. radio waves, light waves, infra red, microwave identify the nature of electromagnetic waves research in the library, using text and computer sources, the uses and effects of electromagnetic radiation, particularly its applications in communication technology. -distinguish the different electromagnetic waves Students: List technological developments that utilize electromagnetic radiation e.g. mobile phones, satellite, digital TV Use illustrations to compare and contrast AM and FM radio Teacher: -Identifies Telstar as the first telecommunications satellite launched in 1962 -discuss the phasing out of the undersea cable over satellite/electromagnetic wave technology development -Identify that in 1985, Australia's first communications satellite was placed into orbit. Known as AUSSAT, the satellite enabled remote areas of Australia to be able to communicate with other parts of the world -explain the principle on which radio waves are produced, transmitted and received Textbook Handout Smart board Radio -identify that Telstar enabled people from around the world to be able to see events on television only minutes after they happened -Identify the ability for Australian to make international satellite calls http://www.astronautix.c om/country/ausralia.htm Teacher Signature: 3/16/2016 Indicators Students will Textbook Library and Internet -describe electromagnetic radiation Date Completed: __________ High School Science Faculty 10 Year : 10 Waves: Rolling out Physics Teaching and Learning Sequence: Phase 2 – Wave Technology Week Lesson 2 6 3 7 3 8 Syllabus Content Students learn to 5.3 (b) discuss, using examples, the positive and negative impacts of applications of recent developments in science Teaching and Learning Activities Resources Students: Discuss the importance of information transfer e.g. phone, TV, fax, radio, computer etc. Use the internet to research for a correlation between health effects and electromagnetic radiation Teacher: Discusses the impact of telecommunication technology describing Australia’s geographical isolation and how telecommunication technology made international business and trade a more viable option. -recall negative and positive impacts of the advent of wave technology http://www.who.int/pehemf/en/ 5.3 (c) identify and describe examples where technological advances have impacted on science 5.1 (f) describe historical cases where developments or improvements in technology have transformed science LS.1 participate as part of a team in an investigation of a significant scientific development Teacher and Students: Holds a class discussion and brainstorming session: Waves for Communication in Science Globalization, sharing experimental results, scientific community communication, mass media, news, transport communication, black box, crashes disasters, finding people, GPS tracking, Internet Creation Teacher: Describes a narrative of an historical case of a wave technology impacting and transforming science -identify and describe an example of technology transforming and improving science Newspaper article Handout Smart board 5.3 (d) give reasons why society should support scientific research 5.26 recognise the role of science in providing information about issues being considered and in increasing Students: List the uses of electromagnetic waves and radiation in medicine describe the machines used and the treatment of illnesses -discuss the use of electromagnetic waves and radiation in medicine DVD: Biomedical – EMR Teacher Signature: 3/16/2016 Indicators Students will Handout Date Completed: __________ High School Science Faculty 11 Year : 10 Waves: Rolling out Physics Teaching and Learning Sequence: Phase 2 – Wave Technology Week 3 Lesson 9 Syllabus Content Students learn to understanding of the world around them 5.5 (c) identify scientific skills that can be useful in a broad range of careers 5.5 (d) identify possible career paths in science 5.12 (d) describe ways in which technology has increased the variety of made resources Teaching and Learning Activities Teacher and Students: Discuss the benefits in medicine of technological advancement of electromagnetic waves Teacher: explores possible career options related to diagnostic medicine, communication and space exploration Teacher: demonstrates an optical fibre and explains its operation in terms of total internal reflection Compares and contrasts an analog and digital signal Homework: find a simulation on the internet that describe how optic fibre works Teacher Signature: 3/16/2016 Indicators Students will Resources -successfully participation in practical -describe optical fibre technology in made resources Practical- Optical Fibres Date Completed: __________ High School Science Faculty 12 Year : 10 Waves: Rolling out Physics Teaching and Learning Sequence: Phase 3 – Waves in Space Students learn about LS.5 identifying and analyzing issues that arise from scientific developments 5.6.6 gravitational force 5.9.1 the big bang theory 5.9.3 components of the universe LS.11 stars LS.12 gravity 5.16 gathering information from secondary sources 5.17 processing information 5.18 presenting information 5.21 the use of creativity and imagination 5.22.1 working individually 5.22.2 working in teams Syllabus Outcomes: A student LS.5 investigate a current issue in science 5.6 applies models, theories and laws to situations involving energy, forces and motion 5.9 relates the development of the universe and the dynamic structure of Earth to models, theories and laws and the influence of time LS.11 recognises some features of the solar system and beyond LS.12 observe a range of physical interactions 5.16 accesses information from a wide variety of secondary sources 5.17 explains trends, patterns and relationships in data and/or information from a variety of sources 5.18 selects and uses appropriate forms of communication to present information to an audience 5.21 uses creativity and imagination in the analysis of problems and the development of possible solutions 5.22 plans, implements and evaluates the effectiveness of a variety of tasks independently and as a team member Teacher Signature: 3/16/2016 Date Completed: __________ High School Science Faculty 13 Year : 10 Waves: Rolling out Physics Teaching and Learning Sequence: Phase 3 – Waves in Space Week Lesson 4 10 4 11 Syllabus Content Students learn to 5.9.1 (b) identify that some types of electromagnetic radiation are used to provide information about the universe LS.5 identify and analyse issues that arise from scientific developments – radiation from mobile phones 5.17 (a) collate information from a number of sources 5.18 (c) select and use an appropriate medium to present data and information 5.21 (d) propose ideas that demonstrate coherence and logical progression 5.22.1 (a) independently plan and conduct investigations, communicate information and understanding and solve problems 5.9.1 (a) discuss current scientific thinking about the origin of the universe LS.11 recognise a star Teaching and Learning Activities Resources Teacher: realise that Identify types of electromagnetic radiation that electromagnetic provide information about the universe e.g. radio radiation travels at the telescopes speed of light Students: realise that the scale of Create a poster to post in the classroom about our use of the universe makes it electromagnetic radiation for space exploration difficult to obtain information Textbook WEB 2.0 tool: Glogster http://www.glogster.com /dashboard/glogs/my Students: Will watch the simulation of the big bang create a prezi or poster to explain the big bang theory/recognising a star/constellations to a lower grade Youtube: Big Bang http://www.youtube.com /watch?v=Tz8ithgTBj4& feature=related&noredir ect=1 Teacher Signature: 3/16/2016 Indicators Students will Communicate the main points of the Big Bang Theory/recognising a star/constellations Date Completed: __________ High School Science Faculty 14 Year : 10 Waves: Rolling out Physics Teaching and Learning Sequence: Phase 3 – Waves in Space Week Lesson 4 12 Syllabus Content Students learn to LS.11 investigate stars and constellations and their movement 5.16 (b) use a variety of techniques, such as keywords, skimming and scanning to identify appropriate information 5.18 (a) select, and use appropriately, types of texts for different purposes and contexts including a discussion, explanation, procedure, exposition, recount, report, response or experimental record for oral or written presentation 5.18 (b) select and use an appropriate medium to present data and information 5.21 (a) seek evidence to support claim 5.21 (c) produce creative solutions for problems 5.21 (d) propose ideas that demonstrate coherence and logical progression Teaching and Learning Activities Students: Research in teams alternative theories describing the origins of the universe Students and Teacher: Present findings to the class and as a class discuss, comparing and contrasting the alternative theories to the origin of the universe Teacher Signature: 3/16/2016 Indicators Students will Use their imagination, find evidence to support ideas and learn team communication skills Resources Internet WEB 2.0 tools: Powerpoint Butchers paper/pens Date Completed: __________ High School Science Faculty 15 Year : 10 Waves: Rolling out Physics Teaching and Learning Sequence: Phase 3 – Waves in Space Week Lesson 5 13 Syllabus Content Students learn to 5.21 (e) apply critical thinking in the consideration of proposals 5.21 (f) formulate cause and effect relationships 5.22.2 (d) accept specific roles in a team while planning and conducting investigations, communicating information and understanding and solving problems 5.6.6 (a) distinguish between the term ‘mass’ and ‘weight’ 5.9.3 (a) relate some major features of the universe to theories about the formation of the universe Additional Content: Gravitational force- relate qualitatively the force of gravity between two objects to their masses and distance apart LS. 12 identify gravity as a downward-acting force e.g. objects fall to earth and investigate the effects of gravity e.g. weights of objects, gravity keeps us on Earth Teaching and Learning Activities Teacher: -defines and distinguishes between mass and weight using examples -how the moon formed and the role it plays in Earths gravitational field -explains Earths moons gravitational pull on water -explains how this creates tides -describes how Indigenous Australians used fish traps, utilising tidal movements for subsistence fishing -differentiate by describing mass and weight -relate Earths gravitational field to its moon and the formation of this Resources Textbook Visual Aids: geographic aerial images of Arrawarra rocky platform Handouts Students Complete a practical observing the gravitational force on Earth Extension: experiment with the force of gravity between two objects related to their masses and distance apart Teacher Signature: 3/16/2016 Indicators Students will Date Completed: __________ High School Science Faculty 16 Year : 10 Waves: Rolling out Physics Teaching and Learning Sequence: Phase 4 – Light Speed Students learn about 5.6.4 light energy 5.10 ecosystems 5.11.1 energy resources LS.11 heat from the sun LS.15 natural resources Syllabus Outcomes: A student 5.6 applies models, theories and laws to situations involving energy, force and motion 5.10 assess human impacts on the interaction of biotic and abiotic features of the environment 5.11 analyses the impact of human resource use on the biosphere to evaluate methods of conserving, protecting and maintaining Earth’s resources LS.11 recognise some features of the solar system and beyond LS.15 explores the impact of human activity on the Earth’s resources 5.27 acknowledge their responsibility to conserve, protect and maintain the environment for the future Week Lesson 5 14 Syllabus Content Students learn to 5.6.4 (a) distinguish between the absorption, reflection and refraction of light and identify everyday situations where each occurs. LS.11 recognise the sun as a source of heat Teaching and Learning Activities Teacher: Give an introduction into the topic light waves Describe the speed of light as a constant Instruct in practical Students: Participate in practical Contribute to concluding class discussion Teacher Signature: 3/16/2016 Indicators Students will -give examples of the occurrences of absorption, reflection and refraction, scattering of light -explain the phenomena that can be seen in everyday situations e.g. rainbows, sunset, mirage Resources Textbook Practical: Perspex prisms Handout Date Completed: __________ High School Science Faculty 17 Year : 10 Waves: Rolling out Physics Teaching and Learning Sequence: Phase 4 – Light Speed Week Lesson 5 15 6 16 Syllabus Content Students learn to 5.11.1 (a) discuss the importance of energy as a resource LS.15 identify the use of some natural resource (light) 5.10 (c) describe some impacts of human activities on the ecosystem 5.11.1 (b) identify properties that make some natural resources economically important and describe their uses 5.27 acknowledge their responsibility to conserve, protect and maintain the environment for the future 5.23 demonstrates confidence and a willingness to make decisions and take responsible actions 5.24 respects differing viewpoints on science issues and is honest, fair and ethical 5.25recognises the relevance and importance of lifelong learning and acknowledges the continued impact of science in many aspects of everyday life Teaching and Learning Activities Teacher: Describes energy resources focusing on solar power and renewable energy sources Explains function and use of photovoltaic cells describe some impacts of the human activity of resource use i.e light production at night Teacher and Students: Will complete an exam based on an overview of the four phases: Phase 1: The Wave Model Phase 2: Wave Technology Phase 3: Waves in Space Phase 4: Light Speed Marking will be held in class and areas of misunderstanding addressed. Resources -relay the importance of energy resources -identify value of resources and their use http://www.youtube.com /watch?v=NDZzAIcCQL Q Documentary http://www.youtube.com /watch?v=nr-grdspEWQ Interactive simulation: http://www.oresomereso urces.com/media/flash/i nteractives/low_emission _energy_future/ Pass an exam Exam paper Marking and feedback: group trends and individual Students: Watch simulation, a documentary and play with interactive simulation Teacher Signature: 3/16/2016 Indicators Students will Date Completed: __________ High School Science Faculty 18 Year : 10 Waves: Rolling out Physics Teaching and Learning Sequence: Phase 5 – Problem Based Group Project Students learn about 5.3 the applications and uses of science LS.3 technological development that has changed our daily lives 5.13.1 identifying data sources 5.17 processing information 5.18 presenting information 5.19 thinking critically 5.20 problem-solving 5.22.2 working in teams Syllabus Outcomes: A student 5.3 evaluates the impact of applications of science on society and the environment LS.3 explores the influence of science on our daily lives 5.13 identifies a problem and independently produces an appropriate investigation plan 5.17 explains trends, patterns and relationships in data and/or information from a variety of sources 5.18 selects and uses appropriate forms of communication to present information to an audience 5.19 uses critical thinking skills in evaluating information and drawing conclusions 5.20 selects and uses appropriate strategies to solve problems 5.22 plans, implements and evaluates the effectiveness of a variety of tasks independently and as a team member Teacher Signature: 3/16/2016 Date Completed: __________ High School Science Faculty 19 Year : 10 Waves: Rolling out Physics Teaching and Learning Sequence: Phase 5 – Problem Based Group Project Week Lesson 6 17 Syllabus Content Students learn to 5.3 discuss using examples, the positive and negative impacts of applications of recent developments in science LS.3 participate in an investigation of how technological development has changed the way we live eg mobiles 5.13.1 (a) describe a problem and develop a hypothesis or question that can be tested or researched 5.17 (b) distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information 5.19 (e) anticipate and/or respond to problems as they arise in practical situations 5.20 (a) identify the nature of a presented problem 5.20 (b) describe different strategies that could be employed to solve an identified problem 5.20 (c) use identified strategies to develop a range of possible solutions to a particular problem 5.20 (d) evaluate the Teaching and Learning Activities Problem Based Learning/ Students: -are presented with a problem - How do we reduce our exposure to electromagnetic radiation? -working in groups they will use ICT (video, poster, pamphlet, web page) to present their findings to the community -will make decisions and organize a community presentation addressing raising awareness Teacher Signature: 3/16/2016 Indicators Students will -practice thinking critically -hone in on their organisation skills -practice their communication skills -work as a team Resources Library Textbooks Internet Professionals Date Completed: __________ High School Science Faculty 20 Year : 10 Waves: Rolling out Physics Teaching and Learning Sequence: Phase 5 – Problem Based Group Project Week Lesson Syllabus Content Students learn to appropriateness of different strategies for solving an identified problem 5.22.2 (e) set and work to realistic timelines and goals as a team 6 18 5.18 (b) select and use an appropriate medium to present data and information 5.22.2 (h) evaluate the process used by the team and effectiveness of the team in completing the task Teaching and Learning Activities Students and Teacher: -presentation to the community -evaluation of work and performance at event and in groups of peers Teacher Signature: 3/16/2016 Indicators Students will -honestly evaluate themselves and others Resources Evaluation surveys Reflective Journals Date Completed: __________ High School Science Faculty 21