Template - Interactive Reporting Ltd

Overview of User Set-up & Security
Template Overview
 Unique Template &
Mapping Technology
 Off the shelf/customised
Template containing
lookups for linking to
source data
 Mapping connects
source data fields with
IR defined fields
Existing Templates
 Out of the box Templates available include Retail;
Manufacturing; Sales & Marketing; Finance
 Need to finish slide with
screenshots of Templates.....
Sales Template
Calculated Variables
Report Template Definitions
1. Variables: Numeric or Currency Quantities
 e.g. Cost, Currency, Price, Qty
2. Calculated Variables: Report Formulas
 e.g. Total Sales = Sum (Qty * Price * Currency)
3. Lookups: Report Dimensions
 Customer, Date, Invoice, Item, Salesperson, Region etc.
 These fields will be linked to the source data fields using
the Mapping
Administrator Functions
•To create a template log in as administrator and
click on the Template link
•Templates can be Created/Imported
•Also Edited/Cloned/Exported/Deleted or just viewed
Creating a Template
•To create a new template enter the template name
and description
Creating a Template
•In Template Editor user can add Variables/
Calculated Variables/Lookups
•Reports can then be configured based on each template
Adding a Variable
•Enter variable Name
•Set the Type to be number/currency
•Set the Default Value if required
•The Required field determines whether the variable
is mandatory when used in a mapping
Adding a Calculated Variable
•Give Calculated Variable aTitle and select
Variable Type i.e. number/currency/percentage/date
•We also need to decide on the type of function to use
Types of Calculated Variables
Sum: returns a calculated data total e.g. Total Sales
Min: returns minimum value of dataset e.g. Min Qty
Max: returns maximum value of dataset e.g. Max Price
Count: returns count of a specific dataset e.g. Count Qty
i.e. The number of Qty cells containing numeric values
More Complex Calculated Variables
•Weighted Sum consists of a Numerator and
•Numerator can be numbers/mathematical
expressions and/or functions of variables or dates
•Denominator can contain numbers/mathematical
expressions and/or functions of variables or dates.
Denominator should not be equal to 0
•Weighted Sum: used in calculations where division
is required or in calculating averages e.g. Avg Price;
Margin %
More Complex Calculated Variables
•Conditional Sum: Used to specify a condition and value
if the condition is true
•The upper text field corresponds to the condition of
interest and the lower text field will hold if the
value is true e.g. if the Cost > $5, a value of 1 will
be displayed, otherwise a value of 0 will be shown
Adding a Lookup
•Lookups contain the IR fields that are linked to the
source fields in the database
•Give the Lookup an Internal Name and Analysis
Label (name Lookup will have when mapped)
•Decide if Lookup will appear in Detail Analysis Report
•Select Data Type e.g. Date/Text/Text with Lookup
•Key Label & Description Label are 1st and 2nd
attributes of lookup
•Click Add to add more custom attributes
Configuring Reports
•Configure Reports for each template by
adding/removing fields for each report type
•Simply click on each report type to configure
Configuring Reports
•Choose which fields will appear in Analysis Report
•Change order of selected fields using green arrows
Template Editor
•An existing Template can be edited in the
Template Editor
•To edit a Template click Change
•To edit Variables/Calculated
Variables/Lookups click on the individual
variable/lookup OR click on the red X to delete
Advanced Template Editor
•Under Advanced user can edit Num Default Dropdowns
(number of Analyze By/Then By lists)
•Edit Default Analyze By fields – used when user has
been granted full access
•Edit Restricted Analyze By fields – used when user
has limited access
•Edit User/Secondary User/Group Security to
determine at which level data will be displayed in report
Having created a Template we are now ready to proceed with a Mapping to
finalise our report
The Mapping will connect the User’s Data (source) with the Interactive
Reporting Template (destination)
This process makes accessing data simple and concise by eliminating the
need to deal with database tables and forms
Template Overview
 In the Template define
 Variables, calculated
variables and lookups
which will be linked to
the source data in the
 Use the Mapping to
 Connect source fields
with the fields defined
in the Template
Adding a Calculated Variable
•Under Advanced the user can
• Select Reports/Order By/Top & Bottom View/
Show Total/% of Total
•Select the Order Position in the report
•Customise appearance e.g. Font Colour/Size/
Threshold Value/Number of Digits