Starter Activities in Geography DEVELOPMENT 1. A good starter game on relative development of countries. 2. Compare countries based on specific indicators 3. Geography Development game that also helps those in developing countries 4. Great poster to promote discussion for development geography 0119611211026.290930.260097656025&type=1&theater 5. First world problems read by third world people 6. Teenage Affluenza 7. The NZ version of the Affluenza video is on youtube: 8. Country Profiles 9. Mapping Children’s chances 10. An interactive map showing the racial composition of the USA. It takes a little while to correctly download but is fascinating. Try minimizing the map and look at the population distribution patterns. 11. A great news article about a recent aquifer find in Kenya in one of their dry desert regions of Turkana and its implications. 12. A video great for Year 12 Development on Venezuela that recently topped the charts as the 'happiest place in South America". 13. A great interactive map showing the world gender gap: 14. A fabulous BBC2 programme on population called 'don't Panic The Truth About Population by Hans Rosling. Below is both information on this programme and the video promotion for it that gives a wonderful idea of the disparities of distribution of wealth in the world. 15. For any of you who study the USA as a region in your Inequalities in Development topic. All a video about why the USA has a big gender gap. 16. This is a book on line called 'How’s Life' that compares countries of the world in terms of quality of life. If you click on each individual country at the bottom you can see how it does in a range of indicators compared to other. 2014 Term 1 17. A You Tube discussion on world wealth that makes a fabulous introduction to the disparities topic. Along with this is also this article 18. An interesting article on child labour (cotton pickers in India).There are links to organisations that promote fair trading. It might also be of interest to social studies teachers. 19. This video clip looks at the issue of child workers in India targeted at a tea planation and would be useful for Level 2 Development geography. It is part of an interesting site that looks at worker abuse around the world. 20. A great one for the Development topic on 'How the Earth Has changed In The Last 20 Years" 21. This is somewhat gruesome to watch (so preview it first) but is a great documentary on sweatshop labour. 22. This site looks at the Economics of Birth control – it could be a little complex for Level 1 and more suitable for the 2.3 Development topic 23. This is a radio programme looking at modern day slavery in Brazil. It is especially good at looking at the fine line between what is traditionally thought of as 'slavery' and what is more 'inhumane conditions'. Certainly a great mini documentary to promote discussion. You can hear this at 24. Another one for the Development topic is a site called This includes short clips from the movie "Living on One dollar" at. It follows 4 American teenagers going to Guatamala and how they coped living off only $1 a day and their attitudes to the poverty they experience. 25. This is a map of the USA that shows the states as names of countries that have equivalent GDP. Wonderful to get students to appreciate the real size of the USA and as an introduction to economic development. 2014 Term 2 26. This wiki accesses any data about NZ you may want! Well worth a look – simply click on the factor at the side to reveal the data in graphic form and in the same series is this 27. An article on closing the gender gap. Be good for development. 28. This is an NZ Herald resource looking at the most deprived parts of New Zealand. 2 29. This is on a food theme – it compares how much food people around the world eat per day. Great for development. 30. This resource is great for disparities - it shows pictures of rich people living next door to poor people in Mexico. Great to discuss the evidence of development. 31. This is a great you tube clip for both the development topic and population – looking at the effect technology is having in solving world health issues. It was produced as part of the global health 2035 report. 32. Another great visual that shows the world as 100 people. 8158738995/10152423355883996/?type=1&theater 33. This is a gallery of photos showing different people globally who live on less than US$1 a day. 34. Social and economic deprivation is explored in this site 35. If you scroll down this site you will find some fabulous images dealing with the poverty gap - perfect for the development topic 36. This is a site on the world cup with a link to development 37. This is a map showing changing trends of income in the world – fabulous to look at spatial and temporal patterns as well as inequalities 38. Connected with this theme is this map that should promote some discussion - It compares the GDP of metropolitan cities in the USA to countries worldwide. Great for the development topic at Level 2 39. Also on a development theme is this gallery of photographs captured by different photographers to show what inequality looks like. 40. This shows great satellite shots for teaching about Patterns and also fits with Development themes 41. If you want more information about favelas as Brazil takes centre stage again this week try this site 42. First some old favorites have resurfaced and the end of term is an ideal time to show these. The first is Hans Gosling's "The joy of stats” 200 countries in 4 minutes. This is a must for Level 2 students if you have not previously shown it. 43. Ideal for those of you doing the development topic is this poverty index. 2014 Term 3 44. A development quiz 45. This delightful short video shows what happens when cocoa planters are given chocolate to taste 46. This article explains why fair trade coffee might not be as good as it sounds 47. A great interactive looking a women's rights around the world 48. Also on 'Women changing the world" is this cultural story of girls riding bikes in Afghanistan 49. This is a wonderful global map showing the fragility index of countries around the world. Great for Level 2 Development. Again shows why we should be proud of NZ which ranks the 6th best! 50. An info graphic that ranks the best places in the world to be a working woman 51. CNN have produced their '10 Healthiest cities in the world" - some may surprise you 52. An amazing website that compares the statistics of countries – some stats are a bit old but still enough for great discussion 53. A useful site for the Development or Population topic. If you go to this site and put in the names of any 2 countries such as 'USA Laos'' it comes up with a comparison table of numerous characteristics. 2014 Term 4 54. An interview with Malala Yousafzai – winner of the nobel peace prize. This 16 year old has some wonderful ideas on how education is the key to development. Perfect for Year 12 Development studies. Alternatively just watch the first 5 mins for an intro 55. How the recent nobel prize on LED lights has an impact on the developing world 56. Another Hans Rosling with a lot to think about – it explains why the development within countries is now more important than development between countries using the USA, Cuba and Chile as examples. Fabulous for Level 2 Development Geography 57. A good one for Level 2 development looking at the issue of food availability and difference between developed and developing world. thanks to Andrew Lessard of Napier Girls for this. 58. Another on the issue of how to feed the growing world's population is this great National Geographic video 59. A great case study for ways of bridging the development gap – this looks at how one gang member used break dancing to advance the quality of life of children in Cambodia 60. A great article with some great geography concepts in it that looks at the effect of having wealthy resources on the development of the Congo 61. As Bob Geldof records his new Band Aid Christmas song this article questions if this is really appropriate today 62. Last week it was 'World Toilet Day' and before you dismiss this as nonsense this article looks at the whole issue in India with some startling cultural facts 63. If you didn't catch this in last weeks NZ Herald it is certainly worth keeping. This is an interactive map showing what people earn in different parts of NZ 90