Delegate Guidelines - El Toro High School MUN
















25255 Toledo Way, Lake Forest, CA 92630








ETHS MUN 2015-2016 ........................................................................................................................3

Conference Schedule ..........................................................................................................................4

Letter of Introdction ...........................................................................................................................5

About ..................................................................................................................................................6

CONFERENCE PREPARATION .....................................................................................................7

Time Management ..............................................................................................................................7

Notebooks ....................................................................................................................................... 8-9

Advanced Grading Rubrics ............................................................................................................10

Novice Grading Rubrics .................................................................................................................11

Example Cover Page ......................................................................................................................12

Background Preparation ...................................................................................................................13

Research .........................................................................................................................................13

Twenty Questions (Novice) ...........................................................................................................14

Novice Country Profile ..................................................................................................................15

Advanced Country Profile ..............................................................................................................16

Position Papers .................................................................................................................................17

Writing the Paper ..........................................................................................................................18

Footnotes ........................................................................................................................................19

Works Cited ....................................................................................................................................20

Best Source Analysis ........................................................................................................................21

Example (Advanced) ......................................................................................................................22

Speeches ...........................................................................................................................................23

CONFERENCE POLICIES .............................................................................................................24

CONFERENCE OVERVIEW ..........................................................................................................26

General Procedure ...................................................................................................................... 26-27

Committee Rules and Motions ................................................................................................... 28-29

Diplomacy and Professionalism .......................................................................................................30

Public Speaking .......................................................................................................................... 31-33

Speech Preparation ...........................................................................................................................34

Blocs .................................................................................................................................................35

Co-Delegating ..................................................................................................................................36

Resolution Writing ...........................................................................................................................37

Sample Resolution ..........................................................................................................................39

Writing a Quality Resolution .........................................................................................................40

Amendment Writing .......................................................................................................................41

Phrases for Resolutions ..................................................................................................................42

GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................... 43-51

GLOSSARY OF MUN TERMS ................................................................................................. 52-54


ETHS MUN 2015-16

Conference Schedule

October –Novice

El Toro Novice Training—Saturday, October 24, 2015

November – Novice (Saturday) and Advanced (Saturday & Sunday)

Tustin HS MUN – Saturday, November 21 – Sunday, November 22

Conference Notebook Due: Tu. Nov. 16/Mon. Nov. 30

December – Novice (Saturday) and Advanced (Saturday and Sunday)

Los Angeles Invitational MUN (Mira Costa HS) – Saturday, December 5 – Sunday,

December 6

December—Novice and Advanced

Capo Valley HS MUN – Saturday, December 12

January – Novice (Saturday) and Advanced (Saturday & Sunday)

Mission Viejo HS – Saturday, January 16 – Sunday, January 17, 2016

February – Novice and Advanced

NAIMUN—Thursday, February 11—Sunday, February 14, 2016**

Laguna Hills HS – Saturday, February 20

March – Novice and Advanced

Berkeley MUN—Friday, February 27—Sunday, March 1**

Laguna Beach MUN—Saturday March 5 (Novice and Advanced)

ETHS MUN—Saturday, March 19

All ETHS MUN students will participate in some way in this conference.

April – Advanced

UCSD/Triton MUN—Saturday, April 23—Sunday, April 24

May—Novice and Advanced (tentative/possible)

Whitney HS MUN—Saturday, May 14

Novice students (1 st year) are required to attend two (2) DAYS of conferences each semester.

Advanced students (2 nd —4 th year) are required to attend three (3) DAYS of conferences each semester.

MVHS Conference can count for either 1st or 2nd semester, but can’t be split between them.

Conferences may be added or deleted as necessary & dates & times are subject to change.

**We will be going to EITHER Berkeley or NAIMUN, subject to student interest.


ETHS MUN 2015-2016

Letter of Introduction

Dear Delegate,

Welcome to the El Toro High School Model United Nations program! MUN is a rapidly expanding program with over 200,000 delegates participating in an array of conferences, located in places from Laguna Hills to Beijing. The ETHS program has been in existence for 21 years and continues to flourish.

ETHS MUN has participated in some of the most prestigious conferences, including UC

Berkeley and National Model UN. Our delegates have won numerous prestigious awards, including the coveted gavel for Best Delegate and Best Small School Delegation.

MUN provides an invaluable experience that will help to expand your sphere of knowledge and develop your understanding of different cultures and important issues and problems across the globe. It provides valuable skills required to thrive in our ever changing and globally interdependent world, including research and public speaking.

However, MUN is not an easy program and requires a great deal of effort to reach success. Along with your regular course work of 9 th

grade Cultural Geography, 10 th


World History, 11 th

grade United States History, and 12 th

grade IB, you will be required to attend two outside MUN conferences per semester. Delegate Notebooks and position papers are required for each conference. The purpose of this delegate guide is to lead you through the path ahead and to help you become an outstanding delegate. This guide will bring clarity to the challenging and sometimes confusing world that is MUN. Use this guide to ensure that the many steps toward conference preparation are completed to the best of your ability and in a timely manner.

What is MUN?

Model United Nations, or MUN for short, is a simulation of the famed international organization, the United Nations. High school and college students from around the nation represent different countries and debate world issues, competing against other schools, both within their geographic area and from all over the world. Model United

Nations provides a forum for young people from an assortment of backgrounds and from around the country to interact and to get to know each other in healthy competition. MUN has it all!

MUN exercises take place at local schools, at the regional, national, and international levels. Conferences may be attended by participants from all over the United States, and even from all over the world. Today there are more than 400 conferences that take place in 35 countries.

MUN delegates are students who assume the role of an ambassador to the United Nations at a Model U.N. event. Delegates of any level and ability may participate if they have the


ambition to learn something new and work with people to try and make a difference in the world. MUN students often to go on to become great leaders in politics, law, business, education and medicine. MUN also looks great on a college application!

While you will not receive college credit as you might with AP, the extracurricular aspect and leadership opportunities with MUN more than make up for that in terms of preparing you to succeed in college.

What is El Toro MUN?

At El Toro High School, MUN students compete at high school and university conferences locally and state-wide. MUN began as an extracurricular club at ETHS in

1993, but it has since expanded into an academic program that extends into the classroom. All grade levels participate in honors-level history courses as part of the MUN program as well as participating in club affairs. Close to 200 students at El Toro currently participate in the program, and the number continues to grow every year.

We hope that you enjoy your MUN experience at El Toro and take full advantage of the knowledge and skills that you will gain through the program. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to consult your novice trainers, advisors or advanced members of the club.

Good luck and have fun!


ETHS MUN Leadership



Time Management

Time management is one of the most vital skills you will need to succeed in your honors-level course work and MUN conference preparation. It may be easy to procrastinate, but the work piles up quickly!

To avoid becoming overwhelmed, we recommend you follow these simple steps.


Start work for the conference as soon as you are assigned a country and committee. Check the host school’s website often for important due dates (when is your position paper due to the chair?) and announcements (any changes to your topic, committee, conference schedule, etc.).


Read the topic synopsis provided by the host school and make sure that you truly understand it.

Print out a copy of all topic synopses for your committee – you will need a hard copy for your notebook. If you need any clarification, e-mail the chairs of the conference or ask your novice trainers or advisors.


Begin your research! You do not want to get caught doing everything at the last minute. Make sure you use keywords and use the country’s embassy website and the United Nations’ own website for links to the topic you are analyzing. You will need to find out the historical background of the topic, what involvement (if any) the United Nations and other organizations have taken to alleviate the problem, and, finally, the role your country has played and its overall policy regarding the topic

(this will help you to determine possible solutions based on past decisions and alignments.)


Write your position paper! Make sure you have gone through your research thoroughly. By the time you begin writing your paper, you should already know and understand your research. Colorcoding your highlighting for each section will make writing the paper a lot less painful. For example, you might use yellow highlighter for background information, green for past UN action, and pink for your country policy. This way, if a single source contributes to multiple sections, you can quickly see which parts apply to which section.

Ideally, your paper should be done a week before you need to turn it into the committee chair. This way, you can set the paper aside for a few days before you begin the editing process, thus allowing you to look at it with a fresh eye. Keep in mind that the position paper is a formal document, and as such it will probably be graded by advanced writers, or perhaps even college-level students!


Check the roast schedule on your classroom door and outline your general debate speech (novice requirement for notebook) and substantive debate speech (notebook requirement for all).


Edit your paper. Make sure that you do not use contractions or first-person language. Avoid discussing your nation’s opinions until you come to the country policy section, and once at the country policy section, make sure the opinion you provide is a reflection of your nation’s position and not your own or that of the United States. Make sure you have followed the host school format if provided and different from the ETHS format.




Conference notebooks provide the basis of the MUN portion of your grade within the class. Remember that you can ask a Novice Trainer or more experienced delegate for assistance at any time while compiling your notebook. Notebooks must be organized in a large 3-ring binder. They will be accepted late, but a penalty will be assessed. Seniors participating in the club who are not getting a grade must complete position papers but are not required to complete a notebook.

What is a Notebook?

A notebook is a compilation of everything you have done to prepare for committee. It includes not only your position paper and the highlighted printouts of your research, but also other aspects that will be explained in more detail below. The completion of the notebook will give you a greater understanding of your research and of your topic.

Generally, delegates bring their notebook to committee and refer to it during the course of the conference.


For every entry in your notebook created by you (position paper, works cited, country profile, etc.), you must use uniform headings at the top left corner of every page.

An example of a heading is:

Committee Name : Security Council

Topic : Nuclear Power in Iran

Country : United States of America

This allows advisors to identify different topics within a notebook and you to you're your work organized. Some conferences may have different requirements for your position paper page headings, so be sure to double check before turning in position papers.

However, please follow this format when turning in work to your advisors.

Components of the Notebook – Outline

The notebook should be divided into the following five sections with labeled dividers:




Position Paper









Notebooks Continued

Components of the Notebook – Detail

Requirements differ by experience level. Novice requirements are marked by (N) , and advanced by (A) .

Cover Page

Oftentimes, delegates decorate the cover page with pictures of their nation’s flag and other images that pertain to their topics, but this is optional. It must include…

Your name

The name of the conference

The country you represent

The committee you are in

The topic(s) you were assigned to research

The date of the conference

Section 1 – Background Preparation

This section covers the basics. It must include…

A copy of your topic synopses (all topics) provided by host school

Any other directions given by host school (i.e., position paper format specifications, conference schedule, etc.)

Copies of prewritten resolutions (if applicable)

A copy of your answered twenty questions (N)

A copy of your country profile

Section 2 – Position Paper

A copy of each of your position papers with footnotes

A copy of each of your works cited pages (one for each topic)

Section 3 – Research

Hard copies of articles you used in researching your topic and writing your position paper

Main ideas should be highlighted and used as a reference during conference

Best Source Analyses (See teacher for # of best source analyses.)

Section 4 – Speech

A one-minute general debate speech for each topic (N)

A one-minute substantive debate speech for each topic

Section 5 – Reflection

Only part of the notebook that you will turn in after the conference

3 Paragraph reflection on your conference experience that answers the following questions: o What were the highlights of the conference and your performance o What were the areas of concern? What do you need to work on for the next conference?

Areas of personal growth o Overall impression and reflection and any awards you received:

Research Award – 3 Extra Credit Points

Commendation – 1 Extra Credit Point

Outstanding – 3 Extra Credit Points

Best Delegate – 5 Extra Credit Points



Notebooks – Advanced Grading Rubric

Student Name: _______________________________________________________________

Conference: _________________________________________________________________

Country: ____________________________________________________________________

_____ /__ Cover Page

Name: Student & Conference

Country, Committee, Topic(s), Date of Conference

_____ /__ Background Preparations

Labeled Dividers/Organization/Professional Look

_____ /__ Position Paper

Annotated Topic Synopses and specific directions provided by host school

Country Profile

Position Paper(s)

Email Confirmation

_____ /__ Research & Best Source Analyses

Best Source Analyses (heading, summary, analysis: use/limitations/credibility)

Annotated copies of articles with main ideas highlighted

_____ /__ Speech & Roast

Roast Grade Sheet

Substantive – one-minute substantive debate speech for each topic

_____ /__ Reflection – to be completed after Conference

_____ EC Awards From the Conference

Research – __ points

Commendation – __ point

Outstanding – __ points

Best Delegate – __ points

_____ /__ Total Points



Notebooks – Novice Grading Rubric

Student Name: _______________________________________________________________

Conference: _________________________________________________________________

Country: ____________________________________________________________________

_____ /__ Cover Page

Name: Student & Conference

Country, Committee, Topic(s), Date of Conference

_____ /__ Background Preparations

Labeled Dividers/Organization/Professional Look

_____ /__ Position Paper

Annotated Topic Synopses and specific directions provided by host school

Country Profile

Position Paper(s)

Email Confirmation

_____ /__ Research & Best Source Analyses

Best Source Analyses (heading, summary, analysis: use/limitations/credibility)

Annotated copies of articles with main ideas highlighted

_____ /__ Speech & Roast

Roast Grade Sheet

General – one-minute general debate speech for each topic

Substantive – one-minute substantive debate speech for each topic

_____ /__ Reflection – to be completed after Conference

_____ EC Awards From the Conference

Research – __ points

Commendation – __ point

Outstanding – __ points

Best Delegate – __ points

_____ /__ Total Points



Notebooks – Sample Cover Page











































& C











16-17, 2014



Background Preparation – Research

Research is the core of MUN. In order to write an outstanding position paper and come across as a knowledgeable delegate, you must be well prepared. It is important to pay attention to the validity of your sources and ensure that your research is thorough. Keep an open mind and be aware of biases, both in sources as well as in yourself. Though it may seem hard with the more controversial issues, it is imperative to steer clear of your own opinions when writing position papers and speaking at conferences. Above all, make sure that you are getting everything done ahead of time. Don’t procrastinate! You will regret it!

The following tips can make your research much more effective:

Use key words. If a group or treaty has more than one word in its title, put the title in quotes. This way, the search engine will search, for example, for “United

Nations High Commissioner for Refugees” rather than individual instances of

“high,” “refugees,” etc. that probably will not pertain to the organization.

 Make sure you visit the United Nations’ official website ( In addition, is a great resource to use to find resolutions that your nation supports; just click on “New Keyword Search” under “Voting Records.” Not only will the resolutions themselves bolster your Past UN Action section, but your nation’s policy will become apparent based upon whether they supported or rejected said resolutions.

 Color-code your highlighting. For example, you might use yellow highlighter for background information, green for past UN action, and pink for your country policy. This will greatly help you once you begin the position paper.

While writing a position paper, you will have close to 15-30 websites for each topic. It is always helpful to bookmark each website you find, and organize them according to which section of your position paper you used them. This will become useful when making a notebook and making your works cited.

Consider using Zotero to organize your research and manage your citations.




Background Preparation – Twenty Questions (Novice)

Use these questions to guide your research. You may not end up addressing every single one in your final position paper if it isn’t applicable. While it will take some time to craft these answers into a functioning position paper, answering these questions will provide you with nearly all of the information you will need. So take the time to complete them!



Explain how your topic was first “discovered.”


What is the current state of your topic? How has the problem developed over the years?


Which nations, regions, and peoples are most affected by your topic?


Detail the factors that contribute to your topic.


What major issues result from your topic? How does your topic affect the international community?

Past UN Action & Involvement


Explain the UN’s initial actions to combat your topic.


What resolutions have been passed over the years?


Which UN organizations and NGOs are involved with your topic? What has been their role in the situation?


Detail the meetings and summits that have been held regarding your topic.

Country Policy & Involvement


Is your country affected by your topic? What is your bloc’s position on the issue?


Which problems resulting from your topic does your country face?


What actions, if any, has your country taken to solve your topic or its affiliated problems?


Which organizations that combat your topic does your country support? Explain.


Which resolutions and/or treaties regarding your topic has your country ratified?

Possible Solutions

Use these questions as a checklist of what to cover when formulating your solution.


What major goals does your resolution focus on and hope to achieve?


Does your solution follow your policy?


Which organizations and/or nations will make it happen? Where will the funding come from?


Does your solution follow a specific time frame? Explain.


Is your plan feasible, keeping in mind technology, money, and the current economic and political status of your country?


How will you make your solution appeal to other nations?



Background Information

Country Profile

While a long-form country profile is not required, knowing the information listed below can help you make inferences about your country’s position on issues. Most of the information can be found online at

Physical Geography


Official name of country, capital


Climate, terrain, length of coastline, current environmental issues, environmental & international agreements


Map a.

Relative location (neighboring countries and large bodies of water) b.

Region country is most associated with (based on culture and political views).

For example: the Middle East, Latin America, etc. c.

Comparative size, relative size in region

Political Geography


Type of government, organization of government


Year of independence, former colony of which country (if applicable)


Number of parties, political pressure groups, number of constitutions


Number of international affiliations, key names of affiliations as pertains to the conference topic


Military expenditures % GDP


Countries with which it has international disputes and topic of the disputes

Cultural Geography


Ethnic composition, official language, other languages spoken, and major religions


Infant mortality rate and average life expectancy


Demographic information (population growth, population distribution)


Literacy rate male/female


Median age


Net immigration rate


Refugee/internal displacement issues and human trafficking issues

Economic Geography


GNP or GDP (total and per capita)


Natural resources, amount arable land


Export commodities and partners


Import commodities and partners


Labor force by occupation



Background Preparation – Country Profile

Advanced Country Profile

Rather than completing the full profile, use your knowledge of your country and topic to choose the five most relevant statistics for your conference preparation. After recording these statistics, write a ½-1 page analysis of the data in a separate paragraph. What do the statistics tell you about your country's situation? How might this information impact your country's policy toward its immediate neighbors, its region as a whole, and the international community? What predictions can you make based on this information? How may this information affect your country's policy on the conference topic(s)? With which country is yours most likely to caucus or avoid caucusing? You don't have to include answers to all of these questions, but your analysis should cite information from the profile to support your analysis and explain your reasoning.

Example: Greece – Bioterrorism (pretend there are statistics below!)

Committee: Ad Hoc Terror

Topic: Bioterrorism

Country: Greece

Country Profile


Relative location (neighboring countries and large bodies of water)


Region country is most associated with (based on culture and political views). For example: the Middle East, Latin America, etc.


Number of international affiliations and names of key affiliations as pertains to the conference topic


Countries with which it has international disputes and topic of the disputes


Import commodities and partners

Map (showing relative location)


Because of its crossroads location, Greece must be especially prepared for bio-terrorist attacks. (Greece has recognized this vulnerability and has taken the necessary steps in ensuring its legal framework will permit preemptive investigations into potential bio-terrorist activities along the border.) Terrorists can easily penetrate into Greece’s border and enter other European countries. Biological agents can just as easily be transported as drugs. While Greece may not be the target of bio-terrorists, it may very well be the gateway into the targeted country, and as such, must be ready to respond to a potential threat beforehand.

International law lacks a suitable punishment for countries which violate bio-terrorism laws, but Greece has taken the necessary steps in reforming its legal framework. (Greece hosted the 2004 Olympics and many measures for combating a potential terrorist threat were established then. In committee, we will stress our geographic position as a crossroads nation and refer to these legal framework reforms to prove to other delegates that Greece can be an integral player in combating bio-terrorism.



Position Papers

Position Papers

The composition of the position paper is a crucial aspect in the MUN experience. Not only will you develop and refine your research, analysis, and writing skills, but you will also prepare and educate yourself for the conference ahead. Generally, a delegate is assigned one to two topics per conference, but up to three can be assigned depending on the difficulty and length of the conference.

What is a position paper?

Basically, a position paper is a report with its own unique organization. It is different from other reports in that it is highly concise - in fact, introductions, conclusions, and oftentimes-even transition sentences are avoided.

Why is a position paper important?

If you are not convinced that improving your research and writing skills is enough, maybe an award will win you over. Position papers are sent to the chairs before the conference. The chairs will read your paper and score it; a job well done will earn you a research award (not to mention a better grade in the class!). We attend conferences at such colleges as UCI and Berkeley; would not receiving an award based on your ability to write a research paper for a top college look impressive on a college application? This is why we highly recommend that you put some serious effort into your position paper. Plus, the more extensive your position paper is, the better you will do in committee.

General Formatting Guidelines

Each conference will have different requirements for their position papers; always follow the instructions given by the particular conference you are attending. However, there are several general guidelines to follow when specific directions are not provided.

Use size 10-12 point Times New Roman or similar block font, single spaced.

Although paper length is not typically specified, papers should be at most two (2) pages, or one page front and back

Each position paper should feature a heading in the upper left-hand corner of EVERY page with your committee, topic, and country—in that order. For example:

Committee: Security Council

Topic: Nuclear Power in Iran

Country: United States of America

Each paper should have four bold subheadings aligned with the left margin of the page:

Background, United Nations Involvement, Country Policy and Involvement, Possible


Staple the pages together in the upper left hand corner: no binders or folders.

Use footnotes.



Position Papers – Writing the Paper

Writing the Paper

Your position paper should have four main parts: background, United Nations involvement, country policy and involvement, and possible solutions.


 This should be the smallest section.

 Summarize the topic up to the current date (mention when and how the problem

 started, but focus most on the current issue.).

Explain the topic’s relevance to the international community.

Incorporate the answers to who/what/where/when/why-type questions.

 Include appropriate statistics.

Every sentence should include a valid, important piece of information. No fluff!

UN Involvement

 This should be slightly longer than the previous section.

 Answer: What has the United Nations done to alleviate the problem?

 Discuss UN organizations and resolutions that pertain to the topic.

 Avoid listing information! Explain the organizations involved, making sure to cover their functions, missions, and future plans. For resolutions, explain their effect on the issue.

Country Policy and Involvement

 Explain the official position of your country.

 Summarize how your country has dealt with the problem or a similar/related problem internally and/or internationally.

 Name the organizations and resolutions to which your country supports or objects.

Possible Solutions

 Create your own solutions to the problem. Don’t copy verbatim the solutions you find in your research, but do build off of different solutions you come across and

 improve on them.

 Make sure that your solutions are strong, logical, feasible, and supported entirely by your country’s position.

 Keep in mind that it is encouraged to organize your solution into steps.

Remember basic obstacles, and explain how to solve them! Funding is the complication most commonly mentioned.

 When your problem is extensive (AIDS, nuclear non-proliferation, etc) focus your

 solution on one part of the problem that your country could reasonably tackle.

Education is a feasible solution but it may never stand alone.



Position Papers – Footnotes


Your position papers must have citations, and footnoting is the best way to cite your sources within your paper. When you footnote, you place a superscript number after the information in question that corresponds to a footnote at the bottom of the page.

Microsoft Word or Open Office will allow you to insert footnotes easily into your paper.

Footnote Format

The Chicago Manual of Style Guide is a handy resource here:



Position Papers – Bibliographies


All position papers must include a full works bibliography. There are subtle differences between bibliographies and footnotes: DO NOT COPY AND PASTE!

Avoid Plagiarism

“Plagiarism is using others’ ideas and words without clearly acknowledging the source of that information” (Writing Tutorial Services, 2000). Plagiarism will not be tolerated in your position papers or notebooks. If you are caught plagiarizing, you will receive a zero and face certain school disciplinary procedures. Strategies to avoid plagiarism:


Cite the source whenever you refer to someone else’s ideas, opinions, or theories, use any information that is not common knowledge (i.e. facts that cannot be discovered with common sense), or quote or paraphrase another person’s actual words, either spoken or written.


Paraphrase. Instead of merely rearranging or replacing a few words, read and understand the text, then write the information in your own words.


Edit your paper when you’re finished. Plagiarism can often be eliminated after a series of revisions.


When in doubt, cite.



Research & Best Source Analysis

Research & Best Source Analysis

For each topic; select the best document from your research. Although these sources may touch upon the background to the issue, they should focus on UN action, country policy, or possible solutions - NOT background. Furthermore, they CANNOT be from an encyclopedia. Your best source analysis should include:

 A printout or photocopy of the source in its entirety. Highlight the main ideas, particularly the ones you used in your position paper. (Novice and Advanced)

 A cover sheet including the following. (Advanced Only) o Heading: Include the bibliographical information, the topic to which the source pertains, and the type of information supplied (UN action, country o o policy, etc.) in the upper right-hand corner.

Summary: In your own words, summarize the main ideas of the article.

Concisely (1-2 paragraphs) report on the facts and information in the article. It is your job to “shrink” the article down. Do not just tell “what it is about;” that is for the annotation.

Analysis: Explain why you chose the article, what it covers, and how the information it contains will be useful to you, both in the position paper and in committee. Provide relevant information for someone else researching the topic – why is this source your best? But also touch upon what it does not cover, or what are its shortcomings. Be sure to include an analysis of the validity or reliability of the source. Consider the author’s credentials, the type of website, the editorial opinion, etc.



Best Source Analysis Example

Committee: Security Council

Topic: North Korea

Country: United States of America

Source: Judson, Tim. “A World Without Security: Implications of the North Korean Nuclear

Crisis.” Syracuse Peace Council. 22 Nov. 2005



The North Korean nuclear crisis poses ominous repercussions to international politics and to the environment. North Korea has realized that nuclear weapons provide a great amount of political leverage, a fact which surrounding Asian nations may soon exploit. If so, North Korea’s possession of nuclear weapons may set of a worldwide proliferation initiative. The U.S.’s refusal to negotiate—and threats against the Kim Jong-Il regime—has only worsened the crisis. The issue’s roots lie in the UN Charter, which permits the five original nuclear-armed states to possess nuclear weapons: North Korea views this as unfair. To end the problem, the author states, the U.S. must back out of Iraq and phase out its nuclear weapons and power plants.

Furthermore, the U.S. should provide North Korea with renewable sources of energy, such as wind, solar, and geothermal, as nuclear power is inherently costly and detrimental to the environment.


This article proved to be immensely helpful in formulating my solution, as well the background section. The document suggested that North Korea be supplied with renewable sources of energy, which I included in my solution. Furthermore, the article emphasized that the U.S. accelerates the crisis with threats of both military and non-military actions (i.e. sanctions), which inspired Step Four of my plan, calling for the implementation of a peace treaty. In addition, the international implications the document provided contributed to the background section of my paper.

However, I found several aspects of the article unhelpful. The article, written as an editorial, sharply criticized the U.S.’s handling of the situation, and a great deal of the criticism pertained to Iraq or to aspects of the topic which I did not need to cover. In addition, the author asserted that nuclear power is dangerous to the environment, a claim which was countered by other articles I came across. Other than that, the article was perfect for my purpose.

Tim Judson, the author, is a staff person for the Syracuse Peace Council—thus he is credible.

The document was published on the website of said council—thus it is credible. Although the article is an opinion piece, it provided facts to persuade the readers, and I used its facts in my background. I used its persuasive arguments to assist my possible solutions.





Guidelines for how to write and deliver speeches are presented later in this guide. The following are the requirement guidelines for what advisors will be looking for in both general and substantive debate speeches. Speeches may be bullet pointed, but they must be typed when turned in (no notecards!).

General Debate Speech Outline


 Brief background of issue

Past UN involvement on issue

 Close

 Hook

Substantive Debate Speech Outline

 Country policy

 Key points of plan o Is your plan comprehensive or does it try to solve a specific part of the o o problem? Why?

No more than 7 points, no less than 4

Try to develop a mnemonic to make your plan more memorable o Be specific and detailed

 o Be sure to explain how each point of your plan will help

 Restate country policy briefly

Wrap up



Sign Up

Sign-ups for semester conferences will take place as soon as we have received our countries and committees. A sign-up sheet with committee preference will be sent around. This sign-up is your firm commitment to attend the conference. After this, failure to attend for any reason will result in completing an alternate assignment, and your notebook and position paper will still be due.


All delegates are required to attend two to three days of conferences per semester. Firstyear delegates are the only ones that can receive conference credit for the fall training conference. Should the delegate be unable to complete this requirement, prior notification is needed in order for the student to complete a supplemental project. The school attendance and tardy policies will be followed at conferences. Delegates must show up to committee on time each day. Upon arrival to the conference, delegates must sign in and sign out with one of the advisors from El Toro. Failure to attend a conference withough prior notification will result in a zero for that conference grade.


For out-of-county conferences, buses or alternate transportation will be provided.

However, for conferences within Orange County, students will have to arrange their own transportation. Car-pooling with an adult driver is allowed, but ETHSMUN and the MUN advisors are legally prohibited from coordinating any carpools.

Dress Code

Delegates must not wear anything that violates the standard school dress code.

Furthermore, the conference dress code described below must also be strictly adhered to.

You do not have to go for the most expensive looks—delegates must only wear an outfit that connotes professionalism. Delegates who are not wearing appropriate attire will be asked to change before attending the conference or will be docked up to 20% of their conference points.

Male Delegate Dress

 Optimum: A business suit, a tie, and dress shoes.

 Alternatives: Instead of a suit, delegates may wear a jacket and dress pants (no

 jeans), with a dress shirt, a tie, and dress shoes.

Minimum Dress: Male delegates should at least wear a pair of slacks, a dress shirt, a tie, and dress shoes.



Female Delegate Dress

Optimum : Again, you do not have to go for the most expensive looks—aim for an ensemble that connotes professionalism, such as a nice power suit. The minimum length of skirts should be just above the knees. Blouses should not have cutouts or be see-through.

Alternatives : A nice blouse or sweater with slacks, or a pantsuit. If in doubt, dress conservatively.

Shoes : Open toed shoes and sandals should not be worn at conferences; conservative dress shoes are required. Throughout the course of the conference, you will probably learn rather quickly that delegates move around quite a bit. Try to pick shoes that look nice, but are comfortable as well.

What to Bring

This list is covers the basics you will need to succeed. Of course, you are welcomed bring amenities such as breath mints, tissues, throat lozenges, etc. if you so desire. It always pays to be well-prepared and comfortable in committee.

Your notebook

Laptop, if possible


Blank paper to write on

Clipboard (for caucusing)

Delegate Guide

Handouts for each delegate (if applicable)

UN Charter/Declaration on Human Rights

Cash for the snack bar

What Not to Bring

Your homework or any work not relating to the conference. Texting and/or video games are strictly prohibited during conference hours.



General Procedure

Each conference follows a specific order of events. Although some schools choose to run their conferences differently, most schools follow a standard procedure.

Opening Ceremonies

Most conferences begin with some sort of opening ceremony. This is a chance for the host school's Secretariat to introduce itself, talk about its goals for the conference, and welcome the delegates attending. The opening ceremonies can vary in length and style at each conference; they can be formal or informal, depending on the importance of the ceremony to the host school.

Adoption of Agenda

In most high school conferences, the host school gives the delegates one to three topics to research and write about. These topics become the agenda—the subjects that the committee will debate and discuss. However, Security Council committees may implement an “open agenda,” and delegates vote on the subjects they want to discuss and resolve. In these cases, an agenda must be submitted, voted on, and adopted before debate can commence.

General Debate

General debate is the first stage of debate that occurs at a conference. In it, each delegate details general information about the topic as well as their country’s policy. This stage of debate can be extremely repetitive, as no solutions can be presented and delegates may only present country policy and facts/statistics about the committee topic. General debate proceeds most often by means of a list of speakers, but it may also proceed with a “round robin” turn order, and speakers are chosen according to seating or by alphabetical order.

Substantive Debate

Substantive debate is where work can actually get done. Delegates may present solutions and discuss resolutions on the topics based on the ideas discussed in general debate. Two to three comments are often made after speeches, and delegates may state whether they agree or disagree with another delegation's policy—and why. During this time, informal caucusing (see pg. 29) becomes extremely important, as it will be the only chance you will have to write resolutions, work closely with other delegates, and showcase diplomatic skills. Security Council is one of the only exceptions to the speech system, for due to its nature and its smaller size, general debate and substantive comments are generally omitted.



General Procedure

Formal Caucus

Formal caucus is called when all resolutions have been completed. At this time, representatives from each resolution have a given amount of time to explain their ideas to the other delegates and to attempt to convince them to allow the resolution to pass.

Oftentimes, points are given to the delegates who represent the resolutions—so always try to be deeply involved in writing and explaining your resolution, but most of all, show diplomacy to other delegates to show them that you have heard them all out and will present their ideas in the resolution as well as your own.

Voting Bloc

After all resolutions have been presented and any amendments to the resolutions have been completed, the committee enters Voting Bloc. At this time, the delegates will vote on which resolutions and amendments shall be passed. Also, all doors and windows will be locked and closed.

Closing Ceremonies

At the end of every conference, all delegates attend the host school's closing ceremonies.

Here, the Secretariat may comment on what they enjoyed about the conference and how well the attending delegates did in committee. Awards are given to delegates who demonstrated above-average preparation and performance, and schools can receive delegation awards based upon the number of awards individual delegates from their school received. The awards at most conferences will go in order of performance: the

“lowest”, for lack of a better word, award one can receive is a “commendable”, then

“outstanding”, and finally, the “gavel” or “best delegate” award. Most large conferences will actually give away a gavel to the delegate who earns it. The end of the closing ceremonies marks the end of the conference, and all participating schools are dismissed.



Committee Rules and Motions

The system of rules and motions helps maintain order and professionalism while the committee is in session. Each motion is usually voted on by the committee and is either passed or failed based on a majority. Though the system may seem complicated, it becomes easy to remember with practice. All

“points” can be suggested or asked with the raising of the delegates country placard.

Points of Parliamentary Procedure

Point of Inquiry: Used to ask a question.

Point of Order: Used to clarify a procedure or a ruling of the chair.

Point of Information: Used to inform the chair of something or to request information.

Point of Personal Privilege: Used to ask for permission to use the restroom. However, in most cases, chairs will let delegates go to the restroom whenever they wish, without needing to bring up a motion about it.

Right of Reply: Used to respond to any slander or offensive remark made against a delegate.

Only used in extreme cases. A word to the wise: You do not want to provoke a delegate into asking for a Right of Reply.


 Motion to Re -Order Agenda: Used to re-order the topics on the committee agenda.

 Motion to Open Debate: Once the agenda is set, this motion is used to begin debate on the topic

 at hand.

Motion to Open Speaker's List: Used to start a speaker's list for a certain topic. The delegate who makes this motion is often given the opportunity to make the first speech or to decide when

 he or she would like to speak.

Motion to Close Speaker's List: Used to prohibit the addition of more speakers to the speaker's list.

Motion to Table Speaker's List: Used to erase the current list of speakers.

Motion to be Added to Speaker's List: Used to add a delegate's county to the speaker's list. If you want to be added after the speaker’s list has been set, send up a note to the chair; do not raise your placard and interrupt committee.

 Motion to be Removed from Speaker's List: Used to remove a delegate's country from the speaker's list.

 Motion to Change Speaking Time: Used to alter the speaking time for speeches and comments.

When you make this motion, be prepared to suggest a new time and a reason for doing so.

Motion to Change the Number of Comments: Used to alter the number of comments made after a speech. When making this motion, be prepared to suggest a new number and a reason for

 doing so.

Motion for an Informal Caucus: Used to suspend debate and to move into an informal caucus

(see pg. 29). When making this motion, you should specify how long and for what purpose the caucus is being called.



Committee Rules and Motions

Motion for a Moderated Caucus: Used to suspend debate and move into a moderated caucus.

When making this motion, you should mention the time limit for each comment, the length of the moderated caucus, and the purpose for calling it.

Motion for a Formal Caucus: Used to suspend debate and move into a formal caucus. When making this motion, you should specify the amount of time that each group will be allotted to present their resolution, and explain your reasons to moving into a formal caucus.

Motion to Suspend Debate: Used to put the committee session on hold while delegates stop for lunch, break, or the end of the conference.

Motion to Submit a Proposal: Used to submit any kind of completed resolution, amendment, press release, or formally written request to the chair.

Motion to Move into Voting Bloc: Used in order for the committee to enter voting bloc, once all amendments and resolutions have been submitted and presented. After this motion is

 presented, chairs will often call upon four delegates (two for, two against) to debate it before the committee can vote.

Motion to Move out of Voting Bloc: Used to end voting bloc once all resolutions and amendments have been voted upon. A committee must remain in Voting Bloc until this motion is passed.

 Motion to Re-Order Proposals: Used to re-arrange the order in which proposals will be voted on.

 Motion to Divide Proposal: Used to separate a clause from an amendment or resolution, in order to vote upon it separately.

Motion to Re -Consider Proposal: Used to re-vote a failed proposal. However, the original sponsors of the proposal cannot use this motion.

Motion to End/Close Debate: Used to end debate on a particular topic.

Motion to Adjourn Meeting: Used to end the conference.

Rules of Procedure “Translations”

Until the time when you can consider yourself fluent in MUN jargon, consider this your handy MUN-to-

English translation guide:

I have a question. Point of Inquiry

Can I go to the bathroom? Point of Personal Privilege

He said something mean to me! Right of Reply

It’s 12:30. Can we go to lunch? Motion to Suspend Debate

We finally finished our resolution. Motion to Submit Proposal

I think you might be mistaken. Point of Order

I want to debate the issue with the other delegates. Motion for a Caucus

Can we vote on that resolution again? Motion to Reconsider Proposal

Can we put these resolutions in a different order? Motion to Re-Order Proposals

Can I take that part out of the resolution so we can vote on it separately? Motion to Divide Proposal

I want to make a speech. Motion to be added to/open the Speakers’ List

I want to go home. Motion to Adjourn/Close Debate



Diplomacy and Professionalism

Diplomacy is the use of finesse and skill when dealing with other people. In order to be diplomatic, you must maintain a professional demeanor and ensure that you display a decent level of respect towards the person(s) you are dealing with. Finding the key to compromise and balance is an additional aspect of diplomacy; do not give up your principles, instead use diplomacy to gently push your efforts forward. Furthermore, chairs often focus on each delegate’s diplomacy when in informal caucus, and the chairs appreciate it when delegates allow other, quieter delegates a chance to respond to ideas and discussions concerning the topic.

Do… Don’t…

Be polite

—Always be kind and courteous to your fellow delegates. Using traditional “manners” is the key.

Be professional

—Keep in mind you are “doing business” at a conference. Maintain a professional tone in your speeches, facial expressions, and body language.

Be a leader —In caucus, be the one to moderate.

If other delegates try to involve themselves, invite them (without interrupting someone) to speak up or to join the circle. Your peers—as well as the chairs—will see this and respect you for it, as stated above.

Remain productive

—Stay on task, and don’t get distracted. Chairs will be very annoyed if they see you and another delegate being disruptive or discussing something else.

Use a strong voice —In the act of being kind, don’t sacrifice a strong, willful voice or speech.

Be in control

—Share your delight, express your concerns, but keep your emotions under control.

Maintain friendly relationships

—Even if you’re not working with a group, attempt to “befriend” them. Despite any disagreements, you will need their support in the end when it comes to voting and passing resolutions.

Stay on policy

—Even if your state is the “bad guy,” while in committee stick to your nation’s policy and try to convince the others in committee that you are correct. Chairs will highly smile upon your knowledge and loyalty to your country’s policy.

Be a doormat

—There’s a difference between being nice, and letting someone walk all over you.

Be benevolent, but don't let anyone control you.

Strike up a rivalry

—Nothing can make you appear more ravenous and devilish than trying to

“kill the enemy.”

Ask a question if unprepared for the answer

Not following this guideline is an easy way to dig your own grave. Don’t get stuck in a situation like this; the table can turn.

Confuse your opinion with your country’s opinion

—Properly represent your country, even if your personal beliefs differ. Part of maintaining a professional demeanor is staying in character.

Insult, yell, or use profanity —This type of behavior is absolutely unacceptable in MUN and will result in punishment.

Hold a grudge —Don’t spend all your time trying to beat one delegate. Stay focused on the big picture and on your overall goals.

Be cocky Don’t walk into a conference thinking that you have an assured award, even if you have won many in the past. Do not ever mention anything about winning awards during committee; it will make a bad impression on the chairs and judges.



Public Speaking

One of the most important aspects of any Model United Nations conference is speaking.

Speeches are rare opportunities to spread your ideas without interruption or rebuttals from others, which means that you must always take full advantage of opportunities to speak. The following information is designed to help you deliver effective, well-prepared speeches.

Speech Types

Planned : Speeches prepared in advance. These speeches are generally longer than the other types you will deliver, and include both general and substantive debate speeches.

Usually, general debate speeches last from 1 minute to 2 minutes, while substantive debate speeches tend to be around 2 minutes.

Impromptu: Spur-of-the-moment speeches that are created as they are delivered. Any speech can be impromptu; you don’t necessarily have to have planned your speech for general or substantive debate, although it would be a good idea. Impromptu speeches allow you to discuss information recently mentioned in caucus or in other speeches.

Comments are generally impromptu.

Parts of a Speech

Introduction : The opening of the speech. The introduction consists of a hook to catch the audience’s attention and a transition to lead you into the body of the speech. Make sure your hook is NOT fluff, but rather a statistic or a piece of information that will draw your listeners’ attention.

Body : The bulk of the speech. The body is the place in which you make your points and give your support.

Conclusion: The closing of the speech. In the conclusion, all points that were made are summarized and combined, in order to demonstrate how they will affect the issue at hand and support your main argument or solution.



Public Speaking

General Debate Speeches

The general debate speech is used to inform the committee of your country’s policy on the topic at hand, and to briefly educate other delegates on the background of the topic with information you find enlightening and original. As a rule of thumb, assume every delegate knows just as much as you do in regards to background information. And NEVER repeat information previously stated by other delegates; this is repetitive and annoying. General debate speeches are usually 1 minute to 2 minutes long.

 Use specific facts and statistics in your General Debate speech to accentuate a point (i.e.

“...our nation is appalled by the x deaths caused per year by these atrocious tools of violence and cowardice.”), but don’t end up wasting speaking time reciting facts made by other delegates.

Show how your nation is affected by the issue at hand by bringing up past actions or  incidents.

 Connect the audience to the issue through an analogy or an explanation of how the issue directly affects the delegates as individuals (i.e. WMDs pose a threat to their families).

 Try to keep the speech as focused as possible on the topic, as tangent topics can hurt your

 score.

There are no comments in General Debate, so if your nation has a controversial point to make, now is the time to make it!

Substantive Debate Speeches

Substantive debate speeches serve two purposes. In them, you discuss your nation’s proposed solutions to the problem and try to convince other nations to support your resolution. You will usually give at least two substantive speeches throughout the course of committee—the first as a proposal of your nation’s solution, and the second as an endorsement of the resolution your nation and caucus group has created. This means that multiple resolutions will be written in committee. These speeches are usually 2 minutes.

 Don’t put your heart and soul into writing your second or third substantive speeches— just jot notes about the core idea of your resolution and some of its good points and then incorporate them into your speech. In this way, most substantive speeches other than the

 first become impromptus.

Take on a friendlier, businesslike tone in substantive debate speeches. Be a salesperson and show you are willing to compromise (whether you are or not).

 Try to repeat as little information as possible from previous substantive speeches. Even if

 it means a 40 second speech, your score will be higher than if you had repeated yourself.

If you need to make several speeches in substantive debate, focus on the development of the resolution, and try to think of ways it would benefit other nations.



Public Speaking


Comments are brief impromptu speeches given in response to a substantive debate speech. In them, other states explain why they agree or disagree with the points made by the speaker. Comments usually last approximately 30 seconds and are usually given in batches of two or three, but these numbers can sometimes vary.

Comments must be directly related to the previous speech.

NEVER begin a comment with “We commend the delegate on their excellent speech,” or anything like that.

This wastes speaking time and, contrary to popular belief, does not give you points for diplomacy.

While listening to the speech, jot down what your nation agrees with and/or disagrees with—and why. When you make your comment, refer to those notes for material.

 Don’t become flustered by the short speaking time. You do not have to use the full 30 seconds, and if you run out of time, you are still allowed to finish your sentence without penalty.

Performance Tips

Try to get on the speaker's list as early as possible.

Whether you accomplish it through volume or through lack thereof, always make sure you have the audience’s full attention when you begin your speech. A great way to ensure this is to always use volume in your speech, and if you really wish to capture attention, vary the volume, but not too dramatically.

Keep yourself open and connected to the audience through posture, gestures, and location. If you can gather

 your confidence, try not to use the podium, a defensive tool for nervous speakers. The less you have in front of you (arms, clipboard, podium, etc.), the more attentive the audience will be and thus the more effective your speech will be.

Be animated, but not humorous or distracting. Make sure you don’t speak in a droning monotone. Your goal

 is to attract other delegates to your ideas. Use hand movement and turn your body when needed. Too much movement, however, will become distracting and will detract from your speech.

Always maintain a strong degree of eye contact with your audience, but indirectly. Don’t stare at one point or

 person, but constantly shift your gaze from person to person or at the audience as a whole.

Pace yourself and enunciate.

If you have memorized your speech, take an outline of the speech up with you to refer to if you get stuck (a full script of the speech makes it too hard to find your place.)

Don’t banter with the audience or become flustered by a distraction. If you make a mistake or if the audience

 laughs, simply correct yourself (if necessary) and continue.

Don’t apologize if you make a mistake; chances are nobody will notice.

Stay flexible. If the speaking time is too low, mark the parts of your speech you can skip. Also, if another delegate brings up a point before you do, adjust for it—roll with the punches, so to speak. If possible, reinforce the idea with some ideas of your own that the previous delegate may have left out.

Speak as a team if you co-delegate, but make sure that you do not interrupt each other and that the speech flows well.

If the room in which your conference takes place is large, walk around the speaker’s area a lot to ensure that all parts of the audience are getting attention. However, do no win in between desks or chairs and attack individual delegates. Remember: interact with words, not with distance

Also, having a powerful speech may cause people to look for you when trying to form a caucus (for more, see

Caucus Tips )

Be confident!



Speech Preparation


As with all things, writing speeches becomes easier with practice. Here are some tips…

 Cater to your audience. Remember who you are speaking to and how they will receive what you say.

 Control your information in the same way as in your notebook. Use tone and wording to alter how your information is received. For example, half a century sounds longer than fifty years, and two hundred fifty thousand dollars sounds like less than a quarter of a million.

 Have a speech ready at least a day before it is to be presented so you have plenty

 of time to rehearse and revise it.

Experiment with different writing styles, such as longhand, bullet points, or note cards. Hand write your speech on paper or index cards, or type it on a word processor. Also try different ways of creating it. For example, you can dictate it to yourself—say a part of the speech, then write it down and tweak it.


Follow these tips and your speech will go much more smoothly.

 Find a rehearsal method that makes you feel comfortable and confident. You can use a mirror, a blank wall, a friend/family member, or a stuffed animal

 Memorization is not required in MUN, but it makes you appear more confident,

 and can sometimes earn you bonus points.

Recording a speech and then listening to it on playback is a good way to judge yourself and to learn how you sound.

 Rehearse a speech until you are confident that you can present it in front of an audience in the intended manner. Then rehearse it again.

 Know about how long your speech is before going to the conference. Your speech should never be longer than 2 minutes unless there is unlimited speaking time, and even then the chairs may become annoyed and bored if you speak for too long. A good way to practice keeping a speech under two minutes is timing yourself while you rehearse, so you can learn to talk at a steady, yet fitting pace.




A bloc is defined as a “combination of persons with a common interest or purpose.” At every conference, nations form allies and enemies, and the committee inevitably divides itself into several small groups, each of which is a bloc. Each bloc represents a different geographical part of the world; typically, the nations in each region share similar policies.

How they Work

Each bloc usually begins with a few delegates discussing a point who find themselves in agreement. Other delegates are attracted, either because they are curious or because they have nothing better to do. The delegates who begin the bloc will usually establish themselves as leading figures. If you are not one of these delegates, don't worry. With a little diplomacy and patience, you can make a heavy influence on the bloc. Once the blocs have been developed, each will form its own resolution. While the resolution is being written, some delegates will help to write it while others will go out and "sell" the resolution to other blocs in hopes of gaining their support and vote. A word to the wise: if you are co-delegating, split up and do both. However, if you are a single delegate, be sure that you are the leader that sends others to do the advertising, as it is always crucial to be present when the resolution itself is being discussed or written. This will help your position when the voting of resolution presenters is done.

How Policy Affects Them

A large part of your score at a conference comes from knowing—and sticking to—your country's policy. This is especially true in blocs. Always be sure that you do not group with rival nations and that the resolution you sponsor complies with your policy. For example, Iran and the United States should not be in the same bloc when discussing the

War in Iraq. There are six main geographic blocs: Western bloc, Latin American bloc,

Asian bloc, Middle Eastern bloc, African bloc, and Eastern bloc. However, these geographic blocs are more of guidelines than hard-and-fast rules, so at times you will join with nations outside of your geographic region to create a resolution.

The Back Row Bloc

This is the one bloc that nobody should ever be a part of. The Back Row Bloc is not an actual international bloc, but rather MUN language for the group of delegates, usually occupying the back row, who are either too nervous or too lazy to participate productively. They sit in the back and usually do little to contribute to the committee. Do not ignore these delegates, but rather try to encourage them to join in. Even more importantly, never be part of the back row bloc!




Throughout the year, there will be many opportunities to work with a partner at conferences. While this has its advantages, it also means that you must meet higher standards. Co-delegating is a privilege and is not an excuse to sit back during committee and chat with your friend. It is often used at advanced conference to accomplish more during committee, since each delegation can do two things at once.

Since at El Toro, MUN is a part of school and counts towards your grade, you will want to work with someone you can depend on to do their share of the work. Friends have a tendency to do less work and more talking, whereas simple acquaintances may be more business oriented and may work more efficiently together. When you co-delegate, you better get to know your partner; you might make a new friend in the process!

Many co-delegates will split up the topics. However, you should try to avoid this as much as possible, since it will leave each delegate less knowledgeable about a certain topic; since both co-delegates should work together with each topic, splitting up the topics can hamper the team’s performance. Instead, delegates should work together during the entire process of researching, writing, and debating.

During committee, both delegates should participate equally. If one is giving a speech, the other should be writing, taking notes, or caucusing outside with another delegate. Codelegates may also deliver a speech together, which demonstrates their ability to work together as a team. It is best for both delegates to speak as often as possible, as it will help others in the committee to recognize both representatives of a certain nation.

During caucus, co-delegates should never work in the same caucus group. The two should have consistent knowledge of their policy so that each individual can be in a separate group arguing the same thing. Splitting up allows the group to cover more ground and to gain more influence in committee. You can talk about what you discussed in your particular bloc at break or by passing notes during speeches.

During the presenting of resolutions, assuming that both delegates were in different caucuses, which they should; co-delegations should try to ensure that they both go up to present resolutions. This will show the judges that both members of your co-delegation were deeply involved in separate caucus, while still managing to work together.



Resolution Writing

Resolutions are possibly the most direct reflection of achievement in the United Nations.

The resolution document is, in essence, a to-do list. It outlines, in detail, the steps to be taken to respond to the issue under discussion. In committee, each resolution created by a

Bloc is then submitted to the chair for approval. After all resolutions are submitted, they are discussed by the committee and then voted upon to determine which resolution(s) will be implemented. Regardless of whether your resolution passes or not, the ability to write a resolution is a crucial skill for all MUN delegates to possess.

Writing resolutions requires the delegates to follow a specific format. In essence, the resolution is just one long compound sentence. Knowing where to use commas, where to use semicolons, and what to capitalize becomes easier with practice.

The Heading

The heading and title introduce your resolution and provide the nations who contributed.

Although some committees may change the format, there are several general guidelines that are usually adhered to.

 In the upper left-hand corner you state your committee, list the sponsors in alphabetical order, and state the topic—in that order. Do not use abbreviations.

 The title should be capitalized and centered below the heading. It is generally best

 to keep the title short and sweet, with flowery language at a minimum.

Address the resolution to the UN organ your committee is in, NOT your committee.

The Preamble

Preambulatory clauses introduce the subject of the resolution. They usually include general facts or statistics on your topic. However, since the delegates in your committee are already supposed to know the topic, it is best to keep these short and sweet.

Preambulatory clauses should not contain any solutions and therefore cannot be amended

(see pg 36). Although delegates often only skim the preambles, it is still important to make them strong.

Preambulatory clauses are indented and begin with an underlined “-ing” verb.

Each preambulatory clause ends with a comma.



Resolution Writing

Operative Clauses

Operative clauses are the “meat” of the resolution. They explain—in great detail—the plan that you and your bloc have developed to solve the given issue. Your fellow delegates will scrutinize your operative clauses, so be sure to make them good. Many times you will need to use sub-operatives to explain your operatives; sometimes you will even need to include sub-sub-operatives to explain your solution further!

 Operatives are numbered and begin with an underlined present-tense verb. They end with a semicolon, unless followed by a sub-operative, in which case a colon is used.

 Sub-operatives are labeled with a letter in parenthesis and end the same way as

 operatives.

Sub-sub-operatives are labeled with a lowercase Roman numeral.

Additional Format Rules

Skip a line between each clause and sub-clause.

Note the different numbering style for each level of operative. Preambulatory

 statements are not numbered.

 All preambulatory and operative phrases are underlined.

When typing resolutions, justified text alignment is the best choice.

 Always end the resolution in a period.



Sample Resolution

Committee: United Nations Committee on Resolutions

Topic: Resolution Writing

Sponsored by: China, France, Russian Federation, United States of America


The General Assembly,

Explaining that all preambulatory clauses should be underlined and that each phrase should be indented and ended with a comma,

Recognizing that one line should be skipped after each phrase and after the title of the resolution,

Noting that preambulatory clauses are generally present progressive verbs ending in –ing but can also be present states such as “aware that” and “concerned that”,

Gravely concerned that delegates use too many preambulatory clauses and that they should generally limit themselves to 2-4,

1. Reiterates the fact that operative phrases also have a certain format, which:

(a) Calls for the use of a colon if there are to be sub-operatives such as this;

(b) Requires one (1) line between each sub-operative;

(i) Has no underlining within the sub-operative;

(c) Welcomes the use of clear and simple wording by:

(i) Splitting complex ideas into sub-operatives and sub-sub-operatives if necessary;

(ii) Numbering accordingly in an outlined fashion;

(iii) Ending all sub-operatives and other operatives with a semi-colon;

2. Requests that all operative clauses be underlined;

3. Observes that operative clauses are verbs ending in –s that take action;

4. Emphasizes that resolutions are only one sentence, and therefore end with a period.



Writing a Quality Resolution

After learning the mechanics of a resolution and getting familiar with the vocabulary, you must be wondering what will make an outstanding resolution, not just a correctly formatted one. Your time should be primarily focused on the operatives of your resolution, because this is where the real work is required.

Consider a Resolution...

Like a regular paragraph you transformed into a grammatically-correct sentence. Begin with the general, and then move to the specifics.

Recommends that the ISAF and NATO organize an election by November:

(a) With polling booths located throughout each province;

(b) With protection provided at each voter forum;

(c) With monitoring from all applicable UN organizations;

In the above example, the delegate started with the topic of elections, and then elaborated upon the specific election conditions within the sub-operative. Apply this general concept of “big idea” to “small details” throughout the entire resolution.

Be Specific and Detailed

Make sure you include HOW the ideas in your resolution will be executed. Consider the following questions:

 How will this resolution be funded?

 Who will be performing this action?

In what timeframe should this action to be taken?

 Are there any deadlines or important dates to consider?

 Does the resolution include a “plan B”?

How do we ensure this resolution will be implemented?

Know your Power and Place

Keep in mind which committee you are in and exactly what your committee does. If you are in the World Health Organization (WHO), you cannot demand a war to end poverty.

You can, however, establish other anti-poverty initiatives. Remember, there are limits to international law, so you cannot do everything that you want. Keep “international etiquette” in mind—do not bash other nations needlessly, and avoid improper language or rude behavior to other sates/cultures/peoples in your resolution.



Amendment Writing

Amendments are written in order to amend, or change, the operative clauses within a resolution.

Typically, they are only written by non-sponsors of said resolution; “friendly amendments,” or amendments written by the writers themselves of said resolution, are usually not allowed.


Unlike the resolution, the amendment has only a header (with the same format as the resolution) and the main clauses. Furthermore, you have a choice of only three phrases to introduce the amendment clauses with. These phrases are not underlined. Number each one with a capital letter (A, B, C…). The phrases are:

 Amends operative clause # ___ to read:

 Deletes operative clause #___: o Includes a new operative to read:

If you only make a few changes to an operative, retype it and underline/boldface the changes. If you change the ideas of an operative entirely, delete that operative and add a new one. You must leave at least one original operative intact for the resolution to be valid. You cannot alter the preambulatory clauses or the title. Keep in mind that the original intent of the resolution should not be altered.

When you submit an amendment, the process will be the same as with resolutions except that amendments will not be discussed. Be sure that your amendment does not conflict with any other amendments, as one of them must fail if both contradict each other. Amendments that add or remove operatives should end with “Renumbers accordingly.”


Committee: United Nations Committee on Resolutions

Topic: Resolution Writing

Sponsored by: Benin, Djibouti, Kyrgyzstan, and Uruguay


A. Amends operative clause #2 to read:

2. Requests that all operative and preambulatory clauses are underlined;

B. Deletes operative clause # 4;

C. Includes a new operative to read:

5. Stresses that amendments should be brief and purposeful;

D. Renumbers accordingly.



Phrases for Resolutions

Preambulatory Clauses


























Bearing in mind






Guided by

Having adopted

Having devoted

Having approved Having considered Having decided

Having examined Having heard Having received

Having recognized Having regard for Having resolved

Having studied Hearing Keeping in mind

Having reviewed












Referring to


Taking into account Taking into




Taking note


Operative Clauses












Takes note of










Deplores Designates

Draws attention to Emphasizes














Calls upon













ABEDA Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa

ACC Arab Cooperation Council

ACCT Agence de Cooperation Culturelle et Technique; see Agency for Cultural and Technical

Cooperation; changed name in 1996 to Agence de la francophonie or Agency for the French-

Speaking Community

ACP Group African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States

AfDB African Development Bank

AFESD Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development

AG Andean Group; see Andean Community of Nations (CAN)

Air Pollution Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution

Air Pollution-Nitrogen Oxides Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary

Air Pollution Concerning the Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides or Control of

Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides or Their Transboundary Fluxes

Air Pollution-Persistent Organic Pollutants Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range

Transboundary Air Pollution on Persistent Organic Pollutants

Air Pollution-Sulfur 85 Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air

Pollution on the Reduction of Sulfur Emissions or Their Transboundary Fluxes by at Least


Air Pollution-Sulfur 94 Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air

Pollution on Further Reduction of Sulfur Emissions

Air Pollution-Volatile Organic Compounds Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range

Transboundary Air Pollution Concerning the Control of Emissions of Volatile Organic

Compounds or Their Transboundary Fluxes

AL Arab League

ALADI Asociacion Latinoamericana de Integracion; see Latin American Integration Association


AMF Arab Monetary Fund

AMU Arab Maghreb Union

ANC African National Congress

Ancom Andean Common Market; see Andean Community of Nations (CAN)

Antarctic-Environmental Protocol Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic


ANZUS Australia-New Zealand-United States Security Treaty

APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

Arabsat Arab Satellite Communications Organization

AsDB Asian Development Bank

ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations

Autodin Automatic Digital Network

BAD Banque Africaine de Developpement; see African Development Bank (AfDB)

BADEA Banque Arabe de Developpement Economique en Afrique; see Arab Bank for

Economic Development in Africa (ABEDA)

BCIE Banco Centroamericano de Integracion Economico; see Central American Bank for

Economic Integration (BCIE)

BDEAC Banque de Developpment des Etats de l'Afrique Centrale; see Central African States

Development Bank (BDEAC)



Benelux Benelux Economic Union

BID Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo; see Inter-American Development Bank (IADB)

Biodiversity Convention on Biological Diversity

BIS Bank for International Settlements

BOAD Banque Ouest-Africaine de Developpement; see West African Development Bank


BSEC Black Sea Economic Cooperation Zone

C Commonwealth c.i.f. cost, insurance, and freight

CACM Central American Common Market

CAEU Council of Arab Economic Unity

CAN Andean Community of Nations

Caricom Caribbean Community and Common Market

CB citizen's band mobile radio communications

CBSS Council of the Baltic Sea States

CCC Customs Cooperation Council

CDB Caribbean Development Bank

CE Council of Europe

CEAO Communaute Economique de l'Afrique de l'Ouest; see West African Economic



CEEAC Communaute Economique des Etats de l'Afrique Centrale; see Economic Community of Central African States (CEEAC)

CEI Central European Initiative

CEMA Council for Mutual Economic Assistance; also known as CMEA or Comecon

CEPGL Communaute Economique des Pays des Grands Lacs; see Economic Community of the

Great Lakes Countries (CEPGL)

CERN Conseil Europeenne pour la Recherche Nucleaire; see European Organization for

Nuclear Research (CERN)

CG Contadora Group

CIS Commonwealth of Independent States

CITES see Endangered Species

Climate Change United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Climate Change-Kyoto Protocol Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

CMEA Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CEMA); also known as Comecon

COCOM Coordinating Committee on Export Controls

Comecon Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CEMA); also known as CMEA

Comsat Communications Satellite Corporation

COPUOS Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space

CP Colombo Plan

CSCE Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe; see Organization for Security and

Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)

CY calendar year

DC developed country



Desertification United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries

Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa

DISC Disarmament and International Security, First Committee of the GA

DSN Defense Switched Network

DWT deadweight ton

EADB East African Development Bank

EAPC Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council

EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

EC European Community; see European Union (EU)

ECA Economic Commission for Africa

ECAFE Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East; see Economic and Social

Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)

ECE Economic Commission for Europe

ECLA Economic Commission for Latin America; see Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

ECLAC Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean

ECO Economic Cooperation Organization

ECOFIN Economic and Financial, Second Committee of the General Assembly

ECOSOC Economic and Social Council

ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States

ECS European Coal and Steel Community; see European Union (EU)

ECWA Economic Commission for Western Asia; see Economic and Social Commission for

Western Asia (ESCWA)

EEC European Economic Community; see European Union (EU)

EFTA European Free Trade Association

EIB European Investment Bank

EMU European Monetary Union

Endangered Species Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild

Flora and Fauna (CITES)

Entente Council of the Entente

Environmental Modification Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile

Use of Environmental Modification Techniques

ESA European Space Agency

ESCAP Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

ESCWA Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia est. estimate

EU European Union

Euratom European Atomic Energy Community; see European Community (EC)

Eutelsat European Telecommunications Satellite Organization

Ex-Im Export-Import Bank of the United States f.o.b. free on board

FAO Food and Agriculture Organization

FAX facsimile

FLS Front Line States



FRG Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany); used for information dated before 3

October 1990 or CY91

FSU The former Soviet Union

FY fiscal year

FYROM The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

FZ Franc Zone

G-2 Group of 2

G-3 Group of 3

G-5 Group of 5 (not to be confused with the Big Five)

G-6 Group of 6

G-7 Group of 7

G-8 Group of 8

G-9 Group of 9

G-10 Group of 10

G-11 Group of 11

G-15 Group of 15

G-19 Group of 19

G-24 Group of 24

G-30 Group of 30

G-33 Group of 33

G-77 Group of 77

GA General Assembly

GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

GCC Gulf Cooperation Council

GDP gross domestic product

GDR German Democratic Republic (East Germany); used for information dated before 3

October 1990 or CY91

GNP gross national product

GRT gross register ton

GWP gross world product

Hazardous Wastes Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of

Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal

HF high-frequency

IADB Inter-American Development Bank

IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency

IBEC International Bank for Economic Cooperation

IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank)

ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization

ICC International Chamber of Commerce

ICEM Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration; see International Organization for

Migration (IOM)

ICFTU International Confederation of Free Trade Unions; see World Confederation of Labor


ICJ International Court of Justice (World Court)



ICM Intergovernmental Committee for Migration; see International Organization for Migration


ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross

ICRM International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement

IDA International Development Association

IDB Islamic Development Bank

IEA International Energy Agency

IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development

IFC International Finance Corporation

IFCTU International Federation of Christian Trade Unions

IFRCS International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

IGAD Inter-Governmental Authority on Development

IGADD Inter-Governmental Authority on Drought and Development

IHO International Hydrographic Organization

IIB International Investment Bank

ILO International Labor Organization

IMCO Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization; see International Maritime

Organization (IMO)

IMF International Monetary Fund

IMO International Maritime Organization

Inmarsat International Mobile Satellite Organization

InOC Indian Ocean Commission

INSTRAW International Research & Training Institute for the Advancement of Women

Intelsat International Telecommunications Satellite Organization

Interpol International Criminal Police Organization

Intersputnik International Organization of Space Communications

IOC International Olympic Committee

IOM International Organization for Migration

IPD International Press Delegation

ISO International Organization for Standardization

ITU International Telecommunication Union kHz kilohertz km kilometer kW kilowatt kWh kilowatt hour

LAES Latin American Economic System

LAIA Latin American Integration Association

LAS League of Arab States; see Arab League (AL)

Law of the Sea United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (LOS)

LDC less developed country

LLDC least developed country

London Convention see Marine Dumping

LORCS League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies; see International Federation of Red

Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRCS)

LOS Law of the Sea



Marecs Maritime European Communications Satellite

Marine Dumping Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping Wastes and

Other Matter

Marine Life Conservation Convention on Fishing and Conservation of Living Resources of the

High Seas

MARPOL see Ship Pollution

Medarabtel Middle East Telecommunications Project of the International Telecommunications


Mercosur Mercado Comun del Cono Sur; see Southern Cone Common Market

MHz megahertz

MINUGUA United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala

MINURSO United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara

MIPONUH United Nations Civilian Police Mission in Haiti

MONUA United Nations Observer Mission in Angola

MONUC United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

MUN Model United Nations

NA not available

NACC North Atlantic Cooperation Council; see Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC)

NAM Nonaligned Movement

NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NC Nordic Council

NEA Nuclear Energy Agency

NEGL negligible

NGO Non-Governmental Organization

NIB Nordic Investment Bank

NIC newly industrializing country; see newly industrializing economy (NIE)

NIE newly industrializing economy nm nautical mile

NMT Nordic Mobile Telephone

NSG Nuclear Suppliers Group

Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space, and Under Water

NZ New Zealand

OAPEC Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries

OAS Organization of American States

OAU Organization of African Unity

ODA official development assistance

OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

OECS Organization of Eastern Caribbean States

OIC Organization of the Islamic Conference

ONUSAL United Nations Observer Mission in El Salvador

OOF other official flows



OPANAL Organismo para la Proscripcion de las Armas Nucleares en la America Latina y el

Caribe; see Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the


OPCW Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons

OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

OPI Office of Public Information

OSCE Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe

Ozone Layer Protection Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer

PAC Pan-African Congress

PCA Permanent Court of Arbitration

PDRY People's Democratic Republic of Yemen [Yemen (Aden) or South Yemen]; used for information dated before 22 May 1990 or CY91

PFP Partnership for Peace

Ramsar see Wetlands

RG Rio Group

SAARC South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation

SACU Southern African Customs Union

SADC Southern African Development Community

SADCC Southern African Development Coordination Conference; see Southern African

Development Community (SADC)

SC Security Council

SCH Social, Cultural, and Humanitarian, Third Committee of the GA

SDR Special Drawing Rights (see Useful Definitions)

SELA Sistema Economico Latinoamericana; see Latin American Economic System (LAES)

SFRY Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia; dissolved 5 December 1991

SHF super-high-frequency

Ship Pollution Protocol of 1978 Relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of

Pollution From Ships, 1973 (MARPOL)

Sparteca South Pacific Regional Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreement

SPC South Pacific Commission

SPD Special Political and Decolonization Committee

SPF South Pacific Forum sq km square kilometer sq mi square mile


South West African People’s Organization

TAT Trans-Atlantic Telephone

TNCs Transnational Corporations

Tropical Timber 83 International Tropical Timber Agreement, 1983

Tropical Timber 94 International Tropical Timber Agreement, 1994

UAE United Arab Emirates

UDEAC Union Douaniere et Economique de l'Afrique Centrale; see Central African Customs and Economic Union (UDEAC)

UEMOA Union Economique et Monetaire Ouest Africaine; see West African Economic and

Monetary Union (WAEMU)

UHF ultra-high-frequency



UK United Kingdom

UN United Nations

UNAMIR United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda

UNAMSIL United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone

UNAVEM III United Nations Angola Verification Mission III

UNCRO United Nations Confidence Restoration Operation in Croatia

UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

UNDOF United Nations Disengagement Observer Force

UNDP United Nations Development Program

UNDPI United Nations Department of Public Information

UNDRO Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordination

UNEP United Nations Environment Program

UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization

UNFICYP United Nations Peace-keeping Force in Cyprus

UNFPA United Nations Fund for Population Activities; see UN Population Fund (UNFPA)

UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund

UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization

UNIFEM United Nations Development Fund for Women

UNIFIL United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon

UNIKOM United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission

UNITAR United Nations Institute for Training and Research

UNMIBH United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina

UNMIH United Nations Mission in Haiti

UNMIK United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo

UNMOGIP United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan

UNMOP United Nations Mission of Observers in Prevlaka

UNMOT United Nations Mission of Observers in Tajikistan

UNMOVIC United Nations Monitoring and Verification Commission

UNOMIG United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia

UNOMIL United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia

UNOMOZ United Nations Operation in Mozambique

UNOMSIL United Nations Mission of Observers in Sierra Leone

UNOMUR United Nations Observer Mission Uganda-Rwanda

UNOSOM II United Nations Operation in Somalia II

UNPREDEP United Nations Preventive Deployment Force

UNPROFOR United Nations Protection Force

UNRISD United Nations Research Institute for Social Development

UNRWA United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East

UNSCOM United Nations Special Commission for the Elimination of Iraq's Weapons of Mass

Destruction; see United Nations Monitoring and Verification Commission (UNMOVIC)

UNSMIH United Nations Support Mission in Haiti

UNTAC United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia

UNTAES United Nations Transitional Administration in Eastern Slavonia, Baranja, and Western




UNTAET United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor

UNTSO United Nations Truce Supervision Organization

UNU United Nations University

UPU Universal Postal Union

US United States

USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Soviet Union); used for information dated before 25

December 1991

USSR/EE Union of Soviet Socialist Republics/Eastern Europe

VHF very-high-frequency

VSAT very small aperture terminal

WADB West African Development Bank

WAEMU West African Economic and Monetary Union

WCL World Confederation of Labor

WCO World Customs Organization; see Customs Cooperation Council

Wetlands Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially As Waterfowl Habitat

WEU Western European Union

WFC World Food Council

WFP World Food Program

WFTU World Federation of Trade Unions

Whaling International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling

WHO World Health Organization

WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization

WMO World Meteorological Organization

WP Warsaw Pact

WTO see WToO for World Tourism Organization or WTrO for World Trade Organization

WToO World Tourism Organization

WTrO World Trade Organization

YAR Yemen Arab Republic [Yemen (Sanaa) or North Yemen]; used for information dated before 22 May 1990 or CY91

ZC Zangger Committee



Abstention An official statement of no opinion.

Ad Hoc Committee called to focus on a specific topic (i.e. Ad Hoc on Terrorism).

Agenda Topic General topics suggested by the Chairs for the committee to discuss in detail.

Amendment Additions, deletions, and changes in a resolution.

Annex To incorporate into a country the territory of another country.

Armistice A temporary peace agreement

Auspices Protection or patronage

Autonomy Independence; self-government

Back Row Bloc A sarcastic reference to the bloc composed of delegations who sit in the back row of the room. You do not want to be in this.

Bilateral Having to do with two sides (versus multilateral)

Binding Having legal force in UN member states. Security Council resolutions are binding, as are decisions of the International Court of Justice.

Bloc Common interest group which meets to formulate group policies on particular issues.

Boycott Refusing to deal with so as to punish or show disapproval.

Breach of Treaty Failure to observe the terms of a signed treaty.

Caucus A break in committee for the purpose of informal debate. It may be either informal (most often used, at any time during the conference where delegates get around and talk policy) formal (when delegates get up and talk about their resolutions in front of committee) or moderated (delegates stand up from where they sit and state any comment or push their solution forward)

Censure To blame, criticize adversely or express disapproval.

Chair Person in charge of a committee; assisted by Vice-Chairs.

Committee A group of people representing various viewpoints which gathers to discuss certain issues; headed by chairs/chairmen.

Compensable financing Credit designed to help raw material producer members of the

IMF in times of poor markets for their exports.

Coup d’état (Coup)

A sudden and decisive act in politics, usually bringing about a change in government unlawfully and by force.

Credentials Name tag indicating name, country, and committee; also name of committee responsible for investigating policy of member nations.

Dais The group of people in charge of the committee.

Decolonization The establishment of a self-governing area.

Decorum Term used by chair to indicate that the committee is too noisy and that they must come to order.

De Facto

“Actually,” in reality (not officially)

Delegate The representative of a nation who is designated to defend his/her country’s position on certain issues.

Delegation One or two delegates who represent a nation in a committee; also the entire group of delegates who represent a nation/school at a conference.

Demilitarize To free from military control or presence.

Deregulation The act of process of removing restrictions and regulations.



Destabilization The act of making a government unsteady

Dilatory Causing unnecessary delay

Diplomatic immunity Special privileges accorded to diplomats and their families and staffs by international agreement, including freedom from arrest, search, and taxation.

Disarmament The act of disarming; the reduction of armies, navies, and their equipment.

Docket The resolutions to be discussed by a committee.

Expropriation The taking of property into public ownership without compensation, such as the property of foreign investors or foreign industry in a country.

Extradition The surrender of a fugitive or prisoner by one state, nation, or legal authority to another.

Foreign intervention Interference by one nation into the affairs of another.

Formal speech A speech made by a delegation placed on the Speakers List.

Gavel Used by the Chair during committee at many conferences; awarded to the best delegation in the committee.

General debate First portion of debate on a committee agenda item; discussion of specific resolutions and amendments is forbidden.

Gross National Product (GNP) The total value of the goods and services produced in a nation during a specific period of time. (GDP - Gross Domestic Product)

Internal affairs Having to do with affairs within a country; domestic.

Junta A political or military group holding power after a revolution; a political faction; a group of plotters or partisans; an assembly or council for deliberation or administration.

Mandate A commission given to one nation by a group of nations to administer the government and affairs of a territory or colony; a mandated territory.

Nationalize To invest control or ownership of in the national government.

Non-aligned A country that is not aligned politically; “neutral.”

Operative clause Policy portion of resolution.

O.P.I Office of Public Information- where resolutions are typed, photocopied, and distributed.

Page A person in committee who delivers notes.

Peace keeping forces A force sent to maintain, enforce, or intervene to achieve a cessation of hostilities between opposing armies, countries, or other groups.

Placard Each delegation is given a placard, which is used to receive recognition from the

Chair and also for voting.


Run by the United Nations in order to affirm a people’s right to selfdetermination to be autonomous or a part of another country.

Plenary session Cumulative Committee session where all committees of the UN organs convene.

Preambulatory clause Justifications for action; found in resolutions.

President Person in charge of Security Council or an Ad Hoc committee; assisted by


Protectionism The process of government economic protection for domestic producers through restrictions on foreign competition.

Protectorate A country under the protection and partial control of another nation.



Puppet A government or person whose actions, while seemingly independent, are actually manipulated or controlled by another.

Rapporteur The most eloquent speaker in committee, which is voted on by other delegates.

He/she will sometime summarize the committee during plenary session at the end of a conference.

Resolution A formal expression of opinion on problems confronting the world.

Roll Call Vote Procedure used in order to hear each country call out their vote individually.

Normally you say aye or nay.

Rules of Procedure The rules used at a Model UN conference to run committee.

Sanction An action by nations toward another nation. Includes blockades, restrictions on trade, withholding loans. Intent is to force compliance with international law.

Secretariat Composed of people who organize and run the Conference. Headed by the

Secretary- General and Under-Secretary-Generals.

Secretary-General The person in charge of the Secretariat and responsible for success of the


Self-determination The ability for the people of a nation to decide what form of government they shall have without interference from other nations.

Short Comment Speech immediately following and pertaining directly to a formal speech;


Newsletter of the Berkeley Model United Nations Conference

Sovereignty Power or authority in a state.

Speakers List The order in which delegates will speak in formal debate; the Chair keeps the list of country names.

Special Drawing Rights IMF currency value is the average of US dollar, European Euro,

Japanese yen, and English pound.

Sponsor One of the writers of a draft resolution.

Substantive Debate Second portion of debate on an agenda item; discussion focuses on specifics of resolutions and amendments.

Tariff A schedule of duties (rates or charges) imposed by a government on imported goods.

Trusteeship The administration by a country of a trust territory, approved by the UN, usually with the hope that the area in question will be developed toward self-government or independence.

Under-Secretary-Generals Assistants to the Secretary-General.

Veto The ability, held by China, France, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the

United States to prevent any draft resolution in the Security Council from passing by voting no.

Vice-Chairs Assistants to Chairs during Committee.

Vice-Presidents Assistants to Presidents during Committee.

Voting Bloc Temporal portion of committee devoted to voting on resolutions and amendments.

Working Groups A formal subdivision of a committee.

Working Paper A document in which the ideas of some delegates on how to resolve an issue are proposed; often the precursor to a draft resolution

Yield In a formal speech, time not needed by a delegation can be “yielded” to another delegation or the Chair.

