3 Generations of Game Machine Architecture

3 Generations of
Game Machine Architecture
Joe Decuir
alumnus of Atari & Amiga
My background
Atari Stella system (2600)
Atari Colleen system (400/800, 5200, etc)
Amiga Lorraine system (1000, 2000, etc)
looking ahead
My background, pre-Atari
• Clearly an engineer from my first Erector
set (age 6)
• BS & MS degrees from Berkeley, in EECS
and pre-med, including Intel 4004 design
• A couple years spent in medical instrument
design and in medical research that
leveraged those instruments.
• Bought my one 6502 at Wescon in 1975.
Stella Architecture
Product requirements
Design choices
Hardware/firmware tradeoffs
Stella Requirements
• Atari management had a clear vision for the
product: provide a means to bring
successful Arcade games home.
• We had to hit a $200 max retail price for the
console, for Christmas of 1977.
• Expected product life: 3 years (e.g. to 1979)
• Non-goals: be an expandable personal
Stella System
• TIA video chip (see below)
• 6502-based processor, “6507”:
– 13 bit address, no interrupts, RDY line
– 1.2 MHz
• 6532 combo
– 128 bytes of RAM (all mapped into zero page)
– 16 bits of parallel I/O (joysticks and panel)
– timer (interrupt not used)
• cartridge slot for 2K or 4K ROMs (24 pins)
• 2 game control ports
Stella Implementation
• From coin-op games, there were two
obvious ways to architect the system:
– non-programmable random logic
– programmable (uP) with screen bit-map
• Fatal flaws in both:
– random logic would be slow development, and
not re-usable
– bit maps were expensive
Bit maps and games
• Games traditionally contain a background
of some kind (playfield) and foreground
active objects (players, sprites, etc).
• If only a bit map is used for everything:
– sprite graphics and motion resolution are the
same as the playfield resolution, forcing
– a hard choice between high cost or clunkiness
The breakthrough: soft video
• Mayer and Milner proposed using a fast
enough processor to reload video on a lineby-line basis. The processor replaces logic.
• They had to wait for the right chip:
Intel 8080 was expensive, needed 3 supplies.
Motorola 6800 was too slow
Fairchild F8 was even slower
MOS 6502 was perfect: fast and cheap
Why was the 6502 so good?
• Process speed: depletion load pullup
transistors were much faster and smaller
than enhancement pullups (e.g. 6800).
• Architecture speed:
– little-endian addresses pipelined instructions
– indexed-indirect and indirect-indexed
instructions allowed use of zero page as an
array of fast memory pointers.
Design decisions
• Our target coin op games were two player
action (Tank - Combat), sports (Basketball)
and paddle (Pong -Video Olympics) .
• We decided that we needed:
– 2 8-bit motion objects (P0, P1)
– 3 1-bit motion objects (M0, M1, Ball)
– 20 or 40 bits of low resolution playfield
Hardware Software tradeoffs:
Motion control
• The easy way to make these motion objects
would require a binary horizontal counter,
and 5 8-bit position registers and
comparators. We thought this would be
• The cheap way was to use dynamic
polynomial counters, running in parallel.
Motion in implemented with resets and
motion vectors.
Motion control, continued
• To appease the programmers, I generated a
‘Compute Horizontal Reset’ CHRST utility.
• Called with object index in X, position in A:
– computes a loop count (15 clocks)
– computes a residual motion vector (+/-7)
– waits for sync, loops, resets and writes motion
• For the programmers, this was good enough
Motion control, epilog
An alternative that we considered too late:
• keep the polynomial horizontal counter
• replace the separate object counters and
motion registers with simple position latches
and comparators
• use a 160-byte look up table in cartridge
ROM to map binary horizontal positions to
polynomial counter values.
Other TIA chip features
• 4 7-bit palette registers
• 15 collision detection latches
• 2 channel sound system
– variable prescaler
– 4+5 bit polynomial counters
– volume registers
• trigger and potentiometer input ports
• trigger input could be used for light pens or
light guns.
Stella Graphics
• Fundamental pixel resolution is 1 color burst
clock (280nsec, 160/line) by 1 line.
• Motion objects are 1, 2, 4 or 8 clocks/bit.
• Motion objects may be replicated in
• Playfield is 4 clocks per bit.
• Playfield bits are either repeated or reflected
in hardware.
Example Stella Game structure
• In Vertical Blank:
– detect collisions and control inputs
– decide new game conditions
– computer new game graphics pointers
• In Display, for each line or two:
– step graphics pointers
– fetch graphics
– wait for horizontal blank, and write graphics
Atari 2600 market history
• 1st shown at June 1977 CES show
• 250,000 sold in 1977, with 6 cartridges
• 550,000 sold in 1978, but big unsold
inventory (800,000 made that year).
• Sales continued to double annually until the
market collapse in 1983.
• Est. sales over 50 million by late 1980s.
Atari 2600 Lessons
• Make the hardware a flexible platform for
clever developers. (Bill Joy’s theorem)
• Good hardware-software tradeoffs make the
product economically viable.
• Real marketing is essential. This means that
somebody has a clear vision of:
– who will buy the product
– why they buy the product at all
– why they buy the product from us
Colleen System Architecture
(Atari 400/800, 5200, 65XE, etc)
Product requirements
Design choices
Hardware/firmware tradeoffs
Colleen requirements
• Split requirements:
– support 1978 vintage arcade games. We knew
we would need to leapfrog the 2600 before
somebody else did.
– support home computer character and bit map
graphics. We saw the Apple II, Commodore and
Radio Shack appliance machines coming.
• Result:
– Atari 800 was full computer
– Atari 400 was a game machine w/flat keyboard
Colleen computer requirements
Character graphics
Enough memory to run large programs.
Means to load programs from tape or disk.
Means for memory expansion
Means for peripheral expansion
Colleen game Requirements
• Hardware drives the graphics, so that the
CPU has time to do other things.
• More moving objects.
• Multi-colored character maps, so that
complex playfields can be generated without
large amounts of memory.
• Playfield motion: vertical and horizontal
Colleen System Architecture
• 5 LSI parts:
6502 at 1.8 MHz, all address and interrupts
ANTIC: Video address generator, etc
CTIA/GTIA: video output
POKEY: pots, keyboard, audio, serial bus
6520 PIA: simple 16 bits of parallel I/O
• at least 4KB of DRAM (1st shipped w/8K)
• 1-2 ROM cartridge slots
• 4 game controller ports
Colleen Video architecture
• 5 motion object generators
• Display list processor generates playfield or
character displays, on line-by-line basis.
• Both graphics generators get DMA access,
so they share memory with the 6502.
• Maximum resolutions: 320x240x1 in
monochrome or 160x240x2 in color
• 8-bit palette registers: 4 color, 4 luminance
ANTIC Display list modes
• 8-bit instructions:
4-bit display mode
2-bits scroll control
1-bit interrupt request
1-bit load new address
• bit map modes: 40x8x2 to 320x1x1
• text modes: 20x(8x8)x2 and 40x(8x8)x1
• color characters: 40x(4x8)x2
ANTIC player graphics
• DMA from 5 fixed strips of 120 or 240 bytes
of memory.
• Horizontal motion by writing a binary
register (the way the programmers wanted
Stella to work).
• Vertical motion by erasing and rewriting the
• Vertical reuse possible: use Display list
interrupts to rewrite horizontal positions.
More about playfield motion
• Complex games may have a huge virtual
playfield, windowed on the screen.
• For each display instruction with horizontal
scrolling enabled, ANTIC will load 192
pixels worth of data, and clip, controlled by
the horizontal scrolling register.
• For each display instruction with vertical
scrolling enabled, ANTIC will clip that line,
controlled by the vertical scrolling register.
Non-video I/O
• Pokey supported 4 audio channels
• Pokey supported 8 potentiometer inputs,
sampled in hardware
• Pokey scanned a keyboards, using
commodity CMOS external muxes.
Colleen system issues
• The most direct competitor was the Apple II
• The Apple II was not bundled with a TV RF
modulator, so it was not regulated by FCC.
• It could have slots! Peripherals were easy.
• The 800 was cased in cast aluminum
• The 800 had internal memory slots.
• The 800 used a serial bus for external
expansion, 19,200 b/s. The peripherals had
intelligence, so they were expensive.
Colleen in the market
• First debut in 1979. Sold respectably but
not near as well as the Apple.
• FCC changed the rules in 1979: “Class B”
• Commodore C64 jumped in with lower cost
and more memory.
• Atari answered with 800XL, etc, but trailed
Apple and Commodore (and Radio Shack)
• Repackaged as pure game machine, 5200,
competed with wealth of 2600 games.
Colleen Lessons
• A personal computer has to have easy expansion,
with lots of room for 3rd parties to add value (e.g.
Apple II and IBM PC/AT family)
• It appears to confuse things to sell a hybrid game
console and crippled PC (e.g. Atari 400).
• It was bad luck that the FCC didn’t change the
rules until after the Atari 800 shipped. Something
like the 1200XL might have flown.
Amiga Lorraine System
• Company founded by Dave Morse (Mattel
marketing) and Jay Miner. I was badge #3.
• Original product conception: generate
cartoon-quality video games.
• Also a computer, with a built-in floppy
driver for distributing games.
• Commodore turned it into a “color multimedia MAC” in 1984, shipped in 1986.
Amiga System Architecture
(Amiga 1000, Amiga 2000, etc)
Product requirements
Design choices
Hardware/firmware tradeoffs
Amiga computer requirements
• Use a modern processor: 68000 (w/o
memory management unit)
• Built in floppy drive, not built in hard drive.
• 40 or more characters/line on TV, 80 or
better on a monitor
• GUI OS requirement added after
Commodore purchase in 1984.
Amiga gaming requirements
• Hardware assist for:
– common graphics operations
– changing the hardware synchronous with the
video beam.
Foreground and background bit maps
Multiple motion objects
Multi-channel DMA audio
Loading games from floppy drive.
Interact with external video (disk, VCR, etc)
Amiga system design
• 4 LSI chips:
68000 CPU, at 7.2 MHz
AGNUS address generator/DMA engine
DENISE video output chip
PAULA I/O chip
• 256K DRAM minimum, 512K common
• 2 game ports
• Floppy drive
Amiga video design
• Primary display is a set of bit plane engines.
• Bit planes can be used as a set of 4, for 16color displays, or in two sets of 3 and 3, for
an 8-color foreground (or motion objects)
and an 8-color background.
• 8 identical sprite engines.
• Palette registers are 12 bit: 4 each RGB, or 4
each color, saturation and luminance
Amiga bit blitter detail
• Automates common graphics operations:
– line draw
– area fill
– splicing and manipulating images
• Bit blitter:
– 3 input images, 1 output image
– 2 input images can be barrel shifted
– any arbitrary operation can be performed,
selected by 8-bit mask.
Amiga sprite engines
• Each engine reads a string of 16-bit words
in memory.
• The first words specify top left corner and
• Subsequent words are data (16 x 2 bits/line)
• Sprites can be reused to the end of the
Amiga Audio
• 4 DMA channels:
– 8 bits/sample
– adjustable sample rate
– sample table in memory can be from 2 bytes
(square wave) to 8192 bytes.
– Separate pointers: each chunk of audio can
come from anywhere in memory.
Amiga System Issues
• The first version would have looked like the
Amiga 500, with 128K of DRAM and no
GUI OS, and shipped in 1984.
• Amiga ran out of money, which slowed
• Commodore bought it in June of 1984.
• Commodore repositioned it as a color
multimedia MAC-like PC
Amiga in the market
• The Amiga 1000, loaded with computer
options, shipped in 1986. Competitors:
– IBM PC/AT and clones
– Mac, with color
– Atari ST
• It was the best multi-media computer of its
time, but it had a distinct market only for
video production (with the Video Toaster)
• It became a cult favorite, but a market
Amiga lessons
• Again, clear product focus matters a lot:
competent marketing people working with
engineers who listen.
• Bad luck matters: the collapse of the video
game business in 1984 poisoned the well
financially and prospectively. Otherwise,
we would play Amiga consoles instead of
the NES in the mid-1980s.