ASN280 Associate of Applied Science Degree in Nursing Course Code: ASN280 Kansas City, Missouri Course Title: Professional Nursing Roles 1. Length of Course: Credit Hours: 4 Clock Hours: Theory 30, Clinical, 90 2. Method of Teaching: Lecture, Discussion, Group Projects 3. Faculty: Mr. Len Harvey, RN 4. Office Locations: 3239 5. Office Hours: Thur. 12-3, Fri. 9-12 6. Phone Numbers: or 7. Course Prerequisites: ASN180 or ASN100, ASN110, ASN150; and ASN210, ASN220, ASN230, ASN240, ASN250, and ASN260. 8. Course CoASN270 and ASN290 Requisites: 9. Course Description: Socializes the student into the registered nurse role. The focus is on the exploration and analysis of contemporary nursing practice, current trends and issues, the application of evidence based practice, and the use of leadership and management principles in the delivery of care. The student will also develop skills and documents for use in obtaining employment 10. Course Objectives: 1. Describe the process of health planning and management for the RN in the hospital and community work settings. 2. Identify components of the leadership role that is an expectation and responsibility of the graduate RN. 3. Discuss the code of ethics and professional standards that guide professional nursing. 4. Address the process of evaluating the care being provided with respect to the purpose and goals of the agency, personnel performance and self. 5. Identify methods used to plan for the care of multiple clients in the health care setting including delegation and supervision. 6. Describe the plan of care for a section of population in the community. 7. Discuss the purpose and method of securing informed consent for clients in the hospital and in community facilities. 8. Compare the similarity and differences of the planning used in both settings. 9. Identify linkages necessary for assuring the continuity of care for a client being discharged from the hospital. 10. Discuss the methods for resource management in use in the hospital and in the community agencies. 11. Describe the Continuous Quality Improvement programs in place in varied health care facilities. 12. Identify the professional organizations supporting the role of the RN and explore the involvement process. 13. Identify individual professional strengths and areas of continual improvement. 14. Discuss peer review, ongoing continuing educational needs and professional limitations that become individual responsibilities of the nurse following graduation. ASN280 KOP Syllabus Created July, 2006; Reviewed May, 2011, June 2012; March 2013 Page 1 of 4 ASN280 Associate of Applied Science Degree in Nursing Course Code: ASN280 Kansas City, Missouri Course Title: Professional Nursing Roles 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Identify one evidence-based practice that could potentially improve the workplace of the assigned clinical facility. 16. Promote collegiality and team functioning. 17. Analyze the work culture of the clinical setting. 18. Identify the nursing care delivery method. 19. Analyze the impact of nursing staffing on quality of care. 20. Identify factors affecting nursing productivity. 21. Administer medications to groups of clients. 22. Manage the nursing team through implementation of appropriate assignment, delegation, and supervision strategies. 23. Report on groups of patients. 24. Assist in transcription of physician’s orders. 25. Participate in a quality improvement project for assigned nursing unit. 26. Participate in a peer evaluation activity. 27. Implement a staff development activity in the clinical setting. 28. Advocate for health care policy at the state or national level. Required Texts: Cherry, B. & Jacob, S. R. (2011). Contemporary nursing: Issues, trends, & management (5th ed.). St Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby. Course Requirements: Students are expected to attend each class to maximize learning and to take written examinations at scheduled times. Students will participate in class through discussion and group projects, demonstrations and return demonstrations. Advanced preparation including a history/assessment form and a care plan will be required for the care of clients in long term care facilities. The history/assessment form and care plan form are due at the beginning of the clinical rotation. Academic Integrity: Cheating is not acceptable practice. Dishonesty of any type in a course, including but not limited to cheating on examinations, care plans or plagiarizing materials, can result in a grade of ‘F’ for the assignment and/or be cause for suspension and/or termination. Plagiarism includes passing off or attempting to pass off the ideas or writing of another person as one’s own. Student Expectations: This course will require a great deal of individual effort. If, for any reason, you are experiencing problems in this course, please speak with the instructor immediately. Do not let any problem continue to grow until it is too late or unmanageable. In addition to class time, you are expected to spend time outside of class time on assignments and activities to help you achieve the course and /or clinical objectives. Your outside class time should be spent reading the textbook materials, developing outlines and notes for exam preparation, memorizing theory, and practicing application of theory. For practice, complete the chapter activities in the textbook, utilize the web resources associated with the text, and perform any other practice ASN280 KOP Syllabus Created July, 2006; Reviewed May, 2011, June 2012; March 2013 Page 2 of 4 ASN280 Associate of Applied Science Degree in Nursing Course Code: ASN280 Kansas City, Missouri Course Title: Professional Nursing Roles as assigned by the instructor. Details of weekly activities will be in your course schedule. 15. Evaluation Methods: Written examinations, quizzes, and clinical performance will be used to evaluate this course. The grading scale for this course is: A = 4.0 90-100% B = 3.0 80-89% C = 2.0 75-79% D = 1.0 70-74% F = 0.0 0-69% Grades are not rounded up or down. Course grade determination: Quizzes = 10% Unit Exams = 55% Comprehensive Final = 20% Portfolio = 15% A course grade of ‘C’ or better must be earned in this course in order to progress in the ADN program. Laboratory skills and clinical evaluations are on a pass/fail basis. Students must have a satisfactory on all skill check offs and a satisfactory for clinical practice to receive the theory grade earned. If a student does not receive a satisfactory for laboratory or clinical, the theory grade will be recorded as an ‘F’. Missed quizzes may not be made up. Exams should be taken on the date and time scheduled. If a student misses an exam, the student is to make arrangements to take the exam immediately upon return to the class. Ten percent will be deducted from the exam grade. Homework or other assignments must be turned in to complete the course work. If any assignments or homework is not completed and turned in the course grade will be an ‘F’. A standardized nursing assessment, Leadership, will be administered in this course as an exam. The grade will be assigned based on the Level achieved: Below Level 1 = 73% Level 1 = 80% Level 2 = 93% Level 3 = 100% Missed proctored exams must be made up within 7 days with following grading procedure: Below Level 1 = 60% Level 1 = 73% Level2 = 80% Level 3 = 93% Failure to make up a proctored assessment may result in failure of the course. 16. Clinical Component: Clinical rotations will be in acute care and long term care facilities. ASN280 KOP Syllabus Created July, 2006; Reviewed May, 2011, June 2012; March 2013 Page 3 of 4 ASN280 Associate of Applied Science Degree in Nursing Kansas City, Missouri ASN280 KOP Syllabus Created July, 2006; Reviewed May, 2011, June 2012; March 2013 Page 4 of 4