H101: Modern World History Office: Arts & Letters 538 Fall 2013, T/Th. 12:30-1:45pm Room: Little Theater 161 Grader: Mary Clipper Professor: Dr. Edgerton-Tarpley OH: Tues. 2-4pm; Thurs. 11am-12pm or by appt. E-mail: edgerton@mail.sdsu.edu Phone: (619) 594-6985 Grader E-mail: maryclipper.sdsu@gmail.com World History from 1450 to the Present Course Description: This course explores important developments in world history over the last five hundred years. It approaches the human story both chronologically and thematically. A major theme will be the increasing interconnectedness of world regions through the movement of people, goods, and ideas. History 101 addresses questions about important patterns of change in the recent global past, and traces the emergence of nationalism, imperialism, colonialism, communism, feminism, and other important “isms” that have impacted the modern world. This course will also provide an introduction to the process of historical inquiry and analysis, and an opportunity to develop critical skills. Through readings, discussions, and written analyses, students will investigate major events in world history, discover common themes in the human experience, and draw connections between current and past events. Student Learning Outcomes: Both individually and as a class, students will: 1. Weave together a story of human history from 1450 to the present that emphasizes pattern and context rather than isolated facts. 2. Analyze how political, intellectual, social, cultural, religious, gendered, economic, technological, and ecological forces have shaped world history since 1450. 3. Recognize and explain cause and effect relationships important to modern world history. 4. Draw informed comparisons and contrasts between different societies and time periods. 5. Identify key ways that societies have changed and interacted in the early modern and modern world. 6. Employ historical empathy as a tool to interpret the actions of women and men in the past in the context of their particular time period and culture. 7. Differentiate between primary and secondary sources and analyze both in the assigned short papers. 8. Organize their thoughts and writing in order to make logical and informed arguments about new information. Course Requirements: - Class Participation - Reading Quizzes - First Short Paper - Midterm Examination 100 points/10% - Second Short Paper 150 points/15% 150 points/15% - Final Exam 250 points/25% 150 points/15% 200 points/20% 1. Class Participation (100 points/ 10% of total grade): Your participation is welcomed in this class. Regular attendance is vital -- you cannot engage benefit from lectures or engage in course discussions if you are not present. Please be aware that the essay questions for the midterm and final are generally drawn from my lectures, so attending class regularly is crucial if you want to do well in this course. Keeping up with the assigned 1 readings is another key to success in H101. To earn a high class participation score, see the following: - - - BE MENTALLY AS WELL AS PHYSICALLY PRESENT DURING CLASS -- PUT AWAY THOSE PHONES! Active class participation includes giving lectures, films, and discussions your full attention and taking notes regularly during class. Once class has started, please refrain from talking or text-messaging on your cell phone, surfing the web, reading newspapers or other out-of-class materials, and walking in and out of the room. **Texting or web-surfing during class will lower your class participation score significantly. Please arrive on time and do not leave before the end of class unless you let me know before class. ENGAGE WHEN CALLED ON, AND CONTRIBUTE TO DISCUSSIONS: You will earn class participation credit by engaging with class lectures and readings. To encourage active participation, I will call on each of you in class over the course of the semester. I will ask you to respond to a particular point made in my lecture, or to comment on one of the readings assigned for a Thursday discussion session. If you e-mail me at least one hour before class time on a day when you are ill or for another reason unable to attend class, I will take care not to call on you that day. We will devote some class time on most Thursdays to discussion of the primary source readings assigned that week. You can earn participation credit by contributing to these discussions. Please be sure to bring the assigned readings to class for all Thursday discussion sessions. ACTIVE PARTICIPATION IN SMALL-GROUP DISCUSSIONS/ACTIVITIES: You will at times be asked to discuss an assigned reading or complete a short activity in a small group. Each group will hand in a discussion sheet signed by each person present. You will earn class participation points by participating in these discussions/activities. 2. Reading Quizzes (150 points/15% -- 30 points/ 3% per quiz): - To encourage class discussions and help all of you to keep up with the assigned readings, there will be 5 multiple choice/true false reading quizzes over the primary source readings (the Reilly primary source reader, readings posted on Blackboard, and Wild Thorns) that are discussed each Thursday. - You must bring a red ParSCORE Test Form (small size) and a #2 pencil to each quiz. These can be purchased at the campus book store. - You must fill in your Red I.D. Number as well as your full name on the ParSCORE form. Your quiz score will be lowered by 1 question (6 points) if you fail to fill out the form correctly. - The date for each quiz is marked in the syllabus, so plan accordingly. No make-ups will be given for missed or failed reading quizzes, but I will drop your lowest quiz score. - I will also include 1 make-up/bonus question on each reading quiz. Those questions will concern important national and international current events covered in the New York Times or Los Angeles Times that week. 3. Midterm (200 points/20% total – 100 points/10% essay; 100 points/10% multiple choice/true false): The midterm exam is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, October 8th. It will cover material presented in class lectures, films, and discussions and material from Traditions and Encounters, the sections from Equiano’s Travels posted on Blackboard, and the Reilly reader. The exam will 2 be part essay and part multiple choice. A study guide will be handed out in advance. There will be no make-ups except in cases where you are ill and contact me before the exam. You will need to present a doctor’s note in order to take a make-up exam at one prearranged time. Please bring a small bluebook, a red ParSCORE test form, a #2 pencil, and a pen for the exam. 4. First Take-Home Paper (150 points/ 15%): This 3-page primary source analysis paper is due by or before 12:15pm on Tuesday, October 29th. It will ask you to contextualize, compare, and analyze two of the primary source readings posted on blackboard for week 9. The paper topic will be posted on blackboard two weeks before the due date. You are required to submit your paper to Turnitin.com through Blackboard. Late papers and hard copies will not be accepted. a. Format: Your paper should include the following components: a title page with your name and the title of your paper typed on it; the 3 page body of the paper; and parenthetical citations of all sources used. The paper must be double-spaced, and typed in 11 or 12-point font with 1-inch margins. Be sure to number the pages of your paper. b. Sources: Your paper must be based entirely on in-class sources. You will analyze in detail two of the primary source readings posted on blackboard for this assignment, and draw on Traditions and Encounters and lectures to contextualize those sources. c. Documentation: In your paper you must include a citation after each paragraph or substantial chunk of information in the main body of your paper and after every direct quotation. As a general rule of thumb, you should have two or three citations per page. Use parenthetical citations that give the author’s last name and the page number(s) cited. For example: (Lin, as cited in Andrea and Overfield, 346) or (Fukuzawa, as cited in Reilly, 320) or (Bentley and Ziegler, 644-647). c. Proofreading: Papers will be graded down for poor grammar and spelling, so be sure to proofread carefully. d. Late Papers: Late papers will not be accepted without written documentation of a serious illness or emergency. 5. Second Take-Home Paper (150 points/ 15%): This 3 to 3.5 page primary source analysis paper must be uploaded to Turnitin.com through blackboard by or before 12:15pm on Thursday, December 5th. In it you will analyze and contextualize the perspectives of different characters in the Palestinian novel Wild Thorns. The paper topic will be posted 2 weeks prior to the due date. For formatting, documentation, and submission rules, follow the specifications for the first take-home paper. 6. Final Exam (250 points/25% of grade – 100 points/10% essay; 150 points/15% multiple choice): The final will be part essay and part multiple choice in format. It will be held in our classroom from 10:30am-12:30pm on Thursday, December 12thth. Please bring a small bluebook, a ParSCORE test form, a #2 pencil, and a pen. STUDENT USE OF ELECTRONIC DEVICES IN THE CLASSROOM: Laptop use for note-taking is permitted, but students who are using laptops must sit within the first 4 rows. This will help ensure that you use your laptop for class rather than for checking facebook, playing games, or surfing the web. The use of all other electronic devices in the 3 classroom is prohibited. Please turn off your cell phones and do not text during class. This will help remove distractions from other students and create a better learning environment. PLAGIARISM POLICY: Students who cheat or plagiarize on any exam or paper will receive a zero on that assignment, and I will formally document the incident in an Academic Dishonesty Incident Report. Academic integrity is expected of every student. Students must not plagiarize the work of others. This means that if you quote from any work (including internet sites), you must put quotation marks around that material, and you must cite it in full in a parenthetical citation. Plagiarism also includes using someone else’s phrases, strings of words, special terms, or ideas and interpretations without citing your source, even if you have not quoted directly from that source. In short, you must give credit where it is due. Please read the SDSU Catalog’s definitions of cheating and plagiarism printed below. If you have doubts, feel free to come and ask me. I also recommend that you take the 30 minute online plagiarism tutorial titled “SDSU Plagiarism: The crime of intellectual property” by SDSU librarian Pamela Jackson, at http://infotutor.sdsu.edu/plagiarism/index.cfm TURNININ.COM: In this course you are required to upload your two take-home papers through Turnitin.com, accessed through the Blackboard site for this course. In order to detect plagiarism, Turnitin.com checks submitted papers against a large data-based of previously submitted student papers, library databases and publications, and over 20 billion web pages. If you remain registered in this class, you will be considered as having given your permission to have your papers included as source documents in the Turnitin.com reference database, solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. You may remove your name and any other personally identifying information from your paper prior to submitting it to Turnitin.com via Blackboard. - Please use Mozilla Firefox to access Blackboard (NOT Internet explorer). What file formats does Turnitin support? Turnitin supports Microsoft Word (.doc & .docx), PDF, HTML, and WordPerfect. Files must be less than 20 MB. Note: Turnitin does not accept PowerPoint files, media files, or a document with only images. If you haven’t used Blackboard or turnitin.com, there is a good online tutorial available to students at http://turnitin.com/en_us/training/student-training. You’ll need to know how to upload your paper, and how to view the Grade Report in order to see my comments on your essays. If you need more instruction on Turnitin, consult the ITS Turnitin resource page at: http://its.sdsu.edu/tech/plagiarism.html, visit the Student Computing Help Desk in Love Library 220, or call the Help Desk at 619-594-3189. SDSU Academic Honesty Policy: Institutions of higher education are founded to impart knowledge, seek truth, and encourage one’s development for the good of society. University students shall thus be intellectually and morally obliged to pursue their course of studies with honesty and integrity. Therefore, in preparing and submitting materials for academic courses and in taking examinations, a student shall not yield to cheating or plagiarism, which not only violate academic standards but also make the offender liable to penalties explicit in Title 5. Cheating shall be defined as the act of obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for academic work by the use of dishonest, deceptive, or fraudulent means. Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to (a) copying, in part or in whole, from another’s test or other 4 examination; (b) discussing answers or ideas relating to the answers on a test or other examination without the permission of the instructor; (c) obtaining copies of a test, an examination, or other course material without the permission of the instructor; (d) using notes, cheat sheets, or other devices considered inappropriate under the prescribed testing condition; (e) collaborating with another or others in work to be presented without the permission of the instructor; (f) falsifying records, laboratory work, or other course data; (g) submitting work previously presented in another course, if contrary to the rules of the course; (h) altering or interfering with the grading procedures; (i) plagiarizing, as defined; and (j) knowingly and intentionally assisting another student in any of the above. Plagiarism shall be defined as the act of incorporating ideas, words, or specific substance of another, whether purchased, borrowed, or otherwise obtained, and submitting same to the University as one’s own work to fulfill academic requirements without giving credit to the appropriate source. Plagiarism shall include but not be limited to (a) submitting work, either in part or in whole, completed by another; (b) omitting footnotes for ideas, statements, facts, or conclusions that belong to another; (c) omitting quotation marks when quoting directly from another, whether it be a paragraph, sentence, or part thereof; (d) close and lengthy paraphrasing of the writings of another; (e) submitting another person’s artistic works, such as musical compositions, photographs, paintings, drawings, or sculptures; and (f) submitting as one’s own work papers purchased from research companies. Course Readings: Required Books: The following required books are available at both KB Books at 5187 College Avenue (Tel. 619-287-2665) and at Aztec Bookstore. I strongly encourage you to purchase all of these books because it will be very useful to have your own copies to refer to for course assignments and class discussions. If you are unable to purchase all of them, however, you will find at least one copy of each book ON RESERVE at the SDSU library. Please take care to purchase the correct volume and edition of the Bentley textbook and the Reilly reader. Additional required readings will be posted on Blackboard. 1. Bentley, Jerry and Ziegler, Herbert, Traditions and Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past. Volume II: From 1500 to the Present, (New York, 5th edition, 2008). (T&E). The 4th edition of Bentley is fine, too. 2. Reilly, Kevin, Worlds of History: A Comparative Reader. Volume 2: Since 1400 (Boston, 4th edition, 2010). 3. Khalifeh, Sahar, Wild Thorns, (London, 1985). 4. Seven red ParSCORE Test Forms (small size). *Sources for Current Event make-up/bonus questions on Quizzes: To encourage you to build connections between past and present events and processes, I will include one make-up/extra credit current events question on each reading quiz, and on some Thursdays we will discuss key current events. Becoming well informed about and interested in the challenges facing our world today will serve you well for the rest of your life. If you do not already do so, I encourage you to get into the habit of reading several leading articles from one or more of the following sources each day: 1. The New York Times Online: The New York Times (NYT) is considered by many to be the United States’ preeminent newspaper. Reading it regularly will give you a good understanding of current affairs. Access it online at http://www.nytimes.com/. 5 2. The Los Angeles Times Online: The Los Angeles Times is a useful source for international, national, and California news. Access it online at http://www.latimes.com/ 2. The Christian Science Monitor is another excellent source for articles on international affairs. You can find online articles from this publication by going to: www. csmonitor.com. 3. The Economist, a relatively conservative and well-respected British news magazine, is another good source for articles on current affairs. Access Economist articles at: www.economist.com. Additional Recommended Materials: 1. The Hammond Concise Atlas of World History (5th edition). 2. The National Standards for World History. http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/nchs. COURSE OUTLINE Date: Topic: Reading Assignment: Week 1: Introduction Tues. Aug. 27 Course introduction; What is World History and why should we care? Aug. 29 Mapping World History; Primary source analysis activity UNIT 1: THE EMERGENCE OF THE FIRST GLOBAL AGE, 1450-1750 Week 2: Sept. 3 Toward a New World History: Starting with Asia The China Magnet Traditions and Encounters (T&E) Chapter 26 – East Asia (4th edition ch. 27) Sept. 5 Zheng He and Ming China; Week 3: Sept. 10 Sixteenth-Century Superpowers: Islam in World History The Expansion of Islam: The Islamic Empires T&E chapter 27 (4th ed. ch.28) Video clip: Islam, Empire of Faith Sept. 12 Diversity and Tolerance in the Islamic Empires Reilly 644-648 (Mughals) and 736-738 (Ottomans); Blackboard: “A European Diplomat’s Impressions of Suleiman I,” pp. 46-49; “An Insider’s View of Ottoman Decline,” pp. 205-210. Discussion: The Appeal of Islam (Mughal and Ottoman empires) Blackboard, Zheng He documents, pp. 5-12; Reilly pp. 671-682 Reading Quiz 1: Bring red ParSCORE Test Form and a #2 pencil. Discussion: Ming China as Superpower? (Chinese expansion; Confucian family norms) 6 Week 4: Sept. 17 “Nothing Succeeds Like Failure”: Europe’s Inner Transformation and Emergence on the World Scene Europe in Crisis: Religious Turmoil & Warfare T&E ch. 23 (4th ed. ch. 24) Sept. 19 The Role of Science in the “Rise of the West” Reading Quiz 2 Discussion: Putting Europe’s “rise” in a global context Reilly, 710-729, 738-746 (Scientific Rev.) Week 5: The “Columbian Exchange” and its Global Consequences: Biological, Social, Cultural, and Demographic Sept. 24 Oceanic Explorations and the “Columbian Exchange” 490; 522-531 (4th ed. pp. 597-609, 621-627; 665-673) Sept. 26 Global Implications of the “Discovery” of the New World Discussion: Why did the Spanish “discover” and conquer the Aztec and Incan empires rather than vice-versa? Week 6: The Atlantic Slave Trade and Its Implications for Africa, Europe, and the Americas Africa in the Early Modern World; T&E ch. 25 (4th ed. ch. 26); Foundations of the Slave Trade Reilly pp. 620-623 – Nzinga Mbemba; Start Video clip: Amistad Equiano’s Travels chapters on Blackboard Oct. 1 T&E pp. 465-475; 486Reilly pp. 598-619 Oct. 3 Global Impact of the Atlantic Slave Trade Blackboard, Equiano’s Travels Reading Quiz 3 Discussion: Compare and contrast the Chapters 1-3, 7, and 14 impact that the Atlantic slave trade had on Africa, Europe, and the Americas UNIT 2: THE AGE OF REVOLUTIONS, 1750-1914 Week 7: *Oct. 8 Enlightenment and Revolution in the Atlantic World Midterm Exam. Bring a bluebook, a blank ParSCORE form, and a pen. Oct. 10 Comparative Revolutions: American, French, T&E ch. 28, pp. 620Haitian, and Latin American 640 (4th ed. ch. 29, pp. 781-805) Week 8: Oct. 15 Industrial Revolutions: Global Causes, Effects, and Discontents Video clip: Modern Times T&E ch. 29 (4th ed. ch. 30) (Industrial Society) Oct. 17 The Impact of Revolutionary Ideas Reilly pp. 752, 756-777 and Technologies (revolutionary ideas); Reilly Reading quiz 4 Discussion: The Wages of Revolution – pp. 785-86, 792-802 Successes and Limitations (Evaluating industrialization) 7 Week 9: Oct. 22 Colonial Encounters Ferry document on Blackboard Modern Nationalism and Imperialism (French defense of imperialism); T&E 640-647 (nationalism); T&E ch. 32 (imperialism) Oct. 24 Experiencing Imperialism Primary sources posted on Blackboard *Discussion: Colonizer and Colonized (Required for your first take-home paper (Naoroji, Achebe, Lin, al-Bana, Fukuzawa, and Tanizaki) UNIT 3: THINGS FALL APART, 1914-1945 Week 10: *Oct. 29 Causes and Global Consequences of World War I First Take-Home Paper due T&E ch. 33 (The Great War) World War I as a Global Conflict (4th ed. ch. 34) Oct. 31 Betrayal at Versailles: Seeds of Future Conflict Reilly pp. 917-930, Discussion: How did WWI lay the groundwork 934-940 for future conflicts in Europe, the Middle East, (Posters, Owen, and East Asia. Senegalese soldiers, Wilson, Syrian Congress) Week 11: Nov. 5 Competing Visions of Modernity The Marxist-Leninist Critique and Reilly pp. 802-809 (Marx), The Bolshevik Revolution Reilly pp. 931-934 (Lenin); Video clip: Ten Days that Shook the World Blackboard: Mao Quotes T&E 812-19 (4th ed. 1004-1012) Nov. 7 Alternative Visions: Redefining “Civilization” Reilly 881-886 (Gandhi) Reading Quiz 5 Discussion: Responses to Critiques of Reilly 896-901 (Muslim Capitalist Democracies Brotherhood); Blackboard: Rodo’s “Ariel,” 437-441) Week 12: Nov. 12 Mass Killings and the “Modern” World: The Second World War The Global Origins and Course of T&E pp. 804-810 (fascism); World War II T&E ch. 36, pp. 834-853 (WWII) (4th ed. pp. 994-1001; ch. 37) Nov. 14 WWII Atrocities and their Aftermath Discussion: Grappling with Genocide; Hiroshima Debate Reilly, 951-958 (Holocaust); 969-979 (Nanjing & Hiroshima) 8 UNIT 4: THE GLOBAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1945 Week 13: Roots of Bitterness in the modern Middle East Nov. 19 History through Film: The Women Next Door Nov. 21 Week 14: Nov. 26 Begin reading Wild Thorns for 2nd Take-Home paper WWI and WWII Origins of Israeli-Palestinian conflict Blackboard: Herzl, Zionist and Arab cases, pp. 422-427, 435-441); Continue Wild Thorns Mary Clipper guest lecture: The IsraeliPalestinian Conflict Today *Small-group discussion: Wild Thorns – Disparate perspectives on the conflict Finish Wild Thorns; (See T&E pp. 871-873, 882-883, 910-912 for background; 4th ed. pp. 1103-1106; 1115-1118; 1151-1154) Nov. 28--Nov. 29: THANKSGIVING BREAK (Work on 2nd Take-Home Paper. ) Week 15: Dec. 3 Contemporary Hotspots in Historical Perspective Decolonization and the Cold War Reilly pp. 993-995; Skim T&E pp. 853-861 and ch. 37 (4th ed. ch. 38-39) *Dec. 5 China’s Rise and its Global Implications Second Take-Home Paper Due Week 16: Dec. 10 Where Are We Now? Environmental crises and Debates on globalization T&E 879 881; 897-899 (4th ed. 11121115; 1135-1137) Reilly pp. 1019-1027, 1050-1083; T&E 903-922 (4th ed. 1143-1165) * The FINAL EXAM will be held in our classroom from 10:30am to 12:30pm on Thursday, December 12th . Please bring a small bluebook, a red ParSCORE form, a #2 pencil, and a pen. WRITING TIPS: Here is a list of the most common errors I see in student writing assignments. Please avoid them. a. Use of it’s instead of its (it’s = it is) b. Incorrect use of their, there, and they’re c. Confusion over when to use effect (noun) versus affect (verb) d. Incorrect use of two, to, and too e. Confusion over when to use an apostrophe f. Incorrect use of commas versus semicolons versus colons g. Oppressed pheasants instead of peasants h. Sentence fragments and run-on sentences i. Frequent changing of verb tense in the same paragraph or even the same sentence. In general, use the past tense when discussing past events. j. Incorrect use of citations or lack of sufficient citations. . 9