Game Development portfolio - Jaws Ultimate Predator For the

Brandon Fogerty’s
About Me
My journey as a programmer began
when I was 14 years old.
 I quickly adapt to whatever environment
I am submersed into.
 I have a strong passion for game
Senior Engineer on a 2 engineer team responsible for developing
Jaws Ultimate Predator 3DS for the Nintendo 3DS.
 Wrote all the AI (C++)
 Also supported Game-play, Rendering, and UI development.
Currently finishing up development on a
game for one of Activision’s major IPs
for the iPhone and iPad platform.
 Using Unity 3D.
Cubic Combat Simulations
CryEngine3 Game Programmer
Cubic Responsibilities
Core Engine Developments (C++)
 Rendering and Shader Development
 New Flownodes for scenario development
 Multiplayer AI functionality
 General engine maintenance.
Gameplay scripting (C++ / Lua / Flow Graph)
 Level / Scenario Design (CryEngine Editor)
 Asset Source Control Management
Example CryEngine3 Scenario
Kaneva Massive Multiplayer
Online Game
Worked for a Massive Multiplayer Online
Game company called Kaneva as a
Game Tools Engineer.
Projects I worked on at Kaneva
Helped Integrate Adobe Flash
Technology into Virtual World.
 User Interface programming.
 Game-play Scripting
 Maintaining and fixing bugs in game
 Maintaining and fixing bugs in game
 Maintaining game installer.
Kaneva – Integrated Flash
Technology into Virtual World
Enabled players to play interactive flash
games in our virtual world.
Kaneva – Menu Scripting
Kaneva – Event System
Developed a robust event system so that
player’s could post events in game and go to
their friend’s hangout quickly.
Kaneva – Instant Buy
Added the ability to allow player’s to right click
other player’s and instantly buy their outfits.
 Enabled players to select any object in world
and instantly buy it.
Kaneva - Patcher
Maintained our mmo’s patcher.
2 Motorola Internships
Developed a 3D avatar manipulation
library for Motorola 3D avatar
 Developed xml based scripting language
and parser for Motorola User Interface
Wrote code in C#, C++, and Java
Motorola Example Work
Motorola Example Work
Visual Face recognition for 3D Avatar Kiosk
Personal Projects
I have done my own hobby games and
demos for various platforms.
 Platforms include, PC, iPhone,
Playstation, Nintendo DS, Cell Phones,
and Gameboy Advance
Sushi Ninja for iPhone
Sushi Ninja Work
Lead Programmer / Project Manager
 Wrote all the Gameplay code using the
Unity3D game engine
 Wrote the foundational Design
 Contracted and Managed Artists
 Benched marked and profiled game on
the iPhone.
A 3D Tetris game with a twist.
QoobTris Snapshots
QoobTris Work
I wrote more than 80% of the code and architected
the engine from scratch.
 QoobTris utilizes the DirectX 9.0a API
 Integrated Lua for game play scripting and
expoused much of the engine to Lua.
 Integrated Flash into engine for game menus
 Developed a HUD scripting system for artists to
easily plugin their assets.
 Uses tinyxml for configuration scripts
 Developed my own Particle Engine.
SDL_Sprite and SDL_Font
Developed 2 popular C++ libraries for
the SDL game engine API.
 SDL_Sprite enables developers to use
animated sprite sheets in their game
with only a few lines of code.
 SDL_Font enables developers to use
bitmap fonts in their game with only a
few lines of code.
SDL_Sprite and SDL_Font
Libraries Demos
Ported libraries and demos to the Playstation Portable game console.
Mather – C# Lite-Weight Linear
Algebra Library
Mather – C# Lite-Weight Linear
Algebra Library
I developed Mather as an alternative for
those who were interested in using
vector/matrix calculations in C# without
using the heavy weight DirectX api.
 Mather is an open source freeware
library that is portable to Windows
Mobile cell phone devices.
 Mather comes with utility functions that
do many useful things such as detecting
if a point is within 2 vectors.
Flash / ActionScript Projects
I mostly use Flash for prototyping game
designs and theories before
implementing them in C++.
 However I have written a couple of
games in ActionScript along side several
theoretical demos.
Flash AI Node Navigation Graph
This demo allows a user to control a
bot’s navigation by moving waypoints or
nodes around the scene.
 If the bot gets close to the red marker
(the user’s mouse),
it will chase it. Otherwise
it will go back to its
patrolling state.
Written in ActionScript 3.0
Flash BreakOut Clone
This game is a clone of the retro style
BreakOut game. I originally wrote it in
C++ using the SDL API. I then ported it
to Flash.
 This game includes
powerups such as
Written in ActionScript 2.0
Flash Gozilla Game
This is a mini game that I originally
wrote for the Gameboy Advance
console. I ported it to Flash.
 The helicopter must charge his gun and
destroy Gozilla before he destroys
Written in ActionScript 2.0
Flash Dodger Game
This is a mini game where the player
must dodge the rectangle obstacles and
get the blue diamond to advance to the
next level.
Written in ActionScript 2.0
Various Other Flash Demos
I have written various other Flash demos
including my own 3D engine and particle
 I have also used
other popular
ActionScript 3.0
libraries like
Sandy 3D and
Written in ActionScript 3.0 & 2.0
For Code Samples:
QoobTris is Open Source! You can
browse the Google SVN project page to
get an idea of my coding abilities and
About Me - Education
2008 – Graduated with Master degree in
Computer Science from Georgia
SouthWestern State University.
 2007 – Graduated with Bachelor degree in
Computer Science from Georgia
SouthWestern State University. Cum Laude
Honor Graduate.
 2003 – Graduated from John S. Davidson
Fine Arts Magnet High School.
It was elected as one of the top 15
highschools in the USA for academics.
Thank you very
much for your time!