WAYLAND BAPTIST UNIVERSITY VIRTUAL CAMPUS SCHOOL OF BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Wayland Baptist University exists to educate students in an academically challenging, learning focused, and distinctively Christian environment for professional success and service to God and humankind. COURSE NUMBER AND TITLE: TERM: HIST 5333 VC01: Regional History: Texas Summer 2012 (May 21-August 4) INSTRUCTOR: OFFICE HOURS: Dr. Estelle Owens owensest@wbu.edu; 806-291-1171 (office) 806-296-7820 (home) 806-729-7921 (cell) Mondays: 10:00-12:30 Tuesdays: 1:30-4:00 Wednesdays: 10:00-12:30 Thursdays: 1:30-4:00 Fridays: by appointment Anytime via email OFFICE: Gates Hall 314 on the Plainview campus CLASS MEETING TIME/LOCATION: online/asynchronous via Blackboard CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Selected topics and issues in regional history; may be repeated for credit when topic changes. COURSE DESCRIPTION: in-depth study of Texas as an entity and as a microcosm of the entire American experience. PREREQUISITES: Graduate standing, undergraduate level understanding of U.S. history, proficiency in writing and researching primary sources TEXTBOOKS AND RESOURCE MATERIALS: Randolph B. Campbell, Gone to Texas: A History of the Lone Star State. Oxford University Press AND Haynes, Sam W. and Cary D. Wintz, eds., Major Problems in Texas History: Documents and Essays. Houghton Mifflin. Excerpts from other scholarly books, journal articles, and primary source readings, graphics and documentary videos will occasionally be posted online. COURSE OUTCOME COMPETENCIES: Successful completion of a regional history course will enable the students to understand and be able to explain *the political, social, economic, religious and intellectual history of the region, *the impact of geographical factors in shaping it, *significant persons and events, *the relationship of the region to the rest of the world. After successfully completing this specific course on Texas, the student will understand, and be able to explain the following events and the scholarship associated with them: --the native Texans’ cultures --Spain’s and France’s roles in and contributions to the settlement of Texas --Mexico’s role and contributions to the development of Texas --causes and course of the Texas Revolution --growth and development of the Republic of Texas --ante-bellum Texas’ development, including the impact of slavery --Texas’ role in the Civil War and Reconstruction periods --ending of the frontier in Texas, especially the impact of the Indian experience and of cattlemen and farmers --Texas in the Gilded Age and Progressive periods --impact of oil on the state’s development --prosperity of the 1920s, Depression and New Deal --Texas’ role in World War II and the Cold War --recent developments in the state’s people, economy, and politics ATTENDANCE: Attendance and participation in this course are essential to students’ success. Any student who cannot “attend” class and participate regularly should drop the course. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), it is the policy of Wayland Baptist University that no otherwise qualified person with a disability be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational program or activity in the university. The Coordinator of Counseling Services serves as the coordinator of students with a disability and should be contacted concerning accommodation requests at (806) 291-3765. Documentation of a disability must accompany any request for accommodations. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Students are expected to have the necessary background work and appropriate skills needed for success in a graduate class. The quality of work on all written assignments should be substantially higher than at the undergraduate level. Specific requirements are listed below. Readings: In addition to the textbooks, additional scholarly articles, excerpts from major historical works, and primary source materials will be available through Blackboard. Discussions: Graduate students are expected to participate enthusiastically and thoughtfully in online discussions of the material, posting analytical responses to the questions posed each week and responding to their classmates’ posts in the same way. Students will lead the discussions on their papers. Tests: There will be midterm and final essay exams. Both will be administered through our Blackboard course site. See the course outline for the due dates of these exams. Research paper: By midnight Central time on Sunday, July 22, students will submit their research paper through the Safe Assign feature in Blackboard and post a précis of the paper in “Assignments” for their classmates to have. Precis are succinct summaries of papers, no more than 10% of the length of the original. The précis for a 20-page paper, for example, would be no longer than two pages. The paper will discuss a particular aspect of 20th century Texas, relying heavily on the primary sources available on that topic, and including the writer’s own interpretation of it. The topics must be approved in advance and must be limited to the 20th century—no Alamo, no founding of Texas, no Texas Revolution, no Indian Wars. Those topics have all been done to death and, therefore, eliminate the possibility of a student making a real contribution to the knowledge we already have. Students will consult with the instructor for any assistance needed in shaping the thesis statement and/or for finding scholarly sources. Students will cite their sources in accordance with the Turabian (Chicago) style manual. Sources must be scholarly in nature and can include books, journal articles, primary materials, and a cautious use of online materials produced by such entities as the Library of Congress and the National Archives. Wayland’s Learning Resources Center has abundant searchable newspaper sources available online, including the Dallas Morning News, and numerous others as part of newspaperarchive. Anyone who uses Wikipedia, Encarta, or a high school student’s term paper found online will be shot and buried in an unmarked grave. Graduate students are expected to do graduate level research. Only one student will be allowed to work on a particular topic, so students should consult their instructor early and often when selecting and researching a topic. Local topics are absolutely acceptable as long as scholarly sources exist to support them. Consider ethnic/gender issues, diplomatic and interstate relations, elections, Texans and national or international events, and so on. Avoid biographies or simple “this is what happened” narratives. Graduate papers should focus on, not only what happened, but why and the “so what?” of what happened. GRADE: The final course grade will be computed as follows: Term paper Presentation of paper Midterm exam Final exam Class discussion 25% 10% 20% 20% 25% The University has a standard grading scale as follows: A = 90-100 (an excellent performance for the graduate level); B = 80-89 (good performance); C = 70-79 (barely acceptable performance); D = 60-69 (unacceptable at the graduate level; results in academic probation); F = below 60 (unacceptable; results in suspension from the graduate program); W = the student withdrew from the course before the deadline; WP = the student withdrew passing before the deadline; WF = the student withdrew failing before the deadline); and I = incomplete. A grade of “incomplete” is given only if circumstances beyond the student’s control prevented completion of work during the semester enrolled and any attendance requirements have been met. A grade of “incomplete” is changed if the deficiency is made up by midterm of the next regular semester; otherwise, it becomes F. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF COURSE ASSIGNMENTS Date May 21-27 May 28-June 3 June 4-10 June 11-17 June 18-24 June 25-July 1 July 2-8 July 9-15 July 16-22 July 23-29 July 30-Aug. 4 Important dates: Reading assignment Campbell, chapters 1-2 Haynes, chapters 1-2 Campbell, chapters 3-4 Haynes, chapter 3 Campbell, chapters 5-6 Haynes, chapters 4-5 Campbell, chapter 7 Haynes, chapter 6 Campbell, chapters 8-9 Haynes, chapter 7 None Topic Natives and explorations Spanish Texas Course assignment Discussion board Mexican Texas and Revolution The Republic Discussion board Statehood Discussion board None Campbell, chapters 10-11 Haynes, chapter 8-9 Campbell, chapters 12-13 Haynes, chapters 10-11 Campbell, chapter 14 Haynes, chapter 12 Campbell, chapters 15-16 Haynes, chapters 13-15 None Civil War and Reconstruction Frontier and reform 1920-1941 Midterm exam available over all reading assignments and discussions Discussion board Discussion board Discussion board Discussion board Discussion board Modern Texas Discussion board None Final exam available; Campbell chapters 10-16 & Haynes chapters 8-15 July 13—last day to withdraw with a W July 20—last day to withdraw with a WP/WF July 22—post paper and précis to course site by midnight August 4—course ends at midnight INSTRUCTOR’S POLICY ON ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Academic dishonesty will result in a grade of zero for that exam or assignment. No make-up work will be allowed to replace this score. The message here is DON’T DO IT. I may not catch every instance of dishonesty or be able to prove it, but that doesn’t make a cheater any less a cheater, a liar, and a thief. Plagiarizing all or any part of the term paper and failing to give proper credit for the words or thoughts of someone else will result in a zero. At 25% of the course grade, that guarantees that a student will fail the course and thereby be suspended from graduate school. Specifically, this means that anytime you use someone else’s words exactly, you MUST enclose them in quotation marks, give a footnote/endnote number right after the quoted material (or at the end of the sentence) in a correctly formatted source citation for where you found that material. APA style internal notes are not acceptable; historians use Turabian (Chicago) Manual of Style. The penalties for plagiarism are far too stiff to risk it. Any questions about how to cite sources and the material taken from them should be addressed in a question on the discussion board so that all can benefit from the answers. INSTRUCTOR AVAILABILITY: I am available to help with any questions about the material, or finding sources, or how to cite them properly using Turabian. Email questions to me at owensest@wbu.edu if the question applies only to you. If the question is one to which you believe your classmates would also benefit from hearing the answer, please post it on the discussion board. The Writing Center staff is also available and anxious to be of assistance. All students may access the Writing Center via a link on Wayland’s webpage at www.wbu.edu. The Writing Center is available to assist online students, and no face-to-face visit is required to receive this assistance.