Muhammad Irvan Maulana Class D 20130810147 Morphology Exam 1. These are a list of vocabulary. Count how many words you know the meaning without looking up your dictionary. Then tell us what you think about your vocabulary mastery level according to the words you know from the list. Garrulous esoteric hypocrite wary juxtaposition pedantic alliteration docile nostalgic kindle gorgeously facetious pretentious jigger lucid yearn ubiquitous simile = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = banyak bicara / cerewet berpaham beda peringatan tidak berbahaya / jinak nostalgia / mengenang menyala paling cantik bermuka jelas berpura-pura / menyamar pengukur bentuk gelas jelas rindu sama Conclusion: Based on what I could describe from the words above, it’s possible that I may consider myself as in intermediate level in English translation. As I could only answer these many words as I could, and some of the words are translated based on my common sense. 2. Morphology tests a. Identify the morphemes for each of the following words, in the order that they appear in the word. b. Check for Inflectional words. c. Check for Derivational words. d. Identifying the morpheme words based on Greek translation. 3. Below are listed some words followed by incorrect definitions. 1. Tennet (a group of ten singers) 2. Dermatology (a study of derms) 3. Ingenious (not very smart) For each of the incorrect definition, give some possible reasons why the students made the guesses. The Possible Reasons a. Tennet; the possible reason for that probably because it stands for ten – entertainer as it have the word ten and net that could represent for entertainment. b. Dermatology; the possible reason for this one is the word dermatology stands for derma and tology. Since tology meant for studying certain subject or lesson, and since the front word from tology is derma or in a more subtle meaning as for skin disease. Therefore it’s possible that the word dermatology meant for studying a subject called derma or skin disease. c. Ingenious; while for ingenious, it’s clear that some student may say that this word has meaning for stupid or not so smart person, the reason may occur when students saw the word genious as meant for genius and in front of the word has a word of in, since most of the word in is meant for negates some another word, so student may consider ingenious as not very smart person.