Mobile IP: General Security Issues

Mobile IP: Security Issues
Current State of Mobile
Mobile computers are one of the fastest growing
segments of the PC market
Short-range wireless networks (Bluetooth) available
from IBM, Toshiba, Dell, HP…
High-speed (11 Mbps) wireless LAN products are
now easily and cheaply available (IEEE 802.11a,
IEEE 802.11b)
Low speed (currently 128 Kbps) Metropolitan Area
Wireless Network services are available in some
cities and spreading (Metricom’s Ricochet)
Mobile Computers’
May change point of network connection
May be in use as point of network connection
Usually have less powerful CPU, less
memory and disk space
Less secure physically
Limited battery power
Wireless Networks’
Generally lower bandwidth
Higher latency and variability
Higher error rate
More susceptible to interference and
Outline of the Lectures
Part 0: TCP/IP Primer
Part 1: The Need for Mobile IP
Part 2: Mobile IP Overview (for IPv4)
Part 3: Security Issues
 A Simple Mobile IP Application (Private
Network without Internet connection)
 A More Complicated Application:
Internet-Wide Mobility
Part 0: TCP/IP Primer
A protocol suite widely used for
internetworking (in the Internet).
Has made possible communication over a
global Internet.
Makes two hosts communicate despite their
hardware differences.
Both hosts and routers need to run TCP/IP
protocol software.
Part 0: TCP/IP …
Internetworking: to provide seamless
IP Addressing:
-Each host is assigned a 32 bit unique
-A packet contains the address of source
and destination.
IP Address Hierarchy:
-32 bit address divided into two parts:
-- A prefix and a suffix (two level
The IP Address Hierarchy….
The prefix: identifies the physical network.
 The suffix: identifies the individual computer.
 Such addressing scheme is tremendous help
in routing.
Dotted Decimal Notation:
-Treats each octet as an unsigned integer.
IP Addressing …
Routers are also assigned IP addresses.
A router may have multiple addresses.
IP Addressing…
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP):
(mapping from an abstract address to physical
o A request message contains the IP address.
o A response message contains the both, the
IP address and the hardware address.
O A request message is broadcast, but
response messages are directed.
-Responses are cached (used later).
IP Data (Packet) Forwarding
TCP/IP supports both connectionless and
connection-oriented services.
 Fundamental mode: connectionless.
-Each packet travels independently.
(Reliable connection-oriented service uses the
underlying connectionless service.)
-Packets called IP datagrams.
-An IP datagram contains header and data.
-Header contains: source and dest. IP
addresses. (data variable 1 to 64K bytes).
IP Datagram Forwarding
Router: keeps routing information in a routing
 When it receives a datagram,
-extracts dest. Address from the header.
-uses the routing table and dest address
to determine the outgoing link.
O Best effort delivery and does not handle:
-Datagram loss, corruption of data,
datagram duplication, out-of-order del.
IP Encapsulation
An IP datagram may have to traverse a
network that does not understand the format.
 Encapsulation: a solution.
-A datagram is encapsulated in a frame.
(datagram is placed in the data area of frame.)
-Dest. Address of the frame is where the
datagram should go next.
-A datagram may be encapsulated many times
during its transmission.
MTU (Maximum transmission unit):
-Each subnet has a maximum limit on the
payload of a datagram. (No exceptions).
Over the Internet, a datagram may have to
traverse several subnets with their MTUs.
What if the datagram size is larger than the
Payload allowed in a subnet to be traversed?
Fragmentation is a solution:
-The router divides the datagram into smaller
pieces called fragments.
-Each fragment uses IP datagram format.
-Fragments are independently transmitted.
Creation of original datagram from
the fragments.
IPv6 (The next IP)
Drawbacks of the IPv4:
-Limited address space (IP address: 32 bits).
-New Internet applications: audio, video, etc.
-Group collaborations: group communication.
-IPv6 retains many of the IPv4 features.
o IPv6 is also connectionless.
o Each datagram carries dest. Address.
o Each datagram is routed independently
What is new:
-Uses a larger address.
-Uses an entirely new data header format.
-IPv6 header is variable size.
New Features:
1. Address size: IPv6 address contains 128
2. Header format: completely different format.
-Extension headers:
Base header + several optional extn. headers.
-Support for Audio and Video:
Allows sender-receiver to establish a highspeed path through the underlying N/Ws.
-Extensible protocols:
.Does not specify all protocol features.
.New features can be added as needed.
IPv6 Addressing
Like IPv4, IPv6 assigns a unique address to
each connection between a router and N/W.
 Three types of addressing is allowed:
-Anycast (delivered to the nearest computer
in the domain or N/W).
//does not include broadcasting//
Part 1: The Need for Mobile IP
What Happens When a Node Changes Link?
Can’t We Solve This Problem with HostSpecific Routes?
Why Not Just Change the Node’s IP
Can’t We Just Solve the Problem at the Link
What If We Only Need Nomadicity?
Mobile IP solves the following
What if a node moves from one link to another
without changing its IP address? (It will be unable to
receive packets at the new link.)
What if a node changes its IP address when it
moves? (It will have to terminate and restart any
ongoing communications each time it moves.)
Mobile IP solves these problems in secure, robust,
and medium-independent manner whose scaling
properties make it applicable throughout the entire
The Need for Mobile IP
A home link is the link on which a specific node should be
located; that is the link, which has been assigned the same
network-prefix as the node’s IP address
A foreign link is any link other than a node’s home link –
that is, any link whose network-prefix differs from that of
the node’s IP address
Host-specific route is a routing-table with Prefix-Length of
32 bits, it will provide a match for exactly one IP
Destination Address; namely, the address specified in the
Target field
Mobility is the ability of a node to change its point of
attachment from one link to another while maintaining all
existing communications and using the same IP address at
its new link
What Happens When a Node
Changes Link?
Can’t We Solve the Mobility
Problem with Host-Specific
How Might Host-Specific Routes Solve the
If it Solves the Problem, Is This Solution a
Good One?
Is This Solution a Good One?
How Many Mobile Nodes We Can Expect?
How Many Routes Are Required for Each Mobile Node?
How Fast Will a Node Change Links?
Is This Solution Robust?
Is It Secure?
Conclusion:Host Specific
Routes is an Unworkable
Solution to Node Mobility in
the Internet
Minimally, host-specific routes must be
propagated to all nodes along the path
between a mobile node’s home link and its
foreign link
Some (in the worst case all) of these routes
must be updated every time the node moves
from one link to another
We expect millions of nodes to be operating
Host-Specific routing has
severe scaling, robustness,
and security problems
Unless host-specific routes are propagated to
a much larger set of routers than minimal set
described in the first item above, the Internet
mobility to route around isolated node and
link failures is negated by host-specific
Serious security implications would require
authentication and a complicated key
management protocol.
Why Not Just Change the
Node’s IP Address?
Can Connections Survive a Changing IP Address?
How Do We Find a Node Whose IP Address Keeps
No, because all open TCP connections will be terminated
Only if a mobile node itself initiates communication, a huge
overhead to keep entries in DNS updated, address
returned by a name server is subject to change at any
Can’t we just solve the problem at the Link Layer?
(Cellular Digital Packet Data - CDPD (11Kbps),
IEEE 802.11…)
Provides node mobility only in the context of a single type
of medium and within a limited geographic area
What If We Only Need
A nomadic node is one which must terminate
all existing communications before changing its
point-of-attachment, but then can initiate new
connections with a new IP address once it
reaches its new location.
If all communications are initiated by the user of
a mobile node, and the user does not mind
shutting down his applications and restarting
then at a new location, then nomadicity is
indeed sufficient
Why Mobility Is Preferable to
In the future Servers and not just Clients might need to
become mobile (Clients know their Servers only by
their IP addresses)
Some license application vendors provide networklicensing systems which restrict access to only those
nodes possessing specific ranges of IP addresses
Some security mechanisms provide access privileges
to nodes based upon their IP addresses. Mobile nodes
employing Mobile IP allow such mechanisms to work
in the presence of node mobility
Limited availability of IPv4 addresses, need for specific
address assignment mechanisms
A node that changes from one link to another is
incapable of communicating at the new location
unless it changes its IP address
Host-specific routing is not workable solution in the
context of the global Internet
Changing a node’s IP address is undesirable
The difference between mobile and nomadic
computing (impossible for other node to know at
what address a nomadic computer can be reached
at any given moment)
Summary (cont.)
All link-layer solutions share limitations in
their geographic applicability and the media
over which they can run.
Even in those instances where a node
requires only nomadicity, the more subtle
advantages offered by Mobile IP mobility can
make network administration much easier.
Part 2: Mobile IP Overview (for
Is Mobile IP an Official Standard?
What Is the Scope of the Mobile IP Solution?
What Are the Requirements for Mobile IP?
What Assumption Does Mobile IP Make?
Where Does Mobile IP Reside?
Generally How Does Mobile IP Works?
Is Mobile IP an Official
Mobile IP was approved by the Internet
Engineering Steering Group (IESG) in June
1996 and published as a Proposed Standard
in November 1996.
Main reference document : Request for
Comments (RFC) 2002
There are other RFCs defining specific
aspects of Mobile IP, such as tunneling,
applicability, Management Information
What Is the Scope of the
Mobile IP Solution?
Mobile IP is a network-layer solution to node mobility in the
It accomplishes its task by setting up the routing tables in
appropriate nodes, such that IP packets can be sent to mobile
nodes not connected to their home link
Can be considered to be a routing protocol, which has a very
specialized purpose of allowing IP packets to be routed to mobile
nodes which could potentially change their location very rapidly.
Mobile IP is unique in its ability to accommodate heterogeneous
mobility in addition to homogeneous mobility.
Solves the primary problem of routing IP packets to mobile
nodes, which is a first step in providing mobility on the Internet. A
complete mobility solution would involve enhancements to other
layers of the protocol stack.
What Are the Requirements for
Mobile IP?
A mobile node must be able to communicate with other nodes
after changing its link-layer point-of-attachment to the Internet
Must be able to communicate using its home (permanent) IP
address, regardless of its current link-layer point-of-attachment to
the Internet
Must be able to communicate with other computers that do not
implement the Mobile IP mobility functions
 The Mobile IP implementation should be limited only to the
mobile nodes themselves and the few nodes which provide
special routing functions on their behalf
Must not be exposed to any new security threats over and above
those to which any fixed node on the Internet is exposed
What Assumption Does Mobile
IP Make?
Mobile IP’s fundamental assumption is that
unicast packets – those destined to a single
recipient – are routed without regard to their
IP Source Address.
We will see how that assumption, though
theoretically valid, might not be operationally
valid under certain circumstances (Denial-of
Where Does Mobile IP Reside?
There are 3 functional entities where it is implemented:
 Mobile Node – a node which can change its point-of-attachment
to the Internet from one link to another while maintaining any
ongoing communications and using its (permanent) IP home
 Home Agent – router with an interface on the mobile node’s
home link, which:
 Is informed by the mobile node about its current location,
represented by its care-of-address
 In some cases, advertises reachability to the network-prefix
of the mobile node’s home address, thereby attracting IP
packets that are destined to the mobile node’s home
 Intercepts packets destined to the mobile nodes home
address and tunnels them to the mobile node’s current
location, i.e. to the care-of-address
Where Does Mobile IP Reside?
Foreign Agent – a router on a mobile node’s
foreign link which:
Assists the mobile node in informing its home
agent of its current care-of address
In some cases, provides a care-of address and
de-tunnels packets for the mobile node that have
been tunneled by its home agent
Serves as default router for packets generated by
the mobile node while connected to this foreign
Mobile IP Entities and
IP Tunneling
A tunnel is a path followed by a fist packet
while it is encapsulated within the payload
portion of a second packet:
Properties of Care-of Address
A care-of address is an IP address associated with
mobile node that is visiting a foreign link:
A care-of address is specific to the foreign link currently
being visited by a mobile node
Generally changes every time the mobile node moves from
one foreign link to another
No Mobile IP-specific procedures are needed in order to
deliver packets to a care-of address
Is used as the exit-point of a tunnel from the home agent
toward the mobile node
Two Conceptual Types of Careof Addresses
A foreign agent care-of address is an IP address of a foreign
agent which has an interface on the foreign link being visited by a
mobile node. Can be shared by many mobile nodes
A collocated care-of address is an IP address temporarily
assigned to an interface of the mobile node itself. The networkprefix of a collocated care-of address must equal the networkprefix that has been assigned to the foreign link being visited by
a mobile node. This type of c/o address might be used by mobile
node in situations where no foreign agents are available on a
foreign link. A collocated c/o address can be used by only one
mobile node at a time
Generally How Does Mobile IP
Home Agents and Foreign Agents advertise their
presence on any attached links by periodically
multicasting or broadcasting special Mobile IP
messages called Agent Advertisements
Mobile Nodes listen to these Agent Advertisements
and examine their contents to determine whether they
are connected to their home link or a foreign link
A Mobile Node connected to a foreign link acquires a
care-of address. A foreign agent care-of address can
be read from one of the fields within the foreign
agent’s Agent Advertisement.
How Does Mobile IP Works
The mobile IP Registers the care-of address acquired previously with its home
agent, using a message-exchange defined by Mobile IP. It asks for service from
a Foreign Agent, if one is present on the link. In order to prevent Denial-ofService attacks, the registration messages are required to be authenticated
The Home Agent or some other router on the home link advertises reachability
to the network-prefix of the Mobile Node’s home address, thus attracting
packets that are destined to the Mobile Node’s home address. The Home Agent
intercepts these packets, and tunnels them to the care-of address that the
mobile node registered previously
At the care-of address – at either the Foreign Agent or one of the interfaces of
the mobile node itself – the original packet is extracted from the tunnel and then
delivered to the Mobile Node
In the reverse direction, packets sent by the Mobile Node are routed directly to
their destination, without any need for tunneling. The Foreign Agent serves as a
default router for all packets generated by visiting node
Mobile IP Summary
Allows node mobility across media of similar or dissimilar types
Uses the Mobile Node’s permanent home address when it
changes its point of attachment to the Internet
Not requires any hardware and software upgrades to the
existing, installed base of IPv4 hosts and routers – other than
those nodes specifically involved in the provision of mobility
Mobile Node must provide strong authentication when it informs
its Home Agent of its current location
Uses tunneling to deliver packets that are destined to the Mobile
Node’s home address
3 main entities: Mobile Nodes, Foreign Agents and Home Agents
3 basic functions: Agent Discovery, Registration, Packet Routing
Part 3a. Security Issues:
Simple Mobile IP Application
(Intranet without connection to
the Internet)
How is Mobile IP deployed?
Insider Attack
Mobile Node Denial-of-Service
Replay Attacks
Theft of Information: Passive Eavesdropping
Theft of Information: Session-Stealing
(Takeover) Attack
Other Active Attacks
How is Mobile IP Deployed?
All hosts are wholly owned by the enterprise
Each router performs both home agent and
foreign agent functionality:
Insider Attacks
Usually involve a disgruntled employee
gaining access to sensitive data and then
forwarding it to a competitor
Enforce strict control who can access what data
Use strong authentication of users and computers
Encrypt all data transfer on an end-to-end basis
between the ultimate source and ultimate
destination machines to prevent eavesdropping
Mobile Node Denial-of-Service
A Bad guy sends a tremendous number of packets
to a host (e.g., a Web server) that brings the host’
CPU to its knees. In the meantime, no useful
information can be exchanged with the host while it
is processing all of nuisance packets
A Bad Guy somehow interferes with the packets
that are flowing between two nodes on the network.
Generally speaking, the Bad Guy must be on the
path between the two nodes on order to wreak any
such havoc
Denial-of-Service Attack
A Bad Guy generates a bogus Registration Request
specifying his own IP address as the care-of
address for a mobile node. All packets sent by
correspondent nodes would be tunneled by the
node’s home agent to the Bad Guy:
How Does Mobile IP Prevents
this Denial-of-Service Attack?
Note: In case of mobility a Bad Guy could attack
from anywhere in the network, it does not have to be
“on the way”.
Solution: to require cryptographically strong
authentication in all registration messages
exchanged by a mobile node and its home agent.
Mobile IP by default supports MD5 Message-Digest
Algorithm (RFC 1321) that provides secret-key
authentication and integrity checking
Authentication of Registration
Messages via Keyed MD5
A mobile node generates a Registration Request, consisting of the fixed length
portion and the Mobile-Home Authentication Extension, it fills in all the fields of
the request and extension except for the Authenticator field. Then it computes
16-byte MD5 message digest over: the shared secret key, the fixed length
portion, all extensions without Authenticator field, and the shared secret key
again. The Mobile IP authentication extensions provide both authentication and
integrity checking
Replay Attacks
A Bad Guy could obtain a copy of a valid
Registration Request, store it, and then “replay” it at
a later time, thereby registering a bogus care-of
address for the mobile node
To prevent that the Identification field is generated is
a such a way as to allow the home agent to
determine what the next value should be
In this way, the Bad Guy is thwarted because the
Identification field in his stored Registration Request
will be recognized as being out of date by the home
agent (timestamps or nonces are used for
Identification field)
Mobile IP registration has has built-in
prevention of denial-of-service attacks.
Specifically, it is impossible for a Bad Guy to
lie to a mobile node’s home agent about that
mobile node’s current care-of address,
because all registration messages provide
authentication of the message’s source,
integrity checking and replay protection
Theft of Information: Passive
Assumption: unauthorized persons will
inevitably gain wired or wireless access to the
network infrastructure
Use of Link-Layer Encryption
We also assume that key management for
the encryption is performed without disclosing
the keys to any unauthorized parties
Use of End-to-End Encryption (SSH, SSL…)
End-to-End Encryption vs.
Link Encryption
The Encapsulating Security Payload (RFC 1827) can provide end-toend encryption to other application programs not supporting it
Theft of Information: SessionStealing (Takeover) Attack
A Bad Guy waits for a legitimate node to
authenticate itself and start an application
Then it takes over the session by
impersonating the identity of the legitimate
Usually he must send a tremendous number
of nuisance packets to the legitimate node in
order to prevent it from realizing that its
session was hijacked
Session-Stealing on the
Foreign Link
The Bad Guy waits for a mobile node to register with
its home agent
The Bad Guy eavesdrops to see if the mobile node
has any interesting conversation taking place
(remote login session to another host, connection to
the electronic mailbox)
The Bad Guy floods the mobile node with nuisance
The Bad Guy steals the session by sending the
packets that appear to have come from the mobile
node and by intercepting packets destined to the
mobile node
Session-Stealing Prevention
Same method as in the case of Passive
minimally link-layer encryption between the mobile node
and the foreign agent (session-stealing on the foreign link)
With the preference of end-to-end encryption between the
mobile node and its corresponding node (elsewhere)
Note: a good encryption scheme provides a method by
which a decrypting node can determine whether the
recovered plaintext is gibberish or whether it is legitimate
(integrity checking)
Other Active Attacks
The Bad Guy connects to the network jack, figures
out he IP address to use, and tries to break to the
other hosts on the network
He figures out the network-prefix that has been
assigned to the link on which the network jacks
The Bad Guy guesses a host number to use, which
combined with the network-prefix gives him an IP
address to use on the current link
The Bad Guy proceeds to try to break into the hosts
on the network guessing user-name/password pairs
Protection against such
All publicly accessible network jacks must
connect to foreign agent that demands any
nodes on the link to be registered
Remove all non-mobile nodes from the link
and require all legitimate mobile nodes to use
(minimally) link-layer encryption
Summary: Intranet Model
We described a simple deployment of Mobile IP on individual
corporate campus (intranet)
All of the routers were upgraded to be both home agents and
foreign agents, all reasonably portable host were upgraded to
mobile hosts
Home addresses were assigned according to the user’s
Mobile IP authentication Keys were configured between the mobile
nodes and their respective home agents
Assumed the existence of physical security flaws
Used link encryption over the foreign link to minimally protect the
internal data, but generally preferred end-to-end encryption
Considered Denial-of Service attack in which a Bad Guy lie to a
mobile node’s home agent about mobile node’s current care-of
Showed how a combination of the Mobile-Home Authentication 64
Extension and Identification field are designed to provide
Part 3b. Internet-Wide Mobility: A
more Complicated Application
This Mobil IP application allows a user to
move anywhere throughout the entire Internet
without exposing his private network to
additional security threats
We will consider the problem of mobile nodes
getting packets past the firewall when they
are outside of the private network boundary
(the subject of active research in Mobile IP
Working Group of Internet Engineering Task
Model for This Application
The Requirements
There must be a firewall between the corporate network and the
global Internet
Authorized mobile nodes belonging to employees of the
corporation must not suffer any loss of connectivity to resources
inside the firewall, even when connected to a foreign link outside
the firewall
The corporate network must not be exposed to any new security
threats over and above those that face any network connected to
the Internet (through a firewall)
A visitor must be able to communicate with the global Internet
(and presumably his own private network) from “public” areas
such as conference rooms, training facilities, etc.
Threats That Are the Same As
Threats from insiders (restrict access to info)
Denial-of-service attacks (use of strong
Passive eavesdropping and active takeover
attacks (encryption)
Physical Intrusion to the “restricted” portion of
the campus (control of physical access)
3 basic types of firewalls: packet-filtering routers, applicationlayer relays, and secure tunnelers:
Packet-Filtering Router as
Example of Access Control List
Forward all packets belonging to connections
initiated by internal machines
Forward all packets belonging to email
connections initiated by outside machines
Forward all DNS messages
Discard all other packets
Advantages of Packet-Filtering
Fast (simple processing involving examining
of IP Source and Destination Address fields,
and TCP and UDP header fields)
Independent of applications
Inexpensive to upgrade
Difficult to configure correctly
Obscure syntax of ACLs (usually there is no GUI)
Any mistake leaves the private network vulnerable
to security attacks
No reliable way to check ACL’s correctness
IP addresses of the machines in the private network
are visible to the public network
Little or no disk space to log a suspicious activity
Do not support user’s authentication before being
allowed to communicate outside the firewall
Application-Layer Relays
The two routers are configured with ACLs which
allow packets only to and from the relay host:
Ability to enforce more sophisticated security
policies since they understand not only
packet headers, but also the applications
Auditing and logging capabilities
Authentication support
Slow and “visible” to end users (might have
many TCP connections open at the same
Some applications might not be supported by
firewall possibly because it does not work
symmetrically in both directions
Secure Tunnelers (picture)
Secure Tunnelers
If the packet is tunneled to the firewall and
has valid authentication (and usually
encryption), it is de-tunneled and routed
“transparently” to the destination node within
the private network
Otherwise, the packet is submitted to
application-layer relay and is processed
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Host1 sends a packet to Host2
(see the previous picture)
Host1 builds an IP packet its own IP address as the Source
Address and Host2’s IP address as the Destination Address
The packet is ultimately forwarded to the firewall on the left
The firewall prepends an IP Encapsulating Security Payload
header to the original IP packet and encrypts the original IP
header and payload (the encryption algorithm provides
authentication and integrity checking as well)
The firewall places the resultant Encapsulating Security Payload
header plus encrypted original packet within the payload portion
of a new IP packet. The new IP packet has a Source Address of
the leftmost firewall and a Destination Address of the rightmost
The new packet is transmitted over the Internet, where it is
ultimately received by the firewall on the right
Host1 sends a packet to Host2
The firewall consumes the outermost IP packet
header and examines the IP Encapsulating Security
Payload header. The Security Parameters Index
field within that header informs the firewall how to
process the received cipher-text. The firewall
proceeds to decrypt and verify the authentication
and integrity of the packet
If the packet is authentic, the firewall removes the IP
Encapsulating Security Payload header to recover
the original IP packet
The firewall forwards the packet, which is ultimately
delivered to Host2 via conventional routing
How do we protect a Mobile
Node That Is Outside the
Mobile Node as a Special Case of Virtual
Private Networks (VPN)
The “firewall” is a software module running on the
mobile node:
Requirements for Secure Firewall
Traversal in Mobile IP
Must protect the mobile node and the private
network from passive eavesdropping and active
takeover attack
Must work for organizations that have private
addresses (that are not advertised to the rest of the
Internet) on their networks
Must not require the firewall to implement or
understand Mobile IP
Must resolve the problem of the mobile node
Registration through the firewall
Must work in presence of internal private network
Firewall Traversal Using VPN:
Questions to Answer
How does a mobile node establish the authenticated and/or
encrypted tunnel to the firewall?
Does the mobile node establish this tunnel before or after it
registers with its home agent?
Is the mobile node’s home agent inside or outside the firewall?
How do we establish keys between the mobile node and its
How do the mobile node and the firewall agree on a set of
encryption and/or authentication algorithms to use?
How does the mobile node know whether it is inside or outside
the firewall?
Firewall Traversal is a work in progress in the
Mobile IP community
It usually implements the IP Authentication
Header, IP Encapsulation Security Payload
and ISAKMP/Oakley for key management
The general solution can be formulated as
establishing an encrypted and authenticated
tunnel between the mobile node and the
We described a more complicated
deployment of Mobile IP on individual
corporate campus that was characterized by
placing all publicly accessible network jacks
outside of the corporation’s firewall
We also sketched in general a solution for
firewall traversal using Virtual Private
Model for Commercial, Mobile
IP service
James D. Solomon, Mobile IP: The Internet
Unplugged, Prentice Hall, 1998.
David B. Johnson. Mobile IP in the Current
and Future Internet, Tutorial for MobiCom
Charles Perkins, “Mobile Networking with
Mobile IP”, IEEE Internet Computing, 2(1):5869, January/February 1998.