UMW Coffee Break Circle - Pisgah United Methodist Church

January 2014
Rev. J. Michael Arant
Church Phone Number: 843-662-9611
Church email:
Karen Stanley, Secretary
Office Hours 9:30 – 1:30 pm Mon-Thurs.
Parsonage Phone: 843-662-3318
Pastor email:
Fax: 843-661-7522
Jerry F. Rivers, Administrative Council Chair
Robert & Judy Moody, Musicians
I Corinthians 8:1-13
The eating idol meat was a hot issue for Paul and the Corinth Church. One could write long essays on the
matter and in fact I have. For our purposes the details are not so important as is Paul’s solution. In short, the
problem was that pagan converts to Christianity were offended when they saw other Christians eat meat that had
been sacrificed to pagan idols. When former pagans saw this they thought that the other Christians were
worshiping pagan gods. The strong in faith, were those who knew that such meat was not contaminated by pagan
spirits, but was meat that was more affordable in the market.
Paul says that we all have knowledge, yet knowledge “puffs up” but love, “builds up.” Just because you
may know that there is nothing to eating idol meat, if you eat it and offend a brother or sister in Christ, then you sin
against Christ. If you eat it and cause a brother or sister to stumble, then you sin against them and God.
There are many good points for us to take from this story. For instance, those who are strong in faith must
be patient with those of lessor faith. Likewise, words and actions can build up or tear down. Anytime we begin to
tear down we must step back, being “slow to speak and quick to listen” before we act. We should also look at
matters from an eternal or spiritual angle. Does this situation have eternal significance? Do my actions have
eternal significance? Many of the issues that frustrate us the most are but trivial concerns from an eternal
perspective. Finally, we must remember Paul’s words, “love builds up.” By all means we ought to show with our
love our faith in the forgiving God.
Today it may not be idol meat, but we still put stumbling blocks in front of one another and still find
opportunities to offend. The rule of Paul should be our rule, if it tears down, if it offends, then avoid it. Paul goes
so far as to say that if eating any kind of meat would be a stumbling block for any sibling of faith he would never
eat meat again!
Galatians is a wonderful letter and very inspiring. During my own reading I found myself contemplating
greatly several statements in chapter 6. Paul writes, “my friends, if anyone is detected in a transgression, you who
have received the Spirit should restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness. Take care that you yourselves are not
tempted. Bear one another's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. For if those who are
nothing think they are something, they deceive themselves. . .So then, whenever we have an opportunity, let us work
for the good of all, and especially for those of the family of faith.”
In a few short words, we are taught to seek to restore one another from transgressions, to bear one another’s
burdens, to work for the good of all, especially those of the family of faith and not to think more of ourselves than
we ought.
As we have moved forward with the vision of our church, it has become easy to be distracted by our own
efforts. Yes, we have done something great, but it is only the beginning. If we lose sight of our purpose by
thinking too much of what we have done we have done nothing at all. This is just one step! Our purpose is to build
bridges in the community, to find ways to reach the children and youth, to create opportunities to spread the gospel
and to changes lives. Our purpose is not about ourselves, but God and all of God’s children.
I thank God for what we have, and I know that with God’s help we will not stop here but continue forward
to God’s glory! I thank God for what He is doing and will do here at Pisgah UMC!! Now, “May the grace of our
Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers and sisters. Amen.”
Blessing, Michael
Ushers: Dallas Stewart & Jay McCracken/Johnathan Allen Counters: John Altman & Anne Harris Depositors: Betty Bailey & Jane Farmer
Nate Arant
Morgan Schimek
Kaitlin Allen
Ariel Davis
Sound System
Richard Parker
Richard Parker
Richard Parker
Richard Parker
Children’s Church
S. School
to Epworth
$ 6232.00
$ 3841.25
$ 4892.10
$ 8755.30
$ 545.00
Memorials & Honorariums
In Memory of:
Maurice Mitchum by Jimmy & Lola Altman, John & Dena
Altman, Steve Cobb, Dot Schipper, Stephen & Dianne Welch
Marvin Shirley by Charles & Melinda Wilfong, Jane Farmer,
Jimmy & Lola Altman, Mary Bazen, Albert Bateman
Sarah Causey by Mary Bazen, Jimmy & Lola Altman, John &
Dena Altman, Dallas & Sadie Lee Stewart, Steve Cobb, Dot
Schipper, Al & Maria Volk, Richard & Carol Parker, Stephen &
Dianne Welch
Sumner Melton by the Bazen Family
Mary-Charlotte Pierce by John & Dena Altman, Jimmy & Lola
Altman, Robert & Judy Moody, Albert Bateman
Herman Eaddy & Herbert Elder by Susan Elder
Jesse & Eleanor Harrell by Randall & Elaine Poston
Joan Scruggs by Tom Scruggs
Pam Farmer by Thomas Farmer
Betty Moore by Joseph & Ann Haddon
Helen Jeffords Barham & the Jeffords Family Bob Barham
In Honor of:
Bill Summerford by UM Men
Richard & Claudia Robbins by Bob & Wanda Norwood
Billy Bateman by Dot Schipper, UM Men, Steve Cobb
Billy & Dot Bateman by Susan Elder
David & Mary Famer by Thomas Farmer
Jane Farmer by Thomas Farmer
Good News Club
We still need volunteers for the Good News Club. We meet at
Lucy T. Davis Elementary School on Mondays from 2-3:30 pm.
This is a great opportunity to share God’s love with elementary age
children. Please contact Tara Arant for more information.
Remember in Prayer
Please remember the Pierce and Holston families
following the recent death of Mary-Charlotte Pierce. MaryCharlotte was the mother of Lynnette Holston and had been
on our prayer list for some time.
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Carpenter
Mrs. Shirley Melton
Mrs. Margaret Hoffmeyer
Mrs. Lois Shake
“The Christmas Puzzle”
December Record of Faithfulness
Scrip. Readers
Austin Jowers
Jane Farmer
Stephen Welch
Taylor Haigler
If you missed the performance of our Children’s
Christmas Play, you missed seeing our children in action!
Everyone did a great job. Below are the names of everyone
that participated. All participants deserve Congratulations!
In “The Christmas Puzzle,” four cousins are snowed in at
Grandma’s house and all they can find to entertain
themselves is an old puzzle. But, the pieces of the puzzle
each represent a different piece of the Christmas story.
Nativity Characters:
Morgan Schimek
Olivia Moody
Nate Arant
Joseph Compton
Emma Rivers
Willow Carpenter
Isabella Compton
Elliott Orr
Kaitlin Allen
Riley Allen
M.J. Altman
Wise Men:
Ty Schimek
Wyatt Rivers
Clay Parker
Aden Compton
Bryson Medford
King Herod/Guitar Player: Austin Jowers
Ryder Bazen
Eli Arant
Reagin Medford
LeAnna Sheffield
Kayla Sheffield
Sherry Medford
Robert Moody
Special thanks to all the parents and
grandparents who helped make this production a
Refreshments and a visit from Santa followed the
Prayer Needs
Agnes Chapman with daughter Rachel Greer, Kitty
Robinson at Elmcroft #710, Sharon DeWitt at Elmcroft
#A3, Mrs. Ella Lou Eaddy at home with Susan Elder,
Maria Perry at Laurel Gardens #103, Jean Moreland in
Healthcare wing at Methodist Manor, George Jordan –
brother-in-law of James Wylie & Shirley Anderson, Laura
Lewis –daughter-in-law of Mildred Lewis, Al Woodring at
Methodist Manor #254(assisted living wing), Prudy
Johnson at Heritage Home Rm #201 (the Chestnut hall),
Lavis Law at Elmcroft Rm.# 708, Dot Gregory – mother
of Tom Holston, Sue Long, Louis Davis Rivers – brother
of Jerry Rivers, Elizabeth Robertson, Carolyn Richey
Debbie Stewart, Julia Joyner, Janet Ball, Nancy Jeffords,
Marty Sadler, Faye Jackson, Quinton Hughes – brother in
law of Alice Freeman, Gene Hewitt – brother of Charlie
Hewitt, Mary Gooden – line dance teacher, Steve & Ann
McCall – family of Betty Bailey, Jody Oliver – friend of
Jack & Anne Harris, Lavern Helms, Freddie & Jan
Watts, Nate & Logan Hendrix and family, John Altman,
Billy Bateman, Faye Drew, Whittie & Jean Weaver,
Charlton Cain
Remember all those serving in the Military
Students, Staff & Teachers at our local schools
Those in the Military
Captain Adam Boyd – Son-in-law of John and Dena
Altman, and husband of Anna.
SSgt. Robert Evans – The family is now stationed at Ft.
Jackson, SC. Robert is the husband of Brandi Evans
MSgt. David Weaver son of Kate H. Ingram in the Air Force
Sgt. David Webb – Army and has been redeployed. David is the
nephew of Pete Holze.
SSgt. Matthew Kirven – son of Melinda Kirven & grandson of
Kate Ingram is now stationed in Turkey in the Air Force
SPC William Lewis (grandson of Kate Ingram) in Savannah
MSgt. Tim Conrad – US Army in Afghanistan son-in-law of
Myra Bennett
Savannah L. Holden
PFC Holden
2420 Cushing Street #116
Ft. Huachuca, AZ 85613
Sgt. 1st Class Sean Richey at Ft. Hood before heading back
to Afghanistan. Sean is the step-son of Carolyn Richey
UMW Coffee Break Circle
Pisgah UMW Coffee Break Circle met on Tuesday,
December 10, 2013, in the Family Life Center for our Annual
Christmas luncheon. Eleven members and two guests, Kelly
Allen & Karen Stanley, attended this fun event. President,
Cathy Gregory, welcomed all and had a Christmas reading.
We enjoyed a delicious covered dish luncheon prepared by
members on tables that had been beautifully decorated by
Cathy Gregory and Pam Mathews. The circle presented
Cathy with a gift in appreciation for all her hard work this
year. Each one of us was given a party favor of a Christmas
ornament. Pam Mathews presented a lively and touching
Christmas reading “Eric’s Gift.” We then drew numbers 1
through 12 and sang the “Twelve Days of Christmas” with
each member singing one line according to her number. It
was hilarious – but don’t get excited choir, only a few of us
has the talent to be in your company! We hope you all had a
Merry Christmas and will join us in the New Year!
Susan Elder, Secretary
UMW Evening Circle
Pisgah Evening Circle met Tuesday, December 3, 2013,
in the Family Life Center for our Annual catered Christmas
party. Over 50 members and guest attended the meeting. We
sat at beautifully decorated tables, each with different
Christmas themes. Tables hostesses were Emily Altman,
Claudia Robbins, Melinda Wilfong, Faye Munn, Elaine
Poston, Ellen Walker, Jane Farmer, Betty Bailey, and Dena
Hunsucker. We enjoyed great food, fun, games, favors, door
prizes, fellowship, and a wonderful dramatic Christmas
reading by Pam Mathews. We hope all Pisgah ladies will
consider joining us in 2014. We hope everyone had a Merry
Christmas and have a Happy New Year.
Susan Elder, Secretary
Flowers for 2014
The 2014 flower calendar is located on the
bulletin board in the hallway. Please wait until the
2014 dates are on it before any names are added to
it. If you would like to put flowers in the sanctuary
on a particular Sunday or if you have been doing so
and would like to continue, please contact Mariah Baxley at
843-230-5719 or email her at
Mariah Baxley
Sunshine Club
Communion Volunteers Needed
The Sunshine Club held their Annual Christmas luncheon
at Redbone Alley on Wednesday, December 18, 2013. There
was a good crowd that came and joined the festivities.
Everyone seemed to enjoy the good food, fun, and fellowship.
We look forward to seeing all those that attended along
with many more in the coming year. Below, are some
pictures taken at the luncheon and the names of those who
attended. Hope I didn’t forget anyone’s name.
Theron DeWitt, Carolyn Buffkin, Bill Stanley, Mary Bazen,
Betty Bailey, Dallas & Sadie Lee Stewart, Richard Parker,
Shirley Melton, Fane Farmer, Jimmy & Lola Altman, Dot
Schipper, and Steve Cobb (also the photographer).
We are in the process of putting together the Worship
Calendar and are looking for volunteers to help with
Communion for the next year. If you are interested in
volunteering, please contact the church office so that a
schedule may be made.
New Email Addresses
We have a couple of new email addresses for you to make
note of.
Mary Bazen:
Dianne Welch:
If you have changed your email address, phone number, or
address recently, please let the church office know, as the
2014 directories will be updated and printed soon after the
first of the year.
Pisgah Website
If you haven’t looked at Pisgah’s new website, you need to
take a few moments and go online to
and look at the great job our new webmaster, Kelly Allen has
done with it. She is still adding things to it, but it looks great
as it is! Then, the next time you see her, let her know how it
looks and tell her thank you for all the hard work she has put
into it!
Thank You!
Epworth Children’s Home was specified as our
Communion special offering recipient with $545.00 given to
them. Thank you to everyone who gave so generously at our
Christmas Eve Candlelight service. May God continue to
bless you all.
Thank you goes to Morgan Schimek for thinking of those
in the Asbury Sunday School class, and other classes, and
brought juice and cookies to them during the Baby Jesus
Baby Shower.
Landscape Beautification Project
The Pisgah UMC fellowship is inviting you to join our efforts to beautify our landscaping by
offering you a chance to purchase landscape bricks inscribed with the names of family, friends or loved ones. These will
be done in memory of, or as an honorarium to those named. The bricks will be placed in the triangle beside the sidewalk
leading to the elevator area. At the present time, it is only pine straw and a statue.
The cost of each brick will be $25.00. You may order by filling out a separate form for each brick ordered.
Additional order forms are available in the church office, the narthex, or you can make a copy from your original.
Thank you,
Worship Committee
Return with remittance & payment to:
Pisgah UMC
621 N. Ebenezer Road
Florence, SC 29501
Name of Donor: ________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ________________________________________________________________
If you do not wish the brick to be printed with “in memory or honor of,” please do not write it on your form.
Example: Dallas and Sadie Lee Stewart. They purchase a brick for themselves, but do not want it to say that they
gave it in honor of themselves.
Please fill in the information you wish to have on your donor brick.
You have the option of using 1, 2 or 3 lines, with 14 characters
per line, on your brick.
Print EXACTLY the way you wish your brick to read. The text will be inscribed in upper case letters. You may
also use numbers for the inscription. Spacing between words is considered as a character. Punctuation does
require a space. All text will be centered on the brick.
January 2014
New Year's Day
Office closed
Lee Johnson
Jean Moreland
Elaine Poston
6:30 pm Disciple Bible
7:00 pm Trustee mtg.
7:00 pm UMW Evening
Circle in FLC
7:00 pm Cooks for Christ
6:00 pm Finance mtg.
Lewis Kirven
M. J. Altman
6:00 pm Boy Scouts
6:00 pm MYF movie night
6:30 pm Disciple Bible
Martin Luther King Day
Newsletter Deadline
10:00 am UMW Coffee
Break Circle
6-7:30 pm Girl Scouts
7:00 pm UM Men in FLC
7:00 pm Cooks for Christ
Meg Hoffmeyer
Morgan Schimek
7:00 pm Cooks for Christ
Gary Johnson
3-5:00 pm PPRC Training
at Lake City UMC
6:00 pm Boy Scouts
6:30 pm Disciple Bible
7:00 pm Cooks for Christ
Dale Williams
Wayne Chamblee
4-9:00 pm Girl Scout
Cookie College
Roger Blackman
Jamie Poston
Coy McCall
Morris Rhodes
4:00 pm MYF meet at
Southgate Bowling Center
6:00 pm Boy Scouts
6:30 pm Disciple Bible
6:30 pm Cub Scouts
2:00 pm Line Dancing
Abbie Lewis
David Weaver
10:30 am Sunshine Club
in FLC
2:00 pm Line Dancing
6:30 pm Cub Scouts
Susan Elder
Suzanne Bateman
7:00 pm Worship mtg.
David Gunter
Les & Kelly Galloway
Yvonne Smith
Tom Mathews
2:00 pm Line Dancing
6:30 pm Cub Scouts
Greg Dombroski
Nikki Williams
Jack & Anne Harris
Delores Farmer
2:00 pm Line Dancing
6:30 pm Cub Scouts
Betty Bailey
Linda McCall
Loretta Burdick
Maverick McCracken
Lee Phillips
Duncan Williamson