Language Work (para. 1)

Unit 13
Global Warming
Lesson 1
Pre-reading Questions
Word Study
About the Author
A Global Picture
Pre-reading Questions
What do you know about global warming?
What is the cause of global warming?
What changes could the greenhouse effect create
in the Earth’s climate?
What else do you know about environmental
Test Your Knowledge
Where do greenhouse gases trap energy?
In the atmosphere.
What is one of the greenhouse gases?
Carbon dioxide.
How long has earth’s climate been changing?
Five billion years.
When did humans start to add lots of greenhouse
gases into the atmosphere?
The Industrial Revolution.
Test Your Knowledge
Of all the species that have ever lived on the planet,
how much percent have died out?
Why have plants and animals been able to adapt
to changes in climate in the past?
Because past climate change occurred slowly
enough for plants and animals to adapt.
How can you help to slow global warming?
Save energy; plant trees; recycle etc.
Test Your Knowledge
Where do greenhouse gases mainly come from?
From the emission of combustion of fossil fuel.
Why should we protect rain forests?
To protect biodiversity.
What has led to the destruction of coastal habitats?
High population density.
What is the function of ozone layer?
To prevent the harmful ultraviolet rays from
reaching the earth.
Background Information
The Frog’s Tale
Ecology and Ecosystem
Symbiotic Relationship
The Greenhouse Effect
Rain Forests and
The Food Chain
Animal Extinction
Acid Rain
El Nino
A Video Clip
 An Inconvenient Truth — A Global Warning
 This film is a wake-up call that cuts through myths
and misconceptions to deliver the message that
global warming is a real and present danger.
Former Vice President of the United States Al
Gore convinces us that we must act now to save
the earth. Each and every one of us can make
changes in the way in which we live our lives and
become part of the solution.
Global Warming & Climate Change
is the increase of the
Earth’s average surface
temperature due to a
build-up of greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere.
is a broader term that
refers to long-term
changes in climate,
including average
temperature and
The Greenhouse Effect
An Example of the Greenhouse Effect
The Sun’s energy
passes through the
car’s windshield.
This energy (heat)
is trapped inside
the car and cannot
pass back through
the windshield,
causing the inside
of the car to warm
Word Study
Acquaintance (page 182)
Tick the word that is different from the others:
√ peruse B. periodical C. journal D. blurb
<n.>杂志;期刊 <n.>简介
A. methane B. nitrogen
C. ozone
√ malaria
A. latitude
√ hemisphere C. equator D. longitude
A. emit
B. spit
C. belch
D. recede
A. asteroid
B. planets
C. esoteric
D. Jupiter
abstract →
Importance of
Ozone layer
The crowing of the rooster is a harbinger
h________ of dawn.
The Green Party have called for a substantial
reduction in the e__________
of greenhouse gases by
the UK.
Applicants should p_______
peruse the instructions before
completing the forms.
The l_________
of the island is 20 degrees south.
The number of old German cars still on the road attests
(to) the excellence of their manufacture.
He thinks most modern art is t________.
decompose organic waste into
a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide.
A spokesperson declined to s_________
speculate on the cause
of the train crash.
I f_______
off his sword thrust with my spear.
However, no medical treatment could mitigate
the sufferings of the high fever of the young girl.
The virus attacks the immune system, leaving your
body v__________
vulnerable to infections.
They are the four hardcore
h_________ leaders of the gang.
N. decomposition breed/breeder
speculation /
Recession vs. Depression
Influence; effect; impact
Adapt; adopt; adjust
Abstract; summary; gist
Recession vs. Depression
Most serious _______________
are reactions to
stressful life events.
There was a feeling of gloom and ___________
depression in
the office when the news of the job cuts was
In times of severe ___________
companies are often
forced to make massive job cuts in order to survive.
depression after losing her
He suffered from severe __________
Influence; effect; impact
Skin is our oldest sense organ, and when it is touched
by someone it carries a strong emotional _________.
His first music teacher was a major ___________
influence in
his life.
In the last twenty years, the mobile phone has made
more of an _________
impact than the internet.
Her criticisms had the ________
effect of discouraging him
The prime minister _________
effected many policy changes.
alter or move slightly in
order to achieve the
desired result
make suitable for a new
Adapt; adopt; adjust
You can ________ the belt to the size that you want.
He ________
adapted an old car engine to fit his boat.
The childless couples are encouraged to _________
the orphans from the earthquake.
The council is expected to _________
the new policy
at its next meeting.
adjust the color on the TV by turning this
You can ________
I am afraid he can’t _______
adapt to the idea of having a
woman as his boss.
<infml> main idea of a
Abstract; summary; gist
I think I got the _______
of what she was saying.
The issued dissertation usually have an ________
respectively before the main body.
He made a ________
summary of his speech just before the end.
I haven’t time to read this report; can you give me the
of it?
shortened version of a
The blurb on the back of the booklarger
says work
that it ‘will
touch your heart’.
I’ve only read the abridgement of the novel.
A Global Picture of Text I
The author
Purpose of Writing
About the author
He is a Canadian poet born in
Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1949.
He studied anthropology and
history of religions at the University
of Manitoba.
John Weier
He is an author of books in a
variety of genres—poetry, fiction,
non-fiction, and children’s literature.
The potential
danger of global
warming deserves
our immediate
attention and actions.
Part I (para. 1—2)
The reason why people are now increasingly concerned
about the problem of global warming
Pert II (para. 3—7)
The causes and effect of global warming, and its
potential threat to mankind
Part III (para. 8—11)
Possible actions to combat global warming
Purpose of Writing
Refer to Exercise I on page 185:
To raise people’s consciousness of the
potential dangers of global warming, and to
suggest some actions to combat it.
There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth.
We are all crew.C l i c k t o e d i t c o m p a n y s l o g a n .
Thank you.
To be continued.
Lesson 2: Overview
Text Analysis
Comprehension Check
Language Work
declare to be true
to guess
to read through carefully
easily affected
a strong influence/effect
to keep away
to send forth
a half of the earth
very strongly following a
particular belief
to (cause to) decay
the act of sending forth;
sth. that indicates or
foreshadows what is to come
a statement summarizing the
important points of a text
What are these in English?
carbon dioxide
nitrogen oxide
deforest → <n.>
attest→ <n.>
vulnerable → <n.>
reveal → <n.>
sun→ <adj.>
continent→ <adj.>
atmosphere→ <adj.>
peril → <adj.>
dramatic → <adv.>
revelation / revealer
Synonyms & Antonyms
curable → <anto.>
frequent → <anto.>
available → <anto.>
 steady→ <anto.>
 vulnerable→ <anto.>
attest → <syn.>
 available → <syn.>
 abundant→ <syn.>
 perilous→ <syn.>
testify / witness
 accessible, attainable, obtainable
plentiful / ample
This is our planet: planet Earth. It contains an
astonishing variety of landscapes and climates. Since
life began, around 4,000 million years ago, it has gone
through extraordinary changes in its climate and in the
species that live on it. But now it seems that our planet
is being transformed — not by natural events,
but by the actions of one
species: mankind.
—David Attenborough
Part I (para. 1—2)
Global warming,
used to be a topic of
hardcore academic
journals, has become a
matter of increasing
public concern.
Comprehension Check
1. Did global warming attract much attention about
25 years ago? Has there been any change in
people’s attitude toward the issue?
2. What are some of the causes of global warming?
3. What would happen if no further actions were
taken to fight against global warning?
Language Work
(para. 1)
 1. peruse: (vt. fml syn: read) to read through
--Students should ~ the instructions before doing the
items of the exam paper.
--He developed a habit to ~ English novels before
going to bed.
 cf. peruse/pursue
Language Work (para. 1)
2. come up with
1. to find out
He couldn’t come up with any information he
needed when logging on the internet.
2. to produce, create
He couldn’t come up with an appropriate answer
just at the time.
Language Work (para. 1)
3. hardcore: the members of a group who are the most
committed to its activities or who are the most involved
in them
--the hardcore members (= a hard core of
members )
--his hardcore supporters
hard-core: adj. stubbornly resistant to change or
--hardcore addicts
Language Work (para. 1)
4. esoteric: (a. fml) known, understood, or
appreciated by only a small number of people
Usage Notes
Esoteric basically implies knowledge guarded by, and
imparted only to, members of a cult or inner circle of
It has been extended in general use to describe
knowledge in the possession only of adepts, students,
and specialists.
Language Work (para. 1)
There are two kinds of classics, the popular and the
Arctic exploration is an esoteric pursuit.
He has devoted his whole life to the compilation of
some esoteric philosophical theories.
5. attest: to certify (+ to sth.)
--The handwriting expert attested to the genuineness
of the signature.
Language Work (para. 1)
6. rooted: adj. firmly fixed and hard to remove
--Optimism is rooted in her heart, and she believes that
diligence and creativity make miracles.
--It can be harder to communicate when problems have
become more deeply rooted.
--His problems are deeply rooted in his childhood
If you ___________________________,
are rooted to the spot / ground you are
unable to move because of fear, surprise, or shock.
Language Work (para. 2)
7. with the exception of…: except
--With the exception of his wife, no one got the news
of his cancer.
8. a giant asteroid:
The phrase literally refers to one of the small planets
moving around the sun between the orbits of Mars and
(here) It suggests the possible collision of the Earth
with one of such planets which, though short in the
distance, are actually “giant” compared with the Earth.
Language Work (para. 2)
9. incurable: that cannot be cured
 He’s a con man(骗子) with an ~ ulcer(溃疡)
called gambling.
 The baby was born with an ~ heart condition.
 I am an ~ romantic.
10. spew: to pour out, esp. quickly and violently
--The chimneys of the steel mill ~ed fumes out into
the blue sky.
--He ~ed forth what he had recently learned about
the true facts.
Language Work (para. 2)
11. harbinger: sth. that indicates or foreshadows
what is to come
--This figure is 10 times the global rate, a ~ of
climate change.
--We got no ~ before the earthquake happened in
Usage Notes:
Harbinger applies, chiefly figuratively, to one that
proclaims or announces the coming or arriving of a
notable event or person.
Language Work (para. 2)
 12. curb: to restrain, check, control
 He needs to learn to ~ his appetite
 This government has made pioneering strides
towards ~ing air pollution.
 The only way to ~ the spread of the disease is by
immunizing the entire population.
 A range of policies have been introduced aiming at
~ing inflation.
Usage Notes:
Curb suggests an abrupt or drastic checking or a
restricting or restraining that tends to moderate. (anto:
Sentence Highlights
1. As an Internet search on global warming now
attests, the subject has become as rooted in our public
consciousness as Madonna or microwave cooking.
(para. 1)
As the result of an Internet search on global
warming now proves, this subject has got fixed in
people’s mind, just like Madonna or microwave
Sentence Highlights
2. With the possible exception of another world war,
a giant asteroid, or an incurable plague, global
warming may be the single largest threat to our
planet. (para. 2)
Apart from the outbreak of another world war,
a possible collision of the earth with one of the small
planets between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, or a
quick-spreading fatal disease impossible to be cured,
global warming may be the only largest threat to
our earth.
Sentence Highlights
3. For decades, human factories and cars have
spewed billions of tons of greenhouse gases into
atmosphere, and the climate has begun to show
some signs of warming. (para. 2)
For dozens of years, our factories and cars have
discharged billions of tons of greenhouse gases into
the Earth’s atmosphere, and correspondingly
certain signs of the Earth’s being getting warmer
have been detected.
Part II (para. 3—7)
Enhanced greenhouse effect caused by human activities
may induce such undesired climatic changes as global
warming and poses threats to human health. (4 subdivisions)
Part II:
I. (para. 3)
A number of causes
resulting in the rising
concentration of
greenhouse gases
Part II:
II (para. 4—5)
Obvious climatic changes
evidenced by such climate
data as info from IPCC and
paleoclimate readings
Part II:
Our Warming Planet
III. Paragraph 6
The variation of climate changes
in different parts of the world
IV. Paragraph 7
Threats to human health imposed
by global warming
Comprehension Check (Para. 3)
1. What has disturbed people now?
2. Can you name some human activities that may
produce greenhouse gases?
Language Work (para. 3)
1. artificially: happening as a result of human action
 She might be kept alive ~ by machinery.
 Motivation to learn must come from the child; it
cannot be ~ imposed.
 There is an ~ created lake in the park.
 Foreign competitors offloaded their surplus on
your shores at ~ low prices.
Language Work (para. 3)
 2. concentration (of): [U] strength or density
 What is the ~ of salt in sea water? (含量)
 High ~s of toxic elements were found in the
polluted areas.
 The current increase in atmospheric ~ of CO2
is considered to be one of the most important
long-term changes occurring on this planet.
Cf: Stress and tiredness often result in a lack of
concentration. (= close or fixed attention )
Antonym: distraction
Language Work (para. 3)
 3. spit out: (infml) to make a series of loud
noises, esp. when forcing small pieces of sth.
into the air
--The machine spat out chips of wood onto
the ground. (= spit)
--Babies are always spitting their food out.
*He spat out an insult.
Is that it— ‘money?’ She spat the word out.
(to say sth. quickly and angrily)
Language Work (para. 3)
 4. decompose: to break up or separate into basic
components or parts
 Any organic material in the natural environment will ~
over time.
 Coal is formed from partially ~d plants that lived
millions of years ago.
Usage Notes:
Decompose suggests the breaking up or separation of
something into its component elements. (e.g. a
decomposing chemical compound).
It is also a somewhat euphemistic substitute for rot.
Sentence Highlights
1. What has worried many now is that over the past
250 years humans have been artificially raising the
concentration of greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere. (para.3)
It is the fact that humans themselves have
discharged so large quality of greenhouse gases and
therefore increased the density of greenhouse gases
in the atmosphere that makes many people worried.
Part II:
II (para. 4—5)
Obvious climatic changes
evidenced by such climate
data as info from IPCC and
paleoclimate readings
Comprehension Check
1. What would happen to those carbon-based
greenhouse gases once they have been spewed into
the atmosphere?
2. What do many scientist worry about?
3. How do the greenhouse gases make the Earth
4. What do the data collected from
different sources show?
Language Work (para. 4—5)
1. panel: a small group of people brought together to
investigate or decide on a particular matter
 The competition will be judged by a ~ of experts.
 A ~ of three psychiatrists and three doctors have
flown to the plague-stricken area.
 The comedian will chair a new TV panel game
2. Readings: interpretation 阐释;评估
 It is difficult tp get an accurate ~ on the
significance of these events.
Language Work (para. 4—5)
 3. abundant: more than enough
--There is ~ evidence of continuing racial prejudice in
Usage Notes:
Abundant implies a very plentiful or very large supply.
(e.g. a forest abundant in game)
abundance n.
--Timber was one commodity which the country
possessed in great abundance.
--The country has an abundance of skilled workers,
but not enough jobs.
Language Work (para. 4—5)
 4. thermal: of or caused by heat
 thermal energy 热能
 thermal insulation 隔热
 thermal underwear 保暖内衣
 thermal spring 温泉
 5. in essence: (fml) essentially (used for
emphasizing what is most important feature of sth. )
--What she is saying, in ~, is that the law does not
protect against this type of abuse.
--In ~, decision making is one of the steps in
problem solving.
Language Work (para. 4—5)
6. excess: <n./adj.> extra; additional; more than is
 Driving with ~ alcohol in the blood is a serious
 Excess food is stored as fat.
 The drug can be harmful if taken in ~.
Cf: excessive: <adj.> too much
 He considered the level of tax ~.
 The prices at this hotel are ~.
Language Work (para. 4—5)
7. available: able to be used
 All the ~ money has been used.
 All the books in the library will be made ~ to us.
8. dramatically: very suddenly and noticeably
 The shampoo ~ increase the thickness of your hair.
 Pakistan’s relationship with India has changed ~
after that.
 A better water supply would contribute ~ to the
villager’s well-being.
Language Work (para. 4—5)
9. glacier: a slowly moving mass or river of ice 冰川;
 continental glacier: 陆地冰川
Cf: iceberg: a large floating mass of ice 冰山
10. suggest: point to; mean
 She ~ed that I am responsible for the arrangement.
 I’m not ~ing that the accident was your fault.
 Government sources ~ed that the Prime Minister
would not necessarily change his cabinet.
Sentence Highlights
1. In essence, these gases are trapping excess heat in
the earth’s atmosphere in much the same way that
windshield traps solar energy that enters a car.
(para. 4)
In reality, these gases prevents excess heat from
escaping back into space just like the windshield of
a car holds heat inside.
Sentence Highlights
2. Much of the available climate data appear to back
these fears. (para. 5)
Much of the present climate data appear to be
evidence in support of our fears.
3. Readings gathered from glaciers reveal a steady
recession of the world’s continental glaciers. (para. 5)
The information gathered from glaciers show a
constant receding of world’s continental glaciers.
Part II:
III. (Paragraph 6)
The variation of climate changes
in different parts of the world
IV. (Paragraph 7 )
Threats to human health imposed
by global warming
Comprehension Check
1. According to some scientists, what would the changes
in the climate bring about?
2. What is the IPCC’s prediction about the result of the
climatic changes?
3. Who would suffer most from these changes?
4. How would the equatorial areas be affected by a slight
increase in temperature and rainfall?
5. What would happen to low-lying islands if the sea
level rose moderately?
6. What would hotter summers result in?
7. What would happen if the levels of
near-surface ozone from cars and factories rose?
Language Work (para. 6)
 1. speculate: to think about the various aspects of a
given subject; to meditate, guess (para. 6)
--We don’t know why the prehistoric stone circles
were built. We can only ~.
--I wouldn’t like to ~ on the reasons on his
Usage Notes:
Speculate implies a reasoning on the basis of
incomplete or uncertain evidence and therefore stresses
the conjectural character of the opinions formed.
Language Work (para. 6)
 2. exceed: to be greater than, as in quantity or degree
 America’s chemical exports are to ~ imports this
 According to the law of this country, working hours
must not ~ 42 hours a week.
 The success of Bill Gates ~ed all the expectations
when the Windows operating system came into
overshoot, overstep, surpass
Language Work (para. 6)
3. mean: average
 The ~ yearly rainfall is 20 inches.
 The ~ of 5, 4, 10 and 15 is 8.5.
4. As far as… is concerned: to the degree that it has
an influence on or matters to…
 As far as we’re concerned you can go whenever
you want. (=we don’t mind when you go)
 As far as I’m concerned, the whole idea is crazy.
Language Work (para. 7)
 5. equatorial: of the equator
 The ~ climate of the Amazonian rain forests is hot
and wet.
 6. spark (off): to give out sparks; to stimulate or
 Some interesting questions are designed to ~ the
reader’s brain.
 Even the smallest diplomatic incident can ~ (off) a
major international conflict.
 Riots, ~ed off by the arrest of seven student
leaders, have spread to other universities.
Language Work (para. 7)
7. vector-borne diseases: diseases carried or
transported by vector
 water-borne bacteria 由水传染的
 droplet-borne H1N1 flu 飞沫传播的流感
8. riverbed: ground over which a river flows between
banks 河床
 flowerbed 花坛
 ocean bed 洋底
9. coastline: the land along a coast
 The hotel has wonderful views of the rugged ~.
Language Work (para. 7)
 10. vulnerable: capable to be wounded and hurt
--She is young and ~ to temptation.
--Is there a particular type of person that is especially
~ to psychological problems?
 11. perilous: extremely dangerous; of peril
 The country’s economy is now in grave peril.
 The economy is in a perilous state.
 The journey through the jungle was perilous.
 The change from dictatorship to democracy is always
Language Work (para. 7)
12. admission: person admitted to hospital for
 There was a substantial reduction in hospital ~s.
 On ~ to hospital, you will be examined by a doctor.
 He’s applied for ~ to the local college.
13. respiratory: pertaining to respiration/breath
 The lungs are ~ organs.
 The death was caused by cardiac and ~ failure.
 SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)
Sentence Highlights
1. Not surprisingly, many scientists speculate that
such changes in the climate will probably result in
hotter days and fewer cool days. (para. 6)
It is not surprising that many scientists reasons out
the changes in the climate will probably cause hotter
days and fewer cool days.
Sentence Highlights
2. As far as human health is concerned, those hit
hardest will probably be residents of poorer
countries that do not have the funds to fend against
changes in climate. (para. 7)
As to the human health, it is those living in the
poorer countries that will suffer most, because they
do not have money to protect themselves from the
diseases caused by climate changes.
Sentence Highlights
3. The warmer temperatures may also lead to higher
levels of near-surface ozone from cars and
factories, … respiratory problems. (para. 7)
The warmer temperatures may also cause the
ozone near the surface of the earth to be at high
levels. This ozone is mainly emitted by the cars and
factories and is likely to do harm to the air we
breathe; thus putting more people with weak
respiratory systems at risk.
To Sum up
 Match damage or diseases in para. 6—7 with climate changes in
the following table.
Slight increase in heat
and rain
an increase in vector diseases such as
Moderate rise in sea level
Threat to the coastlines of low-lying
More intense rain and
Severe flooding and more deaths
Hotter summers and
warmer temperature
across the globe
More cases of heart stroke and deaths;
More hospital admissions for those
with Respiratory problems
Part III (para. 8—11)
We should not only take
immediate actions to slow
down global warming and
mitigate its impacts, but also
introduce long-term polices
to compact global warming.
Comprehension Check
1. What kind of human activity can result in global
2. How to reduce the emission of heat-trapping gases?
3. What else can we do to combat global warming in
addition to reduced consumption of fossil fuel and
protection of forests?
4. Whose efforts do the alleviation of
or solution to global warming demand?
Language Work (para.8)
 1. take action: to begin to act
--If you have already paid the amount shown on this
bill, you need take no further action.
 2. particle: very small pieces 颗粒
 This type of smoke contains more, smaller ~s and is
therefore more likely to be deposited deep in the
 There is not a ~ of truth in the statement.
Language Work (para.8-9)
3. deforestation: cutting down the trees
 Widespread ~ will lead to land erosion(水土流
 4. mitigate: to make an unpleasant situation or its
effect less serious and less difficult to bear.
 Their extreme poverty is ~d slightly by the fact
that Rosa has a part-time job.
 Soil erosion was ~d by the planting of trees.
 Actions will be taken to ~ poverty.
Language Work (para.9-10)
5. adapt to: make fit for or change to suit a new
 She has ~ed herself to the new life there.
 How can we ~ the curriculum to the needs of
disabled learners?
6. advocate: support publicly
 He ~s a reduction in military spending.
 Heart disease specialists ~ a diet low in cholesterol
Language Work (para.10)
 7. combat: to fight against
 The president emphasized the importance of ~ing
international terrorism.
 The government sees price controls as a way to ~
 8. alternative: available as another possibility
 The coal industry should be abandoned in favour of
~ energy sources.
 Her father gave her the ~ of going on to college or
starting to work. <n.>
 She had no ~ but to break the law.
Language Work (para.10)
9. renewable: that can be renewed
 Sun, wind, and waves are ~ sources of energy.
 Your passport is ~.
10. clear-cutting: cutting completely
 Park staff cleared away dead trees.
 With a clear road ahead he shifted into high gear.
 The floor had been swept clear of litter.
Cf: clean: free from dirt, marks, or stains
 The room was spotlessly clean.
Language Work (para.11)
11. make a difference: have an effect
 Changing schools made a big ~ to my life.
 The color won’t make a real ~ to the design.
12. part: a share or responsibility in some activity
 This is a dishonest plan, and I want no ~ in it.
 He admitted his ~ in the robbery.
 Savings are being planned as ~ of a huge economy
Sentence Highlights
1. We can also do things to mitigate the impacts of
global warming … that reduce our vulnerability to
global warming. (para. 9)
We can also take some measures to reduce the harm
caused by global warming and adjust ourselves to
what will most likely appear in the future, such as
making good plans and strategies to protect
ourselves from being hurt.
Sentence Highlights
2. We are also advocating policies that will combat
global warming … valuable forests. (para. 10)
We are also in support of the policies that will be
made against the global warming over a long period.
For instance, we should encourage people to use clear
fuels in place of gasoline for their cars, and adopt
technologies that can renew the energy and be good to
our environment. We should also stop cutting forests
completely for one time.
In the past, we didn't understand the effect of our
actions. Unknowingly, we sowed the wind and now,
literally, we are reaping the whirlwind. But we no longer
have that excuse: now we do recognise the consequences
of our behaviour. Now surely, we must act to reform it:
individually and collectively; nationally and
internationally — or we doom
future generations to catastrophe.
—David Attenborough
Assignment: A Debate
Get prepared for a class-wide debate on the
following proposition:
Which should be first, economic development or
environmental protection?
To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild
C l i c kflower,
to edit company
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.
slogan .
Thank you.
To be continued.
Lesson 3: Overview
Duty Report
Textbook Exercises
Oral Practice
Student’s Duty Report
Student’s Duty Report
 TV (television)
 Dr (doctor)
 N. Y. (New York)
 UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization)
 radar (radio detecting and ranging)
 CD-ROM (compact disk of ready-only-memory)
Knowledge Expansion
 smog (smoke + fog)
 brunch (breakfast + lunch)
 zoo (zoological garden)
 hi-fi (high fidelity)
 televise (←television)
 lase (←laser)
Words in Focus
E-C Translation
C-E Translation
Words in Focus:
1. The country has an _____________
supply of fossil
fuel. (a. existing or available in large quantities)
abundant in
This area is _________________
natural resources.
(a.+ prep. plentiful; abounding with; rich)
 2. This area of France has an ____________
abundance of safe
beaches and a pleasing climate. (n. a large quantity of
in abundance
Fruit and vegetables are available _______________.
(prep. + n. )
3. If things ________,
abound or if a place abounds
with things,
there are a very large number of them. (vi.) a formal
Words in Focus:
1. The sun _______________both
light and heat. (vt.
to send out light or heart in all directions from a central
radiate from
Heat and light __________________the
sun. (vi.+
If you _____________
an emotion or quality or if it
you, people can see it very clearly
radiates from
in your face and in your behaviour. (vt. / vi. + prep.)
 2. The evening sun warms the old red brick wall to a
glow. (a. very bright)
Kathy smiled at her daughter’s ______________
(a. extremely happy with joy shown on the face)
Words in Focus:
3. The old lady has the vigor and _____________
someone young enough to be her grand-daughter. ([U]
great happiness which shows in someone’s face and
makes him / her look very attractive)
The dim bulb of the bedside lamp cast a soft
over the child’s face. ([U] a glowing
light shining from sth.)
4. There is a clear link between exposure to
and some forms of cancer. ([U] a
form of energy produced during a nuclear reaction that
is used for making electrical power but can also kill or
harm humans who receive too much of it)
Words in Focus: adapt
1. Many software companies have _____________
popular programs(通用程序) to the new operating
system. . (v. to change sth. to make it suitable to or fit
for a specific use or situation)
We have to __________our
plans ____
to fit
Jackson’s timetable. (v. / prep.)
2. Most businesses want insurance policies that are
adaptable to
circumstances. (a.
+ prep. that can be used in different situations or for
different purposes)
It is a plant well ___________
to warm, wet
surroundings. (a. fml especially suitable for sth. or
Words in Focus: adapt
What we can do is to develop our ___________
to deal with difficult situations. (a. fml having the
ability or tendency to adapt to different situations)
3. The company specialize in the _____________
industrial buildings for housing. ([U] the process of
changing sth. so that it can be uses for a different
The television ___________
adaptation of the best-seller was a
great success. ([C] a book or play that has been made
into a film, TV programme etc.)
Word Review
Daffodils are a h____________
of spring.
What is the largest city in the southern h__________?
These factories are releasing toxic gases into the
He opened a newspaper and began to peruse
p_______ the
personal ads.
At these latitudes
l________ the sun does not rise at all on
winter days.
The plane flew at an altitude of 30,000 feet.
Word Review
The handwriting expert a_______
attested to the genuineness
of the signature.
The old fruits and vegetables d__________
decomposed quickly in
the heat.
The minister had to f_______
off some awkward
questions from reporters.
Hong Kong government has taken some effective
measures to m___________
the negative effects of
One engine of the plane caught fire and s_______
black smoke.
E-C Translation
Paragraph 1
Twenty-five years ago if you made a trip to the local
library and peruse the periodical section for articles on
global warming, you’d probably have come up with
only a few abstract from hardcore science journals or
maybe a blurb in some esoteric geopolitical magazines.
E-C Translation
Paragraph 2
If we don’t curb greenhouse gas emission, then
low-lying nations could be awash in seawater, rain
and drought patterns across the world would change,
hurricanes could become more frequent, and El Niños
could become more intense
E-C Translation
 Paragraph 3
What has worried many people now is that over the
past 250 years humans have been artificially raising the
concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
E-C Translation
Paragraph 4
In essence, these gases are trapping excess heat
in the Earth’s atmosphere in much the same way that
a windshield traps solar energy that enters a car.
E-C Translation
Paragraph 5
Taken together, all of these data suggest that over the
last century the planet has experienced the largest
increase in surface temperature in 1,000 years.
E-C Translation
Paragraph 6
Not surprisingly, many scientists speculate that such
changes in the climate will probably result in hotter
days and fewer cool days.
E-C Translation
 Paragraph 9
We can also do things to mitigate the impacts of
global warming and adapt to those most likely to occur,
e.g., through careful planning and other strategies that
reduce our vulnerability to global warming.
E-C Translation
Paragraph 10
We are also advocating policies that will combat
global warming over the long term, things like using
clean cars that run on alternative fuels,
environmentally responsible renewable energy
technologies, and stopping the clear-cutting of
valuable forests.
Translation Practice
He received death threats
from right-wing groups.
Drug abuses poses a
major threat to the fabric
of our society.
They used the threat of
strike action to enforce
their demands.
The existence of these
nuclear weapons poses a
grave threat to the future
of the world.
Translation Practice
Modern farming methods can 现代农业的耕作
have an adverse effect on the
The advertising campaign
didn’t have much effect on
We had problems with
mosquitoes, but this spray
had the desired effect.
Translation Practice
 这种病的后遗症
One of the effects of this
illness is that you lose your
给所有人都留下 Her new red dress produced
了相当深的印象。 quite an effect on everyone.
Don’t look at the details,
consider the general effect.
Translation Practice
The scandal led to him resigning.
The cyclone in Myanmar has led to many thousands
of deaths.
Reducing speed limits should lead to fewer deaths on
the roads.
This has led scientists to speculate on the existence
of other galaxies.
Translation Practice
The police had to take firm action to deal with the
Firefighters took action immediately to stop the blaze
We must take action to deal with the problem before
it spreads to other areas.
Translation Practice
His illness resulted from eating contaminated food.
The extensive damage resulted from a large explosion.
The hardship of so many elderly and disabled people
resulted from a new tax policy.
His difficulty in walking results from a childhood
Translation Practice
Most of these tools have been specially adapted for
use by disabled people.
When we moved to France, the children adapted (to
the change) very well.
Adapting yourself to circumstances is halfway along
the road to happiness.
The young man from the countryside adapted well to
life in the big city.
Textbook Exercises
Note (page.187)
Grammar Exercises
Integrated Skills
 Cloze
 Dictation
A Note: page 187
Yuri Gagarin (1934-1968)
a Soviet Union astronaut
and hero
He received medals from
around the world for his
pioneering tour in space.
 On 12th April, 1961 he became the
first man in outer space and the first to
orbit the Earth in Vostok I(“东方一
It could be the title of / a 21" century horror movie;/ "Death by
Global Warming". / Instead, it is a real-life warning / from an
American university ecologist / who believes / global warming /
may account for / millions of human deaths from disease. / Right
now / the evidence of / significant global climate change / is
minimal, / but there are already / noticeable increases / in human
diseases worldwide. / Most of the increase in disease / is due to
numerous environmental factors, / including infectious disease, /
pollution by chemicals / and biological wastes, / and shortage of
food. / Global warming will only / make matters worse. /
Global climate change / will result in a loss of available food. /
Although there may be some benefits / in crop production from
warmer climates, / these beneficial effects / will not be so great. /
Crop losses from plant disease and weeds / will increase in a
warmer climate.
Oral Practice: Debate
Which should be first, economic development or
environmental protection?
Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not
every man's greed.C l i c k t o e d i t c o m p a n y s l o g a n .
Thank you.