Enhanced Training - Library

Towards a More Inclusive
Complying with the AODA
Customer Service Standard
Annie Bélanger
Janet Wason
April 2010
• The Standard
permeates every
aspect of our
public-facing work.
• It’s everyone’s
– AODA Customer Service Standard
– Impacts on the Library
– The University
• Guideline Development
– Working Group
– Process for doing
• Sustainability
– Ongoing compliance
– Overview of staff sessions
– Ongoing training
• Understand the AODA Customer Service
– Accessibility vs. Accommodation
– Our obligations
– Our commitment
• Know how to approach revisions of
guidelines, procedures, and practices.
• Set the direction for future training and
sustainable compliance.
Modules Q&A
• Did you have questions about the Modules?
• Anything you’d like to know more about?
• What did you take away?
One example?
Overview of AODA
Accessibility for Ontarians with
Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA)
• The Vision: to make Ontario fully accessible by
• Only jurisdiction in Canada with legislation
setting out a comprehensive goal of accessibility
in areas that affect the daily life of persons with
• First jurisdiction in the world to move to a
regulatory system of legislation mandating
AODA – The Five Standards
Now law:
• Customer Service (2008)
Under ministerial review:
• Built Environment
• Employment
• Information and Communications
• Transportation
AODA – The Standards, cont’d
• Public and private sector compliance.
• Inclusive, consensus-based approach to
developing standards:
– Persons with disabilities and their service
organizations were part of the development
• Environment is what disables people.
• We need to design for universal access.
– Plan in order to prevent barriers.
• Accessibility is everyone’s responsibility.
Ask yourself:
Is there anything “here” that
might present a barrier?
Ontarians with Disabilities Act,
2001 (ODA)
• What is it?
– Public sector required to develop and file an
accessibility plan.
• Library’s endeavours resulted in our accessibility plan,
September 2003.
– http://www.lib.uwaterloo.ca/News/UWLibDocs/access/plan.html
– Highlighted the definitions of ‘disability’ and ‘barrier’.
• Why is the AODA better? The ODA:
– Has no regulations.
– Is based on the idea of accommodation.
ODA & Accommodation
• Assumption of ‘normal’ activity
• Responsibility of ‘disabilities’ office
• Modify environment one person at a time
– Reactive rectification of barriers
• Requires person to disclose
A ‘barrier’ is anything that stops a person with
a disability from fully taking part in society
because of that disability.
Shift in Approach
• Disability or problem is
with the person
• Reactive
• Individualized solution
• Problem is with the
• Proactive
• Integrate accessibility in
• Universal design
Note: The duty to
accommodate continues!
• Types:
– Physical
– Architectural
– Information or communications
– Attitudinal
– Technological
– Systemic
• Key insight:
– Think in terms of barriers; don’t focus on the person’s
Can you think of an example
of each type of barrier?
Print Disabilities
• Prevent people from reading standard print.
• Can be due to a visual, perceptual or physical
– E.g., vision impairment, a learning disability or a
disability that prevents the physical holding of a book.
• For full access, ensure the provision of:
– Publications in multiple formats, such as Braille,
audio, large print and electronic text.
– Assistive technology
From: Library and Archives
Canada: Initiative for
Equitable Library Access
Full Participation
The Vision
• A video:
– http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWzUF293
– Steve Kuusisto
• A professor of creative writing at the University of
• Joint appointment in public humanities at the
Carver Center for Macular Degeneration.
• What caught your attention?
Waterloo & the AODA
Customer Service
A Closer Look
• The Vision: Ontario is the only jurisdiction
in the world to require public and private
sector organizations to train their staff on
accessible customer service.
Who is Responsible?
• Faculty & Staff
– Full-time; Part-time
– Contract; co-op; casuals
• Volunteers
• ... Anyone acting on our behalf...
Definition of
‘Customer Service’
• Interaction between a customer and a
service provider of goods and service.
• Customer is one who engages in such an
interaction in order to receive goods or
– May be voluntary or involuntary.
• Providers include third parties and
Who are the Library’s
Faculty & Staff
Q&A – Who are Your Customers?
Information Services
and Resources
Library Administration
Site Libraries
Special Collections
Four Principles
– Self-respect, respect of others
– Do things without unnecessary help from others
– Same service, same way
– Same options, chances, and benefits
What is the University doing for compliance?
What the University is Doing…
• The University has created policy
statements to comply with the AODA.
• The University is offering training using
the COU modules.
• More information available on the
homepage of the Office for Persons
with Disabilities.
– http://www.adm.uwaterloo.ca/infosa/disabiliti
What do we have to do? What are the AODA
• Train staff, volunteers, ...:
– who interact with the public or other third
parties on your behalf.
– who are involved in developing our policies,
procedures and practices on the provision of
library services.
• Document training framework and
Policies, Practices, Procedures
• Establish policies/guidelines, practices
and procedures for the provision of
library services to persons with
– To be consistent with the 4 principles.
– To be communicated with and accessible
by users with disabilities.
• Document in writing the accessible
customer service policies, practices and
– Notify customers (users) that these
documents are available on request.
– Alternate formats must be available.
Feedback Process
• Establish a feedback process [for users].
– Variety of ways – in-person, e-mail,
telephone, web, etc.
– Must specify how you will deal with feedback,
and within what time-frame.
• Document the feedback process.
– Make information about it public.
– a and within reviewed by whom, response
• Ensure that ways of communicating take
into account a person’s disability.
– Provide information in a format that is
accessible to the user.
– Use plain language.
Notice of Service Disruptions
• Document a process for providing notice
of temporary disruptions [to users].
– Especially for facilities and services that are
used by persons with disabilities.
• Notice must:
– Include reasons, anticipated duration, any
alternative facilities or services.
– Be posted in a conspicuous place, website,
Assistive Devices
• Set a process for people to use their own
personal assistive devices to access library
– FM systems
– Wheelchairs, scooters
– Walkers
– Communication boards
Service Animals
• Allow service animals.
• Types of service animals:
– Guide dog
– Hearing or signal animal
– Mobility assistance animal
– Seizure response animal
– Therapeutic assistance animal
Support Persons
• Allow support persons for users accessing
library services.
– Support person may be mandatory for health
or safety reasons.
• Support persons:
– Guides
– Interpreters
– Note-takers, scribes, readers
– Personal care
Taking stock of our current environment
• What are we already doing?
• How are we promoting and supporting
• Let’s build a list!
Library Statement of
• "The University of Waterloo Library endeavours
to provide equitable access to library facilities
and materials to all members of its community.
In acknowledging the need for alternatives by
some individuals to standard library services,
and in modifying both the physical structure and
policies within the library system, the library is
working towards providing independent access
by everyone to the library's resources.“
A Brief List of Achievements
• Policies, Programs, Services:
– Statement of commitment to equitable access
– Library Services for Persons with Disabilities
– Information service offered in various ways
• Electronic Access:
– Databases, journals, books
– Website initiatives
A Brief List of Achievements
• Physical Environment and Facilities:
– Sliding doors (Porter), automatic door openers
(Davis), doors always open (UML)
– Split-level and electronically adjustable service
– Electronically adjustable workstations on
Porter floors main, 3 and 5
– Signage
A Brief List of Achievements
• Communications & Awareness:
– Staff awareness sessions
– Adaptive Technology Centre and Library
Services for Persons with Disabilities part of
ISR training program, and...
• ... On the Circulation Services staff web
Keep Up the Good Work!
Creating a More Inclusive
Policies, Practices &
Some Definitions…
• Policies/Guidelines
– what you intend to do, including any rules for staff.
• Procedures
– reflect your policies
– describe how you will go about providing service OR
the steps staff are expected to take in certain
• Practices
– what you do on a day-to-day basis, including how
your staff actually offer or deliver services.
– may be informal or written.
The Library as a whole needs to tackle this
requirement as well as the departments within the
Library. How do we get it done?
What is it?
• Cross-departmental working group to:
– Create a framework for guideline
– Coordinate the creation/revision of
library-wide policies/guidelines, procedures
and practices needed for compliance.
• The working group will be reporting to
Lib Exec and the Library Managers group.
What Will it Achieve?
• Create project plan and liaise with departments.
• Assess existing policies/guidelines, practices and
procedures as relating to compliance.
• Establish needed policies/guidelines, practices and
procedures for compliance.
• Create a framework for procedure documentation:
– Provide guidance and support for departmental level
– Create needed library-level policies/guidelines.
– Create toolkit for future planning.
– Create a communication plan about policies/guidelines.
– Prepare staff sessions to present new/updated policies.
Towards Compliance
Areas of Focus
Communication Expectations
Feedback Process
Reporting of Barriers
Service Disruption Notices
Service Philosophy
Staff Training
Towards Compliance
• Review work guidelines, practices, and
• Document policies/guidelines, practices, and
procedures for providing accessible service.
• Train staff on new/revised policies/guidelines,
practices, and procedures.
• Communicate the availability of the
new/revised document(s) with users.
Who’s Who?
• Administrative Sponsor: Sharon Lamont
• Members:
– Chair: Annie Bélanger
– Library Services for Persons with Disabilities:
Janet Wason
– Circulation: Wish Leonard, Alex McCulloch
– Communications: Mary Stanley
– Facilities: Eric Boyd
– ISR: Jennifer Haas
– Small Department Representative:
Kathy MacDonald
– Systems: Carl Nagel
Their relationship with the guideline
development work the Library needs to do.
Starting With University Policies
• University accessibility statements form
the basis of our guidelines, practices and
• We’ll:
– Focus on the implementation guidelines of
these statements in the Library.
– Focus on the details for the application of the
statements in your workflow.
Starting With University Policies
University Policy:
Assistive Devices
The University of Waterloo will make
every effort to ensure that people with
disabilities are allowed to use their
own personal assistive devices to
access goods and use services. We will
also ensure that staff are aware of
devices and technology available
through the Office for Persons with
Disabilities to support persons with
disabilities, such as access to FM
Systems to amplify sound for those
with hearing impairments, TTY’s, audio
recorders, wheelchairs, etc. If you
require assistance or would like more
information please contact the
University of Waterloo Office for
Persons with Disabilities.
Library Procedure:
Assistive Devices
• Library Services for Persons
with Disabilities will provide
assistive technologies in the
Adaptive Technology Centre.
• The Coordinator for Library
Services for Persons with
Disabilities will liaise with OPD
to ensure that assistive devices
are provided as required for
access to library services.
• The Library will need advance
notification of needed
accommodations of at least 5
working days.
Starting With University Policies
University Policy:
Service Animals
The University allows
people with disabilities to be
accompanied by their guide
dog or service animal in
areas that are open to the
public, unless the animal is
excluded by another law. If
a service animal is excluded
by law in certain areas, e.g.
food service preparation, we
will use other measures to
provide services to the
person with a disability.
Library Procedure:
Service Animals
• We will ensure that all staff
dealing with the public are
highly trained.
• Staff may ask confirmation
of service animal status at
any time.
• The owner of the service
animal is responsible for
maintaining control over the
service animal at all time.
Further, the owner is
responsible for any
damages caused by the
service animal.
Ok, so now we have to document our guidelines,
procedures and practices … We know the Working group
is focused on the library-wide, high-level document…
Let’s look at the process departments will need to follow
for their areas of responsibility?
The Process
1. Set a project scope and plan.
2. Do an Audit - List existing
policies/guidelines, procedures and
3. Assess and identify gaps.
4. Determine your approach to
policies/guidelines, procedures and
Think about outcomes.
What is your end game?
The Process, cont’d
5. Develop your new or revised
policies/guidelines, procedures and
a. Be in keeping with the principles of
dignity, independence, integration
and equal opportunity.
6. Implement and communicate
new/revised documentation.
1 - Getting Started
• 3 questions to get started:
– What is the scope of the project?
– Who should be involved?
– When will it begin and end?
2 - Do an Audit
You have your scope, team and timelines set. Now:
1. Communicate the scope of guidelines, procedures
and practices being reviewed.
2. Collect all existing statements, procedures,
guidelines within the scope.
Ask staff to share their knowledge of documented and
undocumented guidelines, procedures and practices (within
the scope).
3. Organize the collected materials before beginning
the next steps (gaps identification and assessment).
3 - Assess What You Have & Need
1. Create clearly defined evaluation criteria
that will be used to assess the guidelines,
procedures and practices.
a. Think of the desired outcomes.
2. Evaluate existing documents.
3. Identify gaps (new documents needed).
4. Determine needed revisions and
documentation to be created.
Equal Opportunity
3.3 - Identify Gaps
• Identify gaps in your guidelines,
procedures and practices.
– Review feedback from users; focus on
• No feedback doesn’t mean no work to do!
– Consult with public-facing staff about issues
and potential service solutions.
• Think about how those gaps impact your
ability to provide services to your users.
– Anticipate users’ needs.
4 - Determine Your Approach
How will you address
Things to Consider:
• Stand-alone statements
• Integrated into existing
customer service
procedures and practices
• Combination of both
• Accessibility should be
planned for from the
• What will work for:
Universal Design
gives preference to
– Your department?
– The policy being discussed?
Flexibility goes
a long way!
5 - Develop Required Documents
• Plan:
– Assign a priority level to each document that
needs to be revised/created.
– Identify individuals to be involved.
– Determine a development schedule.
• Identify current practices in the Library
and best practices elsewhere.
• Write/revise the documents.
• Decide on a review and approval process.
6 - Implement and Communicate
• Provide training for staff about:
– New/revised documents.
– New/revised workflows.
• Communicate with impacted users:
– On web, by email, etc.
• Have documents available in an easily
accessible format.
We’re all in this together!
LINC’s Registration Process
• To register, users:
– Visit the Library site, navigating to the Help &
Instruction section.
– Click on the session of interest.
– Login using UW user id.
– Review full list and select appropriate session.
– Click on the register button.
– View confirmation screen.
We’re all in this together!
LINC’s Registration Process 2.0
• To register, users can:
– Complete the accessible online form.
– Email the LINC committee.
– Call, or visit, the Information Desk.
• After registering, users can alert us to
accommodations they will need for full
participation by contacting Janet.
– Accommodations will be provided.
• May need to be provided in collaboration
with OPD. (e.g. FM System)
• Materials are made available in an
accessible format upon request.
Sample Statement
Confirmation Screen
The Library is committed to providing equitable
access to its services.
If you require specific accommodations as related
to a disability, please let us know so we can make
arrangements in advance.
Please also identify any assistance you may require
in the event of an emergency evacuation.
For more detailed information, contact Janet
Wason, by phone at xxx-xxxx or by email at
Breakout Time
• In small groups, examine an existing
guideline or practice.
• How can it be improved for accessibility?
– Determine your approach.
– Assess what you have.
– Revise it.
Equal Opportunity
The role of the “enhanced
training” group in ensuring
ongoing compliance
throughout the Library.
Ongoing Compliance
Your Role
• Ensure that departmental guidelines,
procedures and practices are (and remain)
• Assist in implementation of library guidelines.
• Ensure that training is available to staff.
– Ongoing training in connection with changes
made to relevant policies, procedures and
– Training about accessibility related to new duties.
– Training for new staff.
Plan, Ready, Set = Accessible
• Practise inclusive, universal design.
• Plan for accessibility from the start.
• Remember the 4 principles: dignity,
independence, integration and equal
• Be flexible!
Ask yourself:
Are there any implications for
accessibility in this decision?
Staff Sessions
Let’s take a look at what
the staff sessions will
• Full Participation – The Vision video
• Q&A about the modules
– A few scenarios
• Highlights of the modules
– Daily Commitment*
– Communication Pact*
– Tips*
• What the University and the Library is doing
Daily Commitment
• Every interaction is an opportunity for
accessible service.
– Model best practices for interacting and
communicating with persons with disabilities.
– Proactively identify and report barriers.
– Know what to do when someone
encounters a barrier in your
– Inform people about feedback
Communication PACT
Pay calm, individual attention to the other
Ask “How may I help?” to meet needs
Communicate clearly, patiently
Treat the other person with respect, as a
unique individual
What are some communication
tips from the modules?
Great Service: How may I help?
Let’s look at some tips to meet the 4
With thanks to Accessibility at Western!
This person can’t figure out what
the customer is saying.
Tip: Keep pen and paper handy and
offer it to the person.
Increasing Independence:
Assistive Devices
An extension of a
person’s capabilities
Tip: “Please don’t lean over, touch, or move my
Assistive Device; it’s an extension of me.”
Talking with a person in a wheelchair
for more than a short while?
Tip: Get eye to eye; avoid neck strain.
Maintaining Dignity
• Allow service animals.
• Types of service animals:
– Guide dog
– Hearing or signal animal
– Mobility assistance animal
– Seizure response animal
– Therapeutic assistance animal
Tip: Working Dog - do not pet or distract.
Tip: Pay attention to the owner.
Maintaining Dignity:
Service Animals
Maintaining Dignity:
Support Persons
•Welcome support
•Support persons:
scribes, readers
•Personal care
Tip: “Talk to me,
not to my support person.”
Your Role
Your Role
• Applying the 4 principles
to daily services
• Meeting your Daily
• Ensuring your
Communication PACT.
How Library Services for Persons
with Disabilities can help?
• Helps fulfill the duty to
• Ensures the provision of
assistive learning tools.
• Provides support for
students and Library staff.
• Liaisons with OPD for
provision of:
Assistive devices as required.
Specialized library services.
Alternate formats.
Additional support for
Q&A – What else would you
like staff sessions to include?
• Let’s talk about areas you feel your staff
should receive more info, clarification…
– Anything we have you feel is unnecessary?
– What else?
Let’s talk about training levels required for staff
moving forward.
Casuals, Contracts, Coops
• High level of public interactions:
– Training using COU modules
– Small group / one-on-one discussion with
training lead
• Low level of public interactions:
– Training using COU modules
– OR Booklet
Regular Staff
• New Staff:
– Training using COU modules
– Small group follow-up once a semester
• Led by training lead or department head
• Cross-departmental
• Existing Staff:
– Refreshers
– Guideline sessions
– Additional based on duties assigned
• Enhanced training for those that have a
strong involvement in at least one of the
– the development and establishment of
– the development/planning of public-facing
– the development of training for staff
(e.g. creation of training plan – not only the
delivery of training).
+Not all supervisors require
this level of training.
Compliance Tools
• Guide to the Accessibility Standards for
Customer Service
• Compliance Manual: Accessibility
Standards for Customer Service
• Guide to planning accessible meetings
– http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/eng/disability_issues/
• Office for Persons with Disabilities
– http://www.studentservices.uwaterloo.ca/disa
• Disability Awareness Kit – State Library of
Victoria, Australia
– http://www.openroad.net.au/access/dakit/wel
• Canadian Library Association: Canadian
Guidelines on Library and Information
Services for People with Disabilities
– http://www.cla.ca/Content/NavigationMenu/R
• American Library Association: Library
Services for People with Disabilities Policy
– http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/ascla/ascla