Stonehenge in winter Image credit: During the last

Stonehenge in winter
Image credit:
During the last century Stonehenge became the sort of symbol of Great Britain, the place where
every decent tourist considers as a duty to be snapped on the background of, as the proof of
having holiday in that particular place.
Only in the British Islands the archeologists run across about 900 diminutive Stonehenges not
mention to the countless amount of similar prehistoric structures found in the territory Of Europe
and Asia. Stonehenge is simply the most grandiose and preserved of its time, moreover it’s been
covered by the mystery. But as far as the enigma equals with the attractiveness by most of the
people, the infinite streams of tourists flow to Salisbury Plain, probably hoping that right on the
spot it dawns on them why about 4600 years ago someone made such titanic efforts for erecting
It needs to be said that during the last centuries there have been considered a great deal of
different assumptions regarding «who?» and «why?» had built Stonehenge. Here are some myths
and theories about Stonehenge:
1. Stonehenge appeared due to the druids that used it as a sacrificial temple for making
their gory rituals. It was one of the first visions disproved with the development of the science
and technologies. It was shown to be true that the Celts bared no relations to the construction of
Stonehenge, because they came to the British Islands later than the megalithan construction had
been put together.
2. Stonehenge was built as the solar and lunar calendar, and it was the sort of peculiar
astronomical observatory of the Bronze Age. Though there are questions arise then: «Why
build such a labour-intensive calendar only for the observing the Sun and the Lune? Why not to
observe it by means of leaving the marks on any surfaces?»
3. Stonehenge illustrates the model of Solar System according to which the System consists
of 9 planets instead of 12.
4. As far as in the site of Stonehenge were found approximately 250 burials, some scientists
concluded that it was the largest Neolithic cemetery and resting-place for the elite of that
5. The supporters of this idea say, that someone made their route of 200 miles for bringing
the huge blocks from the mountains in Wales to the Salisbury Plain, to the purpose. Since
the site where Stonehenge was built is a so-called place of power, the source of salubrious
energy, where people feel an inexplicable surge of vigor and get healed from various illnesses.
As proof of it there were discovered the interments of people with obvious body injuries, who
presumably used to make pilgrimage to the cryptic place in hope of getting cured from their
6. Stonehenge is neither more nore less a portal into parallel worlds. Some people believe
that the druids weren’t exterminated by the Roman legionaries, that they simply escaped to
another dimension with help of Stonehenge.
7. Stonehenge was created by an alien civilization as a message for the humans, which will
be deciphered when the mankind is ready for it.
8. Stonehenge, a monument being the embodiment of the Cult of the Mother Goddess.
According to this bold theory the altar stone is none other than the clitoris.
9. There is the believe that the British Islands used to be a mountain part of sunken
Atlantis. The Atlantians, who could affect the wave nature of things and because of that move
the heavy monoliths, erected Stonehenge as one of many temples of the Cult of the Sun.
10. Stonehenge is the landing ground for the alien spaceships, an original radar, indicating
the direction owing to very strong magnetic and energetic channels of the Earth having
been concentrated there. In favour of this theory says the fact that the slabs of Stonehenge
consists of quartz. This mineral is well known for its characteristic of emanation the radio-waves,
which makes the megaliths a real radio transmitter. And the magnetic anomalies as well as the
occurrences of UFOs with attributed to them crop circles are quite frequent phenomenons in the
area of Stonehenge.
While we’ve been advancing the hypotheses regarding the nature of Stonehenge, it is getting
more and more popular and produce a certain amount of peculiar imitations. So in Maryhill,
Washington in the beginning of the 20th century was built the copy of Stonehenge, to be exact
the interpretation of Stonehenge in its heyday, before it was destroyed by the humans and time.
In America, the state of Nebraska there is its own Carhendge, and possibly in the distant future
someone will be asking oneself why all those weird means of conveyance of the 20th century
were collected together.
Author: Anna Mackey
The South Of England