Developing your four year plan Degree vs. No Degree Average lifetime earnings for a college graduate is over $1 million higher than for someone with a high school diploma. Salary Rates Level of Education Average earnings Less than high school diploma $27,800 High school graduate $39,700 Some college, no degree $45,600 Associate degree $47,300 Bachelor’s degree $68,200 Master’s degree $81,500 Doctoral $99,900 Professional degree $106,800 Graduation/ADMISSION Requirements Subjects Graduation Requirements Community College University Requirements English 4 4 4 Math 4 (ONE (1) year upper level) 4 4 (Alg1-2, Geometry, Alg 3-4, Advanced Level) Science 3 (one life, one physical) 3 3 (Chem-Physics, Bio, Advanced Level) Social Studies 3 3 2 Fine Art/CTE 2 2 1 (FA) PE/Health 1/.5 1/.5 0 Foreign Language 0 0 2 (same lang.) Electives 5.5 5.5 0 TOTAL 23 23 16 Must pass AIMS Writing, Reading and Mathematics! Arizona University Admissions Must have minimum 3.0 GPA or ACT 22 or SAT 1040 or be in the top 25% Applicant with a 2.50-2.99 GPA in core course may be admitted with conditions Admission may be granted with one deficiency in no more than two subject areas. Deficiencies in both math and science are not acceptable Are you on track to graduate? Alternative credit options (Supplemental Programs) $$$$ ($175 per .5 CREDIT) Summer school TUOL Evening School Saturday School Correspondence FREE CRC-credit recovery TUOL credit recovery TUOL (if one of your 6 classes) Career Exploration (Jr./Sr. yr.) REMEMBER: YOU CAN ADD A NEW CLASS DURING REGISTRATION IN THE SPRING OR IN THE FIRST 10 DAYS OF EACH SEMESTER Advantages to Dual Enrollment Courses Over 28 Dual Credit Classes in 7 departments Jump start in taking college classes at a reduced cost Graduate early from college Community Colleges Rio Salado Community College South Mountain Community College Cost: $76 per credit hour Plus $15 enrollment fee Advantages AP Courses 12 AP Classes offered in 6 departments Gives you a lead in the college application pool Accepted by most institutions, public and private Exam in May (Cost $87.00) Flight Training and Aviation Automotive Technology Practical Nursing (LPN) Cosmetology Culinary Arts Collision Repair Technology Fire Fighting Construction Tech. Massage Therapy 3-D Animation Medical Assistant Electronics Photo Imaging Radio Broadcasting EVIT Schedule English Math Science Go to EVIT for 3 elective credits Bus Schedule 7:10 AM – 10:55 AM – 3:10 PM Four Year Plan Freshman Courses Junior Courses 1. English 1. English 2. Math (Alg 1-2) 2. Math (Alg 3-4) 3. Chem-Physics Foundation or Physical World 3. Science (Chem, Physics, Bio 3-4, Human Anat., Biotech, Earth) 4. Physical Education 4. US/AZ History 5. Elective (For. Lang.) 5. Elective (CTE or Fine Art) 6. Elective 6. Elective Sophomore Courses Senior Courses 1. English 1. 2. Math (Geometry) 3. Biology or Living World 2. Upper level math (Pre-Calc or higher) 4. World History/Geography 5. Health (.5) / Elective (.5) 6. Elective (For. Lang.) *University acceptance English 3. US/AZ Govt (.5)/Economics or Entrepreneurship (.5) 4. Elective (CTE or Fine Art) 5. Elective 6. ENGLISH CLASS FLOWCHART Freshmen English Honors Freshmen Sophomore English Jr. English Sr. English or Adv. Comp Honors Sophomore Honors Jr.or AP Lang.& Comp. Honors Sr. English or AP Lit or Adv. Comp 16 SCIENCE CLASSES Marcos de Niza High School ChemPhysics Physical World Honors Biology Biology Living World University Track Honors Chem-Physics Honors Chemistry Anatomy Honors Physics Biotech Chemistry Biology 3-4 Physics Earth Science Practical Ecology Practical Astronomy Page 16 SOCIAL STUDIES COURSES 10th HONORS WORLD HIST./GEO. OR AP WORLD HIST./GEO World History/Geog 11th HONORS AM/AZ HISTORY OR AP US HISTORY Am/AZ History 12th H. US GOVT H. ECONOMICS US/AZ Gov Economics OR Entrepreneur Difference between FA/CTE Drama Art/Design Piano/Guitar Choir Ceramics Photography Fine Arts Construction Tech. Computer classes Marketing Business Mgmt. Foods Child Development Voc Ed or Career Technical Education