Running head: GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER Gerontology Nursing Process Paper William Schmidt Kent State University 1 GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER 2 Client Profile M.B. is a 63 year old Caucasian female initially admitted on August 22, 2012 for a right thoractomy with exploration and pleural biopsy for right upper lobe cancer. There was extensive pleural metastasis so the patient was closed up due to the mass being more extensive than expected so only the biopsy was done .After this she was admitted to the intensive care unit postoperatively. On the same day the patient had a change in mental status and became hypoxic which lead to being intubated. M.B. became hypotensive and developed a right pneumothorax which resulted in the placement of a chest tube. On September 2, 2012 the patient was extubated along with the chest tube being pulled on September 13, 2012. M.B. underwent a bronchoscopy to assess for hemoptysis as well as squamous cell lung cancer. After returning from this procedure she developed high fevers and rigors which she then began pneumonia treatment. On September 17, 2012 M.B. tested positive for MRSA and Acinetobacter and placed on antibiotic therapy and contact precautions. On October 2, 2012 M.B. was admitted to the rehab floor to begin therapy; however on October 4, 2012 she was transferred off the floor to receive packed red blood cells in which she began to develop a fever, diaphoresis, and shortness of breath. Rapid response was called and she was once again transferred to the ICU. Chest x-rays showed bilateral infiltrates worse than previous diagnosis. She was then put on Lasix, 100% non rebreather mask and later discovered her source of infection was her PICC line which was replaced with a central line. At this point upon meeting her she is medically stable and anxious to finish therapy and go home. Primary Diagnosis Squamous cell carcinoma, post right thoracotomy, exploration and parietal biopsy. GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER 3 Squamous cell carcinoma starts in the large bronchi of the lungs and is the malignant transformation of lung tissue (B lack & Hawk, 2009). Cigarette smoking as well as people exposed to second hand smoke are ten times more likely to develop lung cancer than non smokers. Lung cancer develops when the normal cells of the lung mutate and reproduce excessively to form masses (Black & Hawk, 2009). Tumor cell growth will begin to inhibit lungs full expansion capability thus limiting function of the lung or lung. Signs and symptoms may include but are not limited to hoarseness, change in respiratory pattern, persistent cough, sputum streaked with blood, frank hemoptysis, and unexplained dyspnea (Black & Hawk, 2009).Thoracotomy is a procedure done by cutting into the pleural membrane of the lungs in this case to explore and find out the extent of the cancer metastasis. Secondary Diagnosis(s) Postoperative hypoxic respiratory failure Respiratory failure takes place when the body’s mechanism for providing tissues with oxygen and removing carbon dioxide shuts down. In this particular case the patient has experienced hypoxemic respiratory failure which can be caused by diffusion problems like pulmonary edema, adult acute respiratory distress syndrome, or localized problem such as pneumonia, bleeding into chest or lung tumors. (Black & Hawk, 2009)Signs and symptoms may includes restlessness, adventitious lung sounds, pulse oximetry readings below 85%, cyanosis, and elevated blood pressure (Black & Hawk, 2009). Anemia According to Black and Hawk (2009) “Anemia is a clinical condition that results from an insufficient supply of healthy red blood cells (RBCs), the volume of packed RBCs, and/or the GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER 4 quantity of hemoglobin” (p.2004).This particular patient may be suffering from defective DNA synthesis because she is receiving vitamin b12 as a regular medication in order to improve her anemia. If the number of red blood cells is too low adequate amounts of oxygen cannot be carried to tissues resulting in hypoxia(Black & Hawk, 2009).Some signs and symptoms associated with anemia are dyspnea(shortness of breath), palpitations, diaphoresis(profuse perspiration), and chronic fatigue. Generalized weakness Fatigue and generalized weakness is very common in the disease process and in this case brought on by both the cancer and anemia. Many things can be done to remove contributing for example b12 will be given to improve the anemia, and therapy programs will be catered to this particular patient’s ability. It is important as the nurse to recognize signs and symptoms of weakness and fatigue in order to create a safe and health promoting environment. (Black & Hawk, 2009) Surgical History Patient has history of cardiac catheterization and stenting. It is noted in the chart the patient has had some type of back surgery but does not list any specifics and patient is unsure of exact procedure. A notation of bilateral shoulder surgeries has also been listed with no specifics. Patient’s most recent surgery was a thoracotomy and biopsy of pleura. Gordon’s Functional Assessment Gordons FUNCTIONAL HEALTH PATTERNS ASSESSMENT TOOL GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER Nursing Practicum_____ Student___William Schmidt Date_10-10-12___ Patient's Initials_MB___ Male____ Female__X___ Age______ Medical Diagnosis___Sauamous cell lung cancer,copd,anemia,Weakness Reason for seeking health care__Chronic hypoxia secondary to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 1. HEALTH PERCEPTION-HEALTH MANAGEMENT Past medical history: Illnesses:__Recent polymicrobial sepsis secondary to Enterococcus faecalis Serratia marcescens and methicillin resistant staph aureus, Post incision incision and debridement of right lateral chest wall, moderate copd, hypertension Surgery:___History of cardiac catheterization, back surgery, bilateral shoulder surgeries History of chronic disease_Patient has known about her COPD diagnosis for "around five year" but has been recently diagnosed with lung cancer Immunization History: ____ Tetanus______ Pnemonia_____ Influenza__X___ MMR______ __X__ Polio ______ Hepatitis B Use of Tobacco:__X__ None -Quit(date_____<1ppd____1-2ppd___ >2pks/day ___Pks/yr history__ Patient states that her husband has smoked for many years _____smokeless tobacco)____pipe_____cigar Alcohol: Amount/type______NOt for many years___ Date of last drink___Does not recall__ Frequency of use __Never_ Other drugs: Amount/Type :__Denies Use___Freq. Of Use :________________________ 5 GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER 6 Medication (prescription/Nonprescription) Page 1 Gordons Name PLease see medication list Dose Frequency of Use Last Dose Allergies_Unasyn_NKA_____________ Perception of health:______good__X__ fair________poor Health Management Habits: Exercise on a regular basis? ___Yes__X_No Follow prescribed regimen? ___Yes __No X Cannot be assessed at this time Page 2 Gordons Safety:__X walker__Special Equipment ___precautions:____Siderails___Restraints ___question for following: use of seat belt, car seats for kids, breasts/testicular self examination, safe working conditions._________N/A_____________________________________________ Home Health in last semester safe environment in home i.e.: smoke detectors, access to home (stairs), throw rugs/carpets, cleanliness, health issues observed :____Patient states she lives in a one story home and has her husband to help care for her 2. NUTRITIONAL-METABOLIC ____Not Assessed _Unknown Ht._Unknown_Wt._None reported__Weight fluctuations last 6 months Type of Diet/Restrictions:____ Regular____Lo Salt__X__Diabetic__ Other Supplements_______ GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER Appetite_X_Normal___Increased___Decreased___Decreased taste___Food intolerance:_____ _____Nausea_____Vomiting Describe:_____________________ ______Swallowing difficulties_____gag reflex_______chewing difficulties Feeding _X_self____Assist Condition of mouth:_X_pink______inflammed__X_moist______dry _______lesions/ulcerations describe__________________ teeth /gums___Own teeth no dentures______ ______Dentures____upper (partial/full)_______lower(partial/full) ______Intravenous fluids type/amt_____Patient is heplocked________. Insertion Site:_____PICC Line to right chest triple lumen________ ______NG________ Gastrostomy Skin Condition:_pink___color: pallor,ashen, pink, jaundice, cyanotic, ruddy _warm___ temperature: warm,cool, hot _dry___dry, moist, clammy, diaphoretic Page 3 Gordons _none___edema:pitting/non-pitting _good___turgor: good, poor, tenting _none___pruriitis _yes_intact ____bruises/lesions describe: (size, location)__Surgical incision site to upper back 4 inches long well approximated and healing well. no signs of redness edema or drainage__ Body temperature:______ tympanic _98.2 F_oral _____rectal 3. ELIMINATION ____Not Assessed 7 GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER Bowel Habits Describe:____Formed brown large__ (consistency, color, amount) __1_____#BM's/day_10/10/12_____ Date of last BM _______Constipation_____Diarrhea_______Incontinence Bladder Habits Describe:___light yellow clear 800cc last shift_____(color, clarity, amount) _____Frequency ____Dysuria____Nocturia_____Urgency_______Hematuria ____Retention _____ Burning______Hesitancy________Pressure Incontinency:_X_No ___Yes______daytime ________nighftime ________occasional______difficulty delaying voiding Assistive Devices:_____intermittent catheterization______indwelling cath ______external catheter____________ incontinent briefs Ostomy: type: ________ ____Appliance ______self-care Inspect Abdomen:_X_ symmetry_____ flat_____ rounded__X_ obese Auscultate Abdomen:__X__ normal bowel sounds______Hypoactive______ Hyperactive Palpate abdomen:__X_ soft____ firm_____ tender : describe__Abdomen soft and non distended bowel sounds present in all quadrants_____ _____ distention: describe:_____________________________________ Page 4 Gordons 4. ACTIVITY-EXERCISE ______Not Assessed A. Musculoskeletal:______tremors ____atrophy ______swelling Self-Care Ability: 0=Independent 1=Assistive device 2=Assistance from others 3=Assistance from person and equipment 4=Dependent/Unable 01234 8 GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER Eating 0 Bathing 2 Dressing 2 Toileting 1 Page 5 Gordons Bed Mobility 0 Transferring 2 Ambulating 2 Stairs 2 Shopping 3 Page 6 Gordons Cooking 2 Home Maint.3 Assistive Devices:___ none____ crutches ______Bedside commode_X__ Walker ____cane_____ splint/brace __X_wheelchair________ other Gait:__X_normal______abnormaI_______________________________(describe) Range of Motion__X__normal______limited_______________________(describe) Posture:__X_normal_______Kyphosis_________Lordosis Deformities_X_no ______yes:__________________________________(describe) Amputation________________________Prosthesis_________________________ Physical Development Assessment:_X___normal__________abnormal describe:______________________________________ B. CV _____Not Assessed Pulse:_X__regular ____irregular______strong _____weak 9 GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER _____radial rate_76__apical rate Blood Pressure:______ standing_______lying__141/89__sitting Extremities: Temperature: ___cold ___cool _X_warm_____hot Page 7 Gordons Capillary Refill:_X__brisk ____sluggish Color:___Normal for race_________(describe) Homan's Sign:_X__Negative_________Positive Nails: __X__Normal________ Thickened _______other: ________(describe) Hair distribution:_X__normal________abnormal________________(describe) Pulses:__+2___Femoral_______Popliteal_________Post-tibial___+2___Dorsalis _______Palpable________Doppled Claudication:______yes__X__no C. Respiratory ______Not Assessed Inspect chest:__X__symmetrical ___________asymmetrical Respirations _22_rate _Shallow_depth (shallow, deep, abdominal, diaphragmatic) _X_regular ___irregular_______________periods of apnea ____dyspnea at rest____orthopnea__X_dyspnea on exertion _______Cough:dry/productive describe______Moist productive cough________ _______Sputum: describe_______Thick yellow_____________ Auscultate chest:_X_crackles_X__rhonchi ______friction rub_______wheezing describe:__Rhonchi heard bilateral with occasional crackles present__ Other:_______chest tube_______ tracheostomy Describe:________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Page 8 10 GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER Gordons Oxygen:__5 liters nasal cannula__________ 5. SLEEP-REST ________Not Assessed Usual Sleep Habits: _6__hours per night __2__consecutive hours slept per noc ____a.m. nap ________p.m. nap feel rested after sleep_X yes__no awakening during night __yes _X no insomnia __yes __no Methods used to promote sleep: _None_medication:_________________________________ __________warm fluids _____rituals: (bathing, reading, tv, music) 6. COGNITIVE-PERCEPTUAL _______Not Assessed Level of Consciousness:__X_alert___ lethargic___drowsy____stuporous______comatose Mood (subjective):_X_pleasant___irritable___calm___happy____euphoric _____ anxious_____ fearful_____ other:_Patient is very pleasant and very tolerant of student nurse___ Affect (objective):__surprise__anger__sadness__joy___disgust_Xresident is reluctant to be so far from hospital upon discharge _fear___ flat__ blunted__ full___ Orientation Level:_X_person_X_place__X_time _X_significant other Memory: recent:__Xyes _no Remote: _X_yes __no Pupils:____size _Brisk_Reaction (brisk/sluggish) Reflexes:__X__normal _____absent Grasps:__Strong__Right: strong/weak __Strong_left: strong/weak Push/Pulls:__Weak__right: strong/weak _Weak__left: strong/weak 11 GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER Other:_____numbness _____tingling Pain:_X_Denies ____Location: describe: ________________________ ____Radiation: describe:________________________ ____Intensity: (0-10 scale) ____Timing (how often, events that percipitate) Page 9 Gordons When did pain begin?________________________________________ What alleviates pain?________________________________________ What increases pain?________________________________________ Thought Content:___Normal thought content___________________________ Senses: Visual Acuity:_____wnl__X_glasses______ contacts_____blind (R/L) Prosthesis: (artificial eye) R/L Hearing:__X_wnl____impaired (R/L)_____deaf(R/L) ______hearing aid _______tinnitus______drainage from ears Touch: ___X__wnl______ abnormal: describe________ tingling _____numbness Smell___X_normal ________ abnormal Ability to: communicate: language spoken___X_ read__X_clear_X_, articulate_X__ Ability to make decisions_X easy ___moderately easy ___moderately difficult ___difficult (subjective) 7. SELF-PERCEPTION-SELF-CONCEPT _______Not Assessed Appearance:_X_calm____anxious____irritable_____withdrawn_____restless __X_appropriate dress _______hygiene Level of anxiety: (subjective) Rate on 0-10 scale____2____ 12 GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER (objective) face reddened: __X__no _____yes voice volume changes _X_no ___yes(loud/soft) voice quality _X_no ___ yes(quavering/hesitation) muscle tenseness: relaxed fists/teeth clenched Body language describe____Very calm and cooperative very willing to contribute to own care____________________ Eye contact: Direct Answers questions: ___X__readily__________hesitantly Usual view of self__X_ positive ______neutral _______somewhat negative (subjective) Level of control in this situation___7____(0-10) (subjective) Page 10 Gordons Usual level of assertiveness_____7____(0-10) (subjective) Body Image: Is current illness going to result in a change in body structure or function? _____no ___X__unsure _____yes describe: _Patient states she is not sure what procedure will be next____(subjective) 8. ROLE-RELATIONSHIP ______Not Assessed Does patient live alone ____yes __X_no: with whom_____Husband__________________ Married____Yes____ Children_____Unsure__________ Next of Kin______Husband__________________ Occupation:_____None_______________________ Employment Status:___employed ____short-term disability_____long-term disability __X__retired______unemployed Support System: _X__spouse ___X__neighbors/friends________none 13 GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER _____family in same residence -family in separate residence Family: Interaction: (describe)_____Patient states she has many family and friends that live locally that are very supportive_______ __________ Question patient regarding: Concerns about illness:_Patient is concerned because she does not know what the next step will be for her. She is very nervous about doing cancer treatment in the winter and living an hour from the hospital_________ _________________________________________________________________________ Will admission cause signifcant changes in usual role?____Resident has been in hospital for an extended stay and is anxious to return to role at home after discharge in a few days________ __________________________________________________________________________ Social activities:___X__active ________limited _______none Activities participated in:____Church and socializing with friends and family_______________________________ Comfort in social situations (subjective)___X_comfortable___________uncomfortable **** if patient is dependent on others for care note any evidence of physical or Page 11 Gordons psychosocial abuse 9. SEXUALITY-REPRODUCTIVE ______Not Assessed Female:______date of LMP ___Para ____Gravida_______Pregnant ______Menopause ____no__X__yes __Does not remember__year Contraception______no_______yes_______________Type 14 GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER Hx. of vaginal bleeding __X_no ____yes (describe)_____________________ Last Pap Smear___________ History of sexually transmitted disease __X_no _____yes:_________________ Male: History of Prostate problems _____yes ______no History of penile discharge, bleeding, lesions; ______no ______yes describe:_____________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Last prostate exam:_______________________ History of sexually transmitted disease ________no _______yes: Both: Problems with sexual functioning?______None______________________ Sexual concerns at this time?__________None__________________________ 1 0. COPING-STRESS TOLERANCE _________Not Assessed Overt signs of stress (crying, wringing of hands, clenched fists) Describe:_________None____________________________________ _ Question patient regarding: Primary way you deal with stress?________Patient seems very relaxed and a go with the flow type person. It seems as thought the patient tries to hide fears and stress with denial and humor. ___________________________________________________________________________ _ Concerns regarding hospitalizaton/illness: (financial, self-care)______None_________ 15 GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER Page 12 Gordons Major loss within last year ____yes __X_no Describe:________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 11. VALUE-BELIEF _______Not Assessed Religion:_____Protestant ____Catholic ___ Jewish __Muslim ___Buddhist ___None _X_other: Cristian non specific Question Tatient regarding: Religious Restrictions:_____None______________________________________________ Religious Practices:____Attends church regularly_______________________________________ Concerns related to ability to practice usual spiritual or religious customs? ___X____no ___________ yes Describe:_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Revised 05/00 Four assessment tools CONFUSION ASSESSMENT METHOD (CAM) YES NO 1. ACUTE ONSET/FLUCTUATING COURSE Is there a history of an acute change in mental status with evidence __NO_ ___ of fluctuation in the degree of symptoms? 2. INATTENTION Does the patient have difficulty focusing attention (e.g., being easily ___ NO___ distractible, or failing to focus on the discussion or sustain an effort)? 3. DISORGANIZED SPEECH Is the patient's speech disorganized or incoherent, such as rambling or ___ NO__ irrelevant conversation, unclear or illogical flow of ideas, or unpredictable switching of subjects? 16 GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER 17 4. ALTERED LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS Is the patient's level of alertness either hyperalert (e.g., vigilant, overly ___NO___ sensitive to environmental stimuli, easily startles); or hypoalert (e.g., lethargic, stuporous, drowsy, difficult to arouse)? Reproduced from: Confusion Assessm e n t M e t h o d ( C A M ) and CAM-ICU in: Inouye SK. Delirium in hospitalized older patients. Clin Geriatr Med 1998; Geriatric Depression Scale: Short Form Choose the best answer for how you have felt over the past week: 1. Are you basically satisfied with your life? YES 2. Have you dropped many of your activities and interests? NO 3. Do you feel that your life is empty? NO 4. Do you often get bored? NO 5. Are you in good spirits most of the time? YES 6. Are you afraid that something bad is going to happen to you? NO 7. Do you feel happy most of the time? YES 8. Do you often feel helpless? NO 9. Do you prefer to stay at home, rather than going out and doing new things? YES 10. Do you feel you have more problems with memory than most? NO 11. Do you think it is wonderful to be alive now? YES 12. Do you feel pretty worthless the way you are now? NO 13. Do you feel full of energy? NO 14. Do you feel that your situation is hopeless? NO 15. Do you think that most people are better off than you are? NO Answers in bold indicate depression. Score 1 point for each bolded answer. A score > 5 points is suggestive of depression. A score > 10 points is almost always indicative of depression. A score > 5 points should warrant a follow-up comprehensive assessment. Source: BRADEN SCALE FOR PREDICTING PRESSURE SORE RISK Sensory Perception Ability to respond meaningfully to pressure-related discomfort 4 1 Point Completely limited: Unresponsive (does not moan, flinch, or grasp) to painful stimuli because of diminished level of consciousness or sedation. 2 Points Very limited: Responds only to painful stimuli. Cannot communicate discomfort except by moaning or restlessness. 3 Points Slightly limited: Responds to verbal commands but cannot always communicate discomfort or need to be turned. OR Has some sensory impairment, which limits 4 Points No impairment: Responds to verbal commands. Has no sensory deficit that would limit ability to feel or voice pain or discomfort. GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER OR Limited ability to feel pain over most of body surface. Moisture Degree to which skin is exposed to moisture 4 Activity Degree of physical activity 3 Mobility Ability to change and control body position 4 Constantly moist: Skin is kept moist almost constantly by perspiration, urine, etc. Damp-ness is detected every time patient is moved or turned. Bedfast: Confined to bed. Completely immobile: Does not make even slight changes in body or extremity position without assistance. 18 OR Has a sensory impairment that limits the ability to feel pain or discomfort over half of body. Very moist: Skin is often, but not always, moist. Linen must be changed at least once a shift. ability to feel pain or discomfort in 1 or 2 extremities. Occasionally moist: Skin is occasionally moist, requiring an extra linen change approximately once a day. Rarely moist: Skin is usually dry; linen requires changing only at routine intervals. Chairfast: Ability to walk severely limited or nonexistent. Cannot bear own weight and / or must be assisted into chair or wheelchair. Walks occasionally: Walks occasionally during day, but for very short distances, with or without assistance. Spends majority of each shift in bed or chair. Slightly limited: Makes frequent though slight changes in body or extremity position independently. Walks frequently: Walks outside the room at least twice a day and inside room at least once every 2 hours during waking hours. Very limited: Makes occasional slight changes in body or extremity position but unable to make frequent or significant changes independently . No limitations: Makes major and frequent changes in position without assistance. GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER Nutrition Usual food intake pattern 4 Friction and Shear 3 Very poor: Never eats a complete meal. Rarely eats more than one third of any food offered. Eats 2 servings or less of protein (meat or dairy products) per day. Takes fluids poorly. Does not take a liquid dietary supplement. OR Is NPO and / or maintained on clear liquids or IVs for more than 5 days. Probably inadequate: Rarely eats a complete meal and generally eats only about half of any food offered. Protein intake includes only 3 servings of meat or dairy products per day. Occasionally will take a dietary supplement. OR Receives less than optimal amount of liquid diet or tube feeding. Problem: Potential Requires problem: moderate to Moves feebly maximal or requires assistance in minimal moving. assistance. Complete lifting During a without sliding move skin against sheets is probably impossible. slides to some Frequently extent against slides down in sheets, chair, bed or chair, restraints, or requiring other devices. frequent Maintains repositioning relatively with maximal good position assistance. in chair or Spasticity, bed most of contractions, or the time but agitation leads occasionally 19 Adequate: Eats over half of most meals. Eats a total of 4 servings of protein (meat, dairy products) each day. Occasionally will refuse a meal, but will usually take a supplement if offered. OR Is on a tubefeeding or TPN regimen that probably meets most of nutritional needs. No apparent problem: Moves in bed and in chair independently and has sufficient muscle strength to sit up completely during move. Maintains good position in bed or chair at all times. Excellent: Eats most of every meal. Never refuses a meal. Usually eats a total of 4 or more servings of meat and dairy products. Occasionally eats between meals. Does not require supplements. GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER to almost constant friction. 20 slides down. Instructions: Score client in each of the six subscales. Maximum score is 23, indicating little or no risk. A score of < 16 indicates “at risk”, a score <9 indicates high risk. From Perry and Potter 4th Edition of Basic Nursing. Used with permission of Nancy Bergstrom and Barbara Braden, PhD, RN, Professor, Creighton University School of Nursing, Omaha, Nebraska. FALL RISK ASSESSMENT Resident Name: MB Date: _10/10/12_________ X Admission Post-Fall Quarterly Parameter A 0. Level of Consciousness/ Mental Status Readmission Change in Condition Score Patient Status/Condition 0 Alert and oriented X3 2 Disoriented X 3 at all times 4 Intermittent confusion B. History of Falls 0 No falls 0 (past 3 months) 2 1-2 falls 4 3 or more falls 0 Ambulatory & continent 2 Chair bound & requires assist w/ toileting 4 Ambulatory & incontinent 0 Adequate (w/ or w/o glasses) 2 Poor (w/ or w/o glasses) C. 0 D. 0 Ambulation/ Elimination Status Vision Status GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER 4 E. Gait and Balance ------ 1 F. Orthostatic 0 Changes G. 21 Legally blind Have resident stand on both feet w/o any type of assist then have walk: forward, thru a doorway, then make a turn. (Mark all that apply.) 0 Normal/safe gait and balance. 1 Balance problem while standing. 1 Balance problem while walking. 1 Decreased muscular coordination. 1 Change in gait pattern when walking through doorway. 1 Jerking or unstable when making turns. 1 Requires assistance (person, furniture/walls or device). 0 No noted drop in blood pressure between lying and standing. No change to cardiac rhythm. Take resident’s blood pressure and pulse lying down, then again after standing up. 2 Medications ------ Based upon the following types of medications: anesthetics, antihistamines, cathartics, diuretics, antihypertensives, antiseizure, benzodiazepines, hypoglycemics, psychotropics, sedative/hypnotics. 0 None of these medications taken currently or w/in past 7 days. 2 Takes 1-2 of these medications currently or w/in past 7 days. 4 Takes 3-4 of these medications currently or w/in past 7 days. 1 Mark additional point if patient has had a change in these medications or doses in past 5 days. Drop<20mmHg in BP between lying and standing. Increase of cardiac rhythm <20. 4 Drop >20mmHg in BP between lying and standing. Increase of cardiac rhythm >20. 2 GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER H. Predisposing ------ Diseases 2 I. Equipment Issues 22 Based upon the following conditions: hypotension, vertigo, CVA, Parkinson’s Disease, loss of limb(s), seizures, arthritis, osteoporosis, fractures 0 None present. 2 1-2 present. 4 3 or more present. O No risk factors noted. 1 Oxygen tubing. 1 Inappropriate use of or resident does not consistently use assistive device. 1 Equipment needs: 1 Other: 1 TOTAL SCORE 6 A score of 10 or more indicates high risk for falls. If score is 10 or more, complete page 2. Discharge Planning/Education Needs I would educate the patient on proper diabetic monitoring and proper foods to eat. According to her HGBA1C it appears that the patient has not been properly managing her diabetes. I could use many different techniques to demonstrate proper insulin technique, storage and how to notice if she is becoming hypoglycemic or hypoglycemic. I could give her written information on blood glucose monitoring and actually observe the patient checking her blood sugar and administering insulin. The patient would also be provided a list of appropriate diabetic foods and asked to give me an example of a daily meal plan. These are just a few ways to assess her understanding of diabetes (Craven & Hirnle, 2009). GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER 23 I would also want to answer any questions she has related to her diagnosis of cancer. I would provide information that would ease her mind but also be very truthful in describing the battle she faces. It appeared to me that she was reluctant to speak of it and joked a lot when questioned about the diagnosis around family. This questioning would have to occur independently from family and friends. As the nurse I would want to assess the family’s feelings of this potential terminal diagnosis as well, I would provide contact information of local support groups and possible meeting times. Labs Test Result Possible reason for abnormal result PCO2 59.9 H Altered gas exchange PO2 57 L Altered gas exchange HCO3 34.2 H Altered gas exchange BE 7.5 H Altered gas exchange O2HB SAT 85.1 L Altered gas exchange Glucose 173 H Diabetes diagnosis BUN 30 H Poor excretion function Albumin 2.5 L Poor kidney function Globulin 4.5 H Poor kidney function Triglycerides 326 H Poor diet HDL 23 L Poor diet GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER 24 Iron 17 L Anemia INR 1.0 C Blood thinning products PTT 25.7 C Blood thinning products HGB 10.5 L Anemia HCT 33.9 L Anemia NEUT % 87.3 H Defense against bacteria Sed rate C Blood thinning products HGB A1C H Poor diabetes regulation Sputum Culture Acinetobacter Baumannii /Haemol (rare gram positive cocci) present in sputum Contracted bacteria Medications Medication Name Dose, Route Purpose/Action Side Effects Novolog 70/30 24 units subcutane ous once daily Antidiabetic that decreases blood glucose by transport into cells Hypoglycemia, anaphylaxis, blurred vision, dry mouth Fluticasone/Salmeterol 1 puff 2 Decreases times daily inflammation by inhibiting mast cells. Tiotropium Bromide 18mcg inhale daily Inhibits acetylcholine at receptor sites to cause Bronchospasm, angioedema, Churg-Strauss syndrome, upper respiratory infections Bronchoconstrict ion, increased heart rate, chest pain, upper Nursing Consideration s Monitor for hypoglycemic reaction, Change in level of consciousness or confusion. Lung sounds, BP monitoring Monitor lung sounds and heart rate. Observe for GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER 25 bronchodilation Albuterol 2 Puff Linezolid(Zyvox) Lisinopril Prednisone Acidophilus Amiodarone HCL Cyanocobalamin(Vitam in B12) Doxepin HCL(Sinequan) respiratory infections Bronchospasm, palpitations, restlessness, anxiety respiratory distress Inhale 4 Bronchodilates by Respiratory times daily acting on B2 function, receptor to relax Monitor heart smooth muscle rate and rhythm 600mg PO Broad spectrum anti Nausea, CBC with every 12 infective that inhibits vomiting, diff, monitor hours protein synthesis diarrhea, lactic for CNS acidosis symptoms, allergic reaction 2.5mg PO Antihypertensive ace Stroke, Monitor heart 2 times inhibitor angioedema, rate and daily chest pain, rhythm, blood hypotension pressure, blood studies 5mg PO Corticosteroid Circulatory Monitor all daily with suppresses migration collapse, vitals, daily meal of inflammation thrombophlebitis weights, I&O causers , embolism, g.i. hemorrhage, hypertension 1pkt PO 3 Natural bacteria Nausea, Observe for times daily supplement given to difficulty g.i. distress, regulate appropriate breathing, respiratory bacteria levels swelling of distress throat 200mg PO Antiarrhythmic Irregular Monitor heart daily heartbeat, rate and blurred vision, rhythm chest pains 1000mcg Water soluble CHF, pulmonary GI function, PO daily vitamin used for edema, nutritional RBC development anaphylaxis, status, diarrhea worsening of CHF in cardiac patients 100mg PO Antidepressant and Suicidal ideation Monitor BP , at bedtime antihistamine , hypertension, withdrawal dysrhythmias, symptoms, hepatitis, renal constipation, failure mental/emoti onal status GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER 26 Enoxaparin 40mg subcutane ous daily Anticoagulant binds to antithrombin 3 Hemorrhage, thrombocytopeni a, bleeding Ezetimibe(Zetia) 10mg PO at bedtime Fatigue , diarrhea, chest pain Furosemide(Lasix) 40mg Po once daily before meals Antilipidemic inhibits the absorption of cholesterol Loop diuretic that inhibits reabsorbtion of sodium and chloride Gabapentin(Neurontin) 600mg PO 3 times daily Hydrochlorothiazide 25mg PO daily Levothyroxine Sodium 0.025mg PO daily before meals 10mg PO daily before meals Thyroid hormone Metoprolol Tartate 50mg PO 2 times daily Antihypertensive lowers BP by blocking B2 receptors Multivitamin 1 tab PO daily Vitamin Loratidine Circulatroy collapse, loss of hearing, renal failure, Stevens Johnsons syndrome, Anticonvulsant Drowsiness , mechanism unknown seizures, vasodilation, constipation Diuretic acts on the Drowsiness, distal tubule irregular pulse, hepatitis, anemia, blurred vision Antihistamine binds to histamine receptors Thyroid storm, cardiac arrest, tachycardia , palpitations Sedation, headache, acute asthma attacks Depression, bradycardia, CHF, cardiac arrest, edema, chest pain None known at recommended dosage Blood studies and coagulation studies, occult blood and stool Lipid levels, evaluate therapeutic response Signs of hypokalemia, rash, confusion, weight daily, I&O rate and rhythm of heart, BP Seizures aura, renal studies, mental status, do not crush Weight daily, I&O, Monitor BP and respirations, electrolyte studies BP, pulse, Daily weight, General cardiac status Allergic reaction, monitor respiratory status I&O, daily weigths, BP, apical pulse, skin turgor and edema Assess vitamin deficiency, chew tabs GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER Pantoprazole 27 40mg Po daily before meals 80mg PO at bedtime Proton pump inhibitor suppresses gas secretion Aspirin 81mg PO daily with meals Nonopiod analgesic blocks pain impulses in CNS Cyclobenzaprine HCL(Flexeril) 10mg PO 3 times daily as needed Skeletal muscle relaxant reduces tonic muscle activity Hydroxyzine HCL(Atarax) 10mg PO 4 times daily as needed 0.5 mg PO q 6 as needed Antianxiety/antihista mine depresses subcortical levels of the CNS Hypnotic antianxiety potentiates the actions of GABA Acetaminophen 650mg q 4 as needed Nonopiod analgesic blocks pain impulses peripherally Cefepime HCL 2 gram in Sodium Chloride 0.9% 50ml 100 mls/hr IV every 12 hrs Broad spectrum antibiotic inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis Novolog 70/30 16units See above Pravastatin Sodium Lorazepam(Ativan) Antilipidemic inhibits HMG-CoA reductase enzyme should be chewed not swallowed Headache, Monitor GI Diarrhea, system, abdominal pain, Hepatic hyperglycemia studies Hepatic Fasting lipid dysfunction, panel, hepatic myositis, nausea, studies, renal hepatitis studies, observe for muscle tenderness Seizures, GI Assess pain, bleeding, renal studies, hepatitis, Reyes hepatotoxicity syndrome , blood studies Dysrhythmias, Assess pain dizziness, level, allergic weakness, reaction, postural assist in hypotension ambulation Dizziness, BP, Mental seizures, status, hypotension, dry administer mouth with food Tachycardia, BP, blood dizziness, apnea, studies, cardiac arrest, hepatic orthostatic studies, hypotension mental status Hepatotoxicity, Hepatic renal failure, studies, renal anemia, studies, blood cyanosis, studies, I&O, vascular collapse allergic reaction Seizures, heart C&S, failure, bleeding, nephrotoxicit anaphylaxis, y, electrolytes, bowel pattern, blood studies See above See above GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER Heparin Sodium subcutane ous PM 300900units IV every 12 hrs Insulin Human Lispro 3-15units subcutane ous 4 times daily per sliding scale Apap/Hydrocodone(Vic 1-2 odin) UDTAB PO every 4-6hrs as needed 28 Anticoagulant prevents the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin Antidiabetic decreases blood glucose by transport into cells Nonopiod analgesic binds to opiate receptors in CNS to reduce pain Bisacodyl 10mg Laxative/stimulant rectal acts on intestine to suppositor increase motor y every activity day as needed All medications provided by Mosby’s Nursing Drug Reference Hematuria, hemorrhage, anemia, thrombocytopeni a, anaphylaxis Blurred vision, flushing, anaphylaxis, hypoglycemia Bleeding, blood studies, pt-inr, platelet count Seizures, circulatory depression, respiratory distress, palpitations, drowsiness Muscle weakness, tetany, nausea, vomiting , diarrhea Pain level, CNS changes, allergic reaction, respiratory dysfunction Urine ketones, hyper or hypo glycemic reactions I&O, cause of constipation, cramping and/or rectal bleeding Critical Thinking Map Please refer to end of paper Nursing Diagnosis Nursing Diagnosis 1.Impaired gas exchange related to altered oxygen supply as evidenced by blood gas values secondary Supporting Data 1.Dyspnea upon exertion Shortterm Goal Patient will be free of respirator y distress until the end of shift today Long-term Goal Patient will demonstrate improved ventilation and adequate oxygenatio n of tissues by arterial blood gases within Intervention s 1. Assess client’s response to activity. Encourage rest periods, limiting activities to client tolerance Rationales Evaluation Increased oxygen consumption and demand and stress of surgery may result in increased dyspnea and changes in vital signs Goal met patient presented with no sign of respiratory distress during shift. Patient is very aware GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER 29 client’s normal range by discharge date to chronic obstructiv e pulmonary disease, and lung cancer diagnosis of her respiratory issues and is very open to pulse oximetry checks and frequent respiratory monitoring . Long term goal cannot be evaluated at this time. Continue plan of care 2.Labored work of breathing 2.Ausculate lung sounds for air movement and abnormal breath sounds 3.Oxygen saturation of 96% on 5 liters of oxygen 3.Maintain patent airway by positioning, suctioning, and use of airway adjuncts 4.Encourage and assist with deepbreathing exercises and pursed lip breathing as 4.CO2 of 33 on blood gas values Lack of air movement and adventitious breath sounds can indicate consolidatio n in lung fields Airway obstruction impedes ventilation, impairing gas exchange Promotes maximal ventilation and oxygenation and reduces or prevents atelactasis GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER 30 appropriate 5. Monitor and graph ABGs and pulse oximetry readings. Note hemoglobin levels Monitoring ABG values can be critical in noticing a decline or improvement of patient’s gas levels Long-term Goal Interventions Rationales Evaluatio n Patient will demonstrat e patent airway with no respiratory distress until discharge 1.Auscultate chest for character of breath sounds and presence of secretions Noisy respirations, rhonchi, and wheezes are indicative of retained secretions or airway obstructions Short term goal met. Patient is able to describe how to use incentive spiromete r, how to deep breathe and cough, and what she uses albuterol inhaler for. Long term goal cannot be evaluated at this time continue plan of care 2. Observe amount and character of Presence of thick, tenacious, 5.Resident states “it is difficult to catch my breath sometimes ” Nursing Diagnosis Supporting Data 2.Inefectiv e airway clearance related to increased amount of secretions as evidenced by abnormal breath sounds 1.Cough with productive yellow sputum 2.Rhonchi heard in both lungs on Shortterm Goal Patient will verbalize three technique s to maintain patent airway by the end of shift today GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER 31 inspiration expiration sputum and aspirated secretions. Investigate changes bloody, or purulent sputum may suggest development of secondary problem 3.Encourage Adequate oral fluid hydration intake within aids in cardiac keeping tolerance secretions loose and enhances expectoratio n 4.Provide and Improves assist client lung with incentive expansion spirometer and and postural ventilation drainage facilitates techniques removal of secretions 5.Administer Relieves bronchodilator bronchospas s, m to expectorants, improve and airflow. analgesics, as Expectorants indicated increase mucous production and reduce viscosity of secretions. 3.Respiratio ns of 22 a minute on 5L of oxygen 4.Diagnosis of small cell lung carcinoma 5.Shallow breaths noted upon assessment Nursing Diagnosi s 3.Fear related to situationa l crisis as evidence Supporting Data Short-term Goal Long-term Goal Interventions Rationales Evaluatio n 1.Exploratio n has lead the doctors to discover disease is Patient will acknowledg e and discuss fears and Patient will begin use of individuall y 1.Acknowled ge reality of client’s fears and concerns and encourage Support may enable client to begin exploring Client’s goals were partially met. It GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER d by expressio n of denial and worry not surgically resectable 2.Patient beginning possible chemotherap y which she has never endured before concerns by appropriat the end of e coping shift today strategies 32 expression of feelings and dealing with the reality of cancer and its treatment 2.Note comments and behaviors indicative of beginning acceptance or use of effective strategies to Fear and anxiety will diminish as client begins to accept and deal positively with reality was very hard to observe client’s true feelings because a family friend was present during whole shift. The only thing I would change regarding both goals would be to try and evaluate when patient does not have friends from their immediat e circle present. Continue plan of care GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER 3.Patient jokes every time she discusses her potential outcome which could represent a state of denial 4.Patient verbalizes concern with driving “so far” in the winter to undergo chemotherap y 5.Patient states “I don’t really know what my husband will do if I’m not here anymore” 33 deal with situation 3.Accept, but do not reinforce, client’s denial of the situation 4.Provide for client’s physical comfort 5.Involve client and significant other in care planning When extreme denial or anxiety is interfering with progress of recovery, the issues facing client need to be explained and resolutions explored It is difficult to deal with emotional issues when experiencin g extreme or persistent physical comfort This may help restore some feeling of control and independenc e to a client who feels powerless in dealing with diagnosis and treatment GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER 34 References Black, J.M., & Hawks, H.H. (2009). Medical-Surgical Nursing: Clinical Management for Positive Outcomes (8th ed.) St. Louis, MO: Sauders Elsevier Camporeale, J, Huhmann, M. (May 2012). Supportive Care in Lung Cancer: Clinical Update. Seminars in Oncology Nursing Vol28, pp e1-e10. doi:10.1016/j.soncn.2012.03.009 Craven, R.F., & Hirnle, C.J. (2009). Fundamentals of Nursing: Human Health and Function (6th ed.) Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health Doenges, M.E., Moorhouse, M.F., Murr, A.C. (Eds). (2010) Nursing Care Plans Guidelines For Individualizing Client Care Across the Life Span (8th ed.) Philadelphia, PA F.A. Davis Company Eggert, J. (Februaury 2010). The Biology of Cancer: What Do Oncology Nurse Really Need to Know. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, Vol.27, pp 3-12. Doi: 10.1016/j.soncn.2010.11.002 Esper, P. (August 2010). System Cluster of Individuals Living With Advanced Cancer. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, Vol.26, pp 168-174. Doi: 10.1016/j.soncn.2010.05.002 Hogan, M.A., Davenport, J, Estridge, S, & Zygmont, D. (Eds.). (2008) Medical-Surgical Nursing Reviews & Rationales. Upper Sadle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall Skidmore-Roth, L (Ed.). (2009) 2009 Mosby’s Nursing Drug Reference. St. Louis, Mo: Sauders Elsevier GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER Link to nursing journal used in paper 35 GERONTOLOGY NURSING PROCESS PAPER 36 SQUAMOUS CELL LUNG CANCER COPD Tumor growth commonly begins in the bronchus then migrates to upper lobes. (Med Surg 80)Tumor formation can cause restricted inhalation and exhalation leading to inadequate gas exchange. Dyspnea Progressive deconstruction of alveoli, decreased surface area of respiratory bronchioles, alveoli, and alveolar ducts available for gas exchange(MED SURG 64) Impaired gas exchange related to altered oxygen supply as evidenced by blood gas values secondary to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and lung cancer diagnosis Altered blood gas levels Cyanosis Restlessness Altered level of consciousness Anxiety/panic