Enrichment Activities Language Category

Name: ___________________________________________________________
Enrichment Activities
Language Category:
You may NOT select sentences that are already correct.
STUDY THE NOTES! Do not guess.
Check your answers with Mrs. Watkins when you finish with the entire category.
Chapter 4 (Blue Book):
Study p. 122-129. Complete any 3 questions on the page/exercise indicated.
________ Adjective & adverb phrases (p. 132, Exercise A – STUDY THE NOTES!)
Study p. 135-138. Complete any 3 questions on the page/exercise indicated.
________ Identifying independent & subordinate clauses (p. 147, Exercise B)
________ Identifying clauses as adjective or adverb (p. 148, Exercise C)
Study p. 145-146. Complete any 3 questions on the page/exercise indicated.
________ Complex & Compound -Complex sentences (p. 146, Exercise 17 – do not pick
any simple sentences)
Chapter 5 (Blue Book):
Study p. 158-161. Complete any 3 questions on the page/exercise indicated.
________ Predicate nominatives (p. 160, Exercise 5)
________ Predicate adjectives (p. 161, Exercise 6)
________ Identifying complements (p. 163, Exercise D)
Chapter 8 (Blue Book):
Study p. 236. Complete any 3 questions on the page/exercise indicated.
________ Pronouns with Appositives (p. 236-237, Exercise 9)
Chapter 9 (Blue Book):
Study p. 243-247. Complete any 3 questions on the page/exercise indicated.
________ Identifying modifiers as adjectives or adverbs (p. 245, Exercise 1)
________ Using comparative and superlative forms (p. 248, Exercise 3)
________ Regular & irregular comparison of adj. & adverbs (p. 249-250, Exercise 4)
Chapter 12 (Blue Book):
Study p. 318 & 325. Complete any 3 questions on the page/exercise indicated.
________ Interrupters / Punctuating Appositives (p. 319, Exercise 6)
________ Correcting sentences by adding commas (p. 320, Exercise 7)
________ Semicolons (p. 325-326, Exercise 10)
Enrichment Activities
Vocabulary Category:
Log into Easy CBM.
Take the three vocabulary lessons assigned to you. Record your scores below.
Reflect on what you had difficulty with and write it below.
Vocabulary 6_8: Score: _______________
Vocabulary 6_9: Score: _______________
Vocabulary 6_10: Score: _______________
Reflection: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Read the Casey at Bat excerpt on p. 23 in the Grammar (blue) book. Answer the
questions indicated below.
Week 2 questions (p. 24). Write why you missed each one under reflection.
Mon: _________ Tues: _________ Wed: _________ Thurs: _________ Fri: _________
Reflection: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Week 3 questions (p. 25). Write why you missed each one under reflection.
Mon: _________ Tues: _________ Wed: _________ Thurs: _________ Fri: _________
Reflection: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Enrichment Activities
Communication & Media Category:
 “Lesson 38” Organizing an Oral Presentation (p.125-126)
 “Lesson 39” Summarizing an Oral Presentation (p. 127-128)
 “Lesson 42” Working on a Team (p. 133-134)
Go to the following website to practice summarizing:
Enrichment Activities
Logic Category:
 “Lesson 48” Cause & Effect (p. 149-150)
 “Lesson 50” Inferences and Conclusions (p. 153-154)
 “Lesson 52” Analogies (p.157-158)
Go to the following websites to play fact/opinion games:
Go to the following websites to play battleship with analogies:
Enrichment Activities
Writing & Research Category:
Complete the worksheets in the packet and then answer the reflection
questions below.
 Irrelevant sentences activity #1
How many irrelevant sentences did I correctly pick out? _________
How many irrelevant sentences did I get incorrect? ____________
 Conclusion sentences
How many of my conclusion sentences did my group member agree with? ____
How many of my conclusion sentences did my group member disagree with? ____
Irrelevant sentences activity #2
How many irrelevant sentences did I correctly pick out? _________
How many irrelevant sentences did I get incorrect? ____________
Practice editing paragraphs: http://mrnussbaum.com/paragraph/
Enrichment Activities
Informational Text Category:
 Main Idea Activity #1
 Main Idea & Details
 Moby Max Worksheet – Citing Evidence Questions
Go to the following websites to play main idea games:
Enrichment Activities
Literature Category:
Log into Easy CBM.
Pick ONE of the three stories assigned to you. Circle the one you pick:
On the Ice
Bamboo Rescue
Mrs. Reynolds’ Grand Adventure
Answer the questions.
How many did you get correct? ____________________
How many did you get incorrect? __________________
What kinds of questions did you have the most difficulty with? ________________________
Go to the following websites to play figurative language games:
Go to the following website to review story elements: