Evaluation of a new learning strategy through Peer

Evaluation of a new learning
strategy through Peer
Coaching and Reflection
 Recent changes in policies -Increasing pressure on
budgets for staff development in educational
institutes (The Guardian News, 2010)
 The potential of formalising ‘Peer Coaching’ for
educators is relatively unexploited
 The researcher applies the Joyce and Showers ‘CPD
Model for Coaching’ (Joyce & Showers, 1996)to
formalise mutual peer development practices at a UK
Further Education College.
What is Peer Coaching?
 A collegial process -faculty members voluntarily
work together to improve or expand their approaches
to teaching
 A co-operative endeavour that promotes the interest
of those involved (Browne ,2006.)
 The main objective is planning and developing
curriculum and instruction to achieve the goals of
courses and institutes.
 Not a traditional or conservative mentoring process!
Using Joyce and Showers model for Peer Coaching
Peer coaching refers
to the traditional
supervisory mode of
( Joyce &
It should not be
confused with, or
used for, evaluation
of teachers.
A CPD model for Peer Coaching based on
Joyce and Showers’ research (LSIS, 2009)
An Innovative Implementation of Joyce
and Showers Peer Coaching Model
 Commonly, peer coaching teams utilise a process
involving three major steps:
(1) Consultation to identify the focus of the coaching
(2) Observation of practice,
(3) Debriefing session where the coach shares his or
her observations.
Some teams may not use classroom observation, but
instead review instructional materials or grading
practices (Huston &Weaver, 2008).
The Action Research Project
 The author attempted an application of the
underpinning theory of peer coaching in the
implementation of a new learning strategy.
 Aim
 To investigate if Peer Coaching can be used as a professional
development tool for faculties across the institute
 To recommend guiding principles to exploit its potential to
improve teaching and learning.
 In a particular course involving 30+ students ,
providing formative feedback for individual
presentations was becoming challenging.
 A ‘Peer Coaching’ initiative was designed as an
intervention to engage the other two tutors with the
new learning strategy.
 The process was implemented based on the theory of
Peer coaching (Joyce &Showers, 1996)
Findings from the action research
project :
 Data included teachers’ coaching logs and
written reflections on the coaching experience.
 Main findings
• The tutors were keen to continue their
partnerships after the experiment on a regular
basis, provided the time and support in terms
of training and funding would be considered.
• One tutor suggested ‘Why not include this as a
formal professional development activity
across the department?’
Validating the findings :
In an attempt to formalise Peer Coaching as a
regular feature of staff development at the
institute, the researcher engaged in further
 The researcher conducted quantitative research in
three departments of the college using an on-line
 Two senior members of management were
interviewed for their opinions on the strategic
aspects of peer practice planning. Main findings
from the qualitative research follow.
Findings from the primary research:
Q: Which of the following best describes the field in which you received
your highest degree?
Q. Select the benefits of peer practice and include
any others
 Sharing best practice
 Shadowing experienced tutor
 Opportunity to observe a new
teaching method
 Collaboration to develop course
 Developing new teaching and
learning strategies
 Increased self-confidence/selfdevelopment
 Innovation on courses
/Facilitating change
 Developing new assessment
Q. Select the challenges in formalising or recording
‘Peer Practice’
Unavailability of peers
Restricted time
Finding and matching time to peer's schedule
Difficult to arrange meetings pre and post
implementation of new practice
Limited skills in coaching
Limited knowledge of peer practice
Q. Which technologies are possible options to
facilitate peer coaching sessions?
 Skype
 Google groups
 Linked in
 E-mail
 Intranet
Discussion-Implications for practice
 Tutors believe that peer coaching should be experienced as
an organised activity, while some tutors hold that it takes
place informally at any time or anywhere.
 Scheduling difficulties and lack of time appeared to be
highly rated as potential challenges in the use of Peer
 Investment in training and support in terms of allocating
time for Peer Coaching was highly rated as a possible
means to strengthen it’s use amongst the college faculty.
 The potential to use technology such as Skype and Google
Groups was a recurring recommendation.
Recommendations: An Innovative
program for staff development
 The pilot Peer Coaching project demonstrated that
the coaching sessions facilitated better
implementation and evaluation of the new learning
 Based on the review of the literature and the above
opinions, the author proposes guidelines to
incorporate peer coaching sessions as a regular
institution-wide practice.
The process for peer coaching should consider the
following guiding principles:
 Professional Autonomy- The control must belong to the individual
staff members being coached
Voluntary Participation-The program must be voluntary for both
the coach and the colleague
Self-evaluative and reflective-Main aim of the practice is to
stimulate a more reflective and dialogic approach to development
Formative Evaluation- A peer coaching program should be used for
formative and developmental purposes of staff rather than for
summative evaluation purposes
Manageable in terms of time- It should be factored into the nonteaching aspect of work load planning.
Process to be followed in the coaching
 Coaching Session 1: The first session is to discuss the focus of the peer
practice. Discussions could be recorded on the Peer Practice Form.
 Coaching Session 2: The second meeting is the peer practice discussion
or observation. Where this is not a classroom observation, the second
meeting may take the form of a demonstration of on-line resources, a
design of a particular curriculum or particular assessment strategies
 Coaching Session 3: This may take place immediately following session
2.This is the opportunity for both parties to reflect on the observation
and discussion that took place.
The reporting mechanisms in Peer
 Essentially Peer Practice and Peer Coaching is a
confidential process that occurs between peers -only
expectation is to confirm that faculty members have
engaged in it at least once a year , using the Peer Practice
 Staff members could be encouraged to discuss the coaching
experiences within their Performance Development Review
interviews to agree a personal development need.
The reporting mechanisms in Peer
 An appointed administrator could then report the
key data from the completed forms to the Head of
Departments annually.
 Some examples of the key datahere are proportion of
staff completing at least one Peer Coaching round in
that year, areas of good practice highlighted in the
department and key developmental needs in the
 Head of departments could then ensure that this
data is fed into the annual evaluative processes.
 Peer coaching program can engage faculty members in
problem-based, contextualised opportunities to reflect on
teaching and learning.
 When faculty members have an opportunity to participate
voluntarily in confidential, trusting partnerships with
experienced colleagues, conversation are focused on
development in their own teaching environments.
 The role of technology in enhancing the coaching
experience could be investigated further, to generate
collective decisions that enhance institute -wide
improvement efforts.
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