USAID Sustainable Local Development Project Inter-Municipal Cooperation Area Partners NOVI PAZAR CITY Population: 117,084 Unemployment: 53% Economic Base: textile, road construction, trade Ruling Coalition: SDP, SNP, SNS, DSS, NS Mayor: Meho Mahmutovic TUTIN MUNICIPALITY Population: 36,054 Unemployment: 59% Economic Base: furniture production, trade, agriculture, forestry Ruling Coalition: SDA Mayor: Semsudin Kucevic SJENICA MUNICIPALITY Population: 27,970 Unemployment: 47% Economic Base: agriculture, textile, food industry Ruling Coalition: SDA, SDP, DS, LDP, SPS, URS Mayor: Hazbo Mujovic July 2015 Novi Pazar–led Inter-Municipal Cooperation (IMC) Area The IMC area was formed in July 2011. This year the Sustainable Local Development Project (the Project) began implementation of the following economic program: “Novi Pazar: Entrepreneurship that Sells” Goal: To increase total exports of assisted sectors by 10% by end of June 2015. The IMC area is traditionally well known for its commercial and entrepreneurial spirit. The active sectors within the region are textiles, footwear, furniture and husbandry (dairy, meat), consisting of small and medium-sized firms and farms. In order to expand, they need to improve their competitiveness through reduction in operational costs, development of new products and access to new markets. The Project will apply a sector-wide approach to increase production efficiencies and improve product portfolios. International business experts will be brought to assist in marketing, locating demand and investment. Other technical assistance will be directed to supply-side flaws in the IMC area, including a need for serious workforce development, linked to business needs. UP-TO-DATE PROJECT RESULTS IMC area economic growth activities Provided recommendations for expanding the denim sector and attracting investors; trained local producers on topics ranging from the use of social media in marketing to jean finishing techniques and environmentally friendly technologies; denim and shoe producers improved their production, assortment and marketing and participated at international shoe and denim trade fairs; denim quality control trainings held and manual published; assisted in opening of a retail store “Jeans factory” in Belgrade, as a joint venture of three Novi Pazar-based companies Project experts trained the Regional Center for Agricultural Development (RCAD) staff on development and application of laboratory protocols for field sampling of milk and meat according to international food safety and quality standards. RCAD staff also learned how to interpret test results and provide customers with recommendations to improve milk and meat quality Local Economic Development (LED) practitioners learned how to present local potentials and attract Foreign Direct Investments; retain and grow existing businesses; manage LED; evaluate potentials of brownfields, prioritize and redevelop these sites Project assisted Tutin and a local company for agribusiness development to establish links with investors and buyers at the Biofach Organic Food Fair Value Chain Analysis and a Marketing Plan was developed with recommendations on how to improve dairy production and increase regional competitiveness Tutin was assisted to develop and present to investors a public-private partnership (PPP) action plan for the construction of the Forest fruit and medicinal herb collection, processing and sale center; a Guide for development of successful PPPs was published; PPP toolkits were created for local infrastructure development, energy efficiency and parking services In partnership with SEDA, sector brochures published to promote local companies and attract investors in the textile, furniture, footwear and food industry To support workforce development purchased 3D modeling software and plotter for the Novi Pazar Design and Textile Vocational School Four youth teams were awarded business start-up grants (€1,200 each) as part of Project supported CSO “Group 484” activities