Date: January 11, 2012 Start Time: 12:00PM Title: Get public IP from Tim Williams Description: Because we wanted to make our server live to the world we first needed to acquire a public IP from SAIT. This will allow us to simulate the same address space for testing and implementation and hopefully allow for a seamless integration when we’re ready to go live. Stop Time: 12:15PM Lesson Learned: We will need to clear our server by either Tim or Collin to ensure that it has been properly secured from intrusion. The IP issued to us will be Helped by: Tim Williams -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: January 13, 2012 Start Time: 1:45PM Title: Learning how to create a Linux kernel from scratch Description: Rather than trying to determine the necessary services on a fully loaded Linux distribution we decided to go with a ground up approach. We are each attempting to build a copy of linux from scratch using the tool provided on As I had attempted this last semester I recommended to both Jeff and Josh that they download the two scripts to download the tarballs required as I had done each one individually the first time and it took quite a long time. I’m hoping to have this done for Monday. Stop Time: 9:00PM Lesson Learned: The book provided is a very useful tool for discovering what the core utilities of linux are and what processes and programs really aren’t needed on other versions of linux. Helped: Jeff, Josh Date: January 17, 2011 Start Time: 9:00AM Title: Installed packages on vm Description: 10:00AM Read documentation on OpenBSD packages. Navigated ftp site to find needed packages and installed them our vm. Packages installed were mySQL and apache. Stop Time: 10:30AM Lesson Learned: The commands used to install packages are much different from a more mainstream Linux distribution, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: January 17, 2011 Start Time: 10:00AM Title: Planned preliminary website idea Description: Brainstormed about layout and information needed for each page. Decided on general layout for each page and features we wanted to use. Stop Time: 11:00AM Lesson Learned: Working with different opinions can be challenging Date: Jan 18, 2011 Start Time: 8:30AM Title: tested FTP client Description: Installed FTP client on laptop and tested that upload and download was working. Found out that I have forgotten my private key on my home desktop. Stop Time: 9:30AM Lesson Learned: Always make sure that you’ve transferred all the things you’ll need from home before coming to class. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Jan 18, 2011 Start Time: 9:30AM Title: Planning for database structure Description: Brainstormed all information needed for database, organized them into various tables to be created. Started configuration of mySQL server and installed a SQL client. Stop Time: 11:00AM Lesson Learned: It was quite difficult for me to figure out the best information pairings while trying to keep user information anonymous. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: Jan 24, 2012 Start Time: 8:00AM Title: Planning for PROJ354 website Description: Devised a layout for the website based on the required components found on Desire to Learn. Stop Time: 9:30AM Lesson Learned: I learned how to make a multi-layer menu using css Date: Jan 24, 2012 Start Time: 9:30AM Title: Writing web pages Description: Started coding for the project website; finished layout leaving the actual content to be added at a later date. Stop Time: 10:45AM Lesson Learned: Writing a decent biography is quite difficult. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: Jan 27, 2012 Start Time: 1:00PM Title: Built database structure Description: Created needed table and key pair relationships. I then re-ordered some of the fields within the tables to provide a smaller overall database. Stop Time: 2:00PM Lesson Learned: I think that some of the stored procedures will be difficult to implement in the databases current form. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: Jan 31, 2012 Start Time: 8:00AM Title: Schema Reorganization Description: Going to look up ways to configure a database schema. Found a couple of websites with suggestions to always keep your query’s inside of the database and never reference 'INSERT ...' in any sort of outside application to allow for schema reconfiguration. Going to try to come up with a new way to make unique keys, not just auto-incrementing columns. Stop Time: 8:15AM Date: Jan 31, 2012 Start Time: 8:19AM Title: Helped Jeff with Javascript Stop Time: 8:25AM Helped: Jeff -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: Jan 31, 2012 Start Time: 10:04AM Title: Primary keys Description: investigated ways to create a multi-part primary key to better suit my uses. Found a blog from a boston SQL developer with some very good articles. Stop Time: 10:30AM Lesson Learned: Primary keys are just one or more values that make a record unique -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: Feb 1, 2012 Start Time: 8:09AM Title: Helped Jeff with php Stop Time: 8:15AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: Feb 1, 2012 Start Time: 8:15AM Title: Creating stored procedures Description: Going to brainstorm the necessary stored procedures for our project. Planning to finish them by next week, so far I have 8 stored proceedures. Stop Time: 8:45AM Date: Feb 1, 2012 Start Time: 9:30AM Title: Creating a Bio for the SAIT project website Description: Going to make a bio for the project website. Trying to include goals for the project as well as personal goals. Stop Time: 10:30AM Lesson Learned: I had more goals for myself then I had thought. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: Feb 3, 2012 Start Time: 3:00PM Title: Updated stored procedures Description: Talked with Jeff about what he needed for the website to function the way he wanted it to. Voiced some concerns about how the web app would interface with the database. Stop Time: 3:30PM Lesson Learned: Sometimes you have to work around what another team member is expecting when creating mechanics for interoperability. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Feb 7, 2012 Start Time: 8:00AM Title: Data Entry Description: Populated some of the databases tables with the required information. Preformed a backup to prevent data loss. Uploaded to FTP website. Stop Time: 8:45AM Date: Feb 8, 2012 Start Time: 9:00AM Title: Testing stored procedures Description: Did a test from the database command line to test the functionality of the created stored procedures was working correctly. Found a few logical errors and corrected them Stop Time: 10:00AM Lesson Learned: It is always a good idea to test all of your functions before calling them through the web app to confirm where the problem lies. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: Feb 8, 2012 Start Time: 10:20AM Title: Developed next project deliverable Description: Brainstormed with the group to figure out what our next deliverable for our project would be. Determined that the active websites with minimal functionality would be the next step. Stop Time: 10:40AM Lesson Learned: Some work is hard to present with a physical representation. Date: Feb 10, 2012 Start Time: 11:30AM Title: Implemented added stored procedures Description: Discovered that the stored procedures were not joining information correctly. Rewrote all procedures to add necessary primary/foreign key relationships within the tables. Stop Time: 12:30PM Lesson Learned: Always check to make sure that the data you store is useful and meaningful. Double check everything! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: Feb 15, 2012 Start Time: 8:00AM Title: Creating profile information Description: I am going to add some fields to our user profiles. The things I’ve selected are hobbies, age, sex, location, phone number, email, and program major. After these are added I plan to test with a few sample users. Stop Time: 8:40AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: Feb 15, 2012 Start Time: 8:45AM Title: Creating edit profile procedures Description: I am going to create stored procedures to edit all of the new profile information. Next I’ll be thinking about adding some triggers to allow for the automation of profile deletions and updates. Stop Time: 9:35AM Date: Feb 15, 2012 Start Time: 9:40AM Title: Creating profile triggers Description: I’m having some issues with the triggers for deleting a profile. I’m going to see if I can dig up a good article on which has been super helpful to date. Found one that looks like it will help. Stop Time: 10:10AM Lesson Learned: is a great resource for most of the problems -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: Feb 15, 2012 Start Time: 10:25AM Title: Attempted file upload Description: I’m starting to get a little nervous about how the files are going to be stored within the database. Checked w3schools to see a php file upload example to try and play around with. Stop Time: 10:40AM Lesson Learned: The file upload from w3schools are only stored locally until they’re moved. Not sure how I’m going to store this in the database right now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: Feb 28, 2012 Start Time: 8:10AM Title: Data entry Description: We decided to change the information to store about our users. Going to update the database to include multiple major selection as well as remove hobbies. Stop Time: 8:30AM Date: Feb 28, 2012 Start Time: 8:40AM Title: Problems with my control flow logic Description: Jeff pointed out that my course selection procedure was not working; noticed that the mySQL error message was complaining about syntax. Going to look into how control flow works in the mySQL language. Stop Time: 9:15AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: Feb 28, 2012 Start Time: 9:30AM Title: Learning mySQL predefined functions Description: Reading some articles on control flow logic and discovered that my syntax was off. Going to correct select_courses() and update the SQL dump file on the FTP site. Stop Time: 10:30AM Lesson Learned: You need an ‘END IF;’ after each if block in addition to a ‘THEN’ statement after the IF condition. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: Feb 29, 2012 Start Time: 9:00AM Title: coordinating the php and database Description: Jeff and I are looking at ways to best integrate the output of the stored procedures to make dynamic menus in css. Came up with some ideas as to what should be returned by each function. Next will be modifications to the program and course selection functions. Stop Time: 10:00AM Date: Feb 29, 2012 Start Time: 10:10AM Title: updating course and program selection Description: After making the necessary changes I have uploaded the new version of the database to allow for testing. Hopefully we will have this working by Monday; next will be looking at how to accomplish selecting more than one program major. Stop Time: 10:40AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: March 1, 2012 Start Time: 10:50AM Title: File upload v2 Description: Found more examples of how to make the file stay permanently on a web server. Next, I’ll be trying to get something working to store either the path or the file itself within the database. Stop Time: 11:30AM Lesson Learned: I didn’t have the greatest of success with this. It seemed that the path would only be correct about half of the time and it would not store for most linux file extensions. I’ll have to see if I can find something on -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: March 6, 2012 Start Time: 8:30AM Title: Looking into user manuals Description: I'm going to look into creating our user manual. I've decided first I will take a look at some available manual I already have. I chose the user manuals for our Sait laptops (Toshiba 1400A), a video game manual as well as the manual for my rice cooker. Stop Time: 8:40AM Date: March 6, 2012 Start Time: 8:45AM Title: Toshiba 1400A Manual Description: I'm going to look at the layout for this manual to try to get a sense of how most technical user manuals are presented. Hopefully this will help with the creation of our user manual. Stop Time: 9:20AM Lesson Learned: This manual presents its information in the following way 1. Safety 2. Product Description 3. How to operate 4. Troubleshooting 5. Maintainance I'm going to compare this to the other two manuals I've selected and see if they follow a similar layout. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: March 6, 2012 Start Time: 9:25AM Title: Video Game Manual Description: Going to read through to get a sense of how they've chosen to lay out their manual. I have a feeling it will be mostly similar but am not certain of this yet. Stop Time: 9:40AM Lesson Learned: Discovered that this user manual had hardly any information other then how to use the product. Information about product specifications and troubleshooting were not there an only a little bit of information on safety was covered. Date: March 6, 2012 Start Time: 10:00AM Title: Panasonic Rice cooker sR-42HZPl42F Description: After reading the last two manual I feel that I should have a pretty good guess as to what I'll find in this manual. I suspect to find safety information as well as usage instructions. I doubt that much troubleshooting will be included and assume that the maintenance information will primarily be how to wash the device. Stop Time: 10:20AM Lesson Learned: I was mostly correct with regards to my prediction but discovered that there was a much larger section on the actual product components then I had thought. Also the maintenance section that I had assumed would be there was practically non-existent. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: March 7, 2012 Start Time: 9:10AM Title: Creating up a user manual layout Description: I'm going to work on laying out the order that our user manual will be create from. After reviewing the 3 manuals yesterday I feel that I can take the best from each one and create I good template. I'll get Jeff and Josh to take a look and see if they have any changes after I'm done. Stop Time: 9:40AM Lesson Learned: Although all of the user manuals were different I've chosen to go with the simplest layout that I can think of. Date: March 7, 2012 Start Time: 9:45AM Title: Installing Apache Description: I'm going to create a page so that I can test the functionality of uploading files to our database. This will require the use of php and a web server so I'll need to install those things first Stop Time: 10:15AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: March 7, 2012 Start Time: 10:20AM Title: Installing php Description: I'm going to add php so that I can use server side database calls. Stop Time: 10:40AM Lesson Learned: The installer for php is quite confusing. My first installation was for a different version of Apache and did not complete correctly. I discovered that you need to check for a v6 or a v9 php so that the right binaries are included. Also when selecting whether or not to include a webserver during the installation I had to point to the path where Apache was installed.