What is Leading Consciously? - Texas Education Foundation Network

Leading Consciously is a leadership development firm for those who wish to increase their capacity for
positive influence and effective relationships.
At the root of successful leadership and management is self-leadership – the ability to make conscious
choices rather than continually operate out of default habits and patterns. People who know how to
lead consciously are able to engender others’ respect, trust, and willingness to work collaboratively
toward a new or established vision of the future.
The company offers leadership assessment, coaching, consultation, and training based on the concepts
and skills of Reframing Change: How to Deal with Workplace Dynamics, Influence Others, and Bring
People Together to Initiate Positive Change, co-authored by Jean Latting & Jean Ramsey.
The six skill sets for leading consciously will help you answer the following common questions:
Jean Kantambu Latting, DrPH – Capability Statement
Overview. Dr. Jean Kantambu Latting is President of Leading Consciously, LLC, and Professor Emerita of
Leadership and Change at the Graduate College of Social Work, University of Houston. As an
organizational consultant, teacher, researcher, and coach, Jean specializes in helping people examine and
capitalize on their strengths so that they might better accomplish their goals.
Consultation and coaching. Jean has over 30 years of consultation, coaching, and teaching experience
within private and public sector organizations. Consultation and training specialties include leadership
development, organizational change, workforce diversity, organizational restructuring, conflict resolution,
and conscious use of self.
Publications. She and V. Jean Ramsey are coauthors of Reframing Change: How to deal with workplace
dynamics, influence others, and bring people together to initiate positive change, published by Praeger,
2009. She has also published more than 25 book chapters and articles in professional and scholarly
journals on topics such as service quality, empowerment, diversity and inclusion, performance
management, organizational learning, and leadership. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the
Journal of Applied Behavioral Science.
Research. As a researcher, Jean and colleagues have recently developed a survey instrument to assess
specific skills for consciously using oneself in a leadership capacity. The instrument currently is being used
to evaluate the development of leadership skills among participants in the American Leadership Forum –
Houston/Gulf Coast. Several other organizations have also participated.
She has also been the principal investigator of major research grants, including awards from the National
Science Foundation, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, and the Brown Foundation. Research
has examined employee motivation and factors promoting organizational learning, innovation, and service
Education. Jean holds a doctorate in health administration with an organizational development
specialization from the University of North Carolina, a Master’s degree in Social Work from Columbia
University, and a bachelor's degree from Douglass College, Rutgers, the State University. Prior to joining
the University of Houston, she held various directorship and management positions.
Awards. In 1994, she received the Cachet Award for Outstanding Educator in the City of Houston. The
2002 graduating class at GSSW selected her as that year’s Convocation Speaker. She is a recipient of the
2003 Outstanding Faculty Award, given by the University of Houston Alumni Association. In 2005, she was
appointed to the Jean Kantambu Latting Professorship of Leadership and Change, an endowment
established in her name by a Houston philanthropist, Dr. Maconda B. O’Connor. In 2007, she was elected
to Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society at the University of Houston. In 2012, she was elected to the Phi Alpha
National Honor Society.
© Leading Consciously, 2013
Stephanie R. Foy, LMSW – Capability Statement
Overview. Stephanie Foy is an organization development consultant and facilitator. She is Senior
Partner of Leading Consciously, LLC.
Consulting. Her consulting work is dedicated to working with organizations and individual leaders to
develop their vision and strategies that support and enhance personal and organizational performance,
growth, and well-being. She guides the process for the creation of innovative approaches to enterprisewide communication, leadership, and problem solving.
Leadership. She has worked with numerous nonprofit organizations and their boards as well as public
sector and corporate organizations. She was selected to present at the White House Community
Empowerment conference. She is the former Director of the Center for Organizational Research and
Effectiveness at University of Houston.
Education. She has a Master’s degree in Social Work from University of Houston and Bachelors in
Business Administration from Texas A&M University.
Community Contribution. Stephanie served on the University of Houston Alumni Association Board of
Directors and the board for the Graduate College of Social Work Alumni Association. She served on the
Board Nominating Committee and in a variety of volunteer leadership roles at her church. She has
served on numerous community boards, was been an active volunteer in HISD and served as a leader in
the Boy Scouts Venturing program.
© Leading Consciously, 2013