Minutes: April 3, 2012

April 3, 2012 Notes
Victoria Hindes
Angelica Bangle
Becky Perelli
Carol Pavan
Carolyn Messina
Cheryl Miller
Chris Jones
Christine Benik
Elise Johnson
Ginny Aragon
Helen Pivk
Herlisa Hamp
Inge Bond
Irene Serna
Jean Finch
Joe McDevitt
LeAnn McGinley
Lee Rodriguez
Maria Garcia-Scheper
Maria Lopez
Maritza Cantarero
Marta Mora-Evans
Maryanne Mills
Michael Byers
Michelle Donohue-Mendoza
Patti Yukawa
Susan Wolfe
Vice President, Student Services
Counseling Department Co-chair
Director, Health Services
Academic Senate/ SS Division Representative
ASO Representative
Director, DESP
Counseling, Special Programs Representative
ASO Representative
Director, TRiO
Dean of Student Support Services
Director, ET (Interim)
Director, A&R/Assessment
Research Analyst
Director, EOPs
College Council Representative
Faculty Representative
Classified Senate Representative
Director, Financial Aid
Faculty Representative
Student Activities & Campus Center Dir.
Counseling Department Co-chair
Barnes and Noble Representative
-Approval of minutes postponed till next SSC meeting.
-Dr. Hindes was extremely disappointed that several members of SSC did not attend the
retreat. She understands that not all meetings can be attended but since the retreat was
scheduled for a very long time she was disappointed that there were absences.
-Renovations completed during spring break.
-Priority registration begins April 18th.
-Summer/fall schedule of classes should be posted online on Monday, April 9th.
-Concurrent enrollment students can apply online and bring their packets in on their
registration date, May 21st for seniors and May 22nd for juniors.
-Incoming high school students with the exception of EA will register on May 1st.
-Currently reading the scholarship applications.
-Have not started the download process for 2013. Waiting on the approval for the four
disbursement dates. One of the suggestions is to give a larger disbursement amount at the
beginning of the semester.
-Most scholarship amounts are pre-set and cannot be adjusted to award more students.
Most award amounts are $1k.
-“Go Green” May 18th, 4:30 – 7:00 pm. Water bottles and snacks will be given to
-Working on the ASO scholarships
-Wheel of Wellness information being handed out
-Currently taking surveys on student interest levels on an Eco-pass.
-Tech committee initiated the “One School” app and would like everyone to check it out
and provide feedback.
-Will be resubmitting the title III grant which focused on distance education and student
services. The resubmission is due in April. If the grant is awarded it will being additional
revenue to the school.
-Sergio attended Cabinet and discussed the potential of purchasing vans. This purchase
will enable participation in field trips and other activities to promote student life on
-Middle College grant will be submitted on April 15th.
-Held “On to College Night” before spring break.
-Preparing for priority registration.
-George Mageles will hold a suicide prevention meeting today at 2:15pm in BU 4.
-Open house for the new testing center on April 24th.
-The building has been painted and cleaned and would like everyone to stop by for the
Campus Center
-Having issues with the water pipes, the pipes have burst 4 times already.
-Grand opening on April 17th from 3 – 7 pm. Will be honoring former trustees at 4:30.
-Graduation/Transfer Fair will be held on April 11th from 10:30 – 1:30 in the lower
-Graduation will be on May 24th.
Special Programs
-Puente will be going to UCSC and CSUMB on April 12th and will be visiting UCM on
April 13th.
-Recruitment for the program is underway.
-International program had Chinese students from a language school in Beijing visit West
Valley during spring break. Many of the administrators visited with the students and
enjoyed high tea with them.
-Electrical wiring completed during spring break and wiring for network access will be
completed this week.
-Currently planning the awards ceremony for the week of May 10th from 4:30 – 6:00pm.
-Will be attending the CARE leadership conference on April 28th in SJSU.
-Veterans Taskforce will hold a training regarding mental health (PTSD, brain injury and
other topics) on Wednesday, May 2nd from 2 – 4:30pm in the Lower Lounge by the
Veterans Resource Center. There is a possibility to receive Flex credit for participating.
Standing Reports:
College Council
-Met on March 22nd just before spring break
-Had the 1st reading of the animals on campus policy
-Mid-year budget update, besides the $149 mil state deficit the college is down $400k
from International funds. This will equate to $2.6 mil deficit for the district. Initiated a
spending slow-down and all requisitions must be signed by Michael Renzi.
-Faculty Tenure Awards ceremony will be held on April 28th.
-Have been meeting with ASO representatives to develop an info-guideline on what to
expect during a counseling session.
-Worked on the instructional side of SLO.
-During the counseling meeting they discussed student concerned pertaining to
graduation petitions. The counselors wanted to begin a discussion with Dr. Hindes and
Herlisa on how to assist in the petition process. They felt that it would be a shame to not
acknowledge their accomplishments for not submitting a document on time.
-Met with 50 of 65 students to plan their next semester schedules during spring break.
Student Health Services
-Gave Wheel of Wellness cards to SSC members. The cards will be used as raffle tickets
by the students for a Nook Color. The raffle is not open to staff and faculty. The Wheel of
Wellness event will be held on April 4th -5th from 12 – 3pm and it is a collaborative event
participated by several campus departments.
-College mini-grant for student mental health application announced. Becky will work
with Dr. Hindes on this grant.
-Becky would like to discuss how SSC can integrate more effectively with other
governing bodies to limit the amount of “repeat” discussion topics.
Informational Item: Early Progress Alert
-Ginny-Slight improvement from last year but the participation rate is still low.
-Dr. Hindes expressed her disappointment in the lack of counseling faculty participation
in the EPA program.
-Dr. Bangle informed the council that there had been repeated requests to revise the
faculty form because it hinders the submission process. Also, counselors have stated that
many instructors contact their students personally and didn’t feel the need to use this
resource, this was especially true for the counseling faculty.
-Other members of SSC reported that faculty expressed to them that they didn’t see the
point of submitting the form because they didn’t understand how this aided the students.
(The information on the purpose of EPA is sent out to the entire college every semester).
Others expressed their concerns of its generic approach could prompt students to drop the
class for fear of failure. Some students felt harassed because they were already contacted
by their instructor and now were being contacted again by a stranger to discuss the issues.
-Also limited resources did not allow the counselors to see all the students.
-Irene Serna suggested giving anonymous examples to the faculty of the EPA outcomes.
-Becky Perelli requested a more in-depth discussion regarding the EPA process.
-Marta Mora-Evans wanted an update on the form where the faculty could indicate a
specific issue so that they could have a more targeted outreach method.
Informational Item: Schedule
–McDevitt-Please be sure to send changes before next Thursday
-Members of SSC wanted to include All College Day so the students know when the
campus is closed.
-Maryanne Mills wanted to know when to submit the changes to the Catalog, they will be
due late summer.
-Some members of SSC suggested posting the faculty office hours in the schedule.
Informational/Discussion Item: Year-End Celebrations/Plans
–All-EOP&S will be doing a celebration sometime during the week of May 10th from 4:30 –
6:00pm, location to be announced.
-Scholarship reception, May 9th from 5:30 – 7:00pm in the Event Center
-Puente celebration, May 10th from 6:00 – 8:30pm in the Event Center
-ASO, ICC, and Student Leaders, May 8th from 3:30 – 5:30pm during their regular
-CalWorks, TBA.
-SSC, possible celebration on May 4th.
-May 29th, Middle College graduation at 4:30 in the Theater.
-Dead Week begins May 14th. Many of the members wanted to know the origin of Dead
Week and what the policies are concerning this week.
-Albert Moore will be contact to verify the Dead Week policies.
-Special permission from the Vice-president of instructions is required to hold activities
during Dead Week.
-Please start sending Student Services accomplishments to Dr. Hindes, she will send out
the template to SSC.
-Dr. Hindes requested any additional events to be sent to her to be calendared by the
middle of April.
-DESP was not sure if they were going to hold a year-end event.
-There will be only one event set-up per day. Therefore, the first event of the day will
determine the style of set-up for all events.
Discussion Item: Student Success Taskforce Recommendation Goals
-Dr. Donohue-Mendoza reviewed the organized outline of the SSTR goals that was
developed during the retreat. The outline included the initial discussion of the
recommendations and possible means of implementing them.
-Dr. Hindes wanted a final decision on the “Group Counseling” vs. “Group Advising”
before this document was sent to the other governing bodies.
-Many of the members wanted to clarify what orientation meant in the context of this
document, are they workshops or unit-valued classes?
-Irene Serna wanted Dr. Bangle to circulate discussion summary developed during her
small group meeting she had the week before spring break. The small group discussed
different orientations and for these large group orientations to be called “Introduction to
College Orientation” to lessen the confusion from the unit-valued class. The group also
discussed different modalities for orientation.
-Members of SSC focused on the format and layout of the goals and Dr. DonohueMendoza requested for Jean Finch and Dr. Hindes to collaborate together on fine tuning
the document to be reviewed by SSC since the outline she presented was the rough
format that was created at the retreat.
-The goal of SSC is not to develop the strategies of how to perform the orientations but to
develop the opportunities, components and meachanisms.