n Profetiese woord vir 2012 en verder – Deel 1

’n Profetiese woord vir 2012 en verder – Deel 1
Kom ek begin soos ek altyd begin as ek ’n woord moet aflewer wat ek as ’n profetiese woord
van God beskou.
1 Tess. 5:19 tot 24 lui soos volg: “Moenie die werking van die Heilige Gees teenstaan nie.
Moenie profesieë geringskat nie, maar toets dit alles, behou wat goed is, en bly weg van
alles wat sleg is.
Mag God, wat vrede gee, julle volkome aan Hom toegewyd maak en julle geheel en al, na
gees, siel en liggaam, so bewaar dat julle onberispelik sal wees wanneer ons Here Jesus
Christus weer kom!
Hy sal dit ook doen, want Hy wat julle roep, is getrou.”
Dit is jou verantwoordelikheid as ontvanger van hierdie woord. My verantwoordelikheid is om
so noukeurig moontlik die woord wat ek gehoor het, aan jou te bedien.
Hier volg die woord wat ek gehoor het.
Hoor die woord van die Here, volgelinge van Jesus. Midde gerugte en voorspellings van
rampe en ellende en katrostofale gebeure, moenie dat al die “doom and gloom” julle
moedeloos maak en julle vreugde steel nie. Weet dat Ek ten volle in beheer is, sê die Here.
Geen haar sal van julle hoof val as dit nie deel van My betere plan vir julle lewens is nie.
Laat My toe om julle gees en julle hart te vul met nuwe hoop en vreugde. Die vyand het dit
reggekry om dit by julle te steel die afgelope maande. Kom sit by My en laat Ek julle bedien.
Soos daardie bekende spreuk lui: “Moenie eers wag vir die storm om oor te waai nie. Leer
eerder om in die reën te dans!”
Neem weer My Gees se geïnspireerde liedere daar van Ps. 89 af en lees dit een vir een
deur, ten minste tot by Ps. 118, en laat My Gees jou bemoedig en vertroos. Laat Ek Myself
weer opnuut aan jou openbaar.
Neem dan weer Jes. 50 tot 55 en hoofstukke 59 tot 66 en maak erns daarmee hier aan My
Onthou wat Ek julle begin leer het oor My Koninkryk wat kom.
In Rom. 14:17 sê Ek deur die Gees deur ’n Paulus vir My volgelinge: “Want die koninkryk
van God is nie spys en drank nie, maar geregtigheid en vrede en blydskap in die Heilige
(Wat, as ons dit vrylik vertaal, soos volg lui: Die koninkryk van God gebeur waar God se
mense hulle lewens en alles in hulle lewens in lyn kry met die grondwet en die wil van God.
Dan is daar vrede en vreugde).
Een van die strategieë van die vyand is om jou as My volgeling te verwar oor wat die
Koninkryk van God sou wees. My Koninkryk is nie een van die volgende dinge nie:
Dit is nie ʼn globale, wêreldwye transformasie van hierdie wêreld in ʼn paradys nie.
Dis is nie om van hierdie wêreld ʼn beter plek te maak nie!
Dit gaan daar daaroor dat mense My Seun, Jesus Christus, aanvaar en erken as die Enigste
God en Here in hulle lewens. Hy is hulle hoogste lojaliteit en is julle onvoorwaardelike
gehoorsaamheid werd. Net vir Hom en dit wat Hy goedkeur, behoort julle bereid te wees om
julle lewens voor te gee. Daarom moet die fondasie en raamwerk vir julle lewens gebaseer
wees op Sy waardes en Sy wil en dit sal dus totaal verskil van wat die wêreld rondom vir
julle voorsê.
Verlede jaar het Ek vir julle belowe dat Ek My mense oorvloediglik wil seën. Ek het vir julle
verduidelik dat My liefde en genade oorvloedig vir alle mense beskikbaar is, maar My seën
is net vir My kinders. En dan op voorwaarde: as en wanneer hulle My gehoorsaam.
Baie van julle het My seën verwag, maar gedink julle het dit nie verlede jaar gekry nie, want
dit het in ander vorms gekom as wat julle dit verwag het.
Julle het gedink dat dit in die eerste plek finansieel gaan wees.
Natuurlik kan My seën soms ook finansieel wees. Sommige van julle het dit geproe daar
waar julle gedoen het wat Ek vir julle aangesê het om te doen.
Maar vir die meeste van julle was My seën heeltemal op ’n ander vlak en van ’n ander aard.
Ek het ’n plan met julle lewe. Ek het mos vir julle gesê dat Jesus gekom het sodat julle nie
net Lewe kan hê nie, maar Lewe in oorvloed.
Ek het vir julle mos My plan op baie plekke in My Woord uitgespel, soos daar in 2 Kor. 3:18,
naamlik dat julle al meer verander sal word om aan die beeld van Christus gelyk te word. Die
heerlikheid wat van julle moet uitstraal, moet steeds toeneem. Dit is waarmee My Gees in
julle lewens besig was in 2011 en besig gaan wees in 2012.
In hierdie proses gaan Ek julle leer om My boweal lief te hê en julle naaste soos julle self. As
en wanneer julle dit doen, gaan mense julle herken as volgelinge van Jesus (Joh. 13:34,35).
En dan gaan julle My oorvloedige seën in julle lewens beleef.
Daarom is Ek besig om julle te leer om in elke area van julle lewe te leer wat dit prakties
beteken dat Jesus Christus, My Seun, ook daar die Koning moet wees. En waar Hy nog nie
die Koning is nie, gaan julle nie die oorvloedige seën ten volle beleef wat Ek vir julle bedoel
het nie.
Tot sover die profetiese woord. Volgende keer deel ek die woord verder.
’n Profetiese woord vir 2012 en verder – Deel 2
Die profetiese woord wat ek gehoor het, en wat ek glo van God af is, (toets jy maar asseblief
dit self daar aan die voete van Jesus) gaan soos volg verder:
Die jaar 2012 gaan ook sy sarsie slegte nuus hê. Die ekonomiese woelinge wêreldwyd is
nog glad nie oor nie en die gulsigheid en selfsug van dekades gaan steeds sy tol eis. Oral
hoor julle van oorloë en gerugte van oorloë en katastrofale gebeure soos aardbewings,
droogtes en rampe. Maar moenie skrik en daarom vrees nie. Dit is maar alles deel van die
horlosie wat afloop einde se kant toe. Ja, dit is net die klanke van ’n skepping wat sug en
kreun wagtend op My ingrype en dus deel van die finale uitlope van My groter plan (soos My
Gees daar in Rom. 8:18 e.v. dit vir julle uitspel).
Maar laat dit julle midde dit alles troos: Ek is besig om My Woord waar te maak. Midde alles
versorg Ek steeds My kinders getrou. Kyk maar net in julle eie lewens en rondom julle rond
om steeds sovele tekens van My seën daar te herken waar My volgelinge My gehoorsaam
en doen wat Ek hulle aansê.
Daarom moet julle ’n verwagting hê om oral om julle, in jul besighede, bedrywe, persoonlike
lewens, huwelike, gesondheid en finansies duidelike tekens te sien van My seën. En julle
gaan dit prakties herken waar julle meer vrug fisies en geestelik daar herken. Ja, en ook
daar waar daar vermenigvuldiging en vermeerdering plaasvind en julle aan mekaar moet
erken dat julle en julle geliefdes nou meer het en meer inkry as in die verlede ten spyte van
…. Ja, verder gaan die impak in die mense se lewens om julle, veral diegene wat vir en
saam met julle werk, maar selfs in die gemeenskap rondom julle vergroot, selfs tot daar
waar julle nie eens kon droom of dink nie.
Alhoewel almal van julle ook vanjaar finansieel die druk en spanning gaan beleef as gevolg
van die finansiële woelinge in die res van die wêreld, en met groot verantwoordelikheid
steeds moet werk met geld en in julle finansiële besluite, gaan baie van julle finansiële
sukses behaal. Daar waar julle doen wat Ek julle gevra het, gaan daar oorvloedige vrug
Daarom gaan julle kan bely: “2012 is die jaar van die Here. Ook in die besigheidswêreld sal
ons geseën wees.”
Maar dit is nie alles vir eie gewin nie. Aan die voete van Jesus moet julle ontdek wat is julle
s’n en watter deel moet gesaai word terwille van die Koninkryk wat moet kom. Onthou,
hoekom moet Ek julle aanhoudend finansieel seën as julle nie bereid is om oorvloedig te gee
waar Ek julle beveel het om te gee nie!
Hou op gee vir onpersoonlike projekte en begin gee vir die mense wat Ek vir julle gaan wys.
My gesalfde bedienaars moet finansieel vrygemaak word sodat hulle onbevange kan doen
wat Ek hulle beveel het om te doen. Daarom gaan Ek van julle opdrag gee om op te tree as
lossers in ander se lewens en gaan julle hulle help om klaar te maak met hulle skuld.
Maar luister mooi na My in die verband. Doen julle maar net wat Ek julle beveel om te doen.
Vir ander gaan daar voorsiening gemaak word vir die toekoms. Stel julle huise beskikbaar
waar en wanneer Ek julle dit wys om dit te doen. Maar ook al die ander dinge wat Ek julle
gaan wys om te doen.
Bou die huise waar leiers vir tye kan woon of kan kom rus. Luister mooi na waar plase,
woonhuise, besighede, skole, ens. meer selfversorgend moet word soos wat Ek julle
mettertyd gaan leer om weer in My Naam hierdie wêreld om julle te versorg en met
verantwoordelikheid te bestuur. Julle is immers bedoel om as My konings hier te heers.
Daarom gaan die gesig van My Ekklesia nog verder verander. Kerk, soos die meeste van
julle dit al die jare geken het, is besig om radikaal te verander. Die transformasie waarmee
My Gees wêreldwyd besig is, gaan oral rondom julle meer en meer sigbaar word.
Soos Andrew Murray reeds lank gelede gesê het: Elke generasie stap vêrder in hulle
verstaan van dit waarmee Ek besig is. En dit is in besonder waar vir waarmee Ek ook in
hierdie komende jaar onder julle besig gaan wees.
Oral hoor julle My Gees praat oor die merkwaardige dinge waarmee Ek nou mee besig is.
So hoor julle My Gees vertel van “herlewing soos in Andrew Murray se tyd”, ja, en selfs
groter as dit. Daarom sê Ek vir julle: Hou My dop om te sien wat Ek in die volgende paar
maande gaan doen! Ja, julle gaan My in My heerlikheid en krag sien werk soos nog nooit
vantevore nie! Die profetiese woorde oor soveel jare hieroor is voor die deur om te gebeur!
Van julle het selfs gehoor hoe Ek vir julle sê dat Ek so graag dit wat Ek van plan was om te
doen in van die tradisionele gemeentes wou doen, maar hoe hulle My en die werking van My
Gees ongehoorsaam bly teëstaan het. Daarom, het Ek het gesê, gaan Ek dit wat Ek wil
doen daarnaas in ʼn parallelle beweging doen waar Ek ongestoord kan doen wat Ek wil doen.
Ek het ook vir julle geteken hoe leiers uit tradisionele gemeentes daarheen gaan stroom om
te sien om te ervaar wat daar gebeur. Dan gaan hulle die leiers daar vra: Leer ons wat God
julle geleer het. Sodat ons kan teruggaan en God, in Sy genade, ook daar tussen Sy mense
by ons kan doen wat Hy hier tussen julle en Sy mense doen.
Maar, het Ek verder gesê, hierdie beweging van My Gees is nie weer nog ʼn kerk nie. My
Liggaam is een. Nee, dit is eerder ʼn nuwe golfbeweging van My Gees wat weer hier in die
Kaap gaan begin en deur Suid-Afrika gaan beweeg, oor Afrika en oor die hele wêreld. En
het die Here gesê, dan gaan die einde kom.
En, het Ek vêrder aan My mense gesê: Onthou die 4 tot 14-jariges! My hart is om ’n nuwe
geslag bedienaars te lanseer wie se geloof fondasies, soos daar in die begin van die vroegChristelike gemeentes, Bybels gefundeer is. Wie se geestelike geboortes normaal
plaasgevind het. Fasiliteer julle as My geestelike vroedvroue hulle geboortes om te sorg dat
hulle tot ’n Bybelse sondebesef kan kom; My Seun, Jesus Christus as Verlosser, Here en
Koning kan aanneem in geloof; sorg dat hulle Bybels gedoop word in water; maar ook
gedoop word met die Gees. Sodat hulle daarna verder kan groei en Ek hulle kan gebruik om
te bedien soos Ek dit bedoel het.
Soek eers My Koninkryk en My wil en al die ander dinge sal vir julle bygevoeg word.
’n Profetiese woord vir 2012 en verder – Deel 3
Die profetiese woord wat ek gehoor het en wat ek glo van God af is (toets jy maar asseblief
dit self daar aan die voete van Jesus) gaan soos volg verder:
Die Here sê: Julle is almal deel van ʼn groter storie wat Ek self besig is om oral oor die
wêreld te skryf, ook daar in jou gemeenskap, dorp of stad.
Die laaste voorwerp in My tabernakel van ouds, daar voor die voorhangsel voor die
Allerheiligste gedeelte - waar die ontmoeting met My destyds plaasgevind het, was die
Maar omdat Ek self die voorhangsel geskeur het, kan elkeen van julle as My nuwe geslag
priesters, met vrymoedigheid dag vir dag voor My dag vir dag verskyn.
Ek wil julle aanmoedig om daar in My teenwoordigheid tyd te maak om My te begin aanbid
en groot te maak as God (waaraan die wierookaltaar julle herinner). Daar waar julle gaan tyd
maak om dit te doen, gaan julle sien en ervaar hoe Ek Myself in My heerlikheid aan julle en
aan die wêreld nuut wil openbaar.
Soos daar in Op. 8 gebeur, gaan julle sien wat gebeur as My mense My begin groot maak
en aanbid en waar hulle net op My fokus en alles net oor My gaan. Gaan lees maar die
laaste twee hoofstukke van Openbaring om die einde van die verhaal te hoor.
Om My in Gees en waarheid te aanbid, is noodsaaklik wanneer julle My vertrou om julle te
gebruik om die oes van My Koninkryk in te samel.
Die finale toneel gaan wees wanneer die oes ingesamel word. Oestyd is aan die einde van
die seisoen, wanneer die oes op die land ryp is en gereed is om ingesamel te word.
Openbaring 14:14 tot 16 sê hieroor: “Toe het ek ‘n wit wolk gesien. Op die wolk het daar
Iemand soos die Seun van die mens gesit. Hy het ‘n goue kroon op sy kop gehad en ‘n
skerp sekel in sy hand.
’n Engel het uit die tempel uitgekom en hard geroep na Hom wat op die wolk sit: ‘Steek u
sekel in en oes, want die tyd het gekom om te oes. Die aarde is ryp vir die oes.’
Hy wat op die wolk sit, het toe sy sekel ingesteek op die aarde, en die aarde is afgeoes.”
Daarom sê Ek vir julle ook in die jaar 2012: Aanbid My in Gees en waarheid en Ek sal stede
en kulture wat My nog nooit geken of aanbid het nie, transformeer in ’n dag. Hoor My liedere
in die hemele. Nuwe liedere wat ou patrone en paradigmas kan vernietig. Laat Ek julle nuwe
liedere leer, die liedere vir die oestyd.
My Gees nooi julle uit om gereed te maak om My as God in julle midde te begin aanbid en
groot te maak. Ek nooi julle uit om oral in die byeenkomste van My kinders, in die groter en
klein byeenkomste, alles oor My te laat gaan en om mekaar se oë net My en My alleen te
Maar hou dit eenvoudig. Moenie dat dit gaan oor die musiekgroepe en gesalfde sangleiers
wat moet voorgaan nie. Moenie mense toelaat om vir hulleself naam te maak in hierdie tyd
nie. Fokus net op My as Vader, Seun en Gees.
Vergeet ’n slag watter liedere en musiek julle oor die jare gebruik het. Laat My Gees toe om
julle nuwe liedere en nuwe klanke te leer. Laat Hom toe om julle te leer om in stilte op My te
fokus en om My te aanbid en groot te maak. Laat Ek julle leer watter instrumente julle moet
Help My Bruid so om haarself gereed te maak, reg, heilig en skoon vir wat Ek deur haar wil
Groot skuddings kom op aarde.
Daarom het julle as My volgelinge nodig om My toe te laat om julle te leer om mekaar in My
Ekklesia opreg en waarlik lief te hê. Eers daar in julle huwelike en in julle gesinne, en dan
ook in julle groter families in Jesus, in die Liggaam van My Seun. Dit sal julle help om die
uitdagende tye te hanteer.
Julle moet versigtig en sensitief wees vir My stem. In julle besighede, in julle finansies en in
julle persoonlike lewens. As julle nie tyd gaan maak om stil te word in My teenwoordigheid
nie, gaan julle nie weet wat in My hart vir nou is nie.
Ek wil julle wys hoe om sekere tye mekaar te salf met olie, of mekaar toe te rus met Geestoerusting, en hoe om ander tye net te vas en stil te wees. Sodat julle nie deel word van die
baie ongevalle wat plaasvind in die Liggaam van Jesus nie.
So gaan julle net deel wees van die stemme wat roep en vertel van die koms van die
Rig ’n nuwe, rein generasie op.
Maak ook in hierdie tyd erns met visioene soos die volgende:
Ek sien hoe talle kerkdeure oopklap. Letterlik soos wanneer iemand dit oopstamp. Mense
stroom uit die kerke uit in die strate in en daar is groot opgewondenheid. Ek beleef die Here
sê dat die kerk soos hy bestaan het tot nou toe se tyd is verby. Daar kom weer 'n Gees
gedrewe Handelinge van die Heilige Gees-tyd waarin die evangelie van die Here Jesus
Christus soos 'n vloedgolf deur die wêreld gaan laat beweeg.
Maar, het Ek geopenbaar, mense moet na My toe terugdraai. Ek wil hul Eerste Liefde wees!
Gaan lees weer Deut. 28:1-15 en 2 Kron. 7:14 en ook verse 12-15.
Ek wil Suid-Afrika en die res van die wêreld seën met ’n vars uitstorting van My Gees!
Tot sovêr die woord van die Here.
There are much more to life than just to live
Life will only make sense and you will only be able to move forward in the
long run - if you’re live source is not from this world
You need true Life, Light and Love
You will not be able to find in this world real fulfilment, purpose, identity or
destiny - no matter how hard you look
For a moment, yes it will entertain you, keep you busy and occupied you
But it will not still the hunger from within, nor quench the thirst calling from
deep inside of you
It will not make you feel that you belong or answer the question why do I
The world lures us, use us and then abuse us
The voice of the world cannot help you find the road you are destined for
Nor motivate you to go beyond and press through when you are tired and
The world will not stay with you when you are alone or lonely
The world do not care when you are down or will comfort you when you are
The things of the world come and go and many people with it
But those who walk with you in divine love, loyalty and unity – that bond will
last and together you will walk all the way and finish the race
In the end of our lives all things we have accumulated, achieved and
possesses have to stay behind - nothing of this world can go with us
Except the cords of love they will go beyond for not even death can quench
We will only be able to enter to this eternal Life worth living through the
Door, the Way and the Truth
We will only inherit that what we have built in an unseen Kingdom
You have to break through the superficial moulds and layers of our society
You have to stop following the world rules, stay in their set out limited
boundaries and be satisfied with empty shallow paradigms of man
You have to understand and desire, see and search a path that this world do
not recommend, know or even acknowledge
You have to search for the heart, the essence, the foundations and find the
original blue prints that was set apart for you before the creation of this
You have to understand in this Kingdom the last will be first, the end is the
beginning, the bottom is the top and nothing is what it seem to be in our
limited understanding
Here in the Kingdom of Light
You have to die to live
You have to surrender to enter and advance
You have to give to receive
You have to sacrifice to gain
You have to serve and follow to lead
You have to allow brokenness so that compassion can grow in a circumcised
heart in order to make a difference
You have to seek to find
You beloved are born to make a difference in the world
You may not be satisfied with less
You cannot just live and die
This was never the plan nor the commission for us to live just a life and
There is a plan and you have all the days of your life to full fill your part
To have a place in a holy bloodline and be included in and everlasting destiny
that will keep on for all eternity
It is not just for you, you have to prepare and leave behind an inheritance for
your children and those that were entrusted unto you
There is a dream in the Fathers heart, a commission from the Son and a
calling of the Holy Spirit
Even you the Redeemed who have walked on this path with God and did
many things, conquered, heal and advanced in His name.. this message is
also for you
Too many of the bride of Christ chooses to settle, to be satisfied with so
much less
We cannot comprehend what is yet to come
Seek still deeper - come and stay in momentum with the King
Darkness is enclosing all around and the groaning of the earth and of man
can be seen and heard everywhere
There is no end to God’s love, there is no limit in His grace there is no
beginning and end in Him
Do thus not say - enough
Do not be stay behind
Do not settle and build monuments and then dedicate it to God
Do not dare just to live
But LIVE the utmost you were created to be…
You will honour God through this genuine act of service because of your
commitment to spread the Good News of Christ and because of your
generosity in sharing with them and everyone else
2Co 9:13
The LORD your God will make them retreats from you, and He will drive them
away as you advance. You shall have their land, as the LORD your God has
promised you
Jos 23:5
Rita Mare, Engelize de Lange and Ruach Kha’hee Ministry bless you with
God’s wisdom, favour and divine purpose for the year 2012
Fire ablaze
Prophetic Word
Prophetic Word for 2012
This is the Word I received from Father for 2012.
Father showed me that if He had to put a banner to 2012 it would read:
This is going to be the year that Father is going to manifest the greater things, miracles that Jesus
spoke about before He went to heaven. God is coming to show the people that the impossible is
possible to Him. (Luke 18:22, Matt 19:26).
Father wants to come and confirm His Word to everyone, to manifest that His Word is the truth. We
will see miracles happening that have never been seen before. The greater things and miracles will
2012 is the year of glory. Glory, God will manifest in a new and greater dimension.
The nations have not seen the glory of God yet. As Peter walked through the streets and his shadow
fell on people and they received healing (Acts5:15), so will it be with the people that have a true
intimate relationship with God and that truly know Him. People will walk on the streets and people
will get healed and delivered by them just walking past them as the Glory of God shines out of them.
It will happen through the ones that are true carriers of the presence of God and walk in intimacy
the whole time. The glory of God, as in Rev. 4, will manifest in places.
God is aligning heaven and earth in 2012.
He is calling us to a new level of holiness and intimacy. He is aligning our DNA with His DNA. To walk
in alignment and to a greater measure of presence we need to become more holy and more
intimate with Him. We need to become more like Him. Get to know Him, wisdom and revelation lies
in the knowledge of Him. (Efe. 1:16). We need to align our lifestyles to a God like lifestyle. We must
align to heaven to be part of the glory.
God is looking for a royal, holy, priesthood in 2012 through which He can manifest Himself. (1Pet2).
There will be a release of higher authority in 2012.
The people that know their God will stand up in authority and responsibility in 2012. God will
mobilise a generation of generals and soldiers who will walk and rule under His instruction of the
Word. They will be relentless against darkness and do mighty wonders. Generals in spiritual circles
across all nations will stand up to take up their authority and positions to lead with strategy and
power released by God. To these generals a rod of authority will be given together with a lot of
favour, as He favoured Ester. The rod to rule over darkness will supernaturaly be delivered to leaders
across nations and continents. (Psm.110:2). They will walk with boldness and faith.
The power of God will be released through these leaders. To walk in authority will be a key to all
Gods children in 2012. (Luke9:1; 1Cor15:24). It would be the year that His obedient and persistent
servants will be anointed as in Acts 10:38, with the Holy Spirit and power. God’s faithful servants will
have a kingly lifestyle.
In 2012 the darkness is going to stand up with greater power and anger.
This is one of the reasons why God's children need to stand close to Him and get to know Him. The
ones standing up in all circumstances and are being persistent to push through will conquer.
Breakthrough welcomes for Gods children in 2012. The Peres anointing will be released to the
persistent servants of God in 2012. We need to pull down the Kingdom by force (Gen. 38:28-29). In
all circumstances and levels of life God is coming to give breakthrough to His children.
We need to hear His voice and be obedient to walk in the breakthrough. We are in God, so is our
circumstances. The ones that realise this will walk in the victory and release of His greatness.
When God aligns 2012, heaven to earth, there will be a time of acceleration. A new generation of
seer prophets will stand up and emerge in the world which is necessary for the end times.
New Samuels will be raised up and stand up. People that are intimate with God will walk into the
spiritual acceleration and shift, and will move much quicker into their callings and destinies.
The shift and preparation for 2012 have already started at the beginning of October 2011. The shift
has become a move of God that is never ending. We need to walk in line with God to move with the
Cloud of God just like the Israelites did. This time though the Cloud will always move and never stop.
Knowledge and intimacy are so important to move with the cloud, being able to hear His voice. (Exo
13; Exo 19:9).
All Gods children need to move into their callings and destinies in 2012.
The key would be to take your eyes of other destinies and callings and to focus on Gods plan and
calling for YOU, so that you could fill the part of the Body that you have been created for, with
excellence and obedience.
2012 will be the year of governments for the light.
On each continent a leader will stand-up and step out to take up the position of leader nationally.
God wants to rule the earth and is calling His government and leaders in line in 2012.
New strategy and revelation will be released so that the darkness will be caught of balance. Leaders
need to have servant hearts to take up their governmental roles. We as the people and team players
need to submit ourselves to these leaders and God's plans. It will be all about the Kingdom.
In America there will be a place that will become like a spiritual Pentagon, a place of strategy and
revelation. Leaders from across the world will go there to receive instructions, revelation and
strategy. The body of Christ will start moving more in unity to fulfill the Kingdom vision of God. It will
be all about Gods Kingdom and His glory.
To walk in the glory of God in 2012 you need to die in yourself, deny yourself, for God to manifest in
power. ( Mark 8:34; Matt 16:24; Luke 9:23). God has to be your First Love.
The resurrection power of God will manifest in a greater measure and percentage in2012 through
people, where it will become part of a natural lifestyle to resurrect people. Some people will become
instruments of resurrection. (Rom8:11). God is truly coming with power in 2012.
There will be people walking in the presence of God in such intimacy and awareness that by times
they would shine like Moses when he was in the presence of God on the mountain. (Exo 33; Exo 34).
We need to realise that we carry the presence of God, and the Holy Spirit. Our spiritual senses need
to be exercised. (Heb5:14). Where we walk in2012 we need to walk with such a presence and
authority that people must be changed and renewed where ever we go - the atmosphere must
Father showed me that in 2012 the dragon and the spirit of Islam are going to stand up much
stronger and with a lot of anger and aggression. Leviathan will manifest more and more in nations
and especially in the Middle East and the Far East countries.
Father showed us, that in 2011 He released the spirit of confusion in the Middle East, where they
started fighting each other in their own countries and chaos erupted.
In 2012 Father will release a spirit of anger together with the confusion and greater destruction and
violence will take place. Darkness will fight against darkness. Islam will stand up with anger against
Christianity and persecution and violence will take place more and more.
Father showed that the Islam spirit could only be conquered through love. We need to have the
Fathers heart and His love and we must take up our authority and have faith.
God has spoken to countries like Japan, Korea, through natural disasters in 2011 but they did not
heed to the voice of God. The dragon in these countries will be attacked and bounded again in 2012
through nature. Japan will be hit again through floods and earthquakes. But in 2012 it will be with
more power. Where the dragon is going to stand-up and thinks that he is going to win more souls,
the opposite is going to happen. Countries like Indonesia, Philippines, Korea and Taiwan are going to
be filled with mighty testimonies of the love and power of God. In 2012 God's glory is going to
bringing the souls in abundance in these countries.
God showed me that the body of the dragon is still over China. In 2012 God is going to bind the body
of the dragon through power and miracles. He showed me a nuclear explosion in China that is
coming and it is going to cause a lot of pain, death, destruction and desolation. Father said that
those who died for Him in China in the line of duty for the Kingdom, has His promises that their
children’s children will be saved and have eternal life.
Father also showed me powerstation explosions in Russia. Investigation however will not be able to
find any causes for the explosions and it will be a mystery to them. The families, who have an
intimate relationship with God, will however have supernatural electricity in this chaos that will be
impossible to explain.
In 2012 a young political activist, leader, will stand up in Germany. He would be in his early forties.
He will become very popular and would be a real mover and shaker bringing change in Germany.
This leader would actually be an instrument for the antichrist in the future. Germany and France are
called strictly by God to come to a place of repentance and to start seeing Gods hand in their
countries financial blessings. They are very dark in the spirit. God is calling them to light as they
could be powerful instruments for Him.
America is a country called by God to be an international leader in all aspects of life and civilisation.
In 2012 God is going to call hard on American spiritual leaders to stand up in their positions of light
that they have been called for and to take up their responsibilities. God needs and wants to come in
charge of America. In certain states where God is not recognised by leaders, or being part of their
leadership, those states will fall in financial difficulties, some even into bankruptcy. Certain states
will be hit through nature and their agricultural powers will be broken. Arkansas is one of the states
that would be hit by draught. In the states that God is recognised and acknowledged through
leadership, pockets of revival will break out and set the example and pace to the rest of the nation.
Pres Obama will not be re-elected. He would make desperate financial commitments through
contracts with other countries to try and save America from financial disaster. The commitments
would be with countries not selected by God and not manageable. America is a proud nation and
through these commitments it would embarrass the nation and bring Obama to a fall.
There will be states where the spiritual leaders will stand up and bring God and prophecy into the
marketplace and it would flourish and lead to revival in the marketplace and Kingdom.
God is calling on the Spirit filled Christian leaders of America to stand up in 2012 and pull down
America's spiritual inheritance and revival with the power of God. They need to take up their role as
leaders appointed by God.
Father showed me that the Euro currency system will come to a fall. A one world currency could not
work and is part of the antichrists plan of control.
In 2012 the world will be pulled into recession and financial instability like never before. Europe will
be hit the hardest as it is dark in the spirit and God is not acknowledged by the masses. America will
be put under extreme financial strain where only God can save them. Even the powerful financial
countries like Germany and France will be in recession. Through the miracles that will happen to the
children of God financially in America, the financial and business world will start turning to God.
God is going to show the world in 2012 how He blesses Kingdom businesses. The ones that run their
businesses on Kingdom principles will be blessed in abundance. It is so important for Gods children
to know that you are under Kingdom finances and not natural world finances. Father showed me
that billions would come into the Kingdom of Light from the kingdom of darkness. God is looking for
Kingdom business people in 2012 whom he can trust with His finances, people that will use the
money to make the Kingdom grow and honour and glorify God and NOT for their own kingdoms.
God is looking for good stewards of His finances who will be obedient to Him. This financial pour-out
of finances in the Kingdom of light will cause a shift in the spirit and also in the natural finance world.
Testimonies would pour in that would show the world Gods love, power and greatness. Father
warns us to be in a place where we are prepared to receive His blessing and abundance.
In 2012 many false prophets and apostles will be exposed. There are many in the world. (1 John 4:1).
God is going to purify the Body through the manifesting of His glory. Darkness would not be able to
stand in the glory and light. False leaders and prophets will be exposed. Father warns the people
that are only running after titles that He has not called them to be bearers of these titles. The body is
called into unity and lifestyles of NO COMPROMISE.
There will be a lot of movement and action in South Africa.
South Africa has been called for revival, but the people need to wake up and pull it down by force.
People need to get together in unity and stop building their own kingdoms. Father warns that He will
take revival away if the people and church leaders don't stand up together and really seek Gods face.
God is looking for a face to face relationship. Revival can't take place without repentance, intimacy
and the power of God.
God is coming to shake the political arena in South Africa. Father is coming to expose a number of
political leaders and decision-makers who are involved in corruption and fraud. The dark side will be
exposed. God is coming to clean up His body.
Gods grace and hand is still upon South Africa. We need to take hold of it in thanksgiving and
God is calling South Africa to intimacy, righteousness and truth.
South Africans need to let go of the battle scars of the past and in 2012 move forward in unity to the
future to receive our glory and blessings. Financially South Africa will be stable comparing to the
world norm and standards.
Father showed me that the true worshippers will receive the glory of God in 2012. (2Chron5:14-15).
We as children of God need to come back to a place of worship. Our LIFESTYLES must be worship.
God must be glorified and honoured in 2012 in everything we do. Worship brings the presence and
manifests the glory of God. Everyone across the world is called for glory. Your lifestyle will set the
standard of what measure of glory you will receive in 2012.
2012 will be the year of glory. It is an exiting year to look forward to if you are a child of God. Allow
God to come into your life as your First Love. Allow Him to manifest His love, glory and power in your
life. He loves us all. Let’s start to walk into the glory of 2012 by loving and trusting Him with our
whole being.
May Father bless and spoil you in abundance in 2012. May the fullness of His love fill you in 2012.
Etienne Blom
Prophetic words for SA- from Cindy
Jacobs, Chuck Pierce and Barbara Yoder during April 2010
Submitted by ServeTheProphetic on Sun, 2010/05/16 - 8:42pm
Prophetic Intercession
The Spiritual WAR we are in
Pophecies over South Africa released at
Watchman Intercessor Assembly - at Christian International Ministries 6-10
April 2010
Cindy Jacobs 2010-04-06
I am coming to deal with corruption even in Africa. And the Lord says I have a Cyrus for
South Africa that I have prepared says the Lord. I am preparing a leader who will come and
step into place and the Lord says the old season is passing away and I am going to roll away
the reproach of South Africa of that what was in the old season but there will be a new South
Africa that will arise from the ashes. Arise and shine South Africa for your light has come,
you are going to light up the dark continent with My glory. I am going to pour out My Spirit
in ways that you can not imagine for there is a hidden remnant that is greater than the deep,
deep root of corruption. I am going to pluck it up says God and I will shake every thing that
can be shaken. There will be shaking even physical manifestations of shaking not only in
South Africa but across Africa. I am shaking Nigeria there is going to be a shifting and
changing of the guard even this night, I am pulling down one that I can put down another. I
am shaking Morocco I am getting ready to shake that continent from the north to the south
and the east and the west. I will not forget you, I love you says the Lord and do not think that
I will linger too long in Zimbabwe for I am hearing your cries and every year you think, next
year but God says when I begin to restore I will make Zimbabwe like the Garden of Eden it
will be such a miraculous restoration that people will be astounded says the Lord.
Wind of change anointing for you and when you put your foot back..., the Lord is loosing the
sound of the prophets from Johannesburg, a great move it is prophetic evangelism says the
Lord and many, many will come to the Lord because you will take the prophetic to the streets
says God the streets will be shaken.
Chuck Pierce 2010-04-08
Vision: The Spirit of God started to move on the east coast of South Africa to address a
stronghold that had been there and the stronghold toppled. And the Spirit went all the way up
the east coast of Africa and then circled back around and came into the west of Africa, west
of South Africa and it was as if all of a sudden it was creating like a pressure in the heavens
over much of Africa and the force was forcing Islamic forces to lay down their weapons.
South Africa will be know to have a move of God that liberates many Moslems and lead
them into the Kingdom of God.
Barbara Yoder 2010-04-08
The Lord says I am going to work a miracles in South Africa for there shall be a fire that
begin to burn and that fire shall begin to spread and it will be a brand new grass roots
movement and it shall bring together the races to create an upheaval in the corruption in the
government and the Lord says, do not look at what is, for I am going to invade South Africa
with a fresh new wind of My Spirit and you will not go down under destruction but you will
move forward for this is your day of advancement and breakthrough for the enemy had a
strategy for when you came to hold this thing in captivity but in the power in Jesus name we
declare advancement now, we say it shall begin now, we loose revelation now in the power of
Jesus name. We say that the portals of revelation are opening now. You shall see the strategy
you, will not be defeated.
I have chosen you for such a time as this to walk in the power of My presence and in victory. For, I have come to raise
an army, a glorious army, the likes of which has never been before. For, they shall rise up and run in the power of the
Most Holy to defeat the enemy. I am calling to you now. I am calling to you to be restored and to recover the gift of My
love, joy and peace. Beloved, even as this year has passed by, there stands one before you, the summary and the
power of which, at this point, is unknown and unbelievable. But, I call those things which are not as though they were,
and you will be astounded at My work. You will be astounded at what I accomplish among My people. It is the day of
opportunity and discovery, the day of receiving the blessing of the Lord Most Holy. Renew yourself this day, says the
Lord; all things will be possible to him who believes.
Joh 1:1-9 In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was
God. He was already with God in the beginning. Everything came into existence through him. Not
one thing that exists was made without him. He was the source of life, and that life was the light
for humanity. The light shines in the dark, and the dark has never extinguished it. God sent a man
named John to be his messenger. John came to declare the truth about the light so that everyone
would become believers through his message. John was not the light, but he came to declare the
truth about the light. The real light, which shines on everyone, was coming into the world.
Eph5: 8-9 Once you lived in the dark, but now the Lord has filled you with light. Live
and walk as children of light. Light produces everything that is good, that has God's
approval, and that is true.
You are now light in the Lord. You yourselves used to be in the darkness, but since you
have become the Lord's people, you are in the light. So you must live like people who
belong to the light, for it is the light that brings a rich harvest of every kind of goodness,
righteousness, and truth.
1Th 5:5 You are all sons of light and sons of day; we are not of night, nor of darkness.
Psa 36: 9 -10 For with You is the fountain of life; in Your light we see light. O continue Your
mercy to the ones knowing You, and Your righteousness to the upright of heart.
When we look unto Yahweh we become radiant. Be then illuminated by His light and flow
together in His streams of LIFE.
rita mare
The Dawn of a New Day – Kerrie E. Bradshaw
The Lord said parts of this word were for all and the last part was for some - your Spirit will
bear witness.
It is the Dawn of a new day. The temperature is rising, the stakes are higher, the train has
left the station and it's on the track. There is a switchman, who can turn the direction of the
train, if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek
my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins
and restore their land.
My people are living in these last days, many are the blind leading the blind, others are
skipping and singing la la, la, la, la, totally oblivious to the changes about to befall them,
others in fear and focused on circumstances. If my people who are called by my name will
humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear
from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.
Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. If my people who are called by my name will
humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear
from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. I will heal their land, the land
I gave them. Your own individual lands, the fields that I gave you to till, to sow, to harvest.
If my people will forgive, really forgive and renounce their bitterness and anger at people
and circumstances, and even at me, I will heal their land, their hearts and their minds. If my
people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and
turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore
their land.
The land of their forefathers. The generations of promise that went unfulfilled by
disobedient generations. I plan to restore the family blessings, and lands and, anointing and
mantels that went unfulfilled in past generations. There are many blessing spoken by faithful
fathers over their children that got lost in generations past, but the words were spoken out
into the atmosphere and those words, based on my words, will not be forsaken but restored
to my people who are called by my name. Break off the curses of generations gone by, you
live like you are under a curse but you are blessed and the curse was taken upon my flesh
and nailed to a tree to set you free. Ask for restoration of your familial blessing. A double
portion of the blessings past, the anointing, callings and mantels, that went unused and
unclaimed, waiting for a worthy obedient vessel to understand the time is now. The time is
now to arise. The time is now to claim your destiny. The depression and oppression of the
past season is to be broken off. Like a baby bird coming out of his shell, you need to
struggle to break free of the mindsets of this past season. You were not what they say you
are. You are not a failure. You are not unworthy of my love and blessings. They said I was
not with you, but I was, holding you in my arms of love. I set you aside to speak to you, to
teach you, to love you. You are in a season of change and I took you aside to break things
off of your life that needed to go, so you will be able to handle the calling on your life. You
were not ready to walk in what I have for you, so I took you aside for a time of preparation
as Esther bathed in the perfumes. A lesson faith and trust and to get to know me better.
Many used this time wisely but many have not, it is not too late to reclaim your destiny, but
it starts with a heart completely mine, mere lip service will not do. We have moved past that
point in the separation, those truly mine and those pretending to be, will become
increasingly evident. You must decide. You know those of whom I am speaking. A hope and
a future in me or in the world. The past is a erased the future is now. The train on the track
at about to change directions, if my people who are called by my name will humble
themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from
heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.
The time is here, the time is now – freedom awaits. Break out of that shell, and let me
clothe you with my grace, fill you with my mercy and compassion to help you see the people
of this world the way I see them with eyes and a heart of love.
For you my child, I have a double portion for your troubles. Your pain and suffering you
endured at the hands of others, a double portion of the anointing, the gold oil will flow down
your lips when you speak and the glory of the Lord will rest upon you. AYou will be hated by
the world for they hated me first. But all the world will know you are my child, and your
words will pierce the darkness of heart and mind, as it was with Jeremiah it will be with you.
The truth costs. There is a price to be paid to proclaim it, and a price to be paid to ignore it.
God blesses you this day and puts the crown on your head and a robe worn by your king
around your shoulders and I, not your enemy will lead you through the streets on horseback
“Thus shall it be done to the man whom the king delights to honor!”
And the enemy will be angry and plot and plan but you my child have the victory and as
Haman's ugly plan was exposed and turned back around in him, I am about to do the same
for many of you. My hand has been working all this time and I am about to destroy the
enemies who came against you. What was planned to for your evil will be their fate, call a 3
day fast and come before your King.
Entering into a New Season - Foundations for the Next 10 Years
By Curt Landry:
Entering into a New Season - Foundations for the
Next 10 Years
As we cross over the threshold of time and enter into
a new season – the Hebraic year 5772 – I find myself
echoing the Lord as He asks the Church this question,
"Will you come up higher still?"
The Lord is calling for His Church to rise up in
this hour, far beyond the reaches of familiarity,
and begin to assume her rightful position within
His Kingdom.
5772/2012 will be marked as a year of numerous catastrophic
events throughout the world, from natural disasters, to financial
distresses, wars and rumors of wars – everything that can and has
been shaken will be shaken.
However, there is good news! If the Church will hearken unto
the Word of the Lord and remain true to His instruction, we will
find ourselves witness to the greatest corporate awakening the
Church has ever seen as she rises up into a season of
unprecedented power and authority, assuming her rightful position
in His Kingdom – the Kingdom of our God!
Weather Extremes are Coming
This year, 5772/2012, the United States will witness numerous
severe and record-breaking weather extremes. We will experience
unparalleled droughts and floods of epic proportions. I believe that
these storms are on the horizon as the world has, both literally
and spiritually, been shifted off of its axis.
This warning comes to the Church, not to bring fear and
panic, but in order that we can prepare and begin to learn
to take dominion over the atmosphere – over our
circumstances. We will no longer have the luxury of placing the
responsibility of dealing with these issues upon the shoulders of
other apostolic and intercessory groups (the forerunners). Instead,
we need to rise up and learn to pray and prophesy to the wind and
the weather – to take dominion and authority over our own
"… For He commands even the winds and water, and they obey
Him!" Luke 8:25
The Transfer of Wealth is Coming
The world's economies will worsen in 5772. Consequently, for
those in ministries who rely on financial support from familiar
sources, things will have to change.
God will remove many familiar sources of financial provision
during this season, however, if we watch carefully, another source
of money will begin to rise up – a new source flowing from the
hands of Believers who are found patiently waiting upon the Lord
for this coming transfer of wealth! When this begins to happen, it
may appear to those without the knowledge of God as if the Body
of Christ is suffering. However, this is far from the truth! The
remnant Church will not suffer if she listens and obeys His word.
As this transfer of wealth begins to unfold, those who were not
millionaires will become millionaires. Those who were millionaires
will become multi-millionaires. And those who were multimillionaires will become billionaires. This will be the new
generation who will help facilitate a harvest the size the world has
never before seen. It's coming!
"'Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in
My house, and try Me now in this,' says the LORD of hosts, 'If I
will not open for you the windows of Heaven and pour out for you
such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.'"
Malachi 3:10
Earthquakes are Coming
There will be an increase in worldwide earthquake activity in 5772
– with a high probability of a serious earthquake occurring within
the boundaries of the United States. While many have put their
trust in the government to provide for them in these coming
crises, it will be unable to do so. But this is all part of God's design
to prepare His Bride! He is asking us to prophesy and speak unto
the mountain. He is asking us to rise up in faith, exercising our
authority over the land!
"For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be
removed and be cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his
heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will
have whatever he says." Mark 11:23
The Lord will always reveal His secrets to His servants in order
that we can prepare for that which is to come. I am sharing this
with you today so that you can be prepared. It is wise for you to
be aware of the fact that possible food and supply shortages may
be coming our way as a result of these earthquakes and extreme
weather. On a practical level we should all have a disaster relief
program in-place in our homes, in our businesses, and in our
churches. We should have enough food, water, and enough money
(cash on-hand) so that if something does happen, we are
prepared to go through a 30-day window of dysfunction. However,
we need not panic: remember, this is not yet the time of
"Armageddon," but we do need to be prepared with a practical
Wars and Rumors of Wars are Coming
In 5772, wars and rumors of wars will continue throughout the
world as we draw closer to the prophetic times Jesus spoke of in
Matthew 24:6:
"And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you
are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the
end is not yet."
Israel will frequently make front-page news as she experiences
increased political and military unrest in 5772/2012. Her borders
will remain in constant turmoil, with peace no longer on the
horizon. Therefore, the Church must stand up in support of Israel.
She must, as never before, rise up and position herself on her
knees in prayer for the peace of Jerusalem and all of Israel.
"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: 'May they prosper who love you.
Peace be within your walls, prosperity within your palaces.'"
Psalm 122:6-7
It's Time, Church! - The Prophetic Word is Coming
LIVE THROUGH IT AGAIN." (By the famous philosopher, George
Santayana, inscribed on a plaque found within the walls of the
Auschwitz concentration camp.)
In 5772/2012 the Church is going to need to not only embrace the
prophetic, but also to understand and activate the principles of the
prophetic word with greater authority so as not to repeat history.
For that reason, we must always look to Scripture as our guide to
the prophetic in these trying times.
One of the best examples on the fundamentals of prophecy can be
found in Ezekiel 37. There, in verse 3, we find the Lord asking of
Ezekiel, during his vision in the valley of dry bones, "Son of man,
can these bones live?" And then in subsequent verses, the Lord
instructs Ezekiel to prophesy to the bones – telling them to come
together; and then to prophesy to the breath; and then to the
sinew and skin; and finally to take full authority and prophesy
unto the land. Do you see the process?
Pastor John Kilpatrick, of the Church of His Presence, described
the prophetic process best when he explained that God typically
prophesies from mountain-top to mountain-top, never giving you
the valleys. Until this time, the Church has not correctly
understood how to deal with prophecy – it does not fully
understand that you must go forward after you have gone through
the valley of the shadow of death!
The cause for confusion over how to prophesy in the Church often
occurs when the Lord asks her, "Can this great thing happen?" We
then respond and answer, "Yes, Lord, You know!" We are all in
agreement, and the bones begin to come together, which is great!
But then after the great commotion of bones flying around and
coming together, we never seem to get to the place where we
actually put lungs into it, or put skin on it, or even begin to
position ourselves to prophesy to the land – to take authority and
dominion over it!
It's Time to Wage the Good Warfare
Paul spoke these words to Timothy, in 1 Timothy 1:18-19, "This
charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies
previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the
good warfare..."
Pastor Kilpatrick has continued on to reveal how the Church must
be taught how to wage the good warfare with the prophecies that
have been spoken over their lives. For these prophesies to come
to pass, we have to be able to see the dry bones coming together!
We have to be healed. We have to be found living in the land.
And, we have to battle until our prophecies come to pass! We no
longer have the time to merely stop because we cannot find the
lungs and the breath to put into it! We must continue to war
for our prophecies! Therefore our prophecies must become
our focus!
As we read the remainder of verse 19, Paul reveals the fate of
those who lose faith concerning their prophecies:
"...Having faith and a good conscience, which some have rejected,
concerning the faith have suffered shipwreck."
This is what subsequently happens as you begin to drift away from
the prophetic word spoken over your life. If you lack the faith to
continue to push it forward, you will shipwreck! So you must
contend for the prophecies that were spoken over you!
It's Time to Take Authority
There is an anointing to awaken to a third-day in 5772. This is
very important, because you cannot change things with the
abundance of yesterday's knowledge and activity! You will need to
carry a new revelation into the third-day.
Revelation 1:6 says, "and [He] has made us kings and priests to
His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and
ever. Amen."
This speaks of the renewal of hope! This Scripture tells us that He
has made us kings and priests! Who are you waiting for to
prophesy unto your mountain? You must rise up as a king and
a priest, and speak to the issues in your life. You must obtain
the revelation and awaken to the Kingdom in this third-day! It is
about "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done!" The Kingdom is for
kings and priests!
In order to activate our authority, hope needs to be renewed.
Otherwise, we will always look to others to pray for us and to
speak for us. We must speak forth dominion over our own
prophetic word – over what we are each called to do.
My own personal job is to do everything I can in order for the
Gentile Church and Israel to come together and open up the
gates. I have been prophesying into this vision for 22 years – and
I know that I will see it! I will either see it as one coming back, or
I will literally see it – but I will see it. I have prophesied this so
much that I believe it – I know that I am a king and a priest! It
doesn't make any difference if others don't believe – it is about
what I believe when I speak it. This is all about knowing exactly
who you are in Yeshua the Messiah!
It's Time to Prophesy with Breath
Deuteronomy 11:26 says, "Behold, I set before you today a
blessing and a curse."
5772 is about prophesying breath. Are you going to prophesy for
the four-winds to come? Are you going to believe? You must begin
to walk with your lungs full of the four-winds, declaring, "I have a
choice; blessing or cursing!" This is your choice – you must
choose, because God will always give you a choice!
Many people tend to fight against their prophetic word with
excuses. But you can choose to say, "No! I am born-again and
washed in the Blood of Jesus who died to bless me!" You must
say, "I choose blessing because I am blessed of the Lord!" And
when you do, the skeletal system will begin to come together; the
ribcage and lungs will begin to operate, and breath will begin to
come out. Your prophecy will begin to come to life!
It's Time to be Released into Your Destiny
Isaiah 40:31 says, "But those who wait on the LORD shall renew
their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they
shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."
Many in the Church today are perplexed as to why they have been
held back, many have battled rejection, and many have had
several false starts. There have been many with big plans that
have suddenly ground to a halt. These plans were stopped
because it was not yet your time! But the Lord wants me to
prophesy this to you for 5772/2012: "It's time to be released
into your destiny!"
For this to happen you must be clothed spiritually – you need to
put on your new identity. You need to put on that covenant
relationship and know that your God loves you. You are not
second-rate – you have not been grafted-in as an afterthought.
God knew what He was doing from the foundations of the Earth,
and He is ready to release you into your destiny!
It's Time to Walk in Authority
"'I will put My Spirit in you, and you shall live, and I will place you
in your own land. Then you shall know that I, the LORD, have
spoken it and performed it,' says the LORD." Ezekiel 37:14
A part of this new release involves the transfer of land. This is
exactly what the battle over Israel is for. More than ever in 5772
the battle for Zion is going to be fought over her land. What the
Lord is about to do in Israel will be miraculous! There will be
prophets who go into Israel this year who will speak to the dry
bones from the mountains of Zion. They will release the breath –
the Ruach HaKodesh of God (the Holy Spirit). They will speak to
the sinew – the strength.
And the Jewish people in the land of Israel will rise up, not as
I.D.F. soldiers, but in the spirit of Elisha! They will rise up in
power. They will rise up in the dominion that they were called to.
They will turn from caterpillars into butterflies. They are going to
come out of their cocoons this year! They are going to operate in
power and speak unto their land. And when they do this, the LION
of the TRIBE of JUDAH will ROAR!
We, as the Church, have been standing in the gap interceding for
many years, and prophesying unto the mountains of Israel. But
now the Lord will raise up His own indigenous Sabra – Jewish
prophets – Jewish Believers who will rise up and begin to speak
unto the land. As these satanic ley lines are broken, you are going
to start seeing ley lines broken in your own properties – in your
land – and over the United States of America. So I speak release
into the land – into the ley lines of God!
Yes, 5772/2012 will indeed be the beginning of a new season. A
season when the Church begins to emerge out from the familiar
and step into the third-day revelation of our LORD! A year when
the Church rises up to take dominion and possession of her
rightful inheritance in His Kingdom – the Kingdom of God!
Curt Landry
Founder, Curt Landry Ministries
Email: info@curtlandry.com
Curt Landry is the CEO of Curt Landry Ministries and House of
David Ministries. House of David hosts bi-weekly services and
annually celebrates the feasts of the Lord with special services.
Curt is also the CEO of My Olive Tree U.S.A. Curt Landry is also a
member of the ICA and participants with the Oklahoma Apostolic
Network and the Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network. Curt and his
wife Christie travel worldwide speaking on the power of covenant
restoration, healing signs and miracles, Israel and the Church, and
the revelation of the One New Man spoken of in Ephesians 2. The
Landrys currently reside in Grove, Oklahoma along with their
daughter and son-in-law.
The Great Kiss! The Month to Transition into
a Breakthrough Anointing!
The Year of the Container!
During our Head of the Year Celebration, the Spirit of the Lord began to speak about containers
and I began to prophesy: “This will be known as the year of the CONTAINER. You will either
be contained or you will shout with Me and break out of your containment. Your house can become
your captor or your house can become My glory. This is the time for structures that contain and
stop the flow of My plan to be broken so allow the shout of the King to rise up through your
mouth. When you release that shout, walls and confinements will break.” I have shared several
times since then about the need to watch our ports and the containers coming into our nation.
Yesterday, news reports began to emerge regarding the safety of containers processed in Vietnam.
FoxNews.com reported: Exploding Shipping Containers Processed in Vietnam Raise Public
Safety Concerns in U.S. “Multiple international shipping agencies are conducting a
comprehensive review of refrigerated containers processed at a Vietnam port, the Pacific Maritime
Association said in a statement, after some units exploded, reportedly killing two mechanics in
Vietnam and one in Brazil.… The Coast Guard said it is working closely with shippers and port
officials around the nation to identify any potentially faulty containers, isolate them, and ensure
they are rendered safe.” (by Edmund DeMarche) In this watchman season, continue to pray
for the containers that come into our ports, and that anything unsafe or hostile to this
nation would be exposed and rendered harmless.
Worship: An Apostolic Perspective
We have entered a new worship season in the earth. I call this, “The Season of Harvest Songs!”
This is an apostolic season. An apostolic season is where we receive our call and are sent into the
fields that have been prepared for harvest. We have a mentality of celebration, work, war, and
triumph all expressed through worship. The harvest is a picture of God’s judgment. Jesus used this
as a metaphor to make us realize that there will come a time when He gathers those who believe.
The harvest has already begun. It began when Jesus first came and now is maturing rapidly. Yet
there is a “tug-of-war” in heavenly places over who will control the harvest and bring the
resources into the storehouse. Luke 10:2 says, “Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send
out laborers into His harvest.” (NKJV)
Worshipping in Spirit and Truth is necessary to enter the war in the earth realm for a Kingdom
Harvest. There are many fields and all are being prepared for the harvesters, the WORSHIPPERS,
to enter. Storehouses are being prepared. The final theater of war will be the War of Harvest.
Harvest time is when we are at the end of a season, the crops have matured, and there must be a
gathering. Revelation 14:15-16 says, “And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a
loud voice to Him who sat on the cloud, ‘Thrust in Your sickle and reap, for the time has come for
You to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.’ So He who sat on the cloud thrust in His sickle on
the earth, and the earth was reaped.”
In God’s Unfolding Battle Plan (Regal Books, 2007), I share the following: “We face a multitude of
wars in various dimensions and from every front. In the next 20 years, all nations will reconcile
around Israel, while some will arise to become dominant on the world scene. The United States of
America will attempt to find its voice new and fresh but will not be heard as loudly as in the past.
Mammon will be the greatest influencing force of rule in the world. Bloodlines will continue to
conflict with other bloodlines simply because nations are comprised of people with unredeemed
blood. The carnal mind will continue, as always, to be in enmity with God and resist His
knowledge. Antichrist will continue to have a plan to rule the earth. However, the earth—again, as
always—will still be the Lord’s and the fullness thereof!”
Because the Earth is the Lord’s and He has a plan of fullness, He has a plan of Harvest. Harvest is
a process. The grain must be cut with a sickle. What has been cut is then gathered into sheaves
and taken to the threshing floor where tools or animals are used for the threshing. The grain is
winnowed and tossed into the air, where the wind separates and blows away the chaff from the
heavier kernels of the harvest. The last phase of harvest is the storage finale. This occurs when
the kernels are shaken in a sieve so that the harvest can be stored. The war dynamic of harvest is
maturing at this time over this point of the process. We are in a shaking process. What can be
shaken will be shaken. The Lord is shaking away the iniquities in our lives, corporate gatherings,
cities and nations that would make us less “marketable.”
The key to our harvest is the weight of His glory. In the winnowing stage, the weightier kernels do
not blow away. In the season ahead there will be many issues that cause us to be tossed to and
fro. Without the weight of His glory resting upon us, we will be blown away and not complete the
harvesting process that God has released into the earth. We can only receive this key to harvest if
we learn to worship in Spirit and Truth.
Not only are we being harvested, but we are the harvesters for the future! Dr. Robert Heidler, the
incredible teacher that I serve with, recently wrote me the following: “Two nights ago I had a
dream. In the dream Linda had been out shopping and came home with a cardboard box. In the
box was a rattlesnake. She said, ‘The Lord told me if we would bring this rattlesnake into our
house and keep it there for three weeks that we would enter into a season of endless harvest.’ So
we did. We put the poisonous snake in the garage and kept the door closed to make sure it
couldn’t get in to the main house. We were very careful how we went into the garage because we
knew we had a rattlesnake in the house. I awakened and remembered that when we were
commissioned and sent, or apostolos-ed, we were given authority over serpents and scorpions.
The problem is the Church has been so frightened of the world that we won’t let ourselves get
anywhere near its contamination. But if we will put aside our fear and bring the world into our
homes, not to become ‘of it’ but to convert and sanctify all the culture for God’s purposes, we will
see that we do have authority over the power of the enemy.”
I heard the Lord say: “Some of you are resisting bringing the enemy under your feet. That’s what
is keeping your next level of portion from being unlocked. The harvest is yours. Do not fear the
enemy when I give you the enemy. Ask Me for your desire on your enemy. If you’ll ask Me for
your desire on your enemies, what I will do is bring that enemy in and within three weeks
everything that the enemy has held up, confiscated, or taken from you, I will give you. The
storehouse the enemy was guarding, you will now own the key! There is a time that harvest
comes! Even if your harvest season was once captured, in My plan and in My season I can cause a
harvest season to come back around again. Open your eyes. Open your eyes of faith. Open your
eyes of expectation! I am a God that is able to bring harvest back to you. If you are willing to seek
Me, if you are willing to set your face like flint, I can bring the windows of heaven back over you so
what you’ve lost, what has been walled up and stored away from your use in one season, can be
released now! You can see the harvest come in and secured for this day.
Worship Me in Spirit and Truth and I can cause cities and cultures that knew Me not, to be
transformed in a day. Hear My songs of Heaven. New songs break old cycles. Harvest songs are
being released. Sing with Heaven and I will send hosts to assist you in the Harvest.”
Keep moving and keep us moving,
Chuck D. Pierce
The Pleasure of Our God Bob Hartley
Bob Hartley:
The Pleasure of Our God: Prophetic Voices in the Family of God Who Have Answers
The Miracle Encounter for 2011 on the Holy Ghost Hope Glory Train
Over the last few amazing months, I have been reclining on a porch swing with the Lord and He
has been showing me His heartfelt desire and holy hope-filled decrees for the Family of God in
2011 and other groups of people still to come in, with such love and vibrancy to enable us to
receive His hopeful embrace and perspective.
Simultaneously, my sister, who is very intuitive, encouraged me to watch the movie the “Polar
Express.” I am not really a movie watcher, but I watched this movie several times and the Lord
has touched me through what begins with the movie and turns into my own beautiful encounter
with Him. This encounter has been progressive, and was taken to a whole other level as I was
taken from a view of 30 feet above the earth to five million miles in the heavens. I’ve had dreams
of waves that would try to crash over the Body of Christ and I was only 30 feet above the ground,
while the waves were 70 feet, and I and others were drowning. The Lord said, “I have measured
you in hope and you have come up wanting. The way in is to adore, adore, adore!”
However, as I didn’t give up and continued looking into His eyes, suddenly I was caught up into a
heavenly place with others, and I found myself on the “Polar Express,” but in this encounter it
turned into the Holy Ghost Hope Glory Train and headed into Heaven through the most
indescribable colors of God. The Lord began to speak to me as I was crying out like a little boy
exhilarated, celebrating a roller coaster ride, as we headed straight up to His throne. Then I found
myself on a porch swing reclining next to Him in His beauty on the balcony of Heaven. I’m looking
at the earth from His heavenly perspective and I was stunned as it became a beautiful garden
before me.
“How great are His signs and how mighty are His wonders! His Kingdom is an everlasting
Kingdom, and His dominion is from generation to generation.”—Daniel 4:3
Jesus began to show me how the earth will begin to become a beautiful garden for us in
2011, and I started to experience something so extraordinary and necessary: His
hopeful view of the Kingdom of God and the nations. He continued to unfold this important
encounter for the Family of God for 2010–2020 with a fullness of love and hope that I have never
experienced before. Again, He has been unfolding this word to me for several months, through
signs and wonders and angels, and I was seeing from a whole different, hopeful, glorious and
eternal view. I was beginning to see from His perspective, from His everlasting Kingdom
and the highest court in Heaven.
What the Lord Spoke to Me on the Porch Swing in This Heavenly Place
In summary, there are four things that He shared with me in this place about His heart and plan,
and I grew in such confidence as He spoke. Since then there have been many who have confirmed
the prophetic signs and individuals. There are grand, glorious, fearful wonders behind each of
these decrees!
1. First, He Shared His Desire for Us: He exploded with His burning desire and passion (His
“man of war” zeal and ardent love) for the Family of God in life and hope for 2011 and beyond. I
felt His willingness and commitment to fight and win the battle for us and His overwhelming ability
to do so with ease and joy.
2. Second, “You Must Look Back to Look Forward”: He then spoke, “As we look forward into
2011, we must look back appropriately through My lens of who I am as the Almighty God, like
Jacob did at Bethel in Genesis 28:16, where He said, ‘Surely the LORD is in this place, and I did
not know it.’”
Jesus continued, “I want you to see your past correctly in the light of Psalm 92, proclaiming My
love and hope in the past and every day in every situation, or you will close the door to My
goodness and not perceive My love and hope for the present and the future appropriately. You
must see your whole life and daily activities through My utter and complete enjoyment of you and
your journey on this earth. To the fallen man, the day is evil; but to you, the redeemed man, the
day is good, so good! You are to take amazing territory for My Kingdom every day.”
3. Third, His Overcoming Plans: He told me to close my eyes, and He said, “You can’t see with
your eyes open,” and from that place, He defined His overcoming plans for individuals, families,
business, and the earth. This included:
• 5 Great Waves: First, there would be five Great Waves of Challenge to the nations and to
individuals in 2011 that are actual doors or ways in to greater life and hope in Him (see
Hosea 2:14-15). Nebuchadnezzar had a dream where all was going well, but the Lord disturbed
Him through this dream – and that was the Lord’s aim in showing us these waves, but He also
did not want to leave us there.
• 5 Great Initiators: Second, He showed me five Great Initiators of these Waves that are people
with principalities behind them (He was unmoved by any of them, however. Again, He would take
that evil and turn it to good). His Kingdom has no end and His wisdom is greater than these lesser
“Who among the gods is like You, LORD? Who is like You – majestic in holiness, awesome in glory,
working wonders?”—Exodus 15:11
• His Wise Overcoming Plan: Third, He spoke of His wise, profound, creative, genius, hopeful
answers in Him, and His overcoming plans, and how to tend to this garden and make it lovely. This
beautiful garden in Him that I was seeing from this 5 million-foot-high view was different nations,
cities, businesses and families – He would make them the most exquisite, beautiful gardens.
• His Hope Craftsmen: Then He showed me something I had never seen before: the Hope
Craftsmen that He had been preparing like His Son, a carpenter in a back room, to come out with
the most amazing Hope Advanced Tools that would enable both God to be moved to the center of
life versus the perceived issue and God’s solution to come forth.
4. Fourth, His Assignment: From the porch swing, God gave me and all of us an assignment. He
emphasized the need for a busy people in their spirit, to come near to listen like in Ecclesiastes 5:1
and Psalm 27:4, and spend the time dialoguing with Him for 40 days – and He would give the
questions to ask. He said this dialogue was to start as soon as possible, and was to be
corporate and across the earth – the asking of similar questions about what He wanted to do
and Who He wanted to be in His overcoming nature in the midst of the five Waves.
• His Invitation: After the 40 days of dialoguing with Him individually as groups, churches, and
cities, He would invite us to come together across the nations to share what we had heard from
the Lord and from His heart through these conversation times about Him and His hopeful
solutions. Each of us would have a great invitation into His heart to bring forth these hopeful
answers, and He would take us into a new room of hope that would help us work through our own
doubts and fears in this dialogue with Him.
God’s Goal in Sharing This Word for 2011
God had a great goal in trumpeting this word for 2011 to the Body of Christ. First, His goal was to
make known His will and interpretation of life in the days to come through His hopeful lens.
Second, the goal is that the Family of God would hear Jesus and His tremendous hope and
peace in building and moving forward in 2011, to keep us from being like Peter in Matthew 14:30,
who looked at the waves and began to sink instead of looking into His eyes.
It is needed and necessary for the Family of God to hear in the year to come from a true
patriarchal prophetic voice that always has an answer in Him! Each one of us is being
invited into this process individually, as God leads, to come out with an answer in Him for the
challenges and be unmoved. If we would move right into adoring and magnifying Him in
the midst of the challenge, we will have great success in 2011.
Jesus’ Hope-Filled, Confident Desire for the Body of Christ in 2011 (It’s a big deal!)
On this porch swing from the balcony of Heaven, Jesus asked me, “What is going to happen in the
next 10 years?” I replied that I did not know, and He liked that response. He was proud of me, as
many act like they know, and He said, “I do. Now listen.” As I sat with Him and listened, I
marveled at how radiant with hope He was as He shared.
He turned to me and said tenderly, “Before I share My heart with you, I want you to understand
that I will be purposely ambiguous. I won’t share every detail regarding 2011 because I want to
create an ongoing dialogue and process with you, and if I gave you all the answers, the dialogue
wouldn’t happen. But I will share enough with you so that you and those who hear this word will
not live in confusion but will feel the Spirit of the Holy, Hopeful, Loving God surround them.”
The Hopeful Patriarchal Prophetic
Jesus said He was talking to me as one who is a Father that really cares and nurtures and
stewards the lives of others with the words He gives; and He said, “I have entrusted you and
others with this word to be not only a tutor but a father with the heart of the hopeful patriarchal
prophetic, who long to see their sons and daughters go even farther than them and their
authority and dominion in Me – as fathers and mothers who can decree a thing and it happens.”
They were given hearts of flesh with such love that it will change the prophetic movement, and I
saw them come like trees that were so tall with heavenly food for all the earth to eat from, like
Psalm 1 and Isaiah 61.
Jesus shared, “Through this heart-to-heart dialogue and hearing of My voice, you will see Me as
the most High God who rules in hope, and then you will declare it and decree it. I will move you
into a greater understanding that you are an image-bearer of Me, and you will become so hungry
and anchored for more and more of Me and the reality of Me as the God of peace Whose
government does not end but always increases. The power of My voice and the discovery of
My nature and My authority in you will begin to be realized in 2011.”
Then on the porch swing, Jesus began to unfold His deep heart desires for the Family of God; it
was so strong that I saw His smile of hope for the first time to that degree and in that way.
He said, “In 2011, I will plant My desire in My Hope Craftsmen to feed My people on the true and
appropriate knowledge of Who I am, and I’ll speak to their deepest questions about Me in this
Psalm 27:4 reality of adoring Me (true face-to-face prayer where you look into My eyes) and
inquiring of Me (I will show you the fruit of wisdom and the greatness of the abundance of My
wisdom that makes you like 1 Kings 10). They will be the ones to help others into that third
perspective of hope, not of the earth or the liar’s voice, but of My heavenly, hopeful voice which
takes them above the clouds of doubt and despair.”
His Hopeful Promises for His People
On the porch swing with Jesus, I had doubts rise up in me because I felt like Peter in Matthew 14
out on the water with Jesus, but I still saw the waves coming. Jesus would say, “Stop! Look at
Me!” I would look at Him to see if He really saw the challenges, and there was no moving of Him in
His confidence – He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. My doubts and fears couldn’t
talk Him out of the promises. He was victorious; it was settled in all these areas! His vantage
point and Person were greater than the challenges I saw. He saw them as the doorways to hope.
I was undone by His brilliance and His lack of any kind of wavering. His face was set like flint and
He was not shaken… He spoke again, “Even though there are perceived challenges coming, I have
given exquisite, precious, advanced tools and golden ways of this Journey of Hope. My whole
desire is that My kings and queens of hope would be cemented in the appropriate
knowledge of Me. Then they can become hopeful watchmen who see a long ways out, who help
build a pathway for Me into cities and spheres of life, bringing forth the knowledge of God and
the promises of the land and the people that I deeply love. I will have a people of My own
possession in 2011.” I trembled and did not speak a word as I saw the fire come out of His eyes.
Then He continued, “I will give them this passion – My passion, and this force of hope, so that they
are totally and utterly unmoved… I will be the marvelous, hopeful God to them and I am taking
them on a royal journey with Me, which is a royal pathway that leads them on the way to great
exploits and hope miracles. When these waves or challenges arise, My hopeful kings and
queens will come with a greater understanding and a greater love and hope, and will
help to rebuild My royal cities and nations, and will lead the many to Me.”
I was so moved and overwhelmed by His tender, powerful, love-filled heart that so longed to be a
certain and hopeful companion to me and the many others on this journey of hope. He paused for
a moment and looked deep into my eyes with such love, I wasn’t sure if I could bear it. Then He
burst into laughter as He turned and looked out over the balcony of Heaven. He began to shout,
“My burning passion is to bring hope to the hopeless!” Then He turned back to me, and
asked, “Do you realize I formed everything with a word…out of life, hope and joy, dancing with
My Father in the midst of darkness? I am committed to bring forth the Symphony of Hope
across the nations! We named the animals, can We name you? Can We name nations? It’s easy
enough.” (He was speaking of giving God-ordained identity.)
“In joy you are going to walk out this life with Me. It’s time to soar in these times.” He
looked back at me and said again more intently, “It’s time to soar in these times.” And as if He
was not yet convinced that I was convinced, He took my hand and jumped to His feet, shouting
with laughter, “Bobby…it’s time for you and your friends (the many of us) to soar in these
times!” (That is the most affectionate name I have ever been called.)
Jesus Defined Our Past, Present and Future in Hope
After this, Jesus said, “Before we can look forward, we must look back. It is time to ask Me about
your past rightly.” Then He began to define my past, present and future in hope. He said, “You
were made to be filled and fulfilled with My presence and answers. I desire to rightly
define My call of love and hope for you and the Family of God through the years. Now, let’s look in
the rearview mirror at the past so you are able to look ahead toward the horizon I have set for you
as a family in 2011. I want you to see My goodness in the past so you will be provoked to
long for Me more and you will look forward to partnering with Me in building My
At that point I felt His loneliness to a measure, like Adam felt before Eve was created. I felt His
longing for me to not draw back or listen to lies that would keep me from partnering with Him in
this next season.
1983 Vision of Cities and Nations
There on the porch swing He was bringing the spirit of wisdom about how He had raised me, and
He reminded me of the past with His glorious perspective of His pursuing love and His care, and
He gave me such a sense of satisfaction about the past. He began to stir deep hunger in me, and
my heart was screaming out with love and hope as He spoke.
He said to me, “Do you remember in 1983 when I showed you radiant cities and nations across
the earth where families, churches, organizations, governments and schools would love Me well
and hope in Me?” Before, it had been a distant, faint understanding, but this time I really, really
remembered and love-sickness gripped me. He said, “I showed you these Hope Craftsmen who
would be sent on the journey of establishing the five pillars of hope to rebuild these radiant
cities and My Kingdom through the understanding of My nature as the God of hope.”
Then on the porch swing with me, Jesus said, “Do you remember when I took you on a journey
and showed you the advanced tools of hope, that you would learn to swim through the tsunamis of
life where you walk in trials as though you walk on butter (as Job said)? And you would help move
others out of the ‘despair room’ and into the ‘delight room’? And out of the ‘misery room’ and into
the ‘merry room’? With these tools you would live in confident, radiant hope, continually advancing
in life in a sense of wonder and adventure of My goodness, no matter what the perceived
circumstances would be.”
“Remember, remember, remember,” He said. I knew I had let my memory grow faint in this area
of understanding His goodness and His authority and His hopeful answers in the present tense life
and circumstances.
Deeper Waters of the Knowledge of God
Jesus continued on the porch swing, engaging me in the deepest, most magnificent place in His
heart that I had experienced, and He said, “Do you remember when you were a youth leader and I
showed you that you had been leading the young ones into shallow waters of the knowledge of
Me? I showed you that the Body of Christ would first walk into a chamber door of intimacy with Me
and a love that secured hearts for eternity. But then I showed you a second chamber door that
was My heart, and I was troubled because the young ones had not been able to discover My
nature as the God of Hope and All of Life that would advance them into a radiant future, not only
in eternity but every day in this life as well. I long for these companions and builders of My
Kingdom.” Again I felt His loneliness for people to understand Him and His desire for them.
He said, “I opened up ‘forgotten faces’ of My nature that have been locked up for thousands of
years, like My face as the God of Hope, as a Builder, a Redeemer, a Supplier, and the Wise God as
in Isaiah 45:1-3.” My heart filled with joy as I remembered this vision and how He had shown me
that I (and others) would believe Him and would help to lead a generation into the discovery of
Him in all of life with a radiant hope for the future.
“Rid the Earth of Despair!”
He paused this conversation regarding our relationship and the past for a moment, and He turned
me toward the earth, and it had this deep, radiant hue over it. He stated with such tenderness,
like a proud father holding his newborn son, “Do you remember when I told you why I made you?”
Tears began to stream down my face as He continued, “I had a true longing on the earth, and I
made you to help reach and touch this true longing…”
Then Jesus said, “Do you remember when I stood at the end of your bed and said ‘Rid the earth
of despair,’ and that the dictate of your heart would be led by this call with others?” Then He
showed me that in 2010–2020 His desire is to fight the Ezekiel 36:23 fight to vindicate
the greatness of His holy and hopeful name that has been profaned among the nations. I
saw such a passion in His eyes for His glory to be revealed, and His question to us was: Would we
cooperate with Him? Would we get on the Holy Ghost Hope Glory Train to bring the fame of His
name across the earth?
The Holy Ghost Hope Glory Train
I watched from the porch swing as the Holy Ghost Hope Glory Train came into view on the horizon,
and He said, “Remember, since last year I have encountered you with a Holy Ghost Hope Glory
Train that I have sent out across (and above) the earth to bring forth My hopeful ones who are
kings and queens of hope, who are Hope Craftsmen, trained with My tools of confidence in Me in
all arenas of life.
“From that place, I enabled them to see the waves and injustices from My perspective above the
earth. This caused them to believe and hope in Me double, day by day, because of the works that
they saw Me do.” He reminded me I was to be like Abraham, to not only be in the tent of the
present view of God, but like in Genesis 15:5, to step out of the tent and see the God of all of life,
not only the corner of the Church.
“The hopeful patriarchs of the past have sent you and millions of others off to different geographic
locations, and I told you, ‘Son, you are going to go on a journey with other marvelous comrades; I
don’t want you to be lonely on this Holy Ghost Hope Glory Train while bringing a Hope Reformation
across the earth. It will be done with My hope and My joy, not with tears and conflict in the Body
of Christ, as it has been in the past. This Hope Reformation will be a celebration.
“You will bring the message of not only ‘every man a minister’ or ‘every man a missionary’ or
‘every man a priest,’ but ‘every man a multi-colored coat’: the ability to build not only financially,
but body, soul and spirit with their unique expressions of worship.” Then I began to look out over
the millions of people and saw the most glorious expressions of worship and the most radiant
people that I had ever seen.
My heart filled with hope as we sat together and recalled all of the promises, plans and challenges
in my life that He had used to conform and strengthen me to walk out my own uniqueness. Jesus
said, “I am reminding you of our history so that you would have confident expectation in
My goodness for 2011 and the future.
“Now let Me share with you some of My plans for 2011…” To be continued in our next
Hopeful Kings and Queens
Bob Hartley:
Here Come the Hopeful Kings and Queens Bringing the Celebration of God!
In my last word (posted on the Elijah List), I shared about an encounter with
Jesus regarding the “Hope Glory Train” that would stop different places across the earth through
2013, and the hopeful kings and queens that were being sent out into the seven mountains of
society. I shared how the Lord was sending out His “Hope Glory Train” to stop in geographic
regions and I saw that these regions had the following characteristics:
• The soil and hearts of the people have been prepared for hope.
• The people are moving into the Zechariah 10 reality of turning from sheep to warhorses.
• The veil is thin between Heaven and earth and the darkness is not magnified. The people have
stepped through the veil to see the power of our great God and what the Father is doing.
• The Hope Reformation is coming forth, where a change in the nature of Christianity brings forth
an understanding of the God of Hope that does not negate the challenges but reaches for the
greatness of our good God.
The Current State of the Hopeful Kings and Queens Behind the Wooden Doors
This visitation continued as I was walking through the streets in Redding, California, at 2:00 AM
early one morning. It was pitch black outside. Out of the darkness, I heard the Lord repeating to
me over and over, “It is time for the return of the hopeful kings and queens!” At first, I saw these
kings and queens locked behind wooden doors surrounded by this darkness. I saw that this
darkness was also increasing across geographic regions, even in the midst of the Church, as in
Isaiah 60:
“Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you. For behold,
darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples; but the LORD will rise upon you and
His glory will appear upon you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your
rising.” Isaiah 60:1-3
I saw that the darkness was increasing even within kings and queens in the Church and the seven
mountains of society. I saw that this darkness was being magnified around them and in their
thinking. I saw that dark artists who were influenced by man and earthly, dark thinking were
having sway in the Church and Christianity. As a result, no miracles could be done and His
presence was not believed in. I saw that this was like past times, like the days of the
“Enlightenment.” A time when people believed in God, but did not have hope that God was greater
than the challenges of the day or that He desired to be involved in daily life.
I saw that many of these kings and queens had disqualified themselves and negated the hopeful
presence of God in their lives. They had become so focused on their weakness, their sin,
their past or what they were not, that they could not advance through the radiant door
of their destiny! The Lord showed Bob Jones how some of these kings and queens had been in
this darkness even before they were born. They were trapped in self-loathing and self-hatred of
both their destiny and lineage, and were not even aware that the roots of this dark thinking had
been planted in their DNA generations before. They had been saturated with a mindset that they
were less than enough to face the challenges of the day. They could only be made aware of the
darkness that had been cloaking them if they walked through the doors into their destiny in the
seven mountains or arenas of society. They would then see the hope of their radiant callings in
The Lord then showed me how they would get through these doors of their divine
destiny, and who He was sending to help.
Who Would Help the Kings Come Out of the Darkness and Into the Hope of Their Callings?
I saw that these hopeful kings and queens could only come through the wooden doors,
representing the hope of their callings, through love, hope and appreciation. The Lord explained
to me, “These kings must have people who believe in them and who will anoint them to
come forth into their full destiny and calling.”
In this vision, I saw that these kings and queens needed to understand the Song of Solomon 1:5
reality – that though they were dark they were lovely to God. These hopeful kings and
queens needed to see their lovely calling and great destiny in Him. Then the Lord showed me how
they would get there. They needed to receive and perceive love, hope and appreciation from
others and from God to get through the door of their destiny and the hope of their calling, not
through old discipleship methodologies but through new prophetic training in how to build the
Kingdom. They would need appreciation and nurture for their hearts to move forward in
the seven mountains.
I was shown several groups who were to help bring forth these hopeful kings and queens through
love, hope and appreciation. All were anointers and had wisdom and understanding, and
they saw it was worth it to go after these kings and queens who had been trapped in
dark thinking.
The Hopeful Cupbearers Who Will Bring Forth these Kings and Queens
The first group I saw that would anoint these kings and queens were the “hopeful cupbearers.”
Behind closed doors, these hopeful cupbearers would give these kings and queens love, hope and
appreciation, as well as redemption for past mistakes. These hopeful cupbearers would come
alongside these kings and queens and speak the dream of who they are to be. They would be the
Proverbs 17:17 ones: “A friend (who) loves at all times, and a brother… born for adversity.” And
the Philemon 1:7 ones: “Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you,
brother, have refreshed the hearts of the saints.”
I saw that these hopeful cupbearers would magnify the good in these kings and queens and would
not focus on their weakness. This love, hope and appreciation would fuel the anointing of
these kings and queens, and I saw great redemption happening behind the closed,
wooden doors. I was shown that it would take persistence and consistency in the message to
bring forth these hopeful kings and queens. I saw the Hosea 11:4 reality come forth through these
hopeful cupbearers, “I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love; I lifted the yoke
from their neck and bent down to feed them.” These hopeful cupbearers would need to show love
again and again to break the power of lineages of despair and hopelessness.
I also saw that these hopeful cupbearers were like Abraham, who could give these kings and
queens a picture of a better future. Like Jeremiah 32, they could see that though the land is
challenged now and about to go into captivity, it will be redeemed in the future. As these hopeful
cupbearers fed these kings and queens the right messages with the right posture, these kings and
queens immediately went from sheep to warhorses and began to advance through the doors of
their divine destiny.
The Hopeful Abigails Who Will Bring Forth these Kings and Queens
Then I was shown another group that would “anoint” these hopeful kings and queens
through love, hope and appreciation. The Lord was calling forth hopeful “Abigails” who would
show these kings and queens the stage play of their lives. They would give them a picture of the
wonderful story or song that the Lord had written over them, and these kings and queens would
be encouraged to enter into their chapter of divine destiny.
In the visitation, I saw in the Scriptures how Abigail had given David perspective in 1 Samuel 25.
She gave him a heavenly perspective that he was called to be king, not to die on the petty
mountain of disagreement. I saw how these hopeful Abigails would not allow the kings and queens
to treat themselves the wrong way. I once had had a dream where Abigail came and said, “The
Lord is looking at Bob Hartley and He doesn’t like the way you treat Bob Hartley. You don’t own
Bob Hartley, God does. You have written a different script about Bob Hartley, and it is not the
truth of God’s script for your life.” Hopeful Abigails would bring these kings and queens divine
perspective of who they were called to be, and how the Lord sees them.
The Hopeful Kings Who Will Bring Forth Other Kings and Queens
In addition to the Hopeful Cupbearers and Abigails who would call forth and anoint these hopeful
kings and queens behind closed doors, I was shown another group that would have the greatest
impact on these kings and queens. I saw other kings anointing one another through love, hope
and appreciation. I saw that many of these hopeful kings and queens were doing the works of the
Kingdom, but others were criticizing them because they didn’t have the eyes of Jesus.
In the encounter, Jesus said, “Leave them alone and let them do it, they are building My
Kingdom,” like He did in Mark 9:38-40, when His disciples said, “Teacher, we saw someone casting
out demons in Your name, and we tried to prevent him because he was not following us.” When
these kings and queens began to show love, hope and appreciation for one another,
rather than criticism, the promise of Ephesians 4:13 became reality and I watched them
all merge into one man: “Until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of
God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.”
The Return of the Kings and Queens Through the Radiant Door of Their Calling
In this visitation, I watched as these hopeful kings and queens began to receive and perceive love,
hope and appreciation from these different groups, and suddenly the darkness broke and a radiant
sunrise came forth. Everything became orange all around them and the Lord told me that
orange represented “hope” being released from Heaven. I watched as hundreds of hopeful
kings and queens across the earth walked through the wooden doors of their destinies into the
seven mountains, and they entered into the radiant and rich invitation from the Lord to be like the
two spies versus the ten in Numbers 14. They took their promised land! They became like the Acts
2 community.
Then I was shown that these hopeful kings and queens were the answer to this rising darkness in
Isaiah 60:1-3. I watched as these hopeful kings and queens began to arise and shine, for the glory
of the Lord was rising upon them; and as a result, nations came to their light and kings to the
brightness of their rising. I saw the Matthew 12:21 reality happen, where in Jesus the
nations put their hope. Where there had been a wrong view of God, nations saw the true
nature of the God of all hope through these hopeful kings and queens.
Miracles of His person and presence became common as when Jesus walked the earth, as in Acts
10:38, “…God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and…He went around
doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with Him.”
Hopeful Kings and Queens Being Released into Geographical Portals
Next, I watched as geographical portals were opened up in 2010-2013 to these hopeful kings and
queens on the “Hope Glory Train.” These places were ready for the visit of God. These hopeful
kings and queens were called to bring forth “Cities and Nations of Celebration” in the seven
mountains, and they had the wisdom and hope to rebuild cities, and to teach others to love the
Lord with excellence. I saw that they would unearth treasures and promises for
geographic regions that have been buried for years, as in Jeremiah 32 and 33. These
hopeful kings and queens would hope in the “greater than” plans of God, even when the promises
seemed to be buried in lands that had been taken captive by the enemy.
The Next Steps for these Hopeful Kings and Queens
These hopeful kings and queens are to bring advanced tools to these geographic regions, to not
only minister the Kingdom of God, but to build the Kingdom of God. They are to bring forth the
reality that we are moving from “every man a minister,” and “every man a missionary,” to every
man a multi-colored coat. They will come forth with decrees and advanced Patriarchal and
Matriarchal wisdom to build. The Lord is updating the vision, values, vehicles, building process,
and marvelous comrades of these hopeful kings and queens, and it is going to be a time of
exponential learning. The hearts of these kings and queens need to be filled with hope because
there will be correction and direction that comes in love from the heart of our God.
Action Steps for You:
• To become the king or queen you are called to be.
• To help other kings and queens come forth.
• To walk into the decrees that issue from the heart of the Lord.
• To then begin to decree these for the kings and queens in your life, those that need to come
forth from behind the wooden doors of despair and doubt into their radiant calling in Him.
Jesus’ Plans
Bob Hartley:
Jesus’ Plans – a “Million Times Better Than I Expected”
Jesus began to define some of His hopeful, fascinating, “beyond my greatest
belief” plans that were a million times better than what I ever could consider (“‘What no eye has
seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived’ – the things God has
prepared for those who love Him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9). He said, “Now let’s share what we’re going
to do in 2011.”
First He showed me many in the Symphony of Hope that He was putting in place. I marveled at
His wisdom, as each member of the Family of God had specific roles, timing, temperaments,
sensitivities and a unique worship and one-of-a-kind love for God as Hope Craftsmen, filled with
radiant hope in this Hope Reformation.
I saw such glory on people…beyond what I could ever imagine. Jesus turned to me and said, “My
sons and daughters – these anointed craftsmen are more than what they think. They are more
than enough in Me to handle and build out radiant Hebrews 3:13 houses of hope in the midst of
these waves that are coming.”
“But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called ‘Today,’ so that none of you may be
hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.” –Hebrews 3:13
Jesus said to me tenderly, “Remember as I show you My plans for 2011 that I’m not going to
share all the answers. I’m going to purposely create some ambiguity that will lead to true
dialogue, deep relationship and the right, hopeful-heart questions to ask Me in this season.
I will give you and others great insights that have not been opened up to this point about My
plan.” He looked deep into my eyes in the most loving and hopeful way and explained, “The most
important reality to Me is that I know you would not trade My secrets for any other
person or reason, and that you would absorb the substance of My secrets.”
He paused a moment, and then continued with that in mind. “Now let Me give you a glimpse of
2011 through My love, hope and confidence in Me so that you will see the present challenges to
the nations in light of My hopeful, confident, overcoming heart. Then you can share with others
from the posture of enjoying My will and being strengthened and greatly encouraged as I pull back
the veil, so you can agree and pray these realities in.”
The Great Symphony of Hope
From the porch swing in Heaven I reclined on with Jesus, I looked out into the distance and saw a
very great multitude of people, a people who were not striving but who knew their inheritance – a
vast hope and love army who believed the promise of Genesis 3:15, that the seed of Eve would
rule the earth. It was the great Symphony of Hope. It is the plan of God to bring Heaven and earth
together, like Jacob’s ladder in Genesis 28:12, through His people.
Everyone in the Family of God was included and I watched as they went on the journey of hope
together. Their hearts stayed in such a high place of inexplicable joy and hope as they stayed
together, even when government realities didn’t line up. Jesus began to highlight particular
groups in this multitude, and He shared with such love and hope that my heart began to burn
with affection for His people.
Those Who Put Out Forest Fires of Hopelessness: First, He said, “Look at those ones,” as He
pointed at various groups within the crowd. “They are the only ones who know how to put
out forest fires of hopelessness because they are filled with overcoming, creative joy
and hope. They understand the John/Nathaniel realities of being ones who have been with Jesus.”
Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue: Second, He
pointed out another group that was to bring forth something old, something new, something
borrowed and something blue. He explained that something old was an understanding of the heart
of God from the past; something new was an understanding of the heart of God for today;
something borrowed was the anointing and power mantles of others (including Jesus) from the
past; and something blue was the revelation of the heart of God for the future. They would help
ambush many cities and nations of the earth with the hope of God by helping many see the
Heavens open and angels descending and abiding on earth, as well as the Son of Man.
Slum Dog Millionaires: Next, He drew my attention to a group that He called the “Slum Dog
Millionaires” who were ones that perceived little value in their experiences in life and didn’t think
they amounted to much, but He had another opinion:
“They have everything they need to offer others from their own experience to bring them from
hopelessness to hope in 2011…they will go from hiddenness to a ‘coming-out’ party! What
they had experienced would create millions and millions of hope presents and packages for those
who were suffering in their particular situations. They would help bring others into a place that was
called ‘home,’ where the rightful hope of their calling in God would come forth.” He said, their lives
were the connecting points in the midst of these challenges between God and the hearts of many.
They would help us see the Lord who fills the earth with His glory.
Hope Orchestra Conductors: On the porch swing, Jesus showed me many other groups that I
will share in the future, many of whom will act as Hope Orchestra Conductors, putting instruments
into place in the Symphony of Hope. They were more than enough to handle the five Great Waves
that are coming to the nations in 2011.
Five Great Waves in the Nations
(In no particular order)
Next, Jesus spoke as the King of the nations. He said, “These five great waves or challenges that
are coming will turn into beautiful loving victories in Me as you keep your eyes on Me and enjoy
Me. I will turn the Valley of Challenge into a Door of Hope (Hosea 2:15).”
As He spoke, my eyes were fixed on His, and there was not an ounce of fear or despair in His
eyes. His face shone with a radiance and confident hope in His plans for the Family of God and the
nations. It was more than convincing – it was unpretentious confidence. I watched as the waves
began to rise in front of me, and Jesus held my hand with strength and surety as He explained
each wave to me, as well as the hopeful solution in Him that He had prepared for His people.
The First Great Wave: Economic Challenge to Many Nations & Families
I watched as the First Great Wave of Economic Challenge came against the nations and families in
2011. Jesus said, “Financial pain is cruel…let Me put this challenge into perspective.” He was so full
of hope as He showed me this wave within the Biblical pattern of His goodness in the past, as in
the days of Joseph, where a man of God was prepared ahead of time to save the nations in time of
famine. He showed me other times in the past where He had bound the strongman and brought an
open Heaven. He then showed me what could happen if the wave was not handled rightly.
As I watched the waves unfold, I felt anxiety rising in my heart, and Jesus took hold of my hand
even more firmly. Then He opened my eyes to see the angels that were there helping. He said, “I
told My disciples that life is more than food and the body more than clothing (Luke 12:23) because
I know how people are susceptible when they are hungry to give in to wrong systems and wrong
realities.” He said, “I understand, and I have right realities and hope realities for you to choose
now, to proactively become Hope Reformers and Benevolent Ones in the days to come.”
I saw some of these challenges that would rise up and I felt such peace as I watched His
creative genius and the economic solutions that He showed me as He worked through different
ones who led others to God and a true Biblical hope versus becoming victims and dependent on
the hand of man. It was a wonderful opportunity to see Him as Supplier in this great challenge
before us!
The Second Great Wave: False Unity
Next, as we sat together on the porch swing, Jesus pointed out another wave on the horizon. I
watched as the Second Great Wave of False Unity came against the nations. Jesus showed me
those who would join together in wrong alliances and not around a lovesick God who was lovesick
for people. Instead, they would gather around the survival of human beings and out of their
desperate need would purpose to make false alliances. I saw that this false unity across the
nations was fueled by many dying in loneliness and need. Many of those in need would respond to
someone lending them a hand and a little compassion, though the source of help was not from
God but from men who desired their own gain. There was compassion on the front end but a “bite”
on the back end.
Jesus shared how this false unity was like Nimrod and Babylon in Genesis 11, where people
became bricks versus living stones because they all conformed for the survival and need of one
another. This was like Hezekiah in Isaiah 36-38, who came under false unity and alliances with
pagan nations who promised them that they would be greatly taken care of by them, and the
opposite was true. He showed me that Hezekiah had wrongly leaned on Egypt for help (and He
showed me present tense nations) because he had felt so alone and didn’t know how to take care
of the people. He depended on false unity because it appeared to be a quick fix (and He showed
me some of these present tense leaders who would do the same). Jesus also showed me how King
Saul had succumbed to the pressures of the people.
Looking out over the nations from the balcony of Heaven, I saw that there were societies that
could come together under wrong banners that will create false unity for the sake of survival,
support, understanding and relationship. They will be obviously unified around the wrong values
and gods, and it will come back to cause them harm.
Jesus went on to say, “I have caused there to be division among you in order to approve what is
right, and I will point out what true unity is and will bring forth a unity that is a serious and
unstoppable force. It will come from My prize people who will bring forth a ‘better than’ plan in
God.” (Then I saw countries that would align around them.)
The Third Great Wave: The “Nanny States”
Then while on the porch swing with Jesus, I saw a Third Great Wave rise up against the nations.
He called it the “Nanny State” (which was wrong dependence on the hand of man), and He showed
me how this third great wave is where many become like little children (as in Judges
looking for
someone to take care of them. I saw the scene unfold before me, as these children first look to
good leaders who say, “We’re too busy.” Then the children look to the thorn bushes and brambles
(which represent evil leaders), and my heart sank as I watched them gladly agree to care for the
children with evil intent in their hearts. I saw human trafficking rings, organized crime and other
abuses come forth from this reality.
“Who’s Our Daddy?” I felt the fire and passion of Jesus as He showed me the injustices to the
children (and these were children not only in age, but in a sense, these children represented all of
us, from CEO’s of major corporations to housewives) and all of us were asking, “Who’s our daddy?
Who will take care of us?” He wants to answer that He is our daddy, instead of us turning to a
“nanny state” and becoming wrongly dependent on the government.
The scene melted away before me, and it was He and I alone again on the porch swing, and He
said, “Come closer to Me and look into My being…am I enough?” I cried as I felt the areas where
I had not trusted Him to be enough. But then He smiled at me and He expanded my mind and
broke every paradigm about who and what I was dependent on, and how dependent I could be on
Him and His solutions.
I was totally speechless for a long time…and if you know me, that is not the norm! I was in such
awe of His capacity and compassion in this encounter. I saw Him bringing forth Hope Craftsmen
who would be filled with pleasure to solve these injustices with lovely, hopeful conclusions. I saw
them begin to rise up and say to the children of the nations, “You have a Father in Heaven
who will help to build you in hope and give you the true and hopeful advanced tools that
will equip you for all you need in the future.”
His Loving, Enjoyable Discipline
Jesus shared with me that there are those in the Family of God that He has a loving, enjoyable
discipline for, because they have a proneness to being cared for wrongly as victims. This discipline
would deliver them and they would be able to then feed and build themselves on the true and
hopeful knowledge of God and not be raised as cripples. They would be equipped to appropriate
who God is now and at every stage of their life.
“They have no concept of My greatness in them or in who they are in Me… Little disciplines open
up the right doors to see Me properly and will go a long way, like adoration, thanksgiving, and
inquiring of My heart…these will lead to decrees from Me that will bring transformation at the
deepest level.”
Then Jesus stressed to me that I and our Deeper Waters team (with a group of others He has
shown us) have a responsibility and privilege to be Patriarchs and Matriarchs of hope that will not
only deliver the children but will help build and develop them in hope and abundant life in Him that
was a million times more beautiful than we could ever imagine.
He shouted, “Now, now, now is the time to be filled with hope miracles!” He was giving us
an invitation to be leaders of hope to help the children to smile at their future. He said, “A
thousand times more than you think…no, a million times more than what you think! Think of
Philip, what a dynamic life, He translated in the blink of an eye! You’ve missed the beautiful hope
miracles that have happened!” He said, “I am the beautiful God who has designed a future that
has never entered the mind of man…and I’m inviting you into it.”
The Fourth Great Wave: False Heroes with False Hopes
In confidence and in unpretentious perfect rest, Jesus showed me the Fourth Great Wave that
would come against the nations. It was a wave of False Hopes that will come forth from False
Heroes. He said that these false heroes will try to remind us of our worries and our doldrums and
failures and try to keep these before us. This is what they were designed to do, and then they
would site themselves as the answer. When we had an itch in the spirit they would offer us a
scratch in the soul…meaning that their answers would be the 1 John 2:16 lust of the flesh, lust of
the eyes, and the boastful pride of life as a way to deal with the pressures, challenges and
disturbing emotions that will arise from these waves.
As Jesus watched these false heroes and observed their inferior beauties and lesser answers, He
laughed, “You’ve got to be kidding! They will be no match for My wondrous, high heavenly ways
which are full of mental and heart genius that will free people from misery.” I watched as these
false hopes began to turn the people into slaves and they became dependant on care systems and
wrong compassions which steal their unique identity.
From the balcony of Heaven with Jesus, I saw nations where the Holy Ghost Hope Glory Train
would go, and then He showed me that our nation in these next few years is going to make
a choice between false hopes and true Biblical hopes. I saw that most in our nation could
rely on the false hopes of ever-increasing wealth from wrong sources, growth and wrong
dependence on a system to take care of them.
I watched as many were living on entertainment to avoid reality and were not dependent upon
God. Jesus said, “Look over there,” and He pointed out some of the false hope leaders of the past
that were covered in dark thinking. I saw that many of them had great intentions and were trying
to do good, genuinely desiring to help people, but they had tried to help through a humanistic
mindset in their own strength rather than dependence on Him. They all had the same goal, for
people to be cared for, but the real issue was who they were depending on to provide the needed
The Fifth Great Wave: An Incomplete Understanding of the Kingdom of God
Next, Jesus showed me the fifth Great Wave that was key and was misunderstood by the Body of
Christ. It was an Incomplete Understanding of the Advancing Kingdom of God. “True
understanding of the Kingdom of God is hoping in Him and experiencing His smile and
fullness of life now.”
He showed how the Body of Christ has been educated in wrong ways, and how it’s going
to take such a great hopeful determination and discipline shift in our education of who
He is and who we are and our futures in Him, to understand our roles as loved imagebearers and our awesome authority in Him to bring forth divine destiny and a Hope
Jesus was passionate about this, and He said, “I will bring forth exponential learning in 2011
regarding what the true Kingdom of God is all about.” He showed me that there has been a
limited view of Him and His Kingdom, and He showed me nine distinctives that were new to our
understanding in how they were Biblically walked out. He had a grand, glorious, hopeful, positive
invitation for all of us. He said, “You won’t lose your brain or heart, but be open to hearing Me in
the present tense invitation into this most fundamental lesson, of how you might live with Me in
this age of faith and hope and overflow with love for yourself and others today.”
He shouted, “I want to open up the Kingdom on a whole new level that will meet the needs
of the coming days with hope miracles, and a hope way of living through Hope Patriarchs and
Matriarchs and Hope Craftsmen. It will be so beautiful!”
At this point, Jesus became very excited as He rolled out His blueprints for 2011, because He had
a “greater than” plan and an overcoming, hopeful solution for each and every challenge
that would come against His people. I leaned in closer as He shared His confident hope-filled
answers with me… to be continued.
Prophetic Eyeglasses; Bob Hartley
Prophetic Eyeglasses
Starting in December, I shared a series of prophetic encounters from the Lord regarding the years
2011 and beyond. From the porch swing of Heaven, Jesus showed me that there would be five
Great Waves of Challenge in 2011…BUT GOD! The Lord had greater “hope” solutions that would
take what was intended for evil and turn it into good. I saw “Hope Craftsmen” that the Lord was
raising up in this time, ones that are skilled in bringing hope and confidence in the goodness of
God in all of life.
The Encounter About the “Class of Useful Information”
In a second encounter, the Lord showed me that the “Hope Craftsmen” had been stripped of the
necessary tools at the top of the mountains of influence in society, and they had been left
vulnerable…BUT GOD! He had a solution! In this encounter, the Hope Craftsmen stood outside of a
classroom that read, “The Class of Useful Information.” In this classroom, lessons were being
taught from the “Book of Hope” that would equip them with the necessary hope building blocks for
this season. Jesus was accepting students, not because they were qualified but because
they were WILLING. No one was turned away that had a willing heart! (To read about the
classroom encounter click here.)
The Lord began to reveal to me the first several chapters of the “Book of Hope” used in “The Class
of Useful Information.” Each chapter of the book addressed the hope building blocks that the Hope
Craftsmen needed in order to succeed and advance in hope where there had once been only
hopelessness. The Lord wanted to give hope craftsmen new “eyeglasses” (the ability to see Him
rightly through face to face prayer with Him), new “hearing aids” (the ability to hear His heart) and
new “body armor” (the ability to build true community and marvelous camaraderie with others).
Chapter One in the “Book of Hope”:
The Right “Eyeglasses”
The first chapter of the “Book of Hope” addressed the need for the right “eyeglasses” that would
restore vision to see God rightly in everyday life. Without the proper eyeglasses to see God,
the Hope Craftsmen were left visionless and vulnerable. They needed the right perspective.
I thought of Proverbs 29:18: “Where there is no vision, the people perish,” and the Lord said, “My
people must have a right vision of who I am in this hour to succeed and thrive in the
days to come.”
The Lord showed me that the answer to this need for the right “eyeglasses” was “face to
face” prayer or adoration. Face to face prayer with God would begin to restore people’s view of
Him. This type of prayer is the most intimate kind of prayer as it is a choice to love and magnify
God above all else in every circumstance and season of life. Where the Hope Craftsmen had only
brought to Him their challenges, I saw that they would be able to draw near to Him simply for the
sake of loving Him and developing friendship with Him through adoration. They would begin to
enter His presence with deep thanksgiving and praise and this would heal their
perspective of God and life.
Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name.
For the LORD is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting and His faithfulness to all generations.—
Psalm 100:5
From Hearing at a Distance to Seeing Him with the Right “Eyeglasses”
In the first chapter of the “Book of Hope,” there was a call to all Hope Craftsmen to experience
true prayer and communion with God where one begins to see Him rightly. The Lord compared
many in the Body of Christ to Job, who attempted to live morally and according to God’s principles,
however walking with Him and living in nearness to Him were not the norm in everyday life. When
many trials came to Job, he turned to the Lord and petitioned for His help. When the Lord
responded to Job, He revealed His greatness and the true knowledge of Himself (see Job 38). Job
was left stunned by the greatness of God, and in Job 42:5 he exclaims, ”I had heard of you by the
hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you.”
A distant hearing of the Lord only allows for a certain revelation of who He is in the midst of
challenges like those that Job faced, but God longs to open up a seeing of the eye where a
true knowledge of Him is revealed.
As I continued to read in the “Book of Hope,” I began to recall many prophecies that I had heard
or given myself. The Lord started asking me the question, “Did you SEE Me when I spoke to you
what was coming ahead?” He said, “You prophesied the problem but not the solution in Me,
because you could not see My hopeful eyes as I was speaking to you.”
The Lord continued to ask me, “Could you SEE Me when I said, ‘Children, in this world you will
have trouble, but take heart for I have overcome the world’?” (John 16:33). I was reminded of
Psalm 32:8: “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with My
loving eye.” I realized that “face to face” prayer and communion with God is an invitation
to see Him with the seeing of the eye through intimate devotion.
Seeing His Supreme Value
As I myself began to wear these new “eyeglasses,” I began to see that Jesus is all that is to be
considered in this hour. At the core, my perspective was shifted to see the pure worthiness of
God and the supreme value of Jesus and was challenged to see His greatness valued in every
arena of life. I was instantly aware that this visitation was not about people and purposes but was
all about Him and our ability to focus on seeing His glory.
I saw the ZEAL of the Father for the Bride of His Son to stop looking to circumstances and
challenges first, becoming tossed about like a boat on a stormy sea, but that she would look into
the eyes of Jesus, her heavenly, passionate Bridegroom who has overcome the world (John
16:33). Only then could His Bride begin to see who He really is and His supreme value above all,
thus building her foundation on the Rock (Matthew 7:25).
These Eyeglasses Allow Us to See the Supremacy and Depth of His All-Consuming Value
In this encounter, I heard the Father shouting 1 Corinthians 8:6 to the Body of Christ: “For [you]
there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom [you] live; and there is
but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom [you] live. My Son
is All in All.”
Then through these eyeglasses, I saw the Lord Jesus standing by His throne, and in the palm of
His hand everything on the earth was resting. All of the weighty issues of the earth, the nations,
the economy, governments, elections, natural disasters, and terrorism, etc., were held there. They
were all big to me, but so little to Him. Suddenly, all these things began to shrink until they fit into
the palm of His hand. Then I saw every person on the earth also in His hand. All of their weighty
concerns, issues, tragedies, relationships, decisions, needs, etc. And they too began to shrink until
they all fit into the palm of His hand. Then I saw the entire universe, the stars and the galaxies,
and they too shrank until they fit into the palm of His hand.
Through these eyeglasses, my focus shifted to angelic messengers that were terrifying in their
stature. But even they were less than one millionth of His glory! These angels began to declare
facts about the Lord, but the greatest truth of who He was emanated from the Lord Himself in a
way I could not describe. Jesus was the focal point of all the heavenly realm and I received a
totally captivating view of His all-consuming value and worth.
Through these eyeglasses, I could see the power of the Lord and knew that He was the supreme
authority on the earth. He just “WAS”…and in His being, all authority and power belonged to Him.
The Lord was transcendent before my eyes and appeared in a manner beyond description. It was
stunning, just as in Job 42:5 where Job was struck by the goodness and greatness of God and
began to truly see Him.
The Lord repeated over and over to me that the true knowledge of God and seeing Him
rightly was all that the nations needed. I was reminded of Hosea 4:6, “My people are
destroyed for lack of knowledge [of God],” and 2 Corinthians 10:4-5, “For the weapons of our
warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments
and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into
captivity to the obedience of Christ.” Our battle is over the true knowledge of God!
These Eyeglasses Show Us the Total Love and Care of the Lord in the Midst of the Fire
Next, through these eyeglasses, I was taken into Daniel 3 and I watched as the scene unfolded
before me. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego had refused to worship the golden image that
Nebuchadnezzar had set up, and the king commanded that they be thrown into a furnace that was
heated seven times hotter than normal. My heart raced as the three men were thrown bound into
the midst of the fiery inferno.
As I continued to watch these three figures huddled in the flames, a forth figure appeared with
them. Jesus came into the fire and held the hands of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. I realized
that Jesus could have come with His angels and with His glory and thundered into the fire, but
instead He chose to come in quietly and stand WITH them in the midst of their
tribulation. The very fire that was meant to consume them instead burned away their
bonds. Even more remarkably, I saw that Daniel 3:27 was true, that “the fire had no effect on the
bodies of these men nor was the hair of their head singed, nor were their trousers damaged, nor
had the smell of fire even come upon them.”
This is a kairos time! I saw that we are all in the fire; we are all on this planet and arrows are
flying every which way, but with the right “eyeglasses” on, with the right view and understanding
of who He is, we become acutely aware that He is right there in the fire with us! And He will use
the very flames that were meant to consume us to burn away our chains of fear, hopelessness,
performance mentalities, need for approval and misperceptions about God that keep us in
bondage. He desires to give everybody a sign that He is good to them – their own personal sign in
the fire so that His nature is not misunderstood in the midst of the catastrophes of life.
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have
tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.—John 16:33
What does He want to speak to us in the fire? In this encounter, Jesus shared with me that
He longs to hold our hands and whisper His promises to us in the midst of the fire. He wants to tell
us how He is going to overcome the challenges with us. He wants to tell us His truth so that we
awe at Him and His goodness. He wants to tell us how He is partnering with us and has partnered
with us in the past. He wants to tell us how He desires to heal the land through us. He wants to
give us enough compassion not to “duck and hide” but to move out of love from His heart. He is a
good and forgiving God in the fire!
These Eyeglasses Also Reveal that All of Life is a Test of How We Respond to His Value and His Will
It was clear to me that all of life is a test of our response to Him: I saw that we often look at our
desires and our circumstances versus Him and His will. God is beyond fear; He is the fact. These
angelic messengers were “seemingly surprised” by how humans were tripping in a level place by
magnifying their problems and fears, thus confining themselves to prisons of their own making.
They had done it to themselves! I saw that God would leave them in their prisons until they
responded to Him. He never wanted them to be too afraid, looking at the waves, that they
did not step out onto the water as Peter had. If we keep our eyes on Jesus, versus the waves,
we will not sink. It was their choice. All that was needed was to look at Him.
And Peter got out of the boat, and walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But seeing the
wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately
Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him, and said to him, “You of little faith, why did you
doubt?”—Matthew 14:29-31
A New View of God
With these new “eyeglasses,” I saw that face-to-face prayer restores a healed view of God where
He had been misunderstood and misrepresented, revealing Him as a good Father, and the one who
is “All in All.” We are being called to a mandate to totally, utterly and uniquely set our eyes upon
the Lord, considering His ways and His greatness above all else.
The Lord said to me, “There are so many questions being posed across the nations that challenge
the goodness of My nature. But adoration settles everything. As trials and tragedies mount up,
your view of Me can become dimmer and dimmer. You MUST see Me rightly! I am preparing My
children for all kinds of challenges by awakening them to the true knowledge of who I am. I am
the captain of the Host of Heaven, and if you peer into MY eyes, I will give you the solutions…it’s
I started to magnify the greatness of God in His heart as I continued to read the Book of Hope.
The transformation in my heart was remarkable. As I stared into the face of God, it was
impossible to keep staring at the challenges. I became more impressed with God than with
the circumstances. As I experienced the wondrous beauty and hopefulness of the Lord, it caused
me to realize the value of His heart to a greater magnitude. I began to see that not only would
God answer our questions regarding the waves of challenges coming in 2011, but most
importantly…HE IS OUR ANSWER.
As I continued in friendship with God through adoration prayer, peace that passed my
understanding began to settle around me. I knew that many of the Hope Craftsmen still lived with
turmoil and fear, and I was shocked by the level of contentment and rest available to the Hope
Craftsmen through this “face to face” prayer. I began to experience God as the Good Shepherd of
Psalm 23, and as I looked to my Good Shepherd, my soul was restored; I had no lack and no fear,
even through the valley of challenge.
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in
Christ Jesus.—Philippians 4:7
Next Steps for “Hope Craftsmen” in This Time
“Face to Face” prayer was the most foundational step in “The Class of Useful Information.” I saw
that as people began to love and honor the Lord rightly through face to face prayer and adoration,
they received a healed view of Him and “an unshakeable hope in God.” They would not be moved
by the circumstances but filled with confidence as they stared at the beauty of God.
I saw that they would receive a healed view of themselves. The hearts of many Hope Craftsmen
were coming alive as they began to see what God sees about them. They had confidence and hope
in their identity in Him again.
Once they looked at Him enough to receive a proper perspective of His hopefulness and goodness,
they were able to have a healed view of their past and future as well. They saw how God
was moving on their behalf in their past and how committed He was to their future. Jesus is the
fairest of ten thousand, ten million, ten billion! He wants to be recognized! And all of our lives are
to be lived to adore Him!
Please join us as we look to the Lord to reveal more regarding the new “eyeglasses” (the ability to
see Him rightly through face to face prayer with Him), new “hearing aids” (the ability to hear His
heart) and new “body armor” (the ability to build true community and marvelous camaraderie with
others). We are committed to seeing you receiving the tools necessary to succeed as Hope
Craftsmen! Please contact us for more information.
Bob Hartley
Deeper Waters Inc
Email: deeperwatersinc@gmail.com
Ek het net vanmore hierdie epos van n vrou wat in Nederland woon gekry. Sy is n profetes wat ons al
lank ken. Toe ek namiddag jou brief 93 kry, het ek gevoel ek moet tog dit vir jou aanstuur.
Hansie Wilson
----- Original Message ----From: Marlène Holtzhausen
To: undisclosed recipients:
Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2011 2:17 PM
Dear brothers and sisters,
In the prophetic word of Ezekiel 43:1-12 the LORD confronted us that we as His
Church does not really (in effect) ENTER into Christ to BE His Church. That is
why we are always waiting for a visitation of the LORD: we do not know the
reality of LIVING IN Christ. We do things in the Name of Jesus Christ, but rarely
enter into and LIVE in Him. We were told that IF, firstly, the Church as a whole
(that is, each one of us) will repent, and thereafter it's leadership, then the
LORD God Almighty will show us (reveal to us) His true House. Church,
According to God or According to Us? addressed each Christian to see his
real state before God: ARE we His Church or do we just DO Church according to
what others tell us or WE think it to be?
Let us look at Ezekiel 43:7-12 again - this time, however, in terms of the
Church's leadership (it's kings):
And He said to me, Son of man, the house of Israel shall no more defile the
place of My throne, and the place of the soles of My feet, where I will dwell in
the midst of the sons of Israel forever; neither they, nor their kings, by their
fornication, nor by the dead bodies of their kings in their high places. In their
setting of their doorstep by My threshold, and their doorpost by My doorpost;
and the wall between Me and them, they have even defiled My holy name by
their abominations which they have done. And I have consumed them in My
anger. Now let them put away their fornication, and the dead bodies of their
kings from Me, and I will dwell in their midst forever. You, son of man, declare
to the house of Israel, the temple house, so that they may be ashamed of their
iniquities. And let them measure its size. And if they are ashamed of all that
they have done, the form of the house, and its arrangement, and its exits, and
its entrances, and all its forms, and all its statutes, and all its forms, and all its
laws, make known to them. And write them before their eyes, so that they may
observe all its form, and all its statutes, and do them. This is the law of the
house. On the top of the mountain is all its border, all around, most
holy. Behold, this is the law of the house." (MKJV)
"See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive
philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this
world rather than on Christ."
(Colossians 2:8 NIV)
Many years ago, during a time of prayer and fasting, the LORD God gave me a
prophetic dream about the Church. I will share a part of it here as it involves
God's view of the Church and its leadership in it's present state:
In this dream I found myself in a beautiful and immaculate house. It had a red-tiled roof and the
walls were painted white. The garden around the house had neat, well-kept lawns and colourful
flowerbeds. The house itself, although not very big - it was of middle-class size - had thick wall-towall carpeting and was beautifully furnished. It was impeccably kept.
Although I was initially free to come and go and minister as I pleased, after a
while I realized I have become a prisoner in this house!
Men and women - couples in ministry - were filling up this house to such an
extent that there was not enough room for us all. There was not even room on
the floor as we sat packed in all-over, like sardines in a tin. Everybody could
only go out to minister and move around as the owner of the house - a male
figure - decided. We were all in bondage to him.
In this prophetic dream God gives us clues as to HIS view of the present state of
the Church structures - incomplete, insufficient, under man's control and only
really in name under the Headship of Christ Jesus. It is clearly in desperate
need for our vision of the Church to be enlarged (the house of God controlled by
man in the second scene of the dream was of middle-class size only) and our
man-made structures to be broken down to make way for the Church in the
experiential knowledge of the Resurrected Life of Christ.
This is a prophetic call to return to our true foundation and give the
Church back to Christ! The Church needs to be turned on it's Head! In fact,
as God does nothing before He does not tell His prophets [1] (so that His
prophets can warn and urge on His people back to God's heart and purpose),
this writing is to make known to you His standard of leadership and His cry for
the Church, which He is busy bringing back under HIS Headship (His throne).
In this scene of the prophetic dream God reveals to us how HE sees the Church
and its present functioning. We read in Hebrews 3:6 (ASV): but Christ as a Son,
over His house; whose house are we, if we hold fast our boldness and the
glorying of our hope firm unto the end. However, His House is represented in
scene two of the prophetic dream as middle-class and controlled by man. There
are references to Jesus Christ as the house has a red-tiled roof - Christ is our
Head Who shed His Blood as He laid down His life for us. However, from the
dream it is clear that man is in headship of Christ's Church, not Christ in
reality. Even though Church leadership supposedly function under the Headship
of Christ (represented by the red-tiled roof of the house in the dream) there was
no more than a suggestion of that Headship as man was fully controlling it! The
white-painted walls of the house is symbolic of the Church, Christ's Body, who
can now live in newness of life because we are washed clean in the Blood of
Christ. Yet again though, we find the ministers of the Gospel on the inside of
the house prisoner to man leading the Church. What is further significant in the
prophetic dream is that the walls were white on the outside only. By that we
understand that the reality of Newness of Resurrection Life in Christ has not yet
sunk in on the inside of the leadership of the Church. (Remember, the house
was filled with couples in ministry.) It calls to memory the image Jesus painted
the Pharisees (religious leaders) with in Matthew 23:27-28. I quote from
Kenneth E. Wuest's The New Testament - An Expanded Translation:
Woe to you, men learned in the scriptures and Pharisees, actors on the stage of
life playing the role of that which you are not, for you are like graves whose
plastered coverings have been thoroughly whitewashed, which are of such a
nature that on the one hand, the outsides appear beautiful, but on the other
hand, their insides are full of the acting of an actor playing the role of that which
he is not, and of lawlessness.
Christ is the Son over God's House; whose house are we (Hebrews 3:6) but
Church as we know it today only makes that true on the OUTSIDE of the
House. On the inside, Christ is not in control because man is heading it up in
absolute authority: he keeps all ministry under his control. In other words, on
the outside Christ is declared as Head, but not on the inside. The reality of the
function of the Church of today is that every Christian and all ministry are in fact
controlled by man.
Note further that the detail which the house was described with - the luxurious
furnishings and beautiful garden (all immaculately kept) - indicates an
obsession of the leadership with the image of the Church. In contrast to that,
God makes it clear that His emphasis is on the occupants, as God's people is His
House, not the structures! As far as He is concerned the house limits what He
has in mind for His Church - it is too small (middle-class!) and it imprisons His
people, limits their ministry (the people could only go and minister as and how
the leader decided) and leaves Him outside! More and more people came into
the House, more and more ready and willing to do the ministry, and the control
became more! God's vision as to the death and Resurrection Life of Christ as
central to His Body (represented by the red tiled-roof and white walls of the
house in the dream), with Christ as our Head in Spirit and Truth will set us free,
will release us, will enlarge us.
In this prophetic dream, current headship functioning in the Church is
accentuated as repressive, dominating and imprisoning, creating fear and forced
submission. This is in exact contradiction to Jesus' example, Who came to serve
and Who made it clear that there will be no lording over in HIS Kingdom, but
humble servanthood and laying down of our lives one for another:
Then Jesus spoke to the crowd and to His disciples, saying, The scribes and the Pharisees have sat
down on Moses' seat. Then all things, whatever they tell you to keep, keep and do. But do not do
according to their works, for they say, and do not do. For they bind heavy and hard to bear burdens,
and lay them on the shoulders of men, but they do not desire to move them with their finger. And
they do all their works to be seen by men. And they make their phylacteries broad and enlarge the
borders of their robes. And they love the first couch in the suppers, and the first seats in the
synagogues, and the greetings in the markets, and to be called by men, Rabbi, Rabbi [that is,
teacher]. But do not you be called Rabbi [teacher], for One is your Leader, the Christ, and you are all
brothers. And call no one your father on earth, for One is your Father, the One in Heaven. Nor be
called leaders, for One is your Leader, the Christ. But the greater of you shall be your servant. And
whoever will exalt himself shall be humbled, and whoever will humble himself shall be exalted.
(Matthew 23:1-12; LITV)
As we can see, Jesus emphatically made it clear that under His New Covenant of
Grace there will be no titles: no offices (teacher, pastor, prophet, evangelist,
apostle), no one who can even call himself a leader as in God's eyes and
Kingdom He recognizes only one Leader, or Head, and that is Christ. In God's
estimation and true function of His Church all of us are brothers - so the elders
(which is in reality elder (i.e. mature) brothers) are in no measure above the
"ordinary" brothers. There is only One Above, and above us: Christ Jesus, our
sole Leader. In fact, our greatness will be put to the test and found to be in our
servanthood of one another! All elevation is of the flesh, of the old
nature. That is why the world operates by lordship - even in the so-called
democracies! We just lord it in a "democratic" way: I get your vote so that I can
lord it over you!
The reality of God's estimation and true function of His Church - all of us are
brothers - was already under the Old Covenant in type when the prophet Moses
lead out God's people from their slavery in Egypt (representing the slavery of
our human nature) but it was left to Joshua [a type forecasting Christ] to lead
God's people into their Rest = the Promised Land. Now it is significant to note
that Joshua was not strong in himself: that is why we read in Joshua 1:6-9 how
God 3 times [2] commanded Joshua (as well as the leaders (verse 18)) to be
strong and courageous! What is further very interesting is how Joshua, at his
first execution of ministry, started teaching and releasing the people of God to
take responsibility for their lives in God themselves and learn to hear God for His
heart and purpose for all God's people together. Towards the end Joshua
handed everything over to the people themselves. How important this is, is
clear from how Joshua gets quoted in Hebrews 4 as the Old Covenant figure for
leading God's people figuratively into their Rest, pointing to living in Christ as
our promised Land (see Hebrews 4:8 [3]).
My servant Moses is dead. And now rise up, cross over this Jordan, you and all
this people, to the land which I am giving to them, to the sons of Israel.
(Joshua 1:2; LITV)
Be strong and brave. For you shall cause this people to inherit the land which I
swore to their fathers to give to them.
(Joshua 1:6; LITV)
Then Joshua commanded the officers of the people, saying, Pass through the
camp and command the people, saying, Prepare food for you. For within three
days you are crossing this Jordan to go in to possess the land which Jehovah
your God is giving to you, to possess it.
(Joshua 1:10-11; LITV)
And Joshua said to the people, Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow Jehovah will do
wonders among you.
(Joshua 3:5; LITV)
When we arrive in the milieu of the New Covenant, also the apostles realised
The apostles and elders, your BROTHERS,
To the Gentile believers...
(Acts 15:23; NIV)
It seems, on the surface value, that Paul somehow forgot the words of Jesus in
Matthew 23:1-12 when He teaches in Ephesians that there will be a fivefoldministry (as we term it today):
Because of this, He says, "Having gone up on high, He led captivity captive," and gave "gifts to men."
[Psalm 68:18] But that He went up, what is it except that He also first came down into the lower
parts of the earth? He that came down is the same Who also went up above all the heavens, that He
might fill all things. And indeed He gave some to be apostles; and some prophets; and some
evangelists; and some pastors and teachers; with a view to the perfecting of the saints for the work
of the ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ, until we all may come to the unity of the
faith and of the full knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature
of the fullness of Christ so that we may no longer be infants, being blown and carried about by every
wind of doctrine, in the sleight of men, in craftiness to the deceit of error, but speaking the truth in
love, we may grow up INTO HIM in all things, Who is the Head, the Christ, FROM WHOM all the
body, having been fitted and compacted together through every assisting bond, according to the
effectual working of one measure in each part, produces the growth of the body to the building up
of itself in love.
(Ephesians 4:8-16; LITV)
But did Paul really forgot what Jesus taught His disciples that everyone is a
brother and that there should be no leaders except Christ? Or did he put his
own interpretation unto it? Beloved, let us lay down our Church-cultural
understanding of these verses, judging it according to how we have been taught
"things are done in church"; and let us allow the Holy Spirit to speak to us
afresh, according to HIS understanding and HIS will.
WE have made these ministries POSITIONS and not the gifts they are called in
Romans 12:6-8. "I am in the office of an apostle, a prophet, an evangelist, a
pastor or a teacher." No, beloved, this is not what Paul says here and in
Romans 12:6-8. Read it in it's context: In Ephesians 4 verse 8 Paul says these
are the GIFTS Christ gave to men, to the Church - gifts with a very specific
purpose and a very specific goal, as Romans 12:6-8 clarifies it:
Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them:
if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if service, in our serving; the one who
teaches, in his teaching; the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who
contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts
of mercy, with cheerfulness.
(Romans 12:6-8; ESV)
It is the apostolic, prophetic, evangelical, pastoral, and teaching (etcetera)
FUNCTIONING through those whom God have given as GIFTS to the Body of
Christ to help aid them into Christ as their Life. At the same time, their
functioning is gifts itself of the Holy Spirit. The true apostle, the true prophet,
the true evangelist, the true pastor and the true teacher are those who are more
mature than the rest of the Body, who have left infancy behind, and bear the
fruit of the Spirit - and NOT the gifts of the Holy Spirit as such in the first
place! It is impossible to bring the Body of Christ to the full knowledge of the
Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of Christ if you
are not a full-grown man yourself! (Of course, we speak of a full-grown man
SPIRITUALLY!) How do you bring in reality what you are not?! You cannot give
what you do not have! That is why Paul said to the elders at Ephesus: You know
how I lived the whole time I was with you, from the first day... (Acts 20:18;
NIV) and to the Corinthians: Be imitators of me, as I am also of Christ. (1
Corinthians 11:1; LITV) - In other words, follow my example to the extent only
that I follow Christ.
The Measure of Christ, or the measure of man?
The perfecting of the saints (Ephesians 4:12) is not what we have always
thought and taught it to be. It is not about getting the Church to become holy
so that they can minister. This view is a contradiction to the Gospel of Christ as
CHRIST is my justice, CHRIST is my righteousness, CHRIST is my holiness
[4]. It is by living in Him that I am perfected. That is why Christians here
(verse 12) are called saints. The word "perfect" (katartismon in Greek) in this
incidence is a medical term, meaning "for the mending (repair) of the saints"
[5]. The same word is used in Matthew 4:21: And going on from there, He saw
two other brothers, James the son of Zebedee and his brother John in the boat
with their father Zebedee, mending their nets. Thus the perfecting of the saints
refers to the mending of the saints, making them whole to catch fish.
Once again, making the saints whole, mending the saints, has nothing to do at
all with inner healing or healing per se, even though a medical term is used in
the Greek text - even as the nets did not need healing or inner healing in a
medical sense. What then has been broken, has broken down in our lives that it
needs mending? It is all there in the context of Ephesians 4:8-16. Let us read it
with a view to the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the
building up of the body of Christ, until we all may come to the unity of the faith
and of the full knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure
of the stature of the fullness of Christ
(Ephesians 4:12-13; LITV)
The saints needs mending from their infantile condition (see Ephesians 4:14:
that we may no longer be infants). The Church is in eternal babyhood, kept
there by a "leadership" who themselves need leading, who are very immature
spiritually as they have to run after books and others in the five-fold ministry to
get messages, "anointing", a "new" "move"... In 1 Corinthians 2:6-7 being
perfect has to do with Godly wisdom - knowing the depths of God:
But we speak wisdom among the perfect, but not the wisdom of this age, nor of
the rulers of this age, those being brought to nothing. But we speak the wisdom
of God in a mystery, having been hidden, which God predetermined before the
ages for our glory (LITV)
Strong's Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries gives the meaning of "perfect" here as:
"complete (in various applications of labor, growth, mental and moral character,
etc.); completeness: - of full age, man, perfect".
Let us look at 1 Corinthians 2:6-16 (LITV) to see what maturity really implies
and see how many leaders of the Church of today fulfil this definition of
maturity! Remember, Paul equates those who have to prepare the saints as
those who are mature.
But we speak wisdom among the perfect, but not the wisdom of this age, nor of
the rulers of this age, those being brought to nothing. But we speak the wisdom
of God in a mystery, having been hidden, which God predetermined before the
ages for our glory which none of the rulers of this age has known. For if they had
known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory; according as it has been
written, "Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard," nor has it risen up into the
heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those that love Him.
[Isaiah 64:4] But God revealed them to us by His Spirit, for the Spirit searches
all things, even the depths of God. For who among men knows the things of a
man, except the spirit of a man within him? So also no one has known the things
of God except the Spirit of God. But we have not received the spirit of the
world, but the Spirit from God, so that we might know the things that are freely
given to us by God. Which things we also speak, not in words taught in human
wisdom, but in Words taught of the Holy Spirit, comparing spiritual things with
spiritual things. But a natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of
God, for they are foolishness to him, and he is not able to know them, because
they are spiritually discerned. But the spiritual one discerns all things, but he is
discerned by no one. For "who has known the mind of the Lord?" "Who will
teach Him?" But we have the mind of Christ. [Isaiah 40:13]
of which I became a minister, according to the administration of God given to
me for you, to fulfill the Word of God; the mystery which has been hidden from
ages and from generations, but now has been revealed to His saints. For to
them God would make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery
among the nations, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory, Whom we
preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, so that we
may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. For which I also labor, striving
according to the working of Him Who works in me in power.
(Colossians 1:25-29; MKJV)
Sadly today the state of the Charismatic and Pentecostal Church is for the most
that of the Corinthian church that equals successful ministry as functioning in
the gifts of the Spirit. We have to address the five-fold ministry and the
members of the Church in the words of Paul: And, brothers, I was not able to
speak to you as to spiritual ones, but as to fleshly ones, as to babes in Christ. (1
Corinthians 3:1; LITV)
As previously said, what needs mending is for every saint to come to the reality
of ministering to and building up the Body of Christ themselves as it is clear that
the Body of Christ is only built up and growing and coming into unity AS each
member functions:
from Whom the entire body being joined together and united by means of the
supply of every joint [or, by what every joint supplies], according to the working
of the measure of each individual part, causing the growth of the body for the
building up of itself in love.
(Ephesians 4:16; ALT)
In fact, the Body of Christ stays divided because it is in an infantile condition and
their ministering to one another is found lacking. They are under various
"leaders" who each present them with their version or their denomination's
version of interpretation of Scripture, and so are lead round about, never or
hardly entering into and experiencing the Living Word, Christ, for themselves but
following the rules of men:
And you nullify [or, disregard] the commandment of God because of your
tradition. Hypocrites! Correctly Isaiah prophesied concerning you, saying, "This
people draws near to Me with their mouth [fig., speech] and honors Me with the
lips [fig., words], but their heart is far distant from Me. But in vain [or, to no
purpose] do they worship Me, teaching [as] teachings [or, doctrines],
commandments of people." [Isaiah 29:13]
(Matthew 15:6-9; ALT)
and their fear toward Me is taught by the precept of men
(Isaiah 29:13; KJV)
Therefore Pauls warns us against leadership like this:
so that we may no longer be infants, being blown and carried about by every
wind of doctrine, in the sleight of men, in craftiness to the deceit of error.
(Ephesians 4:14; LITV)
For I have no man likeminded, who will care truly for your state.
seek their own, not the things of Jesus Christ.
For they all
(Philippians 2:20-21; ASV)
And I, brothers, could not speak to you as to spiritual ones, but as to fleshly, as
to babes in Christ. I have fed you with milk and not with solid food, for you
were not yet able to bear it; nor are you able even now. For you are yet
carnal. For in that there is among you envyings and strife and divisions, are you
not carnal, and do you not walk according to men? For while one says, I am
of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are you not carnal? Who then is Paul, and
who is Apollos, but ministers by whom you believed, even as the Lord gave to
each? I have planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then
neither is he who plants anything, nor he who waters, but God Who gives the
(1 Corinthians 3:1-7; MKJV)
The Hebrew writer sums it up very well:
For indeed, [though] you ought to be teachers by this time, you again have need
[for someone] to be teaching you what [are] the rudimentary elements [or,
basic teachings] of the beginning of the oracles of God, and you have become
[ones] having need of milk and not of solid food.
(Hebrews 5:12;ALT)
The five-fold ministry in the Church today function as offices, lording it over
God's people and so keep them in an infantile condition. The members (and
"leadership"!) never mature as everything is done for them. Whatever they are
in need of, they run to these "leaders" for prayer, for wisdom, for healing, for
inner healing, for a prophetic word... and the five-fold ministry willingly obliges
as it elevates them and their ministries. A horrible and shocking thing has
happened in the land: ... the priests rule by their own authority, and My people
love it this way (Jeremiah 5:30-31; NIV) (As said before, so much of what we
call Church leadership today gets their doctrine and messages from other
leadership and books. Very few present us with their own depths in
Christ.) Only as the whole Body comes into its rightful place and functions as
such, can we come into the unity of the faith, and into the full knowledge of the
Son of God and enter into the whole measure of the stature of the fullness of
Christ (as the NIV puts it). The result is that in being babes, or, in other words,
being carnal, implies no spiritual stature at all! And we are all too much aware,
frustratingly and discouragingly so, that the Church has hardly any growth except in numbers. As someone has aptly said, "The Church is 1 km wide and 1
cm deep."
Clearly we cannot give what we are not: We cannot bring to maturity if we are
not mature - and I am not necessary mature in the Church of today BECAUSE I
am a pastor, teacher, prophet, evangelist or apostle. Biblically those who are
the mature, the elder brothers, are mature according to the measure of Christ
that operates through them. And BIBLICALLY, it is these mature ones (the
elders) who, IF they are called and GIFTED by the Holy Spirit, will function as
either apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers or evangelists. I have to sadly
admit that in all my years as a Christian and as a minister, I have met VERY
FEW mature Christians, and therefore, few mature leaders. (In fact, how can
you lead if you are not mature?!) Even fewer know the reality of LIVING in
Christ as these ministries function so often in their giftings as such rather than
their giftings and calling operating by putting on Christ, by taking up their cross
daily and following CHRIST:
Then Jesus said to His disciples: If any of you want to be My followers, you must
forget about yourself. You must take up your cross and follow Me.
(Matthew 16:24; CEV)
Activity of Divine Life or Life of Human Activity?
The Pentecostal/Charismatic streams have so concentrated on giftings that the
TRUE expression of these ministry functions has been lost to the Body of Christ
in a great way. For example, a person is NOT a prophet because he prophesies,
but a prophet is raised up by God at times when God's people is a far cry from
His heart's content. A true prophet bring God's people back to the FULL mind
and purpose of God when it has been lost to the Church. That is why Paul put so
much emphasis on the Corinthian church that prophets are to build up the body
(1 Corinthians 14:4) and that the church who prophesies brings unbelievers and
outsiders (the backslidden) to account before God:
But if all prophesy, and an unbeliever or outsider enters, he is convicted by all,
he is called to account by all, the secrets of his heart are disclosed, and so,
falling on his face, he will worship God and declare that God is really among you.
(1 Corinthians 14:24-25; ESV)
MINISTRY is serving by how I FUNCTION!, not a position or an office or a title:
of which I became a minister, according to the administration of God given to me for you, to fulfill the
Word of God"
(Colossians 1:25; MKJV)
The goal of this diversity in ministry described in Ephesians 4 is firstly with a
view to the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry (Ephesians 4
verse 12). To put it in another way: The working of these five-fold gifts is
to result in the saints (believers) being in a position to minister, and not
so much to be ministered to. Therefore our true ministry in the five-fold
gifting-ministry is to create fellow-ministers. NB not disciples who follow
leaders, but the whole Body ministering!
For we are His workmanship, created IN Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared
beforehand, that we should walk in them.
(Ephesians 2:10; ESV)
Those that have tried to get the Body functioning, have gone about it in the
wrong way: WE have TRIED to bring it about, but as unto our local church, to
follow the pastor's "vision". The result is that we do not see a BODY ministering.
Paul made it clear that if the WHOLE body is not involved, the Church will never
be built up and will never mature: we may grow up into Him in all things, Who is
the Head, the Christ, from Whom all the body, having been fitted and compacted
together through every assisting bond, according to the effectual working
of one measure in each part, produces the growth of the body to the building
up of itself in love (Ephesians 4:15b-16; LITV)
We are under the impression and teach that an evangelist is called and gifted to
evangelize the unsaved. Yet we should read Ephesians 4:11-12 ANEW:
And He gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the
saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ (ESV)
For instance, here the evangelist is mentioned in terms of building up the
Church. The evangelist therefore should not only build up the Church by
bringing in new believers but as importantly teach the Church to evangelize in
their turn. Likewise, the teacher is not so much called to teach the Church as
such, but to build the believers (the Church) into teachers: For though by this
time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the
basic principles of the oracles of God. You need milk, not solid food, for
everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is
a child. But solid food is for the mature. (Hebrews 5:12-14a; ESV) Unlike here
in Hebrews, the reason for the immaturity of the believers in the Church today is
because the TEACHERS do not get further than the basic principles! We teach
and teach and teach; and the Body listens and listens and listens ... and stay
immature. When are we going to teach the Body to become teachers
themselves? When will THAT be our vision? Likewise, pastors are to train the
people of God to pastor, prophets people to be prophets (see Corinthians 12)
and apostles to impart a father and mother heart so that the people can father
and mother others - For though you have ten thousand instructors [the Greek
word means "boy leader"] in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers; for I
have begotten you in Christ Jesus through the gospel. Therefore I beseech you,
be imitators of me. (1 Corinthians 4:15-16; MKJV) (See also 1 John 2:12-14.)
Sadly so, in so many cases, when somebody in the Body obeys their call of God
to the BODY to minister, they are forced by the system operating to find their
own ministry apart from the Body as the leaders hold onto their "positions" and
their "rule" and leave little room for anything else. The argument usually used is
that "Here you follow MY vision; you have to be aligned to MY vision." The
implication of such a statement is that everybody has a vision with their own
followers. (So, a local church is in reality then a ministry with its
followers.) The question of course is, is this Biblical? Paul spoke about the
vision God gave him after his salvation, with his calling: "But rise and stand
upon your feet, for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to appoint you as a
servant and witness to the things in which you have seen Me and to those in
which I will appear to you, delivering you from your people and from the
Gentiles - to whom I am sending you to open their eyes, so that they may turn
from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may
receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith
in Me." Therefore, O King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision,
but declared first to those in Damascus, then in Jerusalem and throughout all
the region of Judea, and also to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to
God, performing deeds in keeping with their repentance. (Acts 26:16-20;
ESV) The vision therefore was to present and witness Jesus Christ to the world
and to each fellow-believer (disciple) - which is every child of God's vision and
Paul makes no difference between his vision and calling and that of every other
fellow-servant of Christ: For we are God's fellow workers. You are God's field,
God's building. According to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master
builder I laid a foundation, and someone else is building upon it. Let each one
take care how he builds upon it. For no one can lay a foundation other than
that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if anyone builds on the
foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw - each one's work
will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by
fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done. If the work that
anyone has built on the foundation survives, he will receive a reward. If
anyone's work is burned up, he will suffer loss, though he himself will be saved,
but only as through fire. Do you not know that you are God's temple and that
God's Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy
him. For God's temple is holy, and you are that temple. Let no one deceive
himself. If anyone among you thinks that he is wise in this age, let him become
a fool that he may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is folly with
God. For it is written, "He catches the wise in their craftiness," and again, "The
Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are futile." So let no one boast
in men. For all things are yours, whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world
or life or death or the present or the future - all are yours, and you are Christ's,
and Christ is God's. (1 Corinthians 3:9-23; ESV) THE test to what we have
built in terms of ministry and the Church is how much EVERYTHING
points to Christ, how much CHRIST is the goal and purpose! Somehow we
have made the CHURCH the purpose - and that is idolatry! As the LORD so
pointedly said to the house of Israel:
Seek Me and live;
do not seek Bethel [Beth-El means the House of God]
(Amos 5:4; NIV)
And we are certain that the Son of God has come, and has given us a clear
vision (understanding), so that we may see Him Who is true, and we are in Him
Who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.
(1 John 5:20; BBE)
Paul, called as an apostle by GOD and not by the will of man (1 and 2
Corinthians 1:1; Galatians 1:1 [6]), NEVER created followers:
What I mean is that each one of you says, "I follow Paul," or "I follow Apollos,"
or "I follow Cephas," or "I follow Christ." Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified
for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?
(1 Corinthians 1:12-13; ESV)
For when one says, "I follow Paul," and another, "I follow Apollos," are you not
being merely human? What then is Apollos? What is Paul? Servants through
whom you believed, as the Lord assigned to each. I planted, Apollos watered,
but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters
is anything, but only God who gives the growth.
(1 Corinthians 3:4-7; ESV)
He also NEVER created churches that he called HIS churches, even though he
took great responsibility for them before the LORD: My dear children, for whom I
am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you (Galatians 4:19;
NIV) If you study Acts, you will find that in all the cases (except at Antioch,
where Paul started his calling to the Gentiles and which were their base church
they moved from and to; at Corinthians, where they were so much into gifts but
so far removed from living in Christ; at Iconium, where the Jews who refused to
believe, stirred up the Gentiles and poisoned their minds against what Paul and
Barnabas were speaking (Acts 14); and Ephesians, where Paul had the
tremendous revelation of the Holy Spirit that the true Church is seated with
Christ in the heavenly places) he did not spend much time with the believers
after their salvation. He laid the foundation (of Christ in you, the hope of glory;
Colossians 1:27b; NIV) and then left them to themselves - or rather, he trusted
the Holy Spirit to teach them how to build further on a walk in Christ, as we
have already seen above in 1 Corinthians 3:10-16. He and his companions
would visit them from time to see how the believers were doing, how they were
building on the foundation of Christ - as we read for instance in Acts 15:36,41:
Some time later Paul said to Barnabas, "Let us go back and visit the brothers in
all the towns where we preached the word of the Lord and see how they are
doing." ... He went throughout Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches.
(NIV) And then he wrote his letters to correct what has gone wrong, and the
true vision of the Church seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus (see his letter
to the Ephesians).
Yes, he and his companions appointed elders by the Holy Spirit (not a pastor
with elders under him, but all on an equal basis overseeing the flock):
Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit
has made you overseers [bishops], to care for the church of God, which he
obtained with His own blood.
(Acts 20:28; ESV)
Elders were appointed to be overseers, God's stewards (Titus 1:7; ESV) to bring
the rest of the church by example, teaching, exhortation and rebuke to the
position where each member of CHRIST is functioning in his appointed place in
order that His Body can be built up. The goal is always the whole measure of
the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:13; NIV). Let us also look at Ephesians 4:13
in a few other translations:
This is to continue until all of us are united in our faith and in our knowledge about God's Son, until
we become mature, until we measure up to Christ, Who is the standard. (GW)
This will continue until we are united by our faith and by our understanding of
the Son of God. Then we will be mature, just as Christ is, and we will be
completely like Him. (CEV)
And so we shall all come together to that oneness in our faith and in our
knowledge of the Son of God; we shall become mature people, reaching
to the very height of Christ's full stature. (GNB)
That the elders were not seen as more important or as in a higher position than
the rest of the Church is to be seen in Paul's letters to them. Whenever Paul
wrote to these churches, it was always addressed to the believers, the saints,
the church (So did the apostles Peter, James and Jude.) - with one
exception: In his letter to the Philippian church he addressed the elders as well,
but only after he has mentioned the church first: To all the saints in Christ Jesus
at Philippi, together with the overseers and deacons (Philippians 1:1b;
NIV) These letters of Paul to the different churches were either to expand Life in
Christ (of which Romans, Ephesians and Colossians are good examples) or to
correct when they have strayed from this (read Galatians). (This does not mean
that we are not to respect and honour the elders the Holy Spirit has given us:
Let the elders who take the lead well be counted worthy of double honor,
especially those laboring in Word and teaching. (1 Timothy 5:17; LITV) Although
this "double honour" refers to remuneration (see verse 18), on the basis of 1
Peter 2:17 it surely includes respect: Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear
God. Honor the king. (ASV))
How Do We Build - For or Against Christ?
Let us therefore also look at 1 and 2 Corinthians 1:1 in a different way than we
are used to: Paul, called to be an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God"
(NIV): God's will was for Paul to be an apostle of Christ Jesus: He had to bring
CHRIST as vision:
But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider
everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for Whose
sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish that I may gain Christ and BE FOUND IN HIM...
(Philippians 3:7-9a; NIV)
The apostle John understood this well as he called himself the elder in two of his
three addresses of his letters, 2 John and 3 John.
We have been taught that there is a five-fold ministry in the Church - and so it is
as Ephesians 4:8b,11-13 clearly states that
...and He gave gifts to men. ... And He gave the apostles, the prophets, the
evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of
ministry, for building up the body of Christ, UNTIL we all attain to the unity of
the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the
measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (ESV)
It is clear from this Scripture that the so-called five-fold ministry will not cease
to function UNTIL all believers come into maturity: into the full stature of
Christ. However, our way of functioning is suspect as the Church of Jesus Christ
never seems to grow up: the five-fold ministry is all the time spoon-feeding: we
are feeding and feeding and feeding and we sit with an obese Church who is
always eating and eating and yet not growing up!
The question is why? I have heard so many pastors complaining about that, not
knowing what to do to get the people to grow up. It seems that the answer lies
with what the LORD proclaims the situation in the Church to be:
And He said to me, Son of man, the house of Israel shall no more defile the place of My throne, and
the place of the soles of My feet, where I will dwell in the midst of the sons of Israel forever; neither
they, nor their kings, by their fornication, nor by the dead bodies of their kings in their high places. In
their setting of their doorstep by My threshold, and their doorpost by My doorpost; and the wall
between Me and them, they have even defiled My holy name by their abominations which they have
done. And I have consumed them in My anger. Now let them put away their fornication, and the
dead bodies of their kings from Me, and I will dwell in their midst forever.
(Ezekiel 43:7- 9; MKJV)
So many pastors talk of "MY church" that does not grow up. I guess that is why
nothing happens as Jesus only takes responsibility for HIS Church!: I will build
MY Church... (Matthew 16:18; ASV) This was already the case in Paul's time as
he wrote to the Philippians about Timothy: I have no one else like him, who
takes a genuine interest in your welfare. For everyone looks out for his own
interests, not those of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 2:20-21; NIV)
We see that the LORD complains (actually, He is angry about it) that as the
whole Church fornicates, so do the leaders. The fornication is done as the
Church and Leaders alike do not unite with Christ by ENTERING into His Life
CONTINUALLY, but by doing as they decide: it is THEIR doorstep next to God's
threshold and THEIR doorpost next to God's Doorpost, Christ, i.e. THEY tell you
HOW to do it in Jesus' Name rather than to lead you to the Door Christ and let
you enter into Him. (Christ HIMSELF is the Door to God's Kingdom.) That is
why God says through Ezekiel: they have even defiled My holy name. We have
looked in depth into that in Church, According to Us or According to
God? Pastors and other ministers by their ministries mostly bring people to
themselves: It is "their" gifting, "their" ministry, "their" vision. Instead they
should use their gifting and ministries under the Holy Spirit to build up their
brothers and sisters INTO Christ, allowing and guiding them by the Holy Spirit to
become the builders-up of Christ's body - to which THEY are called. The result is
a dead Body (leaders included) as Jesus warns us in Matthew 24:28: Wherever
the dead body is, there will the vultures flock together. (WNT) (Read it in the
context of what He said in Matthew 24:23-28.) - everything outside Christ
although so-called done in His Name:
Therefore, I tell you and insist on in the Lord not to live any longer like the gentiles live, thinking
worthless thoughts. They are darkened in their understanding and
separated from the life of God because of their ignorance and hardness of
(Ephesians 4:17-18; ISV)
As T. Austin-Sparks puts it so well: "Ministry is not merely the imparting of
truth, but the imparting of Christ through the truth." Christ is Truth Himself
(John 10:10), so if you teach from the Word without ministering Christ, then it is
not truth in reality! The result is that those who have heard the message,
received perhaps more information about Christ, but if the truth does not
minister Christ Himself, Christ in a living way, then what you teach is not going
to change the hearers. In the words of Psalm 34:5: Let your eyes be turned to
Him and you will have light, and your faces will not be shamed. (BBE)
So many of us are centred on what we phrase as 'building or extending God's
Kingdom' in Jesus' Name. Christ's Name is there, but how much of what we
build is towards building and extending CHRIST HIMSELF? HE is the true value
and measure by which we will be tested, by which the fruitfulness of all ministry
(that includes members ministering to one another!) counts to God.
For those who are not interested in bringing the Church where God desires it to
be and what Christ gave His life for, you are on the same way than the religious
leaders in Jesus' day: busy with religion, not relationship; busy with building
your own kingdom in the name of Jesus and under the guise of spirituality;
leading people to you, your ministry, and not to Christ. When the foundations
are destroyed, what can the righteous do? (Psalm 11:3; LITV)
It all comes down to Jesus not being our first love any more. In His final word to
the Ephesian church, Jesus said: But I have against you that you left your first
love. Therefore remember from where you have fallen, and repent, and do the
first works, or else I will come to you quickly and will remove your lampstand
out of its place unless you repent. (Revelation 2:4-5; MKJV) If our lampstand is
removed, our place where we are called to give light (our church, ministry,
witness) will be removed. We might still have a physical presence there, but we
will have no real impact. The Word of God says that light overcomes darkness
(John 1:5), therefore if our light is removed, darkness will reign! What does it
mean to do the first works? Works generated from our first love for Jesus: HE is
our all, our goal, our pleasure; and ALL we desire to do is to hear what HE says
and to do what is pleasing to HIM. The Ephesian church were doing all the right
things - but not from a first love for Christ any more!
No, dear brothers and sisters, our ministry, our Christian lives, All! is about
Christ. He alone is our Head, our Goal, our Passion, Our Mission. Anything else
is to glorify man (even if said it is done in the Name of Christ) and is therefore
bound to fall, sooner or later. That is why God says:
O ye sons of men, how long shall My glory be turned into dishonor? How long
will ye love vanity, and seek after falsehood? Selah.
(Psalm 4:2; ASV)
I am the LORD; that is My name: and My glory will I not give to another...
(Isaiah 42:8a; RV)
That is why Peter, chosen and appointed to lead Christ's Church, took no glory
or adulation for himself:
As Peter entered the house, Cornelius met him and fell at his feet in reverence
(and adoration). BUT Peter made him get up. "Stand up," he said, "I am only a
man myself."
(Acts 10:25-26; NIV)
And that is why Paul wrote to the Thessalonians:
But just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the Gospel, so
we speak, not as pleasing people, but God, the One examining our hearts [fig.,
inner selves]. For at no time did we come with a word of flattery [fig., with
flattering speech], as you know, nor with a pretext for greed [fig., nor were we
secretly desiring profit] (God [is our] witness!), nor seeking glory from people...
(1 Thessalonians 2:4-6a; ALT)
Therefore our true apostle, Paul, commissioned by God, writes in that incredible
epistle on the Church:
the One Who descended Himself is also the One Who ascended above all the
(Ephesians 4:10; LITV)
CHRIST is our Head and the Body grows from Him and unto Him:
we may grow up into Him in all things, Who is the Head, the Christ, from Whom
all the body...
(Ephesians 4:15b-16a; LITV)
The TRUE five-fold ministry is given by the Lord to the Body to mend what is
missing in the Body of Christ as the ultimate goal of the saints are to be able to
minister to one another, and so to build up the Body of Christ in love. And
because they will be mended to build up one another AS each member fulfils his
or her function, the Body will be united in Spirit. Then and only then can we
start to come into measure after measure (one degree of glory unto another see 2 Corinthians 3:18 [7]) of the fullness of the stature of Christ. Then Christ
will be lifted up and seen and manifested in a lost world:
Then Jesus said to them, When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will know
that I AM".
(John 8:28a; LITV)
So we see that EXPERIENTIAL knowledge of Christianity only comes as CHRIST
is lifted up, as CHRIST becomes the centre and goal of our lives individually and
the expression of the Church generally. That is why the Church today is full of
head knowledge but hardly any Life. We spend our time around the Tree of the
Knowledge of Good and Evil whereas God gave us the Tree of Life (Christ's Life
through the Cross). We still make the same wrong carnal choices as Eve and
Adam did! That is why Ezekiel 43:7b calls it: the dead bodies of their kings in
their high places. As long as leadership RULES by their own authority: by
making decisions for others rather than guiding them to Christ as Head, by
calling their assemblies "MY church" ("their high places") rather than the Church
of Christ - flesh is ruling, and therefore death reigns. No wonder the Church is
going nowhere!
The reality in the Church today is sadly what the Holy Spirit made clear in the
dream He gave me to show prophetically how HE views the Church as
functioning today: one man - the so-called "leader" - lording it over the rest, all
done as he sees fit.
Jesus countered this when John and James, and by implication the other
disciples too (see Matthew 20:20-24), wanted position, desiring to be elevated in
His Kingdom:
But having called them, Jesus said, You know that the rulers of the nations exercise lordship over
them, and the great ones exercise authority over them. BUT IT WILL NOT BE SO AMONG YOU. But
whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. And whoever desires to be
first among you, let him be your servant; even as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to
serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.
(Matthew 20:25-28; LITV)
And the Feast of Unleavened Bread, being called Passover, drew near. ... And the day of the
Unleavened Bread came, on which the Passover must be killed. And there was also a dispute among
them, who of them seems to be greater. And He said to them, The kings of the nations lord it over
them, and those exercising authority over them are called benefactors. But you be not so, but the
greater among you, let him be as the lesser; and the one governing as the one serving. For who is
greater, the one reclining, or the one serving? Is it not the one reclining? But I am in your midst as
One serving. But you are those continuing with Me in My temptation. And I appoint a kingdom to
you, as My Father appointed to Me, that you may eat and drink at My table in My kingdom; and you
will sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
(Luke 22:1,7,24-30; LITV)
For one, Jesus made it clear that the greater ones are those who are served, not
those serving! In today's Church it is just the opposite! The ministers who
serve present themselves and other leadership as of more importance than the
members they serve, therefore they lord it over the members; and expect of the
members to honour them as such. (Their high places (Ezekiel 43:7b), places of
elevation and in reality idolatry: idol(izing) the I (say so)!)
The Apostle Paul clarifies to us what Jesus did to really serve:
Indeed, be letting the frame of mind [or, attitude] be in you which [was] also in Christ Jesus, Who
existing in the nature of God, did not consider being equal to God something to
be held onto, but He emptied Himself, having taken the nature of a slave, having
come to be in the likeness of people, and having been found in appearance as a
person, He humbled Himself, having become obedient to the point of death even of death of a cross.
(Philippians 2:5-8; ALT)
Jesus, the all-wise One, full of the Holy Spirit, God Himself, does not cling to His
position, but laid it down in order to serve, i.e., to uplift and to build His
disciples. Why? Because headship (leadership) is not about position as such but
is God's fullness poured out into the lives of God's people to bring them into the
experiential Life of Christ, so that they can function as such.
To imprint this on His disciples who would become the first leaders of His
Church, Christ left us with a vivid example in John 13:1-17. Note that it was
done just about at Jesus' last Feast of the Passover, before He laid down His life
for us on the Cross, demonstrating thereby that TRUE LEADERSHIP IN THE
SERVE! I quote from Kenneth S. Wuest's The New Testament: An Expanded
Now, before the Feast of the Passover, Jesus, since He knew that His hour had
come the purpose of which was that He should pass over out of this world to the
Father, having loved with a divine, self-sacrificial love, His uniquely-owned ones,
those in the world, He loved them to the uttermost. And supper being in
progress, the devil having already hurled into the heart of Judas Iscariot, son of
Simon, with a force so that it stayed there, to betray Him, Jesus knowing that all
things the Father gave into His hands and that from God He had come and to
God He was departing, arises from the supper and lays aside His outer
garments, and having taken a towel, He bound it around Himself. Next, He
throws water into the basin and began to be washing the feet of the disciples
and to be wiping them off with the towel with which He was girdled. So He
comes to Simon Peter. He says to Him, You - my feet you are
washing? Answered Jesus and said to him, That which I am doing, as for you,
not now do you know with an absolute and complete knowledge, but you shall
learn by experience after these things. Peter says to Him, You shall by no
means wash my feet, no, never. Jesus answered him, If I do not wash you, you
do not have a part with Me. Simon Peter says to Him, Lord, not my feet only
but also my hands and my head. Jesus says to him, He who has been bathed all
over stays bathed, and does not have need except to wash his feet but is
entirely clean. And, as for you, you are clean ones, but not all, for He knew the
one who was betraying Him. On this account He said, Not all are clean
ones. Then when He had washed their feet and had taken His outer garments
and had taken His place at the table again, He said to them, DO YOU
LORD, and well do you say, for I am. Since therefore I, the Lord and the
Teacher, washed your feet, you also have a moral obligation to be washing one
ALSO SHOULD BE DOING. Most assuredly, I am saying to you, A SLAVE IS NOT
GREATER THAN THE ONE WHO SENT HIM. Since you know these things,
spiritually prosperous ones you are if you are doing them.
The New International Version (NIV) significantly translates verse 1 as:
Having loved His own who were in the world, He now showed them the full
extent of His love.
The full extent of God's love is to serve; the full extent of God's love operating
through us is to serve, and for that, as leaders who needs to BE an example, we
need to deny ourselves.
We are specifically told in John 13 verse 3 that God has put all things in the
Hand of Christ, in other words, He has all power and authority. So what does
our Lord do to demonstrate this authority, this Lordship? He lays down His outer
garment (representing His office, His Lordship) and washed the feet of His 12
disciples who were (with the exception of Judas) soon going to be handed the
leadership of His Church! The full extent of Christ's love, His heart, is that we
lay down our lives and serve others - as servants; not as those lording it over
God's people! All things, all authority, has been given by God, His Head, to
Jesus. As He goes to His Father He will leave His leadership into their hands and now He demonstrates to them how to follow into His footsteps, how to lead
His people: servants in loving to the uttermost - by laying down their lives, their
positions, their authority, their ambitions, and serve from a position of humility,
not standing on their authority! Therefore, when the "leaders" of the Church
exercise lordship, exercise authority over the people of God, His House [as we
saw in the prophetic dream], they are in fact under the spirit of the world and
not under the Spirit of Christ (see Matthew 20:25). The world leaders - be it by
democracy or outright tyranny - decide what is "best" for the people and make
rules and laws, by which the people are held in bondage to their will, their
philosophies of politics, their points of views, even world views. And us as
leaders in God's House? IN WHICH WAY DO WE RULE - OOPS, I MEAN, IN
DOING." (John 13:15; Wuest) Jesus laid down His life, His position for us, He
emptied Himself for us. Are we following suit? If not, we are denying Jesus and
what He came for, what He gave His life for! We have set our doorstep next to
His threshold, and our doorpost next to His doorpost (Ezekiel 43:8a). We
profess it, but do not do it! We are therefore nothing better than the world. "If
you know these things, blessed (spiritually prosperous - Wuest) are you if you
do them." (John 13:17; MKJV)
If we are willing to be formed by God's Spirit to follow the example of Christ, we
will do well to remember that Jesus exhorted us that it will not happen overnight
but through hard and painful experience as it is painful and difficult for us to lay
down our lives - our ambition, our quest for power, howbeit it cloaked in
spiritual terms! "That which I am doing, as for you, not now do you know with
an absolute and complete knowledge, but you shall learn by experience after
these things." (John 13:7; Wuest)
For those of us who have been entrusted by God with bringing His House into
His purpose, this writing has been laid heavily on my heart and formed through
great cost of laying down my position as a prophet in the House of God and what
I and others thought, understood and proclaimed it to be; to be His servant,
proclaiming His words formed in me through life-costing experience - a process I
am still in and will be till the End.
Sadly there are many leaders who say they are working towards establishing the
Kingdom of God, in name giving Christ the glory, but in practice build according
to what THEY think where God is going - in reality, what they desire. They are
the ones not honest with themselves, and the Church as a result is going round
and round in circles - in fact, going nowhere! That is why there is this serious
warning in the prophecy of Ezekiel 43:1-12: their kings, by their fornication ...
the dead bodies of their kings in their high places. (verse 7b) The LORD
Almighty calls it fornication here because the leadership of His House has set
themselves up as kings - kings who love themselves, their own opinions, ideas
and desires more than they love Christ. The result is that the Church mostly
follows their leadership rather than Christ, Who is really their Head and only
true Leader. The problem is that a leadership who do not have Christ as their
goal and purpose, is in fact a spiritually dead leadership who do things in Christ's
Name but do not enter into His Resurrection Life and LIVE from it: they have set
their doorstep next to His threshold, and their doorpost next to His doorpost
(Ezekiel 43:8a)! In the words of Theodore Austin-Sparks, they have the life of
human activity rather than the activity of Divine Life! The True Church is not
built up on the earth but descends from Heaven (see Revelation 21) -it is seated
in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, in the throne of God (Ephesians 2:6;
Ephesians 1:20).
What is even more deadly is the leadership who do acknowledge that CHRIST
JESUS needs to be the purpose and goal, but it never gets further than
acknowledgement. They go on as before, not seeking God's heart and purpose,
and keep on running after the latest whim, fad or name that is drawing the
crowds. The reason for this is that it is crowds and therefore acknowledgement
they are really after - not depth and maturity in Christ.
God makes His heart very clear about how He views this when David, His
beloved king, counted his fighting men (in today's terms: wanting to know the
totality of the membership of "his" church) during a time of peace - see 2
Samuel 24. His action was clearly motivated by pride in the size of "his" empire,
and not of necessity in a time of war, as even his military commander
challenged him on his motivation for doing it (see verse 3). The result was that
God diminished the number of people in judgement (read: church split) and
David bought the harvest field where the destroying angel was killing off the
people, and built an altar there. This became the exact spot where the temple
of God (the glorious temple of Solomon) was built. [8] The symbolism is
evident: Christ gave His life to stop the effects of the destroying angel (satan)
amongst the people of God. Pride in numbers is a fruit of the flesh, of the carnal
nature. The House of God, His Temple, the Church, is to be built and
established with the altar (the Cross) as its foundation. This effectively means
that the Cross is to be at the centre of everything we do and say and minister!
This same lesson was learnt by Joshua and the second generation of Israelites
who entered into the Promised Land. (Remember, 2 Corinthians 1:20 says that
Christ is our Promised Land: For as many promises as are of God, in Him they
are yes, and in Him are Amen, for glory to God through us. (LITV)) They started
out from Gilgal, the first place where they camped after they crossed the
Jordan. Gilgal means circumcision, or then, the Cross applied in our lives (see
Joshua 4 and 5). It was from Gilgal that they went and took Jericho according
to God's command. Every time they took a city they went up from Gilgal and
returned to Gilgal before they took the next city according to God's directives:
Then Joshua returned with all Israel to to the camp at Gilgal. (Joshua 10:15, 43;
NIV); see also Joshua 9:6 and Joshua 10:7. However, the people of God made
an exception with Ai (Joshua 7), and we all know how they were beaten by a
small city! The reason was that they did not return to Gilgal (the Cross) before
they launched their assault on Ai. Here the Cross was not the foundation of
their actions in the LORD any more and they acted on their own presumption,
not enquiring of the LORD as before. As a result they got sadly beaten as sin
entered their camp.
Those who seek after numbers (rather than depth) really seeks position. That
brings them into direct conflict with Christ and His purposes as Christ is the preeminent One, Christ is the Head of His Church. The Church will never come into
fullness of life if Christ is not it's Head in practice (Colossians 2:9-10a).
We all know that in theory, but what does it MEAN for Christ to be our Head? As
you come to Him ... you yourselves... are being built up as a spiritual house (1
Peter 2:4,5; LITV)
In this prophetic word of Ezekiel 43:1-12 the LORD God first addressed the
Church as a whole (each member) in Church, According to Us or According
to God? and now in The Church on It's Head He is addressing it's
leadership. Neither of us are where God wants us to be and gave His Son to
bring us into HIS Life: we talk of being in Christ but know little reality of LIVING
IN His Resurrection Life - we are mostly alongside. That is why we are always
seeking visitations of God whereas God is in reality living in us!
The Sovereign LORD solemnly warns that if we do not repent and turn, if we do
not measure the House of God for what it really is: middle-class in size, and in
reality a golden cage that imprison God's people, we will never hear from Him
what HE means by Church and we will never experience His abundant,
overcoming Life (see John 10:10):
You, son of man, declare to the house of Israel, the temple house, so that they may be ashamed of
their iniquities. And let them measure its size. And if they are ashamed of all
that they have done, the form of the house, and its arrangement, and its exits,
and its entrances, and all its forms, and all its statutes, and all its forms, and all
its laws, make known to them.
(Ezekiel 43:10-11; MKJV)
When the foundations are being destroyed,
what can the righteous do?
The LORD is in His holy temple;
the LORD is on His heavenly throne.
He observes the sons of men;
His eyes examine them.
(Psalm 11:4; NIV)
I am busy turning My Church on it's Head!
Yours in Christ
Marlene Holtzhausen
[1] "For the Lord GOD does nothing without revealing His secret to His servants
the prophets." (Amos 3:7)
3 typifies Divine Testimony
[3] "For if Joshua had given them rest, He would not have spoken afterward of
another day." (Hebrews 4:8)
[4] "But of Him, you are in Christ Jesus, Who was made to us wisdom from
God, both righteousness and sanctification and redemption". (1 Corinthians
1:30; LITV)
Robertson's Word Pictures
[6] "Paul, called to be an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God" (1 and 2
Corinthians 1:1; NIV); "Paul, an apostle - sent not from men nor by man, but by
Jesus Christ and God the Father" (Galatians 1:1; NIV)
[7] "But we all, with a face having been unveiled, ourselves beholding as in a
mirror [fig., contemplating] the glory of the Lord, are being transformed to the
same image, from glory to glory, just as by [the] Spirit of [the] Lord." (2
Corinthians 3:18; ALT)
[8] "Then Solomon began to build the house of the LORD in Jerusalem on
Mount Moriah, where the LORD had appeared to David his father, at the place
that David had appointed, on the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite." (2
Chronicles 3:1; ESV)
Bible Translations Used:
- Analytical-Literal Translation
- American Standard Version
- Bible in Basic English
- Contemporary English Version
- English Standard Version
- Good News Bible
- God's Word
- King James Version
- Literal Translation of the Holy Bible
- Modern King James Bible
- New International Version
- Revised Version
- Weymouth New Testament
Wuest - Kenneth S. Wuest's The New Testament: An Expanded Translation
Note that the underlining, text in bold and red has been done by me for