Technical Physics I_Syllabus

Kirkwood Community College Course Syllabus
Technical Physics I
Fall 2015
Jim Trepka
Contact Information
140 Jones Hall
Credit hours
Contact hours
Tuesday/Thursday 8:00-9:55 am
MT100U and MT101U
Studies the technical applications of motion, force, momentum, statics,
work, rotation and simple machines. Emphasizes concepts through
laboratory and lecture.
Required Course
Purchase access code to available at the Kirkwood
Bookstore. Textbook is a free open source book
Upon completion of this course students will be able to:
Course Outcomes:
Course Student
Outcomes and
Analyze applied physics problems using appropriate equations and
Build and assemble applied physics labs
Perform measurements of applied physics labs
Learning Competencies:
1. Differentiate between a scalar and a vector quantity. Calculate the
components of a vector. Illustrate graphically and mathematically
the resultant of two or more vectors.
2. Give a definition and measure velocity and acceleration, using proper
units. Solve problems that involve velocity and uniform acceleration.
3. Using proper units, give a definition and measure mechanical force.
State Newton’s Three Laws. Describe and predict what happens in a
system when forces are balanced or unbalanced. Solve problems that
involve Newton’s Three Laws.
4. Give a definition and measure friction in mechanical systems. Solve
problems that involve static and kinetic friction including incline
5. Give a definition and measure work, energy, and power in linear
mechanical and electrical systems. Explain the relationship between
energy and work. Explain the relationship between potential and
kinetic energy. Explain the conservation of energy law. Solve
electrical and mechanical problems that involve work, energy, and
6. Calculate the mechanical advantages of force transformers in
mechanical and fluid systems. Solve problems that involve
mechanical advantage in simple machines such as a lever, an inclined
plane, a wedge, gears, pulley systems, wheel and axle, screw jack, and
belt drive. Construct simple machines and analyze their behavior.
Differentiate between ideal mechanical advantage and actual
mechanical advantage. Calculate efficiency of a simple machine
based on mechanical advantage (actual/ideal) and based on work
7. State the equation for an impulse and momentum and explain the
terms. Express the law of the conservation of linear momentum
mathematically and give examples. Describe a perfectly elastic
collision algebraically and conceptually. Solve problems with
impulse and momentum. Measure impulse and momentum
8. Describe static equilibrium. State mathematically and conceptually
the first condition of equilibrium. Create a free body diagram and use
the diagram to solve for unknown forces or force components.
Illustrate by example and definition your understanding of the term
torque. Solve complex problems involving torque. Balance different
masses in a system by establishing equal torques.
9. Define mathematically and conceptually angular displacements,
angular velocity, and angular acceleration. Apply these concepts to
the solution of complex problems. Measure the angular velocity and
acceleration of a system.
10. Give a definition and measure work and energy involving rotational
inertia. Define angular momentum. Contrast and compare linear
system to rotational systems. Solve inertial problems.
11. Actively participate in class laboratories. Assume responsibility for
laboratory equipment. Assist other students and contribute to group
activities. Conform to all stated safety standards. Use appropriate
language in and out of the classroom.
Lab Competencies by Experiment
Experiment 1F1 Measuring Specific Gravity Competencies
1. Measure the specific gravity of a liquid using a hydrometer and a
pocket hydrometer.
2. Determine the density of a liquid given the specific gravity of that
Experiment 1F2 Measuring Pressure Competencies
1. Measure pressure above atmospheric pressure with a manometer
and a mechanical pressure gauge.
2. Measure pressure below atmospheric pressure with a manometer
and a mechanical pressure gauge.
3. Calculate absolute pressure, given atmospheric pressure and
measured pressure
Experiment 5MF1 Measuring The Potential Energy Of A Spring
1. Find the spring constant for a spring.
2. Predict the stretch caused by a known force applied to a spring.
Figure the Experiment 5MF3 Using Energy In Compressed Air To
Operate Air Motors Competencies
1. Use energy stored in a compressed air system to operate an air
2. Measure the rotational speed of the air motor.
3. Find the pressure drop across the air motor as it does work.
Experiment 5T2 Thermal Energy And The Specific Heat Of A Metal
1. Set up a device to find the specific heat of a metal.
2. Find the specific heat of a given metal, and state its units.
Experiment 6F2 Power From Air Motors Competencies
Set up and use and air motor mechanism to lift a load.
Measure pressure drop across an air motor.
Measure flow rate through an air motor.
Find the efficiency of the air motor being used.
Experiment 9*1 Natural Frequency Of A Vibrating Body Competencies
1. Assemble a system to measure the natural frequency of a simple
2. Measure the natural frequency of a simple pendulum.
3. Assemble a system to measure the natural frequency of a vibrating
4. Calculate the natural frequency of a vibrating system.
Experiment 11F1 Calibrating A Pressure Gauge Competencies
1. Use a U-tube manometer to measure air pressure.
2. Compare pressure measurement made with a differential pressure
gauge to that of the U-tube manometer.
3. Calculate the percent accuracy of the differential gauge readings
compare to the manometer.
Homework Late Policy: 50% is deducted from your score after initial
due date. No work is accepted one week beyond the original due
date! Any item not made up in this time frame will not be accepted,
and a zero will be recorded for that item.
Test Policy
NO MAKE UP LABS. Labs not completed on the day of the lab will be
recorded as a zero.
Exam make up policy: If you miss an exam, under very special
circumstances you may make it up with the permission of the instructor.
All makeup exams must be done prior to the next class or you will take the
makeup exam during finals week and the exam will be different from the
rest of the class.
Exams missed due to unexcused absences will be recorded as an "F"
with a score of 0%.
Class Attendance
Policy and
As stated in the Student handbook: In compliance with Public Law 105-244,
Kirkwood Community College makes a wide variety of general institutional
information available to students. For additional information, go to:
We believe that the best learning takes place in an environment where faculty and
students exhibit trust and mutual respect.
In a productive learning environment, faculty and students work cooperatively,
recognize and respect differences, model the values of character and citizenship,
and become lifelong learners.
Kirkwood Community College is a community of shared values, foremost of which
is a strong commitment to academic integrity, honorable conduct, and respect for
others. Through the honest completion of academic work, students sustain the
integrity of the college and promote a culture of civility, fairness, trust, and
respect among its members. Those who violate these standards must be held
Plagiarism Policy
Kirkwood students are responsible for authenticating all work in a course. This
includes but is not limited to quizzes, exams, presentations, papers, journals, and
projects. For this reason, it is recommended that students engage in a verifiable
working process on assignments and conduct themselves during class in a
manner that does not lead to the suspicion of academic dishonesty. Examples of
Academic Dishonesty include but are not limited to: Plagiarism and Fabrication,
Misrepresentation, Cheating and Facilitation, and Impeding Fair and Equal Access
to the Education and Research Process.
It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of the behaviors that constitute
academic dishonesty. A detailed description of this policy and the sanctions
associated with it can be found here:
Campus Closings
Counseling and
Career Services
See Student Policies: General Policies and Student Rights
Students with specific academic and/or classroom needs may request individualized
accommodations. Students wishing to request accommodations should complete an
‘Accommodation Request Form’ which is available at the Learning Services office,
2063 Cedar Hall, or online at Students will be
asked to provide documentation supporting their request. An accommodation plan
must be completed each semester and given to instructors before academic
accommodations will be provided.
Free, confidential counseling services are available for Kirkwood Community
College students seeking career direction, academic support and individual
counseling. While college years are a time of personal growth, this time can be
accompanied by accelerated change and significant challenges that often bring
considerable stress. Counselors promote student emotional and intellectual well –
being. Call 319-398-5540 or visit to learn more.
Midterm grades
A midterm grade will be calculated and posted on EagleNet. The midterm grade is
a grade-in-progress, and will not affect your official GPA, nor will it impact
financial aid. The midterm grade has three purposes: first, to communicate your
academic performance; second, to provide opportunities for you to discuss your
progress with your instructor; and third, to allow Kirkwood to design collegewide intervention programs that will improve student success.
30% of the grade will be labs, 50% of the grade will be online homework, 20% of
the grade will be exams and quizes
Grading Scale
94 - 100
73 – 76.99
90 – 93.99
70 – 72.99
87 – 89.99
67 – 69.99
83 – 86.99
63 – 66.99
80 – 82.99
60 – 62.99
77 – 79.99
59.99 and less
Students dropping a class during the first two weeks of a term may receive
a full or partial tuition refund for 16 week terms, for shorter courses check
with Enrollment Services for total withdraw information.
Drop Date
The last date to drop this class for this term is is Friday, November 20.
Details of the refund schedule can be found under Academic & Enrollment
Policies at:
Final Exam
Final exams are scheduled during the last week of the term from December
9 to December 15. The final exam for this class is scheduled on Thursday
December 10 at 8:00 am.
See Facilities: Emergency/Crisis Information
Check Refund Policy at:
[If desired, list emergency phone numbers, department office locations, etc.]
Rev. 4/11 -- Rev. 5/11 -- Rev. 6/12
Rev. 8/14/12 -- Rev. 1/22/14 -- Rev. 7/29/14
Rev. 3/10/15 – Rev. 6/19/15