continued - Human Kinetics




Managing Sport in the

21st Century

Janet B. Parks, Bowling Green State University

Jerome Quarterman, Howard University

Lucie Thibault, Brock University

Chapter 1

Defining Sport and Sport Management

• Sport defined

• Sport management defined

• Sport vs. sports

• Management vs. administration

Nature and Scope of Sport Industry

1. Types of sports

– Diverse sporting opportunities available to consumers

– Must have a good understanding of both traditional and new sports


Nature and Scope of Sport Industry


2. Settings for sporting activities

– Single, multi-, and college sports

– Events, meetings, and trade shows

– Media

– Sports sponsors

– Professional services

– Facilities

– Manufacturers and retailers


Nature and Scope of Sport Industry


3. Models of sport industry segments

– Product type model

– Economic impact model

– Sport activity model

Unique Aspects of Sport Management

• Sport marketing

• Sport enterprise financial structures

• Sport industry career paths

• Sport as a social institution

Figure 1.4

Sport Management Competencies:

Critical Thinking Skills

• Examples of issues that sport management will need to address

• Becoming a critical thinker

• Dispositions of critical thinkers

• Critical thinking is not simply thinking, negative thinking, or creative thinking

Critical Thinking Skills

• The awareness of a set of interrelated critical questions

• The ability to ask and answer critical questions at appropriate times

• The desire to use those questions and accept their results as a guide to behavior

Critical Thinking Questions

• What are the issues and the conclusion?

• What are the reasons?

• What words or phrases are ambiguous?

• What are the value conflicts and assumptions?


Critical Thinking Questions


• What are the descriptive assumptions?

• Does the reasoning contain fallacies?

• How good is the evidence?

• What significant information is omitted?

Future Challenges and Opportunities

• Technology

• Ethics and social responsibility

• Globalization of sport

Guidelines for Making

Ethical Decisions

• Recognize an ethical issue

• Get the facts

• Evaluate alternative actions

• Make a decision and test it

• Act and reflect on the outcome

Three Review Questions

1 . What are the three models of segmentation that have been applied to the sport industry? Provide examples of sport organizations in each segment of each model.

2. What are the four unique aspects of sport management? Explain how each makes the sport business different from other businesses.


Three Review Questions (continued)

3. How do the authors define critical thinking? What are the benefits of applying critical thinking skills to important issues in sport management?
