Happy 28th Birthday, SDONS! Fall 2014 SDONS... Welcome to Fall, 2014! ...A professional organization with a personal touch.... News and notes from SDONS President Amy Nance Thompson.... 1. It's that time again!! We are looking for volunteers who are interested in leadership roles in the chapter. For the year 2015, SDONS members are electing Secretary and Presidentelect. Please consider nominating yourself (or an SDONS member) to run for an SDONS office. To be considered by the Nominating Committee, please submit a paragraph expressing your interest to sdons@yahoo.com or to Jane Underwood, SDONS Nominating Chair, at junderwood2@cox.net. Deadline to submit your name for consideration by the Nominating Committee is Saturday, Oct. 25. Ballots will go out in November. Election results will be announced at the December Vendor Fair. 2. During Congress this year I discussed with Joan Kitson Hart about the schools of nursing located in her home town. She remarked how the schools didn't have many oncology references or learning materials. I don't know how much education the nursing students receive in the field of oncology nursing. We talked a little bit about how it would be a good project to broaden the scope of the students' learning experiences in oncology nursing, if students were willing to accept our help. Ideas discussed were donations of texts, journals, and establishing website access. At the last Board meeting we discussed making this idea a chapter project. Joan is planning a trip home soon and will be trying to gather some information as to needs and interest. My thought is to try and get funds donated from the Oncology Nursing Society and/or the Foundation through a grant. Another thought is to make this a student-to-student project and to see if we have any nursing students interested in participating in this project. So this project proposal is in the early stages. Any suggestions or ideas are welcome. I/we are not ready for donations at this point, but hope that by the Holiday Vendor Faire we will have some project details in place. If you have any donations please hold on to them. An announcement will be made when we have more information to share. 3. Once again, the Masons of California are supporting reimbursement for nurses, who earn oncology nursing certification. This is a terrific opportunity! The Masonic Grand Lodge of California has recently increased awards to $500 to an individual whose employer provides reimbursement for certification fees, and $1,100 to an individual whose employer does not provide reimbursement for certification fees. Here is the link to applications: http://www.freemason.org/doc/By%20Your%20Side%20Program%20Application.pdf?id=20139. ++++ Other News and Announcements.... Membership: According to the national ONS roster list as of August, 2014, our SDONS membership is 347 members! As a reminder...Local chapter membership dues changed in Summer of 2013, based on the new policy from ONS (when ONS dues increased as of July 1, 2013). Your national ONS membership automatically signs you up for membership with the local chapter i.e. SDONS) with $10 local dues included in your national ONS dues. The 2014 Holiday Vendor Faire is scheduled Thurs. Dec. 4, so mark your calendar! This annual event--this year at Tango Del Ray-- welcomes SDONS members, potential new members and our supportive community of industry friends and sponsors. Our Faire gets better every year...with a special focus on the auction featuring many donated baskets and gifts. Proceeds from the auction build our SDONS scholarship funds. This is don't miss event! Your holiday spirit finds that elusive holiday season spark by attending our Vendor Faire! Congratulations to SDONS September Scholarship winner Olga Garcia, who won a $400 scholarship to advance her oncology knowledge (toward an educational course, class or conference expense). Want to win? Just enter the scholarship drawing by sending an e-mail to SD_ONS@yahoo.com by the Tuesday before the meeting of the scholarship drawing (next drawing in October...) with a sentence telling us how you would use your scholarship if you won. If you do win a scholarship, send our Treasurer the receipt for your educational program AND write up a brief summary about your learning experience for an article for our SDONS e-newsletter. Then you will be provided your scholarship check! Winners need not need be present at the meeting to win the scholarship. (Limit: One scholarship win per year.) Consider nominating a colleague for a National ONS Award: Check out all the awards (and the deadlines to nominate): http://ons.org/Awards/ONSAwards In general, the deadline to submit for 2015 ONS awards is September 30, 2014. Speaking of awards....consider nominating an SDONS colleague for the annual Gracia Award, The Gracia Award was established to honor our beloved SDONS member Gracia Juarez, a former SDONS secretary, who passed away in 2007 after a short illness. The award is given to an SDONS member who has shown a special commitment to oncology nursing, demonstrated by a willingness to go the extra mile to help others succeed as oncology nurses...providing excellence in patient care, energies toward community outreach, mentorship to fellow nurses, and involvement in ONS at the local chapter and/or national level. Please send nominations for the Gracia Award to the SDONS e-mail (sd_ons@yahoo.com) or contact an SDONS Leadership Team member. Nomination deadline is Sat, Nov. 22, 2014. The Gracia Award will be announced at our Holiday Vendor Faire in December....... SDONS on FaceBook LinkedIn: SDONS is on FaceBook and Linked In!!! Join our page to network with other oncology nurses. See information about CEU’s, meetings, etc. To join our page, go to: http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=4394235&goback=%2Eanp_4394235_1338706156800_1 Feel free to start or contribute to discussions to make the site truly interactive. (NOTE: To help us get more connected via social media and new technologies, contact our New Technologies Communications Chair, Christine Izzo. As a reminder....In addition to our yearly support of eight $400-scholarships for nonSDONS Leadership Team members, we continue to provide a $500/each scholarship opportunity for SDONS Leadership Team members (four elected Board members and appointed Committee Chairs). This was established as a strategy to support SDONS leadership participation.. So consider serving as an SDONS officer or committee chair for the SDONS Leadership Team. (In 2015, the Team will be recruiting appointed chairs for Program and New Technologies Communications, but all committees and projects welcome your help.) With more SDONS members involved in chapter leadership, leadership succession planning occurs! NOTE: Leadership Team members are not eligible for the eight $400/each scholarship drawings, which our chapter holds four times/year. ++++++ SDONS Leadership Team (Officers and Committee Chairs) Your 2014 SDONS Leadership Team is here to serve our membership. We welcome your ideas and participation. The SDONS Leadership Team include: President- Amy Nance-Thompson President elect- Meloddie Neel Brooks Treasurer- Eva Bariuan Secretary- Kelly Bass Program chair- Leah Marquardt Membership chair- Sandii Weyerhaeuser Community Outreach and Student Development chair- Paula Muehlbauer Nominating chair- Jane Underwood Fundraising chair - Dawn Huckabone e-Newsletter- Ellen Carr & Laura Spriggs New Technologies Communications chair- Chrstine Izzo Past President- Laura Spriggs (Contact information for any of the SDONS Leadership Team members is posted on the SDONS Virtual Community site: http://sandiego.vc.ons.org/ See below a photo SDONS Leadership Team members, who attended the January 2014 SDONS Leadership Team meeting.) 2014 SDONS Leadership Team: Front: Ellen Carr, Sandi Weyerhaeuser, Francie Mercado, Leah Marquardt Back: Kelly Bass, Christine Izzo, Amy-Nance Thompsom, Laura Spriggs, Jane Underwood ++++++++++++++ ....Reports from our SDONS scholarship recipients... From Joan Kitson-Hart....(photo above) I become reenergized this year after attending our Annual Congress (in Anaheim). Each Congress is a unique and special experience. Over the past 30 years I have been amazed at the increasing number of nurses who identify themselves as Oncology Nurses. We share a bond that has been formed from the extraordinary experience of caring for patients with cancer. ONS Congress allows us to share our experiences, knowledge, research, approaches to educating our novice nurses on their journey to expert practitioners...and even Marlon Saria....Fellow, American Academy of Nursing how to plan for retirement. It is a time to open our minds and rejuvenate, a time to reconnect with long lost or forgotten colleagues and begin the foundation of new friendships. We are motivated by an interesting variety of speakers who encourage us to never give up, to strive to Marlon Garzo Saria, MSN, RN, reach goals we have set for ourselves. AOCNS, was selected by the We learn what is being discovered in the lab and American Academy of Nursing transitioned to the bedside as new therapies. We gain (AAN) for induction as a Fellow in insight into new ways to deal with old problems and the Academy, one of the most commiserate on the challenges of patient adherence to our prestigious honors in the field of increasingly complex regimens. Congress is that shot in the nursing. Saria is an advanced arm that we need from time to time when our frustration practice nurse-researcher in the peaks as we struggle to help patients cope with the next neuro-oncology laboratory at phase of their cancer journey. It is the feeling of validation Moores UCSD Cancer Center. we receive when we hear other nurses identify the identical Marlon earned his Bachelor of issues that we thought were ours alone. Science in Nursing from the At Congress you realize you are never alone. There are University of the Philippines in hundreds of other nurses that share many of your issues Manila and his Master of Science in and are struggling to find the answers. Reach out and Nursing from the University of connect with your fellow nurses to gain the support and California, Los Angeles, where he is strength you need to improve and solve the problems you currently working toward his Doctor face daily. It may just be a keystroke away. Nursing IS the of Philosophy degree. best job ever, but Oncology nursing REIGNS. The AAN’s 2,200 fellows are Nursing’s most accomplished from Monsy Mitchell....(photo to left) I used my leaders in education, management, SDONS scholarship money for tuition to cover my Bachelors practice and research. Marlon's program; I am currently enrolled at University of Phoenix. induction will take place during I started the program August of 2013 and can finally see the AAN’s annual meeting in October in end since I have two classes left, including the one I am Washington, DC. currently enrolled. Congratulations, Marlon! I decided to further my education in order to broaden my job opportunities, as well as to reach a long-term goal of eventually becoming a nurse practitioner. Originally I was going to start my Masters program in January 2015. But fate has other plans and my family will be welcoming our third child, which means I will have two children under two years old! Since I like the little sanity I have left, I will wait a while before jumping into the Masters program. I would like to thank our SDONS chapter for the scholarship and for camaraderie with members and friends. Monserate (Monsy) Mitchell Need Oncology classes, courses, CEUs? For oncology nursing classes and courses, check the ONS Connect publication: http://www.onsconnect.org/ or the ONS website: http://www.ons.org/ Sheila Bedard featured in ONS Connect, September 2014: Congratulations to our own Sheila Bedard, who is featured +++++ in the September, 2014 issue of ONS Connect (page 17). The issue, which includes articles covering the topic Aging SDONS Dinner and Health Care, highlighted Sheila in the Another Perspective column, How Have You Maintained Your Program Policy... Involvement in Oncology Nursing into Retirement? In the column, Sheila cited her active involvement in As a reminder....Our SDONS Dinner Program Policy: The SDONS Leadership Team has established these guidelines concerning our dinner meetings: 1) On the SDONS Virtual SDONS, both as a clinical nurse for 20 years and now in retirement. Sheila had served as our SDONS membership Chair for 7 years, and was instrumental in clarifying and organizing our membership roles and systems. Among Sheila's comments in the column: support our professional organizations by being community site (http://sandiego.vc.ons.org/ when you log in to RSVP for our monthly involved. These nurses were generous with their time, RN number. (Vendors require RN teaching me leadership and giving me confidence license number for attendance; they dinner.) This streamlines the signin process and members can find I have great respect for the nurses I have met in my chapter and have made many valuable friendships. dinner, remember to include your need to have them prior to the I believe oncology nurses have a moral obligation to as a new nurse. I share the important advice I learned from them with new nurses: Always respect your patients and your coworkers, listen to your gut feelings and don't their seats sooner. hesitate to ask questions when in doubt. 2) If you No Show two times for a dinner in one year, you will no Paula Muehlbauer, contributing editor of ONS Connect, longer be able to attend dinners for coordinated the writing of the column for the issue. the remainder of the year. A No Show is considered not coming to a dinner the you have RSVP'd to. When you are a No Show, this prevents other members/guests from attending our events. 3) No proxies. If you cannot attend the meeting, your RSVP’d spot will be given to the next person on the waiting list to attend the meeting. 4) To make room (and welcome) potential new members, a few spots will be saved for potential new members to attend the meeting. If those spots are not filled a few days before the meeting, others who have RSVP’d (members/guests) will be contacted to allow them to SDONS Calendar 2014 SDONS Leadership Team meetings are scheduled 3-4 times/year on Wednesdays, The next Leadership Team meeting is scheduled October 8, 6:00 p.m. at Amy NanceThompson's home. All SDONS members are welcome to attend. Contact Amy for details and directions. attend the meeting. 5) You can be a guest to a regular SDONS dinner meeting once. Then your guest status expires; you need (...And for more information about CE-sponsored dinners and SDONS dinners and events (listed below), go to the SDONS virtual community site: http://sandiego.vc.ons.org/) to join ONS to continue to come to our dinner meetings. The exception to this one-time guest status is attending specially-promoted SDONS meetings/events, held to encourage as many guests to attend as the venue allows (i.e. Holiday Vendor Faire in September 24, 2014: CE sponsored dinner by Medical Learning Institute (MLI), Topic: Identifying, Preventing, and Treating Serious Side Effects to Termination of Therapy in Lymphoma, Speaker: TBD, Location: Season’s 52 (Napa Room) 4505 La Jolla Village Drive San Diego, CA 90745, Registration: 6:00 pm, Dinner: 6:30 pm, Presentation: 7:00 pm. December). 6) If the RSVP dinner meeting list does not meet its cut-off number for September 26-28, 2014: Scripps Cancer Care Symposium: A Nursing & Advanced Practice Provider Collaboration. Doubletree/Hilton, San Diego Mission Valley. For more info: max RSVPs, then students (current http://www.scripps.org/events/second-annual-scripps- non-SDONS members) may fill cancer-care-symposium-september-26-2014 those slots as guests of SDONS. This policy is in place to encourage October 7, 2014: 1.5 CNE dinner program hosted by students to attend meetings, who Medtronics. Topic: Implantable Pain Therapies: Cancer Pain have an interest in oncology nursing Patient Management Course. Speaker: Vik Udani, and in joining ONS (and SDONS as M.D., Neurosurgical Medical Group, San Diego CA. members). If those designated Location: Season's 52 in La Jolla. (Registration form is non- member student spots are not posted on SDONS VC site; Then after completing form to filled a few days before the meeting, confirm registration, send to others who have RSVP’d programchairsdons@gmail.com) (members/guests) will be contacted to allow them to attend the October 16, 2014 - SDONS dinner meeting. Topic: meeting. Myeloma. Speaker and Location TBD. Dinner/Speaker supported by Onyx Pharmaceuticals. And it cannot be stated often enough: PLEASE BE November 7, 2014 (Friday): Light the Night Walk COURTEOUS AT OUR (Leukemia & Lymphoma Society): Petco Park' starts 4:30 MEETINGS. SDONS continues to p.m.. For more information: http://www.lightthenight.org/sd/ be generously supported by our sponsoring vendors, who provide November 20, 2014: 1.0 CEU dinner program by hosted by educational dinner meetings for our Paradigm Medical. Topic: B-cell malignancies. Speaker: members. "Courtesy" means what TBD. Location: TBD. (NOTE: No SDONS monthly meeting we were taught in grade school-- in November) attentive to our speakers (read: no talking during the November 21-23, 2014: Susan G. Komen 3-day. For more presentations), showing appreciatio information: n and support to our hosts and the http://www.the3day.org/site/PageServer?pagename=learn_a restaurant staff and being respectful bout_cityl_SD_landing to our speaker, meeting guests and to your fellow SDONS members. December 4, 2014: SDONS annual Holiday Vendor Faire. Location: Tango Del Rey, 3567 Del Rey St, San Diego, CA ++++++ 92109.(858) 581-1114 Our Gallery below April 23-26, 2015: 40th Annual ONS Congress, Orlando, of photos from FL recent SDONS meetings and events... From Sept meeting, Suzi Rundell, Paula Muehlbauer and Myra Williams. From June meeting, Carolyn Scott, Donna Engelbert, Suzi Rundell From Sept meeting, Sheila Bedard and Brianna Daum From June meeting, Chawn Tipton (Milennium Pharmaceuticals), Meloddie Brooks, Franci Mercado, Emma Lopato From Sept meeting, Dinner Speaker Laura Brennan, from UC Davis, (center) is flanked by Celgene representatives Joe O'Neill (L) and Cheryl Bailey (R) From June meeting, Ali Davis and Natalie Bouldin From June meeting, Olga Garcia and Freci Portugal: From Sept meeting, UCSD students Shu Zheng, Karizma Carolino and member Amanda Tarzia From Sept meeting, SDSU students Matthew Wittmann, Malayna Tolley and Crystal Le From Sept meeting, Claire McLean and Olga Garcia. From Sept 2014 meeting, SDONS president Amy Nance Thompson and Program chair Leah Marquardt At July meeting, Jane Underwood and Sharon From July meeting, Cindy From July Stephens and Monsy meeting, Margarita Jauregui Mitchell and Nadia Youssef Stone At July meeting, speaker Jacy Spong and Cheryl Bailey from Celgene At Feb meeting, Jacqui Schoppe with Amanda Goforth, our "mystery" member from Feb e- At July meeting, Suzi Rundell and Sandi Weyerhaeuser newsletter photos. SDONS is the local chapter of the Oncology Nursing Society. It is committed to promoting quality cancer care through nursing research and education and community service. The SDONS meetings, in general, are scheduled every 3rd Thursday of the month. Annually, SDONS provides approximately $5,000 in educational scholarships and awards to local oncology nurses. For more information about SDONS, please contact sd_ons@yahoo.com. And to submit articles, announcements or photographs for the SDONS e-newsletter, contact e-Newsletter Editor Ellen Carr at ecarr18@cox.net. Copyright © 2014 San Diego Oncology Nursing Society (SDONS)