Steven W Hines, ND, NE, Ctth

Case Studies in Dementia:
Alzheimer's, ALS, MS, Parkinson’s,
Schizophrenia &
Presentation Objectives
• Discuss possible infectious aspects to
• Discuss how to test for infections & toxins
that may cause neurodegeneration.
• Discuss valuable tools for reversing
neurodegenerative disease.
Case Study 1
62-year-old male. Diagnosis: ALS/Guillain Barre Syndrome.
Neurology could not agree on diagnosis.
Symptoms: Patient had feeling in his legs but was unable to stand. He
was wheelchair bound but had good upper body strength.
Treatment: Patient tested positive for Lyme disease. Administered
Rocephin, 1 gram bid for 9 months. Patient became totally quadriplegic
as treatment progressed. Administered physical therapy, 3 days per
week with muscle stem. Patient took probiotics and antifungals.
Result: Patient fully recovered and went back to work remodeling
Case Study 2
6-year-old male. Diagnosis: Autistic Spectrum Disorder.
Symptoms: Patient was unable to speak and could not attend school.
Treatment: Grain-free diet, Lyme disease protocol of samento and
cumanda. 1 gram fish oil, twice daily.
Result: 30 days later = 80% improvement.
• Observational study by Hope Wellness Center. 5 of 5 Autism
patients were DNA positive for borrelia species.
Case Study 3
74-year-old female. Diagnosis: Dementia.
Symptoms: Patient was unable to converse, could only make a few
sounds and had no reaction other than a blank smile. Suspected
neurological chlamydia pneumoniae.
Treatment: Intravenous Azithromycin, 10 days. IV peroxide, daily.
EDTA chelation, twice a week (total of 4 treatments).
Result: Patient became totally normal by the end of 10 days.
• Yamamoto, H., et. al. High prevalence of Chlamydia pneumoniae
antibodies and increased high-sensitive C-reactive protein in
patients with vascular dementia. Journal of the American Geriatrics
Society. 2005 Apr; 53(4): 583-9.
Case Study 4
64-year-old female. Diagnosis: Parkinson’s Disease.
Symptoms: Patient was extremely disabled with global tremors,
spastic gait, Choreiform Movement Disorder, extreme fatigue,
spasticity of speech, and anxiety attacks. Required a walker for
Note: Patient was previously treated with $250,000 worth of stem
cells in Korea. She reports having only short-lived benefit from
Treatment: Referred patient to a biological dentist. Dentist removed
7-8 root canal teeth, treated numerous cavitations and all metals.
Note: Endotoxins from root canals and cavitations can be transported
to the brain through trigeminal nerve. These infections are common
among neurological conditions.
Case Study 4, cont.
Result: Dramatic improvement after 3-4 months. She and her
husband now travel the country in their motorhome. She reverted a few
years later to some extent but we were not part of her follow up. We
would have given IV antibiotics to treat the systemic aspects of the
dental infections, namely treponema denticola.
Note: A number of pathogens are known to inhibit tyrosine
hydroxylase enzymes. These pathogens can grossly alter dopamine and
serotonin levels. Pathogens include beta strep, toxoplasma and
mycobacterium avium complex, to name a few.
• Anderson, A., et al. Comprehensive analysis of secondary dental root
canal infections: A combination of culture and culture-independent
approaches reveals new insight. PLoS One. 2012; 7(11): e49576.
• Broxmeyer, L. Parkinson's: another look. Medical Hypothesis.
2002; 59(4): 373-77.
Case Study 5
82-year-old male. Diagnosis: Schizophrenia, dementia,
chronic diarrhea.
Symptoms: Patient suffered from cognitive impairment, nervousness,
forgetfulness, lack of attention span, no memory. GI-02 panel showed
toxoplasmosis in the gut.
Treatment: Gallium Maltolate, 1.5 grams for 2 days. Alinia, 500 mg
with 10 grams of fat bid for 14 days.
Result: Patient was symptom-free from neurological symptoms in 2
days and symptom-free from gut issues in 2 weeks.
Case Study 5, cont.
• Chitambar, C.R. Medical applications and toxicities of gallium
compounds. International Journal of Environmental Research and
Public Health. 2010; 7: 2337-2361.
• Galván-Ramírez Mde. L., et al. Effect of nitaxozanide and
pyrimethamine on astrocytes infected by toxoplasma gondii in vitro.
Archives of Medical Research. 2013 Aug; 44(6): 415-21.
• Medical News Today. A fifth of schizophrenia cases ‘may be
attributable to T. gondii infection’. (2014, Nov 2).
• Martens, R.J., et al. Chemoprophylactic antimicrobial activity of
gallium maltolate against intracellular rhodococcus equi. Journal of
Equine Veterinary Science. 2007; 27(8): 341-345.
Case Study 6
60-year-old female. Diagnosis: Dementia/Alzheimer’s.
Symptoms: Patient struggled with extreme cognitive dysfunction.
Treatment: Chelation, twice weekly. IV ozone, 3 times per week for 3
months. Hydration therapy.
Result: 1 year after treatment, the patient was essentially normal.
Note: IV ozone has been shown to normalize nad to nadh ratios, thus
helping normalize mitochondrial function.
Case Study 6, cont.
• Davis, J.L. High iron levels identified in brains of Alzheimer's
patients. WebMD Health News. (2000, Feb. 28).
• Seymour, D.G., et al. Acute confusional states and dementia in the
elderly: the role of dehydration/volume depletion, physical illness
and age. Age and Ageing. 1980; 9(3): 137-146.
Case Study 7
50-year-old male. Diagnosis: Multiple Sclerosis.
Symptoms: Gait disturbance, cognitive dysfunction, extreme fatigue,
wheelchair necessary most of the time. Patient tested positive for Lyme
disease, bartonella, babesia, mycoplasma, gluten intolerance, and had
mercury amalgams, root canals and cavitations.
Treatment: IV silver, ozone, IV Rocephin + DMSO, MGIK drips,
Glutathione, Alpha Lipoic Acid, H2O2, HGH, urine vaccine, IV Flagyl,
Plaquenil, thyroid, chelation, samento, cumanda, Cholestyramine,
antifungals, thiamine injections, crude liver extract, gallbladder/liver
flushes and much more.
Result: The patient came in the clinic the first day in a wheelchair and
walked out the same day after treating chronic dehydration. After 13
years, patient remains in great health.
Case Study 7, cont.
Note: Although not available at the time of his treatment, we now
recommend CCSVI treatment for some MS patients.
• Breitschwerdt, E.B., et al. Bartonella sp. bacteremia in patients with
neurological and neurocognitive dysfunction. Journal of Clinical
Microbiology. 2008 Sep; 46(9): 2856–61.
• Brinar, V.V.; Habek, M. Rare infections mimicking MS. Clinical
Neurol Neurosurgery. 2010; 112(7): 625-8.
• Costantini, A., et al. High dose thiamine improves fatigue in multiple
sclerosis. BMJ Case Reports. (2013, July 16).
Case Study 7, cont.
References, cont.:
• Seymour, D.G., et al. Acute confusional states and dementia in the
elderly: the role of dehydration/volume depletion, physical illness
and age. Age and Ageing. 1980; 9(3): 137-146.
• Zamboni, P., et al. Chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency in
patients with multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neurology,
Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. 2009; 80: 392-99.
• Samento and cumanda. Nutramedix. (561) 745-2917.
• Gallium Maltolate. Larry Bernstein.
• Grain-free diet. The Road to Health: Overcoming Chronic
Illness through Nutrition by Laura Schroeder & Steve Hines.
Hope Wellness Center. (325) 947-5266.
• GI-02 panel. Diagnostechs. (800) 878-3787.
• Thiamine injections. See Klenner Protocol for MS - most
compounders make it.
Resources, cont.
• Alinia. Antiparasitic drug available through most pharmacies.
Can be purchased online through Canadian and South American
pharmacies under generic label (Daxon). The generic is not as
good as the name brand but is about 80% cheaper and has worked
well for us so far. We usually dose at 500 mg bid, given with 10
grams of fat per dose for 21 days. It is the most effective treatment
for amoebas and protozoa. May need to extended dosage for 3 to 4
months for neurotoxo treatment.
Checklist of causes:
Infections may be involved in neurological disease conditions, in
addition to other factors. The following are the most correlative:
• Lyme disease
• treponema denticola
• leptospira
• insulin resistance
• gluten enteropathies
• iron overload
• CCSVI/vascular insufficiency
• black mold
• dysbiosis
• thyroid imbalance
Checklist of causes:
Parkinson’s Disease
Infections may be involved in neurological disease conditions, in
addition to other factors. The following are the most correlative:
• dental infections (primarily upper left & right cavitations of
wisdom teeth sockets)
• beta strep
• mycobacterium avium complex
• nocardia
• iron overload
• dysbiosis
Checklist of causes:
Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS)
Infections may be involved in neurological disease conditions, in
addition to other factors. The following are the most correlative:
• neurological borrelia
• treponema denticola
• black mold and other molds (primarily molds growing in the
sinuses and/or environment)
• heavy metal toxicity
• dysbiosis
Checklist of causes:
Infections may be involved in neurological disease conditions, in
addition to other factors. The following are the most correlative:
• GMO foods
• gluten intolerance
• leaky gut
• Lyme disease
• bartonella
• mycoplasma
• vaccinations
• heavy metal toxicity
• candidiasis
• dysbiosis
Checklist of causes:
Infections may be involved in neurological disease conditions, in
addition to other factors. The following are the most correlative:
• niacin deficiency
• toxoplasmosis
Checklist of causes:
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Infections may be involved in neurological disease conditions, in
addition to other factors. The following are the most correlative:
Multiple Sclerosis:
• Lyme disease
• GMO foods
• gluten intolerance
• leaky gut
• dental infections
• nickel caps & crowns
• thiamine deficiency
• candidiasis
vitamin D deficiency
sex steroid
hormonal dysfunction
thyroid imbalance
low aldosterone
low ADH