Civil Exam May 18, 2010 The Civil Examination features, nature and implications a personal interpretation Kai-ming Cheng SRT Sciences of Learning May 18, 2010 Education in East Asia Korea North Korea Japan Taiwan Mainland China Hong Kong Vietnam Singapore (?) Education in East Asia Common features: examination as the core activity frequency & intensity of examinations high legitimacy for examinations overwhelming examination pressure pervasive tutorial schools China: The Home of Examinations Education in Ancient China Synonyms Education Attending schools Study Examination Learning Reading books The Examination ... The Civil Examination Normally three tiers Started formally 603 AD (隋)(shui dynasty) Four Books & Five Classics Assessment: Essay writing Appointment to the Officialdom 科舉 始於隋朝 單一功能 社會上升 十年寒窗 拜為宰相 出身寒微 目的鮮明 傳入日韓 選拔官員 唯一途徑 一朝成名 招為駙馬 衣錦榮歸 全在功名 The Examination: Analysis Preparing for the civil examination at the imperial court: Vision Mission Strategy Curriculum Mode of Learning Entrance requirements The Examination: Vision was solely preparing for the Civil Exam Civil Exam was solely for recruitment into the officialdom Joining the officialdom was the sole means of social mobility “Education” The Examination: Vision (con’t) Reward to success was overwhelming appointment to power 拜為宰相 marriage to the royal family 招為駙馬 glorious home-coming 衣錦榮歸 …... The Examination: Mission Excellence in the Examination Good memory Application of the classics Good writing skills Ideas that attract appreciation …... The Examination: Strategies Hard-working: “Ten years by the cold window” 十年寒窗 Emphasis on efforts “Diligence compensates for Stupidity” 勤能補拙 The Examination: Curriculum Basic Literacy reading, reciting, writing Four Books and Five Classics mostly social theories little natural science no practical skills The Examination: Learning Mode Textbooks readily available Basically self-study Self-motivated Distance-learning Teachers a luxury Schools dispensable …... The Examination: Entrance Requirements None! The Examination: Perceived Beauties Extremely simple system: only exam Extremely simple curriculum: classics Extremely low-cost: no teaching, no fees, distance learning Extremely fair: no class discrimination Extremely rigorous: open and tight …... Implications ... It was about social mobility, not about learning of knowledge and skills Curriculum relevance is purely political ….. Implications ... It was only about scholarship, which means reading and writing It favored only scholars; “everything is low but reading” …. Implications ... It was single measure of single intelligence Effort was treasured over innate ability …. Implications ... It was selection of a few, not education of the mass It was norm referenced; it favored competition It was conforming, little room for individual development …... Implications ... Motivation was basically extrinsic Preferred interpretation vis-à-vis objectivity Correctness vis-à-vis truth Decisions by authority Subordinate to authority …... Chinese Examinations Cultural assumptions transmitted: The society is a hierarchy Individuals should offer themselves for selection and engage in competition Success belong to those who conform to expectations from society or above Hardworking pays off, regardless of innate ability, family conditions and environments New Reading Benjamin, E.A. (2000) A cultural history of the Civil Examination in late Imperial China. Berkeley: University of California Press. The Examination: Learning Mode Textbooks readily available Basically self-study Self-motivated Distance-learning Teachers a luxury Schools dispensable …... A folk song 小么小儿郎呀郎 Little John, Little John, 背着那书包上学堂 On way to school with books in backpack; 不怕那太阳晒 There is no fear of the fierce sun, 也不怕那风雨狂 or heavy rains or wild storm; 只怕先生骂我懒哟 The only fear is teacher’s reprimand of laziness. 没有学问喏 With no achievement, 无脸见爹娘 It’s shameful to face parents. Ancient times … Korea 2006 Korea 2006 Credentials Industrial society … Organization Society Knowledge Credentials Industrial Society Industrial Society Procedures Rules & Regulations Tight Structure Management Layers Strict Division of Labor Impartiality Scientific Management De-personalization Organization Society Knowledge Credentials Industrial Society Assumption: People are Specialized, Classified & Ranked Manpower Education Young People Manpower Education Young People Industrial Institutions Engineers Technicians Craftsmen Operatives Degrees Diplomas Vocational Training Basic Education Credentials … Education in Industrial Society People are prepared as manpower People are classified and ranked People & jobs are matched thro’ signaling Signaling is realized through credentials Schooling prepares credentials Hence exams, syllabuses, classes, timetables, schools, …… Students are processed by schools! 戲 無 益 勤 有 功 Don’t Play Work Hard However Society has Changed! What if selection is less an issue? What if credentials have a much lesser role? Thank you!