
Lecture plan
• Outline of DB design process
• Entity-relationship model
– Entities and attributes
– Relationships
Jane Reid, BSc/IT DB,
QMUL, 7/1/02
DB design process [1]
• Requirements collection and analysis
– Users’ data requirements
– Users’ functional requirements (using software
engineering tools, e.g. data flow diagrams)
Jane Reid, BSc/IT DB,
QMUL, 7/1/02
DB design process [2]
• Conceptual design
– Creation of conceptual schema
• Concise description of users’ data requirements
• Uses high-level conceptual data model, e.g. Entityrelationship model
– Data model operations used to specify user
operations from functional analysis
– Compatibility check and possible modification
Jane Reid, BSc/IT DB,
QMUL, 7/1/02
DB design process [3]
• Logical design / data model mapping
– Uses implementation data model, e.g. relational
data model
– Conceptual schema transformed from highlevel data model to implementation data model
Jane Reid, BSc/IT DB,
QMUL, 7/1/02
DB design process [4]
• Physical design
– Internal storage structures, access paths, file
organisation specified
– Application programs designed and
Jane Reid, BSc/IT DB,
QMUL, 7/1/02
Entity-relationship model
• High-level conceptual modelling technique
for DB applications
• DB application = DB + associated programs
• Application programs need to be designed,
implemented and tested
• ER model used for conceptual design of DB
Jane Reid, BSc/IT DB,
QMUL, 7/1/02
Entities and attributes
• An entity is an object with a physical or
conceptual existence
• Attributes are the particular properties
which describe the entity
• An individual attribute has a value
Jane Reid, BSc/IT DB,
QMUL, 7/1/02
Simple vs composite attributes
• Composite attributes
– Can be divided into smaller subparts which
• Represent more basic attributes with independent
• Can form a hierarchy
– Useful if attribute must be handled sometimes
as a unit and sometimes as components
• Simple (atomic) attributes are not divisible
Jane Reid, BSc/IT DB,
QMUL, 7/1/02
Single- vs multi-valued attributes
• Single-valued attributes have a single value
for a particular entity
• Multi-valued attributes
– Have a set of values for a particular entity
– May have lower/upper bounds on the number
of values allowed
Jane Reid, BSc/IT DB,
QMUL, 7/1/02
Stored vs derived attributes
• Derived attributes
– Are related to another attribute
– Are derivable from a stored attribute
– May be derivable from related entities
• Stored attributes
– Are not derivable from any other source
Jane Reid, BSc/IT DB,
QMUL, 7/1/02
Null attribute values
• Used to denote value of an attribute for a
particular entity which is
– Non-applicable
– Unknown
• Exists but is missing
• Not known if it exists or not
Jane Reid, BSc/IT DB,
QMUL, 7/1/02
Complex attributes
• Composite attributes
– Components grouped between parentheses ()
– Components separated by commas
• Multi-valued attributes
– Displayed between braces {}
• Composite and multi-valued attributes can
be nested in an arbitrary way
Jane Reid, BSc/IT DB,
QMUL, 7/1/02
Entity types and sets [1]
• An entity type is
– A collection (set) of entities with the same
attributes but different values for the attributes
– Schema / intension for a set of entities which
share the same structure
Jane Reid, BSc/IT DB,
QMUL, 7/1/02
Entity types and sets [2]
• An entity set
– A collection of all entities for a particular entity
– Extension of the entity type
• Entity type and associated entity set have
the same name
Jane Reid, BSc/IT DB,
QMUL, 7/1/02
Entity types and sets [3]
Name, Age, Salary
(John Smith, 55, 80K)
(Fred Brown, 40, 30K)
(Judy Clark, 25, 20K)
Jane Reid, BSc/IT DB,
QMUL, 7/1/02
Key attributes [1]
• Also called uniqueness constraint
• Value of key attribute
– Identifies each entity uniquely
– Must be distinct for each entity in the collection
– Unique for every extension of the entity type
Jane Reid, BSc/IT DB,
QMUL, 7/1/02
Key attributes [2]
• Composite key
– Combination of attribute values form the key
– Must be minimal (no superfluous attributes)
• Entity type may have
– More than one key attribute
– No key attribute - a weak entity type
Jane Reid, BSc/IT DB,
QMUL, 7/1/02
Value sets of attributes
• Also called “domain” of attributes
• The set of values which may be assigned to
that attribute for each individual entity
• Not displayed in ER diagrams
Jane Reid, BSc/IT DB,
QMUL, 7/1/02
• Implicit relationships between attributes can
be converted to explicit relationships
• An attribute of one entity type refers to
another entity type
Jane Reid, BSc/IT DB,
QMUL, 7/1/02
Relationship types and sets
• Relationship type defines set of associations
(relationship set) among entities
• Relationship type and set have same name
• Relationship instance associates exactly one
entity from each participating entity type
Jane Reid, BSc/IT DB,
QMUL, 7/1/02
Relationship degree
• Number of participating entity types:
– Relationship type of degree two is binary
– Relationship type of degree three is ternary
– Higher degree relationships are more complex
Jane Reid, BSc/IT DB,
QMUL, 7/1/02
Relationships as attributes
• Two entity types A and B, where
– Attribute a2 of entity type A indicates a link to a
particular entity of entity type B
• Binary relationship may be considered as:
– Value set of attribute a2 is set of all B entities
– Additional multi-valued attribute b3 for entity
type B, whose value for each entity is the set of
all A entities matching on attribute a2
Jane Reid, BSc/IT DB,
QMUL, 7/1/02
Role names
• Explains what the relationship means
• Indicates the role that a particular entity
plays in a relationship instance
• Necessary for recursive relationships
– same entity type participates more than once in
a relationship type in different roles
Jane Reid, BSc/IT DB,
QMUL, 7/1/02
Relationship type constraints [1]
• Structural constraints which limit
combination of entities in relationship set
– Cardinality ratio
• Number of relationship instances an entity can
participate in
• Possible ratios - 1:1, 1:N, N:1, M:N
Jane Reid, BSc/IT DB,
QMUL, 7/1/02
Relationship type constraints [2]
– Participation constraints
• Indicates if existence of an entity depends on its
being related to another entity by relationship type
• Total (existence dependency) - every entity in the
total set must be related
• Partial - some entities in the total set must be related
Jane Reid, BSc/IT DB,
QMUL, 7/1/02
Relationship type attributes
• Similar idea to entity type attributes
• Attributes of 1:1 relationship types can be
migrated to one of participating entities
• Attributes of 1:N (or N:1) relationship types
can be migrated to entity type at N side
• Attributes of M:N relationship types cannot
be migrated
Jane Reid, BSc/IT DB,
QMUL, 7/1/02
Weak entity types [1]
• Does not have a key attribute
• Identified by a combination of
– Relationship to specific entities from another
entity type (identifying/owner entity type)
• Identifying relationship of weak entity type
• Weak entity has total participation constraint
– Some (or all) of its attribute values
Jane Reid, BSc/IT DB,
QMUL, 7/1/02
Weak entity types [2]
• Normally has partial key (discriminator)
• Can sometimes be represented as complex
(composite, multi-valued) attribute
– Not if it participates independently in other
relationship types
Jane Reid, BSc/IT DB,
QMUL, 7/1/02
ER conceptual design
• Schema design is iterative and may involve
– Attribute may be refined into relationship if
attribute is a reference to another entity type
– Attribute that exists in several entity types may
be refined into an independent entity type
– Inverse refinement to above
– Specialisation/generalisation
Jane Reid, BSc/IT DB,
QMUL, 7/1/02