- Set of standards that tells us how we should behave. No person with strong character lives without a Code of Ethics! More than doing what you must do. It’s doing what you should do! Ethics requires self control. Seeing the difference between right and wrong! Takes courage! The right thing to do usually isn’t the easy thing to do! Those people affected by a decision. Who do you think are the stakeholders of a restaurant manager’s decisions? Trustworthiness Respect Responsibility Fairness Caring Citizenship Money Popularity Prizes The long run outranks the short run! Use these personal warning systems… Golden Rule – Treat others the way you want to be treated. Publicity Mom-on-your-shoulder Universality – If everyone did it, would it be a good thing? Being honest, telling the truth, keeping promises and being loyal so people can trust you. Don’t lie, cheat, or steal. Have integrity and the moral courage to do the right thing! Stand up for your beliefs even when it is hard. Tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth! Be sincere. Say what you mean and mean what you say. If you find something that doesn’t belong to you, return it. Don’t be devious, sneaky or tricky. Don’t cheat. Don’t withhold important info from those that trust you. Be careful with private information that could hurt others. Walk your talk. Talk your walk. Make only promises that you can, and will, keep. Pay your debts. Don’t talk behind people’s backs. Don’t ask a friend to do something wrong as a condition of your friendship. Don’t say one thing and do another. Don’t lie to avoid difficult situations. Don’t give in to pressure. Showing others that they are valued for who they are, for their character. Treating others the way you want to be treated. Be polite, don’t use hurtful language and don’t use violence. Be courteous and polite. Be tolerant and appreciative of individual differences. Judge people on their merits – not on their race, religion, gender, physical or mental condition, or social and economic status. Don’t insult, abuse, demean, mistreat, or harass others. Don’t make inappropriate comments. Don’t manipulate or take advantage of other people. Doing what you are supposed to do! Think before you act. Be accountable. Be reliable. Set a good example in what you say and do. Take the initiative to make your school, home, neighborhood better for yourself and others. Don’t blame others for your mistakes. Don’t take credit for other people’s work or accomplishments. Don’t give up. Don’t neglect your duties. Playing by the rules, taking turns, sharing and listening. Don’t take advantage of others. Consider all sides before you decide and don’t blame others unjustly. Listen closely to others. Consider all the facts. Correct your mistakes. Don’t take more than your fair share. Don’t let personal preferences/prejudices interfere with decisions. Don’t take advantage of other people’s mistakes or ignorance. Being kind, helpful and generous to everyone! Doing your share to help your family and make your community a better place. Time Money Confidentiality Property