UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI FACULTY OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND INFORMATION ENGINEERING A CONTROL SYSTEM TO NUMERICALLY CHANGE THE POWER REQUIREMENTS OF A COMPLEX BUILDING PROJECT INDEX: PRJ 130 BY ODUORY VICTOR WABWIRE F17/2378/2009 SUPERVISOR: PROF. M.K. MANGOLI EXAMINER: DR. C.WEKESA Project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Science in ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING of the University of Nairobi 2014 i Submitted on: 28TH April, 2014 DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY FACULTY/ SCHOOL/ INSTITUTE: Engineering DEPARTMENT: Electrical and Information Engineering COURSE NAME: Bachelor of Science in Electrical & Electronic Engineering TITLE OF NAME OF STUDENT: ODUORY VICTOR WABWIRE REGISTRATION NUMBER: F17/2378/2009 COLLEGE: Architecture and Engineering WORK: A CONTROL SYSTEM TO NUMERICALLY CHANGE THE POWER REQUIREMENTS OF A COMPLEX BUILDING 1) I understand what plagiarism is and I am aware of the university policy in this regard. 2) I declare that this final year project report is my original work and has not been submitted elsewhere for examination, award of a degree or publication. Where other people’s work or my own work has been used, this has properly been acknowledged and referenced in accordance with the University of Nairobi’s requirements. 3) I have not sought or used the services of any professional agencies to produce this work. 4) I have not allowed, and shall not allow anyone to copy my work with the intention of passing it off as his/her own work. 5) I understand that any false claim in respect of this work shall result in discplinary action, in accordance with University anti-plagiarism policy. Signature: ……………………………………………………………………………………… Date: …………………………………………………………………………………………… ii Acknowledgement I wish to pass my sincere gratitude to the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, all my lecturers and laboratory technicians at the University of Nairobi, for giving me the chance to pursue knowledge at this prestigious institution. Special thanks to my supervisor Prof. M.K Mang’oli, for his unwavering guidance, support and patience through the entire project period. My gratitude and heart felt admiration goes to my examiner, Dr. Cyrus Wekesa, for his participation in the success of this project, his constant support and guidance has contributed into the person I am today. Finally, I extend special thanks to my parents Mr. and Mrs. Nabwire for their support throughout my education. iii ABSTRACT A programmable logic controller is an electronic device that is used to automate any type of processes. They are widely used in industrial and domestic applications. In the project, the device will be used to control two generators that supply power to a building. The two generators are rated 400KVA and 600KVA, the supply to the building will be chronological and changes with time. The PLC therefore is to be programmed to monitor the power consumed at the load center and activate a suitable generator. As mentioned earlier, the generator have different rating and one is to supply the load at a different time unless if the load demanded is more that what the current generator can carry then a second generator has to be started and run in synchronism to supply the load. In this project, the PLC has been programmed to sense this situations and try to balance the load at all times, such that no generator is overloaded. Comparators have been used extensively as they determine the sequence of starting the generators and also the load on the system. The analog input module is set to follow the primary current and the scaling function (FC105) is programmed to follow the dynamic current though the connection is from the secondary of the current transformer. iv DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ....................................................................................... ii Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................................ iii ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................. iv 1 CHARPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION ......................................................................................... 1 OBJECTIVE .............................................................................................................................. 1 METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................................... 1 ANALYSIS AND EXPECTED RESULTS ............................................................................. 1 CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................................... 2 2 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................ 3 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 3 HISTORY .................................................................................................................................. 3 2.2.1) ........................................................................................................................................ 3 2.1.1 Parts of a PLC ............................................................................................................... 3 2.1.2 Why PLCs are popular ................................................................................................. 4 2.1.3 Functions of the central processing unit ....................................................................... 4 2.1.4 Advantages of the PLCs ............................................................................................... 5 2.1.5 PLC block diagram, ...................................................................................................... 6 2.1.6 I/O update ..................................................................................................................... 6 2.1.7 Sourcing and sinking signals ........................................................................................ 7 2.1.8 Logic functions ............................................................................................................. 7 2.2.2) Plc programming. ...................................................................................................... 7 2.1.9 PLC manufacturers ....................................................................................................... 8 2.1.10 Siemens PLCs ........................................................................................................... 9 2.1.11 Data acquisition, conversion and distribution system............................................. 13 Generator theory ..................................................................................................................... 16 2.1.12 Engine subsystem: .................................................................................................. 17 2.1.13 Cooling system........................................................................................................ 18 2.1.14 Starter: ..................................................................................................................... 18 2.1.15 Flywheel .................................................................................................................. 19 2.1.16 Synchronizers .......................................................................................................... 20 Generator operating modes and sizing: ................................................................................ 20 2.1.17 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 20 2.1.18 protection ................................................................................................................ 21 2.1.19 Critical Installation Considerations......................................................................... 22 2.1.20 Power System Operation......................................................................................... 23 v 3 CHAPTER 3: PROJECT IMPLEMENATION .............................................................. 24 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 24 Operating sequences ............................................................................................................... 25 3.1.1 Sequence one .............................................................................................................. 25 3.1.2 Sequence two .............................................................................................................. 25 3.1.3 Sequence three ............................................................................................................ 25 3.1.4 Synchronization .......................................................................................................... 26 3.1.5 Sequence four ............................................................................................................. 26 Generator starting ................................................................................................................... 26 generator stopping................................................................................................................... 27 4 Chapter 4: METHODOLOGY........................................................................................... 28 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 28 4.1.1 Complete control system block diagram .................................................................... 31 5 Chapter 5: Design ................................................................................................................ 32 Blocks used in the programming ........................................................................................... 32 5.1.1 Timers ......................................................................................................................... 32 5.1.2 Comparators................................................................................................................ 32 5.1.3 OR gates. .................................................................................................................... 33 5.1.4 Contactors ................................................................................................................... 33 5.1.5 Output coils................................................................................................................. 33 5.1.6 Typical building power consumption and loading ..................................................... 34 5.1.7 Project program in ladder logic. ................................................................................. 36 fig 5. 1FC 105: ADC element ................................................................................................ 36 fig 5. 2Multiplier: to find the power at the bus ...................................................................... 36 fig 5. 4: comparator set_2 ...................................................................................................... 37 fig 5. 6Gen A starting ............................................................................................................ 38 fig 5. 7 alarm .......................................................................................................................... 38 5.1.8 interfacing with a real PLC ......................................................................................... 39 5.1.9 5.2 Control system algorithm: .................................................................................... 39 RESULTS AND SIMULATION: .......................................................................................... 41 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................... 41 RECOMMENDATION .............................................................................................................. 42 REFERENCES: .......................................................................................................................... 42 vi LIST OF FIGURES Fig 2. 1 the scan cycle of a PLC ...................................................................................................... 5 Fig 2. 2 typical PLC blocks ............................................................................................................ 6 Fig 2. 3programming flow chart ...................................................................................................... 7 Fig 2. 4 data acquisition block diagram ......................................................................................... 13 Fig 2. 5data distribution system ..................................................................................................... 14 Fig 2. 6 current sensor block diagram ........................................................................................... 14 Fig 2. 7 Automatic Voltage Regulator diagram ............................................................................. 17 Fig 2. 8fuel distribution system for a diesel engine ....................................................................... 18 Fig 2. 9 engine starter(crank) ......................................................................................................... 19 Fig 2. 10 flywheel .15 .................................................................................................................... 19 Fig 2. 11 ......................................................................................................................................... 30 Fig 2. 12 showing how the various components are connected .................................................... 31 Fig 2. 13 Control system flow diagram ...................................................................................... 41 vii 1 CHARPTER 1: INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND INFORMATION Many control systems exist today and in various forms. They include traffic light control system, motor vehicle control systems , robotic control systems used in industries such as in car assemblies also in the bottling industries, in the energy sector for instance oil and gas , they have control systems to monitor different functions and at different stages. Temperature control systems used in monitoring temperature i.e. heaters, cars e.t.c. For power application, a control system can be designed to measure and monitor power at various load nodes, generating points and along the transmission lines. Most control systems rely on some sort of controller to function as its “brain”, in this project a PLC will be the main controller. It is a robust and versatile instrument that can be adopted to service many engineering applications In this project, a control system has to be designed that will monitor power at the busbars and then execute a set of programmed instructions stored in the memory of the computer. OBJECTIVE To design and implement a control system that will monitor and control power consumption of a complex building by using a Programmable Logic Controller METHODOLOGY To first analyze how a PLC functions, its limitations and strengths and finally adopting it in the controlling of two sets of generators, monitor power consumed by the building under consideration and finally programming it to carry out the said objective. A current transformer and a transducer will be in the input stage of the PLC while alarm, fuel and crank relays, control lamps will form the output devices. ANALYSIS AND EXPECTED RESULTS Each and every engineering application is designed for a specific purpose and as such it has to give some results to enable analysis and scientific decision to be made. This project heavily relies on programming and, therefore, in the implementation, the generators have to be controlled through a program that carries the instruction executed by the PLC. Results, therefore, are computed from continuously increasing loads at different times of the day which are monitored by the PLC. 1 CONCLUSION Since everything is familiar, we expect a computer program written in a language that the PLC understands. The PLC accepts both analog and digital signals and they are the main elements used in the program and the PLC bases its logic decision on them. Therefore, the project has to use software to simulate this operation so as to achieve the objective. The PLC hence has both inputs and outputs that facilitates interfacing between it and the field devices. 2 2 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW INTRODUCTION At this point, emphasis will be laid in understanding what a PLC is and what it can do. It will be analyzed and studied in detail to verify if it can be used in the project. HISTORY A PLC was designed in 1969 by Richard Dick E the founder of Modicon Corporation. PLCs are versatile devices/ computers in the old times original hard wired relay panels were used to be made for the factories, these huge panels were expensive and needed a lot of time to configure or repair .PLCs were an advanced technological replacement. 2.2.1) Programmable Logic Controller A PLC is a solid state system with programmable memory for storing instructions to implement specific functions such as logic, sequencing, timing, counting, and arithmetic to control machine and other types of processes Two popular arrangements of PLCs are the modular and the rack types. PLCS are available in the following ranges a. b. c. d. e. Micro PLC Small PLC Medium PLC Large PLC Very large PLC 2.1.1 Parts of a PLC PLC is basically a computer and it has the following components:a. Central processing unit – interprets the input signals and carries out control actions depending to program. b. Memory- contains the control actions done by the microprocessor. c. Power supply-converts AC mains to DC (5V) for the processor and the circuits input and output interface module d. I/O interface- where the processor receives information from external devices and communicates the information to external devices e. Communication interface-used to receive and transmit data on communication networks from or to other places and does the following: Device verification 3 Data acquisition Synchronization between user applications and connection management Programming device-used to enter required program into the memory unit of the PLC.[5] The versatility of a PLC is seen as it can be adopted to a wide range of control system since only the instructions need to be updated or reprogrammed to perform another operation e.g. heater, lifts and escalators, packaging, robots etc .[4] The PLC can be programmed to execute PID control mode for efficient control of the generators. The generators are labeled 1 and 2 for the programming purposes, the addresses of the input and outputs are internally assigned by PLC.[4] 2.1.2 Why PLCs are popular I. PLCs have incorporated object-oriented programming tools and multiple languages based on the IEC 1131-3 standard. II. Small PLCs have been provided with powerful instructions, which extend the area of application for these small controllers. III. High-level languages, such as BASIC and C, have been implemented in some controllers’ modules to provide greater programming flexibility when communicating with peripheral devices and manipulating data. IV. Advanced functional block instructions have been implemented for Ladder diagram instruction sets to provide enhanced software capability using simple programming commands. V. Diagnostics and fault detection have been expanded from simple system diagnostics, which diagnose controller malfunctions, to include machine diagnostics, which diagnose failures or malfunctions of the controlled machine or process. VI. Floating-point math has made it possible to perform complex calculations in control applications that require gauging, balancing, and statistical computation. 2.1.3 Functions of the central processing unit The CPU is the brain of the PLC and controls all the operations done by the PLC, consider the functions below (1)Reads, or accepts, the input data from the field devices via the input interfaces, (2)Executes, or performs, the control program stored in the memory system. (3)Writes, or updates, the output devices via the output interfaces. This process of sequentially reading the inputs, executing the program in memory, and updating the outputs is known as scanning. The input/output system forms the interface by which field devices are connected to the controller the main purpose of the interface is to condition the various signals received from or sent to external field devices. Incoming signals from sensors (e.g., push buttons, limit switches, 4 Analog, sensors, selector switches, and thumbwheel switches) are wired to terminals on the input interfaces. Devices that will be controlled, like motor starters, solenoid valves, pilot lights, and position valves, are connected to the terminals of the output interfaces. The system power supply provides all the voltages required for the proper operation of the various central processing unit sections. Scan cycle READ EXECUTE WRITE Fig 2. 1 the scan cycle of a PLC 2.1.4 Advantages of the PLCs The PLC has so many features that make it superior to other control methods available in the market, such as Inherent Features Solid-state components Programmable memory Small size Microprocessor-based Benefits • High reliability • Simplifies changes and Flexible control • Minimal space requirements • Communication capability • Higher level of performance • Higher quality products • Multifunctional capability • Eliminate hardware • Easily changed presets • Reduce hardware/wiring cost • Reduce space requirements • Installation flexibility • Easily installed • Reduces hardware cost • Expandability • Controls a variety of devices • Eliminates customized control Software timers/counters Software control relays Modular architecture Variety of I/O interfaces 5 • Eliminate long wire/conduit runs • Reduce troubleshooting time • Signal proper operation • Neat appearance of control panel Remote I/O stations Diagnostic indicators Modular I/O interface 2.1.5 PLC block diagram, Input module Input image table Output module CPU User program memory Output image table Variable data memory Fig 2. 2 typical PLC blocks A PLC has many inputs and outputs both digital and analogue that are wired to it field devices for the purpose of control. Within the PLC, there is a logic that tries to track the states of the field devices for instance, a contactor can be closed or open, to further understand this process, consider the updating sequences mentioned below:-. 2.1.6 I/O update The data in the plc memory is updated using two formats : 1. Continuous updating involves scanning the input channels as they occur in the program instruction. Each point is examined individually and its effect on the program determined within a 3ms delay. 2. Mass I/O copying which simply means to scan all inputs and outputs copy them into the RAM ,secondly, fetch and decode and execute all program instructions in sequence , copying output instructions to RAM 6 2.1.7 Sourcing and sinking signals Are terms used to describe the way in which d.c devices are connected to a PLC. Sourcing: positive to negative input devices receives current from input module. And if current flows from output module to an output load the output is said to be sourcing. If current flows to output module from an output load then output module is referred to as sinking. Sinking: current flows to output module from an output load the output module is then said to be sinking. 2.1.8 Logic functions PLC programs can be well understood from the basic logic gates used to simulate digital systems. Example of logic gates are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. EXOR OR AND NAND NOR The basic truth table of a digital gates, i.e., mentioned above, a ladder logic diagram can be created for the control of the field devices. 2.2.2) Plc programming. The following chart shows the various forms of programming languages that can be used to program the PLC. Fig 2. 3programming flow chart 7 a) Instruction list This shows the various programming codes used by the listed PLC vendors; instruction list is a form of programming usually called the structured text language. Consider: LD=load LDN=load a normally closed contact AND= multiply contact using the logical AND gate ANDN=multiply with a normally closed contact OR= add using the logical OR gate ORN=add using the logical NOR gate ST= give an output to the output coil The table below gives the types of programming language i.e. the structured text list (STL)used by various PLC vendors and manufacturers IEC 1131-3 MITSUBISHI OMRON SIEMENS LD LD LD A LDN LDI LD NOT AN AND AND AND A ANDN ANI AND NOT AN OR OR OR O ORN ORI OR NOT ON ST OUT OUT = Fig 2.0.3) STL table 2.1.9 PLC manufacturers There are several PLC manufacturers in the market today and just to mention a few 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Siemens : step 7 PLCs from 100 to 1050 Allen Bradley Fatek Modicon Telemecanique Mitsubishi 8 From these categories one has to analyze carefully and decide which type of PLC is most suited to the type of application they want to automate. Look at the list below for some of the reasons. 1. What is the number of inputs and output or capacity is required and considering future expansion needs if the PLC will take care of that. 2. What are the different types of input/outputs are required ,that is , isolation , onboard processing and signal conditioning 3. What size of memory is required as it is linked to the number of input/output and the complexity of the program. 4. The speed and power as it is linked to the number of instructions that can be handled by the PLC From the above list, I settled on Siemens PLC as they are locally available in the country so one does not have to import a PLC. 2.1.10 Siemens PLCs At this point, we will have a look at Siemens PLCs and the many features that make their PLCs stand out from the rest. We will go through the following:(1). Memory organization and I/O Siemens PLCs are unique in that they have there own memory organization and referencing methods unlike other PLC vendors or manufacturers. Consider the table below of memory types Memory type Referencing letter Process image input register I Process image output register Q Variable memory area V Bit memory area M Sequence control area S Special memory bits SM Local memory area L Timer memory area T Counter memory area C Analogue inputs AI Analogue outputs AQ The memory is further divided into bits, bytes, words and double words. The V-memory area is used to store immediate results of the control logic operation and also store other data pertaining to a specific process task. 9 The sequence control relay area (S) does the organizing of machine operations or steps into an equivalent program segments. The local memory area parses the data. The following references will be used with external/ peripheral inputs and outputs; PIB, PIW, PID and PQB, PQW, PQD. Data Blocks contain data that can be accessed from any block In the programming, the programming blocks are: 1. Organization blocks(OB) – determines the structure of the user program 2. Functional Blocks (FB) have memory and data stored cannot be changed 3. System Functional Blocks and System Functions: allow access to important system functions. 4. Functions : contain certain routine for frequently used functions 5. Instance Data Blocks : and also Data Blocks are used in the programming. Registers: In normal programming of microprocessors, a register is a high speed storage are onboard with the CPU and hence enable rapid execution of programs. In PLC we have the accumulators, two of them that are 32bit. Look the table below: Statu s bits 215 214 213 212 211 210 29 28 B R 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 CC I CC O O S O S O R ST A RL O F C Let us look at the PLC memory for an understanding of how data and information is arranged in the memory that facilitates program execution and program control. There are two, memory sections 1. Executive memory this type of memory is a collection of permanently stored programs that are considered part of the PLC. Therefore these supervisory programs direct all the activities i.e. execution of control program and communication with peripheral devices. 2. Application memory this type of memory provides a storage area for the user programmed instructions that form the application program. The Input and output subsections are the most important as without them there will be no need for the PLC, therefore a careful analysis of these system is in order. The executive and application memory can be divided into :I. System10 II. Executive Scratch pad Application Data table User program The data table section has – I. II. III. Input table Output table Storage area The storage area is where the changeable data is and consists of two part: a. Internal bit storage b. Register/ word The internal bit storage area contains storage bit , that is , internal outputs , internal coils, internal(control) relays. The values placed into registers/ word registers storage areas represents input data from a variety of devices such as thumbwheel switches, analog inputs and other variables. Therefore to further comprehend how the memory is organized, consider the following example: Total application memory of 4K words with 16 bits With a capability to connect 256 I/O devices (128 internal inputs and 128 internal outputs) It has the capacity of up-to 256 storage registers, selectable in groups of 8-word locations, that is 32 groups of 8 registers. Octal (base 8) numbering system with 2 bytes (16-bit) word length The above information is organized as such inside the PLC environment: First, the I/O table boundaries are set with the following input/output mapping The input table will start at 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟖 and end at 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟕𝟖 The output table will start at 𝟎𝟎𝟏𝟎 𝟖 and end at 𝟎𝟎𝟏𝟕8 Since each memory word has 16bits, the 128 inputs will require 8 input table words also for the outputs The starting address for the internal output storage area will be at 𝟎𝟎𝟐𝟎𝟖 and continues through 𝟎𝟎𝟐𝟕𝟖 11 (b). Programming To program the PLC, we are going to use the resources of the PLC, to name them, they are: 1. internal/auxiliary relays 2. timers 3. master control 4. data handling and manipulation The following are programming types inside the PLC programmer i. Latching and internal relays To latch is to hold a solenoid to a previous state even when an actuating signal is removed. ii. Timers and counters A timer is setup within the plc to either turn on or turn off an ongoing operations. Or tell the plc that time has come to change over to another operation. Counters are also available to count operations or steps of doing things and then stop to do another; counters can either be an up-counter, down-counter or an up-down counter. iii. Shift registers A register may be thought of as a bank of elements called auxiliary relays which are on or off. Therefore, a shift register is continuously updated in that its contents are changing and there corresponding outputs will follow that sequence of change. A shift register has three inputs: 1. one to hold data into the first element of register(OUT) 2. shift command(SFT) 3. register reset(RST) iv. Master and jump controls 12 A whole block of outputs can be simultaneously turned off or on by using the same internal register. E.g. MC M100 and MCR M100 to reset the master control. Jumps, these are employed during program execution to enable the plc jump between program code. v. Data handling Various data types are used inside the plc e.g. int, word, dword, bit 1. Moving data using the MOV operand 2. Comparison of the magnitude of values i.e.(<,>,=>,<=,<>) 3. Arithmetic operations , these includes the normal mathematical functions i.e.(+,,/,*) 4. Conversion between BCD ,binary and octal also from real, int, word dword data types 2.1.11 Data acquisition, conversion and distribution system The following processes are an integral part of our input subsystem as in allows data to be acquired by the PLC and processed. The signal conversion taking place in the digital control system involves:I. II. III. IV. Multiplexing and demultiplexing Sample and hold ADC this is the quantizing and encoding part DAC and is the decoding section for the analog outputs Block diagram: data acquisition system This is the typical steps an analog signal will pass through for it to be converted into a form usable by digital computers Transducer Amplifier Low pass filter Analog multiplexer Physical variable Fig 2. 4 data acquisition block diagram 13 Sample and hold circuit Digital computer i) Block diagram : data distribution system From digital computer Register Demux DAC Hold circuit To actuator Fig 2. 5data distribution system Apart from the PLC the following systems are also used 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Current transformers ADC Contactors Generator alternator Synchronizers Building blocks for the current measurement system This system forms the input stage of our control system, the signal is properly conditioned before it is fed into the PLC Current 3 phase busbars Transducer Transformer C.T Fig 2. 6 current sensor block diagram 14 PLC current transformer Let as look at the properties of the Current Transformers I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. 𝐼𝑓 : maximum through current crossing a protected area 𝐼𝑠 :current threshold setting 𝐾𝑛 : nominal accuracy limit factor(ALF) of a CT 𝐾𝑟 real ALF of a CT associated with its real load 𝑃𝑖 : (= 𝑅𝑐𝑡 𝐼𝑛2 ) the internal loss of the CT at 𝐼𝑛 𝑃𝑛 : (=𝑅𝑛 𝐼𝑛2 ) accuracy power of the CT 𝑃𝑟 : (=𝑅𝑟 𝐼𝑛2 ) real load consumption of the CT at 𝐼𝑛 𝑅𝑙 : wiring resistance 𝑅𝑝 : protection relay resistance Overrating of a CT : selection of a CT whose primary 𝐼𝑛 is greater than the 𝐼𝑛 immediately greater than the load 𝐼𝑛 Matching , auxiliary or interposing CT: low voltage CTs installed at the secondary of the main cts for correcting the ratio and/ or current phase shift SF: security factor The above properties aid in the design and selection of a C.T for any type of application that involves electrical power manipulation. We can state that a current transformer is an electrical instrument used to detect current on a line by using the principle of electromagnetic induction.. We know that the voltage and current relations between the secondary and primary of the transformer is given by: Power in primary = power in secondary …………………..eqn.1 Therefore, ……………eqn.2 Or, using the turns ratio, Voltage=current* number of turns V=I*N, replacing the given formula in eqn 2, we find; ………………………………….eqn.3 15 Analog to digital converter This is a system used to convert an analogue signal to a digital one that the plc can work on. The following formulas can be applied to convert to a digital value if an analogue signal is present at the input pins Parameters R=range of the ADC N=number of bits ………………Number of A/D resolution ……….Error to be expected. ………..Relates voltage range and resolution to voltage input to estimate the integer that the A/D converter will record. ……….allows conversion from A/D Generator theory A generator can be said to be a union of mechanical and electrical components to produce electricity. Normally the mechanical power is provided by engines either steam, diesel or nuclear power. This sections highlights some of the properties of a generator and features plus basic introduction of generators, its vital in that it allows us to properly understand how the project will be implemented. The electrical part is provided by an alternator that is coupled to the engine mechanical and the engine is hence said to be the prime mover. As it rotates it also rotates the alternator through a magnetic field and as it cuts this field, a voltage is induced in the stator windings using the following principles Faraday’s Law : Any change in the magnetic field of a coil of wire will cause a voltage (emf) to be "induced" in the coil. No matter how the change is produced, the voltage will be generated. The change could be produced by changing the magnetic field strength, moving a magnet toward or away from the coil, moving the coil into or out of the magnetic field, rotating the coil relative to the magnet, etc. Alternator operating principle When the magnetic field around a conductor changes, a current is induced in the conductor. In a alternator, a rotating magnet called the rotor turns within a 16 stationary set of conductors wound in coils on an iron core, called the stator. The field cuts across the conductors, generating an electrical current, as the mechanical input causes the rotor to turn. Voltage Regulator (AVR):- This is the most important element of the alternator. At asymmetrical loads, the voltage regulator senses three phases as a reference therefore the maximum voltage asymmetry is 5%. Electrical and thermical tests are applied before mounting on the alternator. The output voltage could be adjusted manually by a potentiometer Consider the following block diagram of the Automatic Voltage Regulator (A.V.R) Alternator Load Voltage regulator Setting values Fig 2. 7 Automatic Voltage Regulator diagram 2.1.12 Engine subsystem: At this juncture,we have a look at parts of generator and in a more specific detail, the engine or the prime mover of the alternator. Fuel system The cooling system Fuel system It contains fuel that is required for running engine and cleans fuel.It increases fuel. pressure and sends fuel to cylinders by depending on burning time and burning turn. Parts of the fuel system Low pressure pipes Feeding pump Fuel tank Filters Fuel pumps 17 Regulators Injectors Fig 2. 8fuel distribution system for a diesel engine 2.1.13 Cooling system Parts of cooling system: Circulation water pump Radiator Water canal Thermostat Temperature sensor Fan engine Ventilator Heater 2.1.14 Starter: It gives first movement to the engine. It takes supply from battery (DC supply). It produces mechanical energy and forwards it to the flywheel. Thus engine will crank. The generators are started by applying a voltage to the crank relay which then activates the crank and that rotates the flywheel. As the flywheel rotates it transmits power to the crank shaft. 18 Fig 2. 9 engine starter(crank) 2.1.15 Flywheel Flywheel is a significant mass at the end of the crankshaft that stores energy during a power stroke and release energy during the rest of the cycle. It helps to stabilize the shaft rotation. Consider the formulas below; POWER (KW)=𝑻𝑶𝑹𝑸𝑼𝑬 ∗ 𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑼𝑳𝑨𝑹 𝑽𝑬𝑳𝑶𝑪𝑰𝑻𝒀 P=T* 𝑻∗𝟐∗∗𝑵 P= 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎 N=engine speed in rpm Torque angular for produced by the engine (Nm) Fig 2. 10 flywheel .15 19 2.1.16 Synchronizers These devices ensure correct operation of many power synchronous machines to operate in parallel. The following steps are used for correct matching:• The steps are: – Verify that the phase sequence of the two systems is the same. – Adjust the machine speed with the turbine that drive the generator until the induced voltage and network frequency are nearly the same. within ±0.067% – Adjust the terminal voltage of the generator by changing the field current until the terminal voltage is almost equal to the network voltage. Acceptable limit is 5% – Adjust the phase angle of the generator to be nearly equal with the phase angle of the network voltage. Within ±10% • The voltages between the terminals of the circuit breaker are measured, when this voltages are small, about 5% and the two frequencies are nearly equal the circuit breaker is closed. • In the past lamps, connected across the open breaker, were used to detect the voltage differences. • Today electronic circuits compare the voltages and control the generator. However some operators still prefers to synchronize the generator manually with an out of range synchronizer overriding. Generator operating modes and sizing: 2.1.17 Introduction Proper sizing of a generator is an important task. The following guidelines represent the general and specific considerations that must be taken into account in properly sizing a generator for a specific application. These guidelines are based on Caterpillar Generator Sets as an industry leader. A common practice in the industry is to base a given design around a specific manufacturer of a major piece of equipment, such as a generator, and to make allowances for idiosyncratic differences that allow competitive bids and supply to the purchaser. Most generator manufacturers now use computer software programs for proper sizing of generators in specific applications. The following is provided to give a basic understanding of the methodology and can be used for preliminary calculations. It is in this context that the Caterpillar guidelines are offered. 20 APPLICATION DATA RATINGS Diesel-Electric Power Generation All ratings shown and thermal ratings are subject to manufacturing tolerances of 3 percent. When using a generator set, use the following guidelines to determine whether standby, prime, prime plus 10 percent, or continuous rating applies. STANDBY RATING: Typical load factor = 60 percent or less Typical hours/year = 100 h Typical peak demand = 80 percent of standby-rated kilowatts with 100 percent of rating available for the duration of an emergency outage Enclosure/sheltered environment PRIME + 10 PERCENT RATING: Typical load factor = 60 percent or less Typical hours/year = 500 h Typical demand = 80 percent of standby-rated kilowatts with 100 percent of rating available for the duration of an emergency outage Typical application = Standby, rental, power module, unreliable utility,or interruptible rates PRIME RATING: Typical load factor = 60 to 70 percent Typical hours/year = No limit Typical peak demand = 100 percent of prime-rated kilowatts used occasionally, but for less than 10 percent of operating hours Typical application = Industrial, pumping, construction, peak shaving,or cogeneration CONTINUOUS RATING: Typical load factor = 70 to 100 percent Typical hours/year = No limit Typical peak demand = 100 percent of continuous-rated kilowatts for 100 percent of operating hours Typical application = Base load, utility, cogeneration, or peak shaving For conditions outside the above limits, refer to the manufacturer. Operating units above these rating definitions will result in a shorter life until overhaul. 2.1.18 protection Protection of the engine and generator against motorization is provided. A reverse-power monitor, upon sensing a motorizing condition on any plant, will initiate load shedding, disconnect the failing plant, and shut it down. 21 Sometimes a higher level of reliability is economically justifiable in a parallel generation arrangement for critical loads such as hospitals and data centers. This is known as providing an (N + 1) level of reliability (redundancy) (i.e., providing one more generator than is needed to serve the emergency load). Thus, if one of the emergency generators fails to start or is out of service for any reason, the remaining plants can serve the entire emergency load. This precludes the need for automatic load shedding, which can be expensive in itself. Thus, this provides for two levels of contingency operation, the first being loss of the normal source of power, and the second being loss of one of the emergency/ standby generators. Providing an even higher level of reliability is rarely justifiable. To illustrate the operation of a typical multiengine automatic paralleling system and its sequence of operation, The loads are connected to the emergency bus in ascending order of priority beginning with priority one. For load shedding, the loads are disconnected in descending order of priority beginning with the last priority of load to be connected. Upon a loss of normal-source voltage as determined by the PLC a signal initiates starting of all engine-generator sets.(assuming that mains utility is provided) The first set to come up to 90 percent of nominal voltage and frequency is connected to the source bus. Control circuitry should prevent the automatic transfer or connection of loads to the bus until there is sufficient capacity to carry these loads. Provision is made for manual override of the load addition circuits for supervised operation. During shut down, the sets are run up to 15 min for cooling down and then for shutdown. 2.1.19 Critical Installation Considerations The following summary contains important points to remember for a successful generator installation: a) The generator set must be sized properly for the installation. Determine the duty cycle: continuous, prime, standby, or peak shaving or sharing (paralleled or not paralleled with the utility). Continuous: Output available without varying load for an unlimited time. Prime: Output available with varying load for an unlimited time. Standby: Output available with varying load for the duration of the interruption of the normal source of power. The standby duty cycle is usually sized initially for 60 percent of actual load, because loads tend to increase during the 30-year life of the unit. Normal hours of operation are less than 100 h per year. Peak shaving/sharing: Prime if paralleled with the utility, standby if not paralleled with the utility and if the load meets the definition of prime or standby. Normally peak shaving/sharing is less than 200 h per year of operation. Loads that are too light cause engine slobber. Overloading causes excessive piston loading and high exhaust temperatures. Standby engines that must be exercised regularly but cannot be loaded should only be run long enough to achieve normal oil pressure and then shut off—less than 5 min of running time. Good practice dictates that this be done weekly and that once a month the generators be run under load for a half hour or so, then unloaded briefly for cooldown. 22 The load should be at least two-thirds of capacity, either using a dummy resistive load bank, or preferably under actual building load. b) The generator set must be properly installed in an atmosphere that allows it to achieve the required life. Air flow: Provide adequate clean, cool air for cooling and combustion. High engine room temperatures may require ducting cooler outside air to the engine intake to avoid power derating. Restriction of radiator air reduces its cooling capability. Exhaust: Isolate exhaust piping from the engine with flexible connections. Wrap the piping with a thermal blanket to keep exhaust heat out of the engine room. The exhaust stack and muffler need to be sized so that the exhaust back pressure at the turbocharger outlet does not exceed 6.7 kPa (27 in) of water. Excessive back pressure raises exhaust temperatures and reduces engine life. Fuel: Use clean fuel. Fuel day tanks should be below the level of the injectors. Mounting: The generator sets must have a flat and secure mounting surface. The generator set mounting must allow adequate space around the generator set for maintenance and repairs. Starting: Batteries should be close to the starter and protected from very cold temperatures. Do not disconnect batteries from a running engine or a plugged-in battery charger. c) SCR loads can affect generator output waveform. Make sure the SCR supplier is aware of the possible problems. Every generator set installation is unique and requires careful consideration of the particular application and site-specific conditions. It is therefore best to determine the foundation, ventilation, exhaust, fuel, vibration isolation, and other requirements in conjunction with the generator set manufacturer for the specific application and site conditions. 2.1.20 Power System Operation • When the induced voltage is: – larger than the terminal voltage the generator produces reactive power (capacitance). – smaller than the terminal voltage the generator absorbs reactive power (inductance). • The synchronous generator starting torque is zero, the machine has to be driven by a mechanical device (turbine, recipricating engine, etc). • The proper interconnection of a rotating machine with the network is called synchronization. 23 3 CHAPTER 3: PROJECT IMPLEMENATION Introduction A control system is designed to achieve the design requirements and in this project a system is required to control the power supply to a building. From theory section power, that is the three phase power is fed into the load center which in-turn is connected to the building power distribution system. Since the PLC is an instrumentation device and can only accept small signal in the range (4mA-20mA, 0mA-20mA or 0V- 10V DC), we will need a Current transformer and a potential transformer in the input stage of the PLC. An analog to digital converter will then convert these analog signals into a digital format so that the PLC can use the signals for its own logic processing. The logic program will then control the two generator sets. The sets ratings is given as 400KVA and 600KVA, a load profile of the building is required as it display in a graphical form how the building consumes electrical power at different times of the day. Various methods are available apart from using PLC but in these case PLCs, as mentioned , will automate the process so human intervention will be minimized. But first we have to understand the base load appliances to formulate a proper operating sequence of the generators. These appliances are the ones that contribute to the baseload demand for the system. They include:1. Television 2. Fridge 3. Dishwasher 4. Cloth washer 5. Cloth dryer 6. Computer, printer and other office appliances 7. Lighting both internal and external 8. Water heaters 9. Electric cooker 10. Microwave oven and other kitchen appliances The peak load appliances include 1. Air conditioners 2. Electric resistance heaters. 24 Therefore , its appropriate to state that the generator operating sequence will closely follow the approximation below:- Most generators come with their own control module that has both measuring and controlling abilities. Such as auto starting and stopping, voltage, current and power measurement. These devices are directly mounted on a panel. Most industry based generator modules are deepsea electronics, aksa, cartepillar, Volvo, Mitsubishi, etc Therefore the control program of the PLC has to monitor load and make a logic decision to either start or stop a given generator. Operating sequences 1. Manual starting of the generators then transfer control to PLC 2. Initiate timing in the PLC to allow the voltage to stabilize 3. Release the breaker to connect the load 3.1.1 Sequence one 1. Monitor power on the load bus 2. Establish the condition to start the next generator 3. Close contactor Initially power will be zero therefore generator one will require a manual/ automatic start by the PLC. 3.1.2 Sequence two 1. Compare the current or by using an internal threshold relay to monitor if the power is above or below a certain threshold. 2. Start generator two and switch of one after a specified time 3. Close contactor 3.1.3 Sequence three 1. Compare the power at the bus 2. Make a decision to start generator one for them to operate in parallel 3. After a specified time period (2 min),close contactor for generator one 25 3.1.4 Synchronization As engine-generator_1 set achieve 90 percent of the nominal voltage and frequency, their respective synchronizing monitors will control the voltage and frequency of these oncoming units to produce synchronism with the bus. Once the oncoming unit is matched in voltage, frequency, and the phase angle with the bus, its synchronizer will initiate paralleling. Upon connection to the bus, the governor will cause the engine-generator set to share the connected load with the other on-line sets. 3.1.5 Sequence four 1. Determine if the power is decreasing or increasing or decreasing to sound an alarm. 2. If decreasing then open contactor two and stop generator two We have established the necessary conditions to formulate a working program. The input is an analogue signal that will be converted to a digital signal of the PLC. The outputs are the following: 1. Start and stop relays of the generators. Which are basically DC with either 12 or 24 volts requirement. Generator starting Two options are available: 1. Manual and auto start Manual if human intervention is required and auto for complete automation of generator starting For the project we will assume that it is a commercial or industrial facility and the generators will operate at different hours and closely follow the load changes so as to properly meet the load requirements. Auto starting of the generators will be done by the PLC by sending a DC voltage to the starter solenoid for a specified time. To stop the generators, a DC voltage is sent to the fuel solenoid hence effectively cutting the fuel supply to the engine and, stopping the generator. since, the project involves several steps, planning and design, the following process was adopted as it is a standard in many automation design project. 26 generator stopping A given generator is stopped if it is not required or if there is an emergency condition. The PLC can do this by activating a relay through one of its output to the fuel relay of the generator and efficiently stop the generator by cutting of the fuel supply. 27 4 Chapter 4: METHODOLOGY INTRODUCTION The PLC is programmed by following a specific procedure as outlined below: Divide the process into tasks Describe individual areas Define safety requirements Describe required operator display and control Create configuration diagrams of the program control It is obvious by know that in order to successfully do the project, the above steps have to be carefully followed as : a) Tasks I. Analogue data acquisition and conversion II. Manipulation of the data by the user program III. Close monitoring of the operation of the two generators by carefully keeping track of the load. b) Individual areas I. The analogue data is changed from real to integer II. A multiplication function then calculates the apparent power III. The power is then used in a comparator block with a reference value to detect the load changes IV. Then OR gates are used to switch on or off a given coil requiring two operating conditions V. An alarm section to sound continuously if the generators are overloaded. c) Safety requirements Safety standard should be observed in order to protect the electrical equipment as well as the personal operating on the equipment. 28 There the first line of defense is to monitor the load current so that it does not exceed a certain threshold value and it it does that generator of a much bigger rating should be automatically switched on so that the latter one is not overloaded. d) Generator protection The generator just like any other electrical equipment should be protected. ANSI stipulates the following;1. Differential protection (87G) 2. Overvoltage(59G) 3. Under voltage(27G) 4. Over current(51G) 5. Ground current(51N) 6. Loss of excitation(40G) 7. Reverse power(67G) 8. Winding temperature e) Operator display Proper current and power values are displayed through the Human Machine Interface, a separate module provided by the PLC. Visual aids for the operator can possibly be a lamp to show which generator is on and which is off connected to an output pin of the PLC. We can have four lamps that are colored differently, i.e. I. II. Two red lamps for off load condition Two green lamps for the on condition. The lamps are labeled accordingly, that is GEN-1 ON ,GEN-2 ON, GEN-1 OFF,GEN-2 OFF. f) Configuration diagrams This diagrams show the sequence followed in the user program execution and control methods employed. We will rely more on the comparator blocks as they function to switch on a generator if the threshold value is exceeded. 29 4.1) Design flow chart The chart indicates the interconnection of various units that make up the PLC, the PLC needs to be supplied by DC power, the circuit breakers provide protection . the sensor panel provides input signals to the PLC while the load panel indicates the power being consumed. Fig 2. 11 PERSONAL COMPUTER INERFACE UNIT INPUT MODULE CPU OUTPUT MODULE SENSOR PANEL Power circuit breaker 24V dc power supply for the PLC LOAD PANEL 24V dc power supply for the lamp Main power supply 30 4.1.1 Complete control system block diagram PLC Setpoint ADC DAC ACTUATOR PROCESS MEASUREMENT Fig 2. 12 showing how the various components are connected From above block diagram, it is clear that to be able to control the operation of the two generators; we need to have a feedback signal from the bus that is fed into the plc for processing 31 5 Chapter 5: Design As mentioned two generator will be controlled using a Siemens PLC. The programming language is Ladder logic . Blocks used in the programming 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Timers Comparators OR gates Contactors Output coils Tags 5.1.1 Timers A timer is basically a device that will do a certain operation after a specified time has elapsed. At this point, they will be used an output after a time of 2 seconds and 120 seconds This times are appropriate as it will allow systems/equipments connected to the power system to continue having power. Four timers are involved and they are as follows; three of 2 seconds and one of 120 seconds and they will be as follows. 1. Timer (T1) is a 2 second timer and allows the generator_1 starter 2 seconds to crank the generator and after 2 seconds, it cuts battery voltage to the starter. 2. Timer (T2), a 2 second timer and allows generator_2 starter to crank generator_2 and stop generator_1 3. Timer (T3) a 2 minute timer and has three functions, it starts generator_1,activates the synchronizer and at the same time allow some time for voltage stabilization. 4. Timer (T4) a 2 second timer that stops generator_2 and allows generator_1 to continue running. 5.1.2 Comparators Four comparators are used for the four sequences that will govern the operations of the generators. 1. Less than(<) 400KVA, at this point, the power consumed is entirely provided by generator_1 as it is the smaller set.and at this point generator_2 is off. This comparator ,therefore, checks when the threshold rating of generator_1 is not exceeded and if it does, it activates the starter of generator_2 and hence cranks the generator. 32 2. Comparator two(>400KVA) this comparator ensures that generator_2 is started and running since generator_1 will be offline. Generator two has the rating of 600KVA and hence can handle the load. 3. Comparator three(>600KVA) this comparator ensures that generator_1 is started and connected to the system bus as if the load is greater than what generator_2 can provide, then generator_1 has to be started and synchronized to the system bus to supply the extra load. 4. Comparator four(>1MVA) this comparator has the function of starting an alarm and stopping the two generators to avoid damage to them. 5.1.3 OR gates. These gates are used to activate an output coil given either of the conditions is fulfilled. For instance when starting and already stopped generator, we have two conditions as stated. Timer (T1and T3) are connected in an OR gate to start generator_1 in the first and the third sequence. Timer (T2 and T4) are connected in an OR gate to stop generator_1 in the second and fourth sequences. 5.1.4 Contactors This are electromechanical switches that are used to control how the generator supply is connected to the load bus bars. They are four pole and two in number for the two generators. 5.1.5 Output coils These are the output points that are connected to the field equipments. On the PLC we have eleven output coils, they are Cranking_gen_A Cranking_gen_B Alarm Stop_gen1 Stop_gen2 contactorA conatctorB Red lamp_A Red lamp_B Green lamp_A Green lamp_B Q 0.0 Q 0.1 Q 0.2 Q 0.3 Q 0.4 Q 0.5 Q 0.6 Q 0.7 Q 0.8 Q 0.9 Q 1.0 33 5.1.6 Typical building power consumption and loading Individual facility Demand factor Load factor Communication building Telephone exchange center Academic institution Cold storage, warehouse Hospital Single family housing Apartments 60-65 55-70 40-60 70-75 38-42 60-70 35-40 70-75 20-25 22-26 20-25 45-50 10-15 38-42 As per now the total generating capacity is 1 MA , with the power factor of 0.9, the toal power generated is 900KW. Now assuming that the building is a two storey with the following businesses:1. 2. 3. 4. An ex-ray facility Welding services Consulting firm An academic institution general Watts/SF Connected load Specific load factor factor Maximum demand load (line 2 x line 3) Annual operating (1-shift) usage Annual usage (megawatt hrs)(line 4 x line 5) Demand factor – lighting Air condition Total 1.0 250KW Miscellaneou s fractional and small appliances 1.0 200KW 2.7 150KW 4.5 250KW 9.2 850KW 40% 30% 75% 80% 80KW 100KW 200KW 300KW 1200hrs 1500hrs 2200hrs 1600hrs 36 15 440 504 680KW 965 60% 34 Formula = line4/line 2 Load factor = line 6/(line 4 x 8760 hrs) 20% The reserve capacity as per the above analysis is 900KW – 850KW=50KW, in terms of KVA, we have 50KW/0.9=55.56KVA. The generator supply the above loads, and we there for have a maximum overload capacity of 5% of 900KW, if the load is above this , load shedding is initiated by disconnecting the loads depending on the level of priority. 35 5.1.7 Project program in ladder logic. fig 5. 1FC 105: ADC element fig 5. 2Multiplier: to find the power at the bus fig 5. 3comparator set 1 36 fig 5. 4: comparator set_2 fig 5. 5 gen B starting 37 fig 5. 6Gen A starting fig 5. 7 alarm 38 5.1.8 interfacing with a real PLC At this point, the programming is confirmed and verified to be working , therefore, it has to be loaded to the PLC and the PLC will then be used to control the field devices. We require an interfacing module to enable the Program to be loaded. There are several modules used as mentioned below: First we must define the correct interface in the target settings: a) Target: RS232 The PC is connected to the PLC via a serial MPI adapter or a USB MPI adapter (with a virtual COM-port) b) Target: MHJ-Netlink The PC is connected to the PLC via the MHJ Netlink adapter, Netlink-Lite or IBH-link. c) Target TCP/IP Direct The PC is connected to the PLC are connected via a standard Ethernet patch cable. d) Target: MHJ-Netlink TS The PC is connected to the PLC via the MHJ-Netlink adapter, Netlink-Lite or IBH-Link. (Use this setting to establish the connection via the Internet.) e) Target: NETLink-PRO TCP/IP The PC is connected to the PLC via the Netlink-PRO or the NETLink-Pro Compact adapter. f) Target: SIMATIC-NET The PC is connected to the PLC via the Simatic ® Net-driver. With this setting you select the interface by means of the PG/PC interface dialog of the Simatic ® manager or the Teleservice software V6. 5.1.9 5.2 Control system algorithm: 1) Scan all inputs and update memory 2) Start generator one 3) Compare new values with the old ones 4) Check to see if new ones are greater than stored 5) Start gen2 and switch of gen1 6) Repeat step 1, 3 and 4 7) If greater, start gen1 8) Repeat step 1 and 3 9) Check to see if new values are falling 10) Stop gen2 11) Return to 1 39 START SCAN ALL INPUTS AND UPDATE MEMORY START GEN-1 IS INPUT> GEN-1? KEEP GEN-1 ON START GEN-2 IS INPUT> GEN-2? KEEP GEN-2 ON START GEN-1 IS INPUT <GEN1 & GEN-2 STOP GEN-2 GEN-1 ON 40 Fig 2. 13 Control system flow diagram RESULTS AND SIMULATION: Data to be collected will be in the following format: DAY GENERATOR-1 OFF SWITCHING ON MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY GENERATOR-2 ON OFF BOTH ON OFF The table shows the number of times each generator will be on or off and from that we can be able to determine the baseload supply and the baseload demand. For instances if Generator-1 is on for 5 hours, we can calculate the power consumed within that time similarly for generator-2. The switching row indicates the transition times for a whole week. THE FOLLOWING TABLE INDICATES THE POWER DEMANDED AT DIFFERENT TIMES OF THE LOAD WITHIN 24HRS AND SHOULD BE USED IN THE INITIAL STAGES OF THE DESIGN Time Power demanded Generator on 6AM to 8 AM 8AM to 10AM 10AM to 12 NOON 12 NOON to 1400HRS 1400HRS to 1600HRS 1600HRS to 1800HRS 2000HRS to 2200HRS 0000HRS to 2AM 2AM to 4AM 4AM to 6AM CONCLUSION The project is interesting in that I am able to learn and actually monitor machines that are operating at different times. The control system design itself is simple to understand how it works as its functionality is dependent on an industrial based Programmable controller. The instrumentation signal used is 0 to 20mA range. 41 RECOMMENDATION Proper selection of generators and PLC type should be of priority to the designer. Understanding of the demand should be carefully conducted to enable classification of the loads i.e. essential and non-essential loads. Due to global warming and environmental factors, green energy should be utilized in the design of the building i.e. solar and biogas as alternative sources of energy. REFERENCES: [1]; CONTROL SYSTEMS ENGINEERING, 6TH EDITION BY NORMAN S. NISE,JOHN WILEY & SONS [2]; SCHAUMS, FEEDBACK AND CONTROL SYSTEMS BY JOSEPH J.DISTEFANO [3];ELECTRICAL POWER ENGINEER’S HANDBOOK,SECOND EDITION,BY D.F WARNE [4]; PROGLERAMMAGLE CONTROLLERS,THEORY AND IMPLEMENTATION,SECOND EDITION BY L.A BRYAN AND E.A BRYAN [5]; NEWNESS PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS FIFTH EDITION BY W.BOLTON 42