frame the lesson

Student Expectations Bundled in Lesson
5th Grade
LESSON DATE: Sept 21st
Teaching Points & Activities
5.4 Algebraic Reasoning. The student
applies mathematical process standards to
develop concepts of expressions and
Go Math
Spiral Review # 19
Have a few toy bugs laying out on the table IF you have them. If you do not, have counters at each group.
Using your Teacher Edition, use Lesson 7.3
“Making Connections”
“Using the Digital Lesson”
“Learning Task”
Have students watch the Go Math: On the Spot Tutor Video
Go over page 303 together. Have students complete “Think, Pair, Share”
If you are unfamiliar with the concept, here is an article on it:
Have square tiles or counters at groups. Complete “Differentiated Instruction: Language Support” to work problems
1-4 on page 304. Have them represent what each expression is asking.
Using your TE, use page 304 for “Share and Show” as well as the “Problem Solving” in order to delve into higher
level questioning and facilitate group discussions.
Have students finish page 304 cooperatively.
You will
need to have
counters or
tiles from
Using Index Cards record word problems and have students use them as flash cards if they complete
the assignment early
Objective/Key Understanding:
5.4A: Identify prime and composite numbers. (1 WK)
5.4B: Represent and solve multi-step problems involving
the four operations with whole numbers using equations
with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. (2WKS)
5.4E: Describe the meaning of parentheses and
Stop & Check for Understanding—High Level Questions
Any whole number greater than one can be decomposed into a unique set of prime factors.
What determines whether a number is prime or composite?
What is the relationship between prime and composite numbers and the rules of
Any whole number greater than one can be decomposed into a unique set of prime factors.
What determines whether a number is prime or composite?
brackets in a numeric expression. (2WKS)
5.4F: Simplify numerical expressions that do not involve
exponents, including up to two levels of
grouping. (2WKS)
Closing Product/ Question/ Informal Assessment:
A problem-solving model can be applied to critically reason through
various problem situations in order to solve problems and analyze
How can the information in a problem be analyzed to
determine the question being asked and the relevant
information provided and/or needed?
What types of plans and/or strategies can be used to solve
How can solutions to problems be determined?
How can solutions to problems be justified?
How can the reasonableness of solutions and the problem
solving process be evaluated?
 What
is the relationship between prime and composite numbers and the rules of
Purposeful Talk Question Stems:
Multi-step problems involving the four operations may be represented and solved with
equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity (whole numbers).
How are equations used to represent the relationship between quantities in
problem situations?
What symbols can be used when representing problem situations with an
What is the process for writing and solving an equation from a problem
Composite number, Counting (natural) numbers, Dividend, Divisor,
Equation, Expression, Factor, Order of operations, Parentheses and
brackets, Prime number, Product, Quotient, Whole numbers
Critical Writing Prompt:
Algebraic reasoning facilitates
representing, generalizing, and
formalizing patterns and
relationships in everyday life.
How can situations be
identified and described
Rigor & Relevance: (Real World Connection)
Organize and record your work for each
of the following tasks. Using precise
mathematical language, justify and
explain each solution process.
Mia and Thomás were discussing a
famous number pattern called
Fibonacci’s number sequence. The first
ten numbers in the sequence are as
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55,…
Rigor & Relevance: (Real World Connection)
Analyze the problem situation(s) described below.
Organize and record your work for each of the
following tasks. Using precise mathematical
language, justify and explain each solution process.
Mia and Thomás were discussing a famous number
pattern called Fibonacci’s number sequence. The
first ten numbers in the sequence are as follows:
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55,…
Mia started to notice that some of the numbers
were prime and some were composite. She told
Thomás that there were 6 prime numbers and 4
composite numbers in the first ten numbers in
the sequence. Thomás disagreed.
a) Design a detailed plan that Thomás can
use to identify the prime and composite
numbers in the sequence using square tiles.
b) Design a detailed plan Mia can use to
identify the prime and composite numbers in
the sequence using an organizational factor
c) Analyze and explain the relationship
between the two representations to identify
the prime and composite numbers in the
sequence and describe the advantages and
disadvantages of both representations.
d) Identify which numbers in the first ten
numbers in Fibonacci’s sequence are prime
or composite and explain if Thomás was
correct to disagree with Mia’s statement.
Spring Elementary School was collecting
aluminum cans to recycle for money. Adolfo
brought in 128 pounds of cans for each of the 9
months of school. Chris brought in one big bag containing 1,474 pounds. Laura brought in 1,863 pounds,
but when she got to school, she realized that 237 pounds of the cans were actually steel cans and not
a) Write a numeric expression to determine the total number of pounds of aluminum cans brought in by
Adolfo, Chris, and Laura.
b) Describe the process that could be used to simplify the numeric expression representing total number
of pounds of aluminum cans brought in by the three students.
The teacher invited four parents to help take all of the aluminum cans brought in by Adolfo, Chris, and
Laura to the recycling center. They divided all the aluminum cans evenly among the four vehicles.
a) Using the numeric expression representing total number of pounds of aluminum cans brought in by the
three students, write and solve an equation to determine, c, the number of pounds of aluminum cans
each vehicle needed to carry.
b) Explain the meaning of the grouping symbols used in the expression and why they are used.