Veteran's Affairs

Daniel Flores, MBA
Financial Aid/Veteran Affairs
Counselor/VA Certifying Official
Who we are
GI Bill Education Benefits
What we do
Academic Requirements
Recommended Do’s
Recommended Don'ts
Contact Info
Office of Veteran Services
Office of Veteran Services Mission: To provide centralized, tailored support to
student veterans, active duty military members and their families throughout all
phases of their college-going experience
Outreach-Ross Bryant
Lunch & Learn Series
Blog, Facebook, Twitter
Rebel Ready Consultations
UNLV Student Veterans
 SERV training
Education Benefits-Daniel
Flores & Gail Reese
 GI Bill
 VA payment reconciliation
 Student transition
 Campus referrals
 Southern Nevada Veteran
Resource Partnerships
GI Bill Programs
When a student says, “I have GI Bill benefits” he or she
is referring to any one of the following programs – each
has its own set of specific rules.
 Ch 1606 – Selected Reserves
 Ch 1607 – REAP (Reserve Education Assistance Program)
 Ch 35 – Survivors’ & Dependent’s Education Assistance
 Ch 31 – Vocational Rehabilitation (VocRehab)
 Ch 30 – Montgomery GI Bill
 Ch 33 – Post-9/11 GI Bill
Student Population
 2012-2013 Academic year
 Estimated over 1,000 active duty, reservist, national
guardsmen, dependents and veterans enrolled
each semester.
 Fall 2012 - Certified 900 students. Of which, 220 were
new students.
 Spring 2013 – Certified 800 students. Of which, 100
were new students.
Ch. 1606 Reserve / National Guard
 Eligibility for this program is determined by the Selected Reserve
components. VA makes the payments for this program.
 You may be entitled to receive up to 36 months of education benefits.
 Your eligibility for the program normally ends on the day you leave the
Selected Reserve.
 Have a six-year obligation to serve in the Selected Reserve signed after
June 30, 1985. If you are an officer, you must have agreed to serve six
years in addition to your original obligation. For some types of training, it is
necessary to have a six-year commitment that begins after September 30,
 Complete your initial active duty for training (IADT)
 Request a DD Form 2384-1, Notice of Basic Eligibility, when you become
eligible for the program.
Student Status
Monthly Rate
Full time 12 credit hrs.
¾ time
½ time
Less than ½ time
Ch. 1607 Activated Reserve/ Guard
 Benefits are for Guard and Reserve Personnel who have been
activated for 90 consecutive days or more.
 Service member can upgrade from Ch. 1606 to Ch. 1607 if deployed while
using his or her Ch. 1606 Benefits.
 VA makes the payments for this program.
 If you are a New Student who never used Ch. 1606, request a DD Form
2384-1, Notice of Basic Eligibility, when you become eligible for the
Student Status
Service Days of 90
or more but less
than 1 year
Service Days of 1
year +
Full Time
¾ Time
½ Time
Less than ½ time
more than ¼ time
½ Time or less
Ch. 35 Spouse or Dependent of
a Disabled Veteran
 You must be the son, daughter, or spouse of:
 A veteran who died or is permanently and totally disabled as the result of a service-connected
disability. The disability must arise out of active service in the Armed Forces.
 A veteran who died from any cause while such permanent and total service-connected disability was
in existence, missing in action or captured in line of duty by a hostile force, forcibly detained or
interned in line of duty by a foreign government or power.
 A service member who is hospitalized or receiving outpatient treatment for a service connected
permanent and total disability and is likely to be discharged for that disability. This change is effective
December 23, 2006.
 If you are a son or daughter and wish to receive benefits for attending school or job training, you
must be between the ages of 18 and 26.
Student Status
 If you are in the Armed Forces, you may not receive
this benefit while on active duty.
 If you are a spouse, benefits end 10 years from the date VA
Full Time
finds you eligible or from the date of death of the veteran.
¾ Time
If the VA rated the veteran permanently and totally
disabled with an effective date of 3 years from
½ Time
discharge a spouse will remain eligible for 20
Less than ½ time
years from the effective date of the rating.
more than ¼
 For surviving spouses (spouses of service members
who died on active duty) benefits end 20 years
¼ or less
from the date of death.
Ch. 31 Vocational
 Veterans with VA rated disability of at least 10%, or a memorandum rating of 20%
or more, may be eligible for this program.
 The basic period of eligibility is 12 years from the date of separation from active
duty military service, or the date the veteran was first notified by the VA of a
service-connected disability rating.
 Vouchers will be issued for parking, books, and supplies.
 Vouchers must be used at the Public Safety Building for parking pass and the
books/supplies voucher only useable at the UNLV bookstore.
 Contact the Academic Success center for Tutorial Assistance.
Ch. 30 Montgomery G.I. Bill
 2 yr. continuous enlistment required to receive benefits.
 Benefits are paid directly to student, student is responsible for paying
the school.
 You may be entitled to receive up to 36 months of education benefits.
 Benefits expire 10 years after release from active duty.
 Break pay is no longer issued.
 Student must check in monthly via telephone or website to verify
Student Status
Monthly Rate
Full Time
¾ Time
½ Time
Less than ½ time more
than ¼ time
¼ or less
Post-9/11 Update –
August 2011
Open to wider range of academic options
 Professional certifications, non-academic programs
More students will be eligible
 In-state graduate & doctoral tuition now covered
Biggest change for Nevada
 Out-of-state tuition can no longer be listed as a fee
 Students will be wholly responsible for that charge
Ch. 33 Post 911
 This benefit provides up to 36 months of education benefits, generally benefits
are payable for 15 years following your release from active duty.
 The Post-9/11 GI Bill provides financial support for education and housing to
individuals with at least 90 days of aggregate service after September 10, 2001,
or individuals discharged with a service-connected disability after 30 days.
 You must have received an honorable discharge to be eligible for the Post9/11 GI Bill.
 Your full tuition & fees directly to the school.
 Half Time Status or greater is required to receive the BAH.
 An annual books & supplies stipend of $1,000 paid proportionately based on
enrollment. ($47.61/ per credit hour)
 Does not pay Non-Residency Fees.
 Break Pay BAH is no longer received.
 Is Transferable to Dependents or Spouse if the Service Member meets the
requirements established by the DoD.
 BAH and Tuition and Fees payments are directly reflected by Benefit
Percentage and Student Status.
For Additional Information
Regarding GI Bill Benefits
 Please visit Financial Aid TV
 Content
New GI Bill Benefits
New GI Bill Eligibility
New GI Bill Specific Questions
Military Service Benefits (for loans)
Veterans-Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB)
Other Financial Aid related videos
How Student Accounts
are Affected
 Chapter 33, Post 9/11 students
 Semester Enrollment Form (SEF) Received from Academic Advisor
 School Certifying Officials verify courses are degree applicable
 Tuition and Fees are calculated and reported:
 Certified to VA
 VA Anticipated Aid placed on student’s university account.
 Total amount of VA Anticipated Aid depends on student’s
eligibility percentage.
How Student Accounts
are Affected (Cont.)
 For example:
 100% Post 9/11 eligible = 100% tuition and fees placed on hold
at the in-state residence rate.
 80% Post 9/11 eligible = 80% tuition and fees placed on hold at
the in-state residence rate, the student is responsible to make
payment arrangement for the remaining 20% prior to the start
of the semester (Financial Aid, Payment Plan, out-of-pocket)
 Once payment is received from VA, monies are disbursed
to student’s university account.
How Student Accounts
are Affected (Cont.)
 Why VA Anticipated Aid?
 Tuition and Fees paid directly to UNLV
 Prevents a student from incurring late charges
 Prevents a student from Purge
 Assuming student is 100% Post 9/11 eligible and is receiving tuition
and fees at the in-state residence rate
 VA Anticipated Aid is not available for other GI Bill Benefits. Students are
responsible for payment arrangements prior to the start of semester.
 VA does not pay for out-of-state fees or late charges
Ch. 1607 + Tuition Waiver
Ch. 33 Post 9/11
Paid To School
Tuition and Fees
40% = $458
60% = $687
Tuition Waiver
Paid to Student
Ch. 1607
1 year + Active Duty=$883.80/mo
90 Days but less than 1 year Active
Duty = $589.20/mo
Paid to Student
$47.61/ credit hr.
Check Unit for
90 Days = 40%
1 Year = 60%
3 Years = 100%
Use 36 months of Ch. 1607
then Apply for up to an
Additional 12 months Post 9/11
VA Certification Work Flow
Student registers VA
benefits with SCO
SCO must re-evaluate
original certification and
make decision to
Other Duties:
Regulatory paperwork
Original VA
Certification submitted
with proper
maintained in file
 Outreach, Student Care
CH33- tuition/fees
 Catalog Certification
(annual, six month
 Data Reporting (VA,
NSHE, Institution)
Consultation with
SCO notifies student
of potential
certification issues, if
SCO must notify VA
within 30 days of
enrollment changes
SCO evaluates
Program and courses
for approval
SCO evaluates credits
for certification
Student grades must
be evaluated and
reported to VA if
Follow up with VA for
incorrect payments
CH33 – tuition/fees
must be calculated
along with financial
aid data
CH31 – certification is
more detailed
must be reported to VA
within 30 days
CH33 payment to
school from VA must
be reconciled for each
cert and adjustment.
 Attend annual VA
Ongoing Certification
Reconciles if
Code of Fed
NSHE Policies
Academic Requirements
Non-Punitive Grades & Mitigating
Repeating Courses
Dual Enrollment
Full Time Schedule in Last Term
(Fill Fill-in Rule)
Credit for Prior Training
Non-Punitive Grades &
Mitigating Circumstances
 Non-punitive grade is one which neither applies to the student’s
grade point average nor applies as credit earned towards the
 EXAMPLES: W, X, NP, etc.
 A grade of I (incomplete) becomes non-punitive and should be
reported as such if it is still unresolved a year after it was first
 A grade of Audit is treated the same as any other non-punitive
Chuck Peterman: VA Education Compliance Survey Specialist
Repeating Courses
 VA will not pay a student to re-take a course which was
previously satisfactorily completed.
 Doesn’t matter whether or not the student received VA
education benefits for the prior attempt.
 Students can repeat courses for which a D was previously earned
if a C or better is required for the student’s current program.
 Exception: when student is using the fill-in rule during his/her last
term in that program.
Chuck Peterman: VA Education Compliance Survey Specialist
Dual Enrollments
 Student enrolled at two different schools/campuses concurrently
or temporarily attending another school/campus for a term or
 Primary degree-granting) school specifies in a letter (see our
form) which courses may be taken at another specific
school/campus and the fact that those courses will apply in full
to the student’s current objective.
 Each school, primary and supplemental, certifies the student for
courses taken at their school/campus.
Chuck Peterman: VA Education Compliance Survey Specialist
Full Time Schedule in Last
Term (Fill Fill-in Rule)
 Student taking all courses needed to graduate, but they don’t
add up to full time pursuit.
 Student can fill in schedule with any course to bring pursuit up to
full time.
 Can do this only once in each program.
 If student fails required course(s) we can pay to repeat that
course(s) only -cannot pay to fill-in again for that program.
Chuck Peterman: VA Education Compliance Survey Specialist
Credit for Prior Training
 Schools must review all prior education and training.
 Student has no choice -even if (s)he doesn’t want prior credit
transferred, school must do the transfer & evaluation.
 Schools are not required to grant transfer credit, but must
evaluate it and grant it in accordance with the rules published in
their approved catalog.
 Schools should accomplish this in first two terms of enrollment to
avoid certifying the student for courses previously satisfactorily
completed from transfers.
Chuck Peterman: VA Education Compliance Survey Specialist
Recommended Do’s
Be Proactive
Establish your semester schedule early
Get your Semester Enrollment form signed by your advisor
Personally deliver your documents to us - ASAP
Register for a Rebel Mail account
Set up your Rebel Mail to FWD to your personal email
Check Rebel Mail/email routinely for messages from us
Try to limit changes to your plan
Keep us informed of changes
Be understanding (We have about 1000 VA Students)
Use UNLV Academic Success Center
Seek a tutor if you are struggling
Seek assistance from the UNLV Writing Center
Register with eBenefits if using Ch. 33 Benefits
Join the SVO – Help other veterans at UNLV!
Recommended Don’ts
Assume we have your documents
Rely upon third parties to deliver your paperwork!
Wait till the last minute (Any delay will delay us helping
Make a habit of missing class
Fail a class – (If you are having a challenge – continue
to attend!) - Could result in a CHARGE BACK!
Stop attending class – Could result in a CHARGE BACK!
Don’t withdraw after add/drop unless absolutely
Change your major every semester!
Where are we?
SSC-A Rm 311
Office of Veteran Services
Mailing address: 4505 S. Maryland Parkway, Box 452003,
Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-2003
Contact Us
(702) 895-2290
Ross Bryant, Director:
Daniel Flores, Financial Aid/Veteran Affairs Counselor/ VA Certifying Official:
Gail Reese, VA Certifying Official: