RECOMMENDATIONS ON THE 2nd MEETING OF THE EXPERT COMMITTEE ON PROMOTION AND POPULARIZATION OF BIOTECHNOLOGY ( ECPPB) HELD ON 11th August, 2014 (Proposals received from 09-07-2014 to 04-08-2014 by DBT - CTEP Management Cell - TERI - New Delhi) A. Conference Proposals for Financial Assistance to hold National/International Conference/ Seminar/ Symposium/ Workshop S.No C1 C2 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget DBT/CTEP Seminar on CME ON /01/20140 IMMUNOLOGY 2014 Infectious Diseases & 0298 Immunology: An Overview 12-09-2014 - 13-09-2014 , at All India Institute of Medical Sciences Basni Phase 2 Jodhpur Rajasthan All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jodhpur All India Institute of Medical Sciences Basni Phase 2 , Jodhpur , Rajasthan -342005, cmemicro aiimsj ; Prof. Vijaya Lakshmi Nag, Professor and Head vijayalakshmi005@ ;cmemicroaiimsj@ 350000 DBT/CTEP Conference on National /01/20140 Conference on Bioengineering and 0372 Biotechnology: An Industrial perspective 1610-2014 - 17-10-2014 , at Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow Campus Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Campus, Mallhour, Near Mallhour Railway Station, Gomt inagar Extension 226028 Dr Priti Mathur, SENIOR LECTURER preitymathur@gm 712000 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Re ceived/Commi tted from organizations other than DBT 350000 None Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Yes Submit ted Rem arks Recommendation of the committee - Recommended Rs 1,00,000 510000 None No Not Applica ble - Recommended Rs 50,000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 1 S.No C3 C4 C5 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget DBT/CTEP Seminar on Importance of /01/20140 Proteomics and genomics in Pharmaceutical new 0417 drug development 31-012015 - 31-01-2015 , at Anand Pharmacy College, Shri Ram Krishna Seva Mandal, Opp Town Hall, Anand Anand Gujarat Anand Pharmacy College, Shri Ram Krishna Seva Mandal, Opp Town Hall, Anand , Gujarat -388001 Mr. Mihir Parikh, Assistant Professor parikhmihirp@yah 75000 DBT/CTEP Conference on Internation /01/20140 Conference on Modern Progress in Biotechnology 0408 09-10-2014 - 10-10-2014 , at Department of Biotechnology, BIT, Anna University Tiruchirappalli Tamil Nadu Anna University - BIT Campus, Tiruchirappalli 620 024 , Tamil Nadu 620024 ; Dr. P. S. Sudhakar Gandhi, Assistant Professor sivamgandhi@yaho 525000 DBT/CTEP Seminar on National level /01/20140 seminar on "RECENT TRENDS IN 0296 PHYTOMAGNETOSOMES AND DIABETES MELLITUS" 12-09-2014 - 13-09-2014 , Arunai Engineering College, Velu Nagar, Then Mathur, Tiruvannamalai , Tamil Nadu -606603 ; Prof S.Palani, Professor spalanitvm@gmail. com ;yuvashreetvm@g 75000 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Re ceived/Commi tted from organizations other than DBT 55000 None Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant No Not Applica ble Rem arks Recommendation of the committee - Recommended Rs 50,000 150000 DST : 100000; DRDO : 50000; INSA : 50000; ICMR : 25000 50000 None Yes Submit ted - Recommended Rs 75,000 No Not Applica ble (PC0 02) Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 2 S.No Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget C6 DBT/CTEP Symposium on The 10th /01/20140 Indian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum 0383 (10ifaf) Towards Responsible Aquaculture and Sustainable Fisheries 12-11-2014 - 15-11-2014 , at National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, Canal Ring Road, Telibagh, P.O. Dilkusha, Lucknow - 226 002 Asian Fisheries Society, Indian Branch (AFSIB), College of Fisheries , Mangalore , Karnataka 575002 ; Dr. J.K. Jena, Director, NBFGR, Lucknow m ;jkjena2@rediffmai 8450000 C7 DBT/CTEP Conference on Drug /01/20140 Carriers in Medicine and Biology 07-01-2015 - 080384 01-2015 , at Alathukombai Sathyamangalam-638 401 Erode-Dt SATHYAMANGALAM Tamil Nadu BANNARI AMMAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Alathukombai Sathyamangalam-638 401 Erode-Dt , Tamil Nadu -638401 ; Prof. Dr. K. Subramanian, Professor drksubramanian@r ;subramanian_kg19 280000 DBT/CTEP Conference on /01/20140 Ethnopharmacology and Biotechnology in Drug Bundelkhand University, Jhansi Bundelkhand University, Kanpur Road, Dr. Rambir Singh, Associate Professor and Organizing 850000 C8 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Re ceived/Commi tted from organizations other than DBT Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant 150000 "ICAR" : Rs 0 1000000; No Not Applica ble No deta iled tech nica l Not prog Recommended ram 120000 None Yes Submit ted - Rem arks Recommendation of the committee Recommended Rs 50,000 150000 "ICMR" : 150000; "CSIR" : No Not Applica - Recommended Rs 50,000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 3 S.No C9 C10 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID 0378 Development: Prospects and Challenges 14-112014 - 15-11-2014 , at Bundelkhand University, Kanpur Road, Jhansi Uttar Pradesh , Jhansi , Uttar Pradesh Secreatry 284128 sfejhansi2014@gm m DBT/CTEP Conference on /01/20140 International Conference on “Current Status, 0347 Opportunities and Challenges in Medicinal Plants and Natural Products Research 24-092014 - 26-09-2014 , at C.G. Bhakta Institute of Biotechnology Uka Tarsadia University Bardoli, Mahuva Road, Tarsadi Surat Gujarat C.G. Bhakta Institute of Biotechnology, Uka Tarsadia University C.G. Bhakta Institute of Biotechnology Uka Tarsadia University Bardoli, Mahuva Road, Tarsadi , Surat , Gujarat 394350 ; m Dr. N. Amaresan, Assistant Professor n.amaresan@utu.a ;amarcool82@gmai DBT/CTEP Conference on 2nd /01/20140 International Conference on Advances in 0341 Mechanical Engineering College of Engg. and Management, Kolaghat College of Engg. & Management, Kolaghat, Dr. Dipak Kumar Mandal, Associate Prof., and HeadMechanical Total Budget Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Re ceived/Commi tted from organizations other than DBT Previo us grant from DBT 150000; "DST" : 150000; 2400000 985000 UC/SE status for previous grant Rem arks Recommendation of the committee ble 300000 "GSBTM" : 300000; "MoEF" : 300000; "DST" : 250000; "ICMR" : 100000; "CSIR" : 150000; GUJCOST : 100000; "NMPB" : 200000; No 415000 "AICTE" : 570000; Yes Not Applica ble - Recommended Rs 1,00,000 Submit ted - Recommended Rs 75,000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 4 S.No C11 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID and its Interdisciplinary Areas (ICAMEI-2015) 0201-2015 - 04-01-2015, at College of Engg. & Management, Kolaghat, P.O: K.T.P.P. Township, Midnapore (E) – 721 171, West Bengal, India, P.O: K.T.P.P. Township, Midnapore (E) – 721 171, West Bengal, India, 721171 dipkuma@yahoo.c om ; College of Veterinary Sciences and A.H., U.P. Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyay Pashu Chikitsa Vigvan Vishwavidyalaya Evam Go Anusandhan Santhan, Mathura (UP) -281 001 , Uttar Pradesh -281001 ; Prof. Vikas Pathak, Professor&Head imsacon2014@gm ;pathakvet@gmail. com DBT/CTEP Symposium | Conference /01/20140 on Sustainable Meat production for nutritional 0353 security and consumer well being: Challenges and Strategies 15-10-2014 17-10-2014 , at College of Veterinary Sciences and A.H., U.P. Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyay Pashu Chikitsa Vigvan Vishwavidyalaya Evam Go Anusandhan Santhan, Mathura (UP) 281 001 Total Budget 950000 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Re ceived/Commi tted from organizations other than DBT 200000 "Ministry of Food Processing Industries" : 200000; "ICAR" : 250000; Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant No Not Applica ble Rem arks Recommendation of the committee - Recommended Rs 1,00,000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 5 S.No C12 C13 C14 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget DBT/CTEP Conference on Frontiers in /01/20140 Pharmaceutical Science & Research 11-10-2014 - 120309 10-2014 , at Babylon International Pvt. Ltd. VIP Road, Rajiv Gandhi Marg Raipur Chhattisgarh Columbia Institute of Pharmacy, Raipur Near Vidhan Sabha, Tekari, Raipur (Chhattisgarh) 493111, India -493111 ; Mr. Sanjib Bahadur, Assistant Professor sanjib_pharmacist 900000 DBT/CTEP Conference on Third /01/20140 International Conference of Pharmacoeconomics & 0371 Outcomes Research 1710-2014 - 18-10-2014 , at Pushp Vihar, M. B. Road, Sector No.-03 New Delhi Delhi Delhi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Research, New Delhi Pushp Vihar, M. B. Road, Sector No.-03 , New Delhi , Delhi -110017 Prof. S. K. Gupta, Professor Emeritus and Head Dept. of Clinical Research m 450000 DBT/CTEP Conference on /01/20140 International Conference/Workshop on 0375 Recent Advances in Structure Biology & Drug Discovery 09-10-2014 - 1110-2014 , at Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee-247667 Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee+ Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee-247667 (U.K) , Uttarakhand -247667 Dr. Pravindra kumar, Associate Professor n ;pravindrak.iitr@g 4140000 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Re ceived/Commi tted from organizations other than DBT Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant 700000 "Janpragati Edu cation Society" : 50000; Yes Submit ted 400000 None No Rem arks Recommendation of the committee Recommended Rs 50,000 Not Applica ble - Recommended Rs 1,00,000 500000 DST: 510 000;ICMR": 3500 00; INSA: 500000; CSIR: 500 000;DRO:50 0000; No Not Applica ble - Recommended Rs 1,00,000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 6 S.No Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Re ceived/Commi tted from organizations other than DBT Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Yes Submit ted Yes Pendin g Rem arks Recommendation of the committee (U.K) Roorkee Uttarakhand C15 DBT/CTEP Conference on /01/20140 Mathematical Sciences for Advancement of Science 0390 and Technology 21-122014 - 23-12-2014 , at Hotel INDISMART, Salt Lake, Sector V, Kolkata 700091 Kolkata West Bengal Institute for Mathematics, Bioinformatics, Information Technology and Computer Science IMBIC, AH 317, Salt Lake City, Sector 2 , Kolkata , West Bengal -700091 ; Dr Avishek Adhkari, Secretary, IMBIC avishek.adh@gmail .com ;math.mra@gmail. com 760000 C16 DBT/CTEP Symposium on National /01/20140 symposium on Desert Sciences: Opportunities 0323 and challenges 04-12-2014 - 06-12-2014 , at New Campus, Faculty of Science Bhagat ki Kothi, Jodhpur 342001 Jodhpur,Rajasthan Rajasthan Jai Narain Vyas University,Jodhpur, Faculty of Science New Campus, Faculty of Science Bhagat ki Kothi, Jodhpur 342001 , Jodhpur,Rajasthan , Rajasthan -342001 ; Dr Lal Singh Rajpurohit, Professor drlsrajpurohit@yah ;biotechunit@gmai 1900000 70000 CSIR:60000; MOSPI:1000 00; ISI:90000; DRDO : 50000; IS RO : 500 00; DST: 80000; DIT : 100 000;Govt of WB : 90000; Reg fees-70000; 700000 None No deta iled tech nica l Not prog Recommended ram Recommended Rs.2,00,000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 7 S.No C17 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place DBT/CTEP Conference | Workshop on /01/20140 Indo US conference cum workshop on Synthetic & 0349 Systems Biology 09-112014 - 12-11-2014 , at JNU Convention Center Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi Delhi Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID JAWAHARLAL NEHRU UNIVERSITY, SCHOOL OF INFORMAITON TECHNOLOGY School of Information Technology, Centre of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics, Hall No.6, Lecture Hall Complex, Jawaharlal Nehru University , New Delhi , Delhi -110067 Prof. INDIRA GHOSH, Professor indira0654@gmail. com ;indirag@mail.jnu.a Total Budget 910000 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Re ceived/Commi tted from organizations other than DBT 860000 None Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Yes Submit ted Rem arks Recommendation of the committee - Refer to NBDB PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 8 S.No Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Re ceived/Commi tted from organizations other than DBT Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Rem arks Recommendation of the committee C18 DBT/CTEP Seminar on Computational /01/20140 Intelligent techniques for Early detection of Lung 0307 and Prostate Cancer 1710-2014 - 18-10-2014 , at Jawaharlal Nehru Seminar Hall / ECE Block Kongu Engineering College School of Communication and Computer Sciences Department of ECE Perundurai, Erode-638052 Tamil Nadu Kongu Engineering College School of Communication and Computer Sciences Department of ECE Perundurai, Erode638052 Tamil Nadu 638052 Dr.T.Meera Devi, Professor/ECE meeradevi@kongu. ;tmeeradevi@gmai 63000 55000 None Yes Submit ted Alre ady sup port ed one Not conf Recommended eren ce at C-20 C19 DBT/CTEP Seminar on Quantum/01/20140 Inspired Molecular Evolutionary Algorithms 0308 for Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics 31-10-2014 - 01-11-2014 , at Kongu Kongu Engineering College School of Communication and Computer Sciences Department of ECE Perundurai, Erode638052 Tamil Nadu 638052 Dr.R.R.RAJALAXMI, Professor ;rrrkec.69@gmail.c om 55000 55000 None Yes Submit ted Alre ady sup port ed Not one Recommended conf eren ce at C-20 Engineering College School of Communication and Computer Sciences Department of CSE Perundurai, Erode-638052 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 9 S.No C20 C21 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID DBT/CTEP Seminar on /01/20140 Nanoproteomics: Current status, Promise and 0339 Challenges (NPCPC-2014) 22-10-2014 - 22-10-2014 , at Chanakya Seminar Hall / Food Technology Block Department of Food Technology School of Chemical and Food Sciences Kongu Engineering College Perundurai, Erode638052,TN Kongu Engineering College School of Communication and Computer Sciences Department of ECE Perundurai, Erode638052 Tamil Nadu 638052 Dr.V.Sivakumar, Professor and Head n ;drvsivakumar@ya DBT/CTEP Conference on /01/20140 International Conference on Novel Innovations and 0367 Strategies for Boosting Production and Productivity in Agriculture• 15-11-2014 16-11-2014 , at Seminar Hall, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Mahima Research Foundation and Social Welfare, 194, Susuwahi , Varanasi , Uttar Pradesh 221005 ; m Mr. Ratnesh Kumar Rao, Secretary mrfsw_kvns@yaho ;rmahima@rediffm Total Budget 64000 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Re ceived/Commi tted from organizations other than DBT 56000 None Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Yes Submit ted Rem arks Recommendation of the committee - Recommended Rs 40,000 1250000 250000 CSIR: 200000; DRD,: 200000; Ministry of Earth Sciences, 200000; BRNS, Mumbai : Yes Submit ted - Recommended Rs 40,000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 10 S.No Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Banaras Hindu University Varanasi Uttar Pradesh Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Re ceived/Commi tted from organizations other than DBT Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant No Not Applica ble No deta iled tech nica l Not prog Recommended ram 503000 "DST Yes (requested)" : 380000; "Corporate Spon sorship (requested)" : 1700000; Submit ted - Rem arks Recommendation of the committee 200000; ICMR, Rs 200000; C22 DBT/CTEP Conference on Current /01/20140 Challenges In Drug Development And 0294 Regulation- A Green Chemistry Perspective. 1010-2014 - 11-10-2014 , at Marigold Pharma, Agro Division, gat no. 115/2/B/1, On Mohol Barshi Road, TalukaMohol, Dist- Solapur Solapur Maharashtra Marigold Pharmaceuticals Private Limited Marigold Pharma, Agro Division, gat no. 115/2/B/1, On Mohol Barshi Road, Taluka- Mohol, DistSolapur , Maharashtra 413213 m Mrs.Shivabai Chandrasen Chandwad, Chairman and MD hr@marigoldphar ;business@marigol 710000 C23 DBT/CTEP Workshop on 6th /01/20140 Bangalore Microscopy Course 2014 21-09-2014 0272 28-09-2014 , at National Centre for Biological Sciences, GKVK campus,Bellary Road Bangalore Karnataka National Centre for Biological Sciences, GKVK campus,Bellary Road , Bangalore , Karnataka 560065 Prof.Satyajit Mayor, Director, NCBS 2740300 205000 None Recommended Rs 2,00,000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 11 Total Budget Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant 100000 "ICMR" : 100000; "DST" : 150000; "CSIR" : 50000; No Not Applica ble - Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID DBT/CTEP Symposium on /01/20140 International Symposium on Recent Advances in 0428 Medicinal 08-09-2014 - 1009-2014 , at Sector-67, S.A.S.Nagar, Mohali Punjab National Institute of Pharmceutical Education and Research Sector-67, S.A.S.Nagar, Mohali, Punjab -160062 director @niper Prof. P.V. Bharatam, Professor pvbharatam@niper ; 420000 C25 DBT/CTEP Conference on "Global /01/20140 Sustainable Biotech Congress(GSBC-2014) 010265 12-2014 - 05-12-2014 , at School of Life Sciences North Maharashtra University, P. Box. 80, Umavinagar Jalgaon Maharashtra North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon School of Life Sciences North Maharashtra University, P. Box. 80, Umavinagar , Jalgaon 425001 vlmaheshwari@rediffmai ;vlmaheshwari Prof. V. L. Maheshwari, Professor & Director vlmaheshwari@red ;vlmaheshwari@n 6370500 500000 "BRNS" : 500000; "NM Univ" : 500000; "DST" : 1000000; "ICAR" : 500000; "CSIR" : 500000; "MoEF" : 500000; Yes Submit ted No deta iled tech nica l Not prog Recommended ram C26 DBT/CTEP Conference on /01/20140 International Conference On Mangentic Materials 0348 and Application(ICMAGMA2014)) 15-09-2014 - 17-09- Pondicherry University Kalapet ,Puducherry , Tamil Nadu -605014 ; Dr.Chandrasekaran , Professor m ;chandra.phy@pon 3650000 500000 "CSIR" : 100000; "DRDO" : 200000; "DST" : 250000; No Not Applica ble No deta iled tech nica l C24 Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Amount Requested/Re ceived/Commi tted from organizations other than DBT Organization Name, Address, Email ID S.No Proposal Code Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Rem arks Recommendation of the committee Recommended Rs 1,00,000 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 12 S.No Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID 2014 , at Department of Physics Pondicherry University Pondicherry ,Kalapet-605014 Pondicherry Tamil Nadu Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Re ceived/Commi tted from organizations other than DBT Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant "BRNS" : 200000; Quantum design" : 50000; Rem arks Recommendation of the committee prog ram C27 DBT/CTEP Conference on (a) /01/20140 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON 0421 SUSTAINABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES (ICSET 2014) 11-12-2014 - 13-122014 , at Department of Physics PSG College of Technology, Peelamedu Coimbatore Tamil Nadu PSG College of Technology, Peelamedu , Coimbatore , Tamil Nadu -641004 ; Dr.R.BALASUNDAR APRABHU, Associate Professor prabhu7737@yaho 600000 200000 "CSIR" : 200000; "MNRE" : 200000; Yes Submit ted No deta iled tech nica Not l Recommended prog ram C28 DBT/CTEP Conference on /01/20140 International Symposium on Recent Advances in 0426 Biophysics on the theme Biophysics in Medicine and Biology 03-11-2014 05-11-2014 , at ICSSR Complex, Panjab University Chandigarh Punjab University Prof(Dr) Promila Pathak Botany Department, Panjab University Chandigarh -160014 m ; Prof. D.K. Dhawan, Professor ;coordnucmed@pu 1250000 230000 "DST" : 200000; "CSIR" : 150000; "BRNS" : 200000; "DRDO" : 200000; "ICMR" : No Not Applica ble - Recommended Rs 1,00,000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 13 S.No Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Chandigarh Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Re ceived/Commi tted from organizations other than DBT Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant 147800 None No Not Applica ble No deta iled tech nica Not l Recommended prog ram 400000 "INSA" : 200000; "CSIR" : 200000; "ICMR" : 200000; "DST" : 200000; No Not Applica ble - Rem arks Recommendation of the committee 200000; C29 DBT/CTEP Conference on Recent /01/20140 Advances in Biotechnologically Derived 0379 Drugs: From Drug Discovery to Development 11-10-2014 - 12-10-2014 , at Ravishankar College of Pharmacy, Near Bhanpur Square, Bhanpur-Karond Road, Bhanpur Bhopal Madhya Pradesh Ravishankar College of Pharmacy, Run by Sarkar Mansarovar Education Society, Bhopal Ravishankar College of Pharmacy, Near Bhanpur Square, Bhanpur-Karond Road, Bhanpur , Bhopal , Madhya Pradesh -462010 Dr. Satish Shilpi, Associate Professor, Pharmaceutics shilpisatish@gmail. com ;satish_shilpi@yah 218000 C30 DBT/CTEP Conference on Emerging /01/20140 Challenges in Biotechnology, Human 0387 Health and Environment 18-12-2014 - 20-12-2014 , at School of Biotechnology, Devi Ahilya University, Takshilya Campus,Khandwa Road Indore Madhya Pradesh School of Biotechnology, Devi Ahilya University, Indore School of Biotechnology, Devi Ahilya University, Takshilya Campus,Khandwa Road , Indore , Madhya Pradesh -452001 Dr.Anil Kumar, Head and Professor m ;ecbhe2014@gmail .com 1650000 Recommended Rs 1,50,000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 14 Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID C31 DBT/CTEP Conference on Biological /01/20140 Alternatives for Ethanol Production 17-10-2014 0388 18-10-2014 , at A-155, Weaver’s Colony, Ashok Vihar Ph-IV New Delhi Delhi Society for Sugar Research & Promotion A155, Weaver’s Colony, Ashok Vihar PhIV , New Delhi , Delhi 110052 sugartech Dr. G. P. Rao, Secretary sugartech@rediffm ;gprao_gor@rediff 450000 250000 "DST" : 100000; No Not Applica ble No deta iled tech nica Not Recommended l prog ram C32 DBT/CTEP Workshop on Quantitative /01/20140 Methods in Nutrition 2710-2014 - 31-10-2014 , at 0318 St.Johns Research Institute Unit of CBCI Society for Medical Education, Sarjapura Road, Bangalore Karnataka St.Johns Research Institute ( Unit of CBCI Society for Medical Education) St.Johns Research Institute Unit of CBCI Society for Medical Education, Sarjapura Road, , Bangalore , Karnataka -560034 ; Dr Anura V Kurpad, Professor a.kurpad@sjri.res.i n 258150 206150 "Indian Council for Medical Research" : 50000; No Not Applica ble - DBT/CTEP Conference on Update /01/20140 Ayurveda 2014 11-122014 - 13-12-2014 , at T.N.Medical College & B.Y.L.Nair Ch. Hospital T.N.Medical College & Dr. Renuka Munshi, Associate Professor renuka.munshi@g 300000 "DST" : 300000; "ICMR" : Yes C33 Total Budget Amount Requested/Re ceived/Commi tted from organizations other than DBT Type, Title of the event, Date and Place S.No Proposal Code Assistan ce requeste d from DBT 1800000 Rem arks Recommendation of the committee Recommended Rs 2,00,000 Submit ted No deta iled Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 15 S.No C34 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID 0369 Auditorium, ‘D’ building, Ground Floor, TN Medical College & BYL Nair Ch. Hospital, Mumbai Central Mumbai Maharashtra B.Y.L. Nair Ch. Hospital,Dr. AL Nair Road,Mumbai Central, Mumbai , Maharashtra 400008 renuka.munshi ;updateyurved2014 DBT/CTEP Symposium on Symposium /01/20140 on Recent Advances in Biotechnology for Food 0299 and Fuel 19-11-2014 - 2011-2014, at Darbari Seth The Energy and Resources Institute Darbari Seth Block, IHC Complex, Lodhi Road , New Delhi , Delhi 110003 krajag Dr. Nutan Kaushik, Area Convenor & Senior Fellow kaushikn@teri.res.i n 1600000 University of Calcutta 87/1 College Street , KOLKATA , West Bengal 700073 ; m Dr Prasun Mukherjee, Assistant Professor pmukherjee12@g ;gobinda.gk@gmail .com 1000000 Block, IHC Complex, Lodhi Road, Delhi C35 DBT/CTEP Conference on National /01/20140 Conference on Nanoscience and 0386 Nanotechnology (NS&NT2014) 18-09-2014 - 19-092014 , at JD-2 Sector-III Salt Lake City Kolkata700098 Kolkata West Bengal Total Budget Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Re ceived/Commi tted from organizations other than DBT Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant 300000; "AYUSH" : 200000; "CSIR" : 300000; 200000 DRDO : Recommendation of the committee tech nica l prog ram Yes 200000; MNRE : 200000; CSIR : 200000; ICMR : 200000; DST : 200000; ICAR : 200000; 250000 "CSIR" : 250000; "DST" : 250000; Rem arks Submit ted Recommended Rs 1,00,000 No Not Applica ble No deta iled tech nica Not Recommended l prog ram PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 16 S.No C36 C37 C38 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget DBT/CTEP Workshop on DNA /01/20140 MICROARRAY TECHNOLOGY WORKSHOP 0340 27-10-2014 - 30-10-2014 , at Department of Microbiology University of Delhi South campus Benito Juarez Road New Delhi Delhi University of Delhi South Campus Benito Juarez Road , New Delhi , Delhi 110021 Dr. Amita Gupta, Assistant Professor m ;amitagupta@sout 680000 DBT/CTEP Workshop on /01/20140 Epidemiology and Control of Influenza 07-11-2014 0336 08-11-2014 , at Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute, University of Delhi,Delhi Delhi Delhi Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute, University of Delhi,Delhi -110007 Dr. Madhu Khanna, Associate Professor madhukhanna@ho ;madhukhanna_du 1400000 DBT/CTEP Workshop on Bacterial /01/20140 Antibiotic Resistance and Nanotechnologies 26-090360 2014 - 28-09-2014 , at Vikrama Simhapuri Vikrama Simhapuri University, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh Vikrama Simhapuri University, Dargamitta, Nellore, Dr. Uday Sankar Allam, Assistant Professor m 400000 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Re ceived/Commi tted from organizations other than DBT 545000 "DST" : 115000; Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant No Not Applica ble Rem arks Recommendation of the committee - Recommended Rs 2,00,000 500000 ICMR : 200000; WHO : 200000; UGC : 200000; "DST" : 200000; "AYUSH" : 100000; 100000 "DST" : 100000; "CSIR" : 100000; "ICMR" : Yes Submit ted - Recommended Rs 1,00,000 No Not Applica ble Recommended Rs 1,00,000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 17 S.No Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID University, Dargamitta, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh Nellore Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh -524003 ; ;allamnaveenreddy Total Budget Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Re ceived/Commi tted from organizations other than DBT Previo us grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Rem arks Recommendation of the committee 100000; PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 18 RECOMMENDATIONS ON THE 2nd MEETING OF THE EXPERT COMMITTEE ON PROMOTION AND POPULARIZATION OF BIOTECHNOLOGY ( ECPPB) HELD ON 11th August, 2014 (Proposals received f rom 09-07-2014 to 04-08-2014 by DBT - CTEP Management Cell - TERI - New Delhi) Travel Support Proposals for Travel Support for attending International Seminars/ Symposium/ Conference / Workshop Whether the findings being Mode of Propo presente SI.N Appicant Name, Organization Name, Title, Place & Date of the presentation,Author sal d are o Age, Designation Address, Email ID Conference/Event type and Title of the Code results proposed paper of DBT project/p rogramm e T1 T2 DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0036 4 Dr. Rachana Kumari , 37 years, Assistant Professor rkumari@amit ; AMITY INSTITUTE OF BIOTECHNOLOGY AMITY UNIVERSITY SECTOR-125 NOIDA , UTTAR PRADESH 201303 kcupadhyaya@amit International Conference on Global Trends in Pure and Applied Chemical Sciences, Hong Kong Harbour Plaza Resort City Tin Shui Wai Hong Kong 03-10-2014 - 0410-2014 Oral "Single author" "Complexation & Antimicrobial study of Cobalt(II), Nickel(II) and Copper(II) Metal IOns with Nitrogen and Oxygen Containing Schiff Base" No DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0041 Prof. Dr Deepshikha Pande Katare , 45 years, Professor Amity University Uttar Prad esh, Lucknow Campus Amity Institute of Biotechnology, 4th International Conference on Proteomics and Bioinformatics on August 04-06, 2014 Oral "Lead author" "Oncoproteomics: Development of No Pharmacodynamic Biomarkers and Evaluation of the Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 32000 None None Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ None Amount requested from DBT Rem arks Recommendation of the committee (PC0 07) Not Recommended AMITY UNIVERSI TY - 4903 Requeste d Yes (PC0 13) Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 19 SI.N o Propo sal Code 1 T3 DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0030 3 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event dpkatare@am ; Mallhour, Near Hilton Chicago/ North Mallhour Railway Station Gomtinagar Extension -226028 kkohri @lko.amity.ed brook 2855 N Milwaukee Ave North brook, IL 60062, USA Chicago Illinois USA 04-08-2014 - 06-08-2014 Dr. T.O. Sasidharan , 62 years, Adjunct Fellow Scientist tosasi@atree. org ;sasito52@gm Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and Environment ATREE Royal Enclave, Sriramapura Jakkur Post, , Bangalore , Karnataka -560064; XXIV IUFRO World Congress 2014 Salt Palace Convention Centre Salt Lake City Salt Lake City Utah USA 0510-2014 - 11-10-2014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Efficay of Sorafenib Liposomes for the Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma•" Oral,Poster "Lead author" "1. Field evaluation of Metarhizium anisopliae formulations for management of Ailanthus defoliator, Eligma narcissus Cramer. 2. Microsporidia infection in some butterfly species from natural habitats and captive bred populations of Amount requested from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks Recommendation of the committee economy class Total 49035 Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 117102 None Royal Entomolo gica SocietyLo ndon 40000 Sanctione d DST 127102Re quested Yes (PC0 07) Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 20 SI.N o Propo sal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Amount requested from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks None None Yes - Recommendation of the committee butterfly parks" T4 DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0042 5 Mr. Mehul Jivrajani , 30 years, Ph.D. Student mehjiv@rediff ;mehjiv@gmai B.V. Patel Pharmaceutical Education Research and Development centre, ThalejGandhinagar Highway Thaltej , Ahmedabad , Gujarat -380054 9th International Conference of Anticancer Research Porto Carras, Sithonia, Greece Sithonia Greece 06-10-2014 - 10-102014 Oral "Lead author" No "Minicell packaged targeted delivery of shRNA to cancer cells" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 66804.00 Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 21 SI.N o T5 T6 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0040 6 Dr. V. Rajesh Kannan , 39 years, Assistant Professor uvrajesh@gm ;mvrajeshkan nan@yahoo.c Bharathidasan University Palkalai perur , Tiruchirappalli , Tamil Nadu -620024 Theoretical and Practical Course Protein-Protein Interaction: Study of BtToxin-Receptor Case Laboratory of Protection and Improvement of Plants - LPIP Centre of Biotechnology of Sfax Route Sidi Mansour 3018 PO Box 1177 Sfax Tunisia Africa 28-092014 - 03-10-2014 Oral "Lead author" "Lecture Note" DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0043 8 Mrs MITHILESH KAJLA , 26 years, Research scholar kaj15mithi@g Birla Institute of Technology and Science , Pilani , Rajasthan -333031 Challenges in Malaria Research Oxford University, Oxford, UK Oxford UK 22-09-2014 24-09-2014 Oral,Poster "Lead author" "Characterization of Anopheline unique peroxidase and its role in regulation of Plasmodium development" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e No No Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 80500 None None Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 73448.00 None Amount requested from DBT Rem arks Recommendation of the committee (PC0 02) Not Recommended DST 105437Re quested CSIR 73448 Requeste d Yes - Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 22 SI.N o T7 T8 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0030 0 Dr. P. Sankar Ganesh , 39 years, Assistant Professor sangan@hyde Birla Institute of Technology and Science , Pilani , Rajasthan -333031 9th SETAC Asia/Pacific 2014 Conference Adelaide Convention Centre Adelaide South Australia Australia 1409-2014 - 17-09-2014 Oral "Lead author" "Confounding factors and future challenges to delineate ecotoxicity of TiO2 nanoparticles" Yes DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0041 6 Ms Debarati Dey , 29 years, UGC(Ado hoc) SRF debaratidey03 Bose Institute 93/1 Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road , Kolkata , West Bengal -700009 director@bic.bosein st.ernet.insibajiraha BSACI annual meeting,2014 The International Centre St Quentin Gate Telford, Shropshire TF3 4JH Telford Shropshire UK 28-09-2014 - 30-092014 Oral,Poster "Lead author" "Monitoring And Assessment Of Aeromycota In A Megacity Of India With Special Reference To The Immunoproteomic Study Of The Fungus Curvularia Pallescens" No Amount requested from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 95000 None Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 59502 None Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded BITS Pilani - 5000 Requeste d Yes None Yes Rem arks Recommendation of the committee (PC0 07) Not Recommended - Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 23 SI.N o T9 T10 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Propo sal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0041 5 Mrs KAVITA GHOSAL , 30 years, CSIRSRF kavita.ghosal Bose Institute 93/1 Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road , Kolkata , West Bengal -700009 director@bic.bosein; BSACI Annual Meeting, 2014 The International Centre St Quentin Gate Telford, Shropshire TF3 4JH Telford Shropshire , UK ,28-9-2014 to 30-92014 Oral,Poster "Lead author" "“Investigation of an aeroallergen from Lantana camara using aeropalynological & immuno-proteomic approach―" DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0038 2 Srinivasan Kaliyappan Munisamy , 38 years, PhD Student km_srini@yah ;parsrin@redif Cardiothoracic & Neuroscie nces Centre, AIIMS Cardiothoracic & Neurosc iences Centre ,Room No 3, 6th Flr, AIIMS , Delhi 110029 conference@hearta Systems Medicine Personalised Health and Therapy Nomikos Conference Center Thira-Santorini Santorini Greece 25-09-2014 - 2709-2014 Poster "Lead No author" "Association of ATP binding Cassette Transporter MDR1 gene polymorphism in malignant glioma in North Indian polulation undergoing Temozolomide based chemo- No Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 59502 None None Yes - Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 70156 None Amount requested from DBT Recommendation of the committee Recommended None Yes - Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 24 SI.N o Propo sal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 83413 None None Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 127652 None Amount requested from DBT Rem arks Recommendation of the committee radiation therapy" T11 T12 DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0032 5 Ms Priyanka Kushwaha , 29 years, SRF priyanka_kush waha85@redi Central Drug Research Institute Lucknow Chattar Manzil Palace , Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh -226001 neeloo888@yahoo.c om ASBMR-American Society for Bone and Mineral Research 2014 Meeting and Conference (Annual Meeting) George.R Brown Convention centre Houston Texas USA 12-09-2014 - 15-0914 Poster "Single author" "miR-8743p expressed during weaning phase positively regulates skeletal mass and plays an important role in primary osteoporosis" Yes DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0033 2 Mr Mehraj u din lone , 33 years, Senior Research Fellow mehrajbt@gm ; Central Drug Research Institute Lucknow Chattar Manzil Palace , Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh -226001 neeloo888@yahoo.c om Targeting the PI3KmTOR Network in Cancer Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown Philadelphia Pennsylvania USA 1409-2014 - 17-09-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Super oxide anion (O.2-) mediated Activation of mTORC2 by Estrogen receptor in breast cancer cells: role of No None Yes Subj ect to NOC fro m Sup ervi sor Recommended - Recommended acetylation dependent PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 25 SI.N o Propo sal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Amount requested from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks Yes - Recommendation of the committee inhibition of MnSOD―." T13 DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0033 7 Dr. Chandi C Mandal , 40 years, Assistant Professor ccmandal@cu ; Central University of Rajasthan City Road, , Kishangarh, Dist. Ajmer , Rajasthan 305802 manikrao.salunkhe; 9th International Conference of Anticancer Research Porto Carras Sithonia Halkidiki Greece 06-102014 - 10-10-2014 Oral "Single No author" "A CHOELSTEROL LOWERING DRUG PREVENTS OSTEOLYITC BONE METASTASIS BY TARGETING OSTEOCLASTOGENI C FACTORS IN BONE MICROENVIRONME NT" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 388514 None IIAR 21000 Committe d 6000 Committe d Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 26 SI.N o T14 Propo sal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0033 4 Dr. Vijay Kumar Prajapati , 30 years, Assistant Professor Central University of Rajasthan City Road, , Kishangarh, Dist. Ajmer , Rajasthan 305802 manikrao.salunkhe; Advanced Workshop on Interdisciplinary Views on Chromosome Structure and Function Leonardo Building (Main Lecture Hall) ICTP Trieste Trieste Italy 1509-2014 - 19-09-2014 Poster "Single author" "MicroRNA regulated T helper cell differentiation and plasticity during visceral leishmaniasis infection" No Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Uppal Road Habshiguda , Hyderabad , Andhra Pradesh -500007 director@ccmb.res.i n; 64th American society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting San Diego Convention centre San Diego California USA San Diego California USA 18-102014 - 22-10-2014 Poster "Lead author" "CETN1 variations cause idiopathic male infertility" No vkprajapati@cura T15 Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0039 4 Mr DIGUMARTHI VS SUDHAKAR , 31 years, PhD SRF s.sudhakar@c ; Amount requested from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks None None Yes - Recommendation of the committee Recommended class Total 63358 Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 97769 None CSIR – 15000 Requeste d CSIR 9920 Requeste d Yes - Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 27 SI.N o T16 T17 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0031 0 Dr Jayakanthan Kabeerdoss , 35 years, Lecturer jayakanthan@ in Christian Medical College, Vellore Christian Medical College , Vellore , Tamil Nadu -632002 research@cmcvellor; United European Gastroenterology Week 2014 Austria Center Vienna (ACV Vienna Austria 18-10-2014 - 2210-2014 Oral "Lead author" "FAECAL MICROBIOTA IN INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE PATIENTS WITH AND WITHOUT ARTHROPATHY" No DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0032 9 Ms Sarita Tiwari , 27 years, Research Student sarita.tiwari16 ;s_tiwari@nee CSIR - National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) Nehru Marg Nagpur-440020, Maharashtra, India 440020 np_thacker; 11th International Conference on Phytotechnologies Aquila Atlantis Hotel 2, Igias Str. Heraklion Crete Greece 30-09-2014 - 0310-2014 Oral "Lead author" "Arsenic phytoextraction by an Indian ecotype Pteris vittata and establishment of genetic potentiality" No Amount requested from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 47500 None Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 333424 None Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks United European Gastroent erology (UEG) 81000 Committe d Yes - None Yes Recommendation of the committee Recommended - Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 28 SI.N o T18 T19 Propo sal Code DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0030 1 DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0036 3 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mr. K. Arun , 29 years, Research Scholar k.arunkannan ;kannanarun8 Department of Biochemistry Bharathidasan University Palkalaiperur , 50th European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)., Reed Messe Vienna Adersh Asok , 31 years, PhD student asok.adersh@ ;asok.adersh Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Powai , Mumbai , Maharashtra 400076; Tiruchirappalli , Tamil Nadu -620024 gerontologylab@gmail.c om; Congress Center Messeplatz 1 A-1021 Vienna Austria Vienna Austria Europe 15-09-2014 19-09-2014 16th International Congress on Photobiology Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina. Córdoba Argentina 07-09-2014 12-09-2014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Poster "Lead author" "Effect of Hyperglycemia on the Expression of Aquaporins in Diabetic Rat Testis" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e No Amount requested from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks None None Yes - Recommendation of the committee Recommended Total 47000 Oral "Lead author" "Defect Rich ZnO Quantum Dots as a Potential Multifunctional Sunscreen and Cosmetic Active Ingredient" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 158125 None Internatio No nal Union of Photobiol ogy - Rs. 18035.00 Sanctione d (PC0 12) Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 29 SI.N o T20 T21 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Propo sal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0032 7 Ms Soumya S S , 27 years, PhD Research Scholar soumyass.08 Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Powai , Mumbai , Maharashtra 400076 Cell Physics 2014 Saarland University Campus E2 6 66123 Saarbrucken Germany Saarbrucken Saarland Germany 22-09-2014 26-09-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Probing the role of spatial anisotropy and heterogeneity in contractility and adhesion distribution during cell steering" No DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0035 8 Mr.Selvakuma r , 26 years, Research Scholar (Senior Research Fellow) mselvakumar8 ; Department of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721302. West Bengal 721302 2014 International Elastomer Conference and 186th Technical Meeting & Educational Symposium Nashville Convention Center Nashville Tennessee USA 14-10-2014 - 16-102014 Oral "Lead author" "Structure Property Relationship of Novel in-Situ Prepared Thermoplastic Polyurethane/Hydr oxyapatite Nanocomposites with Improved Antithrombotic Property for No Amount requested from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 87910 None Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 95650 None Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks CSIR - Rs. Yes 87910.00 Requeste d DST - Rs. 87910.00 Requeste d - None - Yes Recommendation of the committee Recommended Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 30 SI.N o Propo sal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Amount requested from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks Recommendation of the committee Biomedical Applications" T22 T23 DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0035 6 Ms Priyanka Kumari , 28 years, PhD student priyankabt12 Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221 005 , Uttar Pradesh 221005 n; 64th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics San Diego Convention Center 111 West Harbor Drive San Diego California United States 18-10-2014 - 22-102014 Poster "Lead author" "Genetic heterogeneity in Van der Woude syndrome" Yes DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0039 6 Mr. U. CHNNA RAJESH , 27 years, UGCSRF alchem.chinna ;ucrajesh@ch in Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi University Of Delhi 110007 vinod28tiwari@gma 3rd International Conference & Exhibition on Materials Science& Engineering Hilton San Antonio Airport 611 NW Loop 410 San Antonio Texas 78216 USA San Antonio Texas USA 0610-2014 - 08-10-2014 Oral "Co-author" "Designing of nano catalysts for sustainable multicomponent synthesis of 3substituted indoles" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 103904 None Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 95119 None CSIR Yes 103904Requeste d ICMR 128621.26 Requeste d DST 128621.26 - OMICS Yes group Material Science 2014 - Rs. 25249.00 Committe d PC0 08 Recommended Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 31 SI.N o T24 T25 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Amount requested from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks None Yes - Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0033 5 Mr. A.Murugadas , 26 years, Ph.D., Research Scholar biomuruga23 Department of Environmental Biotechnology School of Environmental Sciences Bharathidasan University , Tiruchirappalli , Tamil Nadu -620024 indiradeebi@yahoo. com; 9th World Congress on Alternatives and animal Use in the Life Sciences Hotel Hilton Prague PobÅ™ežnà 311/1 186 00 Prague 8 – KarlÃn Czech Republic Phone: +420 224 841 111 Fax: +420 224 842 378 Prague Karlin Czech Republic 24-08-2014 28-08-2014 Poster "Lead No author" "Hydra as a small animal model for environmental toxicity testing: standardization of comet assay" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 48752 None DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0032 0 Mrs Neelam Pandey , 29 years, PhD Scholar Department of Life Science, Assam University, Silchar. 788011. India 788011 monishi_dc@write; drmdc@bioinfoaus. 8th EMF Workshop on Biological Effects of EMF Riviera Holiday Club Varna Bulgaria 21-092014 - 26-09-2014 Oral "Lead author" "Radiofrequency Radiation Induced impairment of spermatogenesis, Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 90000 None neelampandey05 ;neelam pandey05 DNA damage and oxidative stress in mice. by Neelam Pandey and Sarbani Giri" No Recommendation of the committee Recommended DST - Rs. Yes 124440.00 Requeste d CSIR Rs. 90000.00 Requeste d - Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 32 SI.N o T26 T27 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Amount requested from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks None Yes - Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0043 2 Dr P REVATHI , 34 years, Scientist revathi.ponnu samy@gmail.c om ;hitorevs@yah Directorate of Rice Research DRR, Rajendranagar , HYDERABAD , Andhra Pradesh 500030 4th International Rice Congress 2014 Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre (BITEC) in Bangkok, Thailand. Bangkok Thailand 27-10-2014 01-11-2014 Poster "Lead Yes author" "CONVERSION OF PARTIAL RESTORER INTO RESTORER BY MARKER ASSISTED SELECTION IN RICE" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 40000 None DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0042 0 Sandeep goswami , 32 years, Research Scholar goswamiisand m ;goswamisand eep@rediffma Dr RPCentre for ophthalmic sciences All India institute of medical sciences Dr. R. P. Centre, AIIMS Ansari Nagar , New Delhi , Delhi 110029 ps.chiefrpc@rediffm; Advances in Melanoma: From Biology to Therapy Loews Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, United States Philadelphia PA United States 20-092014 - 23-09-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Induction of apoptosis by resveratrol in human uveal melanoma cells" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 96402.00 None No Recommendation of the committee Recommended SERB - Rs. Yes 138782.00 Requeste d - Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 33 SI.N o T28 T29 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0035 5 Dr Tanuj Dada , 44 years, PROFESSOR OF OPHTHALMOL OGY tanujdada@g ;tanujdada@h Dr RPCentre for ophthalmic sciences All India institute of medical sciences Dr. R. P. Centre, AIIMS Ansari Nagar , New Delhi , Delhi 110029 ps.chiefrpc@rediffm; Invited Faculty Lecture at Grand Rounds of Kellog Eye Center, Michigan University Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Kellog Eye Centre University of Michigan, USA Ann Arbor Michigan United States 07-10-2014 - 1010-2014 Oral "Single author" "Congenital Glaucoma : An Update on Diagnosis and Management" Yes DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0036 6 ANKIT JAIN , 29 years, PhD Research Scholar ankitjainsagar DR. HARI SINGH GOUR CENTRAL UNIVERSITY, SAGAR, M.P , Madhya Pradesh -470003 registrar31@rediffm, kapilvinayak@gmail. com; 4th World Congress on Cancer Science & Therapy DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel ChicagoNorth Shore Conference Center 9599 Skokie Boulevard Skokie Illinois USA 20-10-2014 - 22-102014 Oral "Lead author" "Smart liposomes bearing combination of synergistic anticancer agents" No Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 99317 None None Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 93100 None Amount requested from DBT Rem arks Recommendation of the committee (PC0 02) Not Recommended None Yes (PC0 07) Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 34 SI.N o T30 Propo sal Code DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0034 4 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Dr. Dinesh Kumar Singh , 51 years, Professor, Vegetable Science dks1233@gm ;dks1233@red G B Pant university of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnaagr (Uttarakhand) G B Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantanagar , , Uttarakhand 263145 bana_ops@yahoo.c; cucurbitaceae 2014 the organizing Secretary cucurbitaceous 2014 department of Horticulture Michigan State University, East Lansing MI 48824, U.S.A. Bay Harbor Michigan United States of America 12-10-2014 16-10-2014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Oral "Lead author" "Biodiversity of Cucurbitaceous Vegetables in India" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e No Amount requested from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 99000 Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks None None Yes - Recommendation of the committee Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 35 SI.N o T31 Propo sal Code DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0039 2 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Dr Ravishekar Hiremath , 34 years, Deputy Asst Dir Health drshekar80@g HQ 23 INF DIV (Med Br) C/O 56 APO, PIN 908423 , Ranchi , Jharkhand -908423 drshekar80@gmail.c om 20th IEA World Congress of Epidemiology 2014 in Anchorage, Alaska, USA , August 17 – 21, 2014. Dena’ina Civic and Convention Center 600 West 7th Avenue Anchorage, AK 99501 (907) 263-2850 Anchorage ALASKA USA 16-08-2014 - 21-082014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Poster "Single author" "(1)\"A COMPREHENSIVE LIFESTYLE DISEASES SURVEY AMONG HOUSEHOLD WOMEN, INDIA,\" and (2)\"SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS OF PEOPLE WITH ALCOHOL DEPENDENT SYNDROME (ADS) – A CROSSSECTIONAL STUDY,\"" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e No Amount requested from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 157000 Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded None None Yes Rem arks Recommendation of the committee (PC0 08) Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 36 SI.N o T32 T33 Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0029 1 Mr. Suman Ghosal , 29 years, Senior Research Fellow tpsg@iacs.res. in ;suman .ghosal34@g Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science 2A & 2B RAJA S. C. MULLICK ROAD, JADAVPUR , Kolkata , West Bengal -700032 ESF-EMBO symposium on Long Regulatory RNA Polonia Castle (Dom Polonii) Hotel, ul. Szkolna 11, 06-100 PuÅ‚tusk, Poland Pultusk Masovian Poland 13-092014 - 18-09-2014 Poster "Lead author" "The potential impact of Circular RNAs and long noncoding RNAs acting as miRNA sponges in human diseases" No DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0037 7 Dr Ashoo Grover , 44 years, Scientist D ashoogrover ;grovera@icm Indian Council of Medical Research V.Ramalingaswamy Bhawan P.O. 4911 Anasari Nagar , New Delhi , Delhi 110029 South East Asia Regional Symposium on HIV/AIDS in 20th IEA World Congress of Epidemiology, Alaska Dena’ina Civic and Convention Center 600 West 7th Avenue Anchorage Alaska USA 17-08-2014 - 21-082014 Oral "Single author" "Rapporteur in a session named \"Symposium on HIV/AIDS for South East Asia Region\"" No Propo sal Code Amount requested from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 61524 None Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 118700 None Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks ESF & Yes EMBO Rs. 24483.00 Committe d - Indian Council of Medical Research 100000- (PC0 02) Yes Recommendation of the committee Recommended Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 37 SI.N o T34 T35 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0038 9 Mr Saidulu Mattapally , 28 years, SRF mattapallysaid m ;mattapally_s aidulu@yahoo .com Indian Institute of Chemical Technology,Tarnaka, Uppal Road, Hyderabad- 500 607 , Andhra Pradesh 500607 American Society of Human Genetics ASHG2014 San Diego Convention Center (SDCC, 111 West Harbor Drive San Diego CA USA 18-10-2014 - 22-102014 Poster "Lead author" "Novel NKX2.5 mutation associated with congenital heart disease in South Indian patients" No DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0039 7 Dr Asha Chaubey , 41 years, Sr. Scientist achaubey@iii ;ashachaubey Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine (CSIR) Canal Road, Jammu 180001 , The Asian Conference on “The Life Sciences and Sustainability― (ACLS 2014) The KKR Hotel, Hiroshima, Japan Hiroshima Japan 27-082014 - 29-08-2014 Oral "Lead author" "Immobilization of nitrilase from Fusarium proliferatum (AUF2) for industrial biotransformation of pharmaceutical intermediates" No Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 94200 None None Yes - Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 75546 None Amount requested from DBT Recommendation of the committee Recommended None Yes - Recommended 50% airfare PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 38 SI.N o T36 T37 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0040 2 Mr. Naredla Apurva Ratan Murty , 26 years, PhD student, CSIR Senior Research Fellow ratan@cns.iisc ; Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore , Karnataka -560012 Neuroscience 2014 Walter E Washington Convention Centre Washington DC USA 1511-2014 - 19-11-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Object contour and orientation influence 3dimensional view invariance in macaque inferotemporal cortex" Yes DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0039 5 NEHA DHAR , 29 years, Ph.D Student nehadhar@g ;neha@mrdg.i Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore , Karnataka -560012 International Conference on Gonadotropins & Receptors (ICGRIII-2014) Vinci-The International Convention center of Tours Tours France 0709-2014 - 10-09-2014 Poster "Lead author" "DISSECTING THE ROLE OF LHR HINGE BY USING ScFv AS A TOOL" No Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 115995 None None Yes - Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 89467 None Amount requested from DBT Recommendation of the committee Recommended None Yes - Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 39 SI.N o T38 T39 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0038 0 Mr. DEBANJAN DASGUPTA , 28 years, SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW debanjanmon ; Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore , Karnataka -560012 NEUROSCIENCE 2014 Walter E. Washington Convention Center, 801 Mt. Vernon Place, NW, 20001. WASHINGTON, DC DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA USA 15-112014 - 19-11-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Long lasting depression of intrinsic excitability in fast spiking interneurons decreases inhibition in putative granule cells of the dentate gyrus" No DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0029 2 Ms Asmita Gupta , 28 years, Research Scholar asmita@mbu.i ; Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore , Karnataka -560012 Significance of Knotted Structures for Function of Proteins and Nucleic Acids University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland Warsaw Poland 17-09-2014 - 21-092014 Poster "Lead author" "The Ability Of An RNA Pseudoknot To Induce Programmed -1 Ribosomal Frameshift Is Modulated By Factors Present Both In And Around The Structure" No Amount requested from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class 95680 None Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 70263 None Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks INDIAN Yes INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE Rs. 50000.00 Committe d - None (PC0 02) Yes Recommendation of the committee Recommended Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 40 SI.N o T40 T41 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0036 2 Vinesh Shenoi , 30 years, Senior Research Fellow vineshenoi@g ;vinesh@iiser Indian Institute of Science Education & Research Mohali Transit Campus: MGSIPAP Complex, Sector-26, Chandigarh -160019 nsath@iisermohali.a 20th European Meeting of PhD Students in Evolutionary Biology (EMPSEB 20) Floréal La Roche-en-Ardenne avenue de Villez, 6 6980 La Roche-en-Ardenne Brussels, Belgium Brussels Wallonia Belgium 01-09-2014 06-09-2014 Oral "Lead author" "EVOLUTION OF INCREASED ADULT LONGEVITY IN DROSOPHILA MELANOGASTER POPULATIONS AS CORRELATED RESPONSE FOR ADAPTATION TO LARVAL CROWDING" No DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0040 1 Ms Manasi Kulkarni , 27 years, Senior Research Fellow manasi.k@stu dents.iiserpun ; Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune Pashan Road , Maharashtra 411021 ls.shashidhara@iiser; HSC 16: Hercules Specialized Course: NonAtomic Resolution Scattering for Biology and Soft Matter 71 avenue des Martyrs 38000 Grenoble Grenoble France 14-092014 - 20-09-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Structure determination of type I SP restrictionmodification enzymes" No Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 82952 None None Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 53000 None Amount requested from DBT Rem arks Recommendation of the committee (PC0 07) Not Recommended Departme nt of Science and Tech 80000Requeste d CSIR 80000- Yes (PC0 02) Not Recommended Requested PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 41 SI.N o T42 T43 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0029 0 Mrs Khyati Dave , 28 years, Ph.D. student khyatimehta ;khyatikdave Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Department of BioSciences and Bioengineering, Powai , Mumbai , Maharashtra 400076 Frontiers in Fungal Systems Biology, EMBL conference EMBL Heidelberg Meyerhofstraße 1, 69117 Heidelberg Germany Europe 28-092014 - 30-09-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Functional Characterization of a carbonic anhydrase from Aspergillus niger" No DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0032 6 Prof , M.R.Reddy ,55 years, Professor and Head rsreddy@iitm. Indian Institute of Technology Madras IIT Madras , Chennai , Tamil Nadu 600036; 13th International Tissue Elasticity Conference Snowbird Ski and Summer resort Snowbird Utah USA 0709-2014 - 10-09-2014 Oral "Co-author" "STUDY OF ULTRASOUND STIFFNESS IMAGING TECHNIQUES USING REAL TIME BREAST IMAGING." No Amount requested from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 89000 None Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 107467 None Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks IIT Yes Bombay Rs. 90000.00 Requeste d - None (PC0 07) Yes Recommendation of the committee Recommended Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 42 SI.N o T44 T45 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0043 3 Mr. Joyjyoti Das , 27 years, Ph.D Student jjd.0007@gma Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, (W.B.), India Indian Institute of Technology , Kharagpur , West Bengal -721302 tripti.swarnkar@cse; The 18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (Micro TAS 2014) Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, 200 East Market Street San Antonio Texas The United States of America 26-10-2014 30-10-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Adaptive response of HeLa cells under shear stresses in microconfinement through the autophagic pathway" No DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0040 3 Dr. Satyaveer Singh Dangi , 31 years, Ph. D. Scholar vetsatyaveer INDIAN VETERINARY RESEARCH INSTITUTE,IZATNAG AR,BAREILLY , Uttar Pradesh -243122 deep_biotek@yaho 20th International Congress of Biometeorology (ICB20) The Embassy Suites, Cleveland-Rockside Clevaland Ohio USA 2809-2014 - 01-10-2014 Oral "Lead author" "Effect of antioxidants and betaine No supplementation on serum HSPs and stress hormone during longterm heat stress adaptation in goat" Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 95415.00 None None Yes - Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 101000 None Amount requested from DBT Recommendation of the committee Recommended None Yes - Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 43 SI.N o T46 T47 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0037 6 Sailendra Goyari , 30 years, PhDStudent saivir9@yaho ;swmkhang9 Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development Takyelpat , Imphal ,Manipur -795001; ICEC 2014 - 8th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis The Grove Park Inn Asheville North Carolina USA 14-08-2014 - 14-082014 Poster "Lead author" "The Biomass Transformers: extracellular microbial cellulases from the IndoBurma Biodiversity Hotspot" No DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0038 5 Mr. Ph. Baleshwor Sharma , 34 years, Ph.D. Student bale_sharma ; Institute of Biotechnology and Bioresources Development Takyelpat Imphal795001 Manipur, India -795001 nctalukdar@yahoo.c om; 30th International Symposium on Chromatography Salzburg Congress Auerspergstraße 6 5020 Salzburg Austria Tel. 0043662 88987-0 Fax 0043662 88987-210 14-09-2014 - 18-092014 Poster "Lead author" "Profiling of phenolics: A discriminative peak analysis through diode array" No Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 86373 None None Yes - Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 70157 None Amount requested from DBT Recommendation of the committee Recommended IBSD, Imphal Rs. 1.00 Committe d Yes - Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 44 SI.N o T48 T49 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0042 2 Ms.sonali niphadkar , 27 years, PhD research student sonaliniphadk ; Institute of Chemical Technology ICT, N. P. Marg Matunga East , Mumbai , Maharashtra 400019 m Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) 2014 San Diego convention center 111 West Harbor Drive San Diego California United States 02-11-2014 - 06-112014 Poster "Lead author" "“Comparison of microwave assisted extraction with conventional extraction of Acetyl 11 –keto-βBoswellic acids (AKBA) from Boswellia serrata―." No DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0041 2 JAYWANT NIVRUTTI PAWAR , 27 years, Ph.D Research Scholar jaywantpawar m; Institute of Chemical Technology ICT, N. P. Marg Matunga East , Mumbai , Maharashtra 400019 m 2014 AAPS Annual Meeting & Exposition San Diego Convention Center 111, West Harbor Drive, San Diego San Diego California United States of America 02-11-2014 06-11-2014 Poster "Lead author" "To develop a novel biodegradable porous starch for the enhancement No of dissolution rate and oral bioavailability of Itraconazole" Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks Total air None fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 137000.00 None Yes - Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 137000 None Amount requested from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs None Recommendation of the committee Recommended Yes (PC0 07) Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 45 SI.N o T50 T51 Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0040 0 Suruchi Rao , 29 years, PhD Student surao6@gmail .com ;suruchi.rao@ Institute of Chemical Technology ICT, N. P. Marg Matunga East , Mumbai , Maharashtra 400019 m Metagenomics Bioinformatics Workshop at EMBL-EBI, Cambridge EMBL-EBI Wellcome Trust Genome Campus Hinxton Cambridge CB10 1SD UK Cambridge Cambridgeshire United Kingdom 08-09-2014 10-09-2014 Poster "Lead author" "High throughput Metagenomic Screening of Cellulolytic Environs for Cellulose specific Carbohydrate Binding Modules (CBMs)" No DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0039 3 Mr. Lalitkumar Khimjibhai Vora , 29 years, Senior Research Fellow lalitvora86@g Institute of Chemical Technology ICT, N. P. Marg Matunga East , Mumbai , Maharashtra 400019 m 2014 AAPS (American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists) Annual Meeting and Exposition San Diego convention center, San Diego california USA 02-112014 - 06-11-2014 Poster "Lead author" "‘Development and evaluation of PLGA microspheres for controlled delivery of tocopherol Succinate stabilized cholecalciferol’" No Propo sal Code Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 96790 None None Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 137000 None Amount requested from DBT Rem arks Recommendation of the committee (PC0 02) Not Recommended DST 150330. Requeste d CSIR 137000Requeste d ICMR 137000Requeste d Yes (PC0 07) Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 46 SI.N o T52 T53 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0039 9 Ms. Valerie J. Rodrigues , 23 years, PhD Student ceb13vj.rodrig ues@pg.ictmu ; Institute of Chemical Technology, N. P. Marg Matunga East , Mumbai , Maharashtra 400019 m Metagenomics: From Bench to Data Analysis The Genome Analysis Centre Norwich Research Park Norwich NR4 7UH UK Norwich United Kingdom 09-082014 - 09-12-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Sequence based metagenomics for identification of Carbohydrate Binding Proteins" Yes DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0040 5 Preeti Wavikar , 28 years, Senior Research Fellow preetiwavikar m; Institute of Chemical Technology ICT, N. P. Marg Matunga East , Mumbai , Maharashtra 400019 m Annual Meeting and Exposition of American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, California, USA San Diego California USA 02-11-2014 - 06-112014 Poster "Lead author" "In situ gelling cationic liposomes for brain delivery" No Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 96790 None None Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 137000 None Amount requested from DBT Rem arks Recommendation of the committee (PC0 07) Not Recommended CICS, Yes ICMR, DST - Rs. 25000.00 Requeste d - Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 47 SI.N o T54 Propo sal Code DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0034 3 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Ms. HIRAL R. SHUKLA , 28 years, Ph.D student hirals87@gma ;hirals87@yah Institute of Chemical Technology ICT, N. P. Marg Matunga East , Mumbai , Maharashtra 400019 m Clostridium XIII Shanghai Hope Hotel Address: No. 500 Zhaojiabang Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200031, China (Dapuqiao) Shanghai China 19-09-2014 - 2109-2014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Poster "Co-author" "Study of Lactic acid production and reutilization for maximum butyric acid production by degenerated strain of Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 4259" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Yes Amount requested from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 62100 Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs None Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources CSIR 62100Requeste d DST 82436Requeste d ICMR 82436Requeste d Sir Dorabji Tata Trust - 112436Requeste d Letter of accept ance uploa ded Yes Rem arks Recommendation of the committee (PC0 06) Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 48 SI.N o T55 T56 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0032 2 Mr.Sandip M. Gite , 29 years, PhD research student (UGC SAP) sandipgite44 Institute of Chemical Technology ICT, N. P. Marg Matunga East , Mumbai , Maharashtra 400019 m 5th Indo-Japanese International Joint Symposium on Overcoming Intractable Infectious Diseases Prevalent in Asian Countries Morito Hall Tokyo University of Science Yamazaki Noda Chiba tokyo japan 1609-2014 - 17-09-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Comparison of Phytopolyphenols as gp120-CD4 Binding Inhibitor: In Silico&In Vitro Screening" DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0031 3 Dr Sadhana Sathaye , 52 years, Associate Professor sadhanasatha ye@hotmail.c om ; Institute of Chemical Technology ICT, N. P. Marg Matunga East , Mumbai , Maharashtra 400019 m Neuroscience 2014 Walter E. Washington Convention Center, 1121 14th Street NW, Suite 1010 Washington, DC USA 15-11-2014 - 1911-2014 Poster "Single No author" "Neuroprotective effect of Metformin in MPTP induced Parkinsonism in mice" No Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 93000 None None Yes - Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 130220 None Amount requested from DBT Recommendation of the committee Recommended None Yes (PC0 Not 04) Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 49 SI.N o T57 T58 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Amount requested from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded None Yes Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0031 5 Mr. AMIT GIRISHKUMAR MIRANI , 28 years, Senior Research Fellow amit.mirani@ Institute of Chemical Technology ICT, N. P. Marg Matunga East , Mumbai , Maharashtra 400019 m 5th Indo-Japanese International Joint Symposium on Overcoming Intractable Infectious Diseases Prevalent in Asian Countries Morito Hall, Tokyo University of Science, 1-3 Kagurazaka Shinjuku Tokyo Japan 16-09-2014-17-09-2014 Poster "Lead No author" "Evaluation of Punicalin & Punicalagin as gp120-CD4 Binding Inhibitor: In Silico & In Vitro Screening" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 93500 None DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0028 3 Ms. Rufi Mohamad Amin Tambe , 27 years, Research Scholar rufitambe@g Institute of Chemical Technology ICT, N. P. Marg Matunga East , Mumbai , Maharashtra 400019 m Neuroscience 2014 Walter E. Washington Convention Center, 1121 14th Street NW, Suite 1010 Washington, DC USA 15-11-2014 - 1911-2014 Poster "Single author" "Antiepileptogenic and antioxidant effect of Diosgenin in Pentylenetetrazole induced kindling in mice" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 130220 None No None Yes Rem arks Simi lar wor k alre ady sup port ed at T55 Recommendation of the committee Not Recommended (PC0 07) Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 50 SI.N o T59 Propo sal Code DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0031 1 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Dr.M.Hema Prasad , 61 years, Academic Consultant, Dept. of Toxicology hemaprasadm ;jyothycell@re Institute of Genetics, Osmania University, Begumpet , Hyderabad , Andhra Pradesh -500016 jyothycell@rediffma; m Fifth International conference of the Organization of Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD). Title: Women Scientists in a Quest for Sustainability and Development. Holiday Inn-Cuernavaca,Blvd. Diaz Ordaz 86, Col. Acapanzingo. Cuernavaca Morelos Mexico 17-09-2014 - 2009-2014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Oral "Lead author" "Association of oxidative stress with Xenobiotic metabolizing gene polymorphisms in women occupationally exposed to pesticides" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Yes Amount requested from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 130630 Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks None None Yes - Recommendation of the committee Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 51 SI.N o T60 T61 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0032 1 Ms. Rituparna Chaudhuri , 28 years, Senior Research Fellow (DBT)) rituparna@igi ; Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology, Mall Road, Near Delhi University North Campus Delhi 110 007 INDIA 110007; Inositol Lipid Signaling: from molecular mechanisms to human pathologies Mont-SaintOdile OTTROTT 30 km from Strasbourg FRANCE 09-10-2014 12-10-2014 Poster "Lead author" "INPP4A goes nuclear: nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of INPP4A might regulate cell proliferation" No DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0041 9 Mr Himanshu Malhotra , 29 years, Senior Research Fellow himanshu@im ;himanshu.mic robio@gmail.c om Institute of Microbial Technology, Sector 39A, , Chandigarh 160036; 2014 American Society for Cell Biology and The International Federation for Cell Biology Meeting (ascb/ifcb meeting 2014) Pennsylvania Convention Center 1101 Arch Street Philadelphia Pennsylvania USA 0612-2014 - 10-12-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Exosomes as delivery vesicles for transferrin and lactoferrin into mammalian cells" No Amount requested from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 69015 Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs None Total air None fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 113099.00 Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded European Society of Endocrino logy 31500Committe d Yes None Yes Rem arks Recommendation of the committee (PC0 02) Not Recommended - Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 52 SI.N o T62 T63 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0040 7 Mr. Anoop Singh Chauhan , 26 years, Senior Research Fellow anoop_87@i ;singhchauhan .anoop@gmail .com Institute of Microbial Technology, Sector 39A, , Chandigarh 160036; 2014 American Society for Cell Biology and The International Federation for Cell Biology Meeting (ascb/ifcb meeting 2014) Pennsylvania Convention Center, 1101 Arch Street Philadelphia Philadelphia Pennsylvania USA 0612-2014 - 10-12-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Trafficking of moonlighting Glyceraldehyde-3phosphate dehydrogenase to membrane and extracellular milieu is mediated via multiple nonclassical secretory pathways." No DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0042 9 Mr. Ankit Mathur , 29 years, Senior Research Fellow aki_mathur23 ; INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE & ALLIED SCIENCES, DRDO INMAS, DRDO S. K . MAZUMDAR ROAD TIMARPUR DELHI-110054 directorinmas@gma 41st Annual Meeting of the European Radiation Research Society, ERR2014 Aldemar Paradise Mare,Aallithea,85100 Rhodes,Greece Rhodes Greece 14-09-2014 - 20- Poster "Lead author" "ALTERATION IN CELL-CELL INTERACTION AND CELLULAR RADIOSENSITIVITY DURING EARLY STAGES OF No Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 113099 None None Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total None Amount requested from DBT None Yes Rem arks Alre ady sup port ed at T61 Recommendation of the committee Not Recommended - Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 53 SI.N o T64 Propo sal Code DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0042 7 Appicant Name, Age, Designation ASHISH KUMAR , 31 years, SRF ashish_22200 n ;ashishkumar2 22006@gmail. com Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event; 09-2014 CELLULAR TRANSFORMATION INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE & ALLIED SCIENCES, DRDO INMAS, DRDO S. K . MAZUMDAR ROAD TIMARPUR DELHI-110054 110054 directorinmas@gma; 41st Annual Conference of the European Radiation Research Scoiety 2014 Aldemar Paradise Mare Kallithea, 85100 Rhodes, Greece Rhodes Greece 14-092014 - 19-09-2014 Oral "Lead author" "MICRORNA-31 REGULATES RADIATION INDUCED CELL DEATH IN RADIORESISTANT Sf9 INSECT CELLS THROUGH BIMBAX PATHWAY IN A P53-DEPENDENT MANNER" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Amount requested from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks None None Yes - Recommendation of the committee 86000.00 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 86000 Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 54 SI.N o T65 Propo sal Code DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0029 5 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DR. DHAIVAT CHANDRAKAN T PARIKH , 32 years, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR dhaivat.parikh in ;dhaivatpharm Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University. Sarkhej Gandhinagar Highway Ahmedabad382 481, India. Ph. +912717241900/01/02/03/0 4, Extn: 712 Fax: +91-2717-241916. , Gujarat -382481 director.ip@nirmau; APSGB-PharmSci 2014 (Academy of Pharm Science Great Britain) University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK Hatfield, UK Hertfordshire UK 08-092014 - 10-09-2014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Poster "Lead author" "Formulation, Design & Optimization of Floating Microspheres by applying Design of Experiments" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e No Amount requested from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 65550 Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded None None Yes Rem arks Recommendation of the committee (PC0 07) Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 55 SI.N o T66 T67 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0028 1 Mrs Akhilendra Kumar Maurya , 30 years, Research Scholar akhilendra28b m; Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University Registrar office, Central office , Varanasi , Uttar Pradesh -221005 Targeting the PI3KmTOR Network in Cancer Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown Philadelphia, PA, USA Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown Philadelphia USA 14-09-2014 - 17-092014 Poster "Single author" ") Decline in the growth of murine T-cell lymphoma via modulation of PI3K signaling pathway: key role of quercetin and PI103" No DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0032 8 Dr. A. Mujib , 53 years, Assistant Professor amujib@jamia Jamia Hamdard, Hamdard Nagar , New Delhi , Delhi 110062 nalam@jamiahamd Prospects for the 3rd Millennium agriculture University of Agricultural sciences and veterinary medicine Cluj-Napoca Romania 25-09-2014 - 27-092014 Oral "Co-author" "ASPERGILLUS AND FUSARIUM FUNGAL ELICITATION IMPROVES CALLUS BIOMASS AND IN No VITRO EMBRYOGENY IN CATHARANTHUS ROSEUS (L.) G. Don" Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 84294 None None Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 65000 None Amount requested from DBT None Yes Rem arks Subj ect to NOC fro m sup ervi sor Recommendation of the committee Recommended - Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 56 SI.N o T68 Propo sal Code DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0035 0 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Prof Divya Mehrotra , 46 years, Professor divyamehrotr m ;mehrotra.div m King George's Medical University King George's Medical University, (Erstwhile Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical University), Chowk, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA 226003 -226003 profdkgupta@gmail. com; World Cancer Congress 2014 MCEC 1 Convention Place South Wharf Victoria Australia Melbourne Victoria Australia 03-12-2014 06-12-2014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Oral "Lead author" "Association of Oral Precancer with non tobacco areca nut consumption." Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e No Amount requested from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 83177 Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded None None Yes Rem arks Recommendation of the committee (PC0 08) Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 57 SI.N o T69 T70 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0041 4 Dr Bhanu Chand Gorijala , 26 years, Duty Medical Officer bhanucha@g ;bhanu_gorijal n Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences 18-31/1, Minister Road Krishna Nagar Colony, Begumpet, , Secunderabad , Andhra Pradesh 500003 assistance@kimshos American Society of Human Genetics San Diego Convention Center, 111 West Harbor Drive,San Diego, San Diego California USA 18-10-2014 - 22-102014 Poster "Lead author" "No association of PTPN22 and SUMO4 Polymorphisms with predisposition to type 1diabetes (T1D) in a cohort of south Indian subjects." No DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0028 4 Mr. Rakesh kumar verma , 26 years, PhDScholar rkwat4@yaho ;rkwat@rediff Mody Institute of Technology and Science , Lakshmangarh, Sikar , Rajasthan -332311 dean.fasc@mitsuniv; gaurrajarshi@hotma SLCARP International Research Symposium and the SLCARP Research Journal - 2014 Sri Lanka Council for Agricultural Research Policy 114/9, Wijerama Poster "Lead author" "Comparative In silico Analysis of Cylindrical Inclusion (CI) Gene of Lettuce Mosaic Virus Infecting Spinach in India" Yes Mawatha Colombo 07, Sri Lanka. Wijerama Mawatha Colombo Sri Lanka 11-082014 - 12-08-2014 Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 100000 None None Yes - Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 32716 None Amount requested from DBT Recommendation of the committee Recommended None Yes (PC0 13) Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 58 SI.N o T71 T72 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0028 5 Mr. Ritesh Mishra , 30 years, PhD scholar riteshlko_200 ;biotech2rites Mody Institute of Technology and Science , Lakshmangarh, Sikar , Rajasthan -332311 dean.fasc@mitsuniv; gaurrajarshi@hotma SLCARP International Research Symposium and the SLCARP Research Journal 2014 114/9, Wijerama Mawatha Colombo 07, Sri Lanka. Wijerama Mawatha Colombo Sri Lanka 11-08-2014 - 1208-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Expression of genes from a Rajasthan isolate of Papaya ringspot virus in tobacco" Yes DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0031 4 DR.SUSHMA KRISHNAN , 35 years, Post doctoral research associate sushmak@mb ; Molecular Bio Physics Unit Molecular Biophysics Unit Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore , Karnataka -560012 chairman@mbu.iisc.; RNAse H 2014 Airlie centre Warrenton, Virginia, Near Washington DC, USA. Airlie centre Warrenton Virginia USA 07-09-2014 - 10-09-2014 Oral "Lead author" "Functional Characterization of MS_RHII-RSD: A bifunctional RNase HII and (p)ppGpp synthetase from Mycobacterium smegmatis" No Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 32716 None None Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 100000 None Amount requested from DBT Rem arks Recommendation of the committee (PC0 13) Not Recommended DST - Rs. Yes 47000.00 Requeste d - Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 59 SI.N o T73 Propo sal Code DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0036 1 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Dr. Renu Deswal , 51 years, Associate Professor rdeswal@bota ;deswalr@hot DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY, UNIVERSITY OF DELHI, DELHI110007 -110007 m 1st INPPO World Congress on Plant Proteomics: Methodology to Biology Hamburg 2014 University of Hamburg Martin Luther King Platz6 20416 Hamburg Lecture Hall A Germany Hamburg Germany 3108-2014 - 04-09-2014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Oral "Lead author" "Bird\'s eye view of Nitric Oxide Signaling in cold stress via nitrosylation in Brassica juncea seedlings" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e No Amount requested from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 67917 Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs None Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded DFG, Yes Germany Rs. 80000.00 Committe d Rem arks Recommendation of the committee (PC0 08) Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 60 SI.N o T74 Propo sal Code DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0041 3 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Dr Smita S Kulkarni , 55 years, Scientist E skulkarni@nar ;ssknari@hot National AIDS Research Institute 73 G MIDC Bhosari , Pune , Maharashtra -411026 rparanjape@nariind; director@nariindia. org 3rd Antiviral Congress NH GRAND KRASNAPLOSKY, Dam, 9. 1012 JS Amsterdam North Holland The Netherlands 12-10-2014 - 14-10-2014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Poster "Lead author" "1. PreClinical Testing of Potential Drug/Microbicide Candidates for HIV: Meeting Translational Research Needs in India 2. 4Thiazolidinone Derivatives: Potential Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Yes Amount requested from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 79468 Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded None None Yes Rem arks Recommendation of the committee (PC0 14) Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 61 SI.N o T75 T76 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0038 1 Pravat Mandal , 51 years, Professor pravat.mandal ;pravat@nbrc. National Brain Research Centre NBRC, Near NSG Campus, NH8,Manesar , Gurgaon , Haryana 122050 Society for Neurosciece Society of neuroscience Washington DC Maryland USA 15-112014 - 19-11-2014 Oral "Lead author" "Brain glutathione depletion in Alzheimer’s disease: A magnetic resonance spectroscopic study" Yes DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0030 2 Dr. Sandhya Gupta , 48 years, Pr. Scientist sandhya@nbp ;sandhya_gup ta87@yahoo.c om National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, ICAR Tissue Culture & Cryopreservation Unit, National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources , New Delhi , Delhi 110012 director@nbpgr.ern The 29th International Horticultural Congress (IHC 2014) Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre | Queensland | Australia Brisbane Queensland Australia 17-08-2014 - 22-082014 Oral,Poster "Lead author" "EX SITU CONSERVATION OF MINOR FRUITS GENETIC RESOURCES IN INDIA" No Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 150000 None None Yes - Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 82200 None Amount requested from DBT Recommendation of the committee Recommended None Yes (PC0 08) Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 62 SI.N o T77 T78 Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0035 9 Mr. Mohammed Mostafizur Rahman , 26 years, Graduate Student (Junior Scholar) mohammedm National Centre for Biological Sciences, GKVK campus,Bellary Road , Bangalore , Karnataka -560065 Neuroscience 2014 Walter E. Washington Convention Center, 801 Mt. Vernon Place, NW, Washington, Washington DC District of Columbia United States 15-11-2014 - 1911-2014 Poster "Lead author" "As time goes by: The gradual impact of chronic stress on rodent hippocampal structure and function" No DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0031 9 Dr. Anita Rachel Chacko , 33 years, Postdoctoral fellow anitac@ncbs.r ;anicko19@g National Centre for Biological Sciences, TIFR, Bangalore National Centre for Biological Sciences, TIFR, GKVK, Bellary Road , Bangalore , Karnataka -560065 15th International Conference on Human genome variation and complex genome analysis (HGV14) Culloden Estate and Spa in Belfast, Northern Ireland Belfast Northern Ireland UK 17-09-2014 19-09-2014 Poster "Lead author" "An exome sequencing approach to study a good responder CML patient under Imatinib at diagnosis and remission: a longitudinal study" Yes Propo sal Code Amount requested from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 119574 None Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 81958 None Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded NCBS - Rs. Yes 70000.00 Requeste d Organisers HGV 2014 51346Sanctioned DBT - 8715Requested Orga nisers of HGV2014 - 51345Sanctioned DBT - 50138Requested Yes Rem arks Subj ect to conf irma tion of qual ifica tion Recommendation of the committee Recommended - Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 63 SI.N o T79 T80 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0033 3 DR. KAPIL SAXENA , 34 years, POSTDOC kapilsaxena@ ;kapils@ncbs.r National Centre for Biological Sciences, TIFR, Bangalore, GKVK, Bellary Road , Bangalore , Karnataka -560065 Neuroscience 2014 Walter E. Washington Convention Center, 801 Mt. Vernon Place, NW, Washington, DC 20001. Washington DC United States of America 15-112014 - 19-11-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Stress decreases social behaviour in rats immediately that leads to enhance anxiety" Yes DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0043 7 Mr Jeetendra kumar , 45 years, DBT SRF jeetendrald50 ; National centre for cell science NCCS,pune university complex,Ganeshkhi nd road, , Maharashtra 411007 gcmishra@nccs.res.i n 13th International Symposium on Dendritic Cells. the International Congress Center Vinci of Tours, France TOURS LOIRE VALLEY FRANCE 14-09-2014 - 18-092014 Poster "Lead author" "Revealing the potential of Human umbilical cord blood derived Dendritic Cells as an allogenic source for cancer immunotherapy" Yes Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 95537 None None Yes - Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 60797.00 None Amount requested from DBT Recommendation of the committee Recommended None Yes - Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 64 SI.N o T81 T82 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0042 3 Mr. Avneesh Kumar Gautam , 30 years, CSIRSRF gautamavnees ;akgautam@n National centre for cell science NCCS,pune university complex,Ganeshkhi nd road, , Maharashtra 411007 gcmishra@nccs.res.i n 25th International Complement Workshop Avenida Atlantica, Windsor Atlantica Hotels, 1020 Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro - CEP 22010-000. :: Tel (55 21) 2195-7800. / Fax: (55 21) 2195-7850 Rio de Janeiro Brazil 1409-2014 - 18-09-2014 Oral "Lead author" "Bridging of MG2 and CUB domains of C3b by Kaposica is crucial for its cofactor activity" No DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0035 4 Mr Ajitanuj rattan , 29 years, PhD Student (SRF) ajitanuj.rattan ; National centre for cell science NCCS,pune university complex,Ganeshkhi nd road, , Maharashtra 411007 gcmishra@nccs.res.i n 25th International Complement Workshop Hotel Windsor Altantica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Rio de Janeiro Brazil 14-092014 - 18-09-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Critical role of complement in controlling pandemic influenza A(H1N1) 2009 infection" No Amount requested from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 70000.00 None Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 153334 None Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks Organizing Yes committe e of 25th Internatio nal Complem ent Workshop -90000Committe d - CSIR 153334Requeste d ICMR 196000 Requeste d DST 196000Requeste d - Yes Recommendation of the committee Recommended Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 65 SI.N o T83 T84 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Propo sal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0036 5 Suman Choudhary , 29 years, PhD Scholar bioinfo.suman National Dairy Research Institute , Karnal , Haryana 132001 23rd Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography Palais des, Canada Montreal Quebec Canada 05-082014 - 12-08-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Structural Studies on BRP39 protein expressed during Mammary Gland Apoptosis" No DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0028 9 Himanshu Joshi , 29 years, Ph.D Scholar anshuhim20@ ;himanshu_jos hi1985@yaho National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (Deemed University) Hosur road , Bangalore , Karnataka -560029 dirstaff@nimhans.k; Fourth Biennial conference on Resting State/Brain connectivity Massachusetts Institute of Technology Building W16 48 Massachusetts Ave. (Rear) Cambridge MA USA 11-09-2014 13-09-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Title Functional connectivity at rest in amnestic mild cognitive impairment-A functional magnetic resonance study" No Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 91255 None None Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 99881 None Amount requested from DBT Rem arks Recommendation of the committee (PC0 13) Not Recommended None Yes - Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 66 SI.N o T85 T86 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Amount requested from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks None Yes - Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0042 4 Sameer R Modi , 26 years, Senior Research Fellow sameerrmodi ; National Institute of Pharmceutical Education and Research Sector-67, S.A.S.Nagar, , Mohali , Punjab 160062 AAPS annual meeting and exposition 2014 San Diego Convention Centre San Diego California USA 02-112014 - 06-11-2014 Poster "Lead No author" "Effect of Crystal habit and Crystal Size on Intrinsic Dissolution Behavior of Celecoxib Due to Differential Wetting Kinetics" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 127000 None DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0040 9 Mr. Kaushik Thanki , 28 years, PhD Scholar kaushikthanki ;kaushikshines National Institute of Pharmceutical Education and Research Sector-67, S.A.S.Nagar, , Mohali , Punjab 160062 2014 AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition San Diego Convention Centre, 111 W Harbor Dr, San Diego, California 92101, United States of America (USA) San Diego California United States of America 02-112014 - 06-11-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Potentials of Lipid Conjugation Approach in Improving the Oral Bioavailability, Therapeutic Efficacy and Safety Profile of Amphotericin B: Implications of Lipid Functionality on Suitability for Nanocarrier Based Approaches" Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 127000 None No Recommendation of the committee Recommended None Yes - Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 67 SI.N o T87 T88 T89 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0040 4 Ms Anupama Singh , 31 years, SRF anupama@nii. ;bt.anupama NTIONAL INSTITUTE OF IMMUNOLOGY Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, JNU Compus , New Delhi , Delhi 110067 Molecular Genetics of Aging 1 Bungtown Road, P.O. Box 100 Cold Spring Harbor NY 11724-2213 New York City New York USA 29-09-2014 - 03-102014 Poster "Lead author" "Feed forward loops downstream of DAF-16/FOXO and PHA-4/FOXA control C. elegans life span" Yes DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0033 1 Dr. Sangeeta Pilkhwal Sah , 36 years, Assistant Professor spilkhwal@ya Panjab University Sector 14 , Chandigarh -160014 vb.mandhan@gmail .com; m 2nd Annual International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacology (PHARMA 2014) Hotel Fort Canning 11 Canning Walk Singapore 178881 Singapore 27-10-2014 28-10-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Elucidation of mechanism of action of antidepressant like effect of Valeriana wallichii Maaliol chemotype in mice" No DBT/ CTEP Dr. Beenish Rahat , 33 PGIMER chandigarh Depat Discovery on Targets 2014 westin boston Poster "Lead author" "Placental No Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 86421 None None Yes - Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 50000 None Total air fare by None Amount requested from DBT Recommendation of the committee Recommended None Yes Recommended None Yes (PC0 Not PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 68 SI.N o T90 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event /02/ 2014 0043 1 years, SRF beenish.rahat m ;beenuaviatio ofNephrology,BlockC,nehru Hospital,PGIMER Sector-12 , Chandigarh -160012 waterfront boston MASSACHUSETTS United States of America 08-10-2014 10-10-2014 VEGF and EGFR under epigenetic regulation during normal and pathological pregnancies." DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0039 8 Dr Muhammed Razmi T , 27 years, JUNIOR RESIDENT dr.razmi.t@g ;razmimuham med@gmail.c om PGIMER chandigarh Depat of Nephrology,BlockC,nehru Hospital,PGIMER Sector-12 , Chandigarh -160012 IPCC-2014 Shangri-La Hotel, 22 Orange Grove Road, 258350, Singapore SINGAPORE 04-09-2014 - 07-092014 Oral "Lead author" "TRANSPLANTATIO N OF AUTOLOGOUS NONCULTURED EXTRACTED HAIR FOLLICLE OUTER ROOT SHEATH CELL AND AUTOLOGUS NONCULTURED EPIDERMAL CELL SUSPENSION IN COMBINATION AS A NOVEL METHOD IN VITILIGO Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Amount requested from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 213864.00 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 28000 None None Yes Rem arks Recommendation of the committee 02) Recommended (PC0 07) Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 69 SI.N o Propo sal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 25000.00 None None Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ec onomy class None Amount requested from DBT Rem arks Recommendation of the committee SURGERY" T91 T92 DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0041 8 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 40037 4 Dr Geeti Khullar , 28 years, Senior Resident geetikhullar@ Dr Ruchita Tyagi , 31 years, Senior Resident, Department of Pathology ruchitatyagi@gm PGIMER,CHANDIGA RH PGIMER, SECTOR 12,CHANDIGARH 160012 dramarjeet56@gma; amarminhas56@red International Pigment Cell Conference 2014 Shangri-La Hotel, 22 Orange Grove Road Singapore 04-09-2014 07-09-2014 PGIMER,CHANDIGARH PGIMER, SECTOR 12,CHANDIGARH 160012 m; amarminhas56 European Congress of Cytology, 2014 CICG Centre Internationale de Conference Geneve 17, Rue du Varembe 1211 Geneva Geneva Switzerland 27-09-2014 - 30- Poster "Single author" "Comparison of efficacy and safety profile of topical calcipotriol ointment in combination with NB-UVB versus NBUVB alone in the treatment of vitiligo: a 24-week prospective rightleft comparative clinical trial." No Poster "Lead author" "Analysis of morphological markers of chromosomal instability on ascetic No (PC0 07) Not Recommended PGIMER Chandigarh 5000 Committed Yes Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 70 SI.N o T93 Propo sal Code DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0035 2 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper ; 09-2014 fluid" Mr. SIRAM KARTHIK , 25 years, RESEARCH SCHOLAR karthiksiram@ PSG College of Pharmacy PSG Hospital Campus Avinashi Road, Peelamedu , Coimbatore , Tamil Nadu -641004 principalpsgcp@gm; om 5th WORLD CONGRESS ON BIOAVAILABILITY AND BIOEQUIVALANCE: PHARMACEUTICAL R&D SUMMIT DoubleTree by Hilton Baltimore-BWI Airport 890 Elkridge Landing Rd., Linthicum Heights MD 21090, Maryland, USA BALTIMORE MARYLAND UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 29-09-2014 01-10-2014 Oral "Lead author" "Targeted delivery of Diethylcarbamazin e citrate to the lymphatics using solid lipid nanoparticles" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Amount requested from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded None None Yes Rem arks Recommendation of the committee Total 80125 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 99790 (PC0 07) Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 71 SI.N o T94 T95 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0028 8 Dr. C. VIJAYA RAGHAVAN , 52 years, VICE PRINCIPAL CUM PROFESSOR drvijayaragha PSG College of Pharmacy PSG Hospital Campus Avinashi Road, Peelamedu , Coimbatore , Tamil Nadu -641004 principalpsgcp@gm; om 5th WORLD CONGRESS ON BIOAVAILABILITY AND BIOEQUIVALANCE: PHARMACEUTICAL R&D SUMMIT Palacio de Congresos de Valencia (Valencia Convention Centre) Avenida de las Cortes Valencianas, 60 46015 Valencia Spain 23-09-2014 - 25-092014 Oral "Lead author" "DEVELOPMENT OF POLYSORBATE-80 COATED GALANTAMINE NANORTICLES TO TREAT ALZHEIMER DISEASE" No DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0033 8 Dr Neelima Dhingra , 38 years, Assistant Professor neelimad08@ ;neelimad08@ Punjab University Prof(Dr) Promila Pathak Botany Department, Panjab University Chandigarh -160014 ppathak_2000@yah; 2nd International Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences Hotel Fort Canning 11 Canning Walk Singapore 178881 Singapore 2710-2014 - 28-10-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Cytotoxicity of 17a-Azasteroids towards liver and neuroblastoma cancer cell lines" No Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 70338 None None Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 50000 None Amount requested from DBT Rem arks Recommendation of the committee (PC0 07) Not Recommended None Yes - Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 72 SI.N o T96 T97 Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0032 4 Ms. Ann Mary Alex , 27 years, PhD Student annalex@rgcb ;annalex005@ Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology Thycaud PO, Poojappura Thiruvananthapura m - 695 014 Kerala, India -695014 ; The 15th International Meeting on Human Genome Variation and Complex Genome Analysis (HGV2014) The Culloden Estate and Spa, Belfast,Northern Ireland Belfast Northern Ireland United Kingdom 17-092014 - 19-09-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Role of clock gene variants in differential regulation of sleep homeostasis and circadian rhythm in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Schizophrenia" No DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0031 7 Mr. naresh kumar meena , 29 years, Ph.D. student nares85kumar ;naresh90157 m School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University , , New Delhi , Delhi 110067 dean_sls@mail.jnu.; 3rd International Conference on Immune Tolerance 2014 NH Grand Krasnapolsky Hotel Amsterdam Netherlands 28-09-2014 - 30-09-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Polymorphisms in Toll like receptors affect cytokine homeostasis in ulcerative colitis patients" No Propo sal Code Amount requested from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks Total air None fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 9010 Human Yes Genome Variation (HGV) 2014 - Rs. 41000.00 Committe d - Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 63540 None - None Yes Recommendation of the committee Recommended Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 73 SI.N o T98 Propo sal Code DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0033 0 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Ms. Gunjan Gautam , 27 years, Senior Research Fellow gautamgun@ School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University , , New Delhi , Delhi 110067 dean_sls@mail.jnu.; m ICCBM-15 (15th International Conference on Crystallization of Biological Macromolecules) University Main Building, EdmundSiemers-Allee 1, University of Hamburg. Hamburg Germany 1409-2014 - 20-09-2014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Poster "Lead author" "Crystallization of C-Terminal Domain(CTD) of Myosin IB from Entamoeba histolytica." Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e No Amount requested from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 65793 Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs None Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources School of life sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University - 35000 Requeste d Centre for Internatio nal Cooperation in Science(CI CS) 131193Requeste d Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks Yes - Recommendation of the committee Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 74 SI.N o T99 Propo sal Code DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0030 5 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Dr Yusuf Zuzer Kachwala , 33 years, Assistant Professor yusuf2381@g ;yusuf.kachwa la@nmims.ed u School of Pharmacy and technology Management SVKM's NMIMS University VL MEHTA ROAD, JVPD SCHEME, VILE PARLE (w), MUMBAI , Maharashtra 400056 varsha.parab@nmi 62nd International Congress and Annual meeting of the society for medicinal plant and natural product research (GA) University of Minho, Campus de Gualtar, Braga, Guimaraes Portugal 3108-2014 - 04-09-2014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Poster "Lead author" "Investigation of Sida spinosa for antidiabetic potential in experimental induced diabetes in animals" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e No Amount requested from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 101050 Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs None Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources ICMR 101050Requeste d Letter of accept ance uploa ded Yes Rem arks Recommendation of the committee (PC0 15) Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 75 SI.N o T10 0 T10 1 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0030 4 Mrs Amisha Vora , 40 years, Assistant Professor amisha.vora@ ;amisha.vora School of Pharmacy and technology Management SVKM's NMIMS University SVKM NMIMS UNIVERSITY VL MEHTA ROAD, JVPD SCHEME, VILE PARLE (w), MUMBAI , Maharashtra 400056 varsha.parab@nmi 62nd International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society of Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research GA2014. University of Minho, campus of Azurém,Guimaraes,Po rtugal Guimaraes Portugal 31-08-2014 04-09-2014 Oral "Lead author" "Herbosomes enhances invivo antioxidant activity of Punica granatum extracts" No DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0034 6 Dr. RIYAZALI SAYYED , 42 years, Assistant Professor riyaz829@yah ;sayyedrz@g Shri S I Patil Arts, G B Patel Science & STSKVS Commerce College , SHAHADA , Maharashtra 425409 m; riyaz829@yahoomai International Conference on Biotechnology & Bioengineering ICBB 2014 BITS Pilani,Dubai Campus P.O.Box345055, Plot No.UG 06 Dubai International Academic City Dubai, Oral "Single author" "Metabolites of PGPR : A Journey from Bioinoculants & Biocontrol Agent to Bioremediators" No Amount requested from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 101050 None Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total None Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources ICMR 101050Requeste d Letter of accept ance uploa ded Yes Rem arks Recommendation of the committee (PC0 15) Not Recommended CICS - Rs. Yes 18000.00 Requeste d ICMR Rs. 13000.00 Requeste d (PC0 07) Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 76 SI.N o T10 2 Propo sal Code DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0036 8 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event UAE. Email: Website : Dubai UAE 29-10-2014 30-10-2014 Dr Sylaja PN , 51 years, Additional Professor of Neurology sylajapn@hot ;sylajapn@scti Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology, Trivandrum, Kerala, India 695011 695011 .in World Stroke Congress Istanbul,Turkey Istanbul Turkey 22-10-2014 - 2410-2014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Amount requested from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded None None Yes Rem arks Recommendation of the committee 25900 Poster "Lead author" "Ischemic Stroke Profile, Risk factors and Outcomes in India: the Indo-US Stroke Project" Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 1290000 (PC0 04) Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 77 SI.N o T10 3 T10 4 Propo sal Code DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0043 4 DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0034 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Dr. Manisha Madkaikar , 44 years, Scientist E madkaikarma nisha@gmail.c om ;madkaikarma nisha@yahoo. The Director National Institute of Immunohaematolog y 13th floor, New Multistoreyed Bldg KEM Hospital Campus Parel , Mumbai , Maharashtra 400012 shrimatishetty@gm 16th Biennial Meeting of the European Society for Immunodeficiencies Prague Congress Centre 5. KveÌŒtna 65, 140 21 Prague 4 Prague Czech Republic European Union 29-10-2014 - 0111-2014 Poster "Lead author" "1. Characterization of CD40LG gene in patients with XLinked Hyper IgM syndrome. 2. Spectrum of Perforin gene mutation in Familial HLH patients in India. 3. Prenatal Diagnosis of Primary Immunodeficien by flow cytometry" Yes Dr. Anita Nadkarni , 53 years, Scientist D anitahnadkarn The Director National Institute of Immunohaematolog y 13th floor, New Multistoreyed Bldg KEM Hospital Beyond the Genome :Cancer Genetics Harvard Medical School 25 Shattuck Street,Boston, MA 02115,(617) 432-1000 Poster "Lead author" "Role of Matrix Metalloproteinases and its inhibitors in hematological No Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 96400.00 None None Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy None Amount requested from DBT Rem arks Recommendation of the committee (PC0 04) Not Recommended ICMR - Rs. Yes 100000.00 Requeste d CSIR Rs. Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 78 SI.N o T10 5 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event 2 ;anitanadkarni Campus Parel , Mumbai , Maharashtra 400012 shrimatishetty@gm Boston MA USA 08-102014 - 10-10-2014 malignancies" DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0031 6 CHANDRASHE KARA CP , 46 years, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF AGRONOMY cpcshekar@g UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,DHARWA D UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,YETTINGU DDA CAMPUS,KRISHINAG AR,UAS, DHARWAD , Karnataka -580005 druasd@rediffmail.c om; 12th International conference on precision Agriculture HYATT REGENCY, Sacramento CALIFORNIA USA 20-072014 - 23-07-2014 Oral "Lead author" "PRECISION NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT IN COTTON AT DIFFERENT YIELD TARGETS IN NORTHERN TRANSITIONAL ZONE OF KARNATAKA" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Amount requested from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs class Total 131000 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 243700 Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks Recommendation of the committee 30000.00 Requeste d None UAS Yes DHARWA D - Rs. 48500.00 Sanctione d (PC0 13) Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 79 SI.N o T10 6 T10 7 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0043 0 Prof. Sandeep Kumar Malhotra , 61 years, PROFESSOR sandvyp@gm ; University of Allahabad, Allahabad , Uttar Pradesh -211002 registraraualld@gm; m 13th International Congress of Parasitology Hotel Camino RealMexico City Mexico City MEXICO 10-08-2014 15-08-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Freshwater anisakids of zoonotic significance with epigenetic variations" No DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0041 0 Ms Neha Jaiswal , 27 years, Ph.D student/SRF jaiswalneha87 ;umeshjaiswal m University of Delhi South Campus Benito Juarez Road , New Delhi , Delhi 110021 indranil58@yahoo.c 4th World Congress on Cancer Science and Therapy 2014 Double Tree by Hilton Hotel Chicago-North Shore Conference center, 9599 Skokie Boulevard Skokie illinois, Chicago USA 2010-2014 - 22-10-2014 Oral "Lead author" "Modulation of FoxM1 SUMOylation by high-risk HPV and its significance in cervical cancer" No Amount requested from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks Total air None fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 355721.00 University Yes of Allahabad - Rs. 170000.00 Requeste d (PC0 04) Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 103965 None - None Yes Recommendation of the committee Not Recommended Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 80 SI.N o T10 8 T10 9 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0037 0 Dr. Toyanji Joseph Punchaichira , 31 years, Senior Research Fellow toyanjijoseph in ;toyan.j.p@g University of Delhi South Campus Benito Juarez Road , New Delhi , Delhi 110021 indranil58@yahoo.c EMBO Practical Course Targeted Proteomics:Experimenta l design and data analysis Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) C/ Dr. Aiguader, 88 PRBB Building 08003 Barcelona, Spain Barcelona Catalonia Spain 28-09-2014 - 0310-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Functional analysis of SNPs in Dopamine-βHydroxylase gene by genotypephenotyp e correlations" Yes DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0029 7 Ms. Meenakshi Tanwar , 29 years, Research Scholar mee nakshi.tanwar8 University of Delhi South Campus Benito Juarez Road , New Delhi , Delhi 110021 indranil58@yahoo.c 16th International Congress on Photobiology Universidad Nacional De Cordoba Cordoba Argentina 08-09-2014 12-09-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Characterization of Natural and Engineered Light Switchable Enzyme for Optogenetic Applications" Yes Amount requested from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 62515 None Total air fare by None shortest route in excursion/ec onomy class Total 200000 Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks EMBO Yes Rs. 32269.67 Committe d SERB Rs. 99864.67 Requeste d ICMR Rs. 99864.67 Requeste d (PC0 02) None - Yes Recommendation of the committee Not Recommended Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 81 SI.N o T11 0 T11 1 Propo sal Code Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0039 1 Dr G Ravi Kumar , 40 years, Assistant Professor guttiravi@gm ;grksl@uohyd. University of hyderabad, Gachibowli, Hyderabad A.P, India , Andhra Pradesh -500046 ppbsl@uohyd.ernet. in; binduprasunaalooru FIRM 2014 Avenida de Andorra, 18 17251 Platja d'Aro-Calonge Girona Spain 08-092014 - 11-09-2014 Oral "Lead author" "miRNA in Regenerative Medicine: Role in Cord Blood and Peripheral Blood Derived Megakaryocytes" Yes DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0031 2 Mrs Roopali Rajput , 29 years, Ph. D. Student roopali.rajput Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute, University of Delhi,Delhi -110007 .in The Fifth ESWI Influenza Conference Radisson Blu Hotel Latvija, Riga Elizabetes 55 LV-1010 Riga Latvia Phone: +371 (0) 67 77 22 22 Website: http://www.radissonblu .com/latvijahotel-riga Riga Latvia 14-09-2014 17-09-2014 Poster "Lead author" "Diagnosis of human influenza A virus infection using single chain fragment variable antibody-based competitive inhibition ELISA" No Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Rem arks Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 68719 None None Yes - Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 110000 None Amount requested from DBT Recommendation of the committee Recommended European Yes Scientific Working group on Influenza (ESWI) (Organizer s) - Rs. 32400.00 Committe d - Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 82 SI.N o T11 2 Propo sal Code DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2014 0029 3 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Chiranjib Pal , 43 years, Reader cpcu.immunol m ;chiranjibpal@ WEST BENGAL STATE UNIVERSITY,BERUN ANPUKURIA,MALIKA PUR, BARASAT, KOLKATA-700126, WEST BENGAL,INDIA 700126 thakur.ashoke@gm Theoretical and Practical Course "Molecular Biology of Leishmania" 22 - 24 October 2014, Trieste, Italy ICGEB Seminar Room and AREA Informatics Laboratory, AREA Science Park, Padriciano, Trieste, Italy Trieste, Italy Italy 22-102014-24-10-2014 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Oral "Lead author" "Induction of protective CD4+ T cell-mediated immunity by astrakurkurone, a novel antileishmanial molecule isolated from Indian mushroom Astraeus hygrometricus, involves the activation of TLR 9" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/p rogramm e Yes Amount requested from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursion/ economy class Total 97869 Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs None Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accept ance uploa ded Internatio Yes nal Centre for Genetic Engineeri ng and Biotechno logy (ICGEB) , Triste, Italy - Rs. 24300.00 Sanctione d Rem arks Recommendation of the committee (PC0 02) Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 83 Exhibition Sl. No. Proposal Code E1 DBT/CT EP/03/ 201400 373 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID SANSA FOUNDATION AOMs. Prateeksha 15, Shalimar Bagh , Delhi Tiwari 28 years 110088 Project Coordinator ; .in Title, Place & Date of the exhibition 3RD Science Expo 2014 AO-15, Shalimar Bagh Delhi Delhi 110088 011-45141895 91-09213559768 Stall Rate Per Square meter (In Rs.) 10000 Stall Space Options Recommendation of the committee 18 sqmtrs 24 sqmtrs 27 sqmtrs Recommended 18 sqmtr 18-09-2014 - 20-09-2014 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 84 B. Popular Lectures S.No ProposalCode Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title & Date of Lecture(s) Title/Topic PL1 DBT/CTEP/04 /201400357 Prof.M.Gopinath 34 years Assistant Professor Karpaga Vinayaga College of Engineering and Technology Palayanoor PO, Maduranthagam (Tk), Kancheepuram603308, Tamil Nadu. 603308 Expect ed No. of Audie nce The Successes Story of Stem technology used for Pharmaceutical Industry Applications of Computational Biology in the Drug designing and its current scenario A Chronological survey of Biotechnology in Indian scenario Applications of Green technology for the separations of bioproducts Previous grants received from DBT Amount Requeste d from DBT Remarks Recommendation of the committee Date 5/1/2015 6/1/2015 7/1/2015 8/1/2015 525 Yes 90000 Recommended Subject to submissi on of UC/SE for previous grant PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: 85