Dr. Harper*s Plans and Agendas Language Arts, Social Studies

Dr. Harper’s Plans and Agendas
Language Arts, Social Studies, and Study
September 24 -28, 2012
Language Arts
Monday, September 24, 2012
 Target Learning: I can identify and analyze
features of themes conveyed through character’s
actions and images. RD 3.6.
 Word of the Day:
 Adjective: Words that have comparative and
superlative endings, or that function as
modifiers of nouns, like good, wise, or perfect.
Language Arts, p. 2
Monday, September 24, 2012
 Writing Prompt:
 On this day in 1789, the Supreme Court
was established. Write (5) questions you
would like to ask about the Supreme
Language Arts, p. 3
Monday, September 24, 2012
 Proofreading Sentences:
 a. at megs house the Lin family eated raw
cellery for the first time
 b. everybody at the table share food that is
in the large surving dish
Language Arts, p.4
Monday, September 24, 2012
 Before you read The All American Slurp, p. 118.
 Guided reading and note taking notes:
 Create a subject and theme chart (Groups create
charts using fairy tales).
 What is a subject?
 What is a theme?
 What should you always try to connect a theme to?
 What do you do when you summarize a story?
 How many parts is the story The All American Slurp
divided into?
 You will write a summary after reading each part.
Language Arts, p. 5
Monday, September 24, 2012
 Quick Write: Write a paragraph about a time
when you were embarrassed because you didn’t
know how you were supposed to behave in a new
situation, p. 118.
 Homework: Complete a word map for each of
the words in the vocabulary development box on
p. 117: lavishly, mortified, spectacle, etiquette.
Social Studies
Monday, September 24, 2012
 Target Learning: I can explain how I might feel if I
discovered something like the Chauvet Cave. HSS 6.1.1
 Connecting to Literature: The Boy in the Painted Cave,
worksheet, pp. 10-11.
 Team Activity: Cave painters created images of
things they saw every day, such as deer, mammoths,
and hunters. Imagine that you are a cave painter.
Create a mural that represents your daily life.
(Teacher provides large bulletin board paper for this
Study Skills
Monday, September 24, 2012
 Target Learning: I can locate the main idea of a
paragraph, paraphrase the main idea, and write a
summary of the article.
 Collect autobiography pages 12, 13, and 14.
 Discuss writing summaries using questions from TE
p. 5-42.
 Reading & Summarizing
 Article: No More Windmills? From Scholastic News
 Paraphrase, edit, share, and wrap-up: TE p. 5-43.
Language Arts
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
 Target Learning: I can identify and analyze
features of themes conveyed through character’s
actions and images. RD 3.6.
 Word of the Day:
 Auxiliary verb – a word used in construction
with and preceding certain forms of other
verbs, as infinitives or participles, to express
distinctions of tense, aspect, mood, etc.
Language Arts, p. 2
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
 Writing Prompt:
On September 25, 1513, Balboa discovered the
Pacific Ocean. What types of things do you think
we still have to discover about the ocean?
Prompt created by: www.theteacherscorner.net © 2006
Photo: © http://www.istockphoto.com/user_view.php?id=234292
Language Arts, p. 3
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
 Proofreading Sentences:
 a. at megs house the Lin family eated raw
cellery for the first time
 b. everybody at the table share food that is
in the large surving dish
Language Arts, p. 4
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
 Instruction:
 Guided Reading: All American Slurp,
pp. 119-126.
 Audio CD – 1st reading.
 Guided – 2nd reading. Stop after
each section to write group
Social Studies
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
 Complete Team Project—The Cave Painter’s Mural.
 Share Murals.
 Primary Source: The Discovery of the Chauvet Cave.
 Independent reading and three comprehensive
 Check/discuss.
 Chapter 2 Story Board Project
 Introduce project.
 Discuss due date and record in Reminder Binder.
 Discuss tasks to complete and develop a timeline for completion.
Study Skills
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
 Target Learning: I can edit my writing
using an organized system. TE p. 5-44.
 Discuss the Importance of Editing, TE
p. 5-44.
 Writing and Editing practice, TE 5-45.
 Writing Prompt: (next slide).
 Edit using Editing Checklist, EF p. 45.
 Discuss & Wrap-up, TE p. 5-44.
Study Skills
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
 Writing Prompt:
 On September 23, 1938, a seven-foot time capsule was
buried on the grounds of the World’s Fair in New York City. A
number of everyday items were placed in the capsule with
the directions to be opened in five thousand years. If your
teacher asked you to create a time capsule today, what items
would you place in the capsule and why?
Prompt created by: www.theteacherscorner.net © 2009
Photo: © http://www.clipart.com
Language Arts
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
 Target Learning: I can identify and analyze
features of themes conveyed through character’s
actions and images. RD 3.6.
 Word of the Day:
 Article: Words that are linked to nouns and
that typically identify the noun as a noun
rather than describing it.
Language Arts
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
 Writing Prompt:
 On September 26, 1774, John Chapman was
born. Later in life, he became better known as
Johnny Appleseed. Johnny performed a
“community service” as he traveled west
spreading apple seeds. Write about some types
of community service that you could possibly
Prompt created by: www.theteacherscorner.net © 2006
Photo: © http://www.istockphoto.com/user_view.php?id=234292
Language Arts
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
 Proofreading Sentences:
 a). much student’s beleive in volunteering
in their comunities
 b. some adventurers searches hopfully for
beried treasure
Language Arts
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
 Literary Response and Analysis, p. 128
 Reading Check: Sum-up
Social Studies
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
 Target Learning: I can explain how people moved
out of Africa as the earth’s climate changed.
 Guided reading: Chapter 2, section 2, pp. 36-39.
 Students read and take Cornell Notes.
 Check notes with teacher’s PowerPoint.
 Start Assessment Questions, p. 39. Finish for
Study Skills
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Language Arts
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Target Learning:
Word of the Day:
Language Arts, p. 2
Thursday, September 27, 2012
 Proofreading Sentences:
 a. lets go fishing
 b. do your dog have a sense of humor
Social Studies
Thursday, September 27, 2012
 Target Learning: I can explain how people adapted
to new environments by making clothing and new
types. HSS 6.1.2
 Check Assessment Questions, p. 39.
 Study Guide, worksheets pp. 9-10.
 Draw a building plan with written instructions for a Mesolithic
 Homework: Study for Chapter 2:2 test.
 bailey always standed up for him’s
 sister
 b. maya angelou admirered her
 hansome funny brother
Social Studies
Friday, September 28, 2012
 Target Learning: I can explain how the first farmers
learned to grow plants and raise animals in the Stone Age.
HSS 6.1.3
 Chapter 2:2 Test.
 Guided Reading and Cornell Notes, pp. 40-43.
Study Skills
Friday, September 28, 2012