British Medical Journal 1 - Baylor College of Medicine

GI Grand Rounds
Johanna Chan, PGY-5 Fellow
Baylor College of Medicine
Mentors: Dr. Kalpesh Patel
Dr. Prasun Jalal
No conflicts of interest
No financial disclosures
• Reason for consult: jaundice, abdominal pain
• 33yo healthy woman with hypothyroidism,
admitted with 1 week of subacute RUQ
abdominal pain, N/V, jaundice, dark urine, and
acholic stools
• Similar episode 2005, resolved spontaneously
• Worse with food
• Subjective fever, no chills, rigors, weight loss
– Hypothyroid
– No known prior liver
− Synthroid 75 mcg
PSHx: None
– Mother: alive/well
– Father: alive/well
– No liver disease or
autoimmune disease
Allergies: NKDA
– No EtOH, IVDA, nasal
cocaine, blood transfusions,
– Never smoker
– Physician, originally from
– No recent needle
exposures, antibiotics,
unusual food exposures
– Travel to California 1/2014,
Bolivia 2012, Europe 2008
– One household cat
Physical Exam
T 98.2, BP 112/67, HR 78, RR 12, O2 sat 98% RA
Gen: NAD, AAOx4, well-appearing
HEENT: +slight scleral icterus, PERRL, EOMI, MMM, OP
CV: RRR no m/r/g
Chest: CTAB no wheezes, slight crackles at bases
Abd: soft, nondistended, nontender, NABS, no
Ext: WWP, no clubbing, cyanosis, or edema
Neuro: oriented x4, conversational
Labs on admission
Total prot 8.4
Albumin 4.7
Total bili 1.4
Direct bili 1.0
Alk phos 401
ALT 330
AST 172
47% PMNs
37% lymphs
INR 1.0
LDH 139
MCV 87
• CXR “normal” three years ago (exposed to TB
previously as a medical student)
– Normal liver size 12.4 cm, normal echogenicity,
smooth contour
– Normal spleen size 9 cm
– Gallbladder sludge
– No gallbladder wall thickening nor pericholecystic
– CBD 9 mm, CHD 7 mm
Clinical course
• ERCP: smooth biliary stricture, CBD stent
– Brushing: rare atypical cells; interpretation limited by
poor cellular preservation and low cellularity
• EUS/biopsy of porta hepatis mass:
– Extensively fragmented tissue containing granulomas
with focal necrosis
– No diagnostic dysplasia or malignancy
– Stains negative for bacterial or fungal organisms
– Ziehl Neelsen stain negative for acid fast organisms
Next diagnostic steps?
Clinical course
• Diagnostic laparoscopy, laparoscopic
cholecystectomy, and robotic periportal lymph
node dissection and lymphadenectomy
• Evidence of chronic cholecystitis
• Posterior to CBD, well-formed and
encapsulated periportal lymph node with
granulomatous features
• No evidence of miliary TB nor other intraabdominal pathology
• Periportal lymph node, biopsy
• Benign lymph node with noncaseating
• AFB stain negative for mycobacteria
• GMS stain negative for fungal organisms
Additional labs
CA 19-9 21
CA 125 9
CEA <0.5
IgG 1197
IgG4 4.1
IgM 140
Anti-smooth muscle Ab
Alpha 1 AT 190
Ceruloplasmin 43
HIV (−)
Quantiferon TB (+)
PPD (+)
Blood cultures (−)
Urine culture (−)
Surgically biopsied lymph
<1+ WBCs
No organisms
AFB smear negative
AFB culture negative at 42
Fungal smear negative
Fungal culture negative at 28
Obstructive jaundice secondary to
extrinsic biliary compression
Working diagnosis:
Intra-abdominal tuberculosis in the
immunocompetent patient
Clinical questions
• What are clinical features of abdominal
tuberculosis (ATB)?
• What are diagnostic modalities and yield for
abdominal tuberculosis?
• What are mechanisms for obstructive jaundice
in abdominal tuberculosis?
Clinical questions
• What are clinical features of abdominal
tuberculosis (ATB)?
• What are diagnostic modalities and yield for
abdominal tuberculosis?
• What are mechanisms for obstructive jaundice
in abdominal tuberculosis?
Clinical features of ATB
• 1985 to 1992 showed a resurgence of TB in
the U.S., coincident with AIDS epidemic
• TB incidence in U.S. declining since 1992
• Global prevalence of TB estimated at 32%;
WHO estimates > 2 billion people
• Percentage of U.S. cases occurring in foreignborn persons is increasing (53% in 2003)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Trends in
tuberculosis – United States, 1998-2003. MMWR Morb Mortal
Wkly Rep 2004; 53:2009-14.
Dye C et al. WHO Global Surveillance and Monitoring Project.
JAMA 1999; 282: 677-86.
Clinical features of ATB
• Extrapulmonary TB accounts for 15-20% of
cases in low-HIV prevalence areas
• Of these, abdominal tuberculosis accounts for
11% - 16% in non-HIV patients, or 1-3% of the
total TB
• Much higher frequency of extrapulmonary
disease in HIV patients – up to 50-70%
International standards for tuberculosis care (WHO). 2006 Jan.
Uygur-Bayramicli O et al. 2003 May; 9(5):1098-101.
Wang HS et al. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 1998; 2: 569-574.
Clinical features of ATB
• Primary infection from reactivation of a
dormant focus acquired somewhere in the
• Secondary disease: spread via swallowed
sputum, ingestion of unpasteurized milk, or
spread hematogenously or from an adjacent
Clinical features of ATB
• Prior to routine pasteurization of milk,
abdominal tuberculosis was not uncommon in
the UK.
• Between 1912 and 1937 some 65,000 people
died of tuberculosis contracted from
consuming milk in England and Wales alone.
Wilson, GS (1943), British Medical Journal 1 (4286): 261.
No. of patients
Mamo JP et al.
Tan KK et al.
Chen HL et al.
Ramesh J et al.
Akinkuollie AA et
Tarcoveanu E et al. 2007
Khan R et al.
Bolukbas C et al.
Uzunkoy A et al.
O et al.
Rai S et al.
Muneef et al.
Saudi Arabia
Clinical features of ATB
• Enteric, peritoneal, nodal, or solid visceral (liver,
spleen, pancreas, kidney)
• Intestinal involvement (colon, TI) most common,
ranges from 40 – 75% of abdominal TB
– Abdominal pain, bleeding, change in bowel habit,
weight loss
– Ulcerative or hypertrophic lesions, nodules,
circumferential thickening on colonoscopy
• Tuberculous peritonitis
– Greater risk in patients with HIV or cirrhosis
– Ascites, abdominal pain, fever
– SAAG < 1.1 g/dL, exudative, lymphocytic-predominant
Khan R et al. 2006 Oct 21;12 (39):6371-5.
Riquelme A et al. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2006 Sep; 40(8): 705-10.
Uygur-Bayramicli O et al. 2003 May;9(5):1098-101.
Clinical features of ATB
Abdominal pain (28 – 90%)
Fever (5 – 64%)
Weight loss (5 – 60%)
Nausea and vomiting (30 – 40%)
Ascites (20 – 35%)
Diarrhea (10 – 17%)
Active pulmonary TB or prior pulmonary TB
lesion (17 – 27%)
• Anemia in 10 – 11 g/dL range
• ESR elevated in 50 – 60 mm/H range
Clinical questions
• What are clinical features of abdominal
tuberculosis (ATB)?
• What are diagnostic modalities and yield for
abdominal tuberculosis?
• What are mechanisms for obstructive jaundice
in abdominal tuberculosis?
Diagnosis of abdominal TB
• DDx intra-abdominal malignancy, abdominal
lymphoma, inflammatory bowel disease
(Crohn’s), hepatitis, chronic pancreatitis, PUD
• Anemia and elevated ESR/CRP are the most
common laboratory findings
• Nonspecific clinical features, laboratory
findings, variable radiographic findings
• Microbiologic yield specific, not sensitive
Bolukbas C et al. BMC Gastroenterol 2005; 5:21.
Khan R et al. 2006 Oct 21;12 (39):6371-5.
Mamo JP et al. Q J Med 2013 Apr; 106(4):347-54.
Rai S et al. J R Soc Med 2003; 96:586-8.
Diagnosis of abdominal TB
• Constellation of clinical and radiographic features
• Highest yield for surgically obtained specimen
(laparotomy/laparoscopy), followed by CT/US
guided biopsy and endoscopy
• Many authors suggest therapeutic trial with
antitubercular therapy
• However, cannot recommend routine empiric
antitubercular therapy
– May delay diagnosis of malignancy, lymphoma,
Crohn’s, etc.
– Adverse effects with hepatitis, drug interactions, etc.
not uncommon
Khan R et al. 2006 Oct 21;12 (39):6371-5.
Mamo JP et al. Q J Med 2013 Apr; 106(4):347-54.
Rai S et al. J R Soc Med 2003; 96:586-8.
Diagnostic yield in abdominal TB
• AFB smear from samples insensitive (yield 0% 6%)
• AFB culture insensitive (yield 7% in large series)
• Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAAT, e.g. PCR)
insensitive (7.1%) and in meta-analysis,
insensitive for extrapulmonary disease
• IFN gamma release assay (IGRA, e.g. Quant TB)
tests usually negative; unclear role for diagnosis
of active TB
• Supportive histology most helpful (>90% surgical
specimen, 50-80% endoscopic specimen)
Dinnes J et al. Health Technol Assess 2007; 11:1-196.
Khan R et al. 2006 Oct 21;12 (39):6371-5.
Mamo JP et al. Q J Med 2013 Apr; 106(4):347-54.
Clinical questions
• What are clinical features of abdominal
tuberculosis (ATB)?
• What are diagnostic modalities and yield for
abdominal tuberculosis?
• What are mechanisms for obstructive jaundice
in abdominal tuberculosis?
Case: obstructive jaundice due to TB
• TB of pancreas itself may cause
pseudoneoplastic obstructive jaundice
• TB lymphadenitis may cause extrinsic CBD
compression (smooth narrowing of CBD)
• Biliary TB itself may cause strictures,
mimicking cholangiocarcinoma
• TB may cause retroperitoneal mass leading to
biliary obstruction
Colovic R et al. World J Gastroenterol 2008; 14 (19): 3098-3100.
Take home points
• Maintain a high index of suspicion, especially
in patients from TB-endemic countries
• Obtain samples for AFB and mycobacterial
culture (laparotomy, laparoscopy, endoscopy)
• Microbiology is specific but extremely
• Multidisciplinary approach including ID and
• Empiric antitubercular treatment is not
routinely recommended
Bolukbas C et al. Clinical presentation of abdominal tuberculosis in HIV seronegative adults. BMC
Gastroenterol 2005; 5:21.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Trends in tuberculosis – United States, 1998-2003.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2004; 53:2009-14.
Colovic R et al. Tuberculous lymphadenitis as a cause of obstructive jaundice: a case report and
literature review. World J Gastroenterol 2008 May 21; 14 (19): 3098-3100.
Dinnes J et al. A systematic review of rapid diagnostic tests for the detection of tuberculosis
infection. Health Technol Assess 2007; 11:1-196.
Dye C et al. Consensus statement. Global burden of tuberculosis: estimated incidence,
prevalence, and mortality by country. WHO Global Surveillance and Monitoring Project.
JAMA 1999; 282: 677-86.
Kapoor VK. Abdominal tuberculosis: the Indian contribution. Indian J Gastroenterol 1998; 17:
Khan R et al. Diagnostic dilemma of abdominal tuberculosis in non-HIV patients: an ongoing
challenge for physicians. World J Gastroenterol. 2006 Oct 21;12 (39):6371-5.
International Standards for Tuberculosis Care (WHO). Endorsed by IDSA. Published January 2006.
Accessed online 6/4/14
References (continued)
Mamo JP et al. Abdominal tuberculosis: a retrospective review of cases presenting to a UK
district hospital. Q J Med 2013 Apr; 106(4):347-54.
Misra SP et al. Colonic tuberculosis: clinical features, endoscopic appearance, and management.
J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1999; 14: 723-729.
Muneef MA et al. Tuberculosis in the belly: a review of forty-six cases involving the
gastrointestinal tract and peritoneum. Scand J Gastroenterol 2001; 36: 528-532.
Murphy TF et al. Biliary tract obstruction due to tuberculous adenitis. Am J Med 1980; 68: 452454.
Rai S et al. Diagnosis of abdominal tuberculosis: the importance of laparoscopy. J R Soc Med
2003; 96:586-8.
Riquelme A et al. Value of adenosine deaminase (ADA) in ascitic fluid for the diagnosis of
tuberculous peritonitis: a meta-analysis. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2006 Sep; 40(8): 705-10.
Singhal A et al. Abdominal tuberculosis in Bradford, UK: 1992-2002. Eur J Gastroentrol Hepatol
2005; 17: 967-971.
Sheer TA et al. Gastrointestinal tuberculosis. Curr Gastroenterol Rep 2003; 5:273-278.
Sinan T et al. CT features in abdominal tuberculosis: 20 years experience. BMC Medical Imaging
2002; 2: 3-16.
Uygur-Bayramicli O et al. A clinical dilemma: abdominal tuberculosis. 2003 May;9(5):1098-101.
Uzunkoy A et al. Diagnosis of abdominal tuberculosis: experience from 11 cases and review of
the literature. 2004 Dec 15; 10(24):3647-9.
Wang HS et al. The changing pattern of intestinal tuberculosis: 30 years’ experience. Int J Tuberc
Lung Dis 1998; 2: 569-574.
Wilson, G. S. (1943), “The Pasteurization of Milk,” British Medical Journal 1 (4286): 261.
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