Speech on Heroes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYtm8uEo5vU You know when I was a kid my favourite super hero was Superman. I kind of admired him because it would be cool to be able to fly and have super human strength but the main reason I liked Superman was he helped people no matter what. We’ve become a society that’s centred on self; self-gratification, self-motivation, self-indulgence. It’s been a driving force for American’s for decades now and as a result we are witnesses to the slow death of the hero. Today I’m going to tell you a little bit about how we define what a hero is, what it takes to be a hero and how you and I can re-kindle the effects of heroism. So let’s start with, how do we define what a hero is? The definition of a hero at Answers.com says that a hero is a person noted for feats of courage and nobility of purpose, especially one who risks or sacrifices his or her life. But it goes on to say that it is a person noted for a special achievement in a particular field such as medicine. Basically a hero is someone who, for whatever reason or reasons, does something for somebody else without regard for self, personal gain and in some cases, personal endangerment. So where are these heroes and who are they? We seem them every day. Heroes come in all shapes and sizes. They are doctors, nurses and fire fighters but they are also teachers, mothers and fathers, care givers and social workers, and you. That’s right; you have the potential to be a hero. You have what it takes to be a hero. You see comic books mostly represent exaggerated heroes in capes, with symbols, and give them super human powers to make them larger than life. But I’m here to tell you you don’t really need the cape. It’s just for show. And you really don’t need a symbol. We watch movies like Lord of the Rings where we see all the action going on with all the sword play but we actually miss the hidden messages within that say that you can be a hero, you can be heroic, even if you think you are weak and powerless. You don’t have to jump over tall buildings. The news only highlights the traumatic acts of heroism as seen during Sept 11, Hurricane Katrina and so on. This implies that to be a hero you have to put your life on the line but that couldn’t be further from the truth. The truth is that anyone has the potential to be a hero. All you really need is two factors; one, you need opportunity and two, you need initiative. So let’s say that all of us in this room, we go out and we start looking for opportunities and we start noticing things that we could hop into and then we start taking that initiative. You know, stepping forward and giving help. The result could be that we start a chain reaction that spreads the spark of heroism. Heroism is a powerful thing. Anyone has the potential to be a hero at anytime, anywhere, at a moment’s notice. They can be the person that carnies that groceries for that lady, to her car. Or it can be that store clerk that works late, just after close and lets that one person in for that last minute food item or medicine. It’s an important and necessary trait and characteristic that we should all embrace.